Diseases of the Heart
心血管内科英语专业词汇Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide, and a thorough understanding of the specialized terminology in cardiology is essential for healthcare professionals. Here is a list of key English vocabulary terms used in the field of cardiovascular medicine:1. Atherosclerosis - A condition where plaque builds up inside the arteries, leading to reduced blood flow.2. Angina - Chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.3. Arrhythmia - Irregular heartbeats, which can be too fast, too slow, or irregular.4. Cardiomyopathy - A disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood.5. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) - A condition in whichthe coronary arteries become narrowed due to atherosclerosis, which can lead to chest pain (angina) or a heart attack.6. Echocardiogram - A test that uses ultrasound to create images of the heart's size, shape, and motion.7. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) - A test that measures the electrical activity of the heart, which can help detectabnormal heart rhythms and heart attacks.8. Hypertension - High blood pressure, which can damage the blood vessels and heart over time.9. Ischemia - A lack of blood flow to a part of the body, often due to a blocked artery.10. Myocardial Infarction (MI) - Commonly known as a heart attack, it occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, usually by a blood clot.11. Pericarditis - Inflammation of the pericardium, the sac-like covering around the heart.12. Pulmonary Embolism - A blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs, usually caused by bloodclots that travel to the lungs from the legs or other parts of the body.13. Valvular Heart Disease - Conditions that affect the function of one or more of the heart's valves, which can be due to damage, calcium deposits, or other causes.14. Vasodilation - The widening of blood vessels, which helps to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.15. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) - A congenital heart defect where there is a hole in the wall (septum) between the heart's lower chambers (ventricles).Understanding these terms is crucial for anyone studying or working in cardiovascular medicine, as they form the basis for effective communication and diagnosis within the specialty.。
医学英语教程生物医学Unit 4课文翻译
Unit 4 Common Diseases and Ailments现代医疗与疾病There is no end in sight in the battle between human beings and the diseases that can destroy them. However, in the past few decades, the nature of the enemy has changed dramatically.人类与摧毁他们的疾病之间的战斗看来将永无休止的进行下去。
In countries where modern medical facilities are available, infectious diseases that were once widespread killers can now be prevented or diagnosed early and cured.在一些现代医疗设施齐备的国家,过去一度是大规模的杀手的传染性疾病现在已经可以被预防或者被很早地诊断出来并治愈。
Thanks to vaccines, antibiotics, and improved sanitation, most of the dreaded epidemics of the past are not likely to recur.多亏了疫苗,抗生素,还有公共卫生条件的改善,过去绝大部分令人可怕的传染病已经不大可能会卷土重来了。
Today's major killers are noninfectious diseases-especially the various forms of cardiovascular disease and cancer. As life expectancy increases, people are more likely to succumb to degenerative conditions that the aging body is susceptible to.今天人类主要的杀手是那些没有传染性的疾病---------尤其是指各种各样类型的的心血管疾病和癌症。
卫生部门医院出院病人疾病转归情况 (2009年) Disease Outcome of Patients Discharged from Hospitals of Health Sector (2009)疾病名称(ICD-10) Category of Diseases(ICD-10)出院人数疾病构成治愈率好转率未愈率病死率出院者平均出院者平均(人) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 住院日(日)医疗费用(元)UncuredMortalityAveage AverageRate Rate Duration of Medical NumberofCompositionCureImprovementHospitalizationExpensesPatientsofDiseasesRate Rate for PatientsforPatients DischargedDischargedDischargedfromHospitalsfromHospitalsfromHospitals(person) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (day) (yuan)总计Total36799774100.0055.0440.92 3.11 0.93 9.83 5678.21.传染病和寄生虫病小计Infestious & ParasiticDiseases12080483.2843.9751.31 4.14 0.58 10.49 4095.9#肠道传染病Intestinal InfectiousDiseases89896 0.2463.0935.19 1.52 0.19 5.61 1790.7#霍乱Cholera伤寒和副伤寒Typhoid andParatyphoid Fever4882 0.0146.748.59 4.59 0.12 8.54 3332.5志贺菌病Shigellosis 17926 0.0560.3737.35 2.05 0.22 5.15 1500.6结核病Tuberculosis 248602 0.6817.0975.45 6.78 0.68 14.18 5871.5#肺结核Tuberculosis ofLung145454 0.4011.779.92 7.51 0.88 13.56 5228.6白Diphtheria喉百日咳Whooping Cough 33830.7764.50 4.73 11.09 2340.5猩红热Scarlet Fever 232268.330.40 1.21 0.09 6.20 1727.1性传播模式疾病Infections with aPredominantly Sexual1064655.8138.70 5.34 0.15 9.43 3684.2Mode ofTransmission#梅毒Syphilis 454229.5961.82 8.37 0.22 11.13 4215.6淋球菌感染Gonococcalinfection460 0.0073.0425.22 1.74 8.31 2009.5乙型脑炎Encephalitis B 2312 0.0147.7537.11 11.85 3.29 11.97 6246.5斑疹伤寒Typhus 7020 0.0263.9334.02 1.54 0.51 6.87 2806.9病毒性肝炎Viral Hepatitis 198598 0.5417.2776.97 5.12 0.64 17.97 6806.6人类免疫缺陷病毒病(HIV)HumanImmunodeficiency VirusDisease12384 0.03 6.20 58.69 29.41 5.70 17.38 5338.2血吸虫病Schistosomiasis 3356 0.0128.1368.65 2.92 0.30 13.47 4494.6丝虫病Filariasis 74 0.00 8.11 78.38 13.51 9.19 3289.4钩虫病Ancylostomiasis 1152 0.0026.7470.14 3.13 6.73 3375.42.肿瘤小计Neoplasms27550287.4950.0337.57 9.50 2.90 14.04 10467.5恶性肿瘤计Malignant Neoplasms18025044.9031.8251.11 12.77 4.31 16.21 12090.2#鼻咽恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm ofNasopharynx33350 0.0919.7967.03 10.57 2.61 26.56 13356.5食管恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm ofOesophagus105146 0.2933.251.50 12.00 3.31 17.76 12861.9胃恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Stomach181224 0.4937.3445.99 12.71 3.96 15.52 13965.9小肠恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of SmallIntestine7080 0.0239.9243.84 12.01 4.24 18.41 18298.3结肠恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Colon81432 0.2244.7841.95 9.03 4.24 17.84 17238.6直肠乙状结肠连接处、直MalignantNeoplasm ofRectosigmoid87218 0.2445.2842.59 9.25 2.88 17.72 15772.7肠、肛门和肛管恶性肿瘤Junction, Rectum, Anus and Anal Canal肝和肝内胆管恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Liver and145820 0.4017.7352.63 21.49 8.16 13.99 10763.3Intrahepatic BileDucts喉恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Larynx13950 0.0450.7835.18 11.76 2.28 20.52 13407.6气管、支气管、肺恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Trachea,304196 0.8318.6356.94 17.60 6.83 15.92 10535.8Bronchus andLung骨、关节软骨恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasms of Bone and10990 0.0335.6744.46 16.83 3.04 17.29 12245.7ArticularCartilage乳房恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Breast128016 0.3549.5645.38 3.67 1.39 16.64 10938.5女性生殖器官恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of FemaleGenital Organs108986 0.3037.851.89 8.50 1.81 16.64 10665.5男性生殖器官恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of MaleGenital Organs33022 0.0931.4857.07 8.85 2.60 16.32 11385.6泌尿道恶MalignantNeoplasm of Urinary68706 0.1959.4930.68 7.55 2.28 16.