Trojan War 特洛伊战争

Trojan War 特洛伊战争
Trojan War 特洛伊战争

T rojan War


Origins of the war

The plan of Zeus

According to Greek mythology, Zeus had become king of the gods by overthrowing his father Cronus. Since Zeus believed that there were too many people populating the earth, he envisioned . (想象)Momus(莫墨斯(冷笑和非难的神))[7] or Themis(西弥斯女神),[8] who was to use the T rojan War as a means to depopulate the Earth, especially of his demigod descendants.[9]

Zeus came to learn from either Themis[10] or Prometheus(普罗米修斯),that, like his father Cronus, one of his sons would overthrow him. Another prophecy stated that a son of the sea-nymph Thetis, would become greater than his father.[12] Possibly for one or both of these reasons,[13] Thetis was betrothed(订婚了的)to an elderly human king, Peleus(珀琉斯(色萨利地方密尔弥冬人的国王,阿喀琉斯的父亲))son of Aiakos(艾亚哥斯).

All of the gods were invited to Peleus and Thetis' wedding and brought many gifts,[16] except Eris厄里斯(不和的女神,夜女神的女儿)("Discord"), Insulted, she threw from the door a gift of her own:[18] a golden apple on which were inscribed the word ("T o the fairest").[19] The apple was claimed by Hera, Athena雅典娜(智慧与技艺的女神), and Aphrodite阿佛洛狄特(司爱与美之女神). They quarreled bitterly over it, and none of the other gods would venture an opinion favoring one, for fear of earning the enmity of the other two. Eventually, Zeus ordered Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris, a prince of T roy, who, unaware of his ancestry祖先;血统, was being raised as a shepherd 牧羊人in Mount Ida伊达山,[20] because of a prophecy预言that he would be the downfall of T roy.[21] Because he was unable to decide between them, they resorted to bribes. Athena offered Paris wisdom, skill in battle, and the abilities of the greatest warriors; Hera offered him political power and control of all of Asia; and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite, and, after several adventures, returned to T roy, where he was recognized by his royal family.

Peleus and Thetis bore a son, whom they named Achilles阿喀琉斯(. It was foretold that he would either die of old age after an uneventful life, or die young in a battlefield and gain immortality through poetry.[22] Furthermore, when Achilles was nine years old, Calchas卡尔克斯(随军预言家)had prophesied that T roy could not again fall without his help.[23] A number of sources credit Thetis with attempting to make Achilles immortal长生的when he was an infant. Thetis bathed Achilles in the River Styx斯提克斯, making him invulnerable wherever he had touched the water.[26] Because she had held him by the heel, it was not immersed during the bathing and thus the heel remained mortal and vulnerable to injury. He grew up to be the greatest of all mortal warriors. After Calchas' prophesy, Thetis hid Achilles in Skyros斯基罗斯岛(位于爱琴海中部)at the court of king Lycomedes吕科墨得斯, where he was disguised as a girl.[27] At a crucial point in the war, she assists her son by providing weapons divinely forged by Hephaestus火神赫菲斯托斯.

Elopement私奔;潜逃of Paris and Helen

The most beautiful woman in the world was Helen, one of the daughters of T yndareus廷达瑞俄斯(传说中的斯巴达王), King of Sparta,who had scores of suitors求婚者, and her father was unwilling to choose one for fear the others would retaliate violently.

Finally, one of the suitors, Odysseus ,proposed a plan to solve the dilemma困境. In exchange for T yndareus' support of his own suit towards Penelope,( 佩内洛普(女子名);Odysseus的忠实妻子)

penelope cruz 佩内洛普?克鲁兹(西班牙女影星)

?he suggested that T yndareus require all of Helen's suitors to promise that they would defend the marriage of Helen, regardless of whom he chose. grumble at 对…表示不满;抱怨…


?T yndareus chose Menelaus墨涅拉俄斯斯巴达王. Menelaus was a political choice on her father's part. He had wealth and power. He sent his brother Agamemnon阿伽门农(特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅)on his behalf. He had promised Aphrodite a hecatomb百牲祭n.大屠杀;百牲祭

holocaust, bloodbath

, a sacrifice of 100 oxen, if he won Helen, but forgot about it and earned her wrath愤怒.[33] Menelaus inherited T yndareus' throne王座of Sparta with Helen as his queen.

Paris帕里斯(特洛伊王子), under the guise of a supposed diplomatic外交的mission, went to Sparta to get Helen and bring her back to T roy. Before Helen could look up, to see him enter the palace, she was shot with an arrow from Cupid丘比特, and fell in love with Paris when she saw him, as promised by Aphrodite. Menelaus had left for Crete[36] to bury his uncle, Crateus.[37] Hera, still jealous over his judgement, sent a storm.[36] The storm caused the lovers to land in Egypt, where the gods replaced Helen with a likeness of her made of clouds, Nephele涅斐勒(云女神).[38] The ship then landed in Sidon before reaching T roy.

Odysseus and Achilles

Since Menelaus's wedding, Odysseus had married Penelope and fathered a son, T elemachus忒勒马科斯(希腊神话中奥德修斯和珀涅罗珀之子,助其父杀死向珀涅罗珀求婚的人). In order to avoid the war, he feigned madness and sowed his fields with salt. Palamedes 帕拉米迪斯outwitted him and revealed his sanity and forcing him to join the war.[36][45]

At Skyros斯基罗斯岛, Achilles had an affair with the king's daughter Deidamia得伊达弥亚, resulting in a child, Neoptolemus尼奥普托列墨斯.[47] Odysseus, T elamonian Ajax, and Achilles' tutor Phoenix went to retrieve Achilles. Achilles' mother disguised him as a woman so that he would not have to go to war, but, they blew a horn, and Achilles revealed himself by seizing a spear矛,枪to fight intruders入侵者;闯入者, rather than fleeing逃走.[48] First gathering at Aulis奥利斯

The Achean forces first gathered at Aulis. All the suitors sent their forces except King Cinyras of Cyprus. Idomeneus 伊多梅纽斯(在特洛伊战争中的希腊领袖)was willing to lead the Cretan克里特岛人contingent in Mycenae's war against T roy, but only as a co-commander, which he was granted.[52] The last commander to arrive was Achilles, who was then 15 years old.

Following a sacrifice to Apollo, a snake slithered from the altar to a sparrow's nest in a plane tree nearby. It ate the mother and her nine babies, then was turned to stone. Calchas interpreted this as a sign that T roy would fall in the tenth year of the war.[53]

T elephus(忒勒福斯)

When the Achaeans left for the war, they did not know the way, and accidentally landed in Mysia米西亚(小亚细亚一古国), ruled by King T elephus, son of Heracles赫拉克勒斯(大力英雄).In the battle, Achilles wounded T elephus,[55] who had killed Thersander.神谕处;圣人. The oracle responded, "he that wounded shall heal". The Achaean fleet then set sail and was scattered by a storm. Achilles landed in Scyros and married Deidamia伊达墨亚. A new gathering was set again in Aulis.[36]

T elephus went to Aulis, and either pretended to be a beggar, asking Agamemnon to help heal his wound,[57] and kidnapped Orestes and held him for ransom, demanding the wound be healed.[58] Achilles refused, claiming to have no medical knowledge. Odysseus reasoned that the spear that had inflicted使遭受(损伤、痛苦等);the wound must b e able to heal it. Pieces of the spear were scraped off onto the wound, and T elephus was healed.[59] T elephus then showed the Achaeans the route to T roy.[57]

Map of the T road特洛阿司(T roas)

The second gathering

Eight years after the storm had scattered them,[61] the fleet of more than a thousand ships was gathered again. The prophet先知Calchas stated that the goddess Artemis was punishing Agamemnon for killing either a sacred deer or a deer in a sacred grove小树林;果园, and boasting that he was a better hunter than she.[36] The only way to appease Artemis, he said, was to sacrifice Iphigenia依菲琴尼亚(迈锡尼王阿迦门家的女儿), who was either the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra克吕泰墨斯特拉,[62] or of Helen and Theseus entrusted to Clytemnestra when Helen married Menelaus.[63] Agamemnon refused, and the other commanders threatened to make Palamedes commander of the expedition. At the last moment, Artemis阿耳特弥斯(月亮与狩猎的女神)took pity on the girl, and

took her to be a maiden in one of her temples, substituting a lamb.[36] Hesiod says that Iphigenia became the goddess Hecate.[65]

Nine years of war

Philoctetes (菲罗克忒忒斯)


Philoctetes abandoned at Lemnos . 利姆诺斯岛(位于希腊)(detail of Attic red-figure stamnos ca. 460 BC) Philoctetes was Heracles'(赫拉克勒斯(大力英雄))friend, and because he lit Heracles's funeral pyre火葬用的柴堆, he received Heracles' bow and arrows. He sailed with seven ships full of men to the T rojan War, where he was planning on fighting for the Achaeans希腊人;亚加亚人. They stopped either at Chryse与克律塞for supplies, or in T enedos忒涅多斯岛(爱琴海岛屿, along with the rest of the fleet. Philoctetes was then bitten by a snake. The wound festered溃烂;化脓and had a foul smell; on Odysseus's advice, the Atreidae ordered Philoctetes to stay on Lemnos. 利姆诺斯岛。Medon took control of Philoctetes's men. While landing on T enedos, Achilles killed king T enes, son of Apollo, despite a warning by his mother that if he did so he would be killed himself by Apollo. From T enedos, Agamemnon阿伽门农(特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅)sent an embassy to Priam, composed of Menelaus, Odysseus, and Palamedes, asking for Helen's return. The embassy was refused.

