安妮日记的英文读后感安妮日记的英文读后感篇1From her diary I can imagine she was helpless fearbut a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl living a happy life but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her the diary as her friends her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint more of the outside world the natural yearning for thinking about life.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank" my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Do not like history repeating itself pray for world peace forever.安妮日记的英文读后感篇2Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others she is a naughty girl. Especially she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot she was not favorable. At the beginning her general appearance her character her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by she were becoming sensible. One must apply one’s reason to everything earning to obey to hold our tongue to help to be good to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne’s principle. If parents are wrong we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don’t succeed w e shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her she felt that spring was awaking she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It’s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book so they can regard this question correctly.Anne said “One certainly could not call us rich now but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world hope is full of ourlife. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams we should treasure everyone everything every moment that we have.安妮日记的英文读后感篇3Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school and read the Chinese version. Then still small still can not read that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl living a happy life but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her the diary as her friends her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint more of the outside world the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary I can imagine she was helpless fear but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank" my heartis very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne'schildren. War is always nasty it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself pray for world peace forever.看了“安妮日记的英文读后感"的人还看过:。
安妮日记读书心得英语安妮日记读书心得英语篇一A philosopher said: the butterfly can emerge because it is constantly fighting in bondage. Cocoon, like a kind of suffering, in a cocoon continue to struggle, will break out; if the butterfly, hard work, try not to, cocoon, stay in the narrow space, forever not to break.Therefore, in the face of suffering, cannot look and timid steps to continue to struggle, breakthrough in the suffering, the courage to look into the life of pleasure and bleak. To learn to like Anne, although suffering numerous, but she never gave up, the desire for peace, the desire of nature, she smiles to the misery that?有位哲人说:蝴蝶之所以能破茧而出,是由于它在束缚中不断拼搏。
要学会像安妮一样,虽然苦难数不胜数,但她从未放弃过,对和平的渴望,对大自然的渴望,不都是她笑对苦难的说明吗?安妮日记读书心得英语篇二Annes experience is that we may never feel, she lived in a dark environment for a whole two years. She longed for the light, she longed for peace, the desire to see the tranquil sky, the desire to return to the beautiful nature, which we never felt.Now in the war in Syria, Ukraine, there may be like Anne, like hiding in the secret cabin of the people. They have been tortured by the war, but they did not give up, still optimistic, tenacious alive.So we should cherish every day now!安妮的经受是我们可能永久也感受不到的,她在那乌黑一片的环境中生活了整整二年。
安妮日记读后感英文版篇一:安妮日记英文读后感TheDiaryofAnneFrankAfterreadingTheDiaryofAnneFrank,Iwasdeepinthoughtwithaheavyheart.I wasshockednotonlybytheatrocityofnazisbutalsobyAnne?sintelligenceandt herichresourcesofherinnerlife.AnneFrank?swish–“Iwanttogoonlivingevenaftermydeath.”Luckily,herdreamwasachieved.hervoicewaspreserved.Agreatnumberofpeo plereadthediary,enteringhertrueworldwithher.Inthebook,AnneFrankwasaJewishgirl.shehascouldbeordinarygirl,livingah appylife,butshehadtohideherselfwithherfamilyatasmallattic.Annehidedatth elittledarkatticalldaytoescapethenazi'skilling.shecouldnotgetclosetonature, cannotmakefriendslikebeforeplay.Intheshadowofthedeath,Annecouldonly keepadiarytogetthroughtougheveryday.Forher,thediaryisherbestfriend,her onlyfriendwhocanrelyonandtalk.shewroteinherdiaryalot,therearesilentonth eracialdiscriminationcomplaint,moreoftheoutsideworld,thenaturalyearnin gforthinkingaboutlife.1,AboutTheDiaryofAnneFrank,warandpeacearetheleadingtopicwetalkeda boutallthetime.Formostpeople,weallfeltleaden.wecan?timaginehowwelive tohideatasmallattic.Andatlongday,theymustbeprettyquietandevenalittlenoisewasforbidden.Inaddition,windowswerejustatthere,buttheycouldn?topent hecurtainstolookoutsideandbreathefreshair.theymustobservetheordersever yday:notapstobeturnedon;therefore,nowashing,silence,everythingtobefinishedbyeighto?clockandnol avatory.Ifwewerethem,wewouldhavegottencrazy.Inthebook,adetailwasim pressive.whenthefamiliesweregoingtomovethenewshelter,theydidalotofpr eparingwork.Theyputonheapsofclothesasiftheyweregoingtothenorthpole.F orexample,Anne,shehadontwovests,therepairsofpants,adress,ontopofthata skirt,jacket,summercoat,twopairsofstocking,lace-upshoes,woollycap,scarf ,andstillmore.shewasnearlystifledbutnooneinquiredaboutthat.everyonewas busyattheirownbusiness.Theyhadnotimetocareothers.onlyfromthedetail,w ecouldfindoutthedifficultcircumvents.Jewatthatsituationwouldn?thavedre amedofgoingoutwithasuitcasefullofclothing.Ifnot,theJewmustwanttoendu phislifeorbefoolish.Inordertotaketheclothingasmuchastheycould,therewas nochoice.Forkeepingliving,itwasonlyalittlechallenge.Forcontinuingtostay attheworld,nothingcannotbeovercome.onlyalittlehope,theytriedtocatchit.e xceptthetoughlivingcondition,theywereallatthefearthattheymightbefoundo utandtheyareforcedtoaffordairattacknowandthen.Anneinherdiarywrote,“wehadashortcircuitlastevening,andontopofthatthegunskeptbangingaway allthetime.Istillhaven?tgotovermyfearofeverythingconnectedwithshooting andplanes,andIcreepintoDaddy?sbednearlyeverynightforcomfort.?Andthe mrs.VanDaanwasnearlycryingandsaidinaverytimidlittlevoice.evenasaadult,shestillcouldn?tstopexpressingherdear.Asamatteroffact,everybodywereafr aidthattheironlyshelterwasspotted.Atanotherairattack,Annesaidsheclasped her“escapebag”closetome,morebecauseshewantedtohavesomethingtoholdthanwithanidea ofescaping,becausetherewasnowherewecango.Ifevertheycometotheextrem ityoffleeinghomehere,thestreetwouldbejustasdangerousasanairraid.Ingene ral,facingthedanger,wealwaysmakesometreasurestosaveourselves.butforthemtherewasnothingtheycoulddo.Theycanonlystayedatth eshakinghouse,prayingforgodandfortuneblessingthem.Itisapainfulprocess bothatphysiologyandpsychology.however,iftheyhadknownthetragicending ,theywouldhavedonethesamethingforsurviving.