








二、研究内容及技术路线针对现有实验教学中存在的诸多难题及研究目的,本文将展开以下研究内容:1. 虚拟实验室的设计与实现:采用LabVIEW软件平台,设计各类虚拟仪器的控制与信号采集等模块,实现物理实验、电子电路实验等实验教学内容的虚拟化。

2. 虚拟实验室的功能实现:简化实验操作流程,设计实验控制界面,实现虚拟实验的操作与数据采集、分析等基本功能。

3. 虚拟实验教学场景的构建:根据教学需求,构建具体的实验教学场景,实现虚拟实验的多种实验操作和实验数据展示等交互式教学场景。

技术路线如下:1. 确定实验类型及教学内容。

2. 对实验进行系统性设计,包括实验流程、数据采集、处理分析等。

3. 编写虚拟仪器控制及信号采集程序,设计实验控制界面。

4. 构建虚拟实验教学场景,实现实验交互式控制与数据展示等功能。






摘要Labview是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是Labview与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而Labviwew使用的是图形化编辑语言G 编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。

本论文主要研究了基于labview的虚拟实验室设计以及Web的发布, 系统分析了Lab VIEW的TCP/IP,VI服务器及Data Socket的网络通信机制,讨论了每种机制的原理及功能特点,在仪器设备上对串行端口RS232进行一定的分析,分析了Lab VIEW内部自带的Lab VIEW串行通讯模块VISA控件的通信方式和各个模块.关键词: Lab VIEW;虚拟仪器;远程虚拟仪器系统Remote virtual E-Lab Design based on Labview Student name:Limiao teacher name:Yangxiaoping Abstract:Labview is one of the factors in program searching, it is developed aide manufactured by NI Corporation of US state, and it is similar with C and Basic exploitative environment. While there is a remarkable distinction between Labview and the other computer language, that is, the latter takes the language which is on the basis of text, then the code is produced, but Labview writes program, drawing support from graph of editor language, the program which is presents by a form of frame.To achieve such an effect, we should do well in three aspects; it will be appeared in my thesis. On the one hand, searching for the fictitious lab of programmer, and issuance of web. All which is basis of Labview.Analysing TCP/IP of Labview, VI service and net communicative system of Date socket, the third one, discussing the each of the mechanism’s principle , function and feather。












5.第五章:实验与实践,进行实际操作练习,让学生掌握 LabVIEW 设计和数据分析方法。










X X 学院毕业设计设计题目:基于LabVIEW的虚拟网络实验室的设计系别:_________________________ 班级:_________________________ 姓名:______________指导教师:_________________________年月日基于LabVIEW的虚拟网络实验室的设计摘要随着电子技术高速发展,普通实验室的更新速度无法跟上技术的发展。





近年来,由于虚拟仪器、仿真技术和网络技术的飞速发展,构建基于LabVIEW 的虚拟网络实验室将会成为一种经济、高效的首选方案。








本系统软件部分采纳美国国家仪器(NI)公司的 LabVIEW 图形化编辑语言开发 完成,重点解决了基于 Datasocket 技术的数据远程传输、图像压缩传输、远程用户数 据库治理等技术问题。硬件部分则使用 NI 公司的 PCI-6251 数据采集卡,实现对实验 室现场实时数据的采集和处理。目前,该网络虚拟实验室系统已能在校园网内运行, 实现了差不多功能,为师生提供了一个基于网络的实验教学、技术交流以及共同学习 研究的平台,从而使实验室中的硬件仪器得以共享。随着其功能的进一步完善,它必 将在今后的远程实验教学中发挥更大的作用。
1.3.1 课题要紧研究内容............................................................................................ 2 1.3.2 关键技术研究.................................................................................................... 2 第 2 章 系统总体方案设计............................................................................................... 3 2.1 系统需求分析........................................................................................................... 3 2.2 系统网络架构........................................................................................................... 3 2.3 系统功能模块划分................................................................................................... 5 第 3 章 可视化远程监控采集系统设计........................................................................... 6 3.1 系统硬件构成........................................................................................................... 6 3.2 传感器的选型........................................................................................................... 7 第 4 章 基于 LabVIEW 的监控系统设计..................................................................... 11 4.1 系统模块划分......................................................................................................... 11 4.2 用户认证模块设计................................................................................................. 11 4.3 用户界面设计......................................................................................................... 13 4.4 程序结构设计......................................................................................................... 15 4.5 数据采集模块设计................................................................................................. 16 4.5.1 模拟信号采集与显示模块设计 ...................................................................... 17 4.5.2 开关信号采集与显示模块设计...................................................................... 17 4.5.3 空调与照明开关输出模块设计...................................................................... 18 4.5.4 称重实验模块设计.......................................................................................... 18 4.5.5 涡流实验模块设计.......................................................................................... 20 4.5.6 转速测控实验模块设计.................................................................................. 21 4.5.7 振动实验模块设计.......................................................................................... 23 4.6 图像采集及压缩..................................................................................................... 24 4.6.1 图像采集.......................................................................................................... 24 4.6.2 图像压缩与远程传输...................................................................................... 26 4.7 系统远程公布的实现............................................................................................. 30 4.7.1 基于 DataSocket 的远程通信方式 ................................................................. 30 4.7.2 远程 Web 访问 ................................................................................................ 31 4.7.3 可视化监控系统远程公布实现...................................................................... 32 第 5 章 系统实现与运行................................................................................................. 37 第 6 章 终止语 ................................................................................................................. 42 答谢辞

