Words related to "stereotype"
prejudgment, bias, generalization
Sentence structure
03 analysis and translation skills
Analysis of complex presence structures
The author of the text belongs to one of these literary schools and inherits its literary tradition and spirit Through the study of the text, learners can also understand the characteristics and influence of this literary school
Chapter structure
04 sorting and summary of the main idea
Chapter structure sorting
The lesson begins with a brief introduction to the topic and the author's background
human nature
The author's works are often characterized by vivid descriptions,
complex plots, and profounded themes, which attract readers and
7) When he read articles, he always has a dictionary at hand. 8) The construction of the dam got under way before any environmental
impact assessment had been done.(without…)
case. 3) I was the last one to expect that my case would develop into one of the
most famous trials in American history. 4) “This is a completely inappropriate jury, too ignorant and partial.”
I felt great sympathy for Bryan for being ignored by the spectators, who pushed by him to shake Darrow’s hand.
2. Translation A. 1) I didn’t expect that I would get involved in this dispute. 2) You must involve yourself in this work if you want to learn something. 3) Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the US although racial
成人自考教材 高级英语 Lesson 4 第四课 课件
• • • • •
leap over 跳过 The dog made a leap over the fence. v. 狗跳过了围栏。 look before you leap by/in leaps and bounds迅速的,突飞猛进 的
• precede • vt. 在 ... 之前, 先于 He precede his speech with a welcome to the guest. • 他演讲前先对来宾表示欢迎。
• 其它常见的回避讨论老年问题的方法有在 讨论时用乐观的词语和委婉的说法。
• people will speak of looking forward to their "retirement years". • 人们会提及期待“退休年龄”的到来。
• looking forward to喜滋滋地期待,期盼
• • • •
external adj. 外来的, 外部的, 外面的, 表面的 n. 外观, 外部, 外界事物 adj. [医]外用的
• internal • adj. 国内的, 内部的, 身内的
• bittersweet • adj. 又苦又甜的, 苦乐参半的 • It's almost beautifully sad, in a kind of bittersweet way.
• • • • • •
graceful adj. 优雅的, 得体的 副词: gracefully 名词: gracefulness elegant adj. 优雅的, 雅致的 refined adj. 精炼的, 优雅的, 精细的
• There is the popularly accepted opinion that Social Security and pensions provide a comfortable and reliable flow of funds so the elderly have few financial worries.
The Background Information
Alice Walker Beauty in Truth .flv
Who is Alice Walker? Let me tell you…
The story riches its cliБайду номын сангаасax at the moment when Dee,the elder daughter,wants the old quilts only to be refused flatly by her mother , who intends to give them to Maggie,the younger one.
about the quilts
• In the story, Walker uses quilts to symbolize a bond b etween women. The quilt in that article has become t he main metaphor of American cultural identity. Thus, the quilt represents culture and heritage. The charac ters‟ views on the quilt form the basis of their views o n culture and heritage. „Everyday Use‟ may seem lik e a story of choice of a Mother between values of sup erficiality or practicality as exemplified by the traits of two daughters Dee and Maggie, respectively. Howev er, upon closer inspection, you will see that the story i s actually an exploration of the idea of heritage applic able to African-Americans.
这是高级英语第一册第四课的课件,设计精美且易于理解。我们将介绍课程 的背景信息、词汇、阅读理解、语法与语言技能、写作技巧、口语与听力技 能、评估与评价,以及总结和课程的重要性。
本课程将为您提供关于高级英语的背景信息,介绍第四课的概述,以使您对 本课程有全面的了解。
Hale Waihona Puke 语法课程讲解课程中的语法知识和技巧。
1 写作指导
2 练习与作业
3 写作反馈
• 提供口语表达技巧 • 进行口语练习 • 鼓励学生参与口语讨论
提供课程的阅读材料,以便进行 阅读理解活动。
通过问题和讨论帮助学生理解课 文内容。
指导学生如何有效地记录笔记, 巩固阅读理解技能。
• 提供听力材料 • 进行听力练习 • 讲解听力技巧
评估 阅读理解测试 口语评估 写作作业
学生表现 测试学生对课文的理解程度 评估学生的口语技巧和表达能力 评估学生的写作能力和表达准确性
if sth has a reason for it , that means it is arguable
atrocity: outrage; terrible, cruel and violent acts, esp. in a war 暴行
atrocity 经常pl,
Nazi medical atrocities
支持 VS 反对
★Squeamishness refer to either a mild feeling of nausea or the quality of being easily disgusted or upset. May also cause feeling faint or general uneasiness. Squeamish neurotic psychotic 易心烦意乱的,神经质的, 神经脆弱的 -ish: 似…的,有点儿…的 -ly:像…的 childish , girlish , mannish , boyish, reddish womanly , motherly , sisterly, brotherly,
Rumble on
Thunder is rumbling in the distance.
