2009年2月 第26卷 第1期西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Journal of South west University of Science and Technol ogy Feb .2009Vol .26No .1 收稿日期:2008-10-28 作者简介:熊婷婷(1973-),女,西南科技大学外国语学院副教授,硕士。
旅游景点公示语的文本类型及其英译研究———以江油李白景点公示语为例熊婷婷(西南科技大学外国语学院 四川绵阳 621010)【摘要】旅游景点公示语翻译在旅游翻译中起着举足轻重的作用。
【关键词】景点公示语;翻译;文本类型;李白【中图分类号】H059 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-4860(2009)01-0070-06On the Text Typology of the Tour is m S i gn s and Its English Tran sl a ti on———A Ca se Study of the Tran sl a ti on of S i gn s i n L I Ba i Scen i c Spots i n J i a ngyouX I O NG Ting 2ting(School of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Southwest University of Science and Technol ogy,M ianyang 621010,Sichuan,China )Abstract:The rendering of t ouris m signs p lays a significant r ole in t ouris m translati on .According t o Reiss ’text typol ogy,t ouris m signs can be categorized int o three types:infor mative,exp ressive and appel 2lative one .Each has its res pective functi on,linguistic features and translati on strategy .However,as for the blended type,the translat or should adop t flexible translati on strategy t o rep r oduce its main functi on .Key words:T ouris m signs;English translati on;Text typol ogy;L IBai 一、引言公示语是指设置在公众场合给公众看的文字语言或图示。
下文的例子中虽然没有“请在一米外等候”(Please Wait One Rice Outside)等让人瞠目的雷人翻译,但也存在一些常见的错误。
这些标识语在翻译成英文的时候,不需要一对一翻译成:“The grass is smiling at you. Please detour.”或者“Please Protect the Grass. Don’t Stamp it.”而总是简洁地翻译为:“Please Keep off the Grass!”当然也有俏皮一点的,作拟人化处理,在草坪上竖一块牌子,写着“Please give me a chance to grow.”笔者曾见过如下警示语:“请自由吸入这里的清新空气,但不要吸烟。
”英文翻译为“Please breathe in the fresh air here freely,but don’t smoking.”“don’t smoking”不仅在语法上存在明显错误,而且一字一字地对照着翻译会让人产生误解,不是自由呼吸难道还要憋着气或借助工具或付费?其实,翻译时直奔主题即可:“No Smoking Here.”另外一个常见的广告语就是:“为了您和他人的健康,请勿吸烟”,翻译成英语也是简单的“No Smoking”。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
2.1 旅游景区景点tourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
本标准中旅游景区景点是指具有参观游览、休闲度假、康乐健身等功能, 具备相应旅游服务设施并提供相应旅游服务的独立管理区。
3 分类旅游景区景点的英语标识按内容可分为警示提示信息、功能设施信息、服务类信息和其他信息。
4 具体要求4.1 警示提示信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.2 功能设施信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.3 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
4.3.1 植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2 博物馆4.3.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3 纪念馆4.3.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。
安阳文字博物馆英语介绍1.Museum locationThe Anyang Script Museum is located in Anyang City,Henan Province,adjacent to the Yin Ruins site.It is the only museum in the world with a theme of writing.2.Historical backgroundThe Anyang Literature Museum was founded in 2006 and officially opened to the public in 2009.The museum is dedicated to studying and showcasing the rich history of Chinese characters,especially the development of characters in Anyang,the birthplace of the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions during the Yin and Shang dynasties.3.Collection in the museumThe museum has a rich collection,including various ancient writing carriers such as oracle bone inscriptions,bronze inscriptions,bamboo slips,silk books,etc.Among them,a large number of precious oracle bone inscriptions provide valuable first-hand information for studying the history of the Shang Dynasty.4.Exhibition featuresThe exhibition design of the museum is unique,using modern display techniques such as holographic projection and interactive display,allowing visitors to have a more intuitive understanding of theevolution and historical background of ancient texts.cational activitiesThe Anyang Language Museum focuses on educational activities and regularly holds various lectures,workshops,and children's activities,aiming to enhance public awareness and interest in the history of language.6.Visit informationSuggested visit time is 2-3 hours.The museum provides explanatory services and also has a guide manual for visitors to visit on their own.7.Opening hoursThe museum is open year-round,Monday to Sunday,from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.中文对照:1.博物馆位置安阳文字博物馆位于河南省安阳市,紧邻殷墟遗址,是世界唯一一座以文字为主题的博物馆。
Please do not litter.3.禁止吸烟。
No smoking.4.为确保您的安全,请遵守规定。
To ensure your safety, please follow the regulations.5.请保持安静。
Please keep quiet.6.请勿触摸展品。
Please do not touch the exhibits.7.请勿攀爬树木或其他设施。
Please do not climb trees or other facilities.8.注意保管好您的贵重物品。
Please keep your valuables safe.9.请勿擅自进入私人区域。
Please do not enter private areas without permission.10.请勿摄影。
No photography.11.请勿违规使用无人机。
Please do not use drones without permission.12.请勿喂食动物。
Please do not feed the animals.13.请尊重动植物,爱护环境。
Please respect the animals and plants, and protect the environment.14.穿高跟鞋进入部分区域需谨慎。
Please be cautious when entering certain areas wearing high heels.15.请不要随意碰动或更改展示布置。
Please do not touch or alter the exhibition layout.16.禁止带宠物入内。
No pets allowed.17.禁止骑行。
No cycling.18.请遵守交通规则,保持公共秩序。
Please abide by traffic rules and maintain public order.19.请勿在景区内乱扔烟蒂。
心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天。 ——提示:这种比较有“文采”的标识语,翻译的时 候就返璞归真,直接意译。 Keep the environment clean. 禁止停车,违者拖走。 Tow away zone! 未经允许,不准停车。 Assigned parking only. 禁止摆卖。 No venders. 当心触电。 Danger! High voltage.
