精读4配套课件unit 3

groundless beliefs in life • Appreciate the logic structure
Groundless Beliefs
Unit 3
种 很 伤 感 的 心声在 心
Groundless Beliefs
A. E. Mander
Groundless Beliefs
Unit 3
W arming up B ackground T ext Analysis R einforcement
Groundless Beliefs
Unit 3
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
– We know, without a shadow of a doubt, when human life begins。
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part II: Types/Causes of groundless beliefs (paras. 2–24) Section 1. Result of environment in early life. (paras. 2–3)
His Life and Works
• A. E. Mander (1894–1985) ✓ A well-published Australian scholar.
• Books
✓ Logic for the millions ✓ Clearer thinking (logic for everyman) ✓ The making of the Australians ✓ Our sham democracy ✓ Psychology for everyman (and woman) ✓ Clearer thinking; logic for everyday use ✓ Public enemy, the press ✓ Alarming Australia
阅读教程第四册 课件Unit+3

• The attacks received international media coverage and drew widespread criticism of U.S. laws and culture. It sparked intense debate about gun violencfor treating mental health issues, the perpetrator's state of mind, the responsibility of college administrations, privacy laws, journalism ethics, and other issues. Television news organizations that aired portions of the killer's multimedia manifesto were criticized by victims' families, Virginia law enforcement officials, and the American Psychiatric Association.
Virginia Tech massacre
• The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on Monday, April 16, 2007 on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many others before committing suicide. The massacre is the deadliest peacetime shooting incident by a single gunman in United States history, on or off a school campus.

To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
3. a 4. a
3. The Declaration of Independence was formally adopted on _____. a. July 4, 1776 c. July 4, 1861 b. July 14, 1776 d. July 14, 1778
The end of History & Historical Figures
Gandhi Nixon Bush Roosevelt Freud Napoleon
Do the match work.
Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
IV. Historical Events in Films
The end of Questions.
Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
1. c 2. d
Do you know?
1. Joan of Arc’s Life a. 13th century c. 15th century 2. The Black Death a. 10th century c. 12th century b. 16th century d. 14th century b. 9th century d. 11th century
The end of the An Essay.
大学英语精读第四册 第三单元 课件

Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Shaw, George Bernard (1856~1950), Irish playwright, critic and novelist, is widely considered the greatest British dramatist since Shakespeare and the greatest British satirist since Swift. Shaw‟s plays often ridicule governmental or social hypocrisies or mock the conventions of polite society. In the long prefaces to the printed editions he aired his views on all sorts of subjects. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Among his most famous plays are Widowers’ Houses (1892), Mrs. Warren’s Profession (1898), Arms and the Man (1898), Man and Superman (1905), Major Barbara (1905), Pygmalion (1913) and Saint Joan (1923).
After Reading
George Orwell Life Time Place of Birth Nationality Personal Experiences 1903~1950 India British serving with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma (1922~1927) living in poverty after his return to Europe fighting in the Spanish Civil War on the republican side and was severely wounded

to get the main idea of a text by reading only the key word(s) or
top sentence(s)
Choose the right answers to the questions:
1. What’s the passage mainly about? A. The history of English humour? B. The films Chaplin made. C. The humour Chaplin made in his films. D. The Gold Rush in California.
人教高中英语必修4Unit3readingPPT 课堂课 件(20页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Read the passage quickly and match the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: an example of a sad situation
e_n_j_o_y_m_e_n_twhen he_w_a_s__c_a_u_g_h_t_i_n_ a snowstorm in a
small wooden house.
人教高中英语必修4Unit3readingPPT 课堂课 件(20页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
人教高中英语必修4Unit3readingPPT 课堂课 件(20页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Unit 3 A taste of English Humor
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

Quotations from Mander’s book
• The trouble with most folks is not so much their ignorance, as their "knowing" so many things which ain't so.
---- Josh Billings
• He who cannot reason is a fool; he who will not is a bigot; he who dare not is a slave.
-----W. Drummond
Groundless Beliefs
➢What are the words used by the author in referring to groundless “beliefs”? --- propositions, assumptions, dogma, opinion ➢According to the author where do these beliefs come from? --- from other people: family, friends, media, tradition, interest groups, etc. ➢Why do we tend to accept these beliefs? --- “suggestion”, self-interest, sentimental associations, Fashion ➢Why do we have to be on guard against them? --- most of them are irrational; they are _________ rather than thought. --- once they become so s________ in they prevent us from accepting new ideas.
新编英语精读4 unit-3

Part I (P1) Introduction: The concept of organizational culture & discourse community. Part II (P2~3) Different cultures in different organizations are constructed by the people who found and change the organization. Part III (P4~5) Analysis of an organization's culture and subculture. Part IV (P6~8) Analysis of an organization's discourse communities and its coverage.
4. What is the importance of understanding organizational culture? 5. What organizational culture do you think is more desirable for your personal progress in the career?
● How important are friendship and sociability? To what extent do workers agree on goals, and how intently do they pursue them? ● How formal are behavior, language, and dress?
— Key Words: Ⅰ. discourse, philosophy , verbally, superior, prize, diversity, sociability, span, overlap, discipline, factual, compelling, litigation; Ⅱ. distinctive, associate, presentation, assembly, egalitarian, alongside, divisiveness — Phrases: Ⅰ. address sb. as ... , be deferential to, work out, be consistent with; Ⅱ. a/one hell of a something — Word Study: constitute, value, share, enhance, analyze

