atmel arm 开发板说明
AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 开发板使用指南说明书
ATMEL AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 BoardGetting StartedV1.0EMBEST CO., LTDAddress: Room 509, Luohu Science & Technology Building,No.85, Taining Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518020 Telephone: 0086-755-25621715Fax: 0086-755-25616057Sales Email:Support Email:Information Email:Website:/enRequest Technical Assistance: /en/request.asp1. Packing List(1) One ATMEL AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 Board(2) One 2.4 inches TFT LCD(240*320)(3) One RS-232 serial cable(4) One USB A-B cable(5) One CD-ROM(6) Packing List(7) Getting Started – this paper2. AT91SAM3U Board PictureFigure 1.0 AT91SAM3U Board3. Hardware RequirementsIn order to make good use of this AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 Board,We recommend you to prepare the following hardware devices:(1) One AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 Board.(2) A PC with either of the following:Two unused USB ports—one to supply power to the board and one for downloading and debugging.An unused RS-232 COM port for Flash In-System Programming (ISP) via the Serial Interface.(3) One USB-JTAG Adapter.You should prepare a JTAG Adapter which is able to debug cortex-m3 based processor, You can either use Keil ULink2 or Emlink for ARM produced by Embest.(4) Two USB cables.(5) Double Female Serial Cable4. Software RequirementsWe recommend you to reach the following software requirements for embedded development based on AT91SAM3U processor.(1) Windows Operating SystemThe Keil µVision tool chain runs in these Windows Operating Systems:Microsoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows XP(2) Tools and ExamplesTo compile, link, and run applications on the AT91SAM3U Evaluation Board, please install the following products on your pc:Keil UVision IDEYou can purchase the Keil UVision IDE, such as RealView MDK-ARM from Keil Corporation, or you can also download the evaluation version of RealView MDK for free of charge. Of course, you can use other IDE as well, such as IAR EWARM, but we suggest you using Keil UVision IDE, then you can use the example programs we provide in CD-ROM, otherwise, they would be useless.Example programs written for the AT91SAM3U. These example programs are stored in the CD-ROM accompany with the AT91SAM3U board.5. Technical DataParameter DescriptionSupply Voltage 5 Volts DC (provided by power adapter)Supply Current 210mA typical, 320mA maximumXTAL Frequency 12 MHzMicrocontroller AT91SAM3U4E LQFP 144 PinsPeripherals 2 × RS232 Interface,1 × USB Device Interface (High-speed),1 × 2.4” Color graphic display (240x320),1 × MicroSD Memory Card connector,1 × JTAG Interface,5 × Push Buttons (Reset, Wake Up, Tampering, User), 2 × BNC Interface,1 x RTC Unit with Battery,1 × Analog Input (connected to potentiometer),1 × Analog Output (connected to speaker by default)Board Size 135mm x 90mm (5.3" x 3.5") Weight 320g6. Test this board(1) Start the PC(2) Connect relevant devicesConnect COM1 interface of the board to the COM interface of the PC by using a serial port cable for the information display and input;Connect the PC’s USB port to the USB port on board by using a USB cable for USB communication and power supply; the power LED lights when power is applied to the board.(3) When the board electrifies, press the Reset button on the board, then watch the phenomenon displaying on the LCD screen(4) Start the hyperterminal on the PC, press the Reset button on the board again, will you see the phenomenon displaying on the hyperterminal, and then run relevant programs according to the instructions refered on the hyperterminal.7. What is in the CD-ROM?(1) Documents -- user manual, data sheet and the other development document.(2) Images -- image files for this product.(3) Software -- software programs or this product.(4) Tools -- the utilities tools and software.。
NewMsg-9260C 开发套件说明书
NewMsg-9260C开发套件使用手册硬件篇杭州威步科技有限公司2010.5.1杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@目 录第一章:产品说明 (4)1.1 NewMsg-9260C开发套件简介 (6)1.1.1 开发套件资源简介 (6)1.1.2 AT91SAM9260处理器介绍 (7)1.2 AT91SAM9260内部方框图 (8)1.3 NewMsg-9260C开发板软件资源介绍 (9)1.4 NewMsg-9260C开发板使用介绍 (9)1.5 开发板说明 (10)第二章:ARM开发前期准备 (12)2.1 如何启动超级终端 (12)2.2安装IDE (15)2.3使用J-LINK下载程序 (20)2.3.1 AT91SAM9260下载简介 (20)2.3.2 J-Flash软件安装 (21)2.3.3 J-FLASH的设置 (21)2.4 AT91SAM9260资源分配 (26)第三章:NewMsg 9260开机测试 (28)2.1 核对开发套件 (28)2.2 整机测试 (28)第三章:NewMsg-9260硬件原理介绍 (31)3.1电源电路 (31)3.2系统复位电路 (32)3.3 JTAG 接口电路 (34)3.4 串口电路 (34)3.5按键电路 (35)3.6 蜂鸣器驱动电路 (35)3.7 USB接口电路 (36)杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@3.8 IIS音频数据接口电路 (37)3.9 以太网接口电路 (37)3.10 系统总线接口 (38)第四章:常见问题解决 (40)4.1 常见问题 (40)4.2 技术支持 (41)第五章:关于我们 (42)5.1 团队简介 (42)5.2 联系方式 (43)杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@第一章:产品说明核心板:杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@ 资源介绍:>> AT91SAM9260 ,工业级,无铅,217BGA>> 64MB SDRAM ,为HY57V561620>> norflash,S29AL016D,可选配2M 或则4M,存储系统启动代码 >> NandFlash 可选容量64M、128MB、2G,存储系统内核和应用程序 >> 1.27间距,2×50×2,全部GPIO 引出所有GPIO 全部引 出 PCB 规格>>60*70mm,采用6层板设计,稳定性高开发板:1.1NewMsg-9260C开发套件简介1.1.1 开发套件资源简介NewMsg-9260C是杭州威步科技有限公司针对ARM软硬件开发难度大、周期长的特点推出的简易开发核心模块,其主要硬件包括:串口──一个调试串行口,波特率高达 115200bps;──一个异步串行口,波特率高达 115200bps;网络接口──一个10M/100M网口自适应网口,采用 DM9161AEP做PHY,带联接和传输指示灯;SD卡接口──一个标准SD卡接口,方便存储数据,支持SD卡热插拔;USB接口──二个 USB2.0 HOST接口;──一个 USB2.0 Device接口;音频接口──采用 IIS接口芯片 UDA1341,一路立体声音频输出接口可接耳机或音箱;──一路话筒输入接口可接麦克风;电源接口── 5V电源供电,带电源开关和指示灯调试及下载接口──一个20芯的标准JTAG接口其他──二个按键,二个LED──一个蜂鸣器──一个DS18B20温度传感器──三个无线模块插座杭州威步科技有限公司 版权所有电话:0571-******** 132******** 传真:0571-********网址: E-mail:wenming_hu2002@同时,我们还提供各个模块的测试代码,和相关技术支持。
ATMEL SAM—BA应用研究【摘要】本文介绍了ATMEL AT91SAM系列ARM处理器的下载编程工具SAM-BA的运行原理及用户定制化方法。
【关键词】ARM;SAM-BA;AT91 SAM;ISP1.SAM-BA介绍SAM-BA是ATMEL为其MCU/MPU开发者提供的方便易用的下载编程工具,它可以通过芯片的串口、USB、JTAG口对AT91SAM系列处理器的片内及片外的FLASH编程,也可以通过图形化界面查看片上外设状态及RAM/flash内容。
主机端SAM-BA基于一个公共动态链接库sam-ba.dll,用户可以通过图形界面(如图2所示)和TCL shell命令行的方式来执行。
图1 SAM-BA结构示意图在运行SAM-BA之前,需先连接通信线缆,可以是USB、JTAG或串口线。
