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KN mm。楼﹑屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构。


本次毕业设计中,第一部分设计是结构部分的设计,在这部分设计中,首先进行的是结构选型,根据各结构体系的优缺点,及本工程的实际情况,在符合经济的条件下,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构体系。其次进行结构平面布置,根据荷载情况,在满足结构受力合理,荷载传递简捷、梁宜拉通,避免凌乱,及满足建筑要求和方便施工等原则下,进行纵、横向梁布置,并根据规范和经验公式,进行主次梁截面初步估算。手算第九轴框架上的荷载,用Pk计算其内力并配筋。用PMCAD建立整体模型后用SATWE进行整体计算。在设计过程中,广泛采用天正、Auto CAD绘图软件来辅助绘图。第二部分是施工设计:对所坐的结构设计进行工程量统计,完成工程量清单,并对施工方案作出合理的选择,完成整个工程的施工进度计划和施工平面图的绘制。



Student apartments


The project is an apartment building for xingjian college in Guangxi University. It adopts framework structure with seven-stores building as its main body. Seismic fortification intensity of the area is six-time Group 1 and its venues category is the second venue. The basic wind pressure is 2

KN mm. Building and roof adopt


cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure.

The first part in the graduation design is the structure. In the design of the part, we first do selection of structure and then under economy-permitted condition adopt reinforced concrete framework structural system according to advantages and disadvantages of every structural system and actual situation of the project. Second, we set up plane structure. According to load and in the principles of satisfying reasonable force structure ,simple load transfer, easy beam pull and avoiding disorder and satisfying construction demands and facilitating construction, we set up longitudinal and horizontal beam and have preliminary estimates about primary and secondary beams section according to norms and empirical formula. The load of nine-floor frame is done by hand,and the nine-floor frame is computed and reinforced by PK. I built a whole buiding model with PMCAD ,then to counte it with SATWE. In the design process, we also adopt Tarch and Auto CAD software as an auxiliriary. The second part Maily be constrution:Carry on amount of engineering covariance to constrution design do,complete engineer quantity detailed list,and to construte the project do a choice of reasonable and complete the draw of the plan and construction plane chart of the constrution progress of the whole engineering.

In the entire designing, we keep to the demands of related professional norms strictly and refer to related materials and latest

national standard norms and give various links of the design comprehensive and scientific consideration. In a word, application, security, economy and use of convenience are the principles of the design. Designing a program of reasonable and feasible building structure is an important basis of construction site.

Keywords:framework structure internal force calculation; calculation of reinforcement construction.