Unit 3你能证明地球是圆的吗?来试试看吧!你将依靠你自己的智力还是不得不引用专家的观点呢?我们为什么相信地球是圆的?乔治·奥韦尔记得在什么地方——我想是在《圣女贞德》序言中——肖伯纳评论说,今天我们比在中世纪时更加轻信,更加迷信。
我的第二张牌是地球的影子: 月食期间,地球投在月亮上的影子看上去呈圆形物体状。
小小交锋受挫,于是我打出一张王牌“Q”: 专家的看法。

Lesson Three1. Translate 1) into Chinese(1) 专业的历史工作者(2) 基于常识的反应(3) 事物的这种状况(4) 意见不一的历史学家(5) 已经准备好了的现成的东西(6) 一个个人喜好不同的问题(7) 截然不同的观点(8) 民间故事(9) 书面文件(10) 过去的遗留物(11) 人的动机和行为(12) 复杂和精细(13) 商船(14) 一旦发生潜艇战(15) 一个粗糙的理论(16) 好战的行为;战争行为(17) 宣传机器(18) 德国外交部长(19) 实力平衡(20) (事物的)因果(21) 海岸炮兵(22) 终极关怀(23) (事物的)近因(24) 人们常说的一句话(25) 不会出错的解释(26) 绝对有效的模式(27) 永不停止的探索(28) 一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标2)into English1) to gain new insights2) to revise one’s ideas3) to trace the cause4) to begin from this premise5) to to open fire on/at6) to give equal weight to sth7) to support a certain view8) to influence the government9) to destroy the balance of power10) to form a alliance11) to repay the loans12) to contemplate war13) to fill in the gaps14) to conclude the quest15) to view sth. from a certainperspective 16) to benefit from the comparison17) to eliminate differences18) to dig into the problem19) to be immersed in a vast sea20) to stem from a different point ofview21) to be destined to do sth22) to ignore the fact23) to make an assumption24) to defeat the enemy25) to win back one’s lost territory26) to sink a boat27) to intercept the secret message28) to piece together evidence29) to approximate the truth30) to master new techniques2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) synonyms(1) puzzling, baffling(2) fascinating(3) clear, plain, obvious, noticeable(4) final, last(5) to correct, to change, to alter, to modify, to rewrite(6) to dig into, to investigate, to look into(7) warlike, warring, aggressive, hostile(8) besides, apart from, plus(9) in the case of, should sth occur(10) nevertheless, in spite of that, just the same(11) to end (the search / probing)(12) to refer to(13) convincingly(14) on the whole, generally speaking(15) in addition, besides, apart from that, what’s more(16) through2) antonyms(1) to be praised(2) depressing(3) doubtful(4) unsoundness, weakness(5) conclusion(6) effect(7) disproportionate(8) anti-British(9) to take into account: to ignore(10) a well-developed (theory), a sophisticated (theory)(11) clear, clear-minded(12) non-professional, amateurish3. Replace the words in bold type with words and phrases you knowthat convey more or less the same meaning.1) simple/primitive; told; thick2) pondering/thinking about; future/fate; insignificant3) completely/entirely; different/opposite4) consider/regard; look at; angles/points of view5) knows very well; growing/increasing; complaints6) besides/apart from; easy; in the case of/if there is7) purposely paid no attention to8) generally/on the whole; however/but; come from/originate from9) absolutely reliable; wipe out/get rid of; bound to4. Translate1) The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2) The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.3) He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4) The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5) What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?6) We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7) There is always opposition to any progress and reform.8) Some people are always opposed to new things.9) A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led tothe financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.10) The Busine ss Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for theireducation.11) The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.12) She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come againsome day and see more of the country.13) As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the SecurityCouncil.14) During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.15) Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy wasnot guilty.16) She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.17) I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century byway of an introduction to the movie.18) They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.5. Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1) while/although; to2) over/about; with3) to; in4) led to/resulted in/caused5) with; lends/gives/brings6) from; in7) as to; of8) in the even of; survive9) to; to; study10) out; in11) in; weight/priority12) denote; of13) immersed/buried; more or less14) rather; the more15) at; stems from/comes from/originates from/results from16) base; filled in6. Show the difference between the following pairs or groups of works.1) (1) historic (2) historical (3) historical;historical 4) historic ( 5) historic2) (1) economic;economic (2) economical (3) economical (4) economical(5) economic3) (1) limited (2) limit (3) restricted (4) restricted (5) limited (6) restrict4) (1) cause (2) courses (3) course (4) course (5) cause;course5) (1) source (2) sauce (3) source (4) source;sauce6) (1) suppose/assume (2) supposed (3) presume/assume (4) Suppose(5) presumed7. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets.(1) only(2) tirelessly(3) motion(4) federal(5) Drastic (6) as(7) argued(8) which(9) the 1920s(10) sound(11) a(12) traced(13) lay(14) prepared(15) resulted1.Grammar in context1) (1) therefore: to show result(2) and: to add; however: to contrast(3) yet: to contrast(4) finally: to end a series(5) rather: to introduce a fact that is different from what has just been mentioned(6) at the same time: to indicate time(7) in other words: to explain(8) in the end: to conclude(9) but: to contrast; first: or enumerate; furthermore: to add(10) that is: to explain; but: to contrast; on the other hand: to contrast2. Put in appropriate transitional words or phrases.1) therefore2) therefore3) For example4) on the other hand5) furthermore 6) on the contrary7) In short8) At first, however9) Consequently10) even so11) moreover12) therefore13) however14) in fact15) that is3. Complete the sentences below with “one” or “a/an”.1) a,a2) one, a3) one4) a5) One, a 6) one7) a8) a, a9) One10) One, a11) A12) one13) a, one14) An, a15) a, an16) a, a17) One, a18) one19) One20) one4.translate the sentences1)Heroes and heroines are people with unusual qualities.2)Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3)In China's mainland, "sweetheart" often refers to a person's husband or wife.4)A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.5)Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services.6)An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesn’t put what he says into practice.7)Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.8)Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.9)DVD is a disk on which large amounts of information, esp. photographs and video can be stored in a computer.10)The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "workaholic" as "a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things".5. Put in a preposition or an adverb in the blanks.1) after, in, of, from, of, down, in, for2) During/In, on3) In,except, of, with4)) for, by, with, At, to, by, With, in, up6. CCDAB DCBAC DCCAB。
人教版高中英语必修4 Unit 3 Reading教学课件共34张PPT