如果使用命令行连接方式,其格式为:>[Install Directory]/SAM-BA.exe[Communication Interface][Board][Script_File][Communication Interface]:\USBserial\COMxx或(\usb\ARM0)for USB,\jlink\ARM0 for JTAG,COMxx for RS232(xx为计算机串口号)[Board]用户板名称(在TCL描述文件中定义)[Script_File](可选)命令的TCL描述文件如果使用图形界面的连接方式,接口的选择如图2所示:图2 使用图形界面的连接方式接口的选择2.SAM-BA图形界面当SAM-BA运行起来后,PC将弹出如图3界面,界面包含3部分:显示区,下载区,TCL shell区。
ARMFLY STM32F103ZE-EK 开发板 说明书
S T M32F103Z E-E K开发板用户手册版本:V1.0安富莱电子开发网W W W.A R M F L Y.C O M1.产品规格简介STM32F103ZE-EK开发板以STM32F103ZET6(LQFP144)为核心。
STM32F103ZE 是ST(意法半导体)公司推出的ARM Crotex-M3产品线中功能最强大的一款CPU。
片内集成512kB Flash、64kB RAM、1个USB、1个CAN、 8个定时器、5个USART、3个ADC、2个DAC、3个SPI、2个I2C、2个I2S、1个SDIO、112个GPIO、FSMC总线(支持NOR,NAND,SRAM)。
硬件资源■ 8M晶振作为MCU的时钟,32768晶振用于RTC ■ 1M字节SRAM,16M字节NOR Flash,128M字节NADN Flash■ 2M字节串行Flash,256字节串行EEPROM■ 1个SD/MMC卡座■ 1个CAN2.0A/B接口■ 2个RS232串口■ 1个RS485接口■ 1个USB2.0全速DEVICE接口■ 1个USB2.0全速HOST接口■ 1个100M/10M以太网接口■ I2S音频DAC(24bit,96kHz),1个立体声耳机插座,1个扬声器■ 3.0寸TFT真彩触摸LCD(WQVGA,400x240)■ 1个5向摇杆,1个Reset按钮、1个wakeup按钮、1个自定义按钮 ■ 4个自定义LED,1个电源LED,1个音频LED ■ 1个CR1220电池座■ 1个精密可调电阻连接到ADC输入■ 所有的GPIO引到2.54mm间距焊盘■ 1个DAC引出端子,1个PWM引出端子■ 标准2.54mm间距JTAG插座■ 2个BNC输入端子,集成双通道示波器电路,具备AC/DC切换、输入增益切换开关■ 3种供电方式:USB电缆、外接5V电源、JTAG 调试接口(J-LINK仿真器)■ 1个电源开关,上下电时无需拔插电缆■ 3种启动方式:用户Flash、系统存储器、SRAM ■ 用拨码开关取代跳线帽,避免跳线帽丢失■ 板子规格:14cm x 12cm软件资源■ 提供100多个试验例程■ 提供uCOS_II+ucGUI例程和文档■ 即将展开USB虚拟示波器项目源码■ 即将移植ucLinux (硬件资源已满足要求) ■ 更多的软件资源将在发布标配清单■STM32F103ZE-EK开发板1块■ 3.0寸TFT触摸显示模块1块■1根串口线、1根网线、1根USB电缆■资料光盘1张可选的配件:■60M示波器探头1对■USB转串口线1根2.快速入门2.1.注意事项(1)外接电源必须是5.0V 的直流电源,插头有极性,内正外负。
ARM开发板使用手册PHILIP LPC2132ARM7TDMI第一章介绍LPC2132开发板是专门为arm 初学者开发的实验板,用户可以做基础的arm实验,也可以做基于ucos-ii的操作系统实验。
LPC2132 CPU介绍LPC2131/2132/2138 是基于一个支持实时仿真和跟踪的16/32 位ARM7TDMI-STM CPU,并带有32kB、64kB 和512kB 嵌入的高速Flash 存储器。
128 位宽度的存储器接口和独特的加速结构使32 位代码能够在最大时钟速率下运行。
对代码规模有严格控制的应用可使用16 位Thumb 模式将代码规模降低超过30%,而性能的损失却很小。
较小的封装和很低的功耗使LPC2131/2132/2138 特别适用于访问控制和POS 机等小型应用中;由于内置了宽范围的串行通信接口和8/16/32kB 的片内SRAM,它们也非常适合于通信网关、协议转换器、软件modem、语音识别、低端成像,为这些应用提供大规模的缓冲区和强大的处理功能。
多个32 位定时器、1个或2 个10 位8 路的ADC、10 位DAC、PWM 通道、47 个GPIO 以及多达9 个边沿或电平触发的外部中断使它们特别适用于工业控制应用以及医疗系统。
主要特性●●16/32 位ARM7TDMI-S 核,超小LQFP64 封装。
●●8/16/32kB 的片内静态RAM 和32/64/512kB 的片内Flash 程序存储器。
Atmel SMART SAM3S系列ARM Cortex-M3 Flash微控制器商品说明书
Key Features• 1.62V to 3.6V supply• ARM Cortex-M3 rev 2.0 processor running at up to 64MHz • Memory protection unit (MPU)• Optional dual-bank Flash• Native 4-layer AHB bus matrix, 21 DMA channels• Embedded regulator, power-on reset, brown-out detection and multiple clock sources, including 32kHz oscillator and factory-trimmed RC• High-speed peripherals, including USB2.0 FS device, HS SD/SDIO/MMC, USART, SPI• Up to 16-channel 12-bit 1Msps ADC with PGA stage and differential inputs, 2-channel 12-bit 1Msps DAC, analog comparator• Powerful and flexible 16-bit timers with quadrature decoder and gray counter. Powerful PWM unit, calendar RTC, watchdog timer• Power consumption 2.3mW@1MHz, 1.3mW@500kHz, backup mode down to 1.8µA• ECC on Flash, independent watchdog, dual-bank Flash, clock failure detection. On-the-fly external memory scrambling.• 8-bit parallel data capture on PIO controller• Up to 79 I/O lines with integrated serial resistors (on-die termination)•48-, 64- and 100-pin packagesBenefits• ARM ® Cortex ®-M3 technology• Pin-to-pin compatible with best-selling Atmel ® | SMART SAM7S series MCU• Highly-integrated peripheral set, including Full Speed USB device• Native Atmel QTouch ® capacitive touch support • Low power consumption• Simplified PCB design and low system cost • Parallel input/output (I/O) signal capture •Safety featuresApplication Areas• Consumer goods and toys • Industrial control • Metering • Medical• Test and measurement • 802.15.4 wireless networking • PC, cell phone, gaming peripherals© 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-11075F-SAM3S_E_US_122015Atmel,® Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities,® and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U. S. and other countries. ARM,® ARM Connected ® logo and others are the registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T : (+1)(408) 441. 0311 F : (+1)(408) 436. 4200 | Evaluation Kit and Ecosystem• Full-featured evaluation board and software library • Atmel BitCloud ® (ZigBee PRO) stack available • QTouch library support for buttons, sliders and wheels • Worldwide support ecosystem of industry-leading suppliers ofdevelopment tools, real-time operating systems and middleware products• Kit Ordering Code ATSAM3S-EK2Device Ordering Information* 2x256kB dual-bank Flash。
Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain 发布说明书
RELEASE NOTES GNU Toolchain for Atmel ARM EmbeddedProcessorsIntroductionThe Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain ( supports Atmel ARM® devices. The ARM toolchain is based on the free and open-source GCC. This toolchain is built from sources published by ARM's "GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors" project at (https:///open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm). The toolchain includes compiler, assembler, linker, binutils (GCC and binutils), GNU Debugger (GDB with builtin simulator) and Standard C library (newlib, newlib nano).Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)1.Supported Configuration (3)1.1.Supported Hosts (3)1.2.Supported Targets (3)2.Downloading, Installing, and Upgrading (4)2.1.Downloading/Installing on Windows (4)2.2.Downloading/Installing on Linux (4)2.3.Downloading/Installing on Mac OS (4)2.4.Upgrading (4)yout and Components (5)yout (5)ponents (5)4.Toolset Background (6)piler (6)4.2.Assembler, Linker, Librarian (6)4.3. C Library (7)4.4.Debugging (7)4.5.Source Code (7)5.New and Noteworthy (8)5.1.Supported Architectures (8)6.Contact Information and Disclaimer (9)6.1.Contact (9)6.2.Disclaimer (9)1.Supported Configuration1.1Supported HostsThis release includes the following:●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Windows host●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Linux host●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Mac OS X host1.2Supported Targets●Bare metal ARM EABI only (Use rdimon specs for semi-hosting enviroment)2.Downloading, Installing, and