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姓名 ___________班级__________第_____组

听力部分( 30 分)

一、听录音;给下列图片选择相应的句子[1-5]。每小题听一遍。( 5 分)


二、听录音;根据所听到的顺序将下列句子排序。每小题听两遍。( 5 分)

( )On weekends, he always gets up at 6:30 a. m.

( )Peter always gets up early.

( )He returns home at 5:00 p. m.

( )His family often has breakfast at 7:00 a. m.

( )Sometimes he plays chess with his father after dinner.

三、听录音;判断所听录音是(T)否( F)与句子相符。(5 分)

1. Anne wrote a storybook in English during the holidays. ( )

2. She waves goodbye to her mother and goes to school. ( )

3. ( )

4. Tomorrow will be sunny in Beijing, but it will be cold. ( )

5. I will bring some peanuts and candies. ( )

四、听录音;写出所缺单词;补全句子;每小题听两遍。( 10 分)

1.I can ________

2.Which ________ do you like?

3.It ’ s time for the weather________.

4.Yesterday Tom had a ________ with his parents.

5.The cake ________ good.

笔试部分( 70 分)

一、找出不同类的单词;把字母代号填入题前的小屋内。( 10 分)( ) 1. A. always B. wave C. often

( ) 2. A. learn B. speak C. lotus

( ) 3. A. email B. lunch C. breakfast

( ) 4. A. never B. sometimes C. type

( ) 5. A. peanut B. candy C. can

二、按要求写单词。( 10 分)

1. heavy(反义词) _________

2. carried(原形) _________

3. weak(反义词) _________

4. slowly (形容词) _________

5. sit(过去式) _________

三、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。( 10 分)

湘少版六年级英语上册期中测试卷2. do-- 6. have-- 10.be--

3. go-- 7. wave--

4. play-- 8. study--

5. watch-- 9. see--

湘少版六年级英语上册期中测试卷( ) 1. What are you _______?

A. read

B. reads

C. to read

D. reading ( ) 2. The family usually _______ breakfast at 7:00 a. m.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are ( ) 3. She and her husband tried _______ each other.

A. see

B. to see

C. saw

D. sees ( ) 4. We _______ there last week.

A. goes

B. going

C. go

D. went

( ) 5. There _______ a public holiday last month.

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. are

( ) 6. She always _______ her bed at 6:15 a. m.

A. makes

B. make

C. making

D. made

( ) 7. — _______ are we going to swim?

— At 2 o ’clock.

A. Who

B. Which

C. What time

D. Where

( ) 8. I will _______ home at 9 ∶ 00 tomorrow.

A. returns

B. returned

C. returning

D. return

( ) 9. He could email his friends _______ England.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. to

( ) 10. Peter wanted _______ play games.

A. to

B. in

C. for

D. of

五、连词成句。( 10 分)

1.Tim to it climbed ran and tree the (.)


2.could email friends he his Australia in( ).


3.our to we greetings send can friends (.)


4. be strong there Xi’ an will a(.in) wind


5.bring I big a will juice bottle orange of (.)


六、读短文;判断对错。对的写“T ”;错的写“ F”。( 10 分)

Last Sunday morning, I went to the park with my good friends. The weather was sunny. Lots of people went there. In the middle of the park, there is a big lake. We call it Gexian Lake. There were some boats on the
