我先抛砖引玉CEP:欧洲药典适应性证书certificate of suitability to monograph of European Pharmacopoeia。
DMF:Drug master File美国药物主文件档案。
分为五种类型:I:生产地点、设备、操作程序和人员II:原料药、原料药中间体、生产原料药和中间体使用的物料和药品III:包装材料IV:赋形剂、色素、调味剂、香料或生产这些物质所用的物料V:FDA接受的参考信息EDMF:European Drug Master File欧洲药物主文件档案。
EDMF 只有在制剂申请的支持下才能提交。
EDMF分为两部分:1.申请人部分(AP):供制剂申请人使用的非保密信息;2. 限制部分(RP):EDMF持有人认为是保密的信息。
EDMF的使用范围:1. 新原料药2. 已知的但欧洲药典或其成员国药典没有收载的原料药3. 欧洲药典或成员国药典已收载的原料药ANDA:Abbreviated New Drug Application 美国简略新药申请。
Generic:仿制的,非特殊的API:Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient 原料药Dossier:文档,档案。
TSE:Transmitting animal Spongiform Encephalopathy agent 传播性动物海绵状脑病体Q7A:ICH(国际协调会议)原料药GMP 指南。
21 U.S.C.321(ff)(1)(a)(b)(d)规定,维生素、矿物质和氨基酸可以是合成的;21 U.S.C.321(ff)(1)(c)(f)规定,合成的草本植物成分不属于草本植物。
浅谈美国保健品市场的法规要求及应对策略作者:陶鑫来源:《食品安全导刊》2017年第07期保健品在美国通常被称为膳食补充剂或饮食补充剂(dietary supplements)。
自美国《膳食补充剂健康及教育法案》(The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994简称“DSHEA法案”)于1994年颁布以来,美国的保健品市场迎来了迅猛的发展。
与蓬勃发展的保健品市场相对应的是美国食品药品监督管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration 简称“FDA”)越来越严格的监管力度。
2015年底,FDA成立了膳食补充剂项目办公室(Office of Dietary Supplements),专门负责对保健品的安全和标示宣传进行监督,新办公室的成立为FDA在监管保健品市场并确保产品合乎DSHEA法案方面提供了更多的资源。
吉林化工学院毕业论文(设计)中文题目汤臣倍健在中国市场营销战略分析外文题目 BY-HEALTH analysis in marketing strategy in China摘要随着我国市场经济的日趋成熟和完善,保健品行业竞争也日益激烈。
关键词:保健品;汤臣倍健;营销策略AbstractAlong with our country market economy matures and perfect, commodity industry has become intense competition. With the pressure and with the opportunity of the environment, build and dredge enterprise marketing strategy to Amway, it is particularly important. Amway marketing strategy based on the present situation and the development trend of the commodity industry analysis, in view of the Amway marketing strategy often appears the question, from product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy four aspects analysis Amway marketing strategy status in Amway product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy existing problems, and puts forward a set of suitable Amway marketing strategy and management of the specific measures, the hope can Amway marketing strategy and management, to provide reference for the expanding market share, create international well-known brand in domestic and lay a solid foundation. China's health care products enterprise marketing obsolete, belongs to the typical production concept, service consciousness, lack of accurate "service orientation" marketing channel single almost didn't take any promotion means and measures, so it is necessary to health care productsenterprise marketing research.Key words: Commodity;Amway;Marketing strategy目录摘要 (2)Abstract (3)第1章绪论 (4)1.1 研究背景 (5)1.2 研究的目的和意义 (6)1.3 国内外研究现状 (6)1.4 研究内容与研究方法 (9)第2章相关理论概述 (8)2.1 营销策略概念 (9)2.2 营销策略的类型 (9)第3章汤臣倍健保健品品有限公司营销现状 (10)3.1 汤臣倍健产品策略现状 (12)3.2 汤臣倍健价格策略现状 (12)3.3 汤臣倍健渠道策略现状 (13)3.4 汤臣倍健促销策略现状 (17)第4章汤臣倍健有限公司营销策略存在问题 (14)4.1 汤臣倍健产品策略存在的问题 (18)4.2 汤臣倍健价格策略存在的问题 (18)4.3 汤臣倍健渠道策略存在的问题 (19)4.4 汤臣倍健促销策略存在的问题 (21)第5章汤臣倍健营销策略改良 (17)5.1 汤臣倍健产品营销策略改良 (22)5.2 汤臣倍健价格营销策略改良 (22)5.3 汤臣倍健渠道营销策略改良 (23)5.4 汤臣倍健促销营销策略改良 (24)结论 (25)参考文献 (27)致谢 (29)第1章绪论1.1研究背景市场是由具有购买欲望和购买能力的消费群体组成,中国是一个拥有1亿9千多万人口的巨大市场。
例:蒺藜皂苷和蒺藜提取物、锌、硼、传统的 补肾中药以及目前通过兴奋检测的中药产品等
2例:膳食替代粉、能量棒或能量胶、肌酸、 1-6二磷酸果糖、肉碱、牛磺酸等
3、预防损伤、延缓疲劳和促进体能恢复的运 动营养补充剂。
如:维生素C、谷氨酰胺、、氨基葡萄糖、碳 酸氢钠等。
我国对运动营养补充剂的称谓有很多,如运 动营养品、强力营养素、强力营养物质、高 效运动营养因子、运动营养保健品、运动营 养补充剂等。
二、按功效分类 1、增加肌肉蛋白质合成的运动营养补充剂 2、提供能量或促进代谢的运动营养补充剂 3、预防损伤、延缓疲劳和促进体能恢复的 特殊运动营养补充剂。
1、增加肌肉蛋白质合成代谢的运动营养补充剂 例:乳清蛋白、大豆蛋白、氨基酸、活性肽等
一、概念 目前无统一概念。
美国将运动营养补充剂归于膳食补充剂 的范畴。
1994年美国通过《膳食补充剂、健康与教 育法案》具有强力作用的膳食补充剂被理 解为运动营养补充剂
1、在严格的科学指导下使用 2、具有明确的功效原理,且必须是合法的 3、具有安全性 4、注意个人差异 5、不能取代运动训练
ndi疗效标准NDI(New Dietary Ingredient)是指在1994年10月15日美国《1994年补充剂法案》(DSHEA)颁布以前在美国市场上没有销售过的膳食成分或混合物,或者在法案颁布前销售过但具有新的用途、用量或方法的成分或混合物。
这些疗效标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 安全性评估:所有NDI都需要经过严格的安全性评估。
2. 活性成分标识:供应商需要准确地标明NDI产品中所含的活性成分,并提供相应的质量控制标准。
3. 临床证据支持:供应商需要提供充足的临床证据来支持其NDI产品的疗效主张。
4. 产品标签规范:所有销售NDI的产品都需要在标签上明确标注其成分、用量和疗效主张,并提供产品使用说明和警示。
5. 质量控制和生产标准:供应商需要建立完善的质量控制和生产标准,以确保其NDI产品的质量和稳定性。
化学合成药开发的基础是研究治疗靶点的生物靶分 子的结构和功能,在此基础上来设计合成药物,或通过 对现有某些药物小分子的结构进行修饰,然后再经过动 物药理、毒理试验(临床前试验),但最后要检验的仍 是对病人的疗效与安全性(临床试验)。
这种模式优点是治疗靶点针对性强,量效确切,作 用机制相对清楚,然而也有着不容回避的缺点是开发的 主观盲目、周期长、耗资大、风险大。
从银杏叶中提取药物成分从20 世纪开始, 经历了4 代: 第1 代: 银杏叶制剂的有效成分含量低于16%, 只能作为保 健品, 无药理作用, 一般为银杏叶茶。 第2 代: 银杏叶产品, 其有效成分为16%的银杏黄酮。 第3 代: 银杏叶产品, 可含24%的银杏黄酮, 其药理作用均为清除 自由基, 目前许多银杏叶制剂处于这一阶段。 第4 代:银杏叶制剂要求: ①提取浓缩比例为50∶1(50 份干燥 银杏叶中提取1份银杏叶提取物); ②银杏叶酸的含量<5 ppm(1/10 万单位); ③含24%的银杏黄酮、6%的萜类( 3.1% 的银杏内酯、2.9%的白果内酯)。第4 代银杏叶制剂的药理作用 : ①清除自由基; ②拮抗血小板活化因子; ③保护神经细胞。目前 只有德国威玛舒培博士药厂生产的金纳多符合这一条件。
很多国内外制药公司都重视对新药的研究和开发,研究 经费占药品销售额的8%~10%。研究内容包括:新化 合物的合成,动物筛选,动物治疗试验,毒性试验和毒 理学研究,药物代谢与动力学研究,分析研究和质量标 准的制订,健康人的药理试验,临床试验,制剂研究, 合成工艺研究,等等。化学合成药物开发的成本高,开 发周期长。据统计,世界药品研究开发的年费用已超过 400亿美元,比1982年的54亿美元上升了8倍。
新提案要求食品工厂人员对卫生问题调查负责,并对食品污染有相关的教育经历。 食品处理者和监管人必须要经过适当的食品处理技术培训,在操作前需要告知其不卫生 操作有可能带来的危险。
cGMP:英文Current Good Manufacturing Practice 的缩写,是“良好操作规范”。 cGMP是指加工生产膳食补充剂、食品、医药材料、药品、生物制品以及兽医产品要 求的方法、系统、设备、设施及控制手段的规定和法规。 cGMP是食品生产企业实现生产工艺合理化、科学化、现代化的首要条件。 2007 年FDA 发布了21CFR Part 111是膳食补充剂的cGMP最终规范要求。
第一部法案:1906年美国颁布的《纯净食品和化妆品法》,此法律主要是禁止冒用商 标和洲际间及国外贸易运输掺假食品。
第一次世界大战期间,美国新闻界披露美国食品工业的不良状况和药品生产的欺骗行 径之后,美国1938年《食品、药品和化妆品法》取代了《纯净食品和化妆品法》,开 始以法律形式来保证食品、药品的质量,建立了世界上第一个国家级的食品药品管理 机构——美国食品药品管理局(FDA)。
2011年1月4日由奥巴马总统签署《食品安全现代法》后, 《食品安全现代化 法》赋予FDA前所未有的授权。 按照《规定》要求,美国在法规公布后3年内,对所有生产和销售维生素/矿 物质制剂、植物类制剂和各种膳食补充剂的美国本土公司强制实施cGMP改造。 最迟在5年里,要全部完成对cGMP改造工作。
凡是出口到美国的食品原料,都必须要有当地权威机构的检测报告,而这一规定是过 去所没有的。
在这种情况下,美国第74届国会于1935年8月24日通过了《320公法》(Public Law 320),决定由农业部长每年拨出关税收入的30%,作为部长专项资金,通过政府采购来扩大国内消费,处置过剩的农产品,而推行学校午餐计划就成为农业部采购农产品的主要出路之一。
1946年,美国国会通过了《国家学校午餐法》(National School Lunch Act),使这项计划进入一个新阶段。