Lab View 综合设计实验报告-简易计算器

Lab View 综合设计实验报告-简易计算器

Lab View 综合实验设计报告--简易计算器一实验目的用Lab View设计一个简易计算器二实验要求实现两个数之间的加、减、乘、除四则运算及开方、求倒、取负运算,达到简易计算器的功能。






这里要注意的是:在第二个数键入时,要把结果赋给num3,最终是在num1和 num3之间进行运算运算,这样做是为了在一种运算结束后能实现连续的运算。








第二个输入数据存入num2中,然后将其赋给 num3,并使num2为空,以便输入的数据存入num2,所有的运算是在num1和 num3间进行,运算结果都赋给num1和result。




























基于LabVIEW的智慧实验室的设计与实现作者:茆玉辰张宸烽史洪玮来源:《电脑知识与技术》2017年第16期摘要:针对高校实验室数量多、涉及面广、管理难度大等问题,设计一种基于LabVIEW 和树莓派的智慧实验室的研究与设计系统。












1.绪论1. 1课题背景在电工及电子类课程中,实验是一种重要的教学手段,学生通过做实验,可以加深对所学知识的理解,增强学习的兴趣,提高动手能力,锻炼在实践中发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。




美国国家仪器公司(National Instruments)在20世纪80年代最早提出虚拟仪器(Virtual Instrument)的概念,同时推出了用于虚拟仪器开发的工程软件包LabVIEW。

NI公司宣称“The Software is the Instrument”,即“软件就是仪器”[1]。









基于LabVIEW的实验系统设计仲志燕【摘要】提出构建远程实验室的概念,采用B/S结构设计,利用LabVIEW 8.6和Microsoft Office Access 2007开发该实验系统。


%This thesis puts forward the concept of remote laboratory construction,using B/S structure design to devel-op the experimental system with Lab VIEW 8.6 and Microsoft Office Access 2007.A friendly man-machine interface is established by LabVIEW programming language to implement the registration login management,conduct experi-ments,resource links and other functions and achieve a dynamic,interactive information management within the LAN.This thesis provides an effective implementation scheme for the cultivation of students'autonomous learning.【期刊名称】《镇江高专学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】3页(P52-54)【关键词】远程实验;LabVIEW;数据库【作者】仲志燕【作者单位】镇江高等专科学校电子与信息工程系,江苏镇江 212003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.412虚拟教学模式突破了时间和空间的局限,学习者可以在任何时间、任何地点学习,教与学更加灵活。


考。 利用“ 于 L b IW 的远程实验室 ” 基 aV E 可以使学生更好的掌握“ 控 制工程” 的基本概念 、 基本理论和基本方法 。 通过网络 实现远程实验 可 以实现实验 资源共享 、 增加实验 的开放程度 。相关学生可以在网 络的环境下 , 不受时间和空间的限制 , 完成 “ 随时 、 随地 的交互式 ” 的
20. 了解本系的基本情况和新 闻等等 。教师的任务主要是 : 实验 的更新 出版 社 .0 6 3Y群 基于 网络的虚拟实验 室的研 究与构 建【 ] D. 洛阳 : 南科技 河 发布 、 实验报告 的批 阅、 主页 内容 的填写。 教师能够根据实验教程 的 []- 燕. 20. 安排 , 主页上 发布学生应该做 的实验项 目内容 , 还可以在打 大 学 ,0 7 在 教师 4 陈劲松 . 构建 网络 虚拟 实验 室的 关键 技术研 究『. J 自动化仪 表 , 1 开 主页后登陆学校的邮箱查看学生提交的实验报告 , 阅后再发 回 【】 批
给学生 ,教师也有 向实验 室主页提交更新主页新 闻等 的 内容 的功 2 0 (1: - 5 0 81) 3 4 . 4 【1 5王英 霞. 基于 L b lW 的虚拟 实验 室的研 究与 实现 f1 津: aV E D. 天 天 能, 使学生 能够及时 了解到本 系的新 闻以及通知等信息问 。 津理工大学 ,0 7 20 . , 3虚拟实验室现实意义 【1 6张志敏, 贤敏. 于网络 的虚拟 实验 室的研 究【 . 李 基 J 实验技 术与 管 】 与传统实验方式相 比, 构建远程实验室的意义在于:
实验的 系统功能划分 、 用户权限任务。最后 , 对虚拟 实验 室的现 实意义进行 阐述 。 关键词 : 虚拟技 术;a VE 控制工程 实验 Lb I W;