(Atthesecondpoint,Iwillputmyownviews.)weareallknownthehitler?sviolence,andtheheavierwasnearlyabnormal.Ann esaid,”I?veonlygotdismalanddepressingnewsforyoutoday.ourmanyJewishfriends arebeingtakenawaybythedozen.Thesepeoplearetreatedbythegestapowithou tashredofdecency,beingloadedintocattletrucksandsenttowesterbork,thebigJ ewishcampinDrente.westerborksoundsterrible:onlyonewashingcubiclefor ahundredpeopleandnotnearlyenoughlavatories.”wedon?texperienceit,soit?sreallybeyondourimagination.Likethis,wealway sassociatenanjingmassacreinchina.somuchatrocityhappened.Itwasindelibl eshadowforsufferers.however,kindnessandhumanismstillexit.Inthebook,elliandmiephelpedtheA nne?sfamily.Theycollectedtheirrationsforthemandsentinformation.Atthetr oubloussurroundings,mostpeoplebelieve“thelesstroublethebetter “.butsomeothersthoughttheyshouldtrytheirbesttosaveJews.Althoughman yJewswerecaught,savingapersonevenonewasbetter.Inthebook,whenDussel ,anewnumbercametotheattic,theywereallwillingtowelcomehim.Anne?sfat hersaid”Ifwecansavesomeone,theneverythingelseisofsecondaryimportance.”wemustknowthefamousmovieschindler?sList.Atfirst,schindlerwasonlyam erchantwhowanttoprofitfromthewar.butattheending,hechangedhismindand saveJews.hewouldratherhelpothersrthanmakingmoney.It?soriginalhumani tythatmakeshedoit.2.Amanwithoutspiritworldhardlylive.Twofamiliescametothesmallhouse.T heycouldn?tdoanythingatday.sodoingreadingwasthebestchoiceforthem.Inb ook,Annesaid,“mr.Koophuisbringsafewspecialbooksformeeveryotherweek.I?mthrilled withtheJoopterheulseries.I?veenjoyedthewholeofcissyvanmarxveldtverym uch.AndI?vereadeenZomerzotheidfourtimesandIstilllaughaboutsomeofthe ludicroussituationsthatarise.”shereadmanybookstorichherlife.Infact,readingisenjoyfulandgoodformany aspects.Iftheycouldn?tdoreading,theycanalsopassthetimeinallsortsofcrazy ways:askingriddles,physicaltraininginthedark,talkingenglishandFrench,criticizingbooks,peeringthroughapowerfulpairoffieldglassesintothelightedro omsofthehouseattheback..somethingwethoughtboringingeneralmaybeinter estingsometimes.what?smore,thediary,calledKitty,wasthebestgiftforthewh oleofAnne?slife.Itwasgivenbyherfather.hewantedAnnetobeathoughtfulgirl andrichthedailylife.Actuallythediarywasnotonlyanotebookbutalsoakindofs piritualsustenance.Anne?sdiaryisanappropriatemonumenttoherfinespiritan dtothespiritsofthosewhohaveworkedandareworkingstillforpeace.Attheabo ve,Iputforwardaquestion:iftheyhadknownthetragicending,theywouldhavedonethesamethingforsurvi ving.Inmyopinion,theywouldstilldothesamething.Theywereakindofgroup whowouldn?tabandontheirliveseasily.onlythetragicendingdidn?tcome,didt heybelievetherewasalittlehope.3.Anneisadistinctivegirl.shehadherownmind.maybeintheviewsofothers, sheisanaughtygirl.especially,paringwithmargot,she wasnotfavorable.Atthebeginning,hergeneralappearance,hercharacter,herm annerswerediscussedfromAtoZ.butwiththetimegoingby,shewerebecoming sensible.onemustapplyone?sreasontoeverything,earningtoobey,toholdourt ongue,tohelp,tobegood,togivein.Lifehasthegreatpowertochangeustoadaptit .Inaddition,Annestartedafreshandtriedtogettothebottomofitall.Asshesaid,w eshouldexaminethewholemattercarefullyourselvesandfindoutwhatistruean dwhatisexaggerated.Inourdailylife,weoftenmeetargumentswithparents.we cansticktotheAnne?sprinciple.Ifparentsarewrong,weshalltryfirstofalltomakethemaltertheirideasandifwedon?tsucceedweshallsticktoourownopinions andjudgement.Althoughshelivedinasmallroom,shestillhadabrightfulheart.s hebelievedthatitwasspiringwithinher,shefeltthatspringwasawaking,shefelti tinherwholebodyandsoul.Andinthebook,shewroteandthoughtmuchoftheti meaboutthingswhichverysensitive.Forexample,shedescribedalotaboutthea ffairwithpeter.It?snormalforateenager.Ithinkparentsshouldreadthisbook,so theycanregardthisquestioncorrectly.Annesaid,“onecertainlycouldnotcallusrichnow,butallmyhopesarepinnedonafterthe war.”nowweareinthepeacefulworld,hopeisfullofourlife.sothereisnoreasonputtin goffachievingdreams,weshouldtreasureeveryone,everything,everymoment thatwehave.篇二:《安妮日记》读后感《安妮日记》读后感一本日记承载了一段悲痛的历史;一本日记记录了一位少女成长的心路历程;一本日记目击报道了二战期间在德军占领下,人们的苦难生活。
安妮日记的英语读后感2016关于安妮日记的英语读后感导语:安妮日记是一本经典的课外读物,它给我们讲诉; 纳粹期间,即荷兰被德国占领的那两年里,躲在密室中的八个人的各种变化。
希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!安妮日记的英语读后感【篇一】This is a fantastic book. By a young. Have the courage to expose the truth girl. Is that I have read about the war and the effects on the human the most wise touching a book.Annie. Frank is introduced during the Nazi, i.e., the Netherlands that occupied by Germany two years, hiding in the chamber of the eight people in a variety of changes. They live in fear, isolation and imprisoned in the rest of the world, which not only from the terrible war environment, also comes from their own. It makes me very vividly realize the tremendous evil war - fall of the human spirit.At the same time, Annie in the diary of a sharp and clearly write to the human in the fundamental spirit of the noble sparkle. Though they are in daily life is full of fear and shame, but these people don't give up. Anne his own personality in this book are vividly depict out. In her two years rapid mature and vital puberty changes in life, so quickly and hard. With her own passion and wisdom. She's smart and rich inner world, in a long time, Anne in thinking and sensitive issues related to adolescence. She also wrote the relationship with parents, the development of self-consciousness and the growing problem.Such is life in the special environment of a young girl's thoughts and feelings, her diary to us more about ourselves. It is for this reason, I feel we so near, Anne's experience with more can deeply into her short life, as well as the whole world.这是一本精妙绝伦的书。
《安妮日记》英文读后感《安妮日记》英文读后感范文1Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank."In fact,this is not the first time I read this book.When I first read it in elementary school,and read the Chinese version.Then still small,still can not read,that means nothing.Now it seems there feeling very deeply.在我读这本书的时候,向爸爸提出了一个问题:“为什么鲁滨逊能独自在荒岛上生存那么长的时间,而不被野兽吃掉活病死呢?”爸爸意味深长的告诉我:“知识就是力量。