Para.3 Task2: Scan to give a description of Chaplin He wore a a small black hat small black a moustache hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a a stick stick that he very wide swung in the trousers air as he walked. worn-out Picture of Charlie shoes
1. Make up a dialogue of your own and act it. 2.Give a mime show in a situation.
In a word, you should develop a sense of humor and have a positive attitude towards life.
人教版 Book4 Unit 3 Reading A Master of Nonverbal Humour
...Never stop loving...
I’m driving at a high speed.
I want to lose my weight.
I want to nverbal Humour
Unit 3 Reading A Master of Nonverbal Humour
Fast Reading ( Skimming) can you predict the content of the passage? The passage is about ______________.
2021年高中英语人教版必修四《unit3 Reading》PPT课件

A taste of English Humour
Taste The English Humor
How many kinds of humour do you know?
1.Verbal (语言幽默) 1) jokes; funny stories; funny poems; 2) comedy; sketch(短剧,小品); shuanghuang
• His special costume. • His subtle acting. • The characteristics of his charming character:
optimistic, determined and kind • His childhood tough experience. • The time/generation he lived in. • He can make a sad situation entertaining.
family __t_e_e_n_s_. By his _m__i_m__e, he could _in_c_o__m_eand act the fool doing _o_r_d_in_a_r_y_ everyday tasks. U_n_f_o_r_tu_n_a_t_e_l,y his father died, _l_e_a_v_i_n_g_ his family __e_v_e_n__ worse off, for which he had to __c_a_re_ for his mother and brother.
leather shoes.
( 2 )They were caught in a small wooden house. ( 4 )Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe. ( 6 )Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.

现代大学英语精读4unit3课后题答案1、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)2、17.—When ________ they leave here?—Tomorrow morning. [单选题] *A.doB.will(正确答案)C.doesD.are3、We should _______ a hotel before we travel. [单选题] *A. book(正确答案)B. liveC. stayD. have4、It was difficult to guess what her_____to the news would be. [单选题] *A.impressionmentC.reaction(正确答案)D.opinion5、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up6、--What are you going to be in the future?--I want to be _______ actor. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /7、—What do you think of Animal World? —______. I watch it every day.()[单选题] *A. I don’t mind it.B. I like it.(正确答案)C. I can’t stand it.D. I don’t like it.8、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)9、—Who came to your office today, Ms. Brown?—Sally came in. She hurt ______ in P. E. class. ()[单选题] *A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself(正确答案)10、24.I often ask my English teacher some questions ________ e-mail. [单选题] *A.by(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with11、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)12、Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_____harm them. [单选题] *A.more thanB.other thanC.rather than(正确答案)D.better than13、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] *A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in14、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] *A. give inB. give outC. give up(正确答案)D. give back15、He _______ getting up early. [单选题] *A. used toB. is used to(正确答案)C. is usedD. is used for16、I’ve got some very _______ news to tell you. [单选题] *A. exciting(正确答案)B. comfortableC. convenientD. beautiful17、( ) You had your birthday party the other day,_________ [单选题] *A. hadn't you?B. had you?C. did you?D. didn't you?(正确答案)18、96.Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] * A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)19、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)20、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] * A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through21、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane22、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. practiceB. newsC. messagesD. suggestions(正确答案)23、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of24、I’ve _______ a job interview today. [单选题] *A. haveB. had(正确答案)C. hasD. have gone to25、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where26、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *A.before…asB. until…whenC. not until…that(正确答案)D.until…that27、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /28、People always _____ realize the importance of health _____ they lose it. [单选题] *A. not... untilB. don't... until(正确答案)C. /; untilD. /; not until29、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown30、51.People usually ________ the prices before they buy something. [单选题] * A.receiveB.payC.spendD.compare(正确答案)。
College English (4-3)大学英语精读第四册