rumble on : ( an argument or a dispute, to continue slowly and steadily for a long time) 缓慢而长久地持续
tenacious = persistent, insistent, dogged, stubborn, obstinate, strong-willed,
VI. Detailed Study:
8. bring about: cause
have brought about great changes in our lives.
VI. Detailed Study:
9. involve: to cause sb. to become connected or concerned
VI. Detailed Study:
7. nominee: a person who has been named officially for election to a position, office, honour, etc.
Nobel Prize nominee / a presidential nominee
witnesses testify / give evidence in the law court. One witness testified that he had seen the prisoner ran out of the bank after it had been robbed.
The She
doctor reassured the sick man about his health. won't believe it in spite of all our reassurance.
VI. Detailed Study:
cf: assure: try to cause to believe or trust in sth.; promise
I. Aims and contents of Teaching:
高级英语课件Unit 4
Paragraph 4
rut: deep narrow marks or tracks left in soft ground by the wheel of a vehicle rutted roads: roads with deep, narrow marks made by the wheels of vehicles E.g.: be in a rut 墨守成规,一成不变 墨守成规,
Paragraph 7
foray: literally means “a sudden attack into an enemy area by a small number of soldiers to damage or seize arms, foot, etc.” etc.” E.g.: The soldiers went on a foray at the command of the officer. make a foray on a town
Language Learning
Paragraph 3 perennial: lasting through the whole year; lasting forever or for a long time E.g.: the perennial snow fields The perennial blue jeans a perennial invalid the perennial problems of isolation in old age
Unit 4 The invisible poor
Getting information 2. Understanding structure Function of transitional words
单句填空 ②In his opinion, it is more meaningful (meaning) to travel in foreign countries. ③I still remember visiting (visit) a friend who'd lived here for five years and I was shocked when I learnt she hadn't cooked once in all that time.(202X浙江卷) ④After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on to thank (thank) all the people who had helped in her career.
完成句子 ⑦What parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children. 父母所说的和所做的对他们的孩子有着毕生的影响。 写作微练 ⑧这些关于国外文化的文章对我们的英语学习产生了良好影响。
These articles about foreign culture(s) have a good effect/influence on our English study.
点拨 (1)affect sb. to tears把某人感动得流泪 be affected with high fever发高烧 (2)effect n.结果;影响 have an effect/influence on对……有影响 effective adj.有效的;起作用的
单词 不同点
其实,嘉靖年间因给皇上献龙涎香升官发财的人不在少数,高耀并非唯一。只是皇上并不知道,此番高耀重金购得的龙涎香,原就是宫中之物。是在永寿宫失火时,有人趁乱从大火中抢出来,偷偷 私藏起来的。见皇上索要甚急,“耀阴使人以重金购之”。时人不免感叹“盖内外之相为欺蔽”也。
但龙涎香这种抹香鲸的分泌排泄之物,毕竟是可遇而不可求的。所以,虽经差官多年访取,也只得到了区区数斤。令皇上倍感雪上加霜的是,存放龙涎香的永寿宫竟莫名其妙地遭遇了一场大火,宫 内所藏龙涎香尽数焚于火中。
这龙涎香自然就成了嘉靖帝朱厚熜的心头爱物。只是这爱物着实稀少难寻,令皇上伤透了脑筋。多年前,皇上就曾下谕礼部,说龙涎香已十余年不进,指责“臣下欺怠甚矣”。要求“备查所产之处, 具奏取用”。责令差官各地访求,凡官民之家有藏龙涎香者,均要给价进献。据说,此采香令一下,“使者四出,官司督趣,急于星火”,进香之人络绎于道……世博线上真人
高三英语 上学期unit 4课件
grass Science of studying plants rose
is called botany
Task1. Scan the text to answer:
1.How many people are mentioned in the text?
