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Part II Vocabulary
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
21. Don't get into the bad ______ of smoking or drinking.
A) habit B) custom C) hobby D) profession
22. I like your methods of teaching and shall ________ them in my teaching.
A) absorb B) adopt C) acquire D) afford
23. Feeling tired all the time is a __ __ that you may be sick.
A) mark B) sight C) sign D) trace
24. I take this medicine twice a day; it should _____ my cold.
A) care B) cure C) restore D) recover
25. Music often ________ us of events in the past.
A) remembers B) memorizes C) reminds D) reflects
26. It is well-known that retired workers in our country are ___ __ free medical care. A) entitled to B) involved in C) associated with D) engaged in
27. The two boys ____ each other in that they both have reddish hair and a round face.
A) like B) resemble C) similar to D) refer to
28. There is not much time left, so I will tell you about it
A) in detail B) in brief C) in short D) in all
29. Large passenger planes often carry weather instruments with which to ______ storm.
A) broadcast ' B) predict C) inform D) investigate
30. How many radios will this factory ______ this year?
A) multiply B) measure C) manufacture D) publish
31. Tom told me that he would have to ______ her invitation to the party.
A) avoid B) refuse C) deny D) ignore
32. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.
A) opportunities B) necessities C) realities D) probabilities ; t;
33. The rain was heavy and _____ the land was flooded.
A) consequently B) continuously C) constantly D) conversely
34. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____
A) hurt B) damaged ([j C] spoiled D) harmed
35.The police are _____ the road accident that occurred last night. .
A) looking up B) looking on C) looking out D) looking into
36. Important people don't often have much free time as their work ______ almost all their time.
A) takes away B) takes over C) takes up D) takes in
37. Very few scientists _______ with completely new answers to
A) come round B) come in
C) come up D) come on
38. The ____ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.

A) late B) last C) lasting D) latest
39. I have been ______ to try these pills for seasickness.
A) advised B) admitted C) recalled D) suggested
40. We did not send you an invitation, as we took it for ________ you would be coming.
A) granted B) sure C) positive D) known
Part III Structure
Directions; There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. _____ the 1500's _________ the first Europeans explored the coast of California.
A) It was not until. . . then ; B) It is until. . . that C) It is not until. .. when , D) It was not until... that
42. The teacher was very strict and requested TV on weekdays.
A) not to watch B) did not watch C) not watch D) must not watch
43. I will not read that book____ who recommend it.
A) no matter B) for C) as D) since
44. No one lives in the room ____ windows are broken
A) its B) which A C) whose D) of those
45. During our visit to the factory, we ______ all ways of making whisky.
A) showed B) were shown C) had shown D) had been shown
46. Only about one in twelve of the young men and women of this country ____ a college education.
A) receives B) is received C) are received D) receive
47_____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
A) Hardly had he begun B) No sooner had he begun C) Not until he began D) Scarcely did he begin
48.Mr. Smith _____ be in the bookstore because I saw him in his office a moment ago.
A) must not B) cannot C) may not D) need not
49. The scientist carried out a series of experiments and obtained _____ results.
A) satisfied B) satisfying C) satisfy D) satisfaction
50. Keep in mind; The higher you rise,_____.
A) the higher you fall B) the lower you fall
C) you fall higher D) you fall lower
51. His pay as a bus driver is much higher ______. .
A) in comparison with the pay of a teacher B) than a teacher
C) than that of a teacher D) to compare with a teacher
52.By the time she leaves the stage next month, she sixty years.
A) will have performed B) have performed
C) will be performing D) will perform
53.John Smith is not a good worker, for it is the fifth time has been late for work,_____?
A) hasn't he B) isn't he C) isn't it D) hasn't it
54. I appreciated ______ the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. !
A) having been given B) having given
C) to have been given D) to have given

55. From the tears in Nedra's eyes we realized that something sag)
A) must have occurred B) would have occurred
C) might be occurring D) should occur
56.The children wondered why the teacher had them _______their books.
A) to close B) closing C) closed D) close
57. _____ of ice, the balloon climbed up and flew south.
A) To be freed B) Freeing
C) To free D) Freed
58. She never laughed, ______ lose her temper.
A) or she ever did B) nor did she ever C) or did she ever D) nor she ever did
59. Mrs. Brown is said ______ for Italy last week.
A) to have left B) to be leaving C) to leave D) to have been left
60. When ______ London number from abroad, you should dial 1, not 01.
A) are telephoning B) telephone C) telephoning D) to telephone
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Directions; There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:
As supplier of most of the food we eat and of raw material for many industrial processes, agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy. But the productive performance of agriculture is even more important than this, because in nations where the productivity of farmers is low, most of the working population is needed to raise food and few people are available for production of industrial goods or for other activities required for economic growth. Indeed, one of the factors related most closely to the per capita income ( 人均收入 ) of a nation is the number of its population engaged in farming. In the poorest nations of the world, more than half of the population lives on farms. This compares sharply with less than 10 percent in Western Europe and less than 4 percent in the United States. In short, the course of economic development in general depends in a fundamental way on the productive performance of farmers. This performance, in turn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment, or market structure, within which it works. In the following pages the performance of American agriculture is examined. It is reasonable to begin with a consideration of its market structure.
61. This passage is most probably part of ______.
A) a news item B) an advertisement C) a lecture D) an article
62. What is most important to agriculture is ______ .
A) its productive performance
B) the per capita income of farmers
C) the amount of food it produces
D) the production of industrial goods
63. The word "this" (line 4) refers to ______ .
A) the productivity of farmers
B) the provision of food and raw materials
C) the production of investment goods