UpgradingThe ARM GNU toolchain provided by Atmel is available for download. Use one of the following ways forinstallation.2.1Downloading/Installing on Windows●to try the Atmel ARM GNU toolchain alone, you can download it from here1●If you want to try the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain along with Atmel studio, you can download and installAtmel Studio version 6.0 or later which will also install the Atmel ARM GNU toolchain. See Atmel studiorelease notes for more details.2.2Downloading/Installing on LinuxFor Linux, the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is available as tar.gz archive which can be extracted using the tarutility. In order to install, simply extract to the location, from where you want to execute. The Linux builds areavailable here2.Note64-bit version of libncurses and libc are required to run the tools.2.3Downloading/Installing on Mac OSFor Mac, the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is available as tar.gz archive which can be extracted using the tarutility. To install, extract to the location, from where you want to execute. MAC builds are available here3 2.4UpgradingIf the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is installed by Atmel Studio installation, refer Atmel Studio documentation for more details.If the toolchain is installed separately using one of the (Windows, Linux, Mac) installers, upgrading is notsupported. You can install the new package side-by-side of the old package and use it.1 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspx2 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspx3 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspxyout and ComponentsListed below are some of the directories that you might want to look, to have a high level understanding of what is packaged inside the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain. The layout is identical in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.3.1LayoutThe layout of the installation is as follows.●INSTALLDIRThe directory where the ARM GNU Toolchain is installed in the target machine.●INSTALLDIR\binThe ARM software development programs. This directory should be in your PATH environemntvariable. (Note : If you are using this toolchain from within Atmel Studio, please configure Atmel studioappropriately). This includes●GNU Binutils●GCC●GDB●INSTALLDIR\arm-none-eabi\libThe directory which have the ARM newlib libraries, startup files and linker scripts.●INSTALLDIR\arm-none-eabi\includeARM-newlib header files. This is where the system include files will be searched for by the toolchain.●INSTALLDIR\libGCC libraries, other libraries and headers.●INSTALLDIR\libexecGCC program components.3.2ComponentsThe components used to build this toolchain along with their version number can be found here1.1 BackgroundARM GNU toolchain is a collection of executable software development tools for the Atmel ARM processors.These software development tools include:piler2.Assembler3.Linker4.Archiver5.File converter6.Other file utilities7. C Library8.Debugger4.1CompilerThe compiler is the GNU compiler collection, or GCC. This compiler is incredibly flexible and can be hosted on many platforms, it can target many different processors/operating systems(backends), and can be configuredfor multiple different languages (frontends).The GCC included is targeted for the ARM processor, and is configured to compile C, and C++.Because this GCC is targeted for the ARM, the main executable that is created is prefixed with the targetname: `arm-none-eabi-gcc`. It is also referred to as ARM GCC.`arm-none-eabi-gcc` is just a driver program. The compiler itself is called cc1.exe for C, or cc1plus.exe for C++. Also the preprocessor cpp.exe will usually automatically be prefixed with the target name arm-none-eabi-cpp.exe. The actual set of component programs called is usually derived from the suffix of each soruce codefile being processed.GCC compiles a high-level computer lanugage into assembly, and that is all. It cannot work alone. GCC iscoupled with another project, GNU Binutils, which provides the assembler, linker, librarian and more. SinceGCC is just a driver program, it can automatically call the assembler and linker directly to build the finalprogram.4.2Assembler, Linker, LibrarianGNU Binutils is a collection of binary utilities. This also includes the assembler,as. Sometimes you will see itreferenced as GNU as or gas. Binutils includes the linker, ld; the librarian or archiver, ar. There are many other programs included that provide various functionality.Binutils is configured for the ARM target and each of the programs is prefixed with the target name. So youhave programs such as:●arm-none-eabi-as: The GNU Assembler●arm-none-eabi-ld: The GNU Linker●arm-none-eabi-ar: The GNU Archiver, Create, modify, and extract from archives (libraries)●arm-none-eabi-ranlib:Generate index of archive (library) contents●arm-none-eabi-objcopy:Copy and translate object files●arm-none-eabi-objdump:Display information from object files including disassembly●arm-none-eabi-size:List section size, total size●arm-none-eabi-nm:List symbol from object files.●arm-none-eabi-strings:List printable strings from files●arm-none-eabi-strip:Discard symbols●arm-none-eabi-readelf:Display the contents of ELF file formats●arm-none-eabi-addr2line:Convert addresses to file and line●arm-none-eabi-c++filt:Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols●arm-none-eabi-gdb:Debugger to debug the targetSee the binutils user manual for more information on what each program can do.4.3 C LibraryNewlib is the Standard C Library for ARM GCC. Newlib is the C library intended for use on embedded systems.It is a conglomeration of sevaral library parts. The library is ported to support ARM processor.In addition to standard C library, newlib-nano also added to the toolchain package. Newlib-nano is newlibbranch optimized for code size by ARM (https:///open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm). To use newlib-nano, users should provide additional gcc link option "--specs=nano.specs". For more details, refer tothe readme from here1.4.4Debugging●The toolchain distribution ships the `arm-none-eabi-gdb` which can be used for debugging purposes.