


霍尼韦尔Honeywell楼宇自控产品一级代理 网址:http://www.metasys.cn
Honeywell WEBs 概述
Honeywell WEBs :先进的楼宇管理控制平台系统 Honeywell WEBs 是 Honeywell 最新推出的先进的楼宇管理系统,Honeywell WEBs 的技术核心是具有开创性的 Niagara 体系架构。在 Niagara 体系架构思想的指导下,Honeywell 成功推出 WEBs 系列产品,用于楼宇控制系统、工业控制领域 和能源管理市场。使用 Honeywell 的 Niagara 技术和 WEBs 产品,可以通过一个 web 页面实时的,安全有效的管理整个企业, 从而降低成本,提高工作质量和工作效率,提高企业的市场竞争力。 Honeywell WEBs 是一个开放式平台,可以兼容不同厂商的不同系统的产品,不仅可以最大限度地保护客户现在的投资, 而且在有必要的时候可以方便地将新的设备添加进来。 Honeywell WEBs 是当今世界最先进的控制系统体系架构的领跑者。 技术简介 Niagara Framework 技术 Niagara Framework 是自动化控制系统中第一个通过软件技术把 LonWorks,BACnet 和多种 Internet 标准集成到通用对象 模型的应用程序环境并嵌入到控制器级,并且支持标准 web 浏览器界面。 基于 Internet 及分布的网络管理,管理人员可在任何时候,从任何地方通过标准的 Web 浏览器进行控制和管理。 主要功能特点 1. 能集成各种设备 2. 基于 Internet 的分布式网络管理,通过 Internet 实现实时监控 3. 与企业系统共享监控信息 4. 提供一个应用服务器 5. 支持多个开放标准及传统的系统 6. 基于 Java 平台,使用 JAVA 虚拟机,与硬件平台无关 7. 使用预建的部件,其它部件可即插即用 8. 具有强大的可扩展性和极好的稳定性 支持多种通信协议 兼容现行的常用现场标准总线协议(例如 BACnet,LonWorks,ModBus 等),同时还能为非标准协议的连接提供工具软件, 能给已建系统提供全面的软件技术支持。 开放性的 WEBs 系列控制器能大量节省监控系统的投入和运行费用。例如采用广为流行的标准浏览器(Firefox,Internet Explore)可以省去许多传统控制系统的“前端”费用——任何一位用户只要在其 PC 机上使用其中一种浏览器,在获得 授权和密码时,都可以访问系统的数据 ;此外,它采用符合工业标准协议的控制设备(BACnet,LonMark 等),可选择 Honeywell 系列控制器和现场设备,也可以兼容楼宇中已安装的带通讯的设备,集成到同一个系统中实现信息的共享和监 控,实现真正意义的多系统不同设备的无缝连接,最大的节省和保护业主的投资。



Envision for BACtalkSystems Design Manual(系统设计手册)Novar International N.A. - Alerton傲华尔科技(深圳)有限公司Aug. 22 2004目录第一章开放式建筑物自动化系统 (2)第二章BACnet标准协议及美国Alerton (3)第三章 Alerton BACtalk系统结构 (7)第四章BACtalk 控制器产品 (11)全局控制器: (11)现场控制器: (11)网路路由器: (11)集成器: (12)控制器参数配置表: (12)第五章传感器 (13)CO传感器 (13)CO2传感器 (13)温度传感器 (13)湿度传感器 (13)压力传感器: (13)第六章现场控制总线及应用 (14)第七章 DDC编程环境Visuallogic (20)第八章 Envision™ for BACtalk®系统软件 (27)第九章 BACtalk系统的扩展应用 (31)第十章 BACtalk系统设计调试流程 (34)附件 (37)附件- A:监控系统原理图 (37)附件- B:DDC监控点一览表 (47)附件- C:Alerton BACtalk BAS系统图 (48)第一章开放式建筑物自动化系统目前智能大厦中建筑设备自动化系统(BAS)包容的设备和子系统愈来愈多,愈来愈复杂。