特别是午餐计划条例,经过多次修订,使其更加详尽,以1998年1月1日修订的《国家学校午餐计划条例》(National School lunch Program Regulations)为例,共分总则、各州与学校食品当局的补贴过程、对学校食品当局参与的要求、对各州管理机构参与的要求、各州管理机构与学校食品当局的职责以及附加条款6大部分、32节,另有3个附件,全文约5万字以上。
fda 保健品标准
![fda 保健品标准](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b767fdc38662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4bfeb664.png)
fda 保健品标准美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)对保健品(在美国称为膳食补充剂)有一系列的标准和要求,旨在确保这些产品的安全性、质量和有效性。
6.监管:尽管保健品的监管不如药品那么严格,但FDA 仍会对市场上的保健品进行监管,包括对生产设施的检查、产品的抽样检验以及对不良事件的调查。
1.美国1994年,美国颁布《膳食补充剂健康教育法》(The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, DSHEA),建立了一个新的膳食补充剂安全和标签监管框架。
FDA 指出,膳食补充剂是一种食品,但如果某种膳食补充剂符合药品的定义,将会作为药品管理。
2.欧盟2002年,欧盟发布膳食补充剂法令DIRECTIVE 2002/46/EC,规定了可用于膳食补充剂的维生素和矿物质。
3.澳大利亚在食品和药品之间存在着一类在安全和功效方面与药品有交叉的产品,澳大利亚把这类产品归类为补充药品(Complementary medicines),包括草药、维生素、矿物质、营养补充剂、芳香性植物油和顺势疗法产品。
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994(美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法)
![Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994(美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/18c20c45767f5acfa1c7cdda.png)
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994An ActTo amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish standards with respect to dietary supplements, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,§1. Short Title; Reference; Table Of Contents.∙(a) Short Title.This Act may be cited as the "Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994".∙(b) Reference.Whenever in this Act an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.∙(c) Table of Contents.The table of contents of this Act is as follows:Sec. 1.Short title; reference; table of contents.Sec. 2.Findings.Sec. 3.Definitions.Sec. 4.Safety of dietary supplements and burden of proof on FDA.Sec. 5. Dietary supplement claims.Sec. 6.Statements of nutritional support.Sec. 7.Dietary supplement ingredient labeling and nutrition information labeling.Sec. 8.New dietary ingredients.Sec. 9. Good manufacturing practices.Sec. 10.Conforming amendments.Sec. 11.Withdrawal of the regulations and notice.Sec. mission on dietary supplement labels.Sec. 13.Office of dietary supplements.§2. Findings.Congress finds that -∙(1) improving the health status of United States citizens ranks at the top of the national priorities of the Federal Government;∙(2) the importance of nutrition and the benefits of dietary supplements to health promotion and disease prevention have been documented increasingly in scientific studies;∙(3)(A) there is a link between the ingestion of certain nutrients or dietary supplements and the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis; and∙(B) clinical research has shown that several chronic diseases can be prevented simply with a healthful diet, such as a diet that is low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, with a high proportion of plant-based foods;∙(4) healthful diets may mitigate the need for expensive medical procedures, such as coronary bypass surgery or angioplasty;∙(5) preventive health measures, including education, good nutrition, and appropriate use of safe nutritional supplements will limit the incidence of chronic diseases, and reduce long-termhealth care expenditures;∙(6)(A) promotion of good health and healthy lifestyles improves and extends lives while reducing health care expenditures; and ∙(B) reduction in health care expenditures is of paramount importance to the future of the country and the economic well-being of the country;∙(7) there is a growing need for emphasis on the dissemination of information linking nutrition and long-term good health;∙(8) consumers should be empowered to make choices about preventive health care programs based on data from scientific studies of health benefits related to particular dietary supplements;∙(9) national surveys have revealed that almost 50 percent of the 260,000,000 Americans regularly consume dietary supplements ofvitamins, minerals, or herbs as a means of improving theirnutrition;∙(10) studies indicate that consumers are placing increased reliance on the use of nontraditional health care providers to avoid theexcessive costs of traditional medical services and to obtain more holistic consideration of their needs;∙(11) the United States will spend over $1,000,000,000,000 on health care in 1994, which is about 12 percent of the Gross National Product of the United States, and this amount and percentage will continue to increase unless significant efforts are undertaken to reverse the increase;∙(12)(A) the nutritional supplement industry is an integral part of the economy of the United States;∙(B) the industry consistently projects a positive trade balance;and∙(C) the estimated 600 dietary supplement manufacturers in the United States produce approximately 4,000 products, with totalannual sales of such products alone reaching at least$4,000,000,000;∙(13) although the Federal Government should take swift action against products that are unsafe or adulterated, the FederalGovernment should not take any actions to impose unreasonableregulatory barriers limiting or slowing the flow of safe products and accurate information to consumers;∙(14) dietary supplements are safe within a broad range of intake, and safety problems with the supplements are relatively rare; and ∙(15)(A) legislative action that protects the right of access of consumers to safe dietary supplements is necessary in order topromote wellness; and∙(B) a rational Federal framework must be established to supersede the current ad hoc, patchwork regulatory policy on dietarysupplements.§3. Definitions.