目录引言 (1)第1章绪论 (3)1.1 虚拟仪器的基本概念 (3)1.2 虚拟仪器的构成 (4)1.3 虚拟仪器的特点 (4)第2章虚拟实验室基本系统概述 (6)2.1 研究虚拟实验室的意义 (6)2.1.1 传统实验室的弊端 (6)2.1.2 虚拟实验室的优点 (7)2.2 软件LabVIEW简介 (9)2.3 虚拟实验系统的基本构成 (10)第3章软件设计 (14)3.1 虚拟仪器模块 (14)3.1.1 虚拟信号发生器模块 (14)3.1.2 虚拟数字示波器模块 (15)3.1.3 虚拟频谱分析仪模块 (17)3.1.4 虚拟数字滤波器模块 (18)3.2 虚拟实验室的实验列举 (20)3.2.1 信号的调制与解调实验 (21)3.2.2 信号的合成与分解实验 (22)3.2.3 系统频率响应特性的实现 (23)第4章总结和展望 (26)4.1 总结 (26)4.2 展望 (27)致谢............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

参考文献 (28)引言在这个计算机和网络时代,利用计算机和网络技术对传统的产业进行改造,已是大势所趋,而虚拟仪器系统正是计算机和网络技术与传统的仪器技术进行融合的产物。

八十年代末,美国国家仪器公司(NI)提出了“软件就是仪器”的口号,将日益普及的计算机技术与仪器仪表技术完美结合起来,提出虚拟仪器(Virtual Instruments)的概念。

LabVIEW是Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench 的缩写。

它是NI 公司研制的图形化编程软件,是目前最为成功、应用最为广泛的虚拟仪器软件开发环境。




Labview作为一款较为专业的虚 拟仪器开发平台,对使用者的编 程技能和仪器控制技能要求较高 ,对于初学者来说存在一定的学
Labview的虚拟实验室中,实验 资源相对有限,实验项目数量和 种类相对较少,不能满足所有学
Labview可以连接各种传感器和实验设备, 进行实时数据采集和分析,帮助学生了解 实验过程中的数据变化和规律。
学生可以使用Labview的图形化编程语言, 设计和实现各种算法,如滤波、控制、信 号处理等。
通过Labview的网络功能,学生可以在任何 地点和时间进行虚拟实验,不受地点和时 间的限制。
1 2
包括电阻、电容、电感等基本电子元件的测量和 设计。
如逻辑门、触发器等数字电路的设计和调试,同 时也可以通过Labview实现微控制器的控制。
Labview在虚拟实验室 中的挑战与未来发展
Labview虚拟实验室是一种利用Labview构建的虚拟实验平台,可以模拟实验设备 、实验过程和实验结果,从而帮助学生更好地理解和掌握实验知识。
Labview在虚拟实验室 中的应用
• 请输入您的内容
Labview在实验教学中 的创新应用
Labview在处理实时性要求较高 的实验时,可能存在一定的延迟 和误差,影响实验结果的准确性

labview 实验室⑤

labview 实验室⑤



3.实验器材:虚拟仪器综合实验平台(PC机等)4.实验内容及原理:利用试验4创建的Temperature Control.vi程序,学习使用顺序结构和包括头文件的数据文件。


5. 实验步骤:●修改试验4所创建程序的前面板,如图5-1所示。

学生TEMP LIMIT86.426 86.00085.937 86.00085.449 86.00085.937 86.00086.912 86.00087.402 86.00087.891 86.00087.402 86.00086.914 86.00086.914 86.00085.937 86.00085.937 86.000图5-1 前面板●如图5-2所示,完成框图程序,使用了如下的功能模块:写入文本文件模块(在函数>>编程>>文件I/O子模板)。




a 顺序0b 顺序1图5-2 框图程序●写入电子表格文件模块(在文件I/O子模块)。










基于LabVIEW的网络虚拟实验室设计0 引言随着招生规模的不断扩大,国内普通高等院校实验设备往往比较陈旧,不能及时更新,从而无法跟上教育的飞速发展。




LabVIEW 作为虚拟仪器开发系统的代表,可以利用Internet 进行虚拟实验室的网络发布,实现了资源共享,避免了仪器重复添置,满足了用户不再受时间、地点限制进行远程的实时合作,提高了用户的学习效果。