Philoctetes stayed on Lemnos for ten years, which was a deserted island according to Sophocles' tragedy Philoctetes, but according to earlier tradition, was populated by Minyans.[76]


Calchas卡尔克斯(随军预言家)had prophesied that the first Achean to walk on land after stepping off a ship would be the first to die.[77] Thus even the leading Greeks hesitated to land. Finally, Protesilaus普罗忒西拉奥斯, leader of the Phylaceans, landed first.[78] Odysseus had tricked him, in throwing his own shield down to land on, so that while he was first to leap off his ship, he was not the first to land on T rojan soil. Hector荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中的一勇士名killed Protesilaus in single combat, though the T rojans conceded the beach. In the second wave of attacks, Achilles killed Cycnus基克洛斯, son of Poseidon. The T rojans then fled to the safety of the walls of their city.

The death of Palamedes帕拉米迪斯

Odysseus was sent to Thrace to return with grain, but came back empty-handed. When scorned by Palamedes, Odysseus challenged him to do better. Palamedes set out and returned with a shipload of grain.

Odysseus had never forgiven Palamedes for threatening the life of his son. In revenge, Odysseus conceived a plot where an incriminating归罪的letter was forged, from Priam普里阿摩斯to Palamedes, and gold was planted in Palamedes' quarters. The letter and gold were "discovered", and Agamemnon had Palamedes stoned向…扔石头醉酒的to death for treason叛国罪;不忠.

Palamedes' father Nauplius sailed to the T road and asked for justice, but was refused. In revenge, Nauplius traveled among the Achaean kingdoms and told the wives of the kings that they were bringing T rojan concubines to dethrone废黜;废位赶出;罢免them. Many of the Greek wives were persuaded to betray their husbands, most significantly Agamemnon's wife, Clytemnestra, who was seduced by Aegisthus埃癸斯托斯, son of Thyestes梯厄斯忒斯(珀罗普斯之子.


Near the end of the ninth year since the landing, the Achaean army, tired from the fighting and from the lack of supplies, mutinied against their leaders and demanded to return to their homes. According to the Cypria, Achilles forced the army to stay.

According to Apollodorus, Agamemnon brought the Wine Growers, daughters of Anius, son of Apollo, who had the gift of producing by touch wine, wheat, and oil from the earth, in order to relieve the supply problem of the army.[103]

The Iliad伊里亚特

Main article: Iliad

?Chryses克律塞斯, a priest of Apollo and father of Chryseis克律塞伊斯, came to Agamemnon to ask for the return of his daughter. Agamemnon refused, and insulted Chryses, who prayed to Apollo to avenge his ill-treatment. Enraged, Apollo afflicted使痛苦the Achaean army with plague. Agamemnon was forced to return Chryseis . 克律塞伊斯(阿波罗的祭司之女)to end the plague, and took Achilles' concubine妾;情妇;姘妇Briseis布里塞伊斯as his own. Enraged at the dishonour Agamemnon had inflicted upon him, Achilles decided he would no longer fight. He asked his mother, Thetis西蒂斯(海神Nereus的女儿), to intercede with向…求情Zeus, who agreed to give the T rojans success in the absence of Achilles, the best warrior of the Achaeans. After the withdrawal of Achilles, the Achaeans were initially successful. Both armies gathered in full for the first time since the landing. Menelaus斯巴达王and Paris fought a duel, which ended when Aphrodite snatched the beaten Paris from the field. With the truce停战broken, the armies began fighting again. Diomedes戴奥米底斯(荷马史诗Illiad中之英雄)won great renown amongst the Achaeans, killing the T rojan hero Pandaros and nearly killing Aeneas埃涅阿斯, who was only saved by his mother, Aphrodite.

?With the assistance of Athena, Diomedes狄俄墨得斯then wounded the gods Aphrodite and Ares [天] 阿瑞斯(战神). During the next days, however, the T rojans drove the Achaeans back to their camp and were stopped at the Achaean wall by Poseidon. The next day, though, with Zeus' help, the T rojans broke into the Achaean camp and were on the verge of setting fire to the Achaean ships. An earlier appeal to Achilles to return was rejected, but after Hector burned Protesilaus' ship, he allowed his close friend and relative Patroclus to go into battle wearing Achilles' armour and lead his army. Patroclus普特洛克勒斯drove the T rojans all the way back to the walls of T roy, and was only prevented from storming the city by the intervention of Apollo. Patroclus was then killed by Hector, who took Achilles' armour from the body of Patroclus.

Achilles, maddened with用…使大怒,发狂:grief, swore to kill Hector in revenge. He was reconciled with Agamemnon and received Briseis布里塞伊斯(女子名)back, untouched by Agamemnon. He received a new set of arms, forged by the god Hephaestus火神赫菲斯托斯, and returned to the battlefield. He slaughtered many T rojans, and nearly killed Aeneas埃涅阿斯, who was saved by Poseidon. Achilles fought with the river god Scamander, and a battle of the gods followed. The T rojan army returned to the city, except for Hector, who remained outside the walls because he was tricked by Athena. Achilles killed Hector, and afterwards he dragged Hector's body from his chariot and refused to return the body to the T rojans for burial. The Achaeans then conducted funeral games for Patroclus帕特罗克洛斯. Afterwards, Priam普里阿摩斯

came to Achilles' tent, guided by Hermes爱马仕, and asked Achilles to return Hector's body. The armies made a temporary truce to allow the burial of the dead. The Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector.

After the Iliad

Achilles killing the Amazon Penthesilea【希腊神话】彭忒西勒亚(曾帮特洛伊人作战,后被Achilles 所杀) Penthesilea and the death of Achilles

Shortly after the burial of Hector, Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, arrived with her warriors.

Penthesilea, daughter of Otrere and Ares阿瑞斯(战神), had accidentally killed her sister Hippolyte希波吕忒(Hippolyte):拥有男性的力量. She was purified from this action by Priam,[106] and in exchange she fought for him and killed many, including Machaon.

Achilles himself, who was resurrected at the request of Thetis. Penthesilia was then killed by Achilles[110] who fell in love with her beauty after her death. Thersites, a simple soldier and the ugliest Achaean, taunted奚落;逗弄Achilles over his love and gouged凿制出;挖开;挖出(眼球) out Penthesilea's eyes.[111] Achilles slew杀害Thersites, and after a dispute sailed to Lesbos, where he was purified for his murder by Odysseus after sacrificing to Apollo, Artemis阿耳特弥斯(月亮与狩猎的女神), and Leto. 勒托

While they were away, Memnon门农(古典神话)of Ethiopia, son of Tithonus and Eos,[112] came with his host to help his stepbrother Priam.[113] He did not come directly from Ethiopia, but either from Susa in Persia, conquering

all the peoples in between,[114] or from the Caucasus, leading an army of Ethiopians埃塞俄比亚的and Indians.[115] Like Achilles, he wore armour made by Hephaestus火神赫菲斯托斯.[116] In the ensuing battle, Memnon killed Antilochus, 安提罗科斯;安提洛克斯who took one of Memnon's blows to save his father Nestor.[117] Achilles and Memnon then fought. Zeus weighed the fate of the two heroes; the weight containing that of Memnon sank,[118] and he was slain杀死(slay的过去分词)by Achilles.[110][119] Achilles chased the T rojans to their city, which he entered. The gods, seeing that he had killed too many of their children, decided that it was his time to die. He was killed after Paris shot a poisoned arrow that was guided by Apollo, In another version he was killed by a knife to the back (or heel) by Paris, while marrying Polyxena, daughter of Priam, in the temple of Thymbraean Apollo,[121] the site where he had earlier killed T roilus特洛伊罗斯. Both versions conspicuously显著地,明显地;超群地,惹人注目地deny the killer any sort of valour勇猛, saying Achilles remained undefeated on the battlefield. His bones were mingled with those of Patroclus, and funeral games were held.[122] Like Ajax, he is represented as living after his death in the island of Leuke, at the mouth of the Danube River,[123] where he is married to Helen.[124]

The Judgment of the Arms: Achilles' armour and the death of Ajax

A great battle raged around the dead Achilles. Ajax held back the T rojans, while Odysseus carried the body away.[125] When Achilles' armour was offered to the smartest warrior, the two that had saved his body came forward as competitors. Agamemnon, unwilling to undertake the invidious诽谤的;不公平的;引起反感的;易招嫉妒的duty of deciding between the two competitors, referred the dispute to the decision of the T rojan prisoners, inquiring of them which of the two heroes had done most harm to the T rojans.[126] Alternatively, the T rojans and Pallas Athena were the judges in that, following Nestor's advice, spies were sent to the walls to overhear what was said. A girl said that Ajax was braver.

According to Pindar, the decision was made by secret ballot投票among the Acheans.[129] In all story versions, the arms were awarded to Odysseus. Driven mad with grief, Ajax desired to kill his comrades, but Athena caused him to mistake the cattle and their herdsmen牧人for the Achean warriors.[130] In his frenzy he scourged two rams, believing them to be Agamemnon and Menelaus.[131] In the morning, he came to his senses and killed himself by jumping on the sword that had been given to him by Hector, so that it pierced his armpit腋下, his only vulnerable part.[132] According to an older tradition, he was killed by the T rojans who, seeing he was invulnerable, attacked him with clay until he was covered by it and could no longer move, thus dying of starvation.