种不同的通讯语言能相互联网 ◆ Webtalk 使用户可通过互联网连接 BACtalk 系统,使用标准网页浏览
简便直观、界面友好的编程工具 -VisualLogic ◆ 简便的编程工具 -VisualLogic,图形化编程语言 ◆ 功能齐全的功能模块和模型数据库 ◆ 3D 立体图形表达功能模块,编程人员使用更加直观 ◆ 编程过程中可实时读取数据 ◆ 模块之间有机连接,提供非常清晰的控制流程 ◆ 您可在短时间内熟悉编程语言,编写控制程序
地点 面积
中国北京 23.4万平方米
地点 面积
中国北京 8.4万平方米
地点 面积
中国北京 26 万平方米
地点 面积
中国北京 18万平方米
工程名称 楼宇类别 中央站 控制器 系统集成 总点数 监控内容
北京万豪国际大酒店 五星酒店 2台 315 台 2 个子系统集成 3400 点 - 空调机温湿度控制 - 新风机温湿度控制 - 送排风机控制 - 采暖、生活换热系统监控 - 冷冻站设备群控 - 公共照明系统监视 - 给排水系统控制 - 配电系统监视
强大的集成能力,有效地实现楼宇管理功能 ◆ 符合 BACnet 标准的第三方设备连接在 BACtalk 网络上,无需任何
其它接口,就可以直接进行数据通讯 ◆ BCM-MDBS 和 FLG-MODBUS 使您可以轻松的连接 MODBUS 设
备 ◆ 支持其它标准协议,如 OPC、DDE、Jbus 等 ◆ 可连接机电设备,如空调机组、电梯、变配电(智能仪表)、发电机、
删除轻松容易 ◆ 实时动态数据显示让使用者实时掌握现场信息 ◆ 无限制扩充图形显示页面,让您随心所欲增加画面 ◆ 图面点选式的操作功能轻松的操控现场设备 ◆ Windows 2000/XP 操作系统平台,支持多视窗应用软件同时运行 ◆提供楼宇管理所有功能,诸如时间程序、趋势记录、能量记录、租







若发现传送中出现了错误,通常是将差错检测码置位,并向 CPU报告,于是CPU将本次传送来的数据作废,并重新进行一次传送。














WEBs 600控制器介绍(600点位)
WEB-600控制器可扩展选配16点或34点IO模块 最多4个IO-16或2个IO-16和1个IO-34 IO-34-:34个I/O点 可提供24V AC/DC电源 (也可给其他设备供电) 16个UI 10个带继电器DO,8个AO IO-16:16个I/O点 8个UI(干接点,0-10V) 4个继电器输出DO,4个AO(0-10V)
用户都希望自己日益增多的子系统和受控设备都能集成到一个用户 平台上管理,为解决这样集成平台的问题,Honeywell公司推出了 WEBs系统,WEBs系统可以看做在原来EXCEL5000传统的Lon总线基 础上增加了一个TCP/IP或者Internet管理平台。而这个平台是对全球现 行所有的控制协议如Lonworks、BACnet、Modbus、CANopen等及数 据协议如OPC、SQL等都能兼容并集成管理,更因为其独有的web浏览 功能。因此其本身对多种Internet标准可以集成,并支持网络界面浏览 功能,这在监控安防的DVR系统的图像浏览十分重要。
最多4个IO-16 2个IO-16+1个IO-34
通用控制器广泛应 用于加热、制冷、通 风换热等AHU的各种 应用
•Lon通讯协议设备 •支持单机运行,也可 使用Lon通讯 •用Niagara编程,配 置 •自带时钟
优化启动 定制控制应用 需求限制 / 负载交替



软 C/件S
德国进口,部分传感器国产 全部国产
客户端网络浏览器 (直接浏 可以
系统构架,通讯协议和速 度:一、管理层(电脑到网 络控制器)
C-BUS 霍尼韦尔专用协
总线式:第二级网络为LON 艾顿BACtalk系统现场控制总
输速率最高为76.8Kbps。 MOBUS RTU,BACNET
线为BACnet MS/TP,传输速
76.8Kbps。 二、网络式
Vykon (Honeywell)
WEBS (Honeywell)
ALERTON (Honeywell)
TREND (Honeywell)
AX Supervisor软件(Niagara Formwork技术) B/S 美国进口,部分传感器国产 可以
WEBS AX 软件(Niagara Formwork技术) B/S 美国进口,部分传感器国产 可以
IQ3控制器在业内优先使用以 太网及全开放式通讯协议 TCP/IP,全球首家内置图形 化Web网页服务器,
二、控制层(网络控制器到 控制器之间,为主要通讯通 道)
总线式:第二级网络为LON 总线式:BACnet MS/TP,传 支持2种方式一、总线式