1 系统的总体目标本系统的总体目标是设计并实现一个基于局域网的虚拟实验平台,该虚拟实验平台主要完成模拟电路和数字电路的仿真和数据采集等实验,使学生可以通过网络完成大学相关课程的规定实验,突破地域和时间上的限制,达到网络实验教学的目的。



2 虚拟实验室的设计与实现系统采用GPIB(general purpose interface bus)仪器控制技术,将可程控仪器连接到LabVIEW 仪器控制服务器上,实现仪器的本地控制,并利用网络技术,把所提供的实验题目及内容放入建立的网站上,远程用户只需利用网络浏览器,就可以登录到远程实验室的网络服务器上,进行实验操作,远程控制实验仪器。



用NI USRP和LabVIEW为实验室设计实践课程

用NI USRP和LabVIEW为实验室设计实践课程

用NI USRP和LabVIEW为实验室设计实践课程 射频和通信课程的传统教学方法通常是理论学习和数学公式的推导。




斯坦福大学联网系统组(SNSG) Sachin Katti教授使用用LabVIEW和NI USRP,在创建联网通信系统EE 49课程中试验了全新的动手实践教学方法。


创建完整的通信系统 Katti教授首先在2011春季学期的EE 49课程中试验了动手实践的教学方法。

通过LabVIEW和NI USRP的软硬件结合,学生可以创建整个通信系统信号链路中的各个功能模块,并观察各点的信号特征。




动手实验使学生能够亲手操作NI USRP射频收发机,频率范围从50 MHz 到2.2 GHz,实时带宽达20 MHz。

借助NI USRP和LabVIEW,学生可实时看到标准汽车安全钥匙发送的简单射频开关信号,以及850 MHz 的GSM 移动手机信号。






基于labview数字信号处理虚拟实验室设计开题报告.docAAAAA 大学毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目基于labview信号分析虚拟实验室学院名称专业班级学生姓名学号指导教师填表时间:年月日填表说明1.开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。
















