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答案D 1769是由第一个发现新西兰的英国人James Cook画出第一张完整的新西兰地图. 荷兰航海 家阿贝尔·塔斯曼(Able Tasman)是第一个考 察新西兰的人, Hobson于1840年与毛利人签订 了the treaty of Waitangi,建立了新西兰,现 在每年2月6日为新西兰的国庆日,国庆日也被称 为“怀唐伊日(Waitangi Day)”。
Which of the following is not one of the major exports of New Zealand? A. oil B. wool C. fish D. dairy products
答案A 新西兰的羊肉及奶制品出口量世界第一,新西 兰也是世界最大的鹿茸生产国和出口国,有时被称为 世界上最大的农场。
New Zealand
New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific, and it is the first to get the new day for it is on the International Date Line(因为它位于国际日界线的西侧,所以新 西兰是第一个进入新的一天的国家). There are two main islands: North Island and South Island.
答案C 几维鸟(kiwi),新西兰本地一种无翼鸟,是 新西兰民族的象征。
What is the other official language besides English in New Zealand? A. German B. Japanese C. French D. Maori
答案D 在新西兰英语和毛利语都是官方语言。
The 新西兰实行英国式的议会民主制。英国 of British Monarch(英国君主) is also the head New Zealand represented by the Governor General. 女王是新西兰的国家元首,女王任命的总督 作为其代表行使管理权。总督与内阁组成的 One chamber of the parliament is the House of 行政会议是法定的最高行政机构。内阁掌握 Representatives, and general election was held every 实权,由议会多数党组成。议会只设众议院, three years. 由普选产生,任期3年。无成文宪法,其宪法 Two main parties: the National Party(国家党) and 是由英国议会和新西兰议会先后通过的一系 the Labor Party(工党). 列法律和修正案以及英国枢密院的某些决定 所构成。
答案B 新西兰主要两大岛为南岛和北岛,其中,约 75%的新西兰人都居住在北岛。
W源自文库o produced the first complete map of New Zealand in 1769? A. Able Tasman B. Dutchman C. Hobson D. James Cook
In 1856, New Zealand became a British selfgoverning colony.
In 1865, Wellington became the capital.
In 1893, New Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote. In1947, New Zealand became the absolutely independent.
The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington(惠灵顿). The largest city is Auckland(奥克兰). Both Wellington and Auckland are in the North Island. There are mountains all over New Zealand, and the highest mountain is Mountain Cook(库克山), called the Southern Alps(南阿尔卑斯山). The largest rivers are the Waikato River(怀卡托河)in North Island and the Wanganui River(旺格努伊河)in the South Island. The largest lake is Lake Taupo(陶波湖). New Zealand is the world’s biggest farm. The native people of New Zealand are Maoris(新西兰的原住 民是毛利人).
毛利人是新西兰第一批居民。公元14世纪,毛利人从波 利尼西亚来到新西兰定居,成为新西兰最早的居民,并用波 利尼西亚语 "aotearoa" 做了它的名字,意思是“白云朵朵 的绿地”。1642年,荷兰航海家阿贝尔·塔斯曼在此登陆, 把它命名为“新泽兰”。1769年至1777年,英国人詹姆 斯·库克船长先后五次到新西兰并测量和绘制地图。此后英 国向这里大批移民并宣布占领新西兰,把海岛的荷兰文名字 “新泽兰”改成英文“新西兰”。1840年英国迫使毛利人酋 长签订《威坦哲条约》,把这片土地划入了英帝国的版图。 1907年英国被迫同意新西兰独立,成为英联邦的自治领,政 治、经济、外交仍受英控制。1931年,英国议会通过《威斯 敏斯特法案》,根据这项法案,新西兰于1947年获得完全自 主,仍为英联邦成员。
The jury in the High court of New Zealand is composed of ______ members. 18 B. 16 C. 14 D. 12
答案D 新西兰高等法院陪审团由12位成员组成。
The head of state of New Zealand is____. A the prime minister B the British monarch C the governor general D the president
新西兰由北岛、南岛、斯图尔特岛及其附近一些 小岛组成。全国分为12个大区,设有74个地区行 政机构(其中包括15个市政厅、58个区议会和查塔 姆群岛议会)。12个大区名称:北地、奥克兰、怀 卡托、富足湾、霍克湾、塔拉纳基、马纳瓦图- 旺加努伊、惠灵顿、西岸、坎特伯雷、奥塔哥和 南地。主要城市有:惠灵顿、奥克兰、克赖斯特 彻奇(基督城)、哈密尔顿、达尼丁等。
答案B New Zealand的国家元首为英国女王,由她任 命总督为代表,总督必须是新西兰人。
General election in New Zealand has been held about ___since 1879. A. every 4 years B. every 2 years C. every 3 years D. every 5 years
B. Britain
D. New Zealand
答案D 新西兰于1893年成为第一个让妇女有选举权 的国家,芬兰是第二个, 而英国和美国的妇女拥有 选举权则相对晚一些,分别于1918年和1920年拥有 了选举权。
The two main land masses in New Zealand are______. A. the white island and the thermal region B. the north island and the south island C. Auckland and south island D. the southern Alps and the north island
The first settlers of New Zealand were _____. A European navigator B scalers and whales C voyagers from east Polynesia D Christian missionaries
答案C New Zealand的第一批居民是来自波利尼西亚 (Polynesia)的毛利人。
New Zealanders have adopted their name from the kiwi,____. A which is an introduced flightless bird B which was the only mammal in New Zealand C which is a native flightless bird D which was introduced to New Zealand 1000years ago
答案C 1879年以来,新西兰全国大选每3年一次,新 西兰只有两大党the national party 和the labor party。
In 1893 ______became the first country to give women the vote.
A. America
C. Canada