报警系统设备参数目录目录1.控制主机 (5)1.14110DL控制主机 (5)1.2VISTA-10P控制主机 (6)1.3VISTA-20P控制主机 (7)1.4VISTA-120/250总线制大型控制主机 (9)1.5Vista-128BPT/ Vista-250BPT (10)1.6COMPACT-4 4防区控制主机【GPRS主机】 (12)1.7236 PLUSII控制主机 (13)1.8238C PLUSII控制主机 (14)1.9238C Super 控制主机 (15)1.102316PLUSII控制主机 (18)1.112316super 控制主机 (19)1.12L YNX家居无线控制主机 (21)2.报警模块及附件 (24)2.1报警键盘 (24)2.1.16148CH固定字符键盘 (24)2.1.26160可编程英文液晶键盘 (24)2.1.3236PLUS LED控制键盘 (25)2.1.4238CPLUS LED控制键盘 (25)2.1.52316PLUS LED控制键盘 (26)2.1.62300Alpha Plus II 控制键盘 (26)2.2VISTA系列附件 (27)2.2.14229八防区扩展模块 (27)2.2.24219八防区扩展模块 (27)2.2.34293SN单防区扩展模块 (28)2.2.44193SN双防区扩展模块 (28)2.2.54193SNP双防区扩展模块 (29)2.2.64208SN八防区扩展模块 (29)2.2.74101SN总线继电器模块 (30)2.2.84204 四路继电器联动模块 (30)2.2.94232AP 32路继电器模块 (30)2.2.104286语音模块 (31)2.2.114100SM串行接口模块 (32)2.2.12IP-2000网络接口展模块 (32)2.2.13IPM-VISTA网络接口模块 (33)2.2.14IPM-VISTA super II网络接口模块 (34)2.2.154297总线延伸模块 (35)2.2.16VSI总线隔离器 (35)2.2.17VISTA-KEY 门禁控制器模块 (36)2.2.185881 ENH 防区无线接收机 (37)2.2.19IPM-2300网络接口模块 (37)2.2.20IPM-23 SUPER II网络接口模块 (38)2.2.21MCM-23(GPRS)无线网络模块 (39)2.2.22MCM-23 Super II (GPRS)无线网络模块 (40)3.探测器&传感器 (42)3.1双鉴探测器 (42)3.1.1DT-7225T 双鉴探测器 (42)3.1.2DT-7235T双鉴探测器 (43)3.1.3DT-7435T防宠物双鉴探测器 (43)3.1.4DT-7450双鉴探测器 (44)3.1.5DT-6360STC智能型吸顶式双鉴探测器 (45)3.1.6DT-900/DT-906工、商业级双鉴探测器 (46)3.1.7DT8035双鉴探测器 (47)3.1.8DT8050双鉴探测器 (48)3.2被动红外探测器 (49)3.1.1997吸顶式被动红外探测器 (49)3.1.2IS215T被动红外探测器 (50)3.1.3IS2260T智能型防宠物被动红外探测器 (50)3.1.4IS216T-CUR幕帘被动红外探测器 (51)3.1.5SP-30QU方向识别幕帘探测器 (52)3.1.6IS-208被动红外探测器 (52)3.3玻璃破碎探测器 (53)3.1.7FG-1615T/1625T/1525RT玻璃破碎探测器 (53)3.1.8FG701玻璃破碎仿真器 (55)3.4震动红外探测器 (55)3.1.911WH震动探测器 (55)3.1.10SD3震动探测器 (56)3.1.11MA-100T震动探测器 (56)3.1.12SC100/SC105震动探测器 (56)3.1.13S100 振动探测器 (57)3.1.14SC105震动探测器 (57)3.5水/温度探测器 (58)3.1.15470-12水探测器 (58)3.1.16TS300双探头温度探测器 (58)3.6门磁开关 (59)3.1.17MPS70WGW /B暗装门磁 (59)3.1.18MPS80WGW /B表面安装门磁 (59)3.1.19MPS50表面安装门磁 (60)3.1.20MPS51表面安装门磁 (60)3.7紧急开关/紧急按钮 (60)3.1.21264钱夹开关 (60)3.1.22266脚挑紧急开关 (61)3.1.23269R/270R紧急开关 (61)3.1.25PB110紧急按钮 (61)3.8HIBS户外被动红外探测器 (62)3.1.26HIBS1双光束主动红外对射 (62)3.1.27HIBS2四光束主动红外对射 (63)3.9315MHZ无线传感器 (64)3.1.285890AP无线红外探测器 (64)3.1.295816AP小型门窗发射器 (64)3.1.305802AP便携式无线按钮 (65)3.1.315804C 四键无线按钮 (65)3.10警号与闪灯 (65)3.1.32SP20S警号 (65)3.1.33710RD闪灯 (66)3.11离子式烟雾探测器 (66)3.1.34JTY-GD-2412 和JTY-GD-2424 (66)4.接警中心设备 (68)3.1.35MX-8000-3数字接收机 (68)3.1.36Doppio(Linux)网络接收机 (69)3.1.37IP-Alarm-II 报警管理软件 (71)3.1.38VISTA Alarm Viewer总线报警主机监控软件 (72)1. 控制主机1.1 4110DL控制主机防区特性:6个基本防区,均带有末端电阻监控。



