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(西安交通大学全球环境变化研究院地热与环境变化研究实验,西安,710049;Departmentof Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,

MI48109-1005, USA)




Opportunity and Challenges for GeothermalEnergy Development in China Abstract

As amember of low carbon alternative energy family, geothermal energy is now on thetable as a means to mitigate global warming and air pollution. China is rich ingeothermal resource. It has a long history of thousands of years of direct utilizationof hot sprint water. However, the country has lagged behind in geothermal powerdevelopment. This paper brings China in the context of world wide geothermaldevelopment. It seeks insights into the cause of the Chinese lagging and urgesconcrete steps to promote geothermal power development in the country. Not onlydo engineers need to overcome key technical obstacles, but also the geothermalcommunity must reassess the spatial distribution of the country’s geothermalpower potentials of both hydrothermal systems and hot dry rocks with contemporaryconcept. Moreover, the decision makers ought to adjust the national geothermaldevelopment guidelines that currently treat the geothermal resource in easterncoastal areas inferior to that in the western Tibetan Plateau. In the remotewestern China, although there are hydrothermal systems at shallower depths asindicated by widespread high temperature hot springs, geothermal energydevelopment faces tough competition with hydro, wind,

and solar powers. Whereasin the economy booming and energy demanding eastern China, there are widespread Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basins of high geothermal gradients, numerous graniteplutons of high radiogenic heat production rates, and active Quaternary

volcanism,suggesting great potentials of high temperature resource at greater depths forgeothermal power development. While the government agencies and geothermalcommunity should continue to encourage development with hydrothermal systems inthe west, they ought to work together to develop demonstration projects toshowcase the great potentials of enhanced geothermal system and oil-heatcoproduction in the country’s east.

Key Words Geothermal energy, Hydrothermal system, Hot dry rocks, Resource reassessment, Guideline adjustment


地热是蕴藏于地球内部取之不尽用之不竭的清洁能源,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第三工作组发表的《可再生能源特别报告》[1]指出,就技术可采潜力而言,地热能是仅次于太阳能的第二大清洁能源。可资开采利用的地热资源大多趋于在板块构造边界及其它构造活动区富集,我国西部直接经受着印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞,东部则受控于太平洋板块向欧亚板块的俯冲作用。由于这一独特的构造背景,我国地热资源分布广、类型多[2],新近地质调查部门和科学家的分析报告清楚地表明[3, 4],地热可采资源量巨大,是全国年社会总能耗的数千倍。

国家能源局2012年发布《可再生能源发展“十二五”规划》,提出到2015年我国地热发电装机容量要争取达到100兆瓦的目标;国务院发布的2014年政府工作报告中,明确要求扶植包括地热在内的新能源产业以重拳治理雾霾。在国际上,联合国政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC)和国际能源署(IEA)预测[5, 6],到2050年全世界地热发电装机容量将占总电力装机容量的3.0%。中国是世界上第8个利用地热发电的国家,首个地热发电站于1970年即已投产,但是目前在线的总地热发电装机容量还不足25兆瓦(MW),在世界地热发电装机容量排名中,中国已经退居第18位。地热能源开发的这一落后现状既与我国巨大的地热资源储量不相符,也与发展低碳新能源的国家战略不相称[7]。



