

大学英语精读1 第三版 课本学习知识英汉对照

大学英语精读1  第三版  课本学习知识英汉对照

UNIT 1As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。

Some Strategies for Learning EnglishLearning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.学习英语绝非易事。


Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。


1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。

外教社大学英语精读第三册 unit6 原文+翻译

外教社大学英语精读第三册 unit6 原文+翻译

Unit 6一、课文The small boy's illness seemed not too serious. Yet he was clearly very worried about something. Whatever was it?小男孩的病似乎并不太重。


究竟是什么事呢?A Day's Wait Ernest HemingwayHe came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill. He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move.一天的等待欧内斯特·海明威他走进我们房间关窗户的时候,我们还未起床。


"What's the matter, Schatz?" “你怎么啦,宝贝?”"I've got a headache." “我头痛。

”"You better go back to bed." “你最好回床上去睡。

”"No. I'm all right." “不,我没啥病。

”"You go to bed. I'll see you when I'm dressed." “你先去睡。


”But when I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting by the fire, looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years. When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever.可是当我来到楼下时,他已穿好衣服,坐在火炉旁。


A surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed,without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles in school and on the job. The need for some research-writing ability is felt nearly equally by college students inall fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities. Graduate study often makes great demands on the student's research-writing skills, and most professions continue the demand; education, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthro



do quite a few in-depth research projects.• She resisted the temptation to laugh.noun + verb• An opportunity arose for me to work in China, so I went and spent a year there.•People feel educational standards slipped when the government cut finances.noun + noun•James has been a team leader / member / player, and he is now able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work.•Their demanding work schedule means they have less time to devote to school assignments. adjective + noun•And they reported lower levels of commitment to school and more modest educational aspirations.•This is not an empty threat; I will call the police if this happens again!verb + adverb• She smiled proudly as she looked at the photos of her new grandson.•I don’t like to travel with my brother because he drives carelessly.adverb + verb• I fully understand that there will be serious problems when doing this project.•You may respectfully listen to their advice, but don’t take it too seriously.In this unit about working part-time while studying, we have come across quite a few useful grammatical collocations, mainly in the patterns of “adjective + noun” and “noun + noun”.Please take a look at the following list of collocations in this unit:Text Astudent achievement, school performance, school engagement, heavy commitment, academicyear, school achievement, school commitment, educational aspirations, school careers, working students, school assignments, non-working students Text Bhigher education, undergraduate student, wealthy students, educational performance, formal education, educational funding, educational benefits PART IIKEY TO EXERCISESSECTION A111) A teaching assistant in kindergarten or a tutor2) A cashier in a store3) A waiter in a restaurant4) A car cleaner2 • I would like to work as a teaching assistantin kindergarten. I really enjoy spending timewith small children and I am thinking ofworking as a teacher in kindergarten in thefuture. So working as a teaching assistantwould definitely be a great experience for me.• I would like to work in a company, whetherbig or small, because in the future I plan toestablish my own business. Working part-time in a company would give me some ideaof what it is like to work in a company, howa company is run, and what job a boss shoulddo.210 Third Edition2In my opinion, the most important advantages of doing part-time jobs are: gaining work experience, acquiring communicative skills, and building connections for future career. In doing part-time jobs, especially those jobs which are related to my field of study, I can build up my work experience and enrich my resume. Besides, in working, I may have to communicate with different kinds of people, soit can help develop my communicative skills, which are essential to success. And in getting to know some important people in the workplace, I can build some contacts for my future career.Understanding the text11To measure the impact of employment on student achievement.2According to the research, a heavy commitment to part-time work undermines and significantly interferes with school achievement andcommitment.3About 10 hours per week or less.4Students become interested in study again.5Students may take easier classes, copyothers’ assignments, cut class, or refuse todo assignments, and over time, students’commitment to school is eroded bit by bit.6Students may find school less rewarding and interesting, and it is highly possible that thosewho have been working long hours will dropout of school before graduation.7Because teenagers working long hours frequently have more money to spend than their peers,and they often become used to spending theirearnings on drugs and alcohol.8Doing part-time jobs while studying isacceptable, but students should work nomore than 10 hours a week if they want to besuccessful in school. Critical thinking21 • Yes, I think early employment can definitelybuild character because besides study,you have to fit yourself into the workingenvironment. You can learn interpersonalskills, social responsibility and professionalethics in a working setting. Moreover, youhave to try hard to strike a balance betweenwork, study, and play. In this way, you willdevelop a strong sense of responsibility andboost your self-confidence.• No, not necessarily. Though early employmentmay help students to gain some workexperience, it is not necessarily helpful inbuilding their character. Because they have tospend quite a lot of time working and maybecome less responsible or less committedto their study. Too much work may also leadto alcohol and drug abuse. So, in some cases,early employment undermines character-building rather than help it.2 • Yes, I agree. Students have so many academictasks to complete in college that they hardlyhave any extra time for work. If they work,they will certainly have to spend less time andenergy on study, which is likely to depresstheir school performance. I see many workingstudents around me sleep in class, skip class,or copy others’ assignments. If they cannotbe responsible students when they should be,how could they become responsible peopleafter graduation? So, I think students shouldtake study as their main task instead of doingpart-time jobs.• No, I don’t agree. College students shouldprepare themselves for future careers, so theyneed not only to perform well academicallybut also develop other skills becausesurviving in society requires more than bookknowledge. Working part-time can exposestudents to the real world and help themacquire basic interpersonal skills. Besides, byearning money to pay for their study, collegestudents can learn how to manage their211UNIT 6 Earn as you learn?money and become less dependent on theirparents.3 • Yes, I agree with the author that workingwhile studying has many negative impactson students, such as not getting enough rest,decreased school performance, abuse of drugsand alcohol. As one’s time and energy arelimited, working, even part-time, will affectone’s study. Therefore, students should takestudy seriously and it is critical not to worklong hours while studying at college.• No, I don’t think there are so many negativeimpacts of working while studying asmentioned by the author. I have manyclassmates who are working part-timeto cover their tuition. Most of them areresponsible students as they want to sharethe financial burden with their parents. Theyalso study very hard for scholarships. At thesame time, they try to make full use of theirworking time. Some of them work with theirprofessors in the lab, so their work does notinterfere with their study. In fact, workingmay benefit their study because they canapply what is learned in class in practice.4 • Yes, I think part-time jobs may help builda sense of responsibility, which in turn mayenhance students’ school performance.Because if you take part-time jobs whilestudying, you have to follow the work ethics,observe the working schedule, work up toexpectations, contribute to teamwork, andbalance work and study. All these will helpyou to multitask, to be more efficient, tocultivate a sense of responsibility, and toenhance your school performance.• No, I don’t think part-time jobs help to builda sense of responsibility, not to mentionenhancing students’ school performancebecause students who take part-time work,especially those who work long hours, haveto strike a balance between work and study.To meet the demanding working schedule,more often than not, they have to cut corners,for example, by devoting less time to studyor ignoring homework. Moreover, they mayspend more on entertainment and luxurygoods as they have more spending money.Students who work long hours usually fail tomeet the academic requirements and have noclear plan for career development.5Part-time employment provides a good opportunity for students to learn many otherthings other than book knowledge. It has many positive influences:• building a sense of responsibility as you haveto accomplish your tasks;• building self-discipline as you have to manageyour time well and rely on yourself;• gaining social skills and work experienceas you interact with people outside theclassroom;• broadening your vision as you learn about theworkplace and society;• having more employment opportunities asyou gain work experience in preparation foryour future career.Words in use31indicate 2conventional3assess 4decrease5alter 6has undermined7 compromise 8controversial9resolved 10 abandonWord building4form formationoccupation occupysolve solution(To be continued)212 Third Editionpersuade persuasion transmit transmission original originality flexibility flexible secure security simple simplicity prosperousprosperity51 solution2 transmission3 prosperity4 formation5 flexible6 occupied7 originality8 productivity9 simplicity10 persuasion 11 representation 12 securityBanked cloze61 J2 C3 H4 D5 M6 G7 I8 A9 E 10 NExpressions in use71 cutting back on2 interfere with3 take a toll on4 at risk of5 dropped out6 in turn7 contribute to 8 are accustomed to 9 held on to 10in other wordsStructure analysis8(Continued )213UNIT 6 Earn as you learn?Structured writing9There are several reasons why people get fired from their jobs. First, people may lose their jobs if they have some dishonest behaviors, such as cheating in their job applications or telling lies in work. Second, employees may be fired due to poor attendance. No boss likes an employee who is often late for or absent from work. Third, people having difficulty getting along with their co-workers are also likely to be fired because they may cause conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, to be a good employee, it isimportant to be honest, punctual, and cooperative.10间隔年指的是学生休假不去上学而去旅游或工作等的一段时间,但不一定是一年。


