2. How did Linnaeus classify plants? He classified plants in families. Its system classifies plants according to the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.
After he returned from the voyage, in what ways did Banks make great contributions ?
Exploration of Africa, settlement of Australia and developing the royal gardens into a centre of scientific and economic research.
A. he thought that was a good way of making a living
B. he was interested in botany
C. his father had died when he was only eighteen years old
D. he was very wealthy
• In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics, with whom she set up the Hogarth Press in 1917. Their home became a gathering place for a circle of artists, critics, and writers known as the Bloomsbury group. • As a novelist Woolf’s primary concern was to represent the flow of ordinary experience.
To the Lighthouse
• 整部小说贯穿着对社会的嘲讽,对主要人物,特 别是有时显得忧郁悲观的兰姆西先生则不无同情 。小说记载了兰姆西一家(8个孩子)和四个朋友 (老处女画家丽莉· 布里斯寇,年长的科学家威廉· 班克斯,渴望当教授的维阿尔斯· 坦斯雷,及最后 成为诗人的卡米歇尔)在苏格兰北部希伯里德斯 海域小岛度假,以及小说开始就提及的到小岛附 近灯塔一游,而直到十年以后小说结尾时的游览 计划成行的话题。小说中通过人物的内心活动展 示了他们各自的性格及在生活中的位置。
The Voyage Out, 1915 《出海》 Night and Day, 1919 《日夜》
Jacob’ s Room, 1922 《雅各的房间》 Mrs. Dalloway, 1925 《黛洛维夫人》 To the Lighthouse, 1927 《到灯塔去》 Orlando, 1928 《奥尔兰多》 The Waves, 1931 《海浪》 The Years, 1937 《年月》 Between the Acts, 1941 《幕与幕之间》
英语课件高一英语上册Unit 4课件
Period 1 :Warming up
Can you give the names of the following animals?
Para 1
Task4 Careful Reading
1. How did the antelope feel? 2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? 3. What will happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years? 4. How did the elephant feel?
Not long ago In Tibet, China Daisy had the experience with the help of a _____ _____, in order to know which animals gave _________to make her sweater. Every year over 29,000 _________ are killed for ______ and fur. And there are only 72,000 _______.
and found that antelopes ________ were in danger. They were _____ killed for the fur to make sweater. Part 2: Daisy flew to _________ Zimbabwe and Para 2-3 found that the wild animals were well protected ________ by paying farmers to visit animals. Part 3:Daisy flew to the rain forest. Talking Para 4-5 monkey she got to know with a _______, that rain forests should be protected, for they are the source of medicines and drugs. many _________
于月亮形状的观光平台驻足,这时,映入脸庞的是一汪静逸的湖水。望着眼前清澈见底的湖水,当一缕明媚阳光把火热情怀投向水面,那照出云朵的白、天空的湛蓝,就像身处茫茫大海,让人忍不 住想去乘风破浪一番。
风如约而至,只是她少了几分疯狂与不羁。此刻,我的思绪开始飞扬,在清风包裹的氛围里,多想邂逅一位青衣女子,与她同行,与她为伴。如果这样的画面可以成为永久,我更希望与她花前月下, 吟诗作赋,举杯当歌,做人生最难得的知音。
仙林湖共有四个广场,每个广场都有属于自己的一片小天地,我不清楚这次是从西林、东林、北林、青莲的某个入口而入,唯一留下记忆的是再往前行不到二十米,走过一处向下的台阶,便有一个 胜似月亮形状的观光平台浮现眼前。申博体育
Dee – 肤浅的
(4) 物件用途
Para. 53: use churn top as a centerpiece for the alcove table,
think of something artistic to do
with the dasher Para. 68: they’re priceless
• (1)过分强调黑人意识、黑人权力、黑人
• 花哨、浅薄的非洲文化寻根
• (2)排斥黑人的美国文化传统 • 在美国文化传统方面的无知与排斥
Black Power Movement
• “Black Power” is a political slogan which expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of separate social institutions and a self-sufficient economy (separatism). • The earliest known usage of the term is found in a 1954 book by Richard Wright titled Black Power. (“黑人权力”术语最初见于理查德· 赖特在 1954年出版的研究非洲政治的著作《黑人权力》)