3、 Excel8000系列
序号 内容 Excel8000系列


控制器 全以太网结构不具备竞争力,主打总线结构产品(该系列为霍尼HBS系统部针对项目研发的产品);适
性价比 合小型项目。
3、 Excel8000系列
序号 内容
CP-IPC 除了提供与以太网的连接功能以外,还提供24个输入和输出硬件点,如果连接扩展模块
网络控制器 CP -EXPIO ,输入输出点可以扩展到128点。CP-IPC还支持3条独立的MS/TP通道,每条通道可
(管理级) 以连接30台单元控制器,即每个CP-IPC控制器支持90台单元控制器。
控制器 口
的CPU •高性能32位CPU
序号 内容 WEBs系列
网络连接 直接以太网/局域网连接;网络链路出现故障时只影响单个控制器,网络速率10/100MBps
网络控制 •自带USB接口,可用于备份和恢复


控制器 系统性价比高,特别是全以太网结构,其核心8000控制器为Niagara平台全进口产品,现场以太网控制
性价比 器为产品事业部HBT研发



DescriptionSingle pole, 3-way, 1.5A, 120V/AC, 60HzDesign features•Set up and control fan speed control using theEaton Brightlayer Home App or by voice commands • No hub required•LED indicator system alerts if the device is not set up in the network•Preset whether your device comes on or stays off following a power outage• Neutral required for installation•Dimmable white LED indicators illuminate to indicate (ON, OFF) status•Can be wired with standard 3-way switch where traveler wire exists for 3-way.EWFFSC15Project Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:T able 1. Wi-Fi smart fan speed controlCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Rating DescriptionColor suffixCatalog no.AV/AC Hz1.512060Wi-Fi smart fan speed controlW, C2, C6, C7Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates. Google and Google Play are trademarks of GoogleLLC. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.Wi-Fi smart fan speed control2EATON/connectedhome Technical DataEffective April 2023Wi-Fi smart fan speed controlCatalog No.EWFFSC15PerformanceMaximum amperage: 1.5ARating:120V/AC, 60HzInstallation & programming For installation and programming the device, see the Wi-Fi Smart Fan Speed Control Quick Start Guide included with product.Testing & code compliance cULus Listed 244B. NOM Certified. Complies with FCC Part 15, Class B.TerminationsFan speed controller has screw terminals for line, load, ground, neutral and traveler 3-way wire Material characteristics Flammability: Meets UL94 requirements; V2 rated Temperature rating: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)Warranty2-year limited product warrantyEaton’s Wi-Fi smart fan speed control replaces regular switches (where a neutral is present) to provide local and remote control for ceiling fans. The fan speed controller can be remotely controlled and the user can create routines, schedules and group devices using the Eaton Brightlayer Home App. Eaton’s Wi-Fi smart fan speed control has additional features such as a selection of 3 fan speed controls (High, Medium, Low).ApplicationsProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:T able 2. SpecificationsCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Figure 1. EWFFSC15For ordering devices, include Catalog No. followed by the Color Suffix: W (White),C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C6 (Color Change Kit: W, RB, SG), C7 (Color Change Kit: B, BK, GY)Decorator series color options:(White)C2 Color KitLA (Light Almond), W (White),V (Ivory)C7 Color KitB (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray)C6 Color KitRB (Oil Rubbed Bronze), W (White),SG (Silver Granite)T able 3. Color ordering information3EATON /connectedhome Single location control installationWi-Fi smart fan speed control Technical DataEffective April 2023Project Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Certifications & compliancesKEY:cULusNOMFCCRelated productsWi-Fi smart productsEWFD30, EWACD, EWFTRCR15Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.WallplatesPJS26, PJS262Single Location Control Installation (requires one Wi-Fi Fan Speed Control)3-Way location control installation Electrical Sector 1123 Hwy 74 SPeachtree City, GA 30269United States /WifiSmartElectrical Sector Canada Operations 5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/WifiSmartElectrical Sector Mexico Operations Carr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/n Col. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800Mexico Eaton.mx/WifiSmartEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD610147EN April 2023。


VLC-1188 支持艾顿 Microset™ 与 Microset II 设备,支持数据显 示、设定值调节、可设定参数的智能型房间传感器。
所有的VLC-1188 控制器采用艾顿公司开发的一种功能强大、使用 简便的编程工具VisualLogic® 图形编程语言进行编程,编程数据 与设定数据保存在不易丢失的内存中,确保数据的稳定与可靠操 作。
©Novar Intl. All Right Reserved
2 of 2
控制器内部执行时间为 0.1 秒。
LTBT-VLC-1188-SC Rev. 0001
©Novar Intl. All Right Reserved
美 国 艾 顿 BACtalk® VLC-1188 专 门 为 中 央 设 备 系 统 、 空调机、空气净化室、大型终端设备等控制与处理设备而设计的一 种多功能的可编程控制器,容易集成到开放式的楼宇自控网 (BACnet)系统,支持BACnet MS/TP 的网络通讯速率可达 76.8Kbps。
BTL 测试与认证。见一致性等级(PICS)。
UL 标准的 916 安全等级 欧洲标准 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (CE 标示) FCC 标准 15-J A 级
型号 VLC-1188
描述 11 个通用输入,8 个耦合可控硅输 出,8 个模拟输出
LTBT-VLC-1188-SC Rev. 0001
尺寸: 177mm (H) x 127mm (W) x 38mm (D) 。
接线端子: 插拔式接线端子,可接入 14-24 AWG 电
工作环境: -17-70℃ ,0-95% RH,不结露。



