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人生境界 受孔子的影响,中国历代思想家都强调,一个受教育 者,一个学者,不仅要重视增加自己的知识和学问,更重 要的是要拓宽自己的胸襟,涵养自己的气象,提升自己的 精神境界,也就是要不断追求一种更有意义和更有价值的 人生。很多现代学者认为,人生境界的学说,乃是中国传 统哲学中最有价值的内容。这种人生境界的学说,就发端 于孔子。 4 禅宗(Zen Buddhism)是佛教中国化的最终产物,在历 史上曾对我国及其邻国(如日本、朝鲜等)的哲学、伦理、 文学、艺术的发展产生过广泛而又深刻的影响;在现今世 界里,禅宗又以其东方文化的独特魅力,向西方文化渗透。 作为人类的一种精神遗产,禅宗一直吸引人们去了解它、 研究它,并从中汲取营养。 3
Laozi’s Philosophy of Non-action
The book Laozi was written around the 6th century B.C. The author is generally believed to be Lao Dan, or Laozi---a recluse who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC). Few records have survived about ,who was said to have once held a low civil position in the royal court, in charge of the archival records the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256BC). Yet, due to his great learning, even Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult him. Laozi, also known as Classic of the Way and Virtue (Daodejing), consists of just over 5,000 Chinese characters. Its 81chapers are divided into two parts, Dao (the Way) and De (Virtue). Short as it is, the book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture. It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient china. The thought of formed the foundation of , the most influential indigenous school of religion in China. It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in the development of Chinese thinking. Laozi was first introduced into Europe possibly as early as the 15th century and has been one of the most translated philosophical works of ancient china. Many of enlightening views are based on his philosophy of naturalness and non-action.
自然无为的老子哲学 《老子》大约成书于公元前6世纪,一般认为,它是 春秋时期一位叫老聃的隐者所作。关于的资料很少,据 说他曾做过朝廷中很小的文官(管理周王朝的图书), 但学问很大,孔子曾经千里迢迢赶去向他问学。如果这 记载属实的话,这当是中国有记载以来两位最伟大的哲 学家的相会。 《老子》又称《道德经》,只有5,000多个汉字, 共81章,分为道篇和德篇两部分 。虽然简短,但它在中 国文化发展中的作用却很大:以它为基础,中国古代产 生了与儒家并列的哲学派别道家;根据它的思想,中国 古代产生了以老子为始祖的宗教派别道教,这是华夏民 族本土产生的最具影响的宗教。 《老子》的思想直接影 响了中国人的民族特性、思维倾向和审美趣味。直到今 天,《老子》还在参与塑造这个民族的思想。 《老子》在5世纪左右就开始被介绍到欧洲,它是译 本最多的中国古代哲学著作之一。老子的哲学的核心是 自然无为,围绕这一核心,老子提出了许多极富启发意 义的观点。
The adjustment or change of word order语序的调整或改变
(与众多的灾民相比),在都江堰映秀镇工作的李文英 是幸运的。5月12日她本来该上班了,可是头一天,上完 下午班之后,她忘记调整闹钟了。14点5分,闹钟把李文 英吵醒了,她再也睡不着了,就干脆起来,刚到卫生间就 发生了地震,住在4曾楼的李文英被埋进废墟,好在洗脸 间地方狭小,支撑力强,李文英只是腿和胳膊被砸伤。被 救之后,15日那天,乘坐直升飞机来到成都华西医院。 华西医院急诊楼前,就象紧张的战场。一辆辆救护车 呼啸着冲进来,刚一停稳,五六个医务人员和志愿者就冲 到车边,小心翼翼地抬下伤员,换到手推车上,快速来到 一排简易棚前,为伤员消毒,处理伤口,换上干净床单, 几分钟后,伤员被推到手术室救治。与此同时,防疫人员 为救护车消毒,处理伤员换下的脏衣服。 1
Li Wenying, in Yingxiu Town, Dujiangyan City, considered herself extremely lucky. She was supposed to work the night shift on May 12, but forgot to adjust her alarm clock, which woke her at 2:05 p.m. Unable to fall asleep again, she got up and went to bathroom, and the earthquake struck the next second. The beams in the walls of her small bathroom saved her life. When she was rescued, she was immediately rushed to the Huaxi Hospital in Chengdu for treatment of her injured arms and legs. The hospital was in battle readiness when I arrived. Whenever an ambulance pulled in, its siren blaring, half a dozen medical workers and volunteers dashed forward, unloading the patients and whisking them to the operating rooms. Meanwhile, the ambulance was disinfected, and the patients’ dirty clothes and sheets were disposed of.