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl.She could and ordinary girl,living a happy life,but she was not hiding different parents attic.Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing.She could not get close to nature,can not be friends like before play.In the shadow of the shadow ofdeath,Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day.For her,the diary as her friends,her only friends can rely on and talk.She wrote in her diary a lot,there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint,more of the outside world,the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary,I can imagine she was helpless,fear,but a more leisurely and calm.This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank",my heart is very heavy.Nazi racial discrimination,maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children.War is always nasty,it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank"and let people see the ugliness of war,to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself,pray for world peace forever.安妮教海伦发音是一个极其漫长的过程。
以下是由店铺整理安妮日记读后感的内容,希望大家喜欢!安妮日记读后感英文版(一)From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear,but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.安妮日记英文读后感Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life. 安妮日记英文读后感After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever. 安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)是德籍犹太人。
安妮的日记英文读后感安妮的日记英文读后感安妮的日记给大家烘托了一个和平的世界,以下由管理资料安妮的日记的英文读后感范文安妮的日记英文读后感Not long ago I just read the English version of Diar of Anne Frank. In fat, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementar shool, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still an not read, that means nothing. No it seems there feeling ver deepl.Anne Frank as a Jeish girl. She ould and ordinar girl, living a happ life, but she as not hiding different parents atti. Anne all da hiding in dark little atti to esape the Nazi s killing. She ould not get lose to nature, an not be friends like before pla. In the shado of the shado of death, Anne onl keep a diar to get through tough ever da. For her, the diar as her friends, her onl friends an rel on and talk. She rote in her diar a lot, there are silent on the raial disrimination plaint, more of the outside orld, the natural earning for thinking about life.From her diar, I an imagine she as helpless, fear, but a more leisurel and alm. This is a great girl.After reading the Diar of Anne Frank , m heart is ver heav. Nazi raial disrimination, maiming and killing innoent prett muh the same as Anne s hildren. War is alas nast, it makes human experiene is a market atastrophe.Thank ou Diar of Anne Frank and let people see the ugliness of ar, to get people to think about and ondolenes for the unfortunate people.Do not like histor repeating itself, pra for orld peae forever.fanen1562。
安妮日记观后感英文120字带中文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Diary of a Young GirlI just finished reading the famous book "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank, and it really made me think a lot about life. Anne was a Jewish girl who had to go into hiding with her family during World War II to escape the Nazis. Even though she was just a teenager, her diary shows how smart and wise she was.The book is basically Anne's diary that she kept while hiding in a secret annex in Amsterdam for over two years. Through her diary entries, you get to see what her daily life was like hiding from the Nazis. It's really sad because she couldn't go outside, had to be super quiet all the time, and was just cooped up in a small space. But Anne tried to stay positive and find little joys in life like looking out the window at the blue sky.What's really amazing is how Anne could write so beautifully and have such deep thoughts at such a young age. She wrote about her hopes and dreams for the future. She wanted tobecome a writer and travel the world after the war ended. It's heartbreaking though because you know that never happened. The Nazis ended up finding their hiding place in 1944 and sent Anne and her family to concentration camps. Anne died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 at just 15 years old.Reading Anne's diary made me realize how lucky I am to have the freedom and safety that she didn't. I get to just be a normal kid without having to fear for my life or hide away. Her diary is such a powerful reminder of the cruelty of the Holocaust and why we can never let something like that happen again. No child should have to suffer like Anne did.At the same time, I'm inspired by Anne's courage, optimism, and resilience in the face of such horror. Even in hiding, she held onto hope and dreamed of a better future. Her beautiful soul shines through in her writing. I'll never forget the quote from her diary: "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." After all she went through, she still had faith in humanity.Anne's diary is now one of my favorite books. Her story teaches us that we should never take our freedom for granted. We have to stand up against hatred, racism and injustice whenever we see it. Reading the diary of this remarkable younggirl made me want to use my voice to create more kindness in the world, just like Anne dreamed of doing. Her memory and legacy will always live on through her powerful words.120 word reflection:"The Diary of Anne Frank made me feel very sad yet hopeful.I was sad that Anne could not live her life freely due to the cruel Nazis, but hopeful by her positive spirit. Her beautiful thoughts show wisdom beyond her years. She inspires me to appreciate my own freedoms and speak out against injustice."《安妮日记观后感120字带中文》"阅读《安妮日记》让我感到非常伤心但也怀有希望。