霍尼韦尔BACtalk艾顿楼宇自控系统设计方案书Honeywell 楼宇自控系统设计方案二〇二二年四月二十七日目录1前言 (6)2需求分析 (6)2.1项目概述 (6)2.2系统优势与特点 (7)3系统设置总则 (11)3.1楼宇自动化机电设备监控系统的设计目标 11 3.2系统设计依据 (11)3.3系统设计原则 (12)4系统监控范围 (13)5Envision for BACtalk系统概述 (14)5.1Envision for BACtalk系统结构 (16)5.2中央图形操作站 (17)5.3控制器 (18)5.3.1全局控制器(BCM): (18)5.3.2大型控制器(VLX): (21)5.3.3中小型控制器(VLCs): (23)5.3.4V A V控制器(V A Vi-SD): (35)5.4传感器及执行器 (37)6系统设计方案说明 (38)6.1总线型结构及开放的网络协议- - BACnet.. 39 6.2楼宇自动化系统的配置及控制功能 (40)6.2.1冷冻站系统监控 (40)6.2.2热源系统监控 (43)6.2.3空气处理系统监控 (44)6.2.4给排水系统监控 (49)6.2.5供配电系统监控 (51)6.2.6照明系统监控 (52)6.2.7电梯系统运行监视 (53)6.2.8与第三厂商设备及其他系统的通信 (53)6.3BA系统节能控制 (53)7系统软件功能及特性 (56)7.1软件功能 (57)7.2系统软件特性 (58)8系统调试、验收及维护 (59)8.1系统调试 (59)8.2完工验收 (60)8.3资料提交 (60)8.4维护和保修 (61)1前言随着科技的不断发展和进步,现代化的建筑物迅速崛起及发展,已成为国民经济迅速增长的必然条件。




FEC series
IOMx710 Series
DX Series·
FX Series
① 监控平台软件(ADS\ADX\ADS-Lite) ②网络控制引擎(NAE\NCE) ③直接数字控制器(FEC\FX\DX\TEC\VMA )
⑴传感器(TE\HT) ⑵执行器(M9000系列执行器) ⑶ 电动开关\调节水阀(VG1000\VF6000)
BACtalk 系统架构
全局控制器(BCM/BTI) 1.每个BCM支持外接控制器通过4个BACnet MS/TP内部网(LANs)。
MS/TP 是一个简单的双绞线总线网络,能配置其通讯速率最高达76.8 Kbps。32位50MHz 高集成Motorola CPU。
1.每台BCM\BTI全局控制器的BACNET 现场控制网络最大可连接255个 BACNET现场控制器及协议转换器等设备 2.每台BCM全局控制器最大支持7条MS\TP现场总线 3.每台BTI全局控制器最大支持4条MS\TP现场总线 4.每条BACNET MS\TP现场控制总线最大可连接64个BACNET现场控制器
渠道产品 配套产品
霍尼韦尔公司是一家在技术和制造领域处于世界领先 地 位的多元化跨国公司,下辖4大业务集团-航空航天、自 动化 控制、特殊材料以及交通系统。
ECC与传感器自控产品部(S&C)、工业自控系统部( HPS)、生命安全产品部(HLS)、楼宇自控系统部( HBS)及安防产品部(HSG)等并属于霍尼韦尔自动化 控制系统集团(ACS),总部位于美国. ECC产品涵盖控制软件、控制器、传感器、控制阀门、 低压开关及插座、照明产品等,产品解决方案包括采暖 、通风、空调、制冷、室内空气质量、供水及水处理、 照明控制。



HoneywellDC1000系列通用调节器简要说明书(中文版)注意:使用本手册前,请检查量程,输入,输出是否符合您的要求.1.面板说明1.1显示说明PV: 过程值(process value),四位显示(红色)SP: 设定值(set point),四位显示(绿色)1.2LED指示灯说明OUT1: 第一路输出(OUTPUT1), 绿色灯OUT2: 第二路输出(OUTPUT2), 绿色灯AT: 自整定,黄色灯PRO: 程序运行中,黄色灯AL1: 第一路报警(ALARM 1),红色灯AL2: 第二路报警(ALARM 1),红色灯AL3: 第三路报警(ALARM 1),红色灯 (DC1010无此功能)MAN: 手动控制,黄色灯 (DC1010无此功能)1.3 按键SET: 模式&设定键(切换模式和写入设定值)Y:移位键▽:减少键△:增加键A/M:自动/手动切换键2.自整定功能2.1 将AT设置为‘YES’,即启动自整定功能2.2 自整定完成后,PID参数将被自动设定。