现代大学英语精读1unit6课文翻译一个爱交际的女人 a sociable woman 黑市the black market 黑色幽默black humor 害群之马black sheep 黑人权利black power表达能力不强的人inarticulate people 全国性活动 a nationwide campaign 赞美的话complimentary remarks 淘气男孩 a mischievous boy一些有权力的人物certain powerful quarters 种族隔离的学校segregated schools 不可争议的权威indisputable authority 公海high sea 上流社会high society机密的消息confidential information 冷漠的门impersonal doors客观的信an impersonal letter 真诚的羡慕an unselfish envy紧张的声音 a strained voice度假别墅holiday villa 一个著名的电视名人 a famous television personality 刻薄下流语言obscene language 下流故事an obscene stor银行袭击 a bank raid 生产双层玻璃公司 a double-glazing company联合抵押joint mortgage 拌嘴 a cross word永现代大学英语精读4 UNIT1-UNIT6an unattainable goal 乡村和西部音乐country and western music加重了的潜水腰带 a weighted diving belt 心碎heart-broken以自我为中心的人a self-centered man 光是重量sheer weight光是运气sheer luck 一派胡言sheer nonsense军号声bulge call 人工呼吸kiss of life一串气泡atrail of bubbles 一点点关心one tiny scrap of care非理性因素non-rational factors 过去的好日子good old days思想模式thought patterns 陈旧的故事stock anecdotes思路brain path 鲜明的对比 a striking contrast强烈的满足感keen satisfaction 感情上的联想sentimental association 一场恶吵a bitter quarrel 酸葡萄sour grapes毫无根据的意见groundless opinions 社会地位social position重要而有说服力的因素 a potent factor 怀疑的余地room of doubt。



大学英语精读第三版第一册Book1 Unit1答案Unit11)e2)g3)j4)a5)b6)i7)c8)d9)h10)f1) handling2) summarized3) process4) absorb5) are bound to6) feel free7) for instance8) strategies9) complained10) has committed to memory11) Nevertheless12) rely on13) Apart from14) command1) over and over again2) at a time3) put it into practice4) watching out for5) by no means6) concentrate on7) In addition t8) in detail1)action2)employ3)announce4)examination5)communication6)express7)compose8)improvement9)concentration10)management11)consider12)motivate13)development14)movement15)discuss16)operate17)division18)production19)educate20)repeat1) additional2) add3) addition4) addition1) effectively2) effect3) effective4) effect1) helpful2) help3) helpless4) help5) helplessly6) helpfully7) helpful1) reliant2) reliable3) reliance reliable4) relies5) reliably6)1) repetition2) repeating3) repeatedly4) repeated5) repetition1) In my opinion2) According to Mary3) In our opinion4) According to today's papers5) In most doctors' opinion According to most doctors1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor.2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered.3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer.4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries.5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record.1) It is true that your sentences are all grammatically correct, but they don’t make any sense.2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting.3) It is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job.4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies.1) strategies2) frequently3) over and over again4) commit to memory5) acquaintance6) watch out for7) communicate8) process9) opportunities10) rely on11) put into practice12) absorbed1) if2) about3) it4) know5) up6) as7) addition8) even9) into10) other11) for12) while1) memorize2) a matter of3) taught4) shelf5) realize6) written7) idiomatic8) join in9) difference10) gain a good command翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。




Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2.我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

I strongly believe that reading simplified versions of English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3.我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(pollution)方面还做得不够。

I don’t think we have done enough to protect our environment from pollution.4.除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。

In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teather assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5.我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。

We have learned reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term.6.经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。

Watching English films on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.7.如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。



现代大学英语精读1unit6课文翻译Unit 6 Text AThe Green Banana1.Although it might have happened anywhere, my encounter with the green banana started on a steep mountain road in the central area of Brazil. My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began to leak, and I was ten miles from the nearest mechanic. The over-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village, which consisted of a small store and a few houses that we are scattered here and there. People came over to look. They could see three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the jacket of the radiator. "That's easy to fix,? a man said. He sent a boy running for some green bananas. He patted me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out. "Green bananas," he smiled. Everyone agreed.尽管这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。



