【最新】安妮日记读后感英文版-推荐word版 (5页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==安妮日记读后感英文版安妮日记读后感英文版(一)Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anneall day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.安妮日记读后感英文版(二)I just finished reading the English "Annie diary. This is myfirst time to see the book. The first time I see in elementary school, English. At that time, still can't read, feel nothing. And now, it seems, has deep deep feeling.Anne frank a jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl live a happy life, but her parents to be hiding in the attic. Little Annieall hide in the attic of dark, avoiding the Nazi's killing. Shecouldn't close to nature, and friends to play like before. In the shadow of death, Annie only a diary to a torrid every day. For her diary as her friends, she can only rely on and talk to a friend. Sheis in her diary written a lot of racial discrimination, silent, moreis to the outside world, to nature yearning, for life.From her diary, I could imagine that she was helpless, fear, but more calm and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Annie diary, my heart is very heavy. The Nazi racism, destroying much like Anne as innocent lovely child. War is abhorrent, it lets the human experience is destined unscathed.Thanks to "Annie diary, let people see war, let people to think ugly, go for unfortunate people mourn.Let history repeat, don't ever ask world peace.安妮日记读后感英文版(三)The Diary of Anne FrankAfter reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deep in thought with a heavy heart. I was shocked not only by the atrocity of Nazis but also by Ann e’s intelligence and the rich resources of her inner life. Anne Frank ‘s wish –“I want to go on living even after my death.” Luckily, her dream was achieved. Her voice was preserved. A great number of people read the diary, entering her true world with her.In the book, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She has could be ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she had to hide herself with her family at a small attic. Anne hided at the little dark attic all day to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not make friends like before play. In the shadow of the death, Anne could only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary is her best friend, her only friend who can rely on and。
安妮日记英文读后感1Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.参考翻译不久前我刚看完了英文版的《安妮日记》。
安妮日记读后感英文版Introduction:Anne's Diary is an extraordinary literary work that allows readers to delve into the depths of human experience during one of the darkest periods in human history, the Holocaust. Penned by Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, the diary offers poignant insights into her thoughts, aspirations, and fears as she and her family hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. The diary is a testament to the resilient spirit of Anne and serves as a powerful reminder of the atrocities committed during this time. Through reading Anne's Diary, I was deeply moved and enlightened, leading me to reflect on the power of hope, the human capacity for resilience, and the importance of remembrance.Body:1. The Power of Hope:One of the most profound aspects of Anne's Diary was her unwavering hope despite the dire circumstances she faced. Throughout her entries, Anne consistently expressed her optimism for the future when the war would end and she could pursue her dreams. Her belief in the power of hope resonated deeply with me as I realized how essential it is to hold onto hope, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. Despite the oppressive conditions and constant fear, Anne's hope served as a guiding light and source of strength for her and those around her.2. Resilience in the Face of Adversity:The resilience demonstrated by Anne and her family throughout their time in hiding was truly remarkable. Living in cramped quarters for two years, constantly on high alert, and facing the constant threat of discovery, the Franks faced unimaginable hardship. Anne's Diary provided me with a valuable lesson in resilience; it showed me that even in the darkest of times, individuals have an incredible ability to adapt and survive. Their resilience was not limited to their physical confinement but also extended to their mental and emotional fortitude. It served as a reminder not to underestimate the strength of the human spirit.3. The Importance of Remembrance:Reading Anne's Diary reminded me of the importance of remembering and learning from history. Anne's story is just one among millions of victims of the Holocaust, and her diary humanizes the enormity of the tragedy. It brings to light the individual experiences, emotions, and aspirations of those affected by the Holocaust. As I read Anne's words, I felt a responsibility to ensure that the horrors of the past are not forgotten and to do my part in promoting tolerance, understanding, and compassion in the world. Anne's Diary has made me more aware of the dangers of discrimination and prejudice and has inspired me to actively work towards fostering a more inclusive society.4. Anne's Unique Perspective:One of the most compelling aspects of Anne's Diary is her ability to articulate complex thoughts and emotions for a young girl of her age. She possessed a unique perspective that reflected her maturity, intellect, and introspection. Her words resonated with me on a deep level, and I found myself captivated by her extraordinary ability to articulate her innermost thoughts. Through her diary, Anne gave voice to the millions of unheard victims, giving them a human face and a platform to tell their story.Conclusion:Anne's Diary is a literary masterpiece that has left an indelible impact on me. Through her poignant and insightful writing, Anne Frank reminds us of the power of hope, the resilience of the human spirit, and the importance of remembrance. Her ability to find solace, joy, and beauty amidst the chaos and darkness serves as an inspiration to us all. As I closed the pages of Anne's Diary, I felt a renewed sense of gratitude for the freedom and opportunities I have today and a strong desire to honor the memory of Anne and the millions of other victims of the Holocaust. Anne's Diary is a powerful and timeless reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the importance of learning from history.。
安妮日记观后感英语The "Diary of Anne Frank" is a poignant reminder of the human spirit's resilience amidst the darkest of times. Anne's words, penned in the shadows of the Holocaust, reveal a young girl's hope and dreams, overshadowed by the grim reality of war.Her diary, a window into her world, is filled with the innocence of youth and the wisdom beyond her years. Anne's reflections on life, love, and the simple pleasures we often take for granted, resonate deeply, challenging us to appreciate the freedom we enjoy.The stark contrast between Anne's vibrant personality and the oppressive environment she lived in is heart-wrenching. Her narrative is a testament to the power of hope, even when faced with unimaginable adversity.Reading Anne's diary, I was struck by her unwavering belief in a better future. Her optimism in the face of despair is a beacon of light, guiding us to hold onto our dreams, no matter how bleak the circumstances.The diary is not just a historical account; it's a timeless narrative of a young life cut short, a story that compels us to reflect on the value of life and the importance of standing up against injustice.Anne's story is a poignant lesson on the fragility of peace and the enduring strength of the human spirit. It urges us to cherish every moment and to fight for a world wheresuch tragedies are but a memory of the past.In conclusion, "The Diary of Anne Frank" is a powerfuland moving piece of literature that transcends time and place. It is a reminder of the atrocities of war and a tribute tothe indomitable spirit of a young girl whose voice continuesto inspire generations.。