The prophecies预言

After the tenth year, it was prophesied[133] that T roy could not fall without Heracles' bow, which was with Philoctetes in Lemnos. Odysseus and Diomedes戴奥米底斯(荷马史诗Illiad中之英雄)retrieved Philoctetes菲罗克忒忒斯, whose wound had healed.[135] Philoctetes then shot and killed Paris.

According to Apollodorus, Paris' brothers Helenus and Deiphobus vied竞争over the hand of Helen. Deiphobus prevailed, and Helenus abandoned T roy for Mt. Ida. Calchas said that Helenus knew the prophecies concerning the fall of T roy, so Odysseus waylaid伏击Helenus. Under coercion强制;强迫, Helenus told the Acheans that they would win if they retrieved Pelops'珀罗普斯(Pelops):坦塔罗斯之子;被其us):人的总称中最狡猾者;死后在冥土受到处罚,永恒推巨石上山,但将及山顶巨石又复沉落bones, persuaded Achilles' son Neoptolemus to fight for them, and stole the T rojan Palladium. 守护神[137]

The Greeks retrieved Pelop's bones,[138] and sent Odysseus to retrieve Neoptolemus尼奥普托列墨斯(Achilles 之子), who was hiding from the war in King Lycomedes's court in Scyros. Odysseus gave him his father's arms.[128][139] Eurypylus, son of T elephus, leading, according to Homer, a large force of Kêteioi, arrived to aid the T rojans. He killed Machaon[108] and Peneleus,[142] but was slain by Neoptolemus.

Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus went to spy inside T roy, but was recognized by Helen. Homesick,[143] Helen plotted标绘的with Odysseus. Later, with Helen's help, Odysseus and Diomedes stole the Palladium. 守护神

T rojan Horse

The end of the war came with one final plan. Odysseus devised a new ruse策略,计策;诡计—a giant hollow

wooden horse, an animal that was sacred to the T rojans. It was built by Epeius and guided by Athena,[145] from the wood of a cornel山茱萸tree grove sacred to Apollo, with the inscription:

The Greeks dedicate this thank-offering to Athena for their return home.[147]

The hollow中空的horse was filled with soldiers[148] led by Odysseus. The rest of the army burned the camp and sailed for T enedos. 忒涅多斯岛(爱琴海岛屿,属土耳其)[149]

When the T rojans discovered that the Greeks were gone, believing the war was over, they "joyfully dragged the horse inside the city",[150] while they debated what to do with it. Some thought they ought to hurl it down from the rocks, others thought they should burn it, while others said they ought to dedicate it to Athena.[151][152] Both Cassandra and Laoco?n warned against keeping the horse.[153] While Cassandra had been given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, she was also cursed by Apollo never to be believed. Serpents then came out of the sea and devoured either Laoco?n【希腊神话】拉奥孔(特洛伊城的阿波罗神祭师,因警告特洛伊人提防木马计而触怒天神,后与两个儿子被雅典娜派来的巨蟒缠死) and one of his two sons,[151] Laoco?n and both his sons,[154] or only his sons,[155] a portent which so alarmed the followers of Aeneas that they withdrew to Ida艾达.[151] The T rojans decided to keep the horse and turned to a night of mad revelry狂欢;欢宴and celebration.[128] Sinon否则,不然的话, an Achaean spy, signaled the fleet stationed at T enedos when "it was midnight and the clear moon was rising"[156] and the soldiers from inside the horse emerged and killed the guards.[157]

The Sack洗劫of T roy

The Acheans entered the city and killed the sleeping population. A great massacre followed which continued into the day.

Blood ran in torrents, drenched湿透的;充满的was all the earth, As T rojans and their alien helpers died. Here were men lying quelled平息;镇压;减轻;消除by bitter death .All up and down the city in their blood.[158] The T rojans, fuelled with desperation, fought back fiercely, despite being disorganized and leaderless. With the fighting at its height, some donned fallen enemies' attire and launched surprise counterattacks in the chaotic street fighting. Other defenders hurled down roof tiles and anything else heavy down on the rampaging attackers. The outlook was grim冷酷的;糟糕的though, and eventually the remaining defenders were destroyed along with the whole city.

Neoptolemus killed Priam普里阿摩斯, who had taken refuge at the altar of Zeus of the Courtyard. Menelaus killed Deiphobus, Helen's husband after Paris' death, and also intended to kill Hele n, but, overcome by her beauty, threw down his sword[160] and took her to the ships.[151][161]

Ajax the Lesser raped Cassandra卡珊德拉on Athena's altar while she was clinging to her statue. Because of Ajax's impiety不虔诚;不尊敬, the Acheaens, urged by Odysseus, wanted to stone him to death, but he fled to Athena's altar, and was spared饶恕,宽恕;节约.[151][162]

Antenor安忒诺耳(特洛伊人领袖之一,主和派), who had given hospitality to Menelaus and Odysseus when they asked for the return of Helen, and who had advocated so, was spared, along with his family.[163] Aeneas took his father on his back and fled, and, according to Apollodorus, was allowed to go because of his piety.[159] The Greeks then burned the city and divided the spoils. Cassandra was awarded to Agamemnon. Neoptolemus got Andromache, wife of Hector, and Odysseus was given Hecuba, Priam's wife.[164]

The Achaeans[165] threw Hector's infant son Astyanax down from the walls of T roy,[166] either out of cruelty and hate[167] or to end the royal line, and the possibility of a son's revenge.[168] They also sacrificed the T rojan princess Polyxena on the grave of Achilles as demanded by his ghost, either as part of his spoil or because she had betrayed him.[169]

Aethra, Theseus' mother, and one of Helen's handmaids侍女;女佣人,[170] was rescued by her grandsons, Demophon and Acamas.[151][171]


古希腊神话之特洛伊战争 特洛伊战争发生在迈锡尼文明时期。迈锡尼文明是世界早期较为发达的文明,兴盛于公元前15世纪~前12世纪。10年的特洛伊战争消耗了迈锡尼大量的元气,让这个一度辉煌的国家变得千疮百孔。一场战争拖垮了一个文明,这也是特洛伊战争备受关注的一个原因。今天我讲的特洛伊战争主要是源自于《荷马史诗》对特洛伊战争的描述,也就是神话了的特洛伊战争。 现在大家看到的是特洛伊战争的主要人物关系图,先从宙斯开始讲起吧。宙斯和波塞冬是兄弟,他们一开始都喜欢海洋女神忒提斯,但是因为有预言说忒提丝的孩子会远远超过其父亲,如果宙斯和他结婚,那么他们的孩子就会推翻宙斯,宙斯担心预言成真,于是将忒提丝许配给了特萨利亚的英雄,天父宙斯的孙子佩琉斯。忒提丝和佩琉斯的孩子,就是赫赫有名的英雄阿喀琉斯。阿喀琉斯出生时,他母亲就知道他将会死于一场战争之中。于是在阿喀琉斯出生后不久,她的母亲就将他浸在冥河水之中,希望他能够刀枪不入,但是因为他母亲是捏着她的脚踵浸泡的,所以脚踵就成了阿喀琉斯的死穴。因为不想让儿子参加战争,忒提丝把阿喀琉斯藏在了一个孤岛上。帕特罗克洛斯是阿喀琉斯的好友,这个大家先知道一下。 再来看一下这边这张关系图。普里阿摩斯是当时特洛伊的国王,赫克托尔和帕里斯是他的两个儿子。特洛伊王后在怀帕里斯的时候梦到在帕里斯出生时。一场大火烧毁了特洛伊,预言家说这个孩子会给特洛伊带来灾难,需要除掉。可怜的王后吓坏了,在孩子出生后就将孩子交给了一个奴隶去处理。奴隶可怜这个孩子,不忍心亲手杀死他,就将他扔到艾达山上的森林里。一只母熊后来收养了他,把他当做自己的孩子养大。最终一个牧羊人发现了帕里斯并带回去抚养,那个时


荷马史诗读后感 导语:《荷马史诗》以扬抑格六音部写成,集古希腊口述文学之大成,是古希腊最伟大的作品,也是西方文学中最伟大的作品。 有一本书,名叫《荷马史诗》,它包括了两个故事:《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。其中,我最喜爱《伊利亚特》这个故事。 《伊利亚特》叙述的是古代希腊人和特洛伊人之间的一场战争。特洛伊王子帕里斯拐走了斯巴达国王的妻子海伦,希腊人为夺回海伦,组成十万联军,远征特洛伊城。战争持续了整整十年。希腊最勇猛的将领阿喀琉斯应对节节失利的危急局面,抛开与主帅的个人恩怨,奋勇作战,扭转了战局。最后,希腊人用木马计智取特洛伊城,大获全胜。 《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》是古希腊人流传下来的最早的文学作品,是世界古代文学的珍重遗产。这两篇故事相传古希腊盲人歌手荷马所作,因此统称为《荷马史诗》。《伊利亚特》这个故事歌颂英雄的威武勇敢,赞美古希腊民族历史。阿喀琉斯是个不完美的英雄,他勇敢、富有同情心、重视荣誉,同时又具有固执、易怒等弱点,这些弱点往往会酿成大错。 在读《荷马史诗》时,我有一种百感交集的味道,里面有着艰难、悲哀、痛苦,也有着一丝快乐和期望。书中情节