Dee - 羞耻(落后、无知、贫穷)
Para. 11
Para. 10
Maggie - 相依为命、难以割舍
Lesson Four Die as You ChooseText:Para.1law on在……方面制定法律(正式)dodge: v. avoiddodge to left and right东躲西闪You’d better set off earlier in order to dodge the rush-hour. dodge the rush-hourdodge military servicedodge awkward questionseuthanasia: mercy-killingPara.2establishment: organizationcome to light: expose to public, reveal, uncover暴光languish: 缺乏活力,憔悴,饱受煎熬v. languish in/under sth. = suffer fromlanguish in poverty饱受贫穷的折磨languish under an iron controlforbid: ban; prohibitgo over重新Para.3bizarre: strange, uncommon, odd, ridiculous, peculiarclaim to do sth.声称做某事This is an unclaimed dog. 这是一只没人认领的狗。
at one’s request在某人的要求下vote on/for/against sb./sth.polemical: controversial, arguable有争议性的proponent支持者—opponent反对者in circumstancesPara.4yet=howevermacabre: gruesome adj.可怕的in privateon purpose: deliberately, intentionally有目的地,故意地consent(agree)同意/dissent不同意price:cost 代价Q 1: Yes.Q 2: Because it’s not permitted, it is taboo.Para.5prolong the throes延长痛苦throes pl. severe pain or suffering痛苦in the throes of (doing) sth.distinction between A and B A与B之间的区别hold out:remain;go on; continueQ 3: The distinction between killing and letting die. Yes.Q 4: A living will is a will in which the dying patient requests to die by refusing any medical treatment to prolong life.Para.6Culpable:受指责的--- blameless 无可责备的omit省略 v. –omission n. neglectThis sentence can be omitted in this text.take sth. as example把……作为一个例子stand: be in a position处于……位置gain from sth.=benefit from sth.从……获利No pays!No gains!不劳不获beat 痛揍/跳动/打倒某人beat sb. black and bluegive sb. a good beatingMy heart is beating fast.hit瞄准一点打I thrown a stone at the bird, but I didn’t hit it.hit sb. on the head 打中某人的头blow打击My father’s death is a big blow to me.strike撞到strike a match(划火柴)The clock strikes twelve.The village is stricken by an earthquake.fall unconscious: faintwithhold: v. hold sth. back, restrain拒绝给予,保留withhold one’s consent/agreement拒绝同意condemn: blame责备Para.7terminal: destinationformulate: stipulate规定swear one’s oathrule out 把……明确排除在外,禁止做……rule out: forbid, ban 划去, 排除, 取消The possibility cannot be ruled out.Para.9be appointed被任命为She is appointed class president. 她被任命为班长。
高三英语上学期unit 4课件.ppt
C. biology
D. medicine
Task 2. Listen to the text to do
the true or false questions
1. Before Carl Linnaeus, people didn’t manage to
for Joseph Banks. F
5. The most important purpose of the expedition for James Cook is to search for an unknown southern
continent. F
Task3. Read the text.
5. How old was Joseph Banks in 1768?
A. 26
B. 25
C. 24
D. We can’t find out his age according to the text.
6.Captain Cook made____ voyages altogether around the world. A. one B. two C. three D. four
7. Joseph Banks' interests lay in _______.
A.astronomy and botany
B. botany and medicine
C. agriculture and botany
D. geography and economy
8. Solander developed a lifelong friendship with Joseph Banks, who would later ask him to join his team of botanical explorers on the Endeavour in 1768.