安妮日记英语观后感As I closed the last page of Anne Frank's Diary, I found myself deeply moved by the courage, resilience, and hope that Anne displayed throughout her time in hiding. The diary, written by a young girl during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, is not just a record of daily life but a testament to the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.Anne Frank's Diary is a remarkable chronicle of life during a dark period in history. Through Anne's eyes, we witness the horrors of war, the cruelty of the Nazi regime, and the constant threat of discovery that loomed over her and her family. Despite these challenges, Anne's diary is filled with hope, dreams, and a deep love for life. Her writing is honest, raw, and poignant, giving us a window into the soul of a young girl who was forced to grow up too soon.One of the most striking aspects of the diary is Anne's unwavering faith in humanity. Despite the atrocities she witnessed, she never lost sight of the goodness that existed in the world. She wrote about her friendships, herlove for music and nature, and her dreams for the future. These moments of levity and joy are a powerful reminderthat even in the darkest times, there is still light.Anne's writing also reveals her keen observational skills and her gift for storytelling. She described the people she met, the places she saw, and the events that unfolded around her with remarkable clarity and detail. Her words bring these moments to life, allowing us to experience them alongside her.The diary is also a powerful testament to theresilience of the human spirit. Anne and her family were forced to live in secret for over two years, with constant fear of discovery. Despite this, Anne found solace in writing, using it as a means of expression and escape. Her diary became a safe space where she could express her thoughts and feelings freely, without fear of reprisal.The impact of Anne Frank's Diary is profound. It reminds us of the importance of cherishing every moment of life, of embracing our dreams and aspirations, and of holding onto hope in the face of adversity. Anne's story is a powerful reminder that we all have the capacity toovercome the challenges we face, no matter how insurmountable they may seem.In conclusion, Anne Frank's Diary is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and hope in a world that can often feel dark and hopeless. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a powerful reminder of the importance of holding onto faith and hope in the face of adversity. Anne's story is one that will continue to inspire and motivate people for generations to come.**《安妮日记》英语观后感**随着安妮·弗兰克日记的最后一页缓缓合上,我被这位年轻女孩在隐居期间所展现出的勇气、韧性和希望深深打动。
《安妮日记》英文读后感《安妮日记》英文读后感范文1Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.在我读这本书的时候,向爸爸提出了一个问题:“为什么鲁滨逊能独自在荒岛上生存那么长的时间,而不被野兽吃掉活病死呢?”爸爸意味深长的告诉我:“知识就是力量。
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.安妮教海伦发音是一个极其漫长的过程。
安妮日记读后感英文版篇一:安妮日记英文读后感The Diary of Anne FrankAfter reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deep in thought with a heavy heart. I was shocked not only by the atrocity of Nazis but also by Anne?s intelligence and the rich resources of her inner life. Anne Frank ?s wish –“I want to go on living even after my death.”Luckily, her dream was achieved. Her voice was preserved. A great number of people read the diary, entering her true world with her.In the book, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She has could be ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she had to hide herself with her family at a small attic. Anne hided at the little dark attic all day to escape the Nazi’s killing. She could not get close to nature, can not make friends like before play. In the shadow of the death, Anne could only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary is her best friend, her only friend who can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.1,About The Diary of Anne Frank, war and peace are theleading topic we talked about all the time. For most people, we all felt leaden. We can?t imagine how we live to hide at a small attic. And at long day, they must be pretty quiet and even a little noise was forbidden. In addition, windows were just at there, but they couldn?t open the curtains to look outside and breathe fresh air. they must observe the orders every day : no taps to be turned on;therefore, no washing, silence, everything to be finished by eight o?clock and no lavatory. If we were them, we would have gotten crazy. In the book, a detail was impressive. When the families were going to move the new shelter, they did a lot of preparing work. They put on heaps of clothes as if they were going to the North Pole. For example, Anne, she had on two vests, there pairs of pants, a dress, on top of that a skirt, jacket, summer coat, two pairs of stocking, lace-up shoes, woolly cap, scarf ,and still more. She was nearly stifled but no one inquired about that. Everyone was busy at their own business. They had no time to care others. Only from the detail, we could find out the difficult circumvents. Jew at that situation wouldn?t have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing. If not, the Jew must want to end up his life or be foolish. In order to take theclothing as much as they could, there was no choice. For keeping living, it was only a little challenge. For continuing to stay at the world, nothing can not be overcome. Only a little hope, they tried to catch it. Except the tough living condition, they were all at the fear that they might be found out and they are forced to afford air attack now and then. Anne in her diary wrote, “We had a short circuit