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Unit 1
Marketi ng
She can't lend him her no tes right now and he'd better attend the lecture
To look at pretty girls.
Neither works hard
The teachi ng is very practical.
They won't play computer games
He used his spare time to memorize new terms Having a certain period of time every day for study ing
One who likes asking questions for a full un dersta nding.
Secrets of successful stude nts
The developme nt of Harvard Un iversity
It was not dom in ated by a sin gle religious group. Promoti ng the uni versity's research
All of the above
Unit 2
Even scientists cannot understand El Ni? o.
Both the man and the woman think positively about it.
To grow trees.
To treat old electrical applia nces safely.
The woma n should not use an aerosol spray.
The causes of river polluti on
Because nitrate and phosphate in the water in crease.
Pois oning.
It preve nts oxyge n from en teri ng the water. Lack of oxyge n
Cutt ing carb on dioxide emissi ons: Chin a's achieveme nts and problems.
More tha n 70 millio n
Chi na's in vestme nt was almost twice as large as the Uni ted States'.
Caus ing more strikes.
It can move halfway around the world in a week Evaporati on from the ocea n
It cools the land and ocea ns.
Because the Asia n populati on will in crease a lot. The causes and results of a cloud of polluti on.
Unit 3
They are modest.
They ear n less tha n men.
He succeeded in his career though he did not complete his educati on
The man admires en trepre neurs but the woma n does not.
We should ack no wledge differe nces betwee n stude nts.
Various aspects of America n competiti on
Readi ng an article on America n competiti on Competitive ness.
Competition exists among both Asian and America n stude nts
It's difficult to arrive at a definite conclusion
They are pun ctual for bus in ess meeti ngs, but less so for social eve nts
The U.K.
They are patriotic.
You should know your con tacts well.
He is n eutral to all of them.
They call ahead to inform others of their delays. They cha nge it only whe n there is an emerge ncy. Relati on ships are more importa nt tha n schedules.
Ano ther opport unity will come in the n ext cycle. It is part of life.
We do have pers onal space though it is in visible.
When our space is invaded, we simply react viole ntly. False
Cultures that stress in dividualism ofte n dema nd more space tha n collective cultures do. True
Mexica ns and America ns treat pers onal space in a similar way since Mexico is close to the United States. False
In some Asian countries workers do not stand n ear their bosses because they fear their bosses. F
Unit 4
She does n't want the family to break up
The manager sends flowers to celebrate the couple's anni versary.
In a kitche n.
The boy's pare nts have divorced.
Many wome n would be happy to be rid of their husba nds.
On weekends, Australian fathers spend only about