(P值一般为11~14, I值一股为40~50, D值一般为40~60。

)2.3 ATVL=自整定偏移量,由SP值推导出来(它在自整定时,可防止振荡超过设定点)SP-ATVL=自整定设定值, ATVL=自整定偏移量例如: SP=200℃, ATL=5, 则自整定点是195℃*ATVL务必自整定点在程序类型模式中(195℃)2.4 自整定点失败2.4.1 ATVL值太大→如果不能确定,则设定ATVL=02.4.2系统时间太长→单独设定PID参数3. 故障信息(注意)当有“*”标记的故障发生时,控制器需要维修4.操作流程各阶层进出及参数的锁定4.1.1按移位键(Y)改变参数。






Eaton 265718Eaton Moeller series NZM - Molded Case Circuit Breaker. Circuit-breaker, 3p, 40A, N1-M40Eaton Moeller series NZM molded case circuit breaker thermo-magnetic265718NZMN1-M40401508265718588 mm 145 mm 90 mm 1.032 kg RoHS conformIEC IEC/EN 60947Product NameCatalog NumberModel Code EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications690 V - 690 V 690 V6000 V6000 V36 A (400 V AC-3) 40 A320 A560 A32 A40 A320 A560 A85 kA35 kA35 kA10 kA 6000 V6000 V36 A (400 V AC-3) 40 A320 A560 A32 A40 A320 A560 A85 kA35 kA35 kA10 kA7.5 kA187 kAVoltage ratingRated insulation voltage (Ui)Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at auxiliary contacts Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at main contacts Rated operational currentAmperage RatingInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - minInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - maxOverload current setting (Ir) - minOverload current setting (Ir) - maxShort-circuit release non-delayed setting - minShort-circuit release non-delayed setting - maxRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 230 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 400/415 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 440 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 525 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 690 Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at auxiliary contacts Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at main contacts Rated operational currentAmperage RatingInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - minInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - maxOverload current setting (Ir) - minOverload current setting (Ir) - maxShort-circuit release non-delayed setting - minShort-circuit release non-delayed setting - maxRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 230 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 400/415 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 440 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 525 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 690 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 240 V, 50/60 Hz7.5 kA187 kA105 kA74 kA40 kA17 kA11 kW18.5 kW< 10 msOther500 V AC (between auxiliary contacts and main contacts) 300 V AC (between the auxiliary contacts)120Rocker leverA (IEC/EN 60947-2)III310000 operations at 400 V AC-15000 operations at 690 V AC-37500 operations at 415 V AC-37500 operations at 400 V AC-3 105 kA74 kA40 kA17 kA11 kW18.5 kW< 10 msOther500 V AC (between auxiliary contacts and main contacts) 300 V AC (between the auxiliary contacts)120Rocker leverA (IEC/EN 60947-2)III310000 operations at 400 V AC-15000 operations at 690 V AC-37500 operations at 415 V AC-37500 operations at 400 V AC-310000 operations at 415 V AC-17500 operations at 690 V AC-1As requiredV, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 240 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 400/415 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 440 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 525 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 690 V, 50/60 Hz Rated operating power at AC-3, 230 VRated operating power at AC-3, 400 VShort-circuit total breaktimeElectrical connection type of main circuitIsolationNumber of operations per hour - maxHandle typeUtilization categoryOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeLifespan, electrical Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 400/415 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 440 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 525 V, 50/60 Hz Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 690 V, 50/60 Hz Rated operating power at AC-3, 230 VRated operating power at AC-3, 400 VShort-circuit total breaktimeElectrical connection type of main circuitIsolationNumber of operations per hour - maxHandle typeUtilization categoryOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeLifespan, electricalDirection of incoming supply10000 operations at 415 V AC-17500 operations at 690 V AC-1Direction of incoming supply Mounting MethodAs required Built-in device fixed built-in techniqueFixedDegree of protectionIP20 (basic degree of protection, in the operating controls area)IP20Degree of protection (IP), front sideIP66 (with door coupling rotary handle)IP40 (with insulating surround)Degree of protection (terminations)IP10 (tunnel terminal)IP00 (terminations, phase isolator and strip terminal)Protection against direct contactFinger and back-of-hand proof to VDE 0106 part 100Shock resistance20 g (half-sinusoidal shock 20 ms)Switch off techniqueThermomagneticClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78Lifespan, mechanical20000 operationsCharacteristic curveeaton-circuit-breaker-nzm-mccb-characteristic-curve-058.epseaton-circuit-breaker-let-through-current-nzm-mccb-characteristic-curve-002.epseaton-circuit-breaker-nzm-mccb-characteristic-curve.epseCAD modelMN1-M40mCAD modelDA-CD-nzm1_3pDA-CS-nzm1_3pWiring diagramsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaeaton-manual-motor-starters-starter-msc-r-reversing-starter-wiring-diagram.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-starter-nzm-mccb-wiring-diagram.epseaton-circuit-breaker-nzm-mccb-dimensions-017.epseaton-circuit-breaker-switch-nzm-mccb-dimensions-014.epseaton-circuit-breakers-nzm-pn1-nzmbc-nzmbn-circuit-breaker-switch-disconnector-instruction-leaflet-il01203004z.pdfDA-DC-03_N1,。