Unit 3: Why Do We Believe That the Earth Is Round (我们为什么相信地球是圆的?) Introductory Remarks“Why Do We Believe That the Earth Is Round” is one of a series of short essays Orwell wrote for British periodicals in the 1940’s. In it he first tries to refute both the Flat Earth theory and Oval Earth theory but says that his reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather weak and precarious. Then from the discussion he draws his conclusion that ours is a credulous age because much of our knowledge does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority. Here Orwell expresses a healthy concern for the burden the ordinary newspaper-reading citizen carries. Overloaded with information and misinformation, the average man cannot adequately process and digest what he receives. He is apt to accept what he hears or reads as true without submitting it to factual verification or the test of reason. Man should respect the views of true experts, but he should test their theories, and compare different viewpoints in order to arrive at a truer perspective. Then, and only then, can man truly become an intelligent thinking species Prefaceprove (vt.) 证明, 证实prove + noun: He has proved his courage in battle.prove + adj.: The article has proved most useful.prove to be …: The play proved to be very good.prove + that clause:I will prove (to the world) that he was right. go ahead (vi.): Go ahead, please.go ahead with sth: Go ahead with your plan.rely on = depend onsense (C):理性(pl.) 感觉draw on吸收, 利用= take advantage of = make use of Lines 1 – 13some… or…other 某一…e.g.: somewhere or other 在某个地方; some day or other (未来)某一天; (in) some way or other (以)某种方法; He went to some place or other.他去了某个地方. preface (to):introduction (to) (文章或书的)序言; 引言Saint Joan“圣女贞德”Bernard Shaw肖伯纳(English dramatist)remark (v. & n.): say; commentgullible (adj.): credulous 易轻信的; 易受骗的gull (vt.): cheat; deceive e.g.: Gull (=deceive / cheat) a fool out of his money骗取傻子的钱gull (n.): a person who is easily deceived易受欺骗的人superstitious (adj.)迷信的superstition (U)the Middle Ages (欧洲)中世纪credulity (U)易轻信; 易受骗credulous (adj.)incredulity (U); incredulous (adj.) = unbelievablecite (vt.)引用, 引证e.g.: The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument. average (=ordinary) man普通人advance: put forth; put or bring forward提出e.g.: Mary is too shy to advance her opinion at the meeting.not a single(强调否定) 一个也没有…can advanc e not a single reason提不出任何一个理由e.g.: There was n’t a single boat on the lake.merely = only not merely (=not only)… but alsoswallow (up): eat up without biting; believe or absorb without thinking or reasoninge.g.: I trusted her so much that I could have swallowed any story she told me.appeal to:be attractive or interesting to迎合, 引起…的兴趣e.g.: Korea films always appeal to young people.a)appeal to the court (向法院起诉)b)appeal to history (引证历史)c)appeal to the public (向大众呼吁)d)appeal to force (求助于武力)mentality (U): way of thinking思维方式the twentieth-century mentality二十世纪的思维方式exaggerate (vi. & vt.): overstate夸张, 夸大其词e.g.:Be honest, and don’t exaggerate your sales achievement.…something in: some truth or value in有些对或道理e.g.: There is something/nothing/everything in your answer. Pattern:be worth + 动名词(主动)表示被动含意e.g.: The book is worth / deserves / merits reading twice.follow up: study, investigate, find out more about 探究, 探讨e.g.: They follow up the matter until they got results.for the sake of = for …’s sakee.g.: One should never do wrong for the sake of money (= for money’s sake).throw light on:explain; make (a situation) clearer解释,阐明1.The new facts throw some light on /upon the matter.2.No one could say how the magician (魔术师) was able to pulla rabbit out of his hat until he later threw light on his tricks. speak of 提及, 谈论and so forth = and so on 等等ocular (adj.): of, for , by the eyes ocular proof 目睹证据= witness = evidence based on seeing = evidence on the spotnot …but…不是…而是: He is not a lawyer but a doctor.I am not speaking of … but (I am speaking) ofLines 14 - 27Note: as for 只能用在句首as to 既可用在句首, 又可用在句中1.As for ( As to)his father, I don’t know him at all2.I am in doubt as to his nationality. / Nothing as to his past isknown.the Flat Earth theory地平说refute (vt.):prove (sb) to be mistaken or (a statement) to be untrue驳斥, 证实…错误seashore:seaside, beach mast船桅funnel: chimney烟囱visible (adj.) --- invisible (adj.)invisible ship: ship which is out of the sightinvisible trade:exchange of services (for money) in business trade 无形贸易visible trade: import or export / exchange of physical goods有形贸易passing along the horizon在地平线上航行horizontal (analysis)横向分析--- vertical (analysis)纵向分析phenomenon现象(单数) phenomena (复数)assume: suppose假定, 假设以为be explained by assuming用假设解释curved (adj.):bending曲线的, 弯曲的 a curved line 曲线spherical (adj.): shaped like a ball球状的, 球形的earth sphere地球仪follow (vi.) 因为(由…推断)Pattern: It follows +from +n. + that…由此而断定(而推断)e.g.: From this witness it follows that he must be guilty. Pattern:It does not follow that …不能由此而断定(而推断) e.g.: Because he is kind, it does not follow that he is wise.the Oval (卵形, 椭圆形) Earth theory地球卵形说Pattern: claim + that …: claim to be…声称, 断言be shaped like…:形状象… The flower is shaped like a bird. What can I say against (=refute) it?play cards打牌play the first card打出第一张牌: The figure of speech (修辞)is often used by someone presenting an argument point by point.…the first card I can play:…the first point I can make to support my argumentplay the first card against sth针对某事打出第一张牌…the analogy (类比, 类推) of the sun and moon:the act of comparing the earth to the sun and moonby analogy with, on the analogy of:依…类推e.g.:He can be admitted into Fudan University on the analogy of his testing results.promptly (ad.): at once, immediatelyby my own observation 根据我自己的观察(此处为插入语) body (C) 物体, 实体heavenly bodies天体a solid (liquid) body may well be/do 合理地,可能地may perfectly well be完全可能是…1.His graduation paper may perfectly well be copied downfrom the intranet.2.The three-month military training may well work a changein his living habits.disc =disk圆盘(状的东西)I have no answer to that one. 我对此无言以答…he goes on (continue to say)(此处是插入语)the same…as和…相同NOTE:too 用于肯定句either用于否定句e.g.: 1.He is a student too. 2.I can’t attend your party either. Lines 28 – 41cast (cast, cast): send (light, shadow, etc.) on a surfacee.g.: The candle cast a flickering light on the wall.… when (it is) cast on the moon eclipse (日, 月的) 蚀a solar (lunar) eclipse;日(月)蚀 a total eclipse全蚀take sth blindly from 盲目接受science booklets科普小册子Defeated in the minor exchanges: Defeated in the two less important rounds of debate minor exchanges几个小小的回合/交锋trump: (纸牌中的) 王牌, 将牌play one’s trump card打出王牌, 使出绝招the Astronomer Royal英国格林威治皇家天文台台长…covers the queen with his king用他的“K”牌压倒我的“Q”牌cover:(in card games) to play a higher card than (the card played by the other party)and would I even know a way of testing it?再说,我知道怎样检验吗? bring out: show, produce ace:“A”牌, 爱司王牌1.Suddenly the man brought out a gun and threatened thetaxi-driver with it.2.It did not take the police long to bring out the truth.foretell (vt.): predict; say in advancee.g.:It used to be a popular belief that we could foretell (=predict)a person’s future o n the basis of the date and time of his birth.suggest (此处是)说明, 表明(从句中不用虚拟语气)pretty sound = quite perfect相当可靠impeccable (adj.)完美无瑕的to one’s delight(插入语)令某人高兴的是Pattern: be justified in doing sth. / in sth.有理由的, 做…是理所当然的1.You are justified in saying so.2.If this is the case, he is fully justified in blaming her (=hasevery reason to blame her).say-so (n.) 说法, 如此说, 论断accept one’s say-so about Lines 42 - 62bang goes…:表示突然之间, 什么东西都化为了泡影then bang goes my ace (倒装句) = then my ace bang goes: then I lose my acee.g.: I’ve broken my leg, so bang goes playing basketball.sail (vt. & vi.): 乘船旅行(n.)