: 何程杨 张 一泽舒 晟 笑龙迪 源
Байду номын сангаас
旅游景区景点是旅游业 发展的基础要素和核心
Carry on
暂停服务请谅解。 Temporarily closed. Sorry for the inc onvenience. 六点停止入园。 Last admission: 6:00 狗便后,请清理。 Clean up after your dog. 需要帮助,请按按钮/请按铃 Press/Ring for assistance 小心碰头——提示:千万别说Be careful of your head 或者Mind your head Caution: low ceiling
主导课程 英语 相关课程 地理 历史
第一次活动 确定研究课题 第二次活动 撰写开题报告、制定活动计划 第三次活动 查阅资料,收集资料 第四次活动 分析研究 第五次活动 汇总整理 第六次活动 讨论并写总结 第七次活动 完成结题报告 第八次活动 成果交流
第 2 期 5
张彩 霞 ( 华北水 利水 电学 院外 国语 学 院 河 南
【 摘
401) 5 0 1
要】 双语公示语在旅游景 区随处可见 , 而河南省旅游景 区的公示语英文翻译存在 着一 些典型 问题。旅游景 区的公示语翻译不规 范 然
“ x e tvstr,oh rmic l e u e sn esae n talwe o sa r E c p iios te sel o sp ro n l oni e a ” 其实 . e s e h l si d t h l 这里的“ 闲杂人等 ” 的是游客之外 的人 指 但 是在英语 中没有 “ se aeu esn e” 种说法。 mi l n osDron l这 cl 因此译 文显得生 硬 、 陉。 古l 这里 , 我们可 以直接套用英语 中固有表达法 “ . o1” 译作 . .nv,
不仅会 直接影响其信息功能的发 挥, 而且会影响到该旅 游景 区及其所在地 区的形象 。本文对河 南省旅 游景 区公 示语 英译存在的 问题进行 了归 纳与分析 , 并提 出了一些建议和对策。
【 关键词 】 旅游景 区; 公示语 ; 英译; ; 策 错误 对
0 引 言
旅 游景区的公示语出现的场合非常广泛, 旅游景 区的公 示语从广 义 』 , 及到食 、 、 、 、 、 二 涉 讲 宿 行 游 娱 购等方面, 从狭义上讲, 主要包括路标 指示 、 客须知 、 游 游览示意 图、 服务承诺 、 服务设施介绍 、 景点介绍等[ 1 ] 。 随着河南省旅游业 的发展 , 国游 客逐渐增多 , 外 在各个 旅游景 区 设 置英 文公示语显得非常必要 。旅游景区公示语的翻译是否正确 、 统 及规 范是景 区整体形象 的直接展现 翻译准确 、 规范、 当的英文公 恰 示语 不仅 给外 国游客提供很多的便利 . 也会帮助外 国游客更好地 了解 中国的历史和文化 : 而公示 语 的错译 、 译不仅会给外 国游客带来诸 误 多不便 . 同时也会 影响河南 的旅游形象口 前在河南省的主要旅 游景 目 区. 公示语 的英 文翻译依 然存在着不少 问题 本文通过对河南省 内主 要旅游景 区英文公示语 的材料搜集 . 这些旅游景区现有的公示语英 对 译存在的问题进行 了归纳 与分析 . 并提 出了一些建议和改进措施
介绍安阳博物馆英文作文English: The Anyang Museum is a comprehensive museum located in Anyang City, Henan Province, China. It was established in 1928 and is one of the earliest museums in China. The museum is known for its rich collection of cultural relics, including the famous Oracle Bone inscriptions, which are the earliest known Chinese characters. The museum also houses a variety of artifacts from the Shang Dynasty, such as bronze vessels, jade ornaments, and pottery. In addition to its permanent collection, the museum also hosts temporary exhibitions, educational programs, and cultural events. The Anyang Museum is not only a significant cultural institution in China but also an important research and educational center for the study of ancient Chinese civilization.中文翻译: 安阳博物馆位于中国河南省安阳市,是一座综合性博物馆。
安阳英文导游词文档4篇Anyang English guide words Document编订:JinTai College安阳英文导游词文档4篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。
篇章1:安阳英文导游词文档Anyang, referred to as "Yin, powers, seven dynasties, there are more than 3300 years history ofthe city, capitals in 500, is one of the center of the early Chinese civilization, one of the eight rge ancient capitals in China, China's famous historical and cultural city, China excellent tourism city, national garden city, Air China sport, is the home of oracle, the birthplace of the zhouyi, the museum of Chinese text, the red flag canal, Cao Caogao ling is located. By the words of the textual research of huaxia civilization, the first to use oracle, the world's largest bronze - SiMuWu big square unearthed here. Yinxu.xinxian gused right now in China is the world recognized can determine the earliest capital city ruins, has "imperial city huan water" shells old capital "of" text "of reputation.The north end of anyang in henan province, is located in shanxi, hebei and henan provinces junction. West relies on the taihang mountains towering steep, : the vast north China plain. Jurisdiction of a city, four, five counties, a national high-tech industry development zone (national high and new technologyindustrial development zone of anyang), a state-level economic and technological development zone (the red flag canal national economic and technological development zone), a provincial high-tech development zone (anyang zhongyuan high-tech industrial development zone) and nine provincial industrial concentration area. 37 '- 114 ° east longitude 113 ° 58', latitude 35 ° 12 '- 36 ° between 22', is located in jin, hebei, henan provinces interchange, according to the borders of shanxi taihang mountains west, north separates the was with the handan city, hebei province, east is adjacent to puyang city, south to hebi, xinxiang connection. For the mountains in the west and east is plain.篇章2:安阳英文导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Anyang city is located in the north, in central China's henan province is located in jin, hebei, shandong, henan provinces interchange. She in accordance with the taihang mountains west, the north China plain in the east originated in taihang mountainand a huan water flowed from the city. The globe, anyang in 58 '37' 113 ° to 113 ° east longitude, latitude 35 ° 12 'and 36 ° 22', covers an are a of 7354.11 square kilometers, with Japan's Tokyo, yokohama, and the United States were very similar latitude of San Francisco, Los Angeles.Anyang north temperate zone continental monsoon climate, distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine, rainfall concentrated, pleasant climate. Annual average temperature 13.6 ℃, annual average pressure 1001.5 millibars. Annual rainfall is 606.1 mm. Anyang anyang county, tangyin, neihuang, huaxian county enjoys, linzhou city counties (cities) and wenfeng, north commissioner, vega, suburban area, has a population of 5.18 million. Among them, the city covers an area of 69 square kilometers, the urban population of 740000.With national cultural relics protection unit is corresponding to the digging, is located in the city of east no.107 high-tech industrial development zone is 24 square kilometers.About 1300 BC, the 20th king of shang dynasty of China PanGeng have established their capitals here, since anyang city has a history of 3300 years. Through China's north-south artery beijing-guangzhou railway and 107 national road across the just found out that the ancient city of shang dynasty. In China more than 3000 years ago the pre-qin period, people who have created the brilliant agrarian economy here, built in the east of the metropolis.Anyang is one of the seven ancient capitals in China, the national famous historical and cultural city. Here not