VLC现场控制器现场控制器的VLC系列电源24VAC, 20VA最小,加二进制输出负载(110VA最大).处理器Motorola CMOS 处理器(带ROM和RAM),可编程。

EEPROM 8,192bytes,非挥发。

24VDC输出24VDC,250mA(VLC 651RC3只提供150mA)给传感器和其它设备供电。

通讯BACnet MS/TP网络,速率可达76.8Kbps。

环境0-70• C,0-95%RH,不结露。


接线端子螺钉接线端子,14-24 AWG电线。


欧洲标准EMC Directive 89/336/ECC。

FCC标准15-J A级。

型号文件下载VLC 1188C3VLC 1188C3输入11个10位分辨率的输入。


0号输入端可以接BACtalk Microset。

1 - 3号输入端可以接脉冲信号。

数字输出8个光电耦合可控硅输出,24VAC,@ 0.5A。


4-20mA由VLC提供,负载要回到VLC的地,最大负载阻抗为1000 Ohms。

0-10VDC的最小负载阻抗为500 Ohms。

最大尺寸117mm(H)⨯ 127mm(W)⨯ 38mm(D)。

VLC 853C3VLC 853C3输入8个10位分辨率的输入。


0号输入端可以接BACtalk Microset。

1 - 3号输入端可以接脉冲信号。

数字输出5个光电耦合可控硅输出,24VAC,@ 0.5A。


4-20mA由VLC提供,负载要回到VLC的地,最大负载阻抗为1000 Ohms。

0-10VDC的最小负载阻抗为50O Ohms。

艾顿Moeller系列Rapid Link速控器参数说明说明书

艾顿Moeller系列Rapid Link速控器参数说明说明书

Eaton 198732Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 2.4 A, 0.75 kW, Sensor input 4, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q4/2, with braking resistanceGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller198732157 mm270 mm 220 mm 3.42 kgIEC/EN 61800-5-1 CE UL approval RoHS UL 61800-5-1RASP5-2400A31-4120100S1Product NameCatalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes Model Codecan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface480 VIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.0.75 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VBreaking resistanceSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Thermo-click with safe isolationBraking resistanceInternal DC linkIGBT inverterKey switch position AUTOKey switch position HANDKey switch position OFF/RESETTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationControl unitPTC thermistor monitoringPC connectionFour fixed speeds0 Hz Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logistics ETN.RASP5-2400A31-4120100S1.edzIL034085ZUrasp5_v23.stpramo5_v23.dwgDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions.epseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.epsMains voltage - max10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - max Output voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Ambient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minStarting current - max Applikasjonsmerknader BrosjyrereCAD model Installeringsinstruksjoner mCAD model SertifiseringsrapporterTegninger200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power sectionRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)10 kAAmbient operating temperature - max40 °CCommunication interfaceAS-InterfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase1 HPOutput frequency - max500 HzSwitching frequency8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitFeaturesParameterization: KeypadParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: FieldbusDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)Ambient operating temperature - min-10 °CBraking current≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Nominal output current I2N2.4 A10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Product categorySpeed controllerRadio interference classC1: for conducted emissions onlyC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.Heat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase1 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolASIAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modules10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionNEMA 12IP65Ambient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VConnectionPlug type: HAN Q4/2Overload currentFor 60 s every 600 sAt 40 °CFunctions4-quadrant operation possibleBrake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max0.75 kWMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Leakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAConverter typeU converter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesNumber of inputs (analog)Number of phases (output)310.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)Efficiency97 % (η)System configuration typeAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Switch-on threshold for the braking transistor765 VDCProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Application in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofingIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178< 95 %, no condensation10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overload current IL at 150% overload3.6 AInput current ILN at 150% overload2.5 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4Current limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.2 - 2.4 A, motor, main circuitCable lengthC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable lengthC1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthC3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz1 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Rated operational current (Ie)2.4 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase0.75 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeSensorless vector control (SLV)U/f controlBLDC motorsSynchronous reluctance motorsPM and LSPM motorsRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption32 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)1Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torqueAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuitRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Number of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase1 HPInterfacesSpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mANumber of phases (input)Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Med enerett.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respectiveowners./socialmedia327.5 W at 50% current and 90% speed 31.8 W at 100% current and 90% speed 33.5 W at 25% current and 50% speed 34.6 W at 50% current and 50% speed 35.1 W at 25% current and 0% speed 36.6 W at 100% current and 50% speed 36.8 W at 50% current and 0% speed 40.7 W at 100% current and 0% speed 0Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 mHeat dissipation at current/speed Number of interfaces (PROFINET)Altitude。



