
DIRECTIVESCOMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2013/2/EUof 7 February 2013amending Annex I to Directive 94/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste ( 1 ), and in particular Article 3(1) thereof,Whereas: (1) Article 3(1) of Directive 94/62/EC defines ‘packaging’ by setting out a number of criteria. The items listed in Annex I to that Directive are illustrative examples of the application of those criteria.(2) For reasons of legal certainty and harmonisation of the interpretation of the definition of ‘packaging’, it is necessary to review and amend the list of illustrative examples to clarify additional cases where the borderline between what is packaging and what is not, remains unclear. The review follows calls from the Member States and the economic operators to reinforce the imple mentation of the Directive and create a level playing field in the internal market. (3) Directive 94/62/EC should therefore be amended accord ingly. (4) The Committee established by Article 21 of Directive 94/62/EC has not delivered an opinion (on the measures provided for in this Directive) and the Commission therefore submitted to the Council a proposal relating to the measures and forwarded it to the European Parliament. The Council did not act within the two-month period provided for by Article 5a of Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of imple menting powers conferred on the Commission ( 2 ) and the Commission therefore submitted the proposal to the European Parliament without delay. The European Parliament did not oppose the measure within fourmonths from the abovementioned forwarding,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article 1 Annex I to Directive 94/62/EC is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Directive. Article 2 1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with thisDirective by 30 September 2013 at the latest. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions. When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive. Article 3 This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union . Article 4 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 7 February 2013. For the Commission The PresidentJosé Manuel BARROSO L 37/10 Official Journal of the European Union 8.2.2013( 1 ) OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 10. ( 2 ) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.ANNEX‘ANNEX IILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FOR THE CRITERIA REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3(1)Illustrative examples for criterion (i)PackagingSweet boxesFilm overwrap around a CD caseMailing pouches for catalogues and magazines (with a magazine inside)Cake doilies sold with a cakeRolls, tubes and cylinders around which flexible material (e.g. plastic film, aluminium, paper) is wound, except rolls, tubes and cylinders intended as parts of production machinery and not used to present a product as a sales unitFlower pots intended to be used only for the selling and transporting of plants and not intended to stay with the plant throughout its life timeGlass bottles for injection solutionsCD spindles (sold with CDs, not intended to be used as storage)Clothes hangers (sold with a clothing item)MatchboxesSterile barrier systems (pouches, trays and materials necessary to preserve the sterility of the product)Beverage system capsules (e.g. coffee, cacao, milk) which are left empty after useRefillable steel cylinders used for various kinds of gas, excluding fire extinguishersNon-packagingFlower pots intended to stay with the plant throughout its life timeTool boxesTea bagsWax layers around cheeseSausage skinsClothes hangers (sold separately)Beverage system coffee capsules, coffee foil pouches, and filter paper coffee pods disposed together with the used coffee productCartridges for printersCD, DVD and video cases (sold together with a CD, DVD or video inside)CD spindles (sold empty, intended to be used as storage)Soluble bags for detergentsGrave side lights (containers for candles)Mechanical quern (integrated in a refillable recipient, e.g. refillable pepper mill)Illustrative examples for criterion (ii)Packaging, if designed and intended to be filled at the point of salePaper or plastic carrier bagsDisposable plates and cupsJournal of the European Union L 37/11L 37/12 Official Journal of the European Union 8.2.2013 Cling filmSandwich bagsAluminium foilPlastic foil for cleaned clothes in laundriesNon-packagingStirrerDisposable cutleryWrapping paper (sold separately)Paper baking cases (sold empty)Cake doilies sold without a cakeIllustrative examples for criterion (iii)PackagingLabels hung directly on or attached to a productPart of packagingMascara brush which forms part of the container closureSticky labels attached to another packaging itemStaplesPlastic sleevesDevice for measuring dosage which forms part of the container closure for detergentsMechanical quern (integrated in a non-refillable recipient, filled with a product, e.g. pepper mill filled with pepper)Non-packagingRadio frequency identification (RFID) tags’。
94 62 EEC包装及包装废弃物指令

“包装物”只包括:(a) 销售包装物或初次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成某个向最终使用者或消费者提供的销售单元的包装物;(b) 组合的包装物或二次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成一组一定数量的销售单元的包装物,不管这些销售单元是以这种方式向最终使用者或消费者销售的还是仅仅作为补充销售地点货架的一种方式;从产品上拿掉这类包装物并不影响该产品的特性;(c) 运输包装物或三次包装物,即被认为是为了便于搬运和运输若干销售单元或组合的包装物,以防止在搬运和运输过程中遭到物理损坏的包装物。

94/62/EC介绍指令简称:包装和包装废物Packaging and packaging waste指令名:关于包装和包装废物的1994年12月20日欧洲议会和理事会指令94/62/EC European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste 亿博检测认证机构咨询热线:*************。
欧盟指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997年付诸全面实施,但就其中的包装材料的回收率,欧盟某些成员国持有异议。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
2005 年3 月9 日,欧盟再次颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案2005/20/EC,其中增加了一些成员国各自法规生效的具体日期。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。

允许极限为100 mg/kg,其目的在于保护地下水源和土
• 欧盟第2005/84/EC号指令要求所有玩具或儿童 护理用品的塑料所含的DEHP、DBP、及BBP浓度 超过0.1%的不得在欧盟市场出售;
• 对可放进口中的玩具及儿童护理塑料中所含的具 另三种邻苯二甲酸盐(DINP、DIDP及DNOP)进行 限制,浓度不得超过0.1%。1000PPM
• 2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案 2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。 另外规定具体的再循环率:玻璃60%、纸和纸板60 %、 金属50%、塑料25%、木材15%。重金属浓度指标未改 变。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大
• 甲苯属低毒类,对皮肤有刺激作用,可经 皮肤吸收,应避免与皮肤接触。
• 二甲苯属低毒类,对人体毒性比苯、甲苯 小,有兴奋作用,损害粘膜,刺激呼吸道。
• 包括可溶性铅、镉、铬、汞等。某些痕量 重金属在一定浓度内是人体必需的微量元 素,但进入人体的量超过人体所能耐受的 限度后,即可造成严重的生理损害,引发 多种疾病。铅中毒对儿童更为严重,儿童 对铅有特殊的易感性。美国联邦法规 CFR1303规定铅含量大于600mg/KG为含 铅涂料,禁止在公共场所或 室内装饰用。
• 基本要求规定了保护公众利益的基本要 素;
• 基本要求是强制性的,只有满足基本要求 的产品方可投放市场和交付使用;