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外文文献译文设计(论文)题目: 基于LabVIEW综合实验室的设计专业与班级:学生姓名:指导教师:LabVIEW1.overviewLabVIEW is a program development environment, by the national instruments (NI) research and development company, similar to the C and BASIC development environment, but with other computer language LabVIEW significant difference is: other computer language is based on the text, and the language code of graphical LabVIEW use scripting language G program, application is in the form of block diagram.A complete, LabVIEW virtual instrument system of open application software development, and use it to form instrument testing system and data collecting system can simplify the design procedure. With Visual C++ LabVIEW, Visual Basic,LabWindows/CVI, etc, which adopts different programming language is based on the text language program Code (Code), and abVIEW L is using graphical programming language), Graphic (G instead of the traditional diagram of the Code. The Lab VIEW of equipment with the scientists and engineers icon in the habit of basic agreement, this makes the icon programming process and thinking process is very similar.LabVIEW convenient calls Windows DLL and user-defined function in the DLL, LabVIEW also provides CIN (C) Node with any users can use by C + + language or, if the ANSI C, compiled program modules, makes a open LabVIEW development platform. LabVIEW also directly support dynamic data exchange (DDE), structured query language (SQL), TCP and UDP network protocol. In addition, the LabVIEW also provides special used for program development kit, users can easily set breakpoints, dynamic program execution to very intuitive image observation data transmission process, and convenient debug.The operation mechanism is LabVIEW macroeconomic sense is no longer the von neumann traditionally computer system structure of the method. The traditional computer language (such as C) to the order of execution by parallel structure in LabVIEW mechanism; Essentially, it is a kind of control Flow structure with graphical Data Flow pattern (Data Flow Mode), this kind of means to ensure the process of any Node Function in hire those knowledgeable programmers only after all it can only be executed Data.That is to say, in the data flow in the concept of program execution, and it is the data driven by operating system, calculate machine and so on.Since LabVIEW program is data flow driven, data flow design program, a goal only when it's all input can only be effective, And the goal of output only when it is complete. So, in VIEW of the Lab is connected the data flow between nodes function control program execution sequence, and don't like text program execution sequence by rows of constraint. Thus, we can be connected through the rapid development of concise function node applications, even can have multiple data synchronization operation channel, the so-called Multithreading (Multithreading).2.Data Storage and Reporting with NI LabVIEWThe continued increase in processing and storage capacity and the decrease of hardware and software costs has resulted in an explosion of collected data being acquired. But while technology is enabling faster and richer data retention, storing, managing, and sharing data remains the real challenge. Traditional software packages tend to take one of two limiting approaches: 1) they force you into a particular format that is not exchangeable with other applications or users or 2) saving data is left so open ended you waste time trying to determine the best way to organize and save your data to disk so you can share it.NI LabVIEW, designed for the entire engineering process, includes built-in functionality to help you easily save data to disk and create professional reports. By providing easy yet robust interfaces for file I/O and reporting, you can make the most of your acquired data to make decisions faster.(1)File I/O Designed Specifically for Engineering DataDespite the fact that LabVIEW offers a wide variety of file I/O options, these traditional file types rarely meet all the criteria you need in a file format. For example, ASCII files are exchangeable, but are very large and slow to read and write. On the other hand, binary file read and write speeds can keep up with high-speed hardware, but are difficult to share with others.Because of the drawbacks of traditional file I/O, National Instruments developed the Technical Data Management Streaming (TDMS) file format to meet the specific needs and high demands of engineers and scientists. TDMS files are based on the TDM data model for saving well-organized and documented test and measurement data. The TDM data model offers three levels of hierarchy, as shown in Figure 2 – file, group, and channel. The file level can contain an unlimited number of groups, andeach group can contain and unlimited number of channels. Because of this channel grouping, you can organize your data to make it easier to understand. For example, you may have one group for your raw data and another group for your analyzed data within one file, or you may have multiple groups that correspond to sensor types or locations.Figure 1. The TDM data model meets the specific requirements of measurementdata.Also, you can insert your own custom properties at each of the three levels. Each level accepts an unlimited number of custom-defined attributes to achieve well-documented and search-ready data files. The descriptive information located in the TDMS file, a key benefit of this model, provides an easy way to document the data much like you would document code. As your documentation requirements increase, you do not have to redesign your application, you simply extend the data model to meet your needs.(2)Multiple Easy-to-Use Programming InterfacesBecause it was developed to meet the needs of all engineers, TDMS offers ease of use, high-speed streaming, and exchangeability. Like many operations in LabVIEW, you can use multiple interfaces to write TDMS files. You can quickly read and write TDMS files using a virtual instrument (VI) such as the Write To Measurement File Express VI or, for the best performance and customization, use the primitive TDMS VIs from the File I/O palette. Also, when using LabVIEW with NI-DAQmx, you can use the Configure Logging VI from the DAQ palette or log directly from the NI DAQ Assistant(3)Files Exchangeable with Other Programs such as Microsoft ExcelBecause you may be required to work in additional applications, TDMS is easilyexchangeable across other programs. You can open TDMS files in Microsoft Excel using the TDM Excel Add-In, which installs with NI software and is available free at . You also can use a C DLL for reading and writing TDMS files in other programming languages. NI is committed to helping you write well-organized and documented data using the TDMS file format, regardless of which products you use.