UNIT 1As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。

Some Strategies for Learning EnglishLearning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.学习英语绝非易事。


Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。


1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。



New wordsUnit 6 TEXT Anumerousa.many 许多的;很多的The library has numerous books, more than I have ever expected. 这个图书馆拥有大量的图书,比我预想的要多得多。

reliablea.able to be trusted or depended on 可信赖的;可靠的A reliable employee does his/her job with minimal error. 一个可靠的员工工作起来错误最少。

contrastvt.compare two things, ideas, people, etc. to show how different they are from each other 使成对比;使成对照In her essay, the author contrasts the present economic crisis with the one 10 years ago. 作者在文中就当前的经济危机和十年前的经济危机进行了对比。

vi.(of two things) be different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way 形成对比Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown. 她的黑头发和她的浅色丝绸礼服形成了强烈的对比。

n.[C, U] a difference between people, ideas, situations, things, etc. that are being compared 差异;差别The book presents a very interesting contrast between life now and life 100 years ago. 这本书把现在的生活和100 年之前的生活进行了十分有趣的对比。

《大学英语精读(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】-Unit 6~U

《大学英语精读(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】-Unit 6~U

Unit 6一、词汇短语Textindustrial [] adj. 工业的,产业的,实业的,从事工业的【例句】Many European countries are developed industrial nations. 许多欧洲国家是发达的工业国。

elementary [] adj. 初步的,基本的;[化]元素的;自然力的【例句】My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。

upper [] adj. 上面的;较高的;上级的【例句】Passengers may smoke only on the upper deck of the bus. 乘客只可以在公共汽车的上层吸烟。

【词组】be on one’s uppers十分贫困drawer [] n. 抽屉;开票人【例句】There are just a few loose coins at the back of the drawer. 抽屉最里面有若干个零散的硬币。

【助记】draw拉—可以拉开的东西:抽屉bureau [] n. 大书桌,写字台;局,分社,办事处【例句】He works in this bureau. 他在这个局工作过。

pants [] n. 裤子,短裤;内裤【例句】He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。

【词组】wear the pants 掌权当家(尤指妇女)bore/scareetc. the pants off sb. 使某人厌烦透顶﹑吓得要死等by the seat of one’s pants凭直觉而不仔细思考(做某事)have ants in one’s pants坐立不安in long/short pants成年/未成年expert [] n. 专家,能手|| adj. 熟练的,内行的,有经验的;专门的|| vt. 当专家;在…中当行家【例句】All the young men are expert drivers. 所有这些年轻人都是驾驶能手。



大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册Book1 Unit6答案1) expert2) amaze3) quality control4) relieve5) assembly line6) fire7) major8) decrease9) management10) productive1) relieve2) decrease3) whatsoever4) career5) Unfortunately6) results in7) background8) As a result9) recognized10) hold up keep up with11) furthermore12) on a basis13) boring14) findings15)talk over16) productive1) are the basis for any good relationship between nations2) is the great efficiency of the public services3) was held up by a thick fog over the airport4) two major earthquakes in its history, one in 1906 and the other in 19895) the professor was often absent-minded in his personal life6) result in an employee's being fired1) impossible2) aware3) unfortunate4) literate5) unnecessary6) frequent7) impatient8) adequate9) unsealed10) finished11) unfair12) likely13) irregular14) direct1) management2) managed3) inspected4) inspection5) would consult6) consultation7) bore8) Bored9) assembled10) assembling1) especially/specially2) especially3) specially4) especially5) specially6) especially/specially1) They spent two whole months working on the design of the machine.2) The artist spends most of his spare time collecting butterfly specimens.3) The manager spent three hours talking to Sam yesterday morning.4) He spent the whole morning trying to solve the math problem.1) except2) except for3) except4) except for5) except6) except for1) His nephew didn't use to visit him at Christmas.Did his nephew use to visit him at Christmas?2) He didn't use to be as thin as she.Did he use to be as thin as she?3) She didn't use to burn the midnight oil.Did she use to burn the midnight oil?1) didn't they2) did't you3) wasn't there1) First of all/Most important of all2) Most curious of all3) Most important of all4) Worst of all1) efficiency2) Furthermore3) amazing4) observation5) foundation6) career7) reorganize8) assembly9) findings10) management11) suggestions12) productive13) background14) relieving15) holding up16) Unfortunately1)places/roles2)bored3)enjoy/like4)traveling/going5)hour6)the7)in8)telling/ordering9)didn’t10)until11)job12)mine13)take/accept14)stay15)at16)being17)understand18)so19)boring/dull20)work21)an22)until23)on24)right/correct25)so26)what27)problems1) took out2) searched3) assistant4) make a list5) correct6) articles7) lying8) satisfied9) pulled out10) Embarrassed翻译1) 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。



