英文 大写书写及英语符号使用

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2.the first word of sentenceHale Waihona Puke Baidu

Shress is an article of clothing that is a mix between a shirt and a dress. Best described as those frilly tops that girls wear over jeans or tights and often wear boots along with them.

用来补充说明,特别是在非正式文字中。 We„ll be arriving on Monday morning—at least,I think so. 我们将在星期一上午抵达——至少我是这样想 的。
1. Indicates a break in thought or a change in tone,or a speaker’s confusion or hesitation .
eg:Many people went to see the match-did you go?
2. Sometimes used to introduce a summarizing clause after a series of nouns.
A Basic Course in Writing
Manuscript Form and Punctuation
Manuscript From Punctuation
Manuscript Form

Arrangement Word division Capitalization Handwriting

Cabbage , carrot , cauliflower, cucumber ——these are my favorite vegetable . New houses,larger schools,more sheep,more pigs and chickens,more horse and donkeys— everywhere we saw signs of the commune„s prosperity.
“上衣裙”是介于裙子和上衣之间的一种服装。这种上 衣裙是女孩穿在牛仔裤或紧身裤外面的下摆有百褶边 的衣服,通常搭配长筒靴。


The Comma (,) The Period (.) The Semicolon (;) The Colon (:) The Question Mark (?) The Exclamation Mark(!)

Quotation Marks (“…”) Parentheses/Brackets {(…)} Square Brackets {[…]} The Dash (---) The Slash (/) Underlining and Italicas
the dash(——)

用来表示反问。 It is clear—is it not?—that we must practise strict economy. 很清楚——不是吗?——我们必须厉行节约。

用来表示“从……到……”的概念,尤指生卒 年份。 William Shakespeare,1564—1616,is one of the greatest poets and dramatistsin the history of Bristish Literature. 威廉· 莎士比亚(1564——1616)是英国文学 史上的伟大诗人和剧作家。
新房子,扩建的学校,更多的猪、羊、鸡、马和驴,到处是我们可以看 到公社的繁荣景象。
3. May be used introduce subheadings and authors after quotations.

It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for? —— H. D. Thoreau
1.proper names (seven days of week.
months. holidays. religion and race...)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Lantern Festival 元宵节.World Meteorology Day 世 界气象节(3月23日) Mohammedanism 伊斯兰教

用来表示犹豫或迟疑。 I—I—I rather think—maybe—Amy has taken it. 我——我——我想——也许——是爱梅拿了吧。

用来表示意思的突然转折。 “And may I ask—”said Xiao Wu;“but I guess it„s better for you to ask himabout it.” “我可以问——”小吴说,“不过我想还是你 问他的好。”

What„s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. ——Shakespeare
名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。 ------莎士比亚