对于规则形状的产品,可以使用以下公式:空隙率 = [(包装体积 - 产品体积) / 包装体积] x 100%对于不规则形状的产品,可以使用水置换法或光学扫描技术进行测量。
关于包装物和废弃包装物的94 62 EC指令

关于包装物和废弃包装物的94/62/EC指令时间: 2008-08-14 来源:中认网收集本文现已有点击1610次欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会考虑到建立欧洲经济共同体的条约,特别是该条约的第100a条;考虑到欧洲联盟委员会提交的议案;考虑到经济及社会委员会的意见;按照《欧洲共同体条约》第189b条的程序采取行动;鉴于一方面为了防止包装物和废弃包装物对环境造成任何影响,或减小这种影响,从而提供高环境保护水平,另一方面为了确保内部市场的运行,避免在欧洲共同体内部产生贸易壁垒、不正当竞争使和竞争受到限制,应对各国有关包装物和废弃包装物的管理所采取的不同措施予以协调;鉴于防止产生废弃包装物的最佳手段是减少包装物的总量;鉴于就本指令的目标而言,遵守总的原则,即一个成员国为保护环境而采取的措施不应对其他成员国实现本指令的目标的能力产生不良的影响是重要的;鉴于减少废弃物是《欧洲联盟条约》中明确要求的可持续发展的基础;鉴于本指令应该包括投放市场的所有种类的包装物和所有废弃包装物;鉴于因此欧洲联盟理事会1985年6月27日关于人类消费用液体容器的85/339/EEC指令应予以废除;鉴于包装物具有重要的社会和经济功能,因而实施本指令中规定的措施不应损害对包装物或包装商品的质量和运输产生影响的其他相关立法要求;鉴于根据欧洲联盟理事会1990年5月7日关于废弃物政策的决议和欧洲联盟理事会1975年7月15日关于废弃物的75/422/EEC指令中提出的欧洲共同体废弃物管理方针,包装物和废弃包装物的管理首先应该包括防止产生废弃包装物,以及作为附加的基本原则,还应包括包装物的再使用,废弃包装物的再循环及其他回收形式,并由此而减少这类废弃物的最终处理量;鉴于在回收工艺方面的科学和技术取得进步之前,从环境影响上讲,应将再使用和再循环作为首选;鉴于这就要求各成员国建立各种体系保证对用过的包装物和/或废弃包装物进行回收;鉴于应尽快完成寿命周期评定,以便证明对可再使用、再循环和回收的包装物建立一个明确的等级体系是正确的;鉴于应该通过适当措施来防止产生废弃包装物,包括在各成员国内按照本指令的目标采取的行动;鉴于各成员国可根据《欧洲共同体条约》鼓励建立能以环境安全的方式再使用的包装物再使用系统,以利用这些系统对环境保护做出贡献;鉴于从环境角度考虑,再循环应被视为回收的一个重要组成部分,其目的特别在于减少能量和基本原材料的消耗,以及废料的最终处理量;鉴于能量回收是废弃包装物回收的一个有效手段;鉴于各成员国对废弃包装物回收和再循环所确定的目标应该限制在某些范围内,以便考虑各成员国的不同情况,同时避免产生贸易壁垒和不正当竞争;鉴于为了达到中期目标并且为经营者、消费者和公共机构展现必要的长期前景,应该对实现上述目标规定一个中期期限并对最终阶段要确定的目标规定一个长期期限,从而大大提升这些目标;鉴于欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会应在欧洲联盟委员会提供的报告基础上对各成员国在努力实现上述目标的工作中获得的实际经验、科研成果和生态平衡这样的评估技术进行考查;鉴于应该允许已经制定了或将要制定超出上述目标范围计划的成员国推行这些目标,以便在这种措施不干扰内部市场和不妨碍其他成员国履行本指令的条件下实现高水平的环境保护;鉴于欧洲联盟委员会应该在进行适当验证之后确认这种措施。

“包装物”只包括:(a) 销售包装物或初次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成某个向最终使用者或消费者提供的销售单元的包装物;(b) 组合的包装物或二次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成一组一定数量的销售单元的包装物,不管这些销售单元是以这种方式向最终使用者或消费者销售的还是仅仅作为补充销售地点货架的一种方式;从产品上拿掉这类包装物并不影响该产品的特性;(c) 运输包装物或三次包装物,即被认为是为了便于搬运和运输若干销售单元或组合的包装物,以防止在搬运和运输过程中遭到物理损坏的包装物。
94 62 EC 关于包装和包装废弃物处理的欧洲议会和理事会指令

94/62/EC 关于包装和包装废弃物处理的欧洲议会和理事会指令European Parliament and Council Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste1994 年12 月20 日欧洲议会和欧盟理事会基于建立欧洲共同体的条约,特别是条款100a;基于欧共体委员会的建议;基于经济与社会委员会的意见;依据条约的1896 条款中制定的程序;鉴于应该协调不同国家关于包装废弃物管理的措施,以便一方面防止或减少它们对环境的影响,从而提高环境保护水平,而另一方面,为在欧共体内保障内部市场的运行,避免妨碍贸易,扭曲和限制竞争;鉴于尊重这样的总原则的重要性,即就本指令的目标而言,一个成员国为保护环境而采取的措施,不应对其他成员国实现指令目标有不利影响;鉴于减少废弃物对欧盟条约所特称的可持续发展是必不可少的;鉴于本指令应包括投放在市场上的所有类型的包装以及所有包装废弃物;所以1985 年6 月27日的85/339/EE 委员会指令“关于消费用液体容器”应该被取代;鉴于包装具有非常重要的社会和经济作用,所以本指令中规定的措施不应损害其它有关法律对包装和被包装货物的质量和运输的规定要求;鉴于要与1990 年5 月7 日的理事会决议“关于废弃物的政策”以及1975 年7 月15 日的理事会指令“关于废弃物”所阐明的欧共体对废弃物管理的对策保持一致,包装和包装废弃物的管理应该包括,首先是防止产生包装废弃物,其次基本原则是包装的重复使用,包装的重复使用,包装废弃物的再生和其它方式的回收利用,从而减少这类废弃物的最终处置;同时,在回收利用方法取得科技进展以前,应该认为再生和重复使用对环境影响而言是较为可取的,这就要求成员国建立起保证回收用过的包装和/或包装废弃物的制度,同时应尽快完成使用寿命的评定方法,以判断可重复用、可再生、可回收利用之间的明晰等级;鉴于要通过适合的方法来防止产生包装废弃物,包括各成员国内按本指令的目标所采取的开创性措施;鉴于成员国为利用重复使用制度有利于环境保护,可以根据条约,在有利于环境意义上,可重复使用包装,对此鼓励制定重复使用制度;鉴于从环境观点而言,应把再生看作回收利用的重要部分,目的在于降低能源和基本原料的消耗,减少废弃物的最终处置;鉴于能源回收利用是包装废弃物回收利用的一种有效方法。