●Atmel Studio provides faclities to debug the executable produced by this toolchain. Note that `AtmelStudio` is currently free to the public, but it is not Open Source.4.5Source CodeThis toolchain is built using the source from ARM's gcc-arm-embedded project 6-2017-q2-update2 release. For Atmel's modification on source and build scripts, refer SOURCES.README from here3.1 https:///open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads3 and NoteworthyRead ARM's gcc-arm-embedded project 6-2017-q2-update1 release for updates and fixes. This section listsAtmel's modifications to that release.●Default debug information is set to DWARF-2, which is supported by Atmel software debugger tools.●Added object file wise memory usage details to map file. This shall be enabled using '--detailed-mem-usage' linker option.●Multilib for armv7-a architecture with float variants Neon-vfpv4 and vfpv4-d16 FPUs.Please read section "Architecture options usage" of gcc-arm-embedded project's readme (also available here)2 for more information about multilib selections. Please refer below table for Atmel's modification to armv7-amultilibs.Table 5-1.5.1Supported Architecturesarmv2armv5te armv6zk armv8-m.basearmv2a armv6armv7armv8-m.mainarmv3armv6-m armv7-a armv8-m.main+dsparmv3m armv6j armv7-m armv8.1-aarmv4armv6k armv7-r armv8.1-a+crcarmv4t armv6kz armv7e-m iwmmxtarmv5armv6s-m armv7ve iwmmxt2armv5e armv6t2armv8-a nativearmv5t armv6z armv8-a+crcRefer ARM-Options3 for more details about ARM architecture and processorsPlease refer Atmel Studio documentation for the supported Atmel ARM devices.1 https:///open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads2 https:///onlinedocs/gcc/ARM-Options.html6.Contact Information and Disclaimer6.1ContactFor support on Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain, visit design support1.Users of ARM GNU Toolchain are also welcome to discuss on the AT91SAM Community website2 forum.6.2DisclaimerAtmel ARM GNU toolchain is distributed free of charge for the purpose of developing applications for Atmel SAM devices. Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain comes without any warranty.1 /design-support/2 /Atmel Corporation1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200| © 2017 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: 42368A-MCU-07/2017Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities®, AVR®, tinyAVR®, XMEGA®, megaAVR® SAM®, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. Windows®, and others, are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in U.S. and or other countries. ARM®, Cortex® are registered trademark of ARM Holdings in U.K. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical。
GF-RK3399-Kit Android 用户手册说明书
GF-RK3399-Kit Android 用户手册版本号:V2.02021年04月浙江启扬智能科技有限公司版权所有QIYANG TECHNOLOGY Co., LtdCopyright Reserved版本更新记录有任何技术问题或需要帮助,请联系:*********************** 第3页 共34页 购买产品,请联系销售:********************更多信息请访问: 目 录目 录 ............................................................................................................................................. 3 阅读前须知:本手册主要介绍GF-RK3399-Kit 开发板Android7.1用户手册 .......................... 4 一、前言 . (4)公司简介 ................................................................................................................................... 4 二、上手教程 ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1、入手指南 .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.2、串口调试 .......................................................................................................................... 6 三、固件升级 ................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1、工作模式说明 ................................................................................................................ 10 3.2、固件说明 ........................................................................................................................ 12 3.3、固件烧写 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.4、网络MAC 地址烧写 ..................................................................................................... 17 四、Android 开发 .......................................................................................................................... 26 4.1、ADB 使用 ...................................................................................................................... 26 4.2、编译环境搭建 ................................................................................................................ 28 4.3、编译镜像 ........................................................................................................................ 29 4.4、烧写分区映像 ................................................................................................................ 31 4.5、制作统一固件 ................................................................................................................ 32 五、常见问题 (33)有任何技术问题或需要帮助,请联系:*********************** 第4页 共34页 购买产品,请联系销售:********************更多信息请访问: 阅读前须知:本手册主要介绍GF-RK3399-Kit 开发板Android7.1用户手册一、前言公司简介浙江启扬智能科技有限公司2007年成立于杭州, 是一家专注于ARM 嵌入式产品研发、生产与销售的国家高新技术企业。
一般的板子除了集成型的CPU之外,最少需要一个输入及输出的界面、供下载影像文件(ROM image)的接口、内存(RAM)、FlashROM、电源模块等。
[编辑本段]二.常见的PC机主板的分类1.单片机:1)51系列单片机51 单片机目前已有多种型号, 8031/8051/8751是Intel公司早期的产品,而ATMEL 公司的AT89C51、AT89S52则更实用。
S3C44B0 学习板使用指南重庆勤智科技有限公司三星公司推出的 16/32 位 RISC 处理器 S3C44B0X 为手持设备和一般类型的提供了一种高性能低成本的解决方案。
为了降低整个系统的成本,S3C44B0X 内部集成了丰富的片内外设,包括:8K 的 cache,可选的片内 SRAM,LCD 控制器,带有握手信号的双同道 UART,4 同道 DMA,系统管理器(片选逻辑,FP/EDO/SDRAM 控制器),带有PWM 功能的 5 通道定时器,I/O 端口,RTC 实时时钟,8 通道 10 位 ADC,IIC、IIS 总线接口,同步 SIO 接口以及用于时钟管理的PLL 锁相环。
S3C44B0X 采用了 ARM7TDMI 内核,0.25um 标准宏单元和存储编译器。
TDMI 的每一个字母代表一种功能: T(Thumb),支持 16 为压缩指令集 Thumb D(Debug),支持片上 Debug M(Multiplier),内嵌硬件乘法器 I(ICE):嵌入式 ICE,支持片上断点和调试点S3C44B0X 极低的功耗以及简单,只能的全静态设计使其非常适合对成本和功耗敏感的项目。
同时S3C44B0X 还采用了一种新的总线结构,即 SAMBAII(三星 ARM CPU 嵌入式微处理器总线结构)S3C44B0X 通过集成全面、通用的片内外设,大大减少了系统电路中除处理器外的器件需求,从而最小化系统成本。