第三版大学英语精读第一册学生用书Unit1-6课文理解问题答案Unit 11.What does it take to learn English well?It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.2.How can you make the task of learning English easier?(1) Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way.(2) Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things.(3) Listen to English every day.(4) Seize opportunities to speak.(5) Read widely.(6) Write regularly.3.What is the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary?Concentrating on active and useful words.4.What is the second learning strategy suggested by author?Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things.5.Why is it important to listen to English every day?Listening to English on a regular basis will not only improve your ear,but will also help you build your speaking skills.6.According to the author, what is the easiest way to practice speaking English? And why?To rehearse aloud, since this can be done at any time, in any place, and withouta partner.7.Why is it important to read widely?Because in our learning environment, reading is the main and most reliable source of language input.8.What kind of materials should you include in your widereading?Things that you find interesting, that you can understand without relying too much on a dictionary.9.Apart from your teacher's writing assignment, what other ways of writing does the author suggest?Keeping a pen pal, keeping a diary, writing a short story and summarizing the daily news.10.What is the author's conclusion at the end of the article?It pays to absorb as much as you can from reading and listening and then try to put what you have learned into practice through speaking and writing.Unit 21.What happened to Francis Chichester in 1931?He had tried to fly around the world but failed.2.How old was he when he started his voyage round the world?653.What was the name of his boat? What was the length of the boat?Gipsy Moth ; 16-meter-long.4.What route did Chichester follow in sailing round the world?The route of the great 19th Century clippers ships.5.How many miles did he cover on the first half of his voyage?14,1006.What did his friends in Sydney try to dissuade him from doing?To start the second past of voyage.7.In what way was the second half of his voyage the more dangerous part?Cape Horn.8.What happened to Chichester on the night of January 30?There was a gale.9.How did Chichester feel after sailing round Cape Horn?He had wakened from a nightmare.10.How was he received when he arrived back in England?A million people were waiting to welcome him , and he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.11.What title is added to his name when a man become a knight?Sir.12.How many miles did he second half of the voyage cover?14,400Unit 31.What was the special occasion? How old was the old lady?Myra wrote letters to the old lady. 80.2.Did Myra and her husband often come to see the old lady?No. Seldom.3.What had happened to Enid?She died on the operating table.4.Whom did the old lady love more, Myra or Enid? Why?Enid. She is the real one who cares about the old lady.5.Why was the old lady proud of Myra?She succeeded in her work. And won a medal with her husband for their work for the aged.6.The old lady lived alone. But do you think she was very lonely? Why or why not? No, she had Mrs. Morrison and Johnnie to keep company with her.7.Who was Jim? Was he still alive?The old lady's husband. No.8.Who was Johnnie? How old was he? What do you think ofhim?The little boy lived nearby. Six. He is a lovely ,kind, warm-hearted boy.9.Why did the old lady tear the cheque into pieces?Myra thought money is important than love which hurt the old lady so much. 10.The story tells us that Myra had won a medal for her work with the old people.Do you think she deserved the medal? Do you think she really cared about old people? Why or why not?No. She even didn't care about her mother. She just did these for her benefits.Unit 41.How do many people in the United States spend their free time?Watching TV.2.How does the author feel about the amount of time his countrymen spend watching TV?He thinks they lose their imagination, and they fail to communicate with families and friends.3.What does the author purpose in relation to the television broadcasting in the United States?He purposed that right after the early evening news, all television broadcasting in US be prohibited by law.4.What might the results be if families used a quiet hour to discuss their problems? The family members can know each other better, and to like each other better.5.According to the author, what could help to turn out a more literate new generation?Reading books together.6.What does the author mean by "the story hour"? Whateffect might it have on the TV networks?Families gather around and listening to mothers or fathers read a good story ; It might force the TV networks to come up with better shows to get us back from our newly discovered activities.7.Sum up the advantages of turning off TV for an hour every night.A more literate generation would be set up ; We might get to know each other better and to like each other better ; Developing our imagination.8.What do you think of the author's proposal?I think the author's proposal is necessary. What we need nowadays is to communicate with our families , TV programs do disturb our generation. So I couldn't agree more with the author.9.Describe the television watching habits of the people around you---when they watch TV, what they watch, how much they watch, and so on.My father likes watching TV after dinner, and he always watch news report; My mother loves watching soap series from19:00 to 22:00 everyday ; I'd like to watch sports when there are matchesI am wondering.10.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV.略。