only have shells, including oracle, bronze ware, and urban construction, culture, and there are many known as human landscape, such as: twenty-five thousand years ago in the primitive cave, ancient times two DiWangLing, zhouyi in the birthplace of the ancient city, take a character of yecheng, culture, hsi-men pao hong powers of paleochannel, loyalty of the yue fei's hometown, etc. Anyang, natural scenery beautiful varied from small sea breezescenic area, pearl spring scenic spot, and the charming taihang scenery, make tourists linger on. Unique air sports foundation, because of its creations of natural terrain and are very popular among parachuting, gliding sports enthusiasts. Has been called "the eighth wonder of the world" artificial tianhe red flag canal, and become a rare tourist attraction at the same time. Anyang city is located in the north, in central China's henan province is located in four provinces of shandong, hebei, henan, Shanxi Province adjacent to the place. Look from the Chinese territory, it is in the center.It west relies on the taihang mountains towering steep. Taihang mountain is one of China's rare few north-south mountains. Taihang mysterious andbeautiful in eight hundred, it hides numerous ancient amazing stories. Originated by the taihang piedmont a river through the city, this is the record of the ancient oracle huan water. Anyang is dry throughout much of China's north-south beijing-guangzhou railwayline, one of the important station from anyang to the capital Beijing, railway mileage of 508 kilometers. Anyang is west and low in. Big with the beijing-guangzhou railway lines across the city west heavylove mountainous, hilly, belongs to the foothill of taihang mountain, the east is the vast plains, is part of the north China plain. The top elevation 1667 meters, in the west and east just 50 metres above sea level, the lowest ladder shaped clearly.Anyang rich in resources, the main minerals are coal, iron, ore, marble, quartz sand, cement and limestone, etc., the main agricultural products are wheat, corn, cotton, soybean, peanut, etc., is a major MianChan District in henan province. Red jujube, honey, hawthorn, and walnut, enjoys high reputation both at home and abroad.篇章3:安阳英文导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Anyang city in henan province is the most northern, east longitude 113 ° 35 '114 ° 58', north latitude 37 ° 12 'and 36 ° 22', is located in jin,ji, yu, the junction of three provinces, according to the borders of shanxi taihang mountains west, north separates the was with the handan city, hebei province, is adjacent to puyang city, east south connected to hebi, xinxiang. For the mountains in the west and east is plain. Jurisdiction one city (went), fourcounties (anyang county, tangyin, huaxian county enjoys, neihuang), four area (wenfeng, beiguan district, I, suburban) and a provincial high and new technology industrial development zone, 95 townships (town), 3293 administrative villages. With a total area of 7413 square kilometers and a population of5.21 million. Municipal district covers an area of 247 square kilometers (area is 69 square kilometers), a population of 760000.Anyang is one of the seven ancient capitals in China, the national famous historical and cultural city, is the birthplace of oracle's hometown, the zhouyi. 1300 BC shang king PanGeng moved the capitalto Yin (now anyang suburb xiaotun area), the king ofeight generation of 12, 254 years. The first to use the words of the Chinese nation - oracle, the world's largest bronze - SiMuWu big square unearthed here. In "China 100 archaeological discovery" of the 20th century, the discovery and excavation of anyang city sites of the late shang dynasty digging on top. In addition, water conservancy, the king of the famous yu play, joined fu hao, shu qin phase, hsi-men pao hong powers, mother-in-law deficit and other historical story took place here. In anyang cultural relics is more, a total of 8 from national level cultural relics protection units, 32 provincial cultural relics protection units. Long history, splendid culture, for the history of anyang left behind the preciouscultural heritage, in November 1952, chairman MAO's visit anyang, put forward the high hopes for us. In September 1956, Mr Guo moruo left "huan anyang wateris not empty, three thousand years ago is the royal park" the famous poem. - total - also in February 1991 and June 1996 visit anyang twice, and handwriting phrase: "carry forward the national culture, ancientcapital of anyang built", "play to the hard work ofthe red flag canal spirit" self-reliance.Anyang sufficient energy, mineral resources and rich resources of agricultural and sideline products. The power with a total installed capacity of 1.01 million kilowatts, with an annual output of 2.83million tons of raw coal, natural gas in capacity of more than 100 million cubic meters, daily water supply is 420xx0 cubic meters. Western mining, coal, iron ore, limestone, marble and other resources have some reserves, is the national high quality oil production base in the eastern plains. Huaxian county enjoys is the first major grain-producing county, henan province, is known as the "granary" of the north. Neihuang jujube, area and yield are the crown of the country, known as jujube township and enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Anyang mild climate, distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine, moderate rainfall, belongs to the warm temperate zone continental monsoonclimate. Annual average temperature 13.6 ℃, annual average rainfall of 606.1 mm.Anyang transportation is convenient. Beijing-guangzhou railway across the city, the beijing-zhuhai expressway, 106, 107 national road runs through north and south. AnLin, soup which railway branch lines to the west in the mining and oil fields in the east. At present, is actively preparing to counter local railways in Lin, and the jingjiu railway line. Urban road interweave, convenient public transportation routes, has formed