船杋e.g.: At what time the ship sails ( or pulls up the sails)?by calculation通过计算(v.) calculateaim (vi.) at sth / doing sth目的/标在于; 瞄准…1.Their recent hard study aims at passing CET Band 4.2.His gun aims at t he bird on the tree.I believe that finishes (=overcome completely; kill)the Oval Earth man:I believe this last argument of mine completely defeats the Oval Earth man.counter (n.): a return attack 还击, 反对Compare:anti-(后跟概念性词)/counter(后跟的词表示动作或行为)e.g.: anti-revolution; counter-revolutionaryanti-war; anti-science; But,counter-attack; counter-run precarious (adj.):insecure; depending upon only assumption 不安全的, 靠不住的= not dependableexceptionally(=unusually, extremely) elementary(=basic, fundamental, essential) (异常)非常基本的fall back on: turn to for help, usu. when all else has failed依靠,依赖1. He is a man to fall back on in an emergency.2.If this plan fails, there are other plans we can fall back on. pronouncement = statement公告,声明much (adv.)修饰比较级或最高级1. She is much better now.2. This is much the best.rest on: rely on; be based on依靠, 依赖e.g.: No one challenged him because his arguments rested onsound facts.reasoning (U)推理, 推论; experiment= test实验; authority权威e.g.:He / (This book) is an authority on English grammar. otherwise (adv.): in a different wayAnd how can it be otherwise不这样, 又有什么别的法子呢range (U):范围 e.g.: This is beyond my range of knowledge. ignoramus: an ignorant person 无知的人stray (vi.) (stray away from …):wander away; move away from the subject走离,离题specialty: a special field of study专业; 专攻profession /major not bother to do sth不愿费心去干某事would not even bother to do不屑一顾e.g.: I never bother to iron my shirt.weak arguments无力的论据outline (vt.):indicate the main ideas or facts of 概述if pressed further是if they were pressed further的省略Patterns of “press”1.Catching her hand, she pressed (vt.) the money into it.2.The crowd pressed (vi.) forward to see the film star.3.He pressed his girl friend to come with him. (press sb to do)4.We are pressed for time and money. (缺乏…)5.They are pressing for a decision to be made. (敦促;急切要求) Note: in a way在某种程度上in the way妨碍, 碍事1.In a way I agree with your estimation of the situation.2.Your car is in the way, will you pull it aside?a credulous (adj.: arising from credulity)age一个轻信/易受骗的时代e.g. Only a credulous person would believe your stories.be partly responsible (for sth.) 负部分责任Pattern: be responsible (to sb) for sthto carry a burden承担起一个负担(这里用作比喻)e.g.: The old woman doesn’t want to be a burden on anyone. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible: This is an age in which people tend to believe whatever they are told, and one reason for this is that now we have inherited so much knowledge.Key to exercisesII. Comprehension of the Text (PP. 57 – 58)1.Choose the best answer for each of the following:1. B2. C3. C4. A5. D6. D7. B8. DIII. Vocabulary (PP. 59 – 61)1.Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a wordor phrase chosen from the Words & Phrases to Drill box. Change the forms where necessary.1. cited2. as for3. exaggerate4. Statements5. preface6. justified7. horizon8. authority9. follow up 10. advanced11. and so forth 12. threw light on 13. pressing 14. burden2.Replace the italicized parts in the following sentences with wordsor phrases chosen from the Words & Phrases to Drill box:1. refuted2. swallowed3. predict4. outlined5. proof6. For the sake of7. advanced8. cited9. In a way 10. cast 11. promptly 12. appealed toplete the following sentences with appropriate phrasal verbsformed from the verbs given below:1. rested on2. fall back on3. appeal to4. followed (it) up5. was straying from6. aimed at7. started off8. bring out 4.Paraphrase the following sentences, using the words or phrasesin brackets:1.If the door was not opened by force, it follows that the burglarhad a key.2.Children tend to be credulous because they have not had muchexperience in the real world.3.The information the police had just obtained threw light on themystery of the stolen antiques.4.The three-month military training may well work a change inhis living habits.5.If this is the case, he is fully justified in blaming her.IV. Enriching Your Word Power (PP. 61 – 63)1. anklet: a band worn around the anklebrooklet: a little brookstarlet: a little starstreamlet: a little stream2.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the formswhere necessary.1. forecasts2. forefathers3. foresight4. foregoing5. forerunner6. foretell / forecast3.Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the above list:1. sun, solar2. dental3. mental4. paternal, maternal5. moon, lunar6. annual, year7. night, nocturnal8. aural9. fraternal 10. ocular / eyeV. Usage (pp. 63 – 65)Leave out words in the following sentences that may be left out:1.John won’t like it but Jack will like it.2.She was poor but she was honest.3.I’ve explained more than once and I’m not going to explainagain.4.Is it a color film or a black and white film?5.Having washed and having changed, Linda went out on theverandah.6.His aunt and his uncle had to work long hours to keep body andsoul together.7.Do you want to buy seats in the orchestra (正厅前座) or in thebalcony (楼厅包厢)?8.I should have lent her the money and I should have helped herout of the difficulty.9.Joe hid his face behind his newspaper lest he should have tospeak to acquaintances and lest he should expose his uneasiness.10.When Sarah was finally reunited with her children at the airportthey kissed each other and hugged each other.VI. S tructure (pp. 65 - 66)plete the following sentences, using it does not follow that…and the hints in brackets:1)Because he is good, it does not follow that he is bright.2)Just because she failed the exam, it does not follow that shehas no brains.3)Joan has been to France many a time, but it does not followthat she has obtained a good command of French.4)It’s true that Ben’s got a better job, it does not follow thathe’ll be paid more.2.Make sentences after the model:1.I’m sure Jim w ill come if asked.2.No artistic creation can achieve greatness if divorced from life.3.This hotel, if not well managed, will yield little profit.4.Joe was shocked to learn that his illness could result in totalblindness if left untreated.3.Rewrite the following sentences after the model:1.To her horror, Mrs. Pride saw her neighbor killed in broaddaylight.2.To our amazement,we heard the 70-year-old man had beatenthe young athlete in the match.3.To his surprise, Ted found that his learned cousin knew verylittle about the subject.4.To her great relief, Mrs. Dane found her husband unhurt in thetraffic accident.5.To my deep regret, I won’t be able to attend the ceremony.6.To their dismay, the travelers found the bridge had been washedaway.VII. Cloze (pp. 67 - 68)1. Complete the following passage with words or phrases chosen from the Words &Phrases to Drill box. Change the forms where necessary 1. starts off2. superstitious3. promptly4. exaggerates5. fall back on6. authorities7. aim at8. outlines9. throwing light on 10. rests on 11. credulous 12. burden2. Fill in the missing words:1. where2. by3. you4. don’t5. come6. That’s7. change 8. over 9. even 10. reason 11. understate12. someone 13. task / thing 14. way 15. no 16. much 17. no 18. position 19. those 20. can 21. an 22. little 23. on 24. hopeVIII. Translation (p. 68)Turn the following sentences into English, using as many of the words and phrases you have learned from the text as possible:1.In the preface to one of his plays, Bernard Shaw advances theidea that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages.2.After her husband died, she had to bear the severe financialburdens of raising five children by herself.3.One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examplesfrom your own experience.4.Hunt’s statement that Betty always exaggerates his faults maywell lead to a quarrel.5.I trusted her so much that I would have swallowed any story shetold me.6.When the family gathered to discuss matters of finance, Fatherstarted off by saying that it was absolutely necessary to set asid e some money each month, for in an emergency we could fall back on our savings.Key to Reading ActivityExercise A (p. 73)1. F2. F3. T4. F5. FExercise B (pp. 74 - 75)1. B2. D3. A4. A5. D6. C7. D8. B9. A 10. B。
外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册精品课件 Unit 3 Section C