job turned out to be harder than we thought.
turned out that this method does not work well.
turned out as described.
happen to
by chance, by coincidence
Elementary school: 6-11 years old (Grades 1~6)
The American Educational System Junior middle school: Senior middle school: 12-13 years old (Grades 7~8) 14-17 years old (Grades 9~12)

I myself don’t know how I happened to be promoted. happened that the boy was on the spot when the murder took place. it happens, I have got a dictionary at hand.
I used to organize my father’s tools, …(P141)
used to do sth. 其疑问,否定,反意疑问 借助助动词 did: Did you use to…? (Yes, I did.) I didn’t use to… You used to…, didn’t you/wasn’t there?
give /lay a good foundation for. .. 为..打下了良好的基础



UNIT 1As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。

Some Strategies for Learning EnglishLearning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.学习英语绝非易事。


Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。


1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。



Unit1 翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。

Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(pollution) 方面还做得不够。

I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。

In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。

We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester.6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。

Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。

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After I made observations for a week, Mr. Hobbs asked me for an oral report of my findings. I covered my major points by telling him the following:
"If the workers have a fifteen-minute coffee break in the morning and afternoon, they will be more efficient."
"If you have a quality control inspection, you will greatly improve your finished product."
Unfortunately, I was also a bit bossy and I wasn't a very good listener. You'll see what I mean when I tell you about the first project I ever did after I finished my bachelor's degree at the university.
最为奇怪的是,厂里竟然没有任何质量控制。没有人检验工厂生产的成品。结果,有些装箱待运的衬衫不是缺了一Байду номын сангаас粒钮扣,就是少了衣领,有时甚至还会短只袖子。
The working conditions were poor. The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable. Except for a half hour at lunchtime, there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work. There was no music. The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. I was amazed that the workers hadn't gone on strike.
Sam set out to improve efficiency at the shirt factory but, as we find out later in this unit, his plans turned out not quite as he had expected.
I needed to be efficient. I wanted to be well organized. For me, there was a place for everything and everything was always in its place. These qualities gave me a good foundation for a career in industrial engineering.
"If the assembly line is redesigned, a smooth work flow can be achieved and time and energy can be saved."
Most curious of all, there was no quality control whatsoever. No one inspected the final product of the factory. As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxes for shipment were missing one or two buttons, the collar, even a sleeve sometimes!
In fact, I was the efficiency expert for the whole family. I used to organize my father's tools, my mother's kitchen utensils, my sister's boyfriends.
Mr. Hobbs thanked me for this report and told me he would talk over my suggestions with his brother, the co-owner and manager of the factory. "We're interested in progress here," he said. "We want to keep up with the times."
Furthermore, the work flow was irregular. There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly line who sewed on buttons. After a while I recognized him as "Big Jim," who used to sit behind me in math class in high school. He was very slow and all the shirts were held up at his position. Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait with nothing to do; therefore, a great deal of time and efficiency were lost as Big Jim daydreamed while he worked. All week I wondered why he wasn't fired.
After graduation I returned home to my small town in Indiana. I didn't have a job yet. Mr. Hobbs, a friend of my father's, owned a small shirt factory in town. Within the past five years it had grown from twenty to eighty workers. Mr. Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient, so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.
I went to the plant and spent about a week looking around and making notes. I was really amazed at what I saw.
"If you decrease the height of the worktables, the machine operators will work more comfortably."
"If the management provides pleasant background music and beautifies the dull setting, the factory will be much more productive."