outside the local network, on-line three vertical and three horizontal transportation network.Anyang tourism resources are rich. There are both rich cultural tourism resources, and unusual natural tourism landscape. In Yin ruins museum garden, city as the main line in the You shells cultural tour and to yue fei temple, the red flag canal patriotism education demonstration base as the main line of traditional education constitutes the anyang tourismcharacteristic cultural tourism. In addition, the tianning temple tower (wenfeng tower), the mausoleum of hadrian, hippocrene temple grottoes (Buddha ditch), Yuan Lin, MingFu temple tower, tower of temple of revised also with its unique cultural connotation has attracted many tourists. Anyang, natural scenery beautiful varied from small sea breeze scenic area, pearl spring scenic spot, and the charming taihang grand canyon, Lin Lvshan natural scenery, the Chinese and foreign tourists linger on. Unique air sports foundation, because of its creations of natural terrain and are very popular among parachuting, gliding sports enthusiasts. Has been called "the eighth wonder of the world" artificial tianhe red flag canal, has become a rare tourist attraction. At the same time, and the matching of the hotel industry, catering industry, business and other service facilities.篇章4:安阳文峰塔导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】文峰塔屹立在安阳市中区繁华的商业街文峰大道上,像一位和蔼可亲、历经沧桑的老人端坐在闹市中,安静地、慈祥地注视着从它脚下驶过的来来往往的车辆和匆忙赶路的人们。
这是为了保护游客和工作人员的健康, 确保非吸烟区的空气质量不受影响, 同时减少火灾等安全风险。
Information prompt language
Opening hours of tourist attractions
Opening hours
Our scenic spots are open from 8:00am to 6:00pm daily.
Welcome to your visit, we wish you a pleasant stay and an enjoyable time during your visit. Our destination is a perfect blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture.
Information about the availability of family restrooms, handicap accessible facilities, and any specific requirements
or instructions for use.
Parking Lot
Welcome to our tourist attractions, a place where you can immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of our region. We are excited to share our local treasures with you.
A place where tourists can obtain information about the attraction, including hours of operation, admission prices, and any rules or regulations.
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分.2.1 旅游景区景点t ourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
3 分类旅游景区景点的英语标识按内容可分为警示提示信息、功能设施信息、服务类信息和其他信息。
4 具体要求4.1 警示提示信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.2 功能设施信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.3 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写.4.3.1 植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2 博物馆4.3.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum. 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名), 如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3 纪念馆4.3.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial. 历史事件或事迹的纪念馆译为Memorial Museum,如新文化运动纪念馆New Culture Movement Memorial Museum.4.3.4 故居译为Former Residence,如宋庆龄故居Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling.4.3.5 展览馆、陈列馆译为Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center,会展中心译为Convention &Exhibition Center。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
2.1 旅游景区景点t ourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
本标准中旅游景区景点是指具有参观游览、休闲度假、康乐健身等功能, 具备相应旅游服务设施并提供相应旅游服务的独立管理区。
3 分类旅游景区景点的英语标识按内容可分为警示提示信息、功能设施信息、服务类信息和其他信息。
4 具体要求4.1 警示提示信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.2 功能设施信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.3 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
4.3.1 植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2 博物馆4.3.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3 纪念馆4.3.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。
景点常见的英文公示语Visiting popular tourist destinations often involves encountering various signs that provide important information to visitors. These signs serve as a means of effective communication and help enhance the overall visitor experience. In this article, we will explore common English signage that can be found in tourist spots, including signs related to safety, rules and regulations, directions, facilities, and informational displays.1. Safety Signs:Ensuring the safety of visitors is of utmost importance, and safety signs play a crucial role in this regard. These signs provide guidance and instructions that aim to prevent accidents and promote a safe environment. Common safety signs in tourist areas include:- Caution: Watch your Step- Beware of Falling Rocks- Danger: Deep Water- No Swimming- No Diving- Emergency Exit2. Rules and Regulations Signs:To maintain order and ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors, rules and regulations signs are displayed in tourist spots. These signs often highlight specific behaviors that are prohibited or regulated within the area. Examples include:- No Smoking- No Littering- Keep Off the Grass- No Pets Allowed- No Photography- No Climbing- Do Not Feed the Animals- No Alcohol3. Directional Signs:One of the most common types of signs found in tourist destinations are directional signs. These signs help visitors navigate their way through the area, ensuring that they can easily find important landmarks, attractions, facilities, and transportation options. Common directional signs include:- Information Center- Entrance- Exit- Restrooms- Parking- Bus Station- Train Station- Taxi Stand- Lost and Found- First Aid4. Facilities Signs:Tourist spots often provide various facilities to enhance the visitor experience. Signs are displayed to indicate the location of these amenities, making it convenient for tourists to access them.Examples of facilities signs include:- Food Court- Souvenir Shop- Gift Shop- ATM- Tour Office- Check-in Counter- Baggage Claim- Tourist Information- Children's Play Area- Drinking Water5. Informational Signs:Informational signs provide valuable knowledge about the history, significance, or interesting aspects of a particular landmark or attraction. These signs aim to educate and engage visitors during their visit. Some examples of informational signs include:- Historical Information- Fun Facts- Plant and Animal Species- Cultural Significance- Architectural Details- Geographical FeaturesIn conclusion, English signage plays a significant role in tourist spots to ensure the safety and convenience of visitors. Signs related to safety, rules and regulations, directions, facilities, and informational displays provide critical information to tourists whilealso enhancing their overall experience. It is essential for tourists to pay attention to and follow these signs to make the most of their visit and leave a positive impact on the destination.。