生动,引人人胜。书中的英雄人物热爱生活,追求道德,给人一种向上的力量,给我留下了深刻的印象。个性是奥德修斯不怕困难,用他非凡的智慧和意志战胜各种磨难的精神,告诉我在学习上遇到困难也要有毅力,不能畏缩不前。这本书让我懂得了正义必定战胜邪恶,我们要做善良、正直、勇敢的人。 《荷马史诗》这本书带我走进了世界文学殿堂,同时也给更多热爱文学的小读者们带来更为广阔的阅读视野。 请为我述说,缪斯啊,那位机敏的英雄,在摧毁特洛亚的神圣城堡后又到处飘泊,见识过不少种族的城邦和他们的思想;他在广阔的大海上身受无数的苦难,为保全自己的性命,使同伴们返家园。但他费尽了辛劳,终未能救得同伴,只因为他们亵渎神明,为自己招灾祸:一群愚蠢人,拿高照的赫利奥斯的牛群饱餐,神明剥夺了他们归返的时光。女神,宙斯的女儿,请随意为我们述说。 诸神归还奥德修斯的和平与家庭的同时,我也被故事所动容。古老的希腊在冥冥的记忆中淡淡地,像画卷一般一点一点完整地摊开。这样才算有了结果。我在某个早晨开始阅览,也在某个早晨感悟至深——第一次与两千五百多年前的历史重重地握手。 我不是一个善于评书的人,毕竟古典大成,我只闻其貌,未得其详。甚至也是囫囵吞枣地观书。当人类的足迹遍布,


特洛伊英文读后感 I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it. The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war. Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, sin ce Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles. It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese para ble says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers


通过研究特洛伊战争了解古希腊人的价值观校名:福州三中作者:吴佩伦、黄君青等指导老师:刘姗姗 [摘要]: 通过研究特洛伊战争中的主要人物阿喀琉斯了解古希腊人的价值观,以及对战争的观点。分析其人物性格,发觉其多面性,发扬优点,点评、批判其不足之处。 关键词:阿喀琉斯性格特洛伊价值观 希腊神话即口头或文字上一切有关古希腊人的神、英雄、自然和宇宙历史的神话。主要来源于古希腊文学作品,包括《荷马史诗》中的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,赫西奥德的《工作与时日》和《神谱》,奥维德的《变形记》等经典作品。希腊神话和传说中最有名的故事有特洛伊战争、奥德修斯的游历、伊阿宋寻找金羊毛、赫拉克勒斯的功绩等。我们选取的研究的对象便是有名的特洛伊战争以及战争中最优秀的英雄——阿喀琉斯。 在奥林匹斯的神宴上,不睦女神伊利斯投下写有“献给最美丽的女神”的黄金苹果,造成天后赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜、美神阿芙洛迪忒三位女神的纷争。特洛伊王子帕里斯为了得到世界上最美的女人而把金苹果判给了阿芙洛迪忒,引起了另外两位女神的不满。后来帕里斯出使斯巴达,见到了地中海第一美女斯巴达王后海伦。帕里斯将她掳走并打劫了国王莫涅阿俄斯的宝库,从而引起了长达十年的特洛伊战争。 特洛伊战争最后以特洛伊被奥德修斯的木马计攻破和大量英雄的死亡而告终,海伦最后得到了丈夫莫涅阿俄斯的原谅。但是,希腊人在归航的途中遭到了女神雅典娜的报复,死伤惨重。聪明的奥德修斯也开始了长达十年的流浪生涯。 关于特洛伊战争,我们组员查了多方面资料。以往的资料都把战争的原因归结到了红颜祸水的海伦身上。但是,我们小组认为,特洛伊战争的源头是在于古希腊人的观念上。古希腊人追求冒险、荣誉、财富、爱情,作为丈夫的莫涅阿俄斯认为海伦的掳劫对他是种莫大的侮辱,加上对特洛伊财富的向往,才会向兄弟阿伽门农求助。英雄阿喀琉斯等人因信守诺言,才会加入这场战争。 特洛伊战争中最伟大的英雄,是第二代英雄中的佼佼者,阿尔戈英雄珀琉斯和海洋女神忒提斯的儿子。当他初生时,他的女神母亲也想使他成为神人。她在夜里背着父亲把儿子放在天火中燃烧,要把父亲遗传给他的人类成分烧掉,使他圣洁。到了白天,她又用神药给儿子治愈烧灼的伤口。有一次,珀琉斯暗中偷看。当他看到儿子在烈火中抽搐时,不禁吓得大叫起来。这一来妨碍了忒提斯,因此阿喀琉斯除了脚踵之外全身刀枪不入。阿喀琉斯在奥德修斯的邀请下参加特洛伊战争,在战斗中杀敌无数,数次使希腊军反败为胜,后来被庇护特洛伊的阿波罗用太阳箭射中脚踵而死。他的葬礼十分的隆重,希腊人用温水给他的身体洗浴,给他穿上他的母亲忒提斯特意送给他的出征战袍。雅典娜从奥林匹斯圣山上俯视着他,心中充满同情,在他的额上洒落了几滴香膏,防止尸体腐烂或变形。人们从爱达山上砍伐树木,高高地垒成一堆。柴堆上放着许多被杀死的人的盔甲和武器,还有许多祭奠的牲口,祭供的黄金和其他名贵的金属。希腊的英雄们各从头上割下一绺头发,阿喀琉斯生前最宠爱的女佣勃里撒厄斯也剪下自己的一束秀发,送给主人作为最后的礼物。他们还在柴堆上浇上各种香膏,并供上大碗的蜂蜜、美酒和香料。英雄的尸体放在柴堆的顶上,然后他们全副武装,有的骑马,有的步行,围着巨大的柴堆绕圈而行。礼毕,他们将柴堆点燃。火苗熊熊燃烧起来。遵照宙斯的旨意,风神埃洛斯送出了急风,呼啸着煽起冲天的火焰,木柴堆烧得劈


外国文学(一)复习资料:名词解释、简答和论述 侯赛军 特洛伊战争的起因和实质。 特洛伊战争的起因是古希腊妇女海伦被抢。 在古代,以妇女为导火线而进行征讨的战争是常有的事。古代抢夺妇女是父权制社会掠夺财富的一种表现。妇女被物化,她被当做男人的财产和性奴隶。妇女被抢,侵占了被抢妇女丈夫的私有财产,私有财产是不可侵犯的。为此引发战争,是为了争夺和抢劫财富,包括妇女在内。为妇女而战只是一个借口。特洛伊战争海伦被抢的实质也应如此。 简述《俄狄浦斯王》中的命运观。 《俄狄浦斯王》展示的是人与命运的冲突。在索福克勒斯看来,俄狄浦斯为躲避杀父娶母的厄运四处奔走,力图自己来掌握自己的命运,这是值得肯定和歌颂的。然而,他的抗争却归于失败,命运使这样一个优秀人物成了罪人。因此,他对命运的正义性和合理性提出了怀疑。这种对与命运抗争的英雄的肯定和在客观上对命运合理性的怀疑,正是雅典奴隶主政治由盛及衰时期民主派意识的特点。面对尖锐的社会矛盾,雅典的自由民一方面相信自己的力量,另一方面又对社会危机感到惶惑与无能为力,表现出强烈的悲愤情绪。 简述《神曲》的主题思想。 《神曲》写的是诗人神游地狱、炼狱、天堂三界的故事,但通篇充满了象征的寓意。黑暗的森林象征意大利的社会现实;豹、狼、狮象征当时阻碍社会前进的邪恶势力;森林迷路象征人类的迷惘;维吉尔象征理性;贝雅特丽齐象征信仰。但丁通过这些具有象征意义的人物表现了作品的主题思想:意大利和人类只有在理性的指引下,经过各种苦难的考验,去除各种罪恶,在道德上得到净化,再经过信仰的引导,才能走出迷惘,达到至善至美的崇高境界,从而得到永恒的幸福。 简析但丁《神曲》思想内容及艺术上的二重性 恩格斯认为意大利的但丁是中世纪最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人,这个评述,既指出了但丁的二重性,也是理解《神曲》的二重性的关键。 《神曲》二重性首先表现在如何看待祖国的前途命运。一方面但丁认识到统一意大利是拯救祖国的唯一途径,谴责党派纷争。另一方面他所设想的统一方式却是空想的、错误的,把希望寄托在好皇帝和人们的道德完善上。 其次表现在对待宗教的二重态度上。一方面主张信仰上帝,为天主、圣徒、苦行僧唱颂歌,另一方面对现实中的教会罪恶做了全面的揭发与批判。 第三表现在对待现世人生的态度。一方面歌颂禁欲主义的伦理道德观念,另一方面又肯定现世人生,赞美人性,表现了人文主义的思想意识。