∙(a) Definition of Certain Foods as Dietary Supplements. Section 201 (21 U.S.C. 321) is amended by adding at the end the following: "(ff) The term "dietary supplement" -o"(1) means a product (other than tobacco) intended to supplement the diet that bears or contains one or more of the following dietary ingredients:▪"(A) a vitamin;▪"(B) a mineral;▪"(C) an herb or other botanical;▪"(D) an amino acid;▪"(E) a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; or ▪"(F) a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any ingredient described in clause(A), (B), (C), (D), or (E);o"(2) means a product that -▪"(A)(i) is intended for ingestion in a form described in section 411(c)(1)(B)(i); or▪"(ii) complies with section 411(c)(1)(B)(ii);▪"(B) is not represented for use as a conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or the diet; and ▪"(C) is labeled as a dietary supplement; and o"(3) does -▪"(A) include an article that is approved as a new drug under section 505, certified as an antibiotic undersection 507, or licensed as a biologic under section351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262)and was, prior to such approval, certification, orlicense, marketed as a dietary supplement or as a foodunless the Secretary has issued a regulation, afternotice and comment, finding that the article, when usedas or in a dietary supplement under the conditions ofuse and dosages set forth in the labeling for suchdietary supplement, is unlawful under section 402(f);and▪"(B) not include -▪"(i) an article that is approved as a new drugunder section 505, certified as an antibioticunder section 507, or licensed as a biologicunder section 351 of the Public Health ServiceAct (42 U.S.C. 262), or▪"(ii) an article authorized for investigation asa new drug, antibiotic, or biological for whichsubstantial clinical investigations have beeninstituted and for which the existence of suchinvestigations has been made public,which was not before such approval, certification, licensing, or authorization marketed as a dietary supplement or as a food unless the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, has issued aregulation, after notice and comment, finding that the articlewould be lawful under this Act.Except for purposes of section 201(g), a dietary supplement shall be deemed to be a food within the meaning of this Act.∙∙(b) Exclusion from Definition of Food Additive.Section 201(s) (21 U.S.C. 321(s)) is amended -o(1) by striking "or" at the end of subparagraph (4);o(2) by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (5) and inserting "; or"; ando(3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph (6) "an ingredient described in paragraph (ff) in, or intendedfor use in, a dietary supplement.".∙(c) Form of Ingestion.Section 411(c)(1)(B) (21 U.S.C. 350(c)(1)(B)) is amended -o(1) in clause (i), by inserting "powder, softgel, gelcap,"after "capsule,"; ando(2) in clause (ii), by striking "does not simulate and".§4. Safety of Dietary Supplements and Burden of Proof on FDA.Section 402 (21 U.S.C. 342) is amended by adding at the end the following: ∙"(f)(1) If it is a dietary supplement or contains a dietary ingredient that -o"(A) presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury under -▪"(i) conditions of use recommended or suggested inlabeling, or▪"(ii) if no conditions of use are suggested orrecommended in the labeling, under ordinary conditionsof use;o"(B) is a new dietary ingredient for which there is inadequate information to provide reasonable assurance that suchingredient does not present a significant or unreasonablerisk of illness or injury;o"(C) the Secretary declares to pose an imminent hazard to public health or safety, except that the authority to makesuch declaration shall not be delegated and the Secretaryshall promptly after such a declaration initiate a proceedingin accordance with sections 554 and 556 of title 5, UnitedStates Code, to affirm or withdraw the declaration; or o"(D) is or contains a dietary ingredient that renders it adulterated under paragraph (a)(1) under the conditions ofuse recommended or suggested in the labeling of such dietarysupplement.In any proceeding under this subparagraph, the United States shall bear the burden of proof on each element to show that a dietary supplement is adulterated. The court shall decide any issue under this paragraph on a de novo basis.∙(2) Before the Secretary may report to a United States attorney a violation of paragraph (1)(A) for a civil proceeding, the person against whom such proceeding would be initiated shall be givenappropriate notice and the opportunity to present views, orally and in writing, at least 10 days before such notice, with regard to such proceeding.§5. Dietary Supplement Claims.Chapter IV (21 U.S.C. 341 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 403A the following new section:DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LABELING EXEMPTIONS∙"Sec. 403B. (a) IN GENERAL.- A publication, including an article,a chapter in a book, or an official abstract of a peer-reviewedscientific publication that appears in an article and was prepared by the author or the editors of the publication, which is reprinted in its entirety, shall not be defined as labeling when used inconnection with the sale of a dietary supplement to consumers when it -o"(1) is not false or misleading;o"(2) does not promote a particular manufacturer or brand ofa dietary supplement;o"(3) is displayed or presented, or is displayed or presented with other such items on the same subject matter, so as topresent a balanced view of the available scientificinformation on a dietary supplement;o"(4) if displayed in an establishment, is physically separate from the dietary supplements; ando"(5) does not have appended to it any information by sticker or any other method.