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Lesson Four Die as You Choose
law on在……方面制定法律(正式)
dodge: v. avoid
dodge to left and right东躲西闪
You’d better set off earlier in order to dodge the rush-hour. dodge the rush-hour
dodge military service
dodge awkward questions
euthanasia: mercy-killing
establishment: organization
come to light: expose to public, reveal, uncover暴光
languish: 缺乏活力,憔悴,饱受煎熬
v. languish in/under sth. = suffer from
languish in poverty饱受贫穷的折磨
languish under an iron control
forbid: ban; prohibit
go over重新
bizarre: strange, uncommon, odd, ridiculous, peculiar
claim to do sth.声称做某事
This is an unclaimed dog. 这是一只没人认领的狗。
at one’s request在某人的要求下
vote on/for/against sb./sth.
polemical: controversial, arguable有争议性的
in circumstances
macabre: gruesome adj.可怕的
in private
on purpose: deliberately, intentionally有目的地,故意地
price:cost 代价
Q 1: Yes.
Q 2: Because it’s not permitted, it is taboo.
prolong the throes延长痛苦
throes pl. severe pain or suffering痛苦
in the throes of (doing) sth.
distinction between A and B A与B之间的区别
hold out:remain;go on; continue
Q 3: The distinction between killing and letting die. Yes.
Q 4: A living will is a will in which the dying patient requests to die by refusing any medical treatment to prolong life.
Culpable:受指责的--- blameless 无可责备的
omit省略 v. –omission n. neglect
This sentence can be omitted in this text.
take sth. as example把……作为一个例子
stand: be in a position处于……位置
gain from sth.=benefit from sth.从……获利
No pays!No gains!不劳不获
beat 痛揍/跳动/打倒某人
beat sb. black and blue
give sb. a good beating
My heart is beating fast.
I thrown a stone at the bird, but I didn’t hit it.
hit sb. on the head 打中某人的头
My father’s death is a big blow to me.
strike a match(划火柴)
The clock strikes twelve.
The village is stricken by an earthquake.
fall unconscious: faint
withhold: v. hold sth. back, restrain拒绝给予,保留
withhold one’s consent/agreement拒绝同意
condemn: blame责备
terminal: destination
formulate: stipulate规定
swear one’s oath
rule out 把……明确排除在外,禁止做……
rule out: forbid, ban 划去, 排除, 取消
The possibility cannot be ruled out.
be appointed被任命为
She is appointed class president. 她被任命为班长。
put the clock back: shorten阻止,缩短
intrude on/upon sb. /sth.: be involved in sth.干涉
permit sb. to do sth./allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
comply with sth.: follow, obey, observe遵循
pose dangers构成危险/a challenge构成挑战/a threat构成威胁
set a precedent for sth.:set an example for sth. 开创先例
resist pressure to do sth. 抵制压力
by contrast 对比之外
set some rules制定规则
usher sb. to someplace引领某人到某地
Q 5: Yes. No. To support his view.
Q 6: Killing.
Q 7: The shadow of the past.
Q 8: The author has a preference for euthanasia.
1. The warrior managed to (dodge) the arrow that came flying through the air.
2. The speaker’s last few words were (drowned out)by the audience’s thunderous applause.
3. Would I be (intruding) if I joined in your discussion?
4. The (omission) of a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate act by the writer.
5. The newly-recruited soldiers swore an (oath) of loyalty to their country.
6. The suspect was accused of (withholding) some important evidence from the court.
be accused of被起诉
7. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is (arguable).
debatable, discussion 讨论
arguable figure/people/topic
8. He has established himself as a (credible) businessman.
You can buy it on your credit.
现在 at present time
迫切地 urge
多数国家的医生只能偷偷地给病人实施安乐死most countries where doctors could only
practice euthanasia secretly
长期遭受suffer from
没有治愈的希望without any hope of cure
继续痛苦prolong suffering
结束put an end to sth.
存在危险there is a danger
利用take advantage of / make use of
不可回避的问题that is a problem that can not be dodged。