(4)Custom and Legacy File Format Reading and WritingAlthough ideally you can choose the file format for each application you work on, you may still be restricted to reading and writing in a custom format due to legacy files or hardware that uses custom formats. Understanding that many engineers face this challenge, NI developed the DataPlugin technology so that you can use these custom formats in LabVIEW. As seen in Figure 4, a DataPlugin acts as a file parser that tells LabVIEW and other NI software how to read your custom file formats and maps them to the TDM hierarchy model in memory.Figure 2. Using a DataPlugin, you can map any file format onto the TDM datamodel.National Instruments provides more than 200 free, downloadable DataPlugins for the most common file formats. For custom formats, you can create your own DataPlugins in LabVIEW and NI DIAdem software using a documented API, or request that an NI expert create a DataPlugin for you. Using DataPlugins, you are no longer limited by custom formats and applications, and have options for how to use your data.3.Organizing and Managing Y our Data with DataFinder Technology With many applications, the amount of data being collected can quickly become overwhelming. Typically, at that point, you might turn to a database to begin storing your data for faster search and trending. National Instruments makes it easy to interact with a database using the LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit by abstracting thelow-level structured query language (SQL) queries. However, moving your existing data to a database, maintaining the database, and creating applications for accessing data can become extremely costly and time-consuming.In response to this challenge, NI developed NI DataFinder technology, included in the LabVIEW DataFinder Toolkit and DIAdem, for managing test files without the headache and expense of setting up and maintaining a large database. With NI DataFinder, you can perform Internet-like searches across all your data files, regardless of format and location within your company intranet. Simply point NI DataFinder to the location of your data files, and within seconds you can search for your files just as you would search for information on the Internet.NI DataFinder automatically builds and maintains an index of all files that meet the file type and location criteria in the NI DataFinder configuration. You can use properties automatically stored in the NI DataFinder index in query conditions. When a valid data file is created, deleted, or edited, NI DataFinder automatically notices and reindexes the hierarchy and properties of the file. When you save properties not yet in NI DataFinder in a newly created file, these properties are automatically added to the index. NI DataFinder dynamically manages its own data tables and updates them based on file events and the contents of each file. Therefore, unlike many expensive database solutions, you can change and add information as your needs change without redesigning your data management solution. Using the NI DataFinder, you can quickly find trends and correlations in the large amounts of data you have saved during your tests.4.Multiple Programming Approaches in NI LabVIEWNI LabVIEW is a graphical dataflow programming environment. When using dataflow in LabVIEW, you define an execution flow in code by creating diagrams that show how data moves between functions (known as virtual instruments, or VIs). However, with LabVIEW, you can combine multiple programming approaches besides graphical data flow (G) in a single application. Use this flexibility to select your tool of choice for creating algorithms and solving an infinite variety of engineering problems.(1)Defining Programming ApproachesThe phrase …programming approaches‟ encompasses different languages for programming, models of computation, levels of abstraction, methods for interacting with existing code, and ways for representing algorithms. Over the years, NationalInstruments has added interfaces and methods for communication in LabVIEW to extend the number of approaches that are available.You can write and import multiple approaches into the same block diagram as the familiar G dataflow language. LabVIEW compiles all of these approaches for the appropriate hardware target, which can span desktop computers, real-time OSs, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), mobile devices, and embedded processors such as ARM.1(2)Programming in GData flow, the fundamental LabVIEW programming method, was the original, and only, programming approach when NI introduced LabVIEW 1.0 in 1986. Unlike sequential-style programming, the flow of data in a dataflow program dictates when, and in what order, operations are executed. In sequential languages such as C and C++, the order of the commands in the source code (as opposed to the availability of data) determines the order in which execution will occur.G follows a dataflow model for running functions and primitives, or VIs. A block diagram function or node executes when all its inputs are available. When a node completes execution, it supplies data to its output terminals and passes the output data to the next node in the dataflow path.Figure 3. A and B are added, and the result is multiplied by C and displayed.The graphical code in Figure 2 shows how a mathematical equation can be represented in G. This diagram consists of two nodes (an add node and a multiply node), and has three numerical inputs (A, B, and C). First, A and B are added. The multiplication node does not execute until both inputs are provided, so it depends on the addition node to complete and provide the result of A + B, at which point it computes the result – (A+B)*C.Although it is possible to explicitly define variables in G, one of the most obvious differences between G code and other languages is that the functional equivalent of a traditional variable is a wire. Instead of passing variables between functions, wires define the functions to which a value is passed. Other familiar programming concepts such as While Loops, For Loops, conditional code, callbackfunctions, and digital logic are all part of the G dataflow programming language(3)Using Configuration-Based ProgrammingIn 2003, National Instruments released NI LabVIEW 7 Express, which featured Express VIs – a new technology designed to further simplify common programming tasks and algorithm creation. Unlike traditional VIs, Express VIs abstracted tasks by offering a configuration-based approach to programming.LabVIEW distinguishes Express VIs with large blue icons. When you place an Express VI on the block diagram, a dialog appears so you can configure how the function executes. After completing the configuration, the LabVIEW development environment writes the necessary code (represented by the Express VI) for you. You can view and modify this code, and you can change the Express VI configuration by simply double-clicking the Express VI