∙"(b) APPLICATION. - Subsection (a) shall not apply to or restricta retailer or wholesaler of dietary supplements in any waywhatsoever in the sale of books or other publications as a part of the business of such retailer or wholesaler.∙"(c) BURDEN OF PROOF. -In any proceeding brought under subsection(a), the burden of proof shall be on the United States to establishthat an article or other such matter is false or misleading.". §6. Statements of Nutritional Support.Section 403(r) (21 U.S.C. 343(r)) is amended by adding at the end the following:∙"(6) For purposes of paragraph (r)(1)(B), a statement for a dietary supplement may be made if -o"(A) the statement claims a benefit related to a classical nutrient deficiency disease and discloses the prevalence ofsuch disease in the United States, describes the role of anutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect thestructure or function in humans, characterizes thedocumented mechanism by which a nutrient or dietaryingredient acts to maintain such structure or function, ordescribes general well-being from consumption of a nutrientor dietary ingredient,o"(B) the manufacturer of the dietary supplement hassubstantiation that such statement is truthful and notmisleading, ando"(C) the statement contains, prominently displayed and in boldface type, the following: "This statement has not beenevaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This productis not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent anydisease.".A statement under this subparagraph may not claim to diagnose,mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. If the manufacturer of a dietary supplement proposes to make a statement described in the first sentence of thissubparagraph in the labeling of the dietary supplement, themanufacturer shall notify the Secretary no later than 30 days after the first marketing of the dietary supplement with such statement that such a statement is being made.".§7. Dietary Supplement Ingredient Labeling and Nutrition Information Labeling.(a) MISBRANDED SUPPLEMENTS. -Section 403 (21 U.S.C. 343) is amendedby adding at the end the following: "(s) If -o"(1) it is a dietary supplement; ando"(2)(A) the label or labeling of the supplement fails to list -▪"(i) the name of each ingredient of the supplement thatis described in section 201(ff); and▪"(ii)(I) the quantity of each such ingredient; or▪"(II) with respect to a proprietary blend of suchingredients, the total quantity of all ingredients inthe blend;o"(B) the label or labeling of the dietary supplement fails to identify the product by using the term `dietarysupplement', which term may be modified with the name of suchan ingredient;o"(C) the supplement contains an ingredient described in section 201(ff)(1)(C), and the label or labeling of thesupplement fails to identify any part of the plant from whichthe ingredient is derived;o"(D) the supplement -▪"(i) is covered by the specifications of an officialcompendium;▪"(ii) is represented as conforming to thespecifications of an official compendium; and▪"(iii) fails to so conform; oro"(E) the supplement -▪"(i) is not covered by the specifications of anofficial compendium; and▪"(ii)(I) fails to have the identity and strength that the supplement is represented to have; or▪"(II) fails to meet the quality (including tablet or capsule disintegration), purity, or compositionalspecifications, based on validated assay or otherappropriate methods, that the supplement isrepresented to meet.".(b) Supplement Listing on Nutrition Labeling.Section 403(q)(5)(F)(21 U.S.C. 343(q)(5)(F)) is amended to read as follows:o"(F) A dietary supplement product (including a food to which section 411 applies) shall comply with the requirements ofsubparagraphs (1) and (2) in a manner which is appropriatefor the product and which is specified in regulations of theSecretary which shall provide that -▪"(i) nutrition information shall first list thosedietary ingredients that are present in the product ina significant amount and for which a recommendation fordaily consumption has been established by theSecretary, except that a dietary ingredient shall notbe required to be listed if it is not present in asignificant amount, and shall list any other dietaryingredient present and identified as having no suchrecommendation;▪"(ii) the listing of dietary ingredients shall include the quantity of each such ingredient (or of aproprietary blend of such ingredients) per serving;▪"(iii) the listing of dietary ingredients may include the source of a dietary ingredient; and▪"(iv) the nutrition information shall immediatelyprecede the ingredient information required undersubclause (i), except that no ingredient identifiedpursuant to subclause (i) shall be required to beidentified a second time.".∙(c) Percentage Level Claims.Section 403(r)(2) (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(2)) is amended by adding after clause (E) the following:o"(F) Subclause (i) clause (A) does not apply to a statement in the labeling of a dietary supplement that characterizesthe percentage level of a dietary ingredient for which theSecretary has not established a reference daily intake, dailyrecommended value, or other recommendation for dailyconsumption.".∙(d) Vitamins and Minerals.Section 411(b)(2) (21 U.S.C. 350(b)(2)) is amended -o(1) by striking "vitamins or minerals" and inserting "dietary supplement ingredients described in section 201(ff)";o(2) by striking "(2)(A)" and inserting "(2)"; ando(3) by striking subparagraph (B).