下列是其集成的边内外设: 外部存储器控制器(FP/EDO/SDRAM 控制器,片选逻辑)控制器(最大支持 256 色 STN,LCD 具有一个专用的 DMA 通道) LCD个通用 DMA 通道,2 个外设 DMA 通道并有片外请求管脚 2个 UART,带有握手协议(支持 irDA1.0,具有 16 字节 FIFO)1 通道 SIO 2多主总线接口 IIC总线控制器 IIS个 PWM 定制器和 1 通道内部定时器 5 看门狗定时器个通用 I/O 口,作多支持 8 各片外中断源 71 功耗管理:普通,慢速,空闲和停止模式 8 通道 10 位 ADC 具有日立功能的 RTC 带 PLL 的片内时钟发生器使用 S3C44B0X 来构建系统,能够降低真个系统的成本,我们列举以下一些可以采用 S3C44B0X 构建系统应用: GPS 电话 PDA(个人数字助理) 掌上游戏机 指纹识别系统 终端汽车导航系统 mp3 等手持应用一、 S3C44B0 学习板简介S3C44B0 开发板是依据三星公司评估板的基础上开发而来, 其主要硬件包括:内核)(ARM7 Samsung66MHzS3C44B0XFlash 8M 2M SDRAMBase-T以太网接口 10M IDE 接口设备接口 USB1.1 IIC 总线接口实时时钟 RTC LCD 接口,支持 640×480 以下单色或 320×240 以下 STN/DSTN 256 色 2 个 RS232 UART 串行口,支持 Modem 握手信号 标准 14 针 JTAG 接口键盘,1×3 LED 灯 1×4 可扩展总线接口同时,本开发板提供完善的开发包和各种硬件测试程序(含源码),以帮助客户快速掌握 S3C44B0 的各种片内外设以及扩展接口的使用方法: ADS1.2 IDE, ARM 程序开发集成环境 GNU 工具包(包括交叉编译器、链接、汇编工具) uClinux 源码包 U-Boot1.1.1(BOIS)启动控制程序(含源码) 应用程序代码 相关技术文档,手册 键盘控制 LED 试验 实时时钟演示 IIC 测试程序 PWM 测试程序 uCOS-II 实时操作系统加载试验下图是 S3C44B0 的开发板图,我们在这里可以看到使用的板子的各种外围芯片,外设以及各种接口。
Lab-Volt 迪赫 ARM 开发板基础包 A 说明书
Lab-Volt Inc.48004 Standard ARM starter packA ideal platform for 32 bit microcontroller programming E-blocks™ are small circuit boards each of which contains a block of electronics that you would typically find in an electronic system. Each E-block performs a separate function as either an input sub-system, an output sub-system, or a processing sub-system. The E-blocks deluxe ARM starter pack contains a range of E-blocks boards that can be snapped together to form a wide number of electronic systems: from a simple light chaser to an infrared communication based on the IrDA protocol. The deluxe starter kit which includes an ARM microcontroller programmer, switch and LED boards, display boards – both quad 7-segment and LCD – prototyping boards, and D/A and memory board. This kit can be extended by adding further items from our range of E-blocks boards and sensors. Once your system is built from E-blocks you can mount it on the metal backplane supplied with the kit. The resulting system can then be screwed down – for those who require a permanently built system to work from – or can be easily dismantled ready for subsequent projects and investigations. The E-blocks leads and accessories are shipped in a rugged plastic tray, which is convenient for storage and transport between labs. The ARM device used is the Atmel AT91SAM7S128 based on the ARM 7 core. This is a 32 bit flash RISC device (programmed by USB) with an internal 32 x 8 multiplier and many internal peripherals including USART, SPI, TWI and SSC serial communication, 10-bit ADC, USB and PWM outputs. The ARM microcontroller is mounted on a small daughter board, which makes it suitable for project work.A complete course in programming the ARMmicrocontroller in C (including IDE and C compiler) will be available December 2005.• A flexible solution for training and projectwork • Facilitates rapid product development• Includes an ARM microcontroller programmer • Includes mounting platform, screws and bolts • Can be used for a wide variety of projects A CD ROM on programming the ARM using C is also available.Customer Product Sheet This package contains:Tray 1:Qty Description Check1 E-blocks backplane - tray compatible1 E-blocks sensor interface1 E-Blocks LED board1 E-Blocks LCD board1 E-Blocks Switch board1 E-Blocks Quad 7-segment display1 E-blocks D/A and memory board1 E-Blocks Prototype board1 ARM E-blocks board1 Pack of 100 M3 10mm nylon spacers1 Pack of 100 M3 25mm steel bolts1 Pack of 100 M3 anti-slip nuts1 Pack of 100 M3 12mm pan head screws1 E-blocks IDC cable1 E-blocks LED board cover1 E-blocks LCD board cover1 E-blocks switch board cover1 E-blocks 7-seg. Display cover1 E-blocks SPI board cover1 E-blocks publicity sheet1 Mini CD-ROM1 Shallow plastic tray1 Foam insert for trays1 Lid for plastic trays1 Cardboard box for trays1 UK style PSU adaptor1 Adjustable power supply1 USB leadAt the time of going to print, curriculum and test programs for most E-blocks are available at . You can use these test programs to verify the operation of each E-block, although these have already been tested in the factory. Item 48004 is a Standard ARM Starter Pack built from E-blocks. It includes the items shown in the table. Please check that you have these items. This product has been tested before dispatch.Where to find more informationThis product is supplied with a manual, which contains information on getting started with your system.A CD is provided with relevant information for the product. It is in the E-blocks directory, which includes the following documents:• Installation guide.doc• Getting started with E-Blocks.pdf• And datasheets of all the items listed above.For full up-to-date datasheets, documentation, FAQ’s and software updates, please visit/eblocks using the following user name and password: User name: eblocksPassword: HalifaxYou will now have access to the up-to-date information that you require.。
关于Atmel ARM9的EBI(外部总线接口)地址
关于Atmel ARM9的EBI(外部总线接口)地址小弟用的是AT91SAM9260,其datasheet上说EBI存储空间分为8个区域,每个区域256 Bytes,分别用不同的片选信号选择。
因此EBI总的寻址空间为256MB*8=2GB,按理说应该需要31根地址线(2^31=2G),但是AT91SAM9260的地址线只有26根(A0~A25),这怎么理解呢?26根(A0~A25) 64M可寻址数据线D0~D31 每个bank,可访问64M x 32Bits=64M x 4 x 8Bits= 256M x 8Bits = 256MB EBI存储空间分为8个区域,可实现8个bank,256MB x 8 = 2GB谢谢楼上的大侠。
S3C2410外部寻址空间是1GB(其他3GB的空间都预留给处理器内部的寄存器和其他设备),这1GB分为8个bank,每个bank 128MB。
按照您的算法:27根(A0~A26) 128M可寻址数据线 D0~D31每个bank,可访问128M*32Bits=128M*4*8Bits=512MBEBI存储空间分为8个区域,可实现8个bank,512MB x 8 = 4GB(结果大于1GB)这该怎么解释呢?26根(A0~A25) 64M可寻址数据线D0~D31 每个bank,可访问64M x 32Bits=64M x 4 BYTE= 256MBYTEEBI存储空间分为8个区域,可实现8个bank,256MB x 8 = 2GB一个片选管理的是一段空间,不是一个单元对于8位是64M×8对于16位是128M×16对于32位是256M×32。
Atmel SAM D09 D10 D11 ARM Cortex-M0+ 基于的微控制器入门指南说明