icon.Consider the task of reading real-world signals into software for analysis. LabVIEW is designed to make integration with hardware for I/O simple and easy thanks to native drivers and support for thousands of instruments. However, even a task that would otherwise take a handful of VIs to execute can be simplified to a single Express VI. The DAQ Assistance Express VI prompts you to select the channels you want to send and receive I/O to and from, and configure parameters such as sample rate, terminal configuration, scales, triggering, and synchronization. You also can preview the data within the interface before saving the configuration.Express VIs do not offer the same low-level control as VIs, which is why you may prefer to write the code entirely using VIs. New users interested in learning low-level constructs can easily convert an Express VI to the underlying G code by right-clicking the Express VI and selecting Open Front Panel. Normal VIs can do everything an Express VI can do. The LabVIEW Professional Development System also includes a utility for creating custom Express VIs.(4)Incorporating C-Based SyntaxWe can incorporate sequentially executed text-based syntax into a VI block diagram using one of several techniques. The Formula Node offers an inline structure that supports a syntax similar to traditional C programming. Much like C, every line ends with a semicolon and variables must have a defined scope.The Inline C Node is similar to the Formula Node with additional support and functionality for low-level programming and header files without the overhead of afunction call. You can use the Inline C Node for any C code, including assembly directives and #defines, that syntactically is between the curly braces in a C file.The Inline C Node is available only for targets that use generated C code. The Inline C Node is not supported for desktop Windows targets.(5)Interfacing with Built AssembliesInstead of importing source code to a LabVIEW block diagram, you may want to call into built assemblies or reuse built LabVIEW applications in other environments. Applications written in LabVIEW can easily reuse existing code and algorithms developed in other languages or programming approaches. Additionally, you might need to build an assembly from LabVIEW code, which includes the programming approaches discussed above, to be called by a different environment.LabVIEW offers multiple solutions for both scenarios. LabVIEW can call external code in DLLs or shared libraries and code exposed through ActiveX or .NET interfaces. In addition, you can reuse LabVIEW code in other programming languages by building a LabVIEW DLL or shared library, or by using ActiveX.If you have existing C code and need to reuse it in LabVIEW, one technique is to build the code as a DLL and call it using the Call Library Function Node. In fact, based on your C application architecture, you can use simple LabVIEW parallel programming to run two or more existing C routines in parallel without the additional complexity of C-based multithreaded programming. To make importing external libraries simple, LabVIEW includes the Import Shared Library Wizard, which automatically creates or updates a LabVIEW wrapper VI project library for Windows .dll file, Mac OS .framework file, or Linux .so file functions.Interfacing with the command-line is also possible with the System Exec.vi, which provides OS-specific interfaces for calling executables and other build libraries.(6)aking Advantage of Flexible ProgrammingThe combination of multiple programming approaches in a single development environment offers the advantage of reusing existing code and algorithms developed in other languages. It also makes it possible to combine simple, high-level abstractions with lower-level code that gives you more visibility and control of your application. These abstraction layers represent highly complex operations in simple, easy-to-read representations, but can be coupled with functions that give low-level control over application behavior and hardware interfaces. Thanks to tight integrationwith I/O, you can combine these approaches with real-world signals to take advantage of the most recent hardware technology such as multicore CPUs, FPGAs, and embedded processors.5.The Benefits of Programming Graphically in NI LabVIEW Graphical program design and programming simple, intuitive, and development of high efficiency. With the continuous development of the virtual instrument technology and graphical programming language test and control will become the most promising field development direction.Graphical programming language, which is also known as "G" language. Use this kind of language programming, basically don't write code, instead of chart or diagram. It was possible use technical personnel, scientists, engineers, familiar terminology and concepts, therefore, ICONS, LabVIEW is a tool for end users. It can enhance your own science and engineering construction, provides realizing instrument programming and convenient way of data acquisition system. Use it to research, design, testing principle and realization instrument system, can greatly improve the work efficiency.(1)abVIEW: Graphical, Dataflow ProgrammingLabVIEW is different from most other general-purpose programming languages in two major ways. First, G programming is performed by wiring together graphical icons on a diagram, which is then compiled directly to machine code so the computer processors can execute it. While represented graphically instead of with text, G contains the same programming concepts found in most traditional languages. For example, G includes all the standard constructs, such as data types, loops, event handling, variables, recursion, and object-oriented programming.The second main differentiator is that G code developed with LabVIEW executes according to the rules of data flow instead of the more traditional procedural approach (in other words, a sequential series of commands to be carried out) found in most text-based programming languages like C and C++. Dataflow languages like G (as well as Agilent VEE, Microsoft Visual Programming Language, and Apple Quartz Composer) promote data as the main concept behind any program. Dataflow execution is data-driven, or data-dependent. The flow of data between nodes in the program, not sequential lines of text, determines the execution order.This distinction may seem minor at first, but the impact is extraordinary because it renders the data paths between parts of the program to be the developer‟smain focus. Nodes in a LabVIEW program (in other words, functions, structures such as loops, subroutines, and so on) have inputs, process data, and produce outputs. Once all of a given node‟s inputs contain valid data, that node executes its logic, produces output data, and passes that data to the next node in the dataflow path. A node that receives data from another node can execute only after the other node completes execution.