∙(e) Effective Date. Dietary supplements -o(1) may be labeled after the date of the enactment of this Act in accordance with the amendments made by this section,ando(2) shall be labeled after December 31, 1996, in accordance with such amendments.§8. New Dietary Ingredients.Chapter IV of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is amended by adding at the end the following:"NEW DIETARY INGREDIENTS∙"SEC. 413. (a) IN GENERAL.- A dietary supplement which contains a new dietary ingredient shall be deemed adulterated under section 402(f) unless it meets one of the following requirements:o"(1) The dietary supplement contains only dietaryingredients which have been present in the food supply as anarticle used for food in a form in which the food has not beenchemically altered.o"(2) There is a history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient when used under theconditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of thedietary supplement will reasonably be expected to be safe and,at least 75 days before being introduced or delivered forintroduction into interstate commerce, the manufacturer ordistributor of the dietary ingredient or dietary supplementprovides the Secretary with information, including anycitation to published articles, which is the basis on whichthe manufacturer or distributor has concluded that a dietarysupplement containing such dietary ingredient willreasonably be expected to be safe.The Secretary shall keep confidential any information provided under paragraph (2) for 90 days following its receipt. After the expiration of such 90 days, the Secretary shall place suchinformation on public display, except matters in the information which are trade secrets or otherwise confidential, commercial information.∙"(b) PETITION. -Any person may file with the Secretary a petition proposing the issuance of an order prescribing the conditions under which a new dietary ingredient under its intended conditions of use will reasonably be expected to be safe. The Secretary shall makea decision on such petition within 180 days of the date the petitionis filed with the Secretary. For purposes of chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, the decision of the Secretary shall beconsidered final agency action.∙"(c) DEFINITION. - For purposes of this section, the term "new dietary ingredient" means a dietary ingredient that was notmarketed in the United States before October 15, 1994 and does not include any dietary ingredient which was marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994.".§9. Good Manufacturing Practices.Section 402 (21 U.S.C. 342), as amended by section 4, is amended by adding at the end the following:∙"(g)(1) If it is a dietary supplement and it has been prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet current goodmanufacturing practice regulations, including regulationsrequiring, when necessary, expiration date labeling, issued by the Secretary under subparagraph (2).∙"(2) The Secretary may by regulation prescribe good manufacturing practices for dietary supplements. Such regulations shall bemodeled after current good manufacturing practice regulations for food and may not impose standards for which there is no current and generally available analytical methodology. No standard of current good manufacturing practice may be imposed unless such standard is included in a regulation promulgated after notice and opportunity for comment in accordance with chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code.".§10. Conforming Amendments.∙(a) SECTION 201 -The last sentence of section 201(g)(1) (21 U.S.C.321(g)(1)) is amended to read as follows: "A food or dietarysupplement for which a claim, subject to sections 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(3) or sections 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(5)(D), is made in accordance with the requirements of section 403(r) is not a drug solely because the label or the labeling contains such a claim. A food, dietary ingredient, or dietary supplement for which atruthful and not misleading statement is made in accordance with section 403(r)(6) is not a drug under clause (C) solely because the label or the labeling contains such a statement.".∙(b) SECTION 301 -Section 301 (21 U.S.C. 331) is amended by adding at the end the following: (u) The introduction or delivery forintroduction into interstate commerce of a dietary supplement that is unsafe under section 413.".∙(c) SECTION 403 -Section 403 (21 U.S.C. 343), as amended by section 7, is amended by adding after paragraph (s) the following: "Adietary supplement shall not be deemed misbranded solely because its label or labeling contains directions or conditions of use or warnings.".§11. Withdrawal of th e Regulations and Notice.The advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning dietary supplements published in the Federal Register of June 18, 1993 (58 FR 33690-33700) is null and void and of no force or effect insofar as it applies to dietary supplements. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall publish a notice in the Federal Register to revoke the item declared to be null and void and of no force or effect under subsection (a).§12. Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels.∙(a) ESTABLISHMENT. - There shall be established as an independent agency within the executive branch a commission to be known as the Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Commission").