欧盟包装指令(94/62/EC)简介1. 欧盟法规的形式欧盟法规的形式为:规章(Regulations)、指令(Directives)、决定(Decisions)、建议和意见(Recommendations and advice),其中建议和意见没有约束力。
2 欧盟指令的内容和特点欧盟指令规定基本要求,是技术性法规。
基本要求(essential requirement)基本要求规定了保护公众利益的基本要素;基本要求是强制性的,只有满足基本要求的产品方可投放市场和交付使用;基本要求主要是指产品在生命、环境和国家安全、消费者利益和能源消耗方面的要求。
出口欧盟商品的包装,应首先了解欧盟针对包装的指令中的基本要求:WTO 成员国之间有关基本要求的技术文件是互相公开的,我国标准中可对应基本要求的术语为:必达要求(exclusive requirement);基本要求是市场准入的第一道技术门槛,跨越这道门槛才有资格参与市场竞争。
产品认证(UL/CSA/GS/CE/CB/VDE/EMARK/RoHS/CCC)等有关的所有信息2.1 94/62/EC 包装和包装废弃物L 指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
包装和包装废物指令(94 62 EC)

六种有害物质的存在形式漆的在金属表面的附着力抗腐蚀油漆和涂层涂料和涂层材料的构件Hard chrome plating 用于涂层,但镀铬层是铬金属,不含有六价铬导电塑料蚀刻剂用于镀材料前蚀刻塑料,但不存在于最终产品中聚溴联苯多溴二苯醚用于塑料中的阻燃剂现阶段,有许多种含溴化的阻燃剂二零零五年.第十六期(8月12日)行业消息技术委员会讨论《限制有毒物质指令》豁免方案欧盟技术谘询委员会于2005 年7 月 6 日的会议上,就《限制有毒物质指令》(RoHS) 的豁免产品方案进行讨论。

欧盟(欧共体)包装法规94/62/EC1. 欧盟法规的形式欧盟法规的形式为:规章(Regulations)、指令(Directives)、决定(Decisions)、建议和意见(Recommendations and advice),其中建议和意见没有约束力。
2 欧盟指令的内容和特点欧盟指令规定基本要求,是技术性法规。
基本要求(essential requirement)基本要求规定了保护公众利益的基本要素;基本要求是强制性的,只有满足基本要求的产品方可投放市场和交付使用;基本要求主要是指产品在生命、环境和国家安全、消费者利益和能源消耗方面的要求。
出口欧盟商品的包装,应首先了解欧盟针对包装的指令中的基本要求: WTO 成员国之间有关基本要求的技术文件是互相公开的,我国标准中可对应基本要求的术语为:必达要求(exclusive requirement);基本要求是市场准入的第一道技术门槛,跨越这道门槛才有资格参与市场竞争。
2.1 94/62/EC 包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。

欧盟包材指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997年付诸全面实施,但就其中的包装材料的回收率,欧盟某些成员国持有异议。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
2005 年3 月9 日,欧盟再次颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案2005/20/EC,其中增加了一些成员国各自法规生效的具体日期。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。
特别应注意的是,不要轻言使用的包装材料可降解,欧共体对土壤和土壤改良另有法规,在EN 13432 中引用了相关法规。
指令EN 13432 附录A(规范性附录)给出了包装材料和所有的包装允许的最大元素含量的规定(见表10.1),并且要求受检物质的重量按50%的残存无机矿物质(不可降解的)计量。

94/62/EC(Packagingandpackagingwaste)目录编辑本段介绍指令简称:包装和包装废物 Packaging and packaging waste指令名:关于包装和包装废物的1994年12月20日欧洲议会和理事会指令94/62/ECEuropean Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste修改号:新方法指令: y-编辑本段适用范围1.本指令涉及所有投放共同体内市场的包装和所有包装废弃物,不管它是在工业、商业、办公室、商店、服务、家庭或任何其他范围应用或放弃,并与所用材料无关。
本指令所用名词定义: 1.包装是指——由任何性质的任何材料制成的用于容器、保护、处理、运送和展示货物的所有产品。
“包装”只包括: (a) 销售包装或基本包装,即包装作为最后用户或消费者所购销售单位的一部分。
不适用范围:基本要求:实施日期: 1999-9-3补充:对有害物质的控制:在每种均质物质中铅/汞/镉/六价铬四种重金属之和不超过100PPM.。
包装指令 94-62-EEC