D) the economy as a whole
64. The performance of farmers essentially determines ______.
A) the size of the working population B) the organization of agriculture
C) the market structure , D) the general development of economy .
65. This passage will most probably be followed by a discussion of ________
A) the market .structure of American agriculture
B) the structure of American farming population
C) the various functions of American agriculture -mono-'-
D) the organization of American agriculture
Questions 66 to 70 arc based on the following passage: t,^^
In ancient time the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.
In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing students for the doctor's degree.
Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and development of modern industry. A room full of students for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.
One type of test is sometimes called an objective test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To set an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly.
66. In the Middle Ages students______.
A) took objective tests B) were timed by electric clocks
C) specialized in one subject D) seldom took written exams
67. Nowadays a student working for the doctor's degree ___
A) has to take a kind of oral examination
B) must ask a number of questions
C) has to write a poem
D) must take an advanced examination ^
68. According to Paragraph 3. which of the following is true?
A) Written examinations were not heard of before 1900.
B) The development of modern industry resulted from the increase in population.
C) A group of workers of an automobile factory are taking a written examination.
D) Modern examinations are mainly set in written form and taken in a limited amount of time.
69. The kind of exam where students must select answers is ____.
A) personal B) spoken C) objective D) written
70. It may be concluded that examinations _____

A) should test only opinions B.! have changed since the Middle Ages
C) should always be written D) are also given in factories
Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage;
Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. According to the police records that have been studied for five years from over 2400 cities and towns, a surprising link is shown between changes in the season and crime patterns. The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do other violent attacks. Murder, moreover, is more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.
Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, robbing has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p. m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. The month with least crimes of all? May - except for one strange fact. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year.
Apparently our seasonal cycles of knowledge are completely different from our tendencies for crimes. Professor Huntington made extensive studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books, attend scientific meetings and get highest results on examinalions. In all cases, he found a spring high and autumn high separated by a summer low.
Possibly, high temperature and high humidity (?jg) cause our strange and violent summer actions, but police officials are not sure. "There is. of course, no proof of a connection between humidity and murder," they say. "Why murder's high time should come in ihe summer time we really don't know. " 172
71. The best title of the passage is
A) Crime Cycles
B) Summer Crimes
C) A Time for Murder
D) The Most Peaceful Month
72. According to the passage, ___
A ) there is a link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns
B) crime is not linked to the cycle of the weekdays
C) there is a sure connection between murder and hot weather
D) there is a connection between robbing and murder
73. A murder would most likely occur ______.
A) on a weekend night in summer
B) on a weekend afternoon in summer
C) on a weekend night in winter
D) on a weekday afternoon in spring
74. The passage tells us that people are likely to get the highest results on exams ______.
A) in spring only B) in autumn C) in summer D) in winter
75. Which of the following statements is true?
A) It is not certain whether there is connection between humidity and murder.
B) Murder and robbery mainly occur in summer,
C) There is no proof that murder frequently occurs in summer.
D) High temperature and high humidity lead to high crime rate in summer.
Part V Translation from English into Chinese
Directions; In this part there is a passage with 5 underlined parts, numbered 76 to 80. After reading th

e passage carefully, you should translate the underlined parts into Chinese. Remember to write your translation on the Translation Sheet.
Of all the things electronics does television seems the most magical. With television we can see across space. (76) We can sit in our homes and watch things far away from us as they happen.
Television is a system for transmitting moving pictures over long distances by means of radio. In some respects television and radio are alike. In radio sound is changed into a series of electrical impulses. (77) In television it is the picture that is changed from a light image to a series of electrical impulses (脉冲). This is done in the television camera. (78) A television camera looks something like a movie camera from the outside, but there is no film in it. (79) Instead of being recorded on film, the picture enters the camera and is change d into electricity. It is broadcast, picked up by your television receiver, amplified, turned back into light again and you see it at last as a picture on the screen. (.80) All this happens so fast that you see the picture and hear the sound at the very moment they are being broadcast.
Part VI Translation from Chinese into English
Directions: In this part there are five sentences, numbered
85. 寒假你计划作什么?我打算去上海找一份工作为下学期挣些钱。
1---5: C B D A D 6---10: A D D B A 11---15: D C C B C 16—20: D C A C B
21—25: A B C B C 26---30: A B B B C 31---35: B A A C D 36---40: C C D A A
41---45: D C A C B 46---50: A A B B B 51---55: C A C A A 56---60: D D B A C
61---65: D A B D A 66---70: D A D C B 71---75: A A A B A
78. 电视摄象机从外部看有点象电影摄影机,只是里面没有胶片.
79. 图象进入摄象机并变成点脉冲,而不是被摄在胶片上.
80. 所有这一切发生得非常之快,因此在图象和声音播出的一瞬间,你就看见这些图象和听到其声音了。
81.In general, boys like to watch games better than girls.
82. Don’t disturb her; she is busy writing her investigation report.
83. Discussing such a boring problem is considered a waste of time.
84. The surgeon who is performing the operation is the director of the hospital.
85. What are you planning to do during your winter vacation?