祭奠三千两百年前的那些英雄 ——特洛伊之战不只是带来了战乱,也给人们带来了一个英雄的时代。 一部“史诗”,如果只有故事和场面,那他很可能失败。史诗必须能接受得住历史的考验。史诗电影也是一样:场面、效果都可能过时,给观众留下深刻印象的,往往是血肉饱满的人物形象和他们身上所体现的触动观众心灵的特质。 他的电脑特技,拍摄技术,音乐,情节安排,以及编剧等多方面,由于没有此方面的专业基础,因此不敢妄加深入探讨和分析。而这场战争中所折射出的那种隐形的神欲和显性的人欲我也不能一一道明。这篇评论是我对本影片就人物形象这一点所产生的浅浅的分析。 整部电影以阿基里斯为“千古留名,永垂不朽“的名誉而战再到弃战,而后不得不战,直至最后因战而死。阿喀琉斯的性格感觉有点象楚霸王,英雄盖世却又意气用事刚愎自用,对心爱的女人柔情似水,总之是个挺丰满的英雄形象。他的选择与命运牵动着每个观众的心,尤其是其中一场戏,与阿喀琉斯帕情同手足的表弟特洛克罗斯,为了挽救希腊偷偷穿上阿喀琉

斯的盔甲,被误以为是阿喀琉斯的特洛伊王子赫克托杀死,此刻毫不知情的阿喀琉斯正与赫克托尔的表妹,纯洁善良的女祭司帕里塞伊斯沉浸在温柔乡之中,当他们得知特洛克罗斯的死时,帕里塞伊斯请求阿喀琉斯不要与她表兄决战,爱情、亲情、义气此刻陷入矛盾之中,每个人都为阿喀琉斯的选择捏了一把汗。作为观众,此刻也是矛盾的,为特洛伊的命运,为阿喀琉斯与帕里塞伊斯的爱情,更为阿喀琉斯一个巨人的完美形象。男人可以没有爱情,却不能不讲义气!阿喀琉斯不得不战。在与赫克托尔的对决中,阿喀琉斯杀死了赫克托。 特洛伊大王子赫克托是本片中绝对正面的形象了了,我觉得他是最可敬的英雄,一个完美的男子汉形象。勇敢,理智,智慧,永远知道自己在作什么,应该作什么。赫克托沉稳内敛、大义而又悲情,对国家,他肩负着不可推却的责任,对亲情,他孝敬父亲,怜爱弟弟,另一方面,他有着美丽温柔的妻子和一个尚在襁褓中的儿子,但命运把他推到了战争的最前沿,他倒在了阿喀琉斯的剑下。尽管知道他一定会死,但他死去的时候我还是很难过揪心的。他死以后,据我看来片中唯一的亮点消失了,特洛伊城也就真的完了赫克托耳的命运从他允诺要为弟弟的错误承担的那一刻起


阿基琉斯的人物分析 古希腊流传下来最早的完整的文学作品是两部史诗:伊利昂纪和奥德修纪.相传这两部史诗是在公元前9世纪至公元前8世纪之间,由一位名叫荷马的盲诗人根据民间口头流传的短歌编成的,因而被成为"荷马史诗".荷马根据民间口头创作收集整理的史诗,代代相传,到了公元前6世纪形成文字,公元前3世纪至公元前2世纪由亚历山大里亚学者将两部史诗均编成24卷.而两部史诗都是以特洛伊战争为背景,特洛伊战争发生于公元前1194-1184年,以迈锡尼为首的希腊联军向小亚细亚的富庶特洛伊进攻,战争持续了10年,最后采用奥德修斯的木马计将特洛伊城洗劫一空.两部史诗不写全过程,以截取最后一年中的一段故事来表现全体. 由于产生于古希腊特定的政治和文化气氛中,荷马史诗的思想倾向也带有强烈的时代色彩.荷马史诗表现出强烈的神意色彩.由于史诗形成于古希腊浓烈的神话气氛中,因此人们对事物发展的判断很大程度上不是按照现实的规则,而是按照神话的规则进行的.表现在史诗中,就是把人的行为及其成败归结为神的意志.我们不能肯定的说某一人物好也不能完全的否定一个人.伊利昂纪表现英雄的勇武,内容丰富,广阔的描绘了由氏族社会向奴隶社会过渡时期希腊的社会生活和人们的精神面貌.荷马时代处于原始公社制向奴隶制过渡的社会发展阶段,生产水平正由青铜时代向铁器时代过渡,后已踏进文明的门槛.当时没有国家,最基本的社会集团是部落,各部落内部实行军事民主制,没有组长会议和民众大会,议决部落的重大事件.部落旨领是

军事统帅,法官和最高祭司,但不拥有行政权力.各部落在战时常结成不大的军事联盟,但各自仍旧保持独立性,联盟在战后随而解体.公园前8到6世纪,奴隶制关系逐渐形成,爱琴海地区出现许多独立的奴隶制城邦,其中最重要的是雅典和斯巴达. 这两部荷马史诗中相比较我更喜欢伊利昂纪,主要写的是最后一年中51天发生的事.史诗一开始就点出"阿基琉斯的愤怒是我的主题".阿伽门农和阿凯亚部族中最勇猛的首领阿基琉斯争夺一个女俘,阿基琉斯受辱后,愤而退出战场.希腊军方面连连失利,一直退到海岸边,也抵挡不住特洛伊主将赫克托耳的猛烈攻势,情况万分紧急.阿伽农 门请求和解遭到拒绝.阿基琉斯的朋友帕特洛克罗斯接了他的盔甲, 杀上战场,挡住了特洛伊人的进攻.但赫克托耳把他杀死,并夺走了他的盔甲.阿基琉斯悔恨自己的过失,愤而重新参战,为亡友复仇.终于 杀死了赫克托耳,并把他的尸体拖在马后奔驰.赫克托耳的父亲,伊利昂的老王普利阿摩斯前来赎回儿子的尸首,全诗在为赫克托耳举行的盛大葬礼中结束. 在写阿基琉斯勃然大怒这个情节时,有一段阿基琉斯说的话:"无耻而又自私的君王!希腊人还有谁愿意听从你的指挥?特洛伊人并没 有得罪于我.我跟你过来只是愿意帮助你,给你的兄弟墨涅拉俄斯报仇.你不珍惜这一点,还要抢夺我的礼物.你可知道这些礼物都是我夺来的,是希腊人分给我的!无论攻占哪一个城市以后,我所得到的礼物都远远地不如你多,而我却往往承担最艰难的战斗任务,那是为了在 瓜分礼物时让你获得最满意的部分.好吧,我现在回夫茨阿去!没有我


特洛伊战争故事 海伦的美貌冠绝希腊,连阿提卡半岛的英雄忒修斯也曾尝试去劫走她。求婚者接踵而来以致内讧争斗,令廷达柔斯不知所措,最后机智的求婚者奥德修斯向廷达柔斯进言:“让海伦自己决定,并让所有求婚者起誓,他们对海伦的丈夫永不拿起武器攻击他,并且需要求援时全力帮助他。”所有求婚者应允后,海伦就挑选了阿特柔斯的英俊儿子墨涅拉奥斯。 廷达柔斯死后,墨涅拉奥斯就成了斯巴达国王。婚宴上的金苹果宙斯和河神阿索波斯的女儿埃吉娜生了儿子埃阿科斯,埃阿科斯又生了著名的英雄佩琉斯,英雄忒拉蒙是佩琉斯的兄弟,也是赫拉克勒斯的好友。佩琉斯及忒拉蒙因妒杀死异母兄弟福科斯而逃亡,佩琉斯躲到弗提亚,英雄欧律提翁收留了他并把三分一国土给了他,又把女儿安提戈涅给他作妻。然而他在卡吕冬的狩猎中,意外杀死了欧律提翁。他再次来到伊奥尔科斯,那里的国王的阿卡斯托斯的妻子爱上了他,国王妻子求爱不成而诬陷佩琉斯。阿卡斯托斯趁佩琉斯在佩利翁山上睡着时收起他的宝剑,让他被半人马杀死。不过得到了半人马喀戎的帮助,他找回剑并击退其他野蛮的半人马。佩琉斯为报复,在狄奥斯库罗伊,卡斯托尔及波吕杜克斯的帮助下占领了伊奥尔科斯,并杀死了阿卡斯托斯及其妻子。 此时,泰坦神普罗米修斯告诉宙斯如和忒提斯结婚将诞下一个推翻宙斯的人,因此他劝宙斯将忒提斯嫁给佩琉斯为妻,而他们的孩子将是一个伟大的英雄,不过条件是要佩琉斯先战胜忒提斯。佩琉斯知悉后躲在那个忒提斯常休息的山洞趁她不觉时捉住她,忒提斯无论变成母狮、水蛇及海水,佩琉斯都没放手,就这样佩琉斯就胜利了。 众神都在半人马喀戎的山洞庆祝两人的婚礼,只有不和女神埃里斯没被邀请参加,埃里斯不愤想出诡计,从赫斯佩里得斯果园采了一只金苹果,并写上“给最美丽的女神”并扔在宴会上,赫拉、雅典娜及阿芙罗狄忒三个女神各认为自己是理所当然认得的,宙斯拒绝作裁判,于是三人带着苹果到伊达山上,找特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的英俊儿子帕里斯作裁决。帕里斯的裁决帕里斯是普里阿摩斯及赫库芭的儿子。其母生他前作了一个噩梦,梦到特洛伊地受大火洗礼,预言家告诉赫库芭这个儿子将毁了特洛伊,因此普里阿摩斯就名仆人阿戈拉奥斯把孩子带到伊达山抛弃,阿戈拉奥斯养大了他,他力大出众,保护蓄群及朋友,因此别人叫他阿勒克珊德洛斯,意即惊人的男子汉。 此时三个女神来到帕里斯的面前要他作裁决,三个女神都以奖品诱惑她,赫拉答应给他至高无上的权力,雅典娜给他最聪明的头脑,而阿芙罗狄忒则给他世上最漂亮的女子海伦作妻,帕里斯把金苹果交了给阿芙罗狄忒,他成了阿芙罗狄忒的宠儿,而赫拉及雅典娜决心毁灭特洛伊人。 之后,帕里斯回到了特洛伊参加了英雄们的竞技,连赫克托尔也败给他,普里阿摩