包装材料法规coneg1989年,东北联军省长(coneg)毒物起草示范立法旨在禁止使用铅、汞、镉、六价铬、包装容器使用或者销售油墨这类立法的国家. CONEG model legislation provides that as soon as feasible, but not later than two years after the legislation is adopted, no manufacturer or distributor may offer for sale or promotional purposes any package or packaging component ,including printing inks used in packaging, (“package”) that includes any lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium which is intentionally introduced as an element.coneg示范立法规定,只要可行,但最迟两年后通过立法,没有厂商或经销商可出售或促销的任何包装或包装成分,包括用油墨在包装("包"),包括任何铅、镉、汞或六价铬作为一种成分是故意. The legislation is aimed at metals intentionally introduced to a package rather than metals which are incidentally present in the package.立法的目的是金属而不是刻意推出一系列金属所目前在顺便包装. CONEG model legislation sets forth concentration levels for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium.coneg示范立法王信铅浓度水平、镉、汞和六价铬. Specifically, the sum of the concentration levels must not exceed 600 parts per million (“ppm”) by weight (0.06%) effective 2 years after the state adopts the legislation, 250 ppm by weight (0.025%) effective 3 years after the state adopts the legislation, and 100 ppm by weight (0.01%) effective 4 years after the state adopts the legislation.具体地说,总和浓度不得超过百万分之600("分之"),按重量有效2年(0.06%)国家通过立法后,按重量250分之(0.025%)3年后,国家采取有效的立法、按重量计算,100分之(0.01%)4年后,国家采取有效的立法. However, the CONEG model legislation also provides exceptions to these concentration levels.但是,法律还规定示范coneg这些例外浓度. First, a package is exempt from the model act’s requirements if it bears a code indicating that it was manufactured before the effective date of the legislation.一是一套是免征示范法的规定,如果有,这是一个代码,显示前出厂法律的生效日期. Second, a package is exempt from the model act’s requirements if the lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium was added to the package to comply with health or safety requirements of federal law or because there was no feasible alternative (i.e. the regulated substance is essential to the protection, safe handling or function of the package’s contents).第二,一套是免征示范法的规定,如果铅、镉、添加汞或六价铬的包装符合安全卫生或联邦法律或规定因为没有可行的替代(即规范是必要的物质保障,安全处理功能或包装的内容). In these circumstances, CONEG’s model act requires the manufacturer to petition the state for an exemption.在这种情况下,coneg的示范法规定,厂家请愿国家豁免. The state may grant a two-year exemption if warranted by the circumstances and, in some cases, the exemption may be renewed for two years.国家可给予两年免如果情况需要,在某些情况下,豁免可续约两年. Finally, CONEG’s legislation contains an exemption for packages that would not exceed the maximum contaminant levels set forth above but for the addition of post-consumer materials.最后,coneg的立法内容,包豁免的最高含量不超过上述规定,但对于增补后的消费资料. This exemption expires six years after the state legislation is adopted.这项豁免权届满六年后,国家通过立法.CONEG’s model legislation also requires that as soon as feasible, but not later than two years after the act is adopted, manufacturers or suppliers of packages must furnish to purchasers a Certificate of Compliance.coneg的示范立法也需要尽快可行但最迟两年后通过该法案,制造商或供应商必须提供给买主包合格证明书. The certificate must set forth the specific basis upon which any exemption is claimed.证明书必须提出具体的依据,任何要求豁免. The model act does not contain enforcement provisions, rather it requires that each state add its own provisions示范法并没有规定强制执行,而是自行补充规定,每个州的规定The following states have adopted toxics legislation based on CONEG’s model: Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.以下国家已立法通过基于coneg毒物的模式:康涅狄格、佛罗里达、佐治亚、伊利诺伊、艾奥瓦、缅因、马里兰、明尼苏达、密苏里、新罕布什尔、新泽西、纽约、宾夕法尼亚、罗得岛、佛蒙特、弗吉尼亚、华盛顿和威斯康星. Wisconsin’s law, entitled “Reductionof Toxics in Packaging,”is found at Wisconsin Statute section 100.285.威斯康辛定律,题为"减少毒物在包装",发现威斯康辛规约第100.285. With certain exceptions, it now prohibits the sale of a packaging with a total concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury plus hexavalent chromium that exceeds 100 ppm.某些例外,禁止出售一种包装,以总浓度铅、镉、汞六价铬超过100分之多. The 100 ppm level took effect June 1, 1994.百分之一级生效1994年6月1日. It was preceded by a limit of 600 ppm, effective June 1, 1992, and 250 ppm, effective June 1, 1993.它的前提是一个极限600分之有效1992年6月1日,250分之有效1993年6月1日. Wisconsin’s restriction does not apply to packaging made from recycled materials until June 1, 1996.威斯康辛的限制不适用于包装材料制成的再造,直到1996年6月1日. Moreover, the Wisconsin law does not contain a penalty provision.此外,威斯康辛法不包含罚则.Though less than half of the states have adopted CONEG-inspired toxics legislation, the number of states that have toxics legislation is large enough to affect the nationwide distribution of packaging.尽管不到一半的国家采取coneg启发毒物立法国家数目有毒物足以影响立法分布在全国包装. Moreover, several of the states that have toxics legislation are large and significantly influence practices elsewhere.另外,有几个州的立法是大毒物及其他作法明显影响. Consequently, all manufactures of packaging materials and components, including printing inks, should be aware of CONEG requirements .因此,所有的包装材料和制品的组成部分,包括油墨,应注意coneg要求.T he European Union (EU) Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC and WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC places restrictions on materials and equipment containing cadmium, lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB's) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE’s).他笔欧洲联盟(欧盟)限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)和2002/95/ecWEEE指令名额限制指令2002/96/ec材料和设备含有镉、铅、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴联苯醚(pbde的). As of July 1, 2006 materials and equipment placed on the market in the EU shall not contain these hazardous substances.截至2006年7月1日材料和设备市场放在欧盟不得含有这些有害物质.RoHS and WEEE establish limits for these substances.建立和WEEE指令RoHS指令限制这些物质. These regulations require a maximum concentration value of up to 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE, and a maximum value of 0.01% by weight in homogenous materials for cadmium.这些法规规定,最高浓度值高达0.1%的同质材料重量铅、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯和pbde,最高值0.01%的同质材料重量镉. Materials and equipment meeting these limits are considered, under these regulations, to meet the requirements for these hazardous substances.会议材料和设备的标准都认为,根据这个规定,符合这些有害物质.Quantex Laboratories has extensive experience in analyzing a wide range of materials for compliance with CONEG.quantex有丰富经验的实验室分析各种材料coneg遵守. Our laboratories are well equipped to prepare a diversity of materials for analysis.装备精良的实验室准备多种材料进行分析. We have the capabilities of preparing samples from ashing to wet digestion to microwave digestions.我们有能力从样品制备微波灰湿地消化消化. As for instrumental analysis, samples can be analyzed by Flame and/or graphite furnace atomic absorption, cold vapor atomic absorption ( for mercury) and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP).至于仪器分析,样品可以分析火焰和/或石墨炉原子吸收、冷原子吸收(水银)、等离子体光谱仪(ICP). In addition, we provide cadmium, l ead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE, analysis of packaging materials and components for compliance to EU regulations as well.此外,我们提供的镉,1部、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯和pbde,分析包装材料和部件为符合欧盟的规定等. Regarding our certifications and accreditations, Quantex Laboratories is registered with the FDA and USEPA approved.关于我国认证认可、注册实验室的quantex林业局、环保局批准.包装指示(94/62/EEC)环境保护已成为现今众多工业最关注的一个问题。

⏹PPW要求:鼓勵包裝再使用⏹PPW要求:回收再利用及再生之標的2001.06.30前PW 50%~65%回收利用或焚化2001.06.30前PW中材料25%~45%再生,每種材料15%最小2008.12.31前PW 60%至少回收再利用或焚化2008.12.31前PW 55%~80%再生2008.12.31前各種材料再生目標、玻璃60%、紙及紙板60%、金屬50%、塑膠28.5%、木材15%⏹PPW要求:包裝中重金屬濃度總和不超過1996.06.30二年後600ppm1996.06.30三年後250ppm1996.06.30五年後100ppm⏹PPW要求:資訊系統包括會員國間、會員國→執委會、會員國→消費者及使用者⏹PPW要求:為便於收集、再生、回收再利用、包裝應標明識別及分類⏹PPW應有管理計畫,經濟工具、通知、報告、自由進入市場及科技調適等做法⏹關鍵日期包裝及包裝廢棄物指令94/62/EC增訂指令2004/12/EC各會員國回收再利用、再生2005.6.30 各會員國之執行進展報告2005.8.15 指令規定納入法律2007.12.31 訂2009-2014第3月五年計劃TARGET包裝及包裝廢棄物指令94/62/EC增訂指令2004/12/EC附錄附錄I。