SMART ARM-based Microcontrollers AT06467: Getting started with SAM D09/D10/D11APPLICATION NOTEFeatures•Getting started with Atmel® | SMART SAM D09/D10/D11microcontrollers and tools•Getting started with SAM D11 Xplained PRO, SAM D10 Xplained Mini, and Atmel Studio 6.2DescriptionThis application note helps the readers to get started with the Atmel SAMD09/D10/D11 ARM® Cortex®-M0+ based microcontroller.Table of Contents Features (1)Description (1)1.Getting the Device Datasheet (3)2.SAM D Evaluation Platform (4)2.1.SAM D11 Xplained Pro (4)2.2.SAM D10 Xplained Mini (5)2.3.SAM D09 On-board (7)3.Get the Tools (8)3.1.Get Atmel Studio 6.2 (8)3.2.Get IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (8)3.3.Get Atmel Software Framework (ASF) (8)4.Atmel Studio 6.2 Users Getting Started (9)4.1.Getting Started with SAM D11 Xplained Pro (9)4.2.Getting Started with SAM D10 Xplained Mini (10)4.3.Getting Started with SAM D09 (12)5.What’s next? (15)6.Revision History (16)1. Getting the Device DatasheetWeb page:/products/microcontrollers/arm/sam-d.aspx?tab=overview•Document: Atmel SAM D11 Datasheet (summary, complete) (.pdf)•Document: Atmel SAM D10 Datasheet (summary, complete) (.pdf)•Document: Atmel SAM D09 Datasheet (summary, complete) (.pdf)•Select the required device (e.g. ATSAMD11D14A) and get the latest datasheet (.pdf file)•Two versions of the datasheet are available:–Complete version (includes all peripheral descriptions and electrical characteristics)–Summary version (includes ordering information, pinout, and packaging information)2. SAM D Evaluation PlatformThe following development boards are available for evaluation of SAM D11/D10 devices:1.SAM D11 Xplained Pro.2.SAM D10 Xplained Mini.2.1. SAM D11 Xplained ProThe Atmel SAM D11 Xplained Pro evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the ATSAMD11D14A MCU. Supported by the Atmel Studio integrated development platform, the kit provides easy access tothe features of the Atmel ATSAMD11D14A and explains the steps to integrate the device in a customdesign.The Xplained Pro MCU series evaluation kits include an on-board Embedded Debugger. No external tools are required to program or debug the ATSAMD11D14A.The Xplained Pro extension kits offers additional peripherals to extend the features of the board and ease the development of custom designs.Figure 2-1 SAMD11 Xplained ProWeb page:/products/microcontrollers/arm/sam-d.aspx?tab=toolsGet the kit:/buy/Document/file:•Atmel-42349-SAMD11-Xplained-Pro_User-Guide.pdfKey features:•SAMD11D14A microcontroller•One mechanical reset button•One mechanical programmable button (SW0)•One yellow user LED (LED0)•USB device interface function•Two QTouch buttons•32.768kHz crystal•Standard Cortex Debug connector•One Xplained Pro extension headers (EXT1)•USB powered•Supported with application examples in Atmel Software Framework•Embedded Debugger•–Auto ID for board identification in Atmel Studio 6.2 or later–One yellow status LED–One green board power LED–Symbolic debug of complex data types including scope information–Programming–Data Gateway Interface: USART, TWI, four GPIOs–Virtual COM port (CDC)The SAM D11 Xplained Pro User Guide application note covers the instructions to power the kit, thedetailed information of the on board components, extension interface and the hardware guide.2.2. SAM D10 Xplained MiniThe ATSAMD10 Xplained Mini evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the Atmel ATSAMD10 MCU. The evaluation kit comes with a fully integrated debugger that provides seamless integration with Atmel Studio 6.2 (or later). The kit provides access to the features of the ATSAMD10 enabling easyintegration of the device in a custom design.Figure 2-2 SAMD10 Xplained MiniWeb page:/products/microcontrollers/arm/sam-d.aspx?tab=tools Get the kit:/buy/Document/file:•Atmel-42387-ATSAMD10-Xplain-Mini_User-Guide.pdfKey features:•ATSAMD10D14AM microcontroller•One mechanical programmable button•One QTouch button•One yellow user LED•The external 8MHz clock to ATSAMD10 (Target)•Standard Cortex Debug connector•One Xplained Mini extension headers (EXT1)•USB powered•Supported with application examples in Atmel Software Framework •Embedded Debugger–Auto ID for board identification in Atmel Studio 6.2 or later–One green status LED–Symbolic debug of complex data types including scope information –Programming–Data Gateway Interface: USART, TWI, four GPIOs–Virtual COM port (CDC)The SAM D10 Xplained Mini User Guide application note covers the steps to power the kit, the detailed information of the on board components, extension interface, and the hardware guide.2.3. SAM D09 On-boardEvaluation of SAM D09 can be performed using the SAM D10 Xplained Mini board and testing can be performed on custom hardware. Steps start with evaluation of SAM D09 using a custom board isexplained in later part of this document.3. Get the ToolsAtmel Studio 6.2 is the preferred IDE to get started with the SAM D09/D10/D11 devices and GCCcompiler. Atmel Software Framework (ASF) provides SAM D09/D10/D11 peripheral drivers. Example projects are available in ASF for easy evaluation SAM D10/D11 MCU families. IAR™ compiler issupported as well.3.1. Get Atmel Studio 6.2Web page:/atmelstudioDocument/file: Atmel Studio 6.2 installer (.exe)Atmel Studio 6.2 is the IDE for developing and debugging firmware for the SAM D09/D10/D11Microcontroller.3.2. Get IAR Embedded Workbench for ARMWeb page:/en/Products/IAR-Embedded-Workbench/ARM/Document/file:IAR installer for ARM.Get SAM D11 Xplained Pro Embedded Debugger Software (Segger J-Link):Web page:/jlink-software.htmlDocument/file:J-Link software.This software is required to use the SAM D11 Xplained Pro embedded debugger with IAR IDE.3.3. Get Atmel Software Framework (ASF)Web page:/tools/avrsoftwareframework.aspxDocument/file:•ASF update for Atmel Studio (.vsix) from ASF web page•ASF update through Atmel Gallery https:///•ASF update through Tools > Extension Manager from Atmel Studio•ASF standalone package for GCC makefile and IAR users•Atmel AVR4029: Atmel Software Framework - User Guide•Atmel AVR4030: Atmel Software Framework - Reference ManualThe ASF online documentation for the API and example usage are available at .4. Atmel Studio 6.2 Users Getting Started4.1. Getting Started with SAM D11 Xplained ProRequirements:•Atmel Studio 6.2 or later•ASF version 3.27 or later•SAM D11 Xplained Pro board connected to Atmel Studio 6.2 through the embedded debugger USB connector. The kit is powered by the USB.Getting startedunch Atmel Studio 6.2.2.Connect