∙(b) MEMBERSHIP. -o(1) COMPOSITION. - The Commission shall be composed of 7 members who shall be appointed by the President.o(2) EXPERTISE REQUIREMENT. - The members of the Commission shall consist of individuals with expertise and experiencein dietary supplements and in the manufacture, regulation,distribution, and use of such supplements. At least three ofthe members of the Commission shall be qualified byscientific training and experience to evaluate the benefitsto health of the use of dietary supplements and one of suchthree members shall have experience in pharmacognosy,medical botany, traditional herbal medicine, or otherrelated sciences. Members and staff of the Commission shallbe without bias on the issue of dietary supplements.∙(c) FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSION. - The Commission shall conducta study on, and provide recommendations for, the regulation of labelclaims and statements for dietary supplements, including the use of literature in connection with the sale of dietary supplements and procedures for the evaluation of such claims. In making such recommendations, the Commission shall evaluate how best to provide truthful, scientifically valid, and not misleading information to consumers so that such consumers may make informed and appropriate health care choices for themselves and their families.∙(d) ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS OF THE COMMISSION. -o(1) HEARINGS. - The Commission may hold hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, and receivesuch evidence as the Commission considers advisable to carryout the purposes of this section.o(2) INFORMATION FROM FEDERAL AGENCIES. - The Commission may secure directly from any Federal department or agency suchinformation as the Commission considers necessary to carryout the provisions of this section.o(3) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. - There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry outthis section.∙(e) REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. -o(1) FINAL REPORT REQUIRED. - Not later than 24 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shallprepare and submit to the President and to the Congress afinal report on the study required by this section.o(2) RECOMMENDATIONS. - The report described in paragraph (1) shall contain such recommendations, includingrecommendations for legislation, as the Commission deemsappropriate.o(3) ACTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS. - Within 90 days of the issuance of the report under paragraph (1), the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services shall publish in the FederalRegister a notice of any recommendation of Commission forchanges in regulations of the Secretary for the regulationof dietary supplements and shall include in such notice anotice of proposed rulemaking on such changes together withan opportunity to present views on such changes. Suchrulemaking shall be completed not later than 2 years afterthe date of the issuance of such report. If such rulemakingis not completed on or before the expiration of such 2 years,regulations of the Secretary published in 59 FR 395-426 onJanuary 4, 1994, shall not be in effect.§13. Office of Dietary Supplements.(a) IN GENERAL. - Title IV of the Public Health Service Act isamended by inserting after section 485B (42 U.S.C. 287c-3) thefollowing:" SUBPART 4--OFFICE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS SEC. 485C. DIETARYSUPPLEMENTS.o"(a) ESTABLISHMENT. -The Secretary shall establish an Office of Dietary Supplements within the National Institutes ofHealth.o"(b) PURPOSE. - The purposes of the Office are -▪"(1) to explore more fully the potential role ofdietary supplements as a significant part of theefforts of the United States to improve health care;and▪"(2) to promote scientific study of the benefits ofdietary supplements in maintaining health andpreventing chronic disease and other health-relatedconditions.o"(c) DUTIES. - The Director of the Office of DietarySupplements shall -▪"(1) conduct and coordinate scientific research within the National Institutes of Health relating to dietarysupplements and the extent to which the use of dietarysupplements can limit or reduce the risk of diseasessuch as heart disease, cancer, birth defects,osteoporosis, cataracts, or prostatism;▪"(2) collect and compile the results of scientific research relating to dietary supplements, includingscientific data from foreign sources or the Office ofAlternative Medicine;▪"(3) serve as the principal advisor to the Secretary and to the Assistant Secretary for Health and provideadvice to the Director of the National Institutes ofHealth, the Director of the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention, and the Commissioner of Food and Drugson issues relating to dietary supplements including - ▪"(A) dietary intake regulations;▪"(B) the safety of dietary supplements;▪"(C) claims characterizing the relationshipbetween -▪"(i) dietary supplements; and▪"(ii)(I) prevention of disease or otherhealth-related conditions; and▪"(II) maintenance of health; and▪"(D) scientific issues arising in connectionwith the labeling and composition of dietarysupplements;▪"(4) compile a database of scientific research on dietary supplements and individual nutrients; and ▪"(5) coordinate funding relating to dietarysupplements for the National Institutes of Health. o"(d) DEFINITION. -As used in this section, the term "dietarysupplement" has the meaning given the term in section 201(ff) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.。
而这其中只有Dietary Supplements(膳食营养补充剂,又称营养补充剂,简称营养剂)才是中国人视角里所理解的保健品。
1994年10月,美国国会通过了克林顿总统签署的《膳食补充剂健康教育法令》(DSHEA),膳食补充剂(dietary supplement)从此获得了正式的法律定义:1、它是作为饮食的补充剂并含有下列一种或多种成分,包括:维生素,矿物质,蛋白质,药草或其它植物制剂(但不包括烟草),氨基酸,可以帮助增加每日进食量的补充剂,浓缩素,代谢物、组成物或提取物。
4、它需要明确标记为“diet ary supplement 膳食补充剂”。
你每天吞下的保健品到底都是啥 美国常见保健品科普!