观看《木马屠城》有感 碧蓝色的海面上千万只军舰进发,高大坚固城墙的神殿门前用黄金铸就的太阳神阿波罗雕像,巨大的特洛伊木马,在火光中被烧毁的特洛伊古城,美丽的海伦以及英俊的特洛伊小王子帕尔斯,即英勇善战又似水柔情的英雄阿客琉斯,以及具有责任感和远大理想与胸怀的特洛伊的大王子郝斯托尔,这一切都是电影《特洛伊》的看点。 看过荷马史诗《伊力亚特》的人都知道古希腊的“特洛伊之战”,也叫做“木马屠城记”。讲述的是公元前1193年,古希腊特洛伊的小王子爱上了斯巴达人海伦,可是海伦已经是希腊君王“墨涅拉俄斯”的皇后了。在爱情的魔力下,小王子决定把海伦带回自己的国家----“特洛伊”。这极大地激怒了海伦的丈夫和他的兄弟。一个是为了荣誉而战,一个是为了权利而战,希腊的这两个兄弟联手进攻特洛伊城。然而特洛伊的城墙是多年战争中都攻不破的。最后希腊将军使用了一个计策,制作了一个巨大的木马,把士兵藏在木马中用计让特洛伊的国王亲自带入了特洛伊城内,终于希腊人内外夹击打败了特洛伊。国王战死了,大王子为了荣誉也战死了,英雄阿客琉斯也中箭身亡,只留下了美丽的海伦和小王子帕尔斯。 影片是震撼人心的,不光是场面的宏大,更有感人的情节和各种人物的个人魅力。配音也是少有的好。加上整体音效,尤其是海神般呜咽的女高音在影院中回荡,让人仿佛置身与古希腊的战场中一般。 然而影片却让我开始思考关于“英雄”的问题:到底怎样的人才真正称得上是英雄呢? 我自认为最可以称得上是英雄的应当数特洛伊的大王子----郝克托尔。他不仅忠于妻子忠于国王忠于国家,而且深爱着亲人和国民,敢于承担责任并可以为荣誉不惜牺牲自己的生命,他可以说是极富男性魅力的人物,被塑造得几乎没有了缺陷。影片中的男主角,也就是著名影星布拉德-彼特扮演的英雄人物-----阿客琉斯也是个不事权贵,极富个性的叛逆者,并且是一个为了爱可以牺牲一切包括自己的生命的英雄人物,但是他却极容易冲动,犯了不该犯下的错误-----杀死了自己的敌人也是盟友“郝克托尔”。从而在自己的内心深处更背负上了内疚的十字架。而且更糟的是我一直认为他是被人利用了,他的一生充其量不过是一介武夫而已。当然布拉德-彼特的个人魅力还是非同寻常的,在影片《燃情岁月》中就已经充分显示了。小王子帕而斯是我最不想评论的角色,因为也许导演是想塑造一个不仅英俊而且可爱的小王子形象,然而影片中的他却显露出了男人最不该有的懦弱和胆怯,在他和海伦的丈夫决斗的那场戏中真的是表现的太差劲了,还不如不要决斗充那个胖子呢。真不知道导演是为了什么而演出了这么一场戏的。 每个人心目中英雄的标准千差万别,不知道你觉得影片《特洛伊》中真正的英雄到底是谁呢?



特洛伊战争,是一场以争夺世上最漂亮的女人海伦为开始,以木马计为结尾的十年攻城战。战争的双方分别是以阿伽门农及阿克琉斯为代表的希腊军和以帕里斯及赫克托尔为代表的特洛伊城。同时,在希腊神话中,这也是一场神的战争。这是一场异常绚烂的战争,其中值得人们深思熟虑的地方实在是数不胜数,因此造就了如荷马史诗这般恢弘的经典之作。在此,我想就这场战争谈几点个人看法。 首先是对这场战争所谓的导火索,海伦和帕里斯。据说他们两人是真心相爱的,因此这场战争也被称为为爱发动的战争。我并不想对他们两的爱情做出任何评价,因为相较于这之后发生的种种,他们的爱情只能说太微不足道了。电影里,帕里斯跟他的哥哥说,他要为爱而战。赫克托尔反问他:“告诉我,你杀过人吗?你看过战死的人吗?我杀过人,听过也看过他们死前的哀嚎。一点也不光荣,一点也不伟大。你说你要为爱而死,你却不懂死亡,更不懂爱情。。。。。。”个人觉得这段话完美的揭示了海伦和帕里斯的狭隘与无知。他们以爱为名,却带给了无数人血与泪。他们觉得自己是“问世间情为何物,直叫人生死相许”,实际上却是因着自己的欲望给别人带来了他们本不应承受的灾难。尤其是帕里斯,他自私,懦弱,甚至连决斗中的勇气都不够。因着他,父兄受难,国家受难,在他身上,丝毫看不到一个王子该有的担当。虽然说,帕里斯和海伦的私奔并不是这场战争真正的起因,然而身为导火索,他们两人负有不可推卸的责任。相较于他们两自私的爱情,另两段爱情更加真挚美好。其一是安德洛玛克和赫克托尔这一队恩爱的夫妻,他们间感情深远。而且他们之间除了爱情,还参杂着信任,恩惠,每次赫克托走上战场前,都会望一眼安德洛玛克,而后者也很清楚,丈夫的每次出征都可能有去无回,虽然很担心,很


特洛伊战争 特洛伊战争是以争夺世上最漂亮的女人海伦(Helen)为起因,道出以阿伽门农(Agamemnon)及阿喀琉斯(Achilles)为首的希腊军进攻以帕里斯及赫克托尔为首的特洛伊城的十年攻城战。 希腊神话中时常提到特洛伊战争[1],整个故事是以荷马史诗《伊利亚特》(Iliad)为中心,加上索福克勒斯(Sophocles)的悲剧《埃阿斯》(Ajax)、《菲洛克忒忒斯》(Philoctetes),欧律庇德斯(Euripides)的悲剧《伊菲格涅娅在奥利斯》(Iphigenia at Aulis)、《安特罗玛克》(Andromache)、《赫库芭》(Hecuba),维吉尔(Virgil)的史诗《伊尼德》(Aeneid)、奥维德(Ovid)的长诗《古代名媛》(Heroides)等多部著作而成,故事详细地描述了特洛伊战争的情况。 战争起因:公元前1193年,特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯和他俊美的二儿子王子帕里斯在希腊斯巴达王麦尼劳斯的宫中受到了盛情的款待。但是,帕里斯却和麦尼劳斯美貌的妻子海伦一见钟情并将她带出宫去,恼怒的麦尼劳斯和他的兄弟迈西尼国王阿伽门农兴兵讨伐特洛伊。希腊联军的将领阿喀琉斯和普利阿摩斯的大儿子、特洛伊年轻的王位继承人赫克托尔逐渐成为在战争中成为双方各自的英雄。由于特洛伊城池牢固易守难攻,希腊军队和特洛伊勇士们对峙长达10 年之久,最后英雄奥德修斯献上妙计,让希腊士兵全部登上战船,制造撤兵的假相,并故意在城前留下一具巨大的木马。特洛伊人高兴地把木马当作战利品抬进城去。当晚,正当特洛伊人沉湎于美酒和歌舞的时候,藏在木马腹内的20名希腊士兵杀出,打开城门,里应外合,特洛伊立刻被攻陷,杀掠和大火将整个城市毁灭。老国王和大多数男人被杀死,妇女和儿童被出卖为奴,海伦又被带回希腊,持续10年之久的战争终于结束。


《希腊神话故事》读后感 《希腊神话故事》读后感 当仔细品读一部作品后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,这时候,最关键的读后感怎么能落下!那么读后感到底应该怎么写呢?下面是小编整理的《希腊神话故事》读后感,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 《希腊神话故事》读后感1 这个暑假,我阅读了一册《希腊神话故事》,主要内容是帕里斯诱拐了希腊国王的王后而导致特洛伊人和希腊人发生了战争。 奥林匹斯山上的神仙都纷纷赶来加入了战争,他们各自支持两支不同的军队,最终特洛伊人被希腊人所打败。其中我对两位神仙的印象极其深刻。分别是帕拉斯雅典娜和福布斯阿波罗。在战场上,阿波罗担心阿喀琉斯发现自己,因此用一团云雾隐住了身躯,冒着生命危险,暗暗地帮助赫克托耳。而雅典娜则飞在阿喀琉斯的上空,帮助他抵挡住特洛伊人的攻击。在这两位神仙身上体现了奋不顾身,舍己为人