欧盟包材指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997年付诸全面实施,但就其中的包装材料的回收率,欧盟某些成员国持有异议。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
2005 年3 月9 日,欧盟再次颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案2005/20/EC,其中增加了一些成员国各自法规生效的具体日期。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。
特别应注意的是,不要轻言使用的包装材料可降解,欧共体对土壤和土壤改良另有法规,在EN 13432 中引用了相关法规。
指令EN 13432附录A(规范性附录)给出了包装材料和所有的包装允许的最大元素含量的规定(见表10.1),并且要求受检物质的重量按50%的残存无机矿物质(不可降解的)计量。

Avis juridique important31994L0062European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 onpackaging and packaging wasteOfficial Journal L 365 , 31/12/1994 P. 0010 - 0023Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 13 P. 0266Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 13 P. 0266EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 onpackaging and packaging wasteTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article100a thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 189b of the Treaty (3),Whereas the differing national measures concerning the management of packaging andpackaging waste should be harmonized in order, on the one hand, to prevent any impactthereof on the environment or to reduce such impact, thus providing a high level ofenvironmental protection, and, on the other hand, to ensure the functioning of the internalmarket and to avoid obstacles to trade and distortion and restriction of competition within theCommunity;Whereas the best means of preventing the creation of packaging waste is to reduce theoverall volume of packaging;Whereas it is important, in relation of the objectives of this Directive, to respect the generalprinciple that measures taken in one Member State to protect the environment should notadversely affect the ability of other Member States to achieve the objectives of the Directive;Whereas the reduction of waste is essential for the sustainable growth specifically called forby the Treaty on European Union;Whereas this Directive should cover all types of packaging placed on the market and allpackaging waste; whereas; therefore, Council Directive 85/339/EEC of 27 June 1985 oncontainers of liquids for human consumption (4) should be repealed;Whereas packaging has a vital social and economic function and therefore measures providedfor in this Directive should apply without prejudice to other relevant legislative requirementsaffecting quality and transport of packaging or packaged goods;Whereas, in line with the Community strategy for waste management set out in Councilresolution of 7 May 1990 on waste policy (5) and Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July1975 on waste (6), the management of packaging and packaging waste should include as afirst priority, prevention of packaging waste and, as additional fundamental principles, reuseof packaging, recycling and other forms of recovering packaging waste and, hence, reductionof the final disposal of such waste;Whereas, until scientific and technological progress is made with regard to recoveryprocesses, reuse and recycling should be considered preferable in terms of environmentalimpact; whereas this requires the setting up in the Member States of systems guaranteeingthe return of used packaging and/or packaging waste; whereas life-cycle assessments shouldbe completed as soon as possible to justify a clear hierarchy between reusable, recyclableand recoverable packaging;Whereas prevention of packaging waste shall be carried out through appropriate measures,including initiatives taken within the Member States in accordance with the objectives of thisDirective;Whereas Member States may encourage, in accordance with the Treaty, reuse systems of packaging which can be reused in an environmentally sound manner, in order to take advantage of the contribution of such systems to environmental protection;Whereas from an environmental point of view recycling should be regarded as an important part of recovery with a particular view to reducing the consumption of energy and of primary raw materials and the final disposal of waste;Whereas energy recovery is one effective means of packaging waste recovery;Whereas targets set in Member States for the recovery and recycling of packaging waste should be confined within certain ranges so as to take account of the different situations in Member States and to avoid creating barriers to trade and distortion of competition; Whereas, in order to achieve results in the medium term and to give economic operators, consumers and public authorities the necessary perspective for the longer term, a medium-term deadline should be set for attaining the aforementioned targets and a long-term deadline set for targets to be determined at a later stage with a view to substantially increasing those targets;Whereas the European Parliament and the Council should, on the basis of reports by the Commission, examine the practical experience gained in Member States in working towards the aforementioned targets and the findings of scientific research and evaluation techniques such as eco-balances;Whereas Member States which have, or will set, programmes going beyond such target ranges should be permitted to pursue those targets in the interest of a high level of environmental protection on condition shat such measures avoid disturbances on the internal market and do not prevent other Member States from complying with this Directive; whereas the Commission should confirm such measures after appropriate verification;Whereas, on the other hand, certain Member States may be allowed to adopt lower targets because of the specific circumstances in those Member States, on condition that they achieve a minimum target for recovery within the standard deadline, and the standard targets by a later deadline;Whereas the management of packaging and packaging waste requires the Member States to set up return, collection and recovery systems; whereas such systems should be open to the participation of all interested parties and be designed to avoid discrimination against imported products and barriers to trade or distortions of competition and to guarantee the maximum possible return of packaging and packaging waste, in accordance with the Treaty;Whereas the issue of Community marking of packaging requires further study, but should be decided by the Community in the near future;Whereas, in order to minimize the impact of packaging and packaging waste on the environment and to avoid barriers to trade and distortion of competition, it is also necessary to define the essential requirements governing the composition and the reusable and recoverable (including recyclable) nature of packaging;Whereas the presence of noxious metals and other substances in packaging should be limited in view of their environmental impact (in particular in the light of their likely presence in emissions or ash when packaging is incinerated, or in leachate when packaging is landfilled); whereas it is essential, as a first step towards reducing the toxicity of packaging waste, to prevent the addition of noxious heavy metals to packaging and ensure that such substances are not released into the environment, with appropriate exemptions which should be determined by the Commission in specific cases under a Committee procedure;Whereas, if a high level of recycling is to be attained and health and safety problems are to be avoided by those employed to collect and process packaging waste, it is essential for such waste to be sorted at source;Whereas the requirements for the manufacturing of packaging should not apply to packaging used for a given product before the date of entry into force of this Directive; whereas a transition period for the marketing of packaging is also required;Whereas the timing of the provision on the placing on the market of packaging which meets all essential requirements should take account of the fact that European standards are being prepared by the competent standardization body; whereas, however, the provisions on means of proof of conformity of national standards should apply without delay;Whereas the preparation of European standards for essential requirements and other related issues should be promoted;Whereas the measures provided for in this Directive imply the development of recovery and recycling capacities and market outlets for recycled packaging materials;Whereas the inclusion of recycled material in packaging should not contradict relevant provisions on hygiene, health and consumer safety;Whereas Community-wide data on packaging and packaging waste are needed in order to monitor the implementation of the objectives of this Directive;Whereas it is essential that all those involved in the production, use, import and distribution of packaging and packaged products become more aware of the extent to which packaging becomes waste, and that in accordance with the polluter-pays principle they accept responsibility for such waste; whereas the development and implementation of the measures provided for in this Directive should involve and require the close cooperation of all the partners, where appropriate, within a spirit of shared responsibility;Whereas consumers play a key role in the management of packaging and packaging waste and thus have to be adequately informed in order to adapt their behaviour