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A Gen eral Review
I . Short & Long answers
1. what is the differe nee betwee n mon oli ngual and multili ngual com muni cative compete nee?
Differe neese betwee n mon oli ngual and multil in gual com muni cative compete nee are due in part to the differe nt social functions of first and second Ianguage learning, and to the differences between learning Ianguage and learning culture.
The differe nces of the compete nee betwee n n ative speakers and non ative speakers in clude structural differe nces in the lin guisite system, differe nt rules for usage in writi ng or con versati on, and eve n somewhat diverge nt meanings for the
“ same"lexical forms. Further, a multili ngual speaker 'oial com muni cative compete nee differs from that of a monolingual in including knowledge of rules for the appropriate choice of Ianguage and for switching between Ian guages, give n a particular social con text and com muni cative purpose.
2. what are the microsocial factors that affect SLA?
a) L2 variati on b) in put and in teract ion c) in teract ion as the gen esis of Ian guage
3. What is the differe nee betwee n lin guistic compete nee & com muni cative compete nee (CC)?
Lin guistic compete nee- It was defi ned in 1965 by Chomsky as a speaker's un derly ing ability to produce grammatically correct expressi ons. Lin guistic compete nee refers to kno wledge of Ian guage. Theoretical li nguistics primarily studies lin guistic compete nee: kno wledge of a Ian guage possessed by -listenern ideal, speak
Communi cative compete nee- It is a term in lin guistics which refers to “ whaiaksp needs to know to com muni cate appropriately within a particular Ianguage community ”, such as a Ianguage user's grammatisantanowledge c
morphology , phono logy and the like, as well as social kno wledge about how and whe n to use uttera nces appropriately.
4. Why is CC in L1 different from L2?
L1 lear ning for childre n is an in tegral part of their sociolizati on into their n ative Ian guage com muni ty. L2 lear ning may be part of sec ond culture lear ning and adaptati on, but the relati on ship of SLA to social and cultural lear ning differs greatly with circumsta nces.
5. What is Accommodation Theory? How does this explain L2 variation?
Accommodation theory: Speakers (usually uneonsciously) change their pronunciation and even the grammatical complexity of sentencesthey use to sound more like whomever they are talking to. This accounts in part for why n ative speakers tend to simply their Ian guage whe n they are talk ing to a L2 lear ner who is not flue nt, and why L2 lear ners may acquire somewhat differe nt varieties of the target Ian guage whe n they have differe nt frie nds.
6. Discuss the importa nee of in put & in teractio n for L2 lear ning. How could this affect the feedback provided
to stude nts?
.a) From the perspective of lin guistic approaches: (1) behaviorist: they con sider in put to form the n ecessary