the SAM D11 Xplained Pro board to the PC using a USB cable.3. A page on SAM D11 Xplained Pro description will open in Atmel Studio.4.This page contains external link to Device Technical Documentation, Datasheet, Kit user guide, andKit specific details, serial number, target name, etc. Also, there will be an option to open ASFexample projects.5.Go to File > New Example Project > select the device family and filter it to relevant examples.6.Select the project LED Toggle Application, press OK, and accept the license agreement.Figure 4-1 SAM D11 New ASF Example Project Window7.Open project properties (Project > Properties or shortcut Alt+f7).8.In Tool view (Tools > Device Programming), set the configurations – Tool (EDBG), and Interface(SWD).Figure 4-2 SAM D11 Tool Selection Window9.Build the project: Build > Build solution or shortcut F7.10.To load the code in the SAM D11 Xplained Pro and debug, select Debug > Start debugging andbreak (shortcut Alt + F5).11.The application is programmed and the debugger breaks in main.12.To run the code, select Debug > Continue (shortcut F5).4.2. Getting Started with SAM D10 Xplained MiniWeb page:•Atmel Studio 6.2 or later•ASF version 3.27 or later•SAM D10 Xplained Mini board connected to Atmel Studio 6.2 through the embedded debugger USB connector. The kit will be powered by the USB.Getting startedunch Atmel Studio 6.2 application.2.Connect the SAM D10 Xplained Mini board to the PC using a USB cable.3. A page on SAM D10 Xplained Mini description will open in Atmel Studio.4.This page contains external link to Device Technical Documentation, Datasheet, Kit user guide, andKit specific details, serial number, target name, etc. There is an option to open ASF exampleprojects.5.Go to, File > New Example Project > select the device family and filter it to relevant examples.6.Select the project “LED Toggle Application”, press OK and accept the license agreement. Theproject will be created and opened.Figure 4-3 SAM D10 New ASF Example Project Window7.Open project properties (Project > Properties or shortcut Alt+f7).8.In Tool view (Tools > Device Programming), set the configurations – Tool (mEDBG), and Interface(SWD).Figure 4-4 SAM D10 Tool Selection Window9.Build the project: Build > Build solution or shortcut F7.10.To load the code in the SAM D10 Xplained Mini and debug, select Debug > Start debugging andbreak (shortcut Alt + F5).11.The application is programmed and the debugger breaks in main.12.To run the code, select Debug > Continue (shortcut F5).4.3. Getting Started with SAM D09Due to the functional compatibility of the architecture and peripherals, SAM D10 firmware can be used for SAM D09 with limited or no change.Requirements•Custom board with SAM D09 device mounted. Refer Device datasheet for more details on “Schematics and Programming ports”.•Atmel Studio 6.2 or later•ASF version 3.27 or later•Atmel ICE Debugger to program/debug the deviceGetting Startedunch Atmel Studio 6.2. Go to File > New Project > GCC C Executable Project.Figure 4-5 SAM D09 New Project Window2.Select the device as ATSAMD09D14A from Device Selection window.Figure 4-6 SAM D09 Device Selection Window3.Go to Solution Explorer > main.c file and add the below code snippet to the main() main(void){SystemInit();PM->APBBMASK.reg |= PM_APBBMASK_PORT;PORT->Group[0].OUTSET.reg = PORT_PA09;PORT->Group[0].DIRSET.reg = PORT_PA09;while (1){PORT->Group[0].OUTTGL.reg = PORT_PA09;}}4.Connect Atmel ICE debugger to ATSAMD09D14A available on the target board through SWGinterface. Refer the User Guide of Atmel ICE for more details on debugging a target board.5.In Tool view (Tools > Device Programming), set the configurations – Tool (Atmel-ICE), andInterface (SWD).6.Build the project: Build > Build solution or shortcut F7.7.To load the code and debug, select Debug > Start debugging and break (shortcut Alt + F5).8.The application is programmed and the debugger breaks in main(). To run the code, select Debug> Continue (shortcut F5).Figure 4-7 SAM D09 Device Programming Window9.The code snippet is supposed to toggle PortA pin 9 (PA09) at approximately 50kHz. This can beverified by probing the pin using an oscilloscope.10.The snapshot of waveform captured through oscilloscope is as follows:Figure 4-8 Pin Toggle Output Waveform5. What’s next?•Atmel Studio videos: /atmelstudio•Atmel Studio help: Help > View Help (Ctrl+F1)•ASF Getting Started: /asf•ASF online documentation: •ASF Reference manual: •Technical Documentation for various products:/webdoc/6. Revision HistoryAtmel Corporation1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200| © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-42362B-Getting-Started-with-SAM-D09-D10-D11_AT06467_Application Note-11/2015Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities®, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. ARM®, ARM Connected®logo, and others are the registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life support devices and systems, equipment or systems for the。
Almel AT91SAM7S64 AT91 ARM Thumb 微处理器 说明书
特点Array•集成了ARM7TDMI® ARM® Thumb®处理器–高性能的32位RISC架构–高密度的16位指令集–性能/功耗(MIPS/Watt)的领先者–嵌入式ICE电路仿真,支持调试通讯•64K字节的片内高速Flash存储器,共512页,每页128字节–在最坏的条件下可以30 MHz的速度进行单时钟周期访问,预取(Prefetch)缓冲器可以实现Thumb指令的优化,使处理器以最快的速度执行指令–页编程时间为4 ms,包括页自动擦除,全片擦除时间为10 ms–10,000次的写寿命,10年数据保持能力,扇区锁定功能,Flash安全锁定位–适合量产的快速Flash编程接口•16K字节的片内高速SRAM,可以在最高时钟速度下进行单时钟周期访问操作•存储器控制器(MC)–嵌入式Flash控制器,异常中断(Abort)状态及未对齐(Misalignment)检测•复位控制器 (RSTC)–上电复位和经过工厂标定的掉电检测–提供复位源信息以及给外部电路使用的复位信号•时钟发生器(CKGR)– 低耗RC 振荡器,3 到20MHz 的片上振荡器和一个PLL•电源管理控制器(PMC)–可以通过软件进行电源优化,包括慢速时钟模式(低至500 Hz)和空闲(Idle)模式–三个可编程的外部时钟信号•先进的中断控制器(AIC)–可以单独屏蔽的、具有8个优先级的向量式中断源–两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,可以防止虚假(spurious)中断•调试单元(DBGU)–2线UART,支持调试通讯通道中断;可通过程序来禁止通过ICE进行访问•周期性间隔定时器(PIT)–20位可编程的计数器,加上12位的间隔计数器•时间窗看门狗(WDT)–12位受预设值(key)保护的可编程计数器–为系统提供复位或中断信号–当处理器处于调试状态或空闲模式时可以停止计数器•实时定时器(RTT)–32位自由运行的具有报警功能的计数器–时钟来源于片内RC振荡器•一个并行输入/输出控制器(PIOA)–32个可编程的复用I/O,每个I/O最多可以支持两个外设功能–输入电平改变时,每个I/O都可以产生中断–可以独立编程为开漏输出、使能上拉电阻以及同步输出•11个外设数据控制器(PDC)通道•一个USB 2.0全速(12 Mbps)设备端口–片上收发器,328字节可编程的FIFO•一个同步串行控制器(SSC)–每个接收器和发送器都具有独立的时钟和帧同步信号–支持I²S,支持时分多址–支持32位数据传输的高速连续数据流功能•两个通用的同步/异步收发器(USART)–独立的波特率发生器,IrDA红外调制/解调–支持ISO7816 T0/T1智能卡,硬件握手信号,支持RS485–USART1支持全功能的调制解调器信号•主/从串行外设接口(SPI)–8到16位可编程的数据长度,4个片选线•一个3通道的16位定时器/计数器(TC)–3个外部时钟输入端,每个通道有两个多功能I/O引脚–倍速PWM发生功能,捕捉/波形模式,递增/递减计数2AT91SAM7S64 Preliminary6070A–ATARM–07-Jun-05•一个4通道的16位PWM 控制器(PWMC)•一个两线接口(TWI)–只支持主机模式,支持所有的Atmel 两线EEPROM•一个8通道的10位模数转换器,其中4个通道与数字I/O 复用•IEEE 1149.1 JTAG 边界扫描支持所有的数字引脚•5V 兼容的I/O ,包括4个高达16 mA 的大电流驱动I/O •电源–片上1.8V 电压调节器,可以为内核及外部元件提供高达100 mA 的电流–为I/O 口线提供电源的3.3V VDDIO ,以及独立的为Flash 供电的3.3V VDDFLASH –内核电源为1.8V VDDCORE ,并具有掉电检测(BoD )功能•全静态操作:极限条件下(1.65V ,85°C )高达55 MHz •封装为64脚的LQFP描述AT91SAM7S64是Atmel 32位ARM RISC 处理器小引脚数Flash 微处理器家族的一员。