and attitudes; Whereas the inclusion of a specific chapter on the management of packaging and packaging waste in the waste management plans required pursuant to Directive 75/442/EEC will contribute to the effective implementation of this Directive;Whereas, in order to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of this Directive, it may be appropriate for the Community and the Member States to use economic instruments in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty, so as to avoid new forms of protectionism; Whereas Member States should, without prejudice to Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (1), notify the Commission of drafts of any measures they intend to adopt before adopting them, so that it can be established whether or not they comply with the Directive;Whereas the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the packaging identification system and the formats relating to a database system should be ensured by the Commission under a committee procedure;Whereas it is necessary to provide for specific measures to be taken to deal with any difficulties encountered in the implementation of this Directive in accordance, where appropriate, with the same committee procedure,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article 1Objectives 1. This Directive aims to harmonize national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste in order, on the one hand, to prevent any impact thereof on the environment of all Member States as well as of third countries or to reduce such impact, thus providing a high level of environmental protection, and, on the other hand, to ensure the functioning of the internal market and to avoid obstacles to trade and distortion and restriction of competition within the Community.2. To this end this Directive lays down measures aimed, as a first priority, at preventing the production of packaging waste and, as additional fundamental principles, at reusing packaging, at recycling and other forms of recovering packaging waste and, hence, at reducing the final disposal of such waste.Article 2Scope 1. This Directive covers all packaging placed on the market in the Community and all packaging waste, whether it is used or released at industrial, commercial, office, shop, service, household or any other level, regardless of the material used.2. This Directive shall apply without prejudice to existing quality requirements for packaging such as those regarding safety, the protection of health and the hygiene of the packed products or to existing transport requirements or to the provisions of Council Directive91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste (2).Article 3Definitions For the purposes of this Directive:1. 'packaging` shall mean all products made of any materials of any nature to be used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery and presentation of goods, from raw materials to processed goods, from the producer to the user or the consumer. 'Non-returnable` items used for the same purposes shall also be considered to constitute packaging.'Packaging` consists only of:(a) sales packaging or primary packaging, i. e. packaging conceived so as to constitute a sales unit to the final user or consumer at the point of purchase;(b) grouped packaging or secondary packaging, i. e. packaging conceived so as to constitute at the point of purchase a grouping of a certain number of sales units whether the latter is sold as such to the final user or consumer or whether it serves only as a means to replenish the shelves at the point of sale; it can be removed from the product without affecting its characteristics;(c) transport packaging or tertiary packaging, i. e. packaging conceived so as to facilitate handling and transport of a number of sales units or grouped packagings in order to prevent physical handling and transport damage. Transport packaging does not include road, rail, ship and air containers;2. 'packaging waste` shall mean any packaging or packaging material covered by the definition of waste in Directive 75/442/EEC, excluding production residues;3. 'packaging waste management` shall mean the management of waste as defined in Directive 75/442/EEC;4. 'prevention` shall mean the reduction of the quantity and of the harmfulness for the environment of:- materials and substances contained in packaging and packaging waste,- packaging and packaging waste at production process level and at the marketing, distribution, utilization and elimination stages,in particular by developing 'clean` products and technology;5. 'reuse` shall mean any operation by which packaging, which has been conceived and designed to accomplish within its life cycle a minimum number of trips or rotations, is refilled or used for the same purpose for which it was conceived, with or without the support of auxiliary products present on the market enabling the packaging to be refilled; such reused packaging will become packaging waste when no longer subject to reuse;6. 'recovery` shall mean any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex II.B to Directive 75/442/EEC;7. 'recycling` shall mean the reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes including organic recycling but excluding energy recovery;8. 'energy recovery` shall mean the use of combustible packaging waste as a means to generate energy through direct incineration with or without other waste but with recovery of the heat;9. 'organic recycling` shall mean the aerobic (composting) or anaerobic (biomethanization) treatment, under controlled conditions and using micro-organisms, of the biodegradable parts of packaging waste, which produces stabilized organic residues or methane. Landfill shall not be considered a form of organic recycling;10. 'disposal` shall mean any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex II.A to Directive 75/442/EEC;11. 'economic operators` in relation to packaging shall mean suppliers of packaging materials, packaging producers and converters, fillers and users, importers, traders and distributors, authorities and statutory organizations;12. 'voluntary agreement` shall mean the formal agreement concluded between the competent public authorities of the Member State and the economic sectors concerned, which has to be open to all partners who wish to meet the conditions of the agreement with a view to working towards the objectives of this Directive.Article 4Prevention 1. Member States shall ensure that, in addition to the measures to prevent the formation of packaging waste taken in accordance with Article 9, other preventive measuresare implemented. Such other measures may consist of national programmes or similar actions adopted, if appropriate in consultation with economic operators, and designed to collect and take advantage of the many initiatives taken within Member States as regards prevention. They shall comply with the objectives of this Directive as defined in Article 1 (1).2. The Commission shall help to promote prevention by encouraging the development of suitable European standards, in accordance with Article 10.Article 5Member States may encourage reuse systems of packaging, which can be reused in an environmentally sound manner, in conformity with the Treaty.Article 6Recovery and recycling 1. In order to comply with the objectives of this Directive, Member States shall take the necessary measures to attain the following targets covering the whole of their territory;(a) no later than five years from the date by which this Directive must be implemented in national law, between 50 % as a minimum and 65 % as a maximum by weight of the packaging waste will be recovered;(b) within this general target, and with the same time limit, between 25 % as a minimum and45 % as a maximum by weight of the totality of packaging materials contained in packaging waste will be recycled with a minimum of 15 % by weight for each packaging material;(c) no later than 10 years from the date by which this Directive must be implemented in national law, a percentage of packaging waste will be recovered and recycled, which will have to be determined by the Council in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) with a view to substantially increasing the targets mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b).2. Member States shall, where appropriate, encourage the use of materials obtained from recycled packaging waste for the manufacturing of packaging and other products.3. (a) The European Parliament and the Council shall, on the basis of an interim report by the Commission, and four years from the date referred to in paragraph 1 (a) on the basis of a final report, examine the practical experience gained in the Member States in the pursuance of the targets and objective laid down in paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) and 2 and the findings of scientific research and evaluation techniques such as eco-balances.