3.What does “this” mean in the third paragraph(I have this to thank for my passion for Chinese literature)? A.Sima Qian’s work,Shi Ji. B.Homer’s epic poems. C.Sima Qian’s personality. D.Sima Qian’s writing style. 答案 A
8.on the whole
9.one’s first encounter with... 某人第一次接触……
10.strike a chord 引起共鸣;打动心弦
11.get a better view 看得更清楚
by Mo Yan.He says literature has a lot of 8. significance (significant) to the
French,and Chinese literary works tend to be highly thought of.
Mai gradually fell in love with Chinese literature 9. when she started working as a translator.In her eyes,reading Chinese literature was a stimulating and 10. inspiring (inspire) experience.She thinks Chinese literary works really strike a chord in the hearts of Egyptian readers.

重新审视选题意义和价值,加强文献综述 的广度和深度,选择合适的研究方法和技 术,深入挖掘和分析数据,调整论文结构 和逻辑关系,提高语言表达的准确性和流 畅性。同时,多向导师和同行请教,积极 参加学术交流和讨论,不断提升自己的学 术素养和写作能力。
在面对复杂的社会问题时,需要 运用批判性思维深入分析问题本 质,提出合理的解决方案。
在制定商业决策时,需要运用批 判性思维对市场、竞争对手、客 户需求等多方面信息进行综合分 析,制定科学合理的决策方案。
论证是通过逻辑推理来支持或反驳某个观点的过程,它涉及提出论据、运用推理 规则和得出结论等环节。
确定研究问题、进行文献综述、确定研究方法、收集和分析数据、撰写论文、修改和完 善论文。
论文应具有科学性、创新性、实用性;结构严谨、逻辑清晰;语言准确、简练;图表规 范、数据可靠。
选题不当、文献综述不充分、研究方法 不合理、数据分析不深入、论文结构混 乱、语言表达不清等。
根据论证的目的和方式不同,可以分为立论和驳论两种类型。立论是提出并证明 自己的观点,驳论则是反驳别人的观点。
分析论据是否真实可靠,是否存在虚假或 误导性信息。
检查推理过程是否符合逻辑规则,是否存 在逻辑谬误或不合理之处。
评估结论是否基于真实论据和合理推理得 出,是否可靠和准确。
大学英语精读4 Unit3答案