last evening, and on top of that the guns kept banging away all the time.I still haven?t got over my fear of everything connected with shooting and planes, and I creep into Daddy?s bed nearly every night for comfort.? And the Mrs. Van Daan was nearly crying and said in a very timid little voice. Even as a adult, she still couldn?t stop expressing her dear. As a matter of fact, everybody were afraid that their only shelter was spotted. At another air attack, Anne said she clasped her “escape bag” close to me, more because she wanted to have something to hold than with an idea of escaping, because there was nowhere we can go. If ever they come to the extremity of fleeing home here, the street would be just as dangerous as an air raid. In general, facing the danger, we always make some treasures to saveourselves .But for them there was nothing they coulddo. They can only stayed at the shaking house, praying for God and fortune blessing them. It is a painful process both at physiology and psychology. However, if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving.(At the second point, I will put my own views.)We are all known the Hitler?s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I?ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente. Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not nearly enough lavatories.” We don?t experience it, so it?s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne?s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“. But some others thought theyshould try their best to save Jews. Although many Jews were caught, saving a person even one was better. In the book, when Dussel, a new number came to the attic, they were all willing to welcome him. Anne?s father said” If we can save someone, then everything else is of secondary importance.” We must know the famous movie Schindler?s List. At first, Schindler was only a merchant who want to profit from the war. But at the ending, he changed his mind and save Jews. He would rather help others r than making money. It?s original humanity that makes he do it.2.A man without spirit world hardly live. Two families came to the small house. They couldn?t do anything at day. So doing reading was the best choice for them. In book, Anne said, “Mr. Koophuis brings a few special books for me every other week. I?m thrilled with the Joop ter Heul series. I?ve enjoyed the whole of Cissy van Marxveldt very much. And I? ve read Een Zomerzotheid four times and I still laugh about some of the ludicrous situations that arise.” She read many books to rich her life. In fact, reading is enjoyful and good for many aspects. If they couldn?t do reading, they can also pass the time in all sorts of crazy ways: asking riddles, physical training in the dark , talking English andFrench, criticizing books, peering through a powerful pair of field glasses into the lighted rooms of the house at the back.. Something we thought boring in general may be interesting sometimes. What?s more, the diary, called Kitty, was the best gift for the whole of Anne?s life. It was given by her father. He wanted Anne to be a thoughtful girl and rich the daily life. Actually the diary was not only a notebook but also a kind of spiritual sustenance. Anne?s diary is an appropriate monument to her fine spirit and to the spirits of those who have worked and are working still for peace. At the above, I put forward a question:if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving. In my opinion, they would still do the same thing. They were a kind of group who wouldn?t abandon their lives easily. Only the tragic ending didn?t come, did they believe there wasa little hope.3.Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others,she is a naughty girl. Especially, she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot, she was not favorable. At the beginning, her general appearance, her character, her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with thetime going by, she were becoming sensible. One must apply one?s reason to everything, earning to obey, to hold our tongue, to help, to be good, to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition, Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said, we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life, we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne?s principle. If parents are wrong, we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don?t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room, she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her, she felt that spring was awaking, she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book, she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example, she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It?s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book, so they can regard this question correctly.Anne said, “One certainly could not call us rich now, but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world, hope is full of our life.So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams, we should treasure everyone, everything, every moment that we have.篇二:《安妮日记》读后感《安妮日记》读后感一本日记承载了一段悲痛的历史;一本日记记录了一位少女成长的心路历程;一本日记目击报道了二战期间在德军占领下,人们的苦难生活。
安妮日记观后感英文120字I recently watched "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" and it lefta deep impression on me.最近我观看了《安妮日记》,它给我留下了深刻的印象。
The most striking aspect of the diary is Anne Frank's incredible strength and courage in the face of such adversity.日记中最引人注目的是安妮弗兰克在面对如此的逆境时所表现出的令人难以置信的力量和勇气。
It's truly remarkable how she managed to find hope and joy in the midst of such a terrible situation.她是如此的了不起,她在如此可怕的情况中如何能找到希望和快乐。
The diary also serves as a powerful reminder of the inhumanity and cruelty that can result from intolerance and prejudice.这个日记也是一个强有力的提醒,它使人们记住了不容忍和偏见所带来的不人道和残忍。
It's heartbreaking to think about the suffering that Anne and her family endured simply because of their religion.想到安妮和她的家人仅仅因为他们的宗教信仰而遭受的痛苦,令人心碎。
However, despite the unimaginable hardships they faced, Anne's words are filled with hope, optimism, and a belief in the goodness of humanity.然而,尽管他们面对着难以想象的艰辛,安妮的话语中充满着希望、乐观和对人性的善良的信仰。
安妮日记观后感英文120字带中文After watching The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deeply moved by the courage and resilience of Anne and her family during such a tumultuous time in history.观看了《安妮日记》后,我对安妮和她的家人在如此动荡的时期表现出的勇气和坚韧深感动容。