(2)ntuitive Graphical ProgrammingLike most people, engineers and scientists learn by seeing and processing images without any need for conscious contemplation. Many engineers and scientists can also be characterized as “visual thinkers,” meaning that they are especially adept at using visual processing to organize information. In other words, they think best in pictures. This is often reinforced in colleges and universities, where students are encouraged to model solutions to problems as process diagrams. However, most general-purpose programming languages require you to spend significant time learning the specific text-based syntax associated with that language and then map the structure of the language to the problem being solved. Graphical programming with G provides a more intuitive experience.Figure 4. Data originates in the acquisition function and then flows intuitively to the analysis and storage functions through wires.(3)utomatic Parallelism and PerformanceDataflow languages like LabVIEW allow for automatic parallelization. In contrast to sequential languages like C and C++, graphical programs inherently contain information about which parts of the code should execute in parallel. For example, a common G design pattern is the Producer/Consumer Design Pattern, in which two separate While Loops execute independently: the first loop is responsible for producing data and the second loop processes data. Despite executing in parallel (possibly at different rates), data is passed between the two loops using queues, whichare standard data structures in general-purpose programming languages.Parallelism is important in computer programs because it can unlock performance gains relative to purely sequential programs due to recent changes in computer processor designs. For more than 40 years, computer chip manufacturers increased processor clock speed to increase chip performance. Today, however, increasing clock speeds for performance gains is no longer viable because of power consumption and heat dissipation constraints. As a result, chip vendors have instead moved to new chip architectures with multiple processor cores on a single chip.To take advantage of the performance available in multicore processors, you must be able to use multithreading within your applications (in other words, break up applications into discrete sections that can be executed independently). If you use traditional text-based languages, you must explicitly create and manage threads to implement parallelism, a major challenge for nonexpert programmers.In contrast, the parallel nature of G code makes multitasking and multithreading simple to implement. The built-in compiler continually works in the background to identify parallel sections of code. Whenever G code has a branch in a wire, or a parallel sequence of nodes on the diagram, the compiler tries to execute the code in parallel within a set of threads that LabVIEW manages automatically. In computer science terms, this is called “implicit parallelism” because you do not have to specifically write code with the purpose of running it in parallel; the G language takes care of parallelism on its own.Beyond multithreading on a multicore system, G can provide even greater parallel execution by extending graphical programming to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs are reprogrammable silicon chips that are massively parallel – with each independent processing task assigned to a dedicated section of the chip –but they are not limited by the number of processing cores available. As a result, the performance of one part of the application is not adversely affected when more processing is added.6.Hardware Integration with NI LabVIEW(1)ave Development Time with Simpler System IntegrationMost measurement and control hardware comes with software. Usually, that software only works with the device or devices similar to the one the software came with, and the software likely has a fixed, limited feature set. When you want to do more than you can with the included software, such as incorporate multiple devices oradd processing and reporting, you face the often daunting task of getting the hardware to work in a different software environment.System integration, getting everything setup and configured such that you begin programming a system, can be a major undertaking, often taking more time than the programming, measurement, or test you wish to perform. Integrating different hardware devices with traditional tools is littered with time-wasting steps and possible incompatibilities, increasing risk. First, you have to find the correct drivers for all of your hardware, and then you have to figure out how to install them and call them from software. Once your drivers are usable, you need them to communicate with the hardware and learn the programming model that the driver designer decided was appropriate for that particular device. LabVIEW can help save you time and frustration by eliminating some of these steps and making others markedly easier.LabVIEW is one software tool that can span all of your hardware components. Drivers are readily available for common hardware devices. Each hardware driver shares a similar, familiar programming model, and examples of how to use the model install directly into LabVIEW.(2)onnect to Any HardwareWith LabVIEW, you can use all of your hardware with a single development environment. Connectivity is made possible with driver software, which serves as the communication layer between LabVIEW and your hardware. LabVIEW driver software supplies seamless integration across multiple types of instruments, buses, and sensors, including data acquisition devices; boxed instruments; modular instruments; motion controllers and motor drives; machine vision and image processing hardware; wireless sensors; and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). In the rare event that a LabVIEW driver doesn‟t already exist, you also can import drivers from other programming languages or use low-level communication to implement your own driver.(3)I HardwareWith more than 50 million I/O channels sold in the last 10 years, National Instruments is a global market leader in PC-based data acquisition, with a complete family of data acquisition products for desktop, portable, industrial, and embedded applications. You can use NI-DAQmx driver software to integrate more than 200 data acquisition devices in LabVIEW on a variety of major buses and form factors, including USB, PCI, PCI Express, PXI, PXI Express, wireless, and Ethernet.(4)Third-Party HardwareLabVIEW does more than just connect to NI hardware. LabVIEW also connects to thousands of third-party instruments through instrument drivers. The Instrument Driver Network (IDNet) offers more than 8,000 free drivers for instruments from more than 275 third-party vendors that make your hardware work with LabVIEW.。
