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1.(1分)At primary school,I dreamed of being_____astronaut.()A.a B.an C.the D./

2.(1分)I often go to the cinema with my parents _____Saturdays.()A.at B.by C.on D.in

3.(1分)The boys in my class are interested in_____,especially ball games.()A.music B.science C.art D.sport

4.(1分)﹣﹣Betty,_____do you start celebrating New Year in America?

﹣﹣On December 31st.()

A.when B.where C.why D.how

5.(1分)The Australians are like the English in many ways_____they have many British relatives.()

A.if B.because C.so D.although 6.(1分)It's_____to throw away old things.Some of them can be reused.()A.normal B.dangerous C.wasteful D.necessary 7.(1分)The air is very clear today,so we'll_____the whole park from up the hill.()

A.visit B.enter C.see D.cross

8.(1分)My friends are going to different schools,but I hope we will_____with each other.()

A.go back B.grow up

C.have a word D.stay in touch

9.(1分)The CD player will go wrong if you don't use it _____.()A.properly B.carelessly C.quietly D.clearly 10.(1分)﹣﹣I passed my PE test yesterday.

﹣﹣Did you?_____()

A.It doesn't matter B.What a Pity!

C.Thanks a lot.D.Congratulations!



11.(12分)In a small village in Parkville,there is an unlocked(未锁的)shop that has no workers in it.The shop is run(经营)in a telephone box.Lewis Cooke,who provides goods(商品)for the shop,said,"Nothing has been stolen(11)it opened."

In1998,the only shop in the village(12).The villagers had great difficulty in getting goods.To solve this problem,the(13)to change a telephone box into a shop.

In the shop,you(14)find many kinds of goods.Mr.Cooke brings goods to the shop every morning before 7am.He puts(15)the things the shop has in the shop.People can call him if (16)want anything else.The next day,they can go to the phone box to (17).Mr.Cooke will write down the name of the people who want the goods and put the (18)beside the goods.When the customers come to the shop,they will be able to find their goods (19).People can either leave (20)or a cheque(支票)for the goods.

"The phone box isn't locked and people can go there whenever they want,(21)no one has stolen a thing.This shows how(22)everyone around here is,"said Mr.Cooke.

11.A when B.until C.before D.since 12.A.opened B.disappeared C.closed D.started 13.A.promised B.decided C.refused D.forgot 14.A.might B.can C.must D.need 15.A.a number of B.a couple of C.a pair of D.a list of 16.A.we B.I C.they D.you