The film vividly portrayed the harsh realities of living in hiding during World War II, and the constant fear and anxiety that the characters faced on a daily basis.影片生动地描绘了二战期间藏身生活的残酷现实,以及人物们每天面对的持续恐惧和焦虑。
Anne's unwavering optimism and hope for the future, despite the dire situation she found herself in, was both inspiring and heart-wrenching.安妮在陷入困境时仍然保持着坚定的乐观和对未来的希望,这既鼓舞人心又令人心碎。
The close bond and support between the characters in the film, especially within the confined space of the annex, exemplified the power of love and unity in the face of adversity.影片中人物之间紧密的联系和支持,尤其是在隔离空间中的挚友,展示了在逆境中的爱和团结的力量。
【优质文档】精选安妮日记的英语读后感范文-精选word文档 (4页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==精选安妮日记的英语读后感范文导语:安妮日记是一本经典的课外读物,它给我们讲诉;这本书是一个犹太女孩在德国纳粹大肆屠杀犹太人期间躲在阁楼上写的一本日记。
希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!安妮日记的英语读后感【篇一】In this summer vacation, I read the diary of Anne frank, this book is a jewish girl during the Nazi German slaughter of jews hiding in the attic to write a diary.She had to have a happy family, father, mother, my sisters are very love her. But the arrival of the holocaust destroyed it all: millions of people have no family, no home, countless people fell to the bullet, there are thousands of people were taken to a concentration camp... But those who don't know, waiting for their is death!Annie a chose to hide, they hide behind his father's company with several neighbors, living for 25 months, during this time, have the fear of the police paid them a visit, have the joy of the birthday coming, the thief to visit despair, and the excitement of Anne in love... They in the face of the sudden changes of life optimistic, brave in the face of fear. Her innocent, lovely, lively, frankness, after the injustice and blame, has yet to face life with a smile. They desire to live there, desperate to find hope to survive. Annie also learned a lot here, grown up a lot. But, unfortunately, they finally but was sent to a concentration camp, Anne's father was the only one who survived in the end.Look at the book, I was very moved by, a teenage girl could even in the case of so very write such exquisite diary: she gradually learn to think, calm and cool.After that, in order to more deeply understand Anne lifesituation at that time, I was watching a movie called "schindler's list", I am shocked, a person's life is so not worth, and dignity trampled: an officer morning with a gun on the jews at below; Some people try to hide in the house, was found by Nazi soldiers, soldiers on their shooting... The film in addition to a little girl in red and give the red flame of hope is the color of the other all are black and white, the boundless huge crowd, only to see a little girl in a red coat, how nice! Little girl finally died, so lovely child killed by such ruthless, also with hopes.Massacre is the history of mankind's darkest night, Anne with her pen expressed the charges of Nazi Germany, also tells us her desire for the freedom of life.Let us cherish today's peace, pray tomorrow's peace.在这个暑假里,我阅读了《安妮日记》,这本书是一个犹太女孩在德国纳粹大肆屠杀犹太人期间躲在阁楼上写的一本日记。
安妮日记读后感英文版导语:安妮日记读后感英文版(一)Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.安妮日记读后感英文版(二)I just finished reading the English "Annie diary. This is my first time to see the book. The first time I see in elementary school, English. At that time, still can't read, feel nothing. And now, it seems, has deep deep feeling.Anne frank a jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl live a happy life, but her parents to be hiding in the attic. Little Annie all hide in the attic of dark, avoiding the Nazi's killing. She couldn't close to nature, and friends to play like before. In the shadow of death, Annie only a diary to a torrid every day. For her diary as her friends, she can only rely on and talk to a friend. She is in her diary written a lot of racial discrimination, silent, more is to the outside world, to nature yearning, for life.From her diary, I could imagine that she was helpless, fear, but more calm and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the "Annie diary, my heart is very heavy. The Nazi racism, destroying much like Anne as innocent lovely child. War is abhorrent, it lets the human experience is destined unscathed.Thanks to "Annie diary, let people see war, let people to think ugly, go for unfortunate people mourn.Let history repeat, don't ever ask world peace.安妮日记读后感英文版(三)The Diary of Anne FrankAfter reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deep in thought with a heavy heart. I was shocked not only by the atrocity of Nazis but also by Anne’s intelligence and the rich resources of her inner life. Anne Frank ‘s wish –“I want to go on living even after my death.” Luckily, her dream was achieved. Her voice was preserved. A great number of people read the diary, entering her true world with her.In the book, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She has could be ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she had to hide herself with her family at a small attic. Anne hided at the little dark attic all day to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not make friends like before play. In the shadow of the death, Anne could only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary is her best friend, her only friend who can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.?1,About The Diary of Anne Frank, war and peace are the leading topic we talked about all the time. For most people, we all felt leaden. We can’t imagine how we live to hide at a small attic. And at long day, they must be pretty quiet and even a little noise was forbidden. In addition, windows were just at there, but they couldn’t open the curtains to look outside and breathe fresh air. they must observe the orders every day : no taps to be turned on;therefore, no washing, silence, everything to be finished by eight o’clock and no lavatory. If we were them, we would have gotten crazy. In the book, a detail was impressive. When the families were going to move the new shelter, they did a lot of preparing work. They put on heaps of clothes as if they were going to the North Pole. For example, Anne, she had on two vests, there pairs of pants, a dress, on top of that a skirt, jacket, summer coat, two pairs of stocking, lace-up shoes, woolly cap, scarf ,and still more. She was nearly stifled but no one inquired about that. Everyone was busy at their own business. They had no time to care others. Only from the detail, we could find out the difficult circumvents. Jew at that situation wouldn’t have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing. If not, the Jew must want to end up his life or be foolish. In order to take the clothing as much as they could, there was no choice. For keeping living, it was only a little challenge. For continuing to stay at the world, nothing can not be overcome. Only a little hope, they tried to catch it. Except the tough living condition, they were all at the fear that they might be found out and they are forced to afford air attack now and then. Anne in her diary wrote, “We had ashort circuit last evening, and on top of that the guns kept banging away all the time. I still haven’t got over my fear of everything connected with shooting and planes, and I creep into Daddy’s bed nearly every night for comfort.’ And the Mrs. Van Daan was nearly crying and said in a very timid little voice. Even as a adult, she still couldn’t stop expressing her dear. As a matter of fact, everybody were afraid that their only shelter was spotted. At another air attack, Anne said she clasped her “escape bag” close to me, more because she wanted to have something to hold than with an idea of escaping, because there was nowhere we can go. If ever they come to the extremity of fleeing home here, the street would be just as dangerous as an air raid. In general, facing the danger, we always make some treasures to save ourselves .But for them there was nothing they could do. They can only stayed at the shaking house, praying for God and fortune blessing them. It is a painful process both at physiology and psychology. However, if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving.(At the second point, I will put my own views.)We are all known the Hitler’s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I’ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente.Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not nearly enough lavatories.” We don’t experience it, so it’s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne’s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“。
安妮日记读后感英文安妮日记读后感英文(一)The Diary of Anne FrankAfter reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deep in thought with a heavy heart. I was shocked not only by the atrocity of Nazis but also by Anne’s intelligence and the rich resources of her inner life. Anne Frank ‘s wish –“I want to go on living even after my death.” Luckily, her dream was achieved. Her voice was preserved. A great number of people read the diary, entering her true world with her.In the book, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She has could be ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she had to hide herself with her family at a small attic. Anne hided at the little dark attic all day to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not make friends like before play. In the shadow of the death, Anne could only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary is her best friend, her only friend who can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.?1,About The Diary of Anne Frank, war and peace are the leading topic we talked about all the time. For most people, weall felt leaden. We can’t imagine how we live to hide at a small attic. And at long day, they must be pretty quiet and even a little noise was forbidden. In addition, windows were just at there, but they couldn’t open the curtains to look outside and breathe fresh air. they must observe the orders every day : no taps to be turned on;therefore, no washing, silence, everything to be finished by eight o’clock and no lavatory. If we were them, we would have gotten crazy. In the book, a detail was impressive. When the families were going to move the new shelter, they did a lot of preparing work. They put on heaps of clothes as if they were going to the North Pole. For example, Anne, she had on two vests, there pairs of pants, a dress, on top of that a skirt, jacket, summer coat, two pairs of stocking, lace-up shoes, woolly cap, scarf ,and still more. She was nearly stifled but no one inquired about that. Everyone was busy at their own business. They had no time to care others. Only from the detail, we could find out the difficult circumvents. Jew at that situation wouldn’t have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing. If not, the Jew must want to end up his life or be foolish. In order to take the clothing as much as they could, there was no choice. For keeping living, it was only a little challenge. For continuing to stay at the world,nothing can not be overcome. Only a little hope, they tried to catch it. Except the tough living condition, they were all at the fear that they might be found out and they are forced to afford air attack now and then. Anne in her diary wrote, “We had a short circuit last evening, and on top of that the guns kept banging away all the time. I still haven’t got over my fear of everything connected with shooting and planes, and I creep into Daddy’s bed nearly every night for comfort.’ And the Mrs. Van Daan was nearly crying and said in a very timid little voice. Even as a adult, she still couldn’t stop expressing her dear. As a matter of fact, everybody were afraid that their only shelter was spotted. At another air attack, Anne said she clasped her “escape bag” close to me, more because she wanted to have something to hold than with an idea of escaping, because there was nowhere we can go. If ever they come to the extremity of fleeing home here, the street would be just as dangerous as an air raid. In general, facing the danger, we always make some treasures to save ourselves .But for them there was nothing they could do. They can only stayed at the shaking house, praying for God and fortune blessing them. It is a painful process both at physiology and psychology. However, if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done thesame thing for surviving.(At the second point, I will put my own views.)We are all known the Hitler’s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I’ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente. Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred p eople and not nearly enough lavatories.” We don’t experience it, so it’s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne’s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“。
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? 是啊,她做到了,她的精神永远地活在我们每一个人的心中。
? 是啊,她做到了,她的精神永远地活在我们每一个人的心中。