![你每天吞下的保健品到底都是啥 美国常见保健品科普!](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/49721c03fad6195f312ba6a1.png)
所谓的“保健品”(Health Care Products)是中国人更习惯的概念,国外的说法更准确的应该翻译为“膳食补充剂”(Dietary Supplement products)。
但不管何种形式,膳食补充剂都是通过其中的某些膳食补充剂成分(Dietary Ingredients)来起作用。
在美国,不管是“膳食补充剂产品”还是“膳食补充剂成分”都是受FDA(食品及药物管理局,Food and Drug Administration)监管的。
在颁布于1994年的《膳食补充剂健康与教育法》(Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act,DSHEA)中,膳食补充剂被归在“食品”类,而不是药品类。
56APICULTURE OF CHINA国外蜂业信息2023年4月 蜂业研究功能性食品和天然保健品已成为人们日常饮食的重要组成部分,为人们的整体健康做出了贡献,并推动了全球食品工业的发展。
三、欧盟在欧盟,蜂胶属于食品补充剂类,受指令2002/46/EC 的监管,该指令将类别定义为具有营养或生理作用的营养物质或其他物质的浓缩来源。
美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA 1994)简介
![美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA 1994)简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b25653111a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c7a9.png)
美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA 1994)简介
1.美国“食品补充剂健康和教育法规”(DSHEA)简介 [J], 陈可可;杨崇仁
2.美国膳食补充剂市场热销品种及法规变化 [J], 李桂英;张中朋
3.基于川产道地药材及经典名方的美国膳食补充剂开发思路与路径 [J], 钟莉沙; 钟雨禅; 赵军宁; 戴瑛; 华桦; 杨安东; 张翼冠; 宋相容
4.美国膳食补充剂管理研究及对中国的启示 [J], 田明;冯军;孙璐;王茜;周世伟;吴李娣
5.美国FDA批准螺旋藻提取物作为着色剂用于膳食补充剂 [J],
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美国膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA 1994)简介
几十年来 , 美国食品与药品管理局(下称 F DA)对 膳食补充 剂(Dietary Supplements)大 多是按照 普通食 品 进行管理的 , 以确保产品安全 、完善 , 标识真实 , 不会误导消费者 。 重要 的一点 , FDA 根据 1958 年美国联 邦食 品 、药品和化妆品法(FD &C Act)有关食 品添加 剂补充条 款对每 一种新 食物成 分的安 全性进 行评价 , 包括 膳 食补充 剂的 成分 。 然 而 , 1994 年膳 食补 充剂 健康 与教 育法(DSHEA)获 得通 过 , 随之 由国 会 修订 了 F D &C A ct , 其中包含了一些专门针对膳食补充剂和膳食补充剂食物成分的条款 。 这样 , 膳食补充剂的食物成分 再不 需像其他新食物成分或食物成分的新功用那样进行上市前 的安全性 评价 。 但它们 必须符合有 关的安全 性要 求。
DSHEA 的条款首先确定了膳食补充剂和膳食成分的范畴 ;建立了确保其安全性的新框架 ;明确产品销售 时所标识的文字要求 ;例举了几种有关功能和 营养的声明 ;指出有关 成分和营养 标签的要 求 ;委托 F DA 负 责 起草有关 G M P 条例 。 DSHEA 还要求在国家卫生院(N ational I nstitutes of Health)建 立一个膳食补充剂标签委 员会和膳食补充剂办公室 。 以上内容将在后面详述 。
DSHEA 要求成立一个膳食补充剂委员会负责进行有关 膳食补充剂 的研究和 标签宣传的 管理 , 并制定 评 价各种功能宣传的程序 。 委员会的成员应确定如何更好地 评价产品的 宣传是真 实的 、科 学上有效 的 、不会 误 导消费者的咨讯 , 以便使消费者作出明智的和正确 的选择 。 委员 会成员包括 来自生产 、研究 、管理 、销售和 使 用的各方人员 。
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中国食品卫生杂志 第 11 卷第 3 期
相关资料 DSHEA 提供了一些获得“第三方” 材料的途径 , 这些材料有助于消费者了解有关膳食补充剂的健康益处 。
它包括文章 、节选 、科学摘要或其他第三方的出版物等 。 DSHEA 的相关条款特别强调这些信息不得是 错误或 误导性的 ;不得针对某个产品品牌进行宣传 ;必须与其他资 料一道展示 科学平衡 的观点 ;必须与产 品分开 ;产 品上不得附有其他信息(如产品促销资料等)。
(赵丹宇 编译)
食用工业猪油引起食物中毒事件的思考 ——— 田永张 李光明 柳其芳等