Atmel Studio 6.2开发环境的搭建和使用
点击绿色的小三角图标(Starting Debugging)开始调试。
安装完成以后,点击图标打开Atmel Studio 6.2(如图2-2所示)
简单3步就可以实现对Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro的开发:
1.下载并安装Atmel Studio
2.打开Atmel Studio
Atmel Studio 6.2开发环境的搭建和使用
二、主要特性1. 内核:AVR增强型RISC结构,最高工作频率为16MHz。
2. 存储:16KB的程序存储器(Flash)、512B的EEPROM和1KB 的SRAM。
3. 外设接口:32个通用I/O口、8个通道的10位ADC、2个8位定时器/计数器、1个16位定时器/计数器、1个串行通信接口(USART)、1个串行外设接口(SPI)和1个两线接口(TWI)。
4. 工作电压:2.7V至5.5V,支持低功耗模式。
5. 封装:采用TQFP和PDIP封装,便于嵌入式系统设计。
三、引脚功能1. VCC:电源正极,接2.7V至5.5V电压。
2. GND:电源负极,接地。
3. PA0PA7:端口A,具有通用I/O、模拟输入和外围设备功能。
4. PB0PB7:端口B,具有通用I/O、JTAG接口和外围设备功能。
5. PC0PC7:端口C,具有通用I/O、模拟输入和外围设备功能。
6. PD0PD7:端口D,具有通用I/O和外围设备功能。
7. XTAL1/XTAL2:晶振输入/输出,用于外部晶振或陶瓷谐振器。
8. AVCC:模拟电源,为ADC和模拟电路提供电源。
四、编程与开发1. 编程语言:支持C语言和汇编语言编程。
2. 开发工具:可使用Atmel Studio、AVR Studio等集成开发环境进行程序编写、编译和调试。
3. 烧录方式:通过ISP、JTAG、HVPP等接口进行程序烧录。
熟悉了EITP 平台的使用。
作品设计 (2)一、项目背景 (1)概述 (1)2、作品简介 (1)二、方案设计 (1)1、总体设计方案 (1)2、系统模块设计方案 (2)2.1 主控模块: (2)和按键模块: (2)显示模块 (3)步进电机模块 (4)、系统总体结构 (4)三、原理阐述与分析 (5)1、系统主程序分析 (5)2、功能分析 (6)电源模块电路图 (6)2.2 LED电路原理图 (7)继电器模块图 (7)蜂鸣器模块图 (8)数码管电路控制原理图 (8)键盘电路原理 (9)步进电机驱动原理图 (9)2.8 复位电路原理图 (10)四、运行与测试 (10)1.硬件相关设置 (10)2.操作步骤 (10)五、常见故障排除 (11)1、常见故障排除 (11)2、常见故障排除 (11)3、常见故障排除 (11)4、常见故障排除 (11)5、常见故障排除 (11)六、总结 (11)七、参考文献 (12)八、附录 (12)附录一:系统框图 (12)附录二:C8051F020处理器内部结构 (13)一、项目背景概述1.熟悉EITp平台的使用2.了解I2C总线的配置和工作原理3.了解CH452芯片的工作原理并能操作数码管和按键4.掌握LCD液晶的显示原理5.掌握GBK字库操作方法6.掌握SD卡以及文件系统操作方法2、作品简介本作品主要是通过按键控制数码管的显示,LED灯的亮灭和蜂鸣器的工作,通过液晶显示屏显示我们要显示的文字.二、方案设计1、总体设计方案系统主要由主控板、按键、led、蜂鸣器、液晶显示显示五大部分组成。
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Page 12
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Image Transfer Principle
SRAM Flash
4-layer AHB Matrix
• • •
Linux Android Windows Embedded
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/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Current version supports 2.6.30
• •
Support for all SAM9 embedded MPUs Support for all peripherals, except crypto engine. Pending lead customer identification to justify the investment Addition of SAM9 5-series • Beta release for the SAM9X25 available to lead customers now others following shortly
PSRAM as External Memory for Data Storage
Lower cost structure Also lower power vs. SDRAM/SRAM
SAM3S PIOs Parallel Capture Mode
No CPU involvement CPU in sleep mode during data transfer DMA from IOs to external memory
Peripheral Bridge
CMOS sensor OV7740
Peripheral DMA Controller APB
Programmable Clock Controller Prescaler 1/, /2, ./64
Software encoding of camera image in H263 – MPEG4 3GP QVGA
Boot from SDCard Multi-Touch support
Check /Android4SAM
using H&D Wireless SDIO module
• • •
Evaluation Kits Reference Designs/Systems Software
Reiner Zieglmeier
Page 1
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Excellent Ecosystem
Third Parties Development Tools
CMOS Sensor
Using low cost and low power CMOS sensor from Omnivision OV7740 Supporting up to VGA, 60 fps CMOS sensor configuration through standard I²C interface
EBI Button (Tamper)
Page 10
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Wireless Support
The PIR camera reference design supports
802.15.4 stack Zigbee Pro stack Stack running on SAM3S
AT91SAM Software Package
Complete Firmware Library in C Standard ANSI-C Device description files Startup code Interrupt handling Basic peripherals (Timer, PIO, UART) Peripheral Initialization code Peripheral mode usage
LCD board
• 5’’ WVGA
CPU Module
• 1 per derivative
Base board
Available in May • Atmel only delivers complete kit • CPU modules available separately from Cogent (US), Embest (Asia), Ronetix (EU)
• •
Hotline support directly from Atmel WEB links for downloads and background information
• •
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/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
PIR sensor
CMOS sensor
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/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
SAM3S Features
Cortex-M3 MCU running up to 64 MHz PIO parallel capture mode enabling DMA Extended supply 1.62-3.6V 5 low power modes Data retention mode down to 8µA Backup mode down to 1.9µA Native Capacitive Touch support 48-, 64- and 100-pin packages
Getting Started
Free from Atmel web
Basic software examples
USB Framework AT91 Bootstrap
Page 14
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Operating Systems
Using an Atmel add-on RZ600 transceiver board
Page 11
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
Image Capture Headlines
Picture for PIR Camera
Black & white or color Up to VGA support (QVGA implemented in the demo)
Display pictures using http server
Page 7
/ Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential
SAM3S - PIR Camera
Motion detection mode demo
Passive InfraRed Reference Design (PIRRD) for SAM3S Motion Detector Camera
Support for 2.6.35 or 36 is planned for 1Q11
Increase activity of the Linux community on Atmel platforms
• • • •
Provide financial support to the maintainer Outsource developments to Linux experts Make the SAM9 5-series modules become the preferred development platforms in the community Invite FAEs with Linux expertise to submit patches
SPI AT86RF231 AT86RF212
ADC 12-bit or Analog Comparator
JTAG JTAG Connector
CMOS Sensor Omnivision OV7740
For debug and demo
Power-down SMC LCD 320x 240 Backlight Touch screen
Atmel QTouch Library
Atmel QTouch Studio
PCB Design Altium Designer
Page 4 / Copyright 2010 Atmel Confidential