大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit3答案1) cited2) as for3) exaggerate4) Statements5) preface6) justified7) horizon8) authorit9) follow up10) advanced11) and so forth12) threw light on/shed light on13) pressing14) burden1) refuted2) swallowed3) predict4) outlined5) proof6) For the sake of7) advanced8) cited9) In a way10) cast11) promptly12) appealed to1) rested on2) fall back on3) appeal to4) followed5) up6) was straying from7) aimed at8) bring out1) If the door was not opened by force, it follows that the burglar had a key2) Children tend to be credulous because they have not had much experience in the real world.3) The information the police had just obtained threw light on the mystery of the stolen antiques.4) The three-month military training may well work a change in his living habits.5) If this is the case, he is fully justified in blaming her.1) a band worn around the ankle2) a little brook3) a little star4) a little stream1) forecasts2) forefathers3) foresight4) foregoing5) forerunner6) forecast/foretell1) sun solar2) dental3)mental4) paternal maternal5) moon lunar6)annual7)night nocturnal8)aural9)fraternal10)eye ocular1) John won't like it but Jack will.2) She was poor but honest.3) I've explained more than once and I'm not going to again.4) Is it a color or black and white film5) Having washed and changed, Linda went out on to the verandah.6) His aunt and uncle had to work long hours to keep body and soul together.7) Do you want to buy seats in the orchestra or the balcony8) I should have lent her the money and helped her out of the difficulty.9) Joe hid his face behind his newspaper lest he should have to speak to acquaintances and expose his uneasiness.10) When Sarah was finally reunited with her children at the airport they kissed and hugged each other.1) Because he is good, it doesn't follow that he is bright.2) Just because she failed the exam, it doesn't follow that she has no brains.3) Joan has been to France many a time, but it doesn't follow that she has obtained a good command of French.4) It's true that Ben's got a better job, but it doesn't follow that he'll be paid more.1) I'm sure Jim will come if asked.2) No artistic creation can achieve greatness if divorced from life.3) This hotel, if not well managed, will yield little profit.4) Joe was shocked to learn that his illness could result in total blindness if left untreated.1) To her horror, Mrs. Pride saw her neighbour killed in broad daylight.2) To our amazement, we heard the 70-year-old man had beaten the young athlete inthe match.3) To his surprise, Ted found that his learned cousin knew very little about the subject.4) To her great relief, Mrs. Dane found her husband unhurt in the traffic accident.5) To my deep regret, I won't be able to attend the ceremony.6) To their dismay, the travellers found that the bridge had been washed away.1) starts off2) superstitious3) promptly4) exaggerates5) fall back on6) authorities7) aim at8) outlines9) throwing light on10) rests on11) credulous12) burden1) where2) by3) you4) don't5) come6) That's7) change8) over9) even10) reason11) understate12) someone13) task/thing14) way15) no16) much17) no18) position19) those20) can21) an22) little23) on24) hope翻译1) 萧伯纳在他一个剧本的前言中提出这样的看法:今天人们比在中世纪时更加迷信。

Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
Text Analysis
What is the role of the historians?
Historians do not just collect facts. They give meaning to the facts.
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
Text Analysis
Question: What is the main idea of Paras. 7—8? How are the two paragraphs developed?
Part II (Paras. 4—10) Historians may view the same historical event from different perspectives
Part III (Paras. 11—13) The authors summarize the reasons why historians disagree and the disagreement is everlasting.
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 3—Why Historians Disagree
Text Analysis
Further Discussion
Of the three possible definitions of history the authors have listed in the text, which do you think is the most accurate? Why? Do historians ever agree in their interpretation of a historical event? Can you think of a few examples on which the historians sharply disagree? How come they disagree since they are dealing with facts? When two historians disagree, does it always mean that one historian is right and the other is wrong? Why not?
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• Can you briefly introduce the two characters: the headmaster & the boy?
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
For Further Thought
In the original essay, Golding mentioned he later changed the positions of the three statuettes and also told us if he had had chance again, he would rearranged them in a different way. Besides the humorous effect, does it imply anything else? How would you arrange the three statuettes?
Thinking as a Hobby
Unit 1
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Text Analysis
• What is the central idea of the text? • Who was the author addressing to? • What was his purpose?
– Grade-two thinking, though it filled life with fun and excitement, did not make for content. (Para. 29)
Warming up
• Content:
• • • • Understand the author’s classification of three grades of thinking Summarize the characteristics of each grade of thinking Comment on the author’s classification Solve your own questions about the story
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
• Did he change his idea later?
• Why couldn’t he communicate with the headmaster? • What was the conclusion he came to in the end?
• Writing & Language
• Appreciate the use of humor, sarcasm, and exaggeration • Analyze the rhetorical devices used: similes, metaphors; metonymy, parallelism, etc.
“His work is characterized by exploration of 'the darkness W of man's heart', deep spiritual and ethical questions.”
"Twenty-five years ago I accepted the label 'pessimist' thoughtlessly without realising that it was going to be tied to my tail… Critics have dug into my books until they could come up with something that looked hopeless. I can't think why. I don't feel hopeless myself… Under some critical interrogation I named myself a universal pessimist but a cosmic optimist…”
Human nature is inherently corruptible and wicked ??
Some other works
1995 1980
Memorable Quotes
What do people say about THINKING?
Warming up
Warming up
Questions / Activities
First, let’s THINK about the title for a while:
What do you do for a hobby? What does a hobby mean for you? What does the author mean by saying “thinking as a hobby”? What kind of content did you expect or predict with such a title? Has the text met your expectation or has it given you a surprise? Do you liห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e the text? Have you ever considered thinking as a hobby?
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part I
• • • • • • • • •
words & expressions
Statuette (para. 2) Nothing but: only (para. 2) Lest (subjunctive mood in its clause) (para. 2) In a position to: to be able to do (para. 2) Next to (para. 2) Being natural (para. 3) If anything: on the contrary (para. 4) endow…with…(para. 15) “there + be” pattern
Warming up
Check-on Preview (2)
• Paraphrase:
– If either happened to be prominent in current affairs, no argument could make Mr. Houghton think well of it. (Para. 21)
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
Comprehension Qs Students’ Activities Words & Expressions Exercise
Text Analysis
His most well-known work: Lord of the Flies (1954)
His Works
About a group of small British boys who lapse into violence after they have been stranded on a desert island and lost all adult guidance. Ironically the adult world is devastated by nuclear war.
• Learning without thought is labor lost.
-- Confucius • Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed (一株会思考的芦苇). -- Blaise Pascal • Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. -- John Locke • Education is the methodical creation of the habit of thinking. -- Ernest Dimne
Then you’d better learn – hadn’t you?
That’s what a man looks like when he’s really thinking.
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Comprehension Qs
• Why was he a frequent visitor to the headmaster’s study? • What would he do when he found himself in a penal position before the headmaster’s desk? • What would he see when he was demanded to look up? • How did he describe the three statuettes?