1. 语法错误例如:Welcome to our park. Please not step on the grass.这句话的正确翻译应该是:请不要踩草坪。
在这个例子中,英文公示语中存在语法错误,正确的表达方式应该是“Please do not step on the grass.”。
3. 文化差异例如:喀纳斯秘境欢迎您的到来。
这句话的正确翻译应该是:Welcome to Kanas Paradise.在这个例子中,英文公示语的翻译虽然基本正确,但是在表达上存在文化差异。
在英文中,使用“Please do not…”的方式会更显得礼貌和友好,能够更好地得到游客的配合。
以下是小编整理的安阳殷墟英文导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考!安阳殷墟英文导游词(1)In 1899, in Xiao Tun Village of Anyang City, Henan Province, villagers found many tortoise(龟) shells and bones carved with letters and symbols, whichunveiled(显露) to the world Yin Xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture. Since then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists, because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters of human beings, the Oracles.About 3,300 years ago, one emperor of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) moved his capital city to Yin, which is today’s Anyang city, and since then Yin has been the capital city for more than 250 years. Today Yin Xu has proved to be the earliest remains of an ancient capital city in written record. Covering a grand area of 24 square kilometers (more than 9 square miles), Yin Xu had a palaces district, civil residences district, tombs district and workshops district, divided into two parts by the Heng river in the city. This rational layout clearly shows people a powerful country and a well-equipped ancient city.The large-scale excavation in Yin Xu has been continued since the last century. Besides the 150, 000 pieces of oracles, abundant bronze ware has been excavated, and among them, Simuwu Ding, a 4-legged bronze cooking vessel(器皿) is the biggest and heaviest bronze ware ever found worldwide. Apart from oracles and bronze ware, people have also excavated much pottery ware and jade. The excavation is still in progress and great discoveries come forth from time to time. Like a famous archeologist has said, in Yin Xu there are more treasures to be found.Because of its great value in not only the historical relics of Chinese culture but also the human civilization of the whole world, Yin Xu topped the 100 Greatest Archeological Discoveries of China in the last century and it was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xu is revealing its beauty to the world.Museum on Yin RuinsOK, everybody. Soon we’ll get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the best museum for the study of the Yin Shang Culture. Now please listen to me and I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction on it.As you know, China is one of the earliest countries to discover characters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoise shells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form of language in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, which were first discovered in the Yin Ruins.Speak of the Yin Ruins, it is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. In ancient times, Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty. So the period was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had been overthrown, the city declined and the remains of it was later called the Yin Ruins.The Yin Ruins is famous for three things,i.e.the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty.Since the founding of new China, the Yin Ruins had been listed as the first group of cultural relics under national protection. In order to preserve its culture, the government built “Garden of the Yin Ruins” on the site. Today the garden is divided into several sections with ancient objects on display.Next ,let’s come to the main hall where the oracle inscriptions are exhibited. I’ll talk something more about the oracle bone inscriptions. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered during the years of Emperor Guang Xu, in the Qing Dynasty. Then 15 important archaeological excavations were carried out within 10 years, and more than 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. But in the Shang Dynasty, they were used as divinations(预言), when people were very superstitious. The inscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, state affairs, weather, hunting, etc. Today, they provide important information for the study of the Shang Dynasty. And the study of the oracle bone inscriptions has become a new subject and is getting more popular among people.Apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which show that the technology of bronze casting reached its peak in the Shang Dynasty. The bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. Of all the unearthed wares, “Simuwu Ding” is the largest bronze ware in the world. It is elegant in appearance and intricatelycarved in patterns, showing the peak of bronze casting technology in the Shang Dynasty.Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs. The site of the imperial palaces lies on the north of the Xiaotun village, to the south bank of Henghe river. In 1976 near the site the the imperial palaces archaeologists found the tomb of the first woman general in Chinese history.Tomb of Fu Hao.FuHao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife,both intelligent and courageous. She had bravely led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to the protecting of the country. After her death, Wu Ding built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits. Buried together with her were many slaves and war prisoners as well as 1,928 sacrificial objects. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in the Yin Rains. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art.Moreover, there are some other precious ancient articles displayed in the museum, people who are interested in the Yin Shang Culture will gain a lot from our visiting.Well, OK. So much for the introduction. Here we are, the Yin Ruins. Please get ready your stuff and then dismount the bus. We’ll begin our terrific visiting. I’m sure you’ll enjoy a splendid experience here. Have a good time. Thank you .安阳殷墟英文导游词(2)Located at the Xiaotun Village, Anyang city, Henan Province, the ruins of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty are preserved in the Yin Ruins Museum where inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells were discovered in 1899. It is also the birthplace of Chinese archeology, one of the 100 patriotic education centers of China, one of the superior national scenery areas as well as one of the National Key Historic Relic Sites.The world famous Yin Ruins Palace is of great importance in the history of human civilization. Large amount of bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and other rare cultural relics were found on the ruins of more than 50 majestic palaces here. According t o archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”.The Yin Ruins Museum, like an art palace of ancient China culture, inspires and refines our sentiment on Chinese ancient civilization.Let's first know something about the site of the Palace of Yin Ruins. The majestic Palace of Yin Ruins, one of the most famous classic cities of ancient civilizations of the world, falls into three catalogues: palaces, temples and altars. Large amount of culture relics have been found here, including the ruins of the cast brass, the bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and others, among which are the top ones of China, or even the world. They are the manifestation of the unusual power of creation, wisdom and techniques of ancient Chinese. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”. Guo Moruo, a famous Chinese historian, once wrote poems to show his admiration and commented that the Yin Ruins are the starting point of Chinese civilization on the central plain and touring here is more enlightening than reading ancient books.Now, we have come to the site of the Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the earliest chariots and road remains of ancient China. Animal-drawn carts were once the most important means of transport in ancient China, a vast land. Vehicles of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, having been found several times, are generally of the same structure, showing a long interval between the Yin Dynasty and the time when they were invented. Vehicles are said to have been invented in the Xia Dynasty according to ancient documents. However, no such vehicles have been found yet. The Chariot Pits found on Yin Ruins are the earliest animal-driven carts in Chinese archeology, an evidenc e of China’s being one of the earliest ancient civilizations inventing and using carts.The six Chariot Pits and road remains of Yin Ruins exhibited in the Museum were excavated by the Archeology Research Institute of China Social Science Academy in Anyang. These chariot pits are almost intact, being of great value in academic study and exhibition. In each pit there buried a chariot. Another two horses were buried in each of the five pits. In each of the four pits is one person immolated. Based on statistics, most of the immolated people are male adults, except for one male youth. Studies show that chariots of the Yin Dynasty were good-looking, solid, light, fast, balanced and comfortable. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the most vividhistory textbooks on the far ancient civilization of animal-driven carts as well as the cruel institution of burying the living with the dead in the slavery society.Next, let's come to the place where the Oracle Bone Inscriptions are exhibited. Oracle bone inscriptions, the origin of Chinese characters and the earliest mature Chinese characters, were records of auguries in the Yin Dynasty, known as the earliest “archive” in ancient China. The 4,500 single Chinese characters recorded on 150,000 bones and tortoise shells found reveal social practices involving politics, military affairs, cultures, customs as well as science and techniques including astronomy, calendar, medicine and others. Judging from the 1500 single Chinese characters decoded, oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty have learned to create characters by “pictograph, associative compounds, echoism, self-explanation, mutual explanation and phonetic loan”, manifesting the unique charm of Chinese characters.Apart from the oracle inscription, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. China has a long history of manufacturing artistic bronze wares of unique artistic style and national characteristics. The various bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools, applicants, decorations and artistic works embody the climax of the bronze era in China presented by sacrificial vessels and weapons, playing an important role in Chinese ancient culture. Bronze wares of Yin Ruins, with their baroque, mysterious styles, beautiful decoration lines, abstracted animal designs, refined geometry patterns and delicate embossments, are manifestations of the religious and aesthetic views of Yin people in an exaggerative and mysterious style, being cultured with primitive roughness and artistic attractions. The glorious achievements of bronze ware casting of Yin Ruins have made it one of the centers of bronze civilization in the world.Simuwu Quadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the Yin Ruins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world, is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height with an opening as long as 79.2 cm. Standing on the open plaza in front of the great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience of touring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum of Chinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its delicate decorative patterns, it is considered a treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. The superior cast techniquesand scientific choice ingredients have even won the admiration of modern metallurgy experts. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight, advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary. As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects the advanced slavery system of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty and the unusual power of creation of the people.Finally, we come to the Fuhao Tomb. Fuhao was the Emperof Wu Ding's wife, also the first Woman general in Chinese history. The Fuhao Tomb excavated in 1976 ranked high among the top ten achievements in the archeology of that year. Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao Tomb is one of the most important archeology discoveries in the temple and palace areas of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the only discovered and well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation of Yin Ruins. As to the size, it is 5.6 meters long from north to south, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tomb was built an ancestral temple described as “Muxinzong” by oracle inscription s on shells and bones. Muxinzong is a memorial temple built by king Wuding to offer sacrifices after Fuhao’s death. The establishment now we see is the scientific restore of the remains of Muxinzong.安阳殷墟英文导游词(3)Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Hang zhou! It’s our great honor to be your tour guide. I’m Yan yan ying, I’m Wanxiaolan,today we will enjoy West Lake together.First,let me introduce West Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sight s in West Lake.Ok, first let’s appreciate the ten new sights. Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi--云栖竹径Let’s first visit Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi, This attraction locates southwest to the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qiantang River and in Wuyun Hill YunqiV illage. ―Yunqi‖ means clouds lingering. It is said that some auspicious color clouds came flying from the nearby Color Clouds Hill and lingered on here, hence the name. Bamboo – Lined Path at Yunqi is well known for its quietness and coolness. Walking along the path, soon you will meet a pond called Mind Purifying Pond which means \pure mind\Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley--虎跑梦泉―You see that? Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley.‖ Yes, here we are.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the West Lake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. ―Dragon Well Tea‖ and ―Tiger Spring water‖ are rated as two uniqueness of the West Lake. its water is pure and clear. Tests show that the water is contributive to people’s health.Walking along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the Luxuriant Green Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spring. This place gives you a very happiness to watch the spring. Then, you can have a seat in a tea house near the cliff to enjoy a cup of Dragon Well green tea brewed in Tiger Spring water.I’m quite sure you all know the monk Jigong and his classic figure, now Let’s step into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Have you heard anything on Bell Towner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruan’s Mound--阮墩环碧Next, we would go to the youngest of all manmade isles on the west lake, Lord Ruan’s Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay attention to safety.Lord Ruan's Mound Encircled by Greenness: During a major facelift in 1982, trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruan's Mound. Today, as animitation ancient water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlife paradise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill--吴山天风Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may notice that the challenge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or more peaks. It stretches for several miles and extends into the downtown. It is also a place where you can enjoy different scenes in different seasons for it is covered with a richvariety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks and inscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks w hich is known as the ―Twelve Animal Stones‖ appears like the twelve animals in the Chinese lunar calendar symbolizing the different years in which people are born. If you are interested in the beautiful scenery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where you can have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates between Qiantang River and West Lake. Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village--满陇桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Yes, it’s Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osmanthus blossoms, whose fragrance drifts farand wide when the osmanthus are in bloom. In October every year a month-long Osmanthus Festival is held here. If you are interested in this festival, you can come here and enjoy it.Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well—龙井问茶Do you know what’s this? Ok, let me tell you, as the name implies, inquiring about tea at Dragon Well. Dragon Well Tea is well known worldwide, the water of dragon well is sweet and nice. The green tea of here enjoys very high reputation since Ming Dynasty. Dragon Well is formally called the Dragon pool. In ancient time, local people believed that this well connected with the sea and a dragon lived inside.Dragon Well is one of the five famous West Lake springs. To have a seat and enjoy a cup of Dragon Well tea beside the Dragon Well, what a wonderful experience it is. Dragon Well tea is well – known for its four special features: green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste and smooth even appearance. West Lake green tea has fourvarieties named Lion, Dragon, Cloud and Tiger. Among them, Lion and Dragon Well Tea is the best.Nine Creeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest九溪烟树Now the station we stay is called Nine Greeks Meandering through a Misty Forest. As one of \as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley.Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill--玉皇飞云Walk through the pavilion; we can see the Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill. Jade Emperor Hill stands between the West Lake and Qiantang River with an elevation of 239 meters. Currently, a pavilion called ―Ascend-the-Cloud‖ was builton the top. Climbing up the pavilion, you will see the clouds scurrying past your feet. Thereforethis scene is called as ―Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill‖.The major attractions on the hill include Purple Source Cave, Eight Trigrams Field and Seven-Star Pavilion. Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green--黄龙吐翠Situated at the north foot of Ixia Hill, Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green is one of the New Ten Scenes of West Lake and a famous Taoist temple. It is where Hangzhounese prayed to the dragon for rain in the Southern Song Dynasty.With wooded hills behind, this park features serene and mysterious beauty highlighted by harmoniously arranged streams, caves, pavilions and rockeries. The rare square bamboo has aroused great curiosity among visitors.A special garden of folk customs has been developed to feature YUAN, which means good luck. Visitors will earn three Chinese lucks: congeniality, auspiciousness and marital felicity.Precious Stone hill Floating in Rosy Cloud--宝石流霞The hill features the huge boulders scattered along its ridge. Unlike the limestone to be found in most surrounding hills, they are rhyolite and tuff rocks. Purple red or reddish brown, these weather-beaten boulders are usually inlaid with greenish stuff, which shines dazzlingly bright in the sun like real jasper. Hence the name, Precious Stone Hill.Viewed at a distance, these stones seem to be floating in rosy clouds over West Lake. It is a serene enjoyment to watch at the hilltop the sunrise in drifting clouds over the sea. That has therefore made one of the new ten scenes of West Lake –Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud.There stands Baochu Pagoda atop the hill. Known as the landmark of Hangzhou, the 45-meter-high pagoda appears to be a pretty girl standing slim and graceful.安阳殷墟英文导游词(4)Regarded as the most representative site of ancient Chinese civilization, the Royal Cemetery site is praised by international experts and scholars as the world's “Second Egypt”。
36海外文摘OVERSEAS DIGEST 海外文摘2021年第10期总第851期No.10,2021Total of 8510引言龙门石窟景区位于河南省洛阳市南郊,自北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳始凿以来,历经数朝经营,形成了窟龛2300多座、造像10万余尊、碑刻题记2800多品的丰厚文化遗产。
2000年列入联合国教科文组织《世界文化遗产名录》,2007年获评全国首批5A 级旅游景区。
例1:白园向前50米右转50 meler ahead and turn right to Baiyuan 这是位于白园附近的指示牌上面的文字,很明显,“米”相对应的英语单词“meler”拼写错误,应改为“meters”。
Please mind carrying property。
”其英语译文不仅标点符号有错误,表达的意思也与原文有出入,可改为“Please take care of your personal belongings.”例3:爱护文物 请勿翻越Cherish cultutal relics No Crossing 译文中“cultutal”拼写错误,应改为“cultural”。
如何在缺少背景知识的情况下 ,提高我们对书面语的阅读能力 ? 对学 during summer, nor is it, desp ite its location in northern latitudes, very cold in
生来说 ,大篇大篇的英文夹杂着一定量的生词和陌生的文化背景知识 ,准 winter. Its northerly location is…has a quite temperature climate - one that does
我们知道 :阅读理解的过程和结果 ,主要受三个因素的直接影响 。一 理的结论 。而且 ,语言简练准确 。一般来说 ,阅读材料中的自然段落或文
是读者的认知能力 ,二是读者的语言知识 ,三是阅读材料的背景知识 。人 章的中心意思往往可通过一个关键句或某些个关键词反映出来 。也就是
类知识的大量传递是通过阅读理解活动来实现的 。阅读理解是我们学习 说 ,找出这些关键句或关键词 ,也就可以据此归纳总结出文章或段落的大
贵州省一些景点公示语的翻译存在大量的问题 ,严重影响了贵州省涉外旅游宣传的力度和其作为旅游大省的声誉 。本文列举了 个别景点公示语翻译的错误 ,介绍了公示语英译的特征和方法 ,分析了旅游文化差异对公示语英译的影响 ,并指出相应的解决方法 ,从而 加强贵州省涉外旅游宣传的力度 。
公示语 文化差异 旅游翻译
2. 指令功能 指令功能指的是用公示语的信息来指导人们的行为 ,有很明显的强制 效果 。且此类句子结构单一 ,简练有力 ,多用“No”和“Forbidden”等词的祈 使句 。在此类功能的公示语英译中 ,译者很容易忽略中西方文化的差异 , 在翻译时易倾向中文思维方式 ,使译文有 Chinglish之嫌 ,所以此类句子的 翻译更要注重中西方文化的差异 ,以便更好的传达公示语原意 。 荔波风景名胜区有些公示语的翻译则违背了这一原则 ,译文往往使人 迷惑 ,误解 。如 :“景区严禁吸烟 ”( The view area strictlies forbid the smok2 ing) ,此公示语属于指令功能 ,有明显的强制意思 。且根据汉英文化在选词 上的差异 :英语倾向于多用名词 ,因而句子呈静态 ; 汉语倾向于多用动词 , 因而句子呈动态 。在此句中首先“strictlies”的拼写就不对 ,“景区 ”( view ar2 ea)应该翻译为“scenic area”,更重要的是译者忽视了中西方文化差异 ,汉 语句子通常运用动词句而英语句子往往倾向于使用名词句 。建议译为“No Smoking in the Scenic A rea”;“不准在树上刻字 ”( Prohibit to engrave the word on the tree) ,此公示语中属于指令式 ,译者同样犯了依照汉语思维模式对公 示语进行翻译的通病 ,建议翻译为“No Words on the tree”。由此可见 ,中西 文化差异对公示语的英译有着很大的影响 ,我们在对公示语进行翻译时一 定要考虑到文化的差异 。 五 、结束语 综上所述 ,公示语的英译作为旅游及民族文化对 (下转第 78页 )
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例如:Scenery area consumer guide景区消费指南。
例如:SmorkingRoom吸烟室;Don’tWalk 禁止通行。
物箱的翻译被写成Rubbish reccptacle,可回收被写为RECYCLFRUBBISH0。
例如,红旗渠被翻译为Hongqiqu以及The Red Flag Canal;世界文化遗产殷墟也被翻译为Yinxu或者The Yin Ruins(标准翻译)。
比如,“小心碰头”,其对应的英语公示语WatchYourHead/MindYourHead,而不能改成Take Care of Your Head。
Deformed一词的释义是:“witha shape that has not developed normally.”英语为本族语读者读起来不舒服。
如果将在火车站、汽车站等场所的标识语“老年人优先候车,优先上车”表达为“Old People Waiting andGettingOnFirst”,则有悖于原文对老人的尊敬之意,若改为“SeniorCitizens First",就照顾到西方文化的寓意,从而也看到了双语文化价值观的差异。
如:车位已满“occupied” ,已预定“reserved” ,暂停服务请谅解“Temporarilyclosedsorryfor the inconvenience”,电梯维修,暂停使用不着
“ Escalator Out of Service” 等。
如果以上的说法中将“车位已满”翻译成“The parking is full” 即不符合英语的习惯,反而会让外国人看不懂。
如“请勿将头伸出窗外”,如果将其译为“Don’t put your head out of the window ” ,则会让人感觉语气强烈,在心理上难以接受和认同。
而如果从相反的角度来传达同一信息,“Keep headinside vehicle”,这样更符合英语的习惯表达,也更委婉,让人容易接受。
再如:人行道上禁止停车“Park off pavement”;请勿触摸“Hands Off”;请勿倒置“KeepTopSideUp”;请不要站在门口“StandClearof the Door”;请勿入内“Keep Off the Grass”等。
因此,在标识语的翻译过程中必须意识到,英译的标识语本身即是对我国思想文化的一种宣传,有些只是写给中国人自己看的标识语,如“禁止随地吐痰” 、“禁止乱写乱画”,“ 禁止在公园内随地大小
便”,“禁止乱刻乱画” 等,这些标识语有些是针对某些人写的,如果译出来会有损我国公民的形象,可以考虑不设此类标识语,或者不将此类标识语译成英语。