以太网,Ethernet (100Mbps) ARCNET (2.5Mbps) MS/TP 子网(76.8Kbps); PTP 点对点(point-to-point / serial communications / modems) LonTalk (专用 LAN – BACnet设备能与LonWorks设备共有 同一种网络结构)
BACnet使业主/管理人员能灵活扩展系 统,既增加控制设备时不单只有一家制 造商可供选择,他们可以选择最先进的 技术和最优质服务, 扩展当前的控制系 统而不必更换整个控制系统,从而使投 资更有保障。
BACnet标准不依赖于特殊的硬件平 台并支持各种类型的网络技术,包括 互联网,这使BACnet作为新的技术 可以根据公众的意愿无障碍地发展, 而不像底层硬件开放协议被少数供货 商控制着。
Microview for BACtalk 提供:
•安装成本低 •不需要配置单独的工作站 •用户可以在任何地方,通过因特网, 使用网页进行访问 •支持时间表,趋势记录和报警 •彩色图形显示,触摸式进行界面 •按照项目需求定制用户界面和使用功能
• 5.7” QVGA color STN LCD • Super slim and compact design • Fanless cooling system • NEMA4/IP65 compliant front panel • Flash memory and Windows® CE .NET OS • One CompactFlash® slot • Panel mounted
♦ ♦
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Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark). FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A.
Ordering information
Item number VLC-550 Description Field controller with 5 inputs and 5 binary outputs
Specifications subject to change without notice

Versatile Fully programmable for heat pumps, air-conditioning units, and general purpose control applications. Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. Fast Internal logic loop of 100 msec.

The Alerton BACtalk ® VLC-550 is a versatile, high-performance, BACnet-compliant field controller designed for heat pumps, AC units, and other terminal unit applications. As a native BACnet controller, the VLC-550 integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system. It communicates at up to 76.8 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN or can operate as a stand-alone controller. All VLC-550 control logic is programmed with Alerton's easy-to-learn graphical programming language, VisualLogic®. Programming and setup data is stored in non-volatile flash memory, ensuring stable and reliable operation. The VLC-550 supports the Alerton Microset and Microset II intelligent wall sensors, which offer convenient data display, setpoint adjustment, and technician access to equipment setup parameters. The VLC-550 is built for high-speed processing, with an internal logical loop time of 100 msec. Programmable timers also maintain a resolution of 100 msec. High-resolution, 10-bit analog inputs are field-adjustable for thermistor/ dry contact or 05 VDC/420 mA . For equipment monitoring, an on-board LED for each binary output indicates ON/OFF status, and a separate LED indicates communication activity on the MS/TP LAN.
Features and highlights
Capable Five 10-bit inputs and five binary outputs. Interoperable BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps.

BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA.
5" 127 2 1/4" 57 3/16" 5

Inputs 5 inputs with 10-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset. Inputs 14 are switch-selectable for thermistor/dry contact or 05 VDC/420 mA signals. Binary Outputs 5 outputs, each rated at 24 VAC, 0.5 A. The outputs utilize hot-switched triacs, which have a common connection to the fused 24 VAC supply. 24VDC Outputs Up to 250 mA of 24VDC power is provided to power transducers or other devices. Processor and Memory Motorola AZ-60 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage, and allows for encrypted updates to the program for future product enhancements. Maximum Dimensions 4.9 (125mm)H x 5.00 (127mm)W x 1.4" (36mm)D. Terminations Removable header-type screw terminals accept 1424 AWG wire. Environmental 0158ºF (-1770ºC). 095% RH, non-condensing. BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps.
6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA Tel: 425.869.8400 Fax: 425.869.8445
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LT B T- V L C - 5 5 0 R e v. 0 0 0 1 ©Alerton Inc. All rights reserved.
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA.
6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA Tel: 425.869.8400 Fax: 425.869.8445
LT B T- V L C - 5 5 0 R e v. 0 0 0 1 ©Alerton Inc. All rights reserved. 1 of 2

4 15/32"
4 1/16"
+ G MS /TP


BACnet Conformance An application specific controller (ASC); tested and approved by BTL. See Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). Ratings
Technical Data
Power 24 VAC @ 5 VA min., plus binary output loads (65 VA max.). Utilizes a half-wave rectifier, which enables a single transformer to power multiple VLCs . One leg of 24 VAC connects to earth (panel) ground.