(b) No later than six months before the end of the first five-year phase referred to in paragraph 1 (a) the Council shall, acting by qualified majority and on a proposal from the Commission, fix targets for the second five-year phase referred to in paragraph 1 (c). This process shall be repeated every five years thereafter.4. The measures and targets referred to in paragraph 1 (a) and (b) shall be published by the Member States and shall be the subject of an information campaign for the general public and economic operators.5. Greece, Ireland and Portugal may, because of their specific situation, i. e. respectively the large number of small islands, the presence of rural and mountain areas and the current low level of packaging consumption, decide to:(a) attain, no later than five years from the date of implementation of this Directive, lower targets than those fixed in paragraph 1 (a) and (b), but shall at least attain 25 % for recovery;(b) postpone at the same time the attainment of the targets in paragraph 1 (a) and (b) to a later deadline which, however, shall not exceed 31 December 2005.6. Member States which have, or will, set programmes going beyond the targets of paragraph 1 (a) and (b) and which provide to this effect appropriate capacities for recycling and recovery, are permitted to pursue those targets in the interest of a high level of environmental protection, on condition that these measures avoid distortions of the internal market and do not hinder compliance by other Member States with the Directive. Member States shall inform the Commission thereof. The Commission shall confirm these measures, after having verified, in cooperation with the Member States, that they are consistent with the considerations above and do not constitute an arbitrary means of discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.Article 7Return, collection and recovery systems 1. Member States shall take the necessary measuresto ensure that systems are set up to provide for:(a) the return and/or collection of used packaging and/or packaging waste from the consumer, other final user, or from the waste stream in order to channel it to the most appropriate waste management alternatives;(b) the reuse or recovery including recycling of the packaging and/or packaging waste collected,in order to meet the objectives laid down in this Directive.These systems shall be open to the participation of the economic operators of the sectors concerned and to the participation of the competent public authorities. They shall also apply to imported products under non-discriminatory conditions, including the detailed arrangements and any tariffs imposed for access to the systems, and shall be designed so as to avoid barriers to trade or distortions of competition in conformity with the Treaty.2. The measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall form part of a policy covering all packaging and packaging waste and shall take into account, in particular, requirements regarding the protection of environmental and consumer health, safety and hygiene; the protection of the quality,the authenticity and the technical characteristics of the packed goods and materials used; and the protection of industrial and commercial property rights.Article 8Marking and identification system 1. The Council shall, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Treaty, decide no later than two years after the entry into force of this Directive on the marking of packaging.2. To facilitate collection, reuse and recovery including recycling, packaging shall indicate for purposes of its identification and classification by the industry concerned the nature of the packaging material(s) used.To that end, the Commission shall, not later than 12 months after the entry into force of this Directive determine, on the basis of Annex I and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, the numbering and abbreviations on which the identification system is based and shall specify which materials shall be subject to the identification system in accordance with the same procedure.3. Packaging shall bear the appropriate marking either on the packaging itself or on the label. It shall be clearly visible and easily legible. The marking shall be appropriately durable and lasting, including when the packaging is opened.Article 9Essential requirements 1. Member States shall ensure that three years from the date of the entry into force of this Directive, packaging may be placed on the market only if it complies with all essential requirements defined by this Directive including Annex II.2. Member States shall, from the date set out in Article 22 (1), presume compliance with all essential requirements set out in this Directive including Annex II in the case of packaging which complies:(a) with the relevant harmonized standards, the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Member States shall publish the reference numbers of national standards transposing these harmonized standards;(b) with the relevant national standards referred to in paragraph 3 in so far as, in the areas covered by such standards, no harmonized standards exist.3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of their national standards, as referred to in paragraph 2 (b), which they deem to comply with the requirements referred to in this Article. The Commission shall forward such texts forthwith to the other Member States.Member States shall publish the references of these standards. The Commission shall ensure that they are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.4. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the standards referred to in paragraph 2 do not entirely meet the essential requirements referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the Committee set up by Directive 83/189/EEC giving the reasons therefor. This Committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.In the light of the Committee's opinion, the Commission shall inform Member States whetheror not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the publications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3.Article 10Standardization The Commission shall promote, as appropriate, the preparation of European standards relating to the essential requirements referred to in Annex II.The Commission shall promote, in particular, the preparation of European standards relating to:- criteria and methodologies for life-cycle analysis of packaging,- the methods for measuring and verifying the presence of heavy metals and other dangerous substances in the packaging and their release into the environment from packaging and packaging waste,- criteria for a minimum content of recycled material in packaging for appropriate types of packaging,- criteria for recycling methods,- criteria for composting methods and produced compost,- criteria for the marking of packaging.Article 11Concentration levels of heavy metals present in packaging 1. Member States shall ensure that the sum of concentration levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium present in packaging or packaging components shall not exceed the following:- 600 ppm by weight two years after the date referred to in Article 22 (i);- 250 ppm by weight three years after the date referred to in Article 22 (i);- 100 ppm by weight five years after the date referred to in Article 22 (i).2. The concentration levels referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to packaging entirely made of lead crystal glass as defined in Directive 69/493/EEC (1).3. The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, determine: - the conditions under which the above concentration levels will not apply to recycled materials and to product loops which are in a closed and controlled chain,- the types of packaging which are exempted from the requirement referred to in paragraph 1, third indent.Article 12Information systems 1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that databases on packaging and packaging waste are established, where not already in place, on a harmonized basis in order to contribute to enabling Member States and the Commission to monitor the implementation of the objectives set out in this Directive.2. To this effect, the databases shall provide in particular information on the magnitude, characteristics and evolution of the packaging and packaging waste flows (including information on the toxicity or danger of packaging materials and components used for their manufacture) at the level of individual Member States.3. In order to harmonize the characteristics and presentation of the data produced and to make the data of the Member States compatible, Member States shall provide the Commission with their available data by means of formats which shall be adopted by the Commission one year from the date of entry into force of this Directive on the basis of Annex III, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21.4. Member States shall take into account the particular problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in providing detailed data.5. The data obtained shall be made available with the national reports referred to in Article 17 and shall be updated in subsequent reports.6. Member States shall require all economic operators involved to provide competent authorities with reliable data on their sector as required in this Article.Article 13Information for users of packaging Member States shall take measures, within two years of the date referred to in Article 22 (1), to ensure that users of packaging, including in particular consumers, obtain the necessary information about:。