的特点。为什么大家会想象出这两位神仙呢?这与当时人们所处的环境和时代有关。可能是当时的人们比较自私,只追求个人的利益,而不会去帮助于他人,于是他们怀着美好生活的渴求和对和平的憧憬创造了两位这样的神仙。那么这样的创编和想象合理吗?我认为是合情合理的。 在生活中,就应该多一些像雅典娜和阿波罗这样的英雄形象,舍已为人而又不求回报。在我们的生活中,也有这样的神仙,那就是消防战士们。在浓烟滚滚的火场,总能看见他们奋勇拼搏的的身影。此时此刻,他们想的是拯救生命和宝贵的财产,而把自己的安危置之于脑后。同样还有边防战士也是一样,为了人民的幸福和国家的和平,不惜奉献自己的青春,守卫在边疆。 《希腊神话故事》读后感2 《希腊神话故事》是一本有趣的书,讲了许多英雄的故事,让人爱不释手。 《希腊神话故事》里面有些故事耐人寻味,例如:“史前人类”,主要讲了克洛诺斯和宙斯创造了黄金、黑铁一代的人类,两位神创造的人类的性格有很大的区别,有的娇生惯养、有的爱起战争、有的甚至不懂的爱。最后神王宙斯看不下去了,让他们变成神灵。现在我们生活在无战争的时代,我们要珍惜现在的生活,让自己变的更有爱。 在这本书里,月亮神阿尔忒弥斯,她敢爱敢恨,知恩


[键入文字] 奥德修斯人物形象分析:半神半人身上的品质 奥德修斯是古希腊神话中的人物,在罗马的神话故事中被成为尤利西斯或者是尤里克塞斯,是希腊西部伊塔卡岛之王,曾经出使特洛伊要求归还海伦,但是却没有获得成功,于是特洛伊战争就爆发了。奥德修斯是特洛伊战争中希腊盟军一方著名的智勇双全的英雄,特洛伊木马计就是奥德修斯想出来的,下面做一下奥德修斯简介。 奥德修斯简介:奥德修斯并不想参加特洛伊之战,于是佯装发疯,但是却被帕拉墨得斯识破,最终不得已参加了特洛伊战争,从此之后奥德修斯心中对帕拉墨得斯产生了怨恨,加上奥德修斯对帕拉墨得斯的嫉妒,使得奥德修斯后来在战争之中诬陷了帕拉墨得斯与特洛伊人有勾结,导致了阿伽门农将帕拉墨得斯处死在海边。后来奥德修斯与大埃阿斯比试打了一个平手,堪称是希腊盟军中智勇双全的人物。后来奥德修斯与大埃阿斯争夺阿喀琉斯的盔甲,奥德修斯能言巧辩,使用计谋最终获得了阿喀琉斯的盔甲,大埃阿斯因此自杀身亡。后来奥德修斯献出了木马计,最终攻陷了特洛伊城,特洛伊城市被攻陷之后奥德修斯在特洛伊进行了大肆的杀戮与劫掠,后来就坐着船回国了。 奥德修斯的回国之路可以说历尽艰辛,在海上漂流了十年才最终回到了自己的国家,但是等到他回到自己国家的时候,因为奥德修斯长达二十年的时间没有消息,所以伊塔卡岛的人们都传说奥德修斯已经死亡,这个时候贵族的子弟们都在争着向奥德修斯的妻子求婚,想要成为伊塔卡岛之王,奥德修斯的妻子想尽了各种办法拒绝他们,这些贵族子弟占据了王宫,在里面吃喝玩乐。奥德修斯回到家的时候看到了贵族子弟的作为,他化妆成为一个乞丐,见到了自己的儿子,并且与儿子一起努力终于除掉了在他的家中胡作非为的恶少,与自己的妻子团聚,并且重新成为了伊塔卡岛的王。 1


Troy Troy,a film about warfare and love,tell us an impressive story. 3200 years ago,after decades of warfare Agamemnon,king of Mycenae,had foced the kingdoms of Greecce into a loose alliance.Only Thessaly remained unconquered.Agamemnon’s brother Menelaus,king of Spata,is weary of batttle.He seeked to make peace with Troy,the most powerful rival to the emerging Greek nation. As a result,the two reached a peace agreement.Unfortunately,Paris ,the prince of Troy,had a crush on and took away Queen Halen,Menelau s’s wife,which pissed off Menelaus. He wanted revenge. So he came to his brother Agamemnon to seek help. Then they jioned together to attack Troy with the greatest force the world had ever seen.There came the war. In the war,Achilles,persuaded by Odysseus,the most sagacious king of Greece,fighted for the Greek,while Hector defend his own country. Once Achilles and Agamemnon were on bad terms because of somenthing personal,and Achilles put up his sword. To trojans,it would be a appreciation,but they provoked the Greek by actively attacking them. Ptroclus ,however,went to the front with Achilles’s armor,ending his life under Hector’s sword. Hector got killed in that Patroclus’s death set Achilles on fire.


荷马史诗作品读后感范本 荷马史诗作品读后感范本1 读了《荷马史诗》这部巨著,我被深深地感动了。他们的一言一行,亦成为永恒的经典…… 第一部分中的阿伽门农和阿喀琉斯都是热血与勇敢的化身。为了亲人与正义,他们赴汤蹈火在所不辞。还有帕里斯的哥哥赫克托耳,虽然他在整本书中是一个次要且负面的人物,可是他的那种爱国的精神感动了无数人…… 与此同时,天神们也恢复了本来的面目,开始了凡人般的斗争,真可谓是无稽之谈,我们不能不能不说这是对神的一种大胆的讽刺。第二部分中的主人奥德修斯既坚忍不拔,也有勇有谋,给我的触动也最大。历经千辛万苦之后,他上了岸没有盲目地证明自我的身份,而是不辞辛苦,从别人口中得知真相。可见,他是十分谨慎和理智的。 信念能够改变一切:为了夺回海伦,希腊人不惜牺牲无数人的生命;为了与家人团聚,奥德修斯再忍受了常人难以忍受的种种磨难后,依旧不改当初…… 就让那些信念永存心间的人们,一齐携手相成功的道路上奔跑吧!

荷马史诗作品读后感范本2 每次看到古西方,尤其是古希腊地图,看到那一群在被汪洋大海围绕的岛屿,那众多岛屿上建立的希腊城邦时,都会在心底涌起一股崇敬之感。总是觉得那里被描述得很完美,即使是厮杀的战场也会让我有几分向往之感,总觉得那里赋予了一些难以言说的神圣使命,让你觉得即便死在了那些刀光剑影之下,也是值得的,也是会被人尊敬的。自然我也必须要承认古希腊礼貌自有它的狭隘之处,譬如它对奴隶的苛刻,小国寡民的城邦制度等等…… 记得有人曾这样说过:“杯具就是把完美的东西撕碎给人看”,而《荷马史诗》无疑是向我们展示了古希腊发展史上不一样城邦为寻求发展壮大发动一场场战争从而产生的杯具。这一杯具色彩在特洛伊战争中体现的犹为明显,斯巴达国家的终身帝王制膨胀了阿伽门农对权利的欲望,他妄想征服整个希腊王国,权利使他不顾亲情,甘心用女儿做奠基石的他最终在赢了特洛伊战争凯旋而归的当晚被妻子用浴巾和斧子杀死;阿里基斯为了留名千古,为后人敬仰,毅然决定了参加对特洛伊的征伐之战,最终被人射中了后脚踵而死;帕里斯拐走海伦王后引发了斯巴达与特洛伊之战,懦弱的他最终不仅仅没有保住自我冲动而来的感情,在被太阳神赋予力量射死阿里基斯之后,他也被另一个斯巴达将军用毒箭射死;赫克托耳身为特洛伊的大王子,肩负着为整个国


古希腊神话人物分析之雅典娜 中央电视台少儿档节目曾播放过几遍古希腊神话的动 画片,我和弟弟一直都是它忠实的观众。在奥林匹斯山的众神中,我独情于雅典娜。 传说中雅典娜为宙斯与墨提斯所生,她的父亲是人类之王,她的母亲是比任何凡人、神灵都聪明的聪慧女神,她父母的优秀早已向众人暗示了雅典娜出身的不凡。作为希腊奥林匹斯十二主神之一和奥林匹克三女神之一,雅典娜是乌云和雷电的主宰者,丰产女神,和平劳动者的庇护者,女战神。她教会人们驯服牛马、制造车船;她赐予世人犁和耙、纺锤和织布机;她是科学的庇护者、智慧女神;她赐予人间法律,维护社会秩序。即使雅典娜的头顶有如此多的光环,但是她最基本的身份只是一位女神。 作为一位女神,雅典娜的第一个身份是一位女子,宙斯的女儿。因盖亚预言说墨提斯的儿女会推翻宙斯的统治,宙斯逐将雅典娜整个吞入腹中。当宙斯因忍受不了头痛的折磨而让火神赫菲斯托斯打开他的头颅时,雅典娜出世了。在众神惊讶的眼神中,一位体态婀娜、披坚执锐的美丽的女神从裂开的头颅中跳了出来,光彩照人,仪态万方。 她是最聪明的女神,是智慧与力量的完美结合,她就是雅典娜。虽然动画片中的雅典娜肤色较深,身手敏捷,没有美神维纳斯的千娇百媚,也没有婚姻之神赫拉的端庄典雅,但

