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Module 1


nice好的,友善的 a bit有一点shy害羞的clever聪明的naughty 淘气的 cool酷的little小的,年幼的cute可爱的very非常


①掌握句型This is….这是..和she’s……她是..和He’s….他是..

1.She’s a nice teacher.她是个好老师.

2.These are my friends.这些是我的朋友.

3. This is Xiaoyong.这是小勇.He’s a clever pupil.他是一个聪明的学生.

4.This is Maomao.这是毛毛.She’s very nice。她非常友善的

5Thisis my big brother.这是我的哥哥. He’s cool他是酷的

6.This is my little sister.这是我的妹妹.She’s cute.她是可爱的

7.This is my friend.这是我的朋友.He’s very naughty.他是淘气的

8. This is my father. 这是我的父亲.He’s very clever.他非常聪明

9.I’m a pupil.我是一位学生Are you a pupil?你是一位学生吗?

Yes, I am 是的我是No, I am not不我不是

10. Are you naughty? Yes, I am 是的,我是。。am not不,我不是。

11. Who is he? 他是谁?He is my father.他是我的父亲。

12. Who is she?她是谁?She is my mother.她是我的母亲。

13. Who are they?他们是谁?They are my friend.他们是我的朋友。


Be系动词(am, is , are)用法be有三种形式am, is 和are,要注意它们的搭配是固定的。连系动词be是am, is, are三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以am, is, are的形式出现。它们各有分工,而且随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。am最专一,始终跟着I(我)转;are(是)跟you(你,你们), we (我们),they(它、他、她们),these(这些),those(那些)及表复数名词或复数意义的词连用;is的交际最广泛,is与“他、he,她、she它it”形影不离,至于名词单数,指示代词(this这/that那)都与is结下不解之缘。

我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it);遇到复数全用are 练习:


( )1. These my friends. A. is B. are C. am

( )2. This your teacher. A. is B. are C. am

( )3. Those my books A. is B. are C. am

( )4. That my mother. A. is B. are C. am

( )5. They pens. A. is B. are C. am

( )6. Those are her A. book B. books C. a book ( )7. That Maomao. She’s nice. A. is, very B. are, very C. /, good ( )8. Are you clever? Yes, I ____. A. am B. am not C. is ( )9. This is Ms Smart. She’s.

A. a nice teacher

B. a clever pupil

C. a naughty bird

( )10. This is Parrot. Parrot is

A. a nice teacher

B. a clever pupil

C. a naughty bird

( )11. This is father. A. me B.I C. my

( )12. This is the River Thames. It’s long wide. A. and B. than C. then ( )13. Tom and I good friends. A. be B. is C. are

( )14. This is ___ English book. A. a B. an C. the



()1 .Who is he? A . Yes, she is very nice.

()2 .Who is she? B. No, he is not my brother.

()3 .Who are they? C. They are my friends.

()4 .Is this your brother? D .She is Amy, she is cute.

()5 .Is this your teacher? E. He is my big brother, he is cool. ()6.Are you shy? F. No. I am not


Look at this photo, these are my friends. This is Lili, she is a bit shy. This is Ganggang, he is very naughty. This is Xiaofang, she is very clever. This is Shanshan, he is cool. And this is my pet宠物dog, its name is Feifei, it is very cute. I love my friends very much.

()1.Lili is very naughty. ()2 .Ganggang is a bit shy.

()3 .Xiaofang is very clever. ()4 .Shanshan is cool.

()5 .My pet dog is not very cute.