包装和包装废弃物指令 94-62-EC

“包装物”只包括:(a) 销售包装物或初次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成某个向最终使用者或消费者提供的销售单元的包装物;(b) 组合的包装物或二次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成一组一定数量的销售单元的包装物,不管这些销售单元是以这种方式向最终使用者或消费者销售的还是仅仅作为补充销售地点货架的一种方式;从产品上拿掉这类包装物并不影响该产品的特性;(c) 运输包装物或三次包装物,即被认为是为了便于搬运和运输若干销售单元或组合的包装物,以防止在搬运和运输过程中遭到物理损坏的包装物。
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欧盟(欧共体)包装法规94/62/EC1. 欧盟法规的形式欧盟法规的形式为:规章(Regulations)、指令(Directives)、决定(Decisions)、建议和意见(Recommendations and advice),其中建议和意见没有约束力。
2 欧盟指令的内容和特点欧盟指令规定基本要求,是技术性法规。
基本要求(essential requirement)基本要求规定了保护公众利益的基本要素;基本要求是强制性的,只有满足基本要求的产品方可投放市场和交付使用;基本要求主要是指产品在生命、环境和国家安全、消费者利益和能源消耗方面的要求。
出口欧盟商品的包装,应首先了解欧盟针对包装的指令中的基本要求: WTO 成员国之间有关基本要求的技术文件是互相公开的,我国标准中可对应基本要求的术语为:必达要求(exclusive requirement);基本要求是市场准入的第一道技术门槛,跨越这道门槛才有资格参与市场竞争。
2.1 94/62/EC 包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997 年付诸全面实施。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,其目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。
特别应注意的是,不要轻言使用的包装材料可降解,欧共体对土壤和土壤改良另有法规,在EN 13432 中引用了相关法规。
指令94/62/EC 附录A(规范性附录)给出了包装材料和所有的包装允许的最大元素含量的规定,并且要求受检物质的重量按50%的残存无机矿物质(不可降解的)计量。
指令94/62/EC 主要分两部分内容,既:包装和包装废弃物含有害于环境的物质的限制以及降低资源消耗的措施。
以下介绍的两个与指令94/62/EC 有关的法规,可了解该指令的效应,诠释欧洲人特称的"统一的欧洲共同市场"。
特别提醒:指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,是对每件包装的基本要求,应理解为是底线的或最低的要求,但并非是唯一的要求。
2.2 1999/177/EC 关联94/62/EC 指令中规定的重金属含量,对相关的塑料箱和塑料托盘降低要求的委员会决定指令94/62/EC 实施后,针对某些产品的可重复使用和可循环再生的特点,即放宽重金属含量限制,同时采取了相应的技术措施。
2.3 1999/42/EC 关于依据94/62/EC 第6 条、第6 款的规定,批准奥地利采取有关措施的指令94/62/EC 颁布后,奥地利政府依据该指令的第6 条、第6 款的规定,提出了高于指令规定的回收率的通报。
指令94/62/EC 第6 条、第6 款称:"对于已经或将要制定超过1(a)和(b)节中目标的计划并对再生和回收提供合适能力来达到该效果的成员国,应允许其追求这些有利于提高环境保护水平的目标,条件是这些措施不干扰内部市场并不妨碍其它成员国遵循指令。
"2.4 76/211/EEC 关于统一各成员国按确定的重量或容量预包装产品的法律的理事会指令该指令是比较实用和覆盖面广的技术法规。
范围在不小于5g 或5ml,不大于10kg 或10L 之间。
2.5 90/496/EEC 和2003/120/EC 关于食品营养标签的理事会指令关于食品营养标签的理事会指令和关于90/496/EEC 食品营养标签的修正案,是对营养食品的基本要求。
2.6 92/27/EEC 关于人类用医学产品的标签和包装说明书的理事会指令与上述食品标签相同,另有玩具标签属于法规的管辖范围。
2.7 89/109/EEC、2002/72/EC 等关于与食品接触的包装材料的理事会指令与食品接触的包装材料主要受关注的是塑料,其次是纸。
89/109/EEC 提出了总体要求,其中有两个具体的转移类型,允许透过极限为60mg/1kg(60mg的任何物质、1kg 的食品)。
2002/72/EC 的颁布,全部取代了90/128/EEC 和7 个修正案,并且修订了2002/17/EC,对转移采取了与89/109/EEC 不同的量纲,并且特别关注与薄膜复合的材料,允许透过极限为10mg/dm2(10mg 的任何物质、1dm2的包装材料)。
82/711/EEC 中规定了测试方法。
欧盟法令对PVC 没有规定具体的转移量,但78/142/EEC 规定了食品包装材料氯乙烯单体允许量为0.701mg/kg,80/766/EEC 规定了检测方法。
见附录8、附录9、附录10、附录11 和第五章。
3 与欧盟法规相关的限制性包装要求3.1 了解市场经济规则----规避经营风险出口商品需要包装,且包装采用的材料和辅助材料非常广泛。
欧共体自初创至今已有半个多世纪,沉积下来的法规很多,有些已被覆盖,有些仍沿用,即使在欧盟的协调标准中也经常出现这样的警告语:W ARNING:Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.警告: 其它的要求和其它的欧盟指令可能适用于本标准范围之内的产品。
3.2 基于生命安全的基本要求----包装材料使用的限制自上世纪中叶(二战结束)至今,欧洲国家同美国、日本等国一样,从未停止对诱发癌症等未知病理的研究,对于可能导致发病的物质(诱变体)进行逐一排查。
3.2.1 用安全的材料替代受限制的或可疑的材料聚氯乙烯(PVC)中氯乙烯单体,纸制品中的氯联苯(PCB),粘合剂、印刷油墨中的可溶、可挥发物质和有害重金属等被列为在食品、医药以及可能与儿童接触的产品包装中限制使用的材料。
例如:78/142/EEC 中规定的用于食品包装材料的氯乙烯单体限制在0.701mg/kg 以下。
为了规避风险和严格的检测,欧盟的企业大都采取用安全的、低风险的材料替代法,例如,用PET 替代PVC,用PP 替代PS 等。
从目前的发展趋势看,PVC 有可能完全退出包装市场。