她仍有她身为女儿的那一份可爱、美丽,她的美体现在飒爽英姿上,体现在她智慧的美上。奥林匹斯三女神争夺金苹果之一就有雅典娜。她内心爱美、渴望美,对自己的外表和头脑充满信心,她从来不允许别人对自己的亵渎和诋毁。雅典娜双手灵巧,是艺术、工艺和妇女手工之神。面对莉迪亚族少女阿尔克涅的挑战,她欣然面对。当阿尔克涅织出对众神不敬的图画时,恼羞成怒的雅典娜撕碎了阿尔克涅的织物,含羞自尽的少女又引发了雅典娜的怜悯之心。此时的雅典娜没有神的威仪,只剩下小女儿的柔情了。雅典娜还很重视少女的贞洁,当朋友的儿子不小心看到自己的裸体时,雅典娜遮住他的眼睛,从此他失明。后因朋友的求情而动恻隐之心的雅典娜又赐给他善于聆听自然的灵耳。雅典娜在一幅铠甲之下隐藏了一颗柔软、善良的女儿心。 作为一位女神,她的第二个身份是一位神。雅典娜擅长谋术、骁勇善战,她在特洛伊战争中表现活跃,战神的名声甚至超过了阿瑞斯。但她与嗜战的阿瑞斯不同的是,雅典娜酷爱和平。雅典娜在与海王波塞冬斗争献礼中,以赐给雅典公民以象征财富和和平的橄榄枝而获胜,从而她赢得了保卫雅典城的荣耀。而在当今的世界中,衔着橄榄枝的白鸽始终作为停战,和平的象征,自此足见雅典娜的影响之深远。雅典娜作为智慧女神不仅仅教会人们纺织、作画,还以神的威望教会人类公平、公正、公开的法庭裁判。人间的伦理道德、


古希腊神话故事 班级:351030 学号:35103017 姓名:娄文进 著名学者罗素曾经说过:希腊文化、基督教和工业文明是西方文明的三大支柱。的确,古希腊文明一直被世人视为是西方文明的摇篮。古希腊神话与传说,一直与《圣经》一样,是西方文学创作的不竭源泉,古希腊的城邦制、民主制度等政治上的首创,影响着文艺复兴以来西方的政治改革等,而它遗留至今的各种艺术及艺术品,是人类历史上最为璀璨的明珠之一。任何要了解西方文明的人都无法不先去了解一下古希腊文明。因为如此,本学期我选择了学习“艺术导论”这门课程。 古希腊神话故事充满智慧和神奇的色彩,讲述的是宙斯统制天国时期围绕诸神和英雄们发生的曲折跌宕的故事,主要包括神的故事和英雄的传说。在他们的神话故事中有着形形色色的人物,有万物之主的天帝宙斯;有庄严又爱嫉妒的天后赫拉;有富有母爱的农业女神的得墨忒耳;有聪明善战的雅典娜等等。这些众神每一个都有着属于自己的独特故事。 希腊神话中,无论是神袛还是神化的人(英雄),都具有人的情感,思想都刻上人的烙印。虽然希腊神话主要是歌颂英雄的事迹,但我认为也深深地揭露和批判了人性的丑恶。希腊神话称得上是一部人性批判的宝典。亲情可以是很虚假的东西。今天还是你的兄弟,明天就可能成为你的敌人。爱情的不可靠容易使人想起易变质食品,难以长久保存。私欲蒙蔽了心灵,杀戮和复仇充斥着世间,杀戮造成复仇,复仇又重复杀戮。希腊神话对人对神都作了真实的展现,不粉饰光明,也不掩盖黑暗。对人对神,它都同等对待。不因为他是英雄而遮盖其卑鄙,不因为他是神袛而掩盖其虚伪。人性的批判正是深深植根于这样的土壤,所以批判才显得深刻有力。 老师通过神的故事和英雄传说两个部分给我们将数量古希腊神话故事的。神的故事涉及宇宙和人类的起源、神的产生等内容。这让我走进了神话的世界,让我同天神们一起主宰着地球和宇宙,认识了古希腊奥林匹斯的十二大神:众神之主宙斯,天后赫拉,海王波塞冬,智慧女神雅典娜,射术神及光明神阿波罗,狩猎女神与月神阿尔忒弥斯,爱与美之神阿弗罗狄忒,战神阿瑞斯,火神与工匠神赫淮斯托斯,神使赫尔墨斯,农神德墨忒尔,灶神赫斯提亚。 他们掌管自然和生活的各种现象与事物,组成以宙斯为中心的奥林匹斯神统和生活的各种现象与事物,组成以宙斯为中心的奥林普斯神统体系。英雄传说起源于对祖先的崇拜,它是古希腊人对远古历史的一种回顾。传说中的主人公大都是神与人的后代,半神半人的英雄。他们体力过人,英勇非凡,体现了类征服自然的豪迈气概和顽强意志,成为古代人民集体力量和智慧的化身。 故事中的神与人同形同性,既有人的体态美,也有人的七情六欲,懂得喜怒哀乐,参与人的活动。神与人的区别仅仅在于神者永生,无死亡期;而人者生命有限,有生老病死。希腊神话中的神个性鲜明,很少有神秘主义色彩。这本书对人对神都作了真实的展现,不粉饰光明,也不掩盖黑暗。对人对神,它都同等对待。这些天神们有着无比强大的力量,他们彼此和平相处,用一种特殊的力量支持起一个家。


关于《特洛伊》影评 在浪漫壮观、引人遐思的古希腊,奥林匹亚众神与人类之间的爱恨传奇至今为人津津乐道,而在这其中,荷马史诗《伊里亚特》所记录的特洛伊之战更是后世剧作家与观者反复演绎的经典作品。当特洛伊王子帕里斯受希腊斯巴达国王之邀赴宴之际,却迷恋上了国王的妻子海伦,对方倾国倾城的容貌让他不能自已,遂将海伦带回自己的国家。此举引发了希腊诸国的愤怒,在迈锡尼国王阿伽门侬的号召下,一支强大的联军浩浩荡荡向特洛伊挺进。在随后长达十年的战争中,阿喀琉斯、奥德修斯、赫克托尔等英雄各逞英豪,谱写了荡气回肠却又令人扼腕唏嘘的传奇史诗…… 爱情带来了战争也结束了战争!在最后阿喀琉斯奋不顾身的去找那个女人着实感人啊。在恶毒的人也有心软的地方。只是纠结为什么那个女人不去为阿喀琉斯挡一箭呢?好像期待他们能在一起,或者那个女人跟阿喀琉斯一起死去。观看电影《特洛伊》始终是一个平静的过程。没有悬念,没有巧合,甚至没有过多的出人意料。究其原因,我想是由于对《荷马史诗》的内容和情节早已耳熟能详。特洛伊战争几乎完全来自于荷马史诗《伊利亚特》,女神忒提斯的婚礼没有邀请离间女神厄里斯,怀恨在新的她将一个刻有"赏给最美者"的苹果丢在婚宴上,这引起了天后赫拉、智慧女神阿西娜,爱与美神阿佛洛狄忒只的争吵,为他们评判的帕里斯将苹果给了爱神,于是,另外两个女神发誓要向特洛伊人抱负。希腊的皇后海伦被特洛伊王子夺走,这成了双方交战的导火索,除了1000只战舰和双方的20万大军之外,奥林匹斯众神都加入到这场大战之中,战争持续了10年,双方都损失巨大,在最后阶段希腊方面的奥德修斯设"木马计"攻破了特洛伊的城池,海伦又被带回希腊。 就像荷马自己说的那样,阿喀琉斯的愤怒是整部史诗的主线,影片的第一主角仍然是阿喀琉斯。电影也是以阿喀琉斯的出场而掀开帷幕的。这是典型的好莱坞式的开端。两军交锋,势均力敌,各不相让,恰恰需要一个超人式的人物出现来打破僵局。而阿喀琉斯正是这个创造奇迹的关键人物。当主帅传令召他出阵时方知他并未在队伍中,便火速令人回去请他出战。孰料我们的英雄此刻却在自家的纬帐中睡眠正酣。闻听前线有难后仍不慌不忙地更衣披挂,搬鞍认镫。通过这一系列的铺垫已经在观众的心里营造出了一种强烈的期待和渴望。到这里,导演已经很成功地完成了对阿喀琉斯这一英雄人物的初步塑造。这样一个开头尽管充斥着强烈的美国风格,但却很好地避免了史诗中众神争夺金苹果的冗赘的开篇。此之谓编剧的聪明之处。这个开头真是相当精彩。但是若再想影片中寻找类似的精彩之处却寥寥无几了。 用电影手段重新诠释经典历来是件不讨好的事情,稍有不慎便会招致失败。影史上成功的例子虽然不少但失败的例子也有很多。这部史诗巨片《特洛伊》是否真的重现了史诗应有的恢弘魅力和气质呢?我的回答是否定的。史诗原作中一切皆由神安排,人类逃不脱神的掌控。其实整个特洛伊传说的悲剧色彩,也正在于此。但是在电影中我无论如何也无法把布拉德·彼特扮演的阿喀琉斯以及奥兰多·布鲁姆扮演的帕里斯视为神而不是人。他们的一举一动,言谈举止无一不体现出人类的特质。因此在影片中,所有的神都已经人化了。这个问题不知是否应该归咎于导演。