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1994 年 10 月 25 日 DSHEA 认识到的目的是许许多多消费 者认为膳食 补充剂 有助于 提高每日 的膳食 水 平并会带来健康益处 。 DSHEA 保证这类食品的安全性和正 确的标识 , 为生产 和食用这类 产品的人 员提供 指 导 。DSHEA 同时指出 , 还需要进一步科学 研究证 实完善 的膳食 与健康 之间可 能存 在的促 进关 系 , 但目前 来 讲 , 膳食补充剂与减少保健费用和疾病预防等 确实存在某种联系 。
营养学论点 DSHEA 提出了可在膳食补充剂产品上使用的各种类型 的声明 , 但这些声 明(宣 传)不 得是某种 膳食补 充 剂与疾病诊断 、预防 、缓解和治疗的关系(除非有 关新药条 款已经 F D &C Act 批准)。 例如 , 产品不得 宣称“ 治 疗癌症” 或“ 治疗关节炎” 。 经 F DA 批准的几种健康宣传 , 如“ 叶酸与 降低新生儿 神经管缺 陷的危险” 和“钙 与 降低骨质疏松的危险”等 , 可以用在符合宣传要求的产品 , 作为标签的补充 。 根据 DSHEA , 厂家还可在 产品上 介绍有关营养素缺乏病的情况 , 只要这些说明 能够提出这类疾 病在美国 的发病资料 。 另 外 , 厂 家还可就膳 食 补充剂对机体结构和功能 , 甚至全面健康的影 响进行宣传 。 在进行 所有以上 宣传时 , 生产厂家 必须提供资 料 证实其真实性且不会误导消费者 , 而且产品标 签上还应附有这样一段话 :“ 本产品未经 FDA 评价 , 本产品 不能 用于诊断 、治疗或预防疾病” 。 这类营养上的宣传在产品上市前不需要经 F DA 审批 , 这点与“ 健康宣传” 不同 。 成分标识和营养信息标识
新膳食成分 膳食补 充剂中的新膳食成分是指在 1994 年 10 月 15 日 前未在 美国 上市的 物质 。 这 些物 质添 加到食 物 中 , 应确保原食物的化学性质不发生改变 , 或者它在以往使用中 、在推荐条件下使用能保证产品足够安全 。 生 产这类产品的厂家需在上市前 75 天向 F DA 提出申请 , 提交的材料应尽可能使 F DA 作出“可保 证产品足 够安 全” 的结论 。 良好生产工艺(GM P) DSHEA 提出由 F DA 负责起草有关膳食补充剂制备 、包装和存 放等方面的 GM P 法规 , 以确保其 安全性 。 该法规可在目前其他产品的 GM P 法规实施后制定 。 FDA 准备 会同其他工业部门和有关人士一道 制定 , 并届 时征求公众的意见 。 膳食补充剂委员会
膳食补充剂定义 过去 , FDA 只是将必需营养素 , 如维生素 、矿物质和蛋白 质作为膳 食补充 剂的成 分 。 1990 年营 养标签 和 教育法(N LEA , 1990)将“ 草本植物或类似 的营养物 质” 也列 入膳食 补充剂中 。 而这之 后的 DSHEA 将“ 膳 食 补充剂” 范畴扩大到必需营养素以外的如人参 、大蒜 、鱼 油 、车前草 、酶 、腺体以及所有以上物质的各种混合物 。 DSHEA 将膳食补充剂的正式定义用几个基本要求进行说明 , 即“膳食补充剂” 是 : ·一种旨在补充膳食的产品(而非烟草), 它可能含有一种或多种如下膳食成分 :一种维生素 、一种矿物质 、 一种草本(草药)或其他植物 、一种氨基酸 、一种用以增加每日总摄入量来补充膳食的食物成分 , 或以上成分的 一种浓缩品 、代谢物 、成分 、提取物或组合产品等 。 ·产品形式可为丸剂 、胶囊 、片剂或液体状 。 ·不能代替普通食物或作为膳食的唯一品 种 。 ·标识为“ 膳食补充剂” 。 ·一种得到批准的新药 、一种得到发证的抗生素或一种得到许可的生物制剂 , 如在其分别得到批准 、发证 、 许可前已作为膳食补充剂或食品上市的产品(美国卫生与人类事务部 SHHS 豁免该条款的情况除外)。 安全性 DSHEA 修订了原 F D &C A ct 中 有关食物搀假的条款 。 根据 DSHEA , 某种膳食 补充剂如果它本身或其中 某些成分在标签指示下食用或在正常情况下食用(如无食用指示)具有明 显的或过 度的引起疾 病或损伤 的危 险 , 那么它就视为搀假产品 。 某种膳食补充剂中 所含有的 新食物 成分(如 :1994 年 10 月 15 日前未 作为膳 食 补充剂在美国上市的食物成分)如缺乏充分资 料 , 不足以保证其不会引起明显或过度的疾病或损伤 危险 , 那么 它也被视为搀假 。 美国卫生与人类事务部(SHHS)公布哪些膳食 补充剂或食物成分对人类健康和安全造成直 接危害 。 但如同其他食品一样 , 保证产品上市前的安全 性和标签的正确标识是生产者的责任 。
膳食补充剂和其他产品一样 , 必须有成分 标识 。它 包括每一种食物成分的名称和用量 , 针对复合产品 , 还 应有所有膳食成分(不包括非活性成分)的总量 。 产品 标签上 应有“ 膳食 补充剂” 字样(如 , “ 维生素 C 膳食 补 充剂”)。产 品中如有草本植物成分 , 应说明其成分来源的植物部 位 。如果 某种膳食补充剂是官方颁布的规格 目录(这包括美国药典 、美国顺势疗法药典 、国家处方集 等)中的一种 , 那么它必须符合其有关规格要求 。 如果 不是上述官方颁布的规格目录中的品种 , 这种 膳食补充剂也必须与标签上标出的相符且具有所表明的效力 。
产品标签上还应有营养标识 。 营养标识中将 F DA 确定了每 日推荐摄入 值的膳食 成分列 在前面 , 无每 日 推荐摄入值的成分列在后 。 用量少的膳食成分无需标注 。 营 养标识还包 括每种膳食 成分在每 份食物中的 含 量以及该膳食成分的来源(如 , “钙 来自葡 萄糖酸钙”)。 凡在营 养标识 中标示 出的成 分无需在 成分 标识中 列 出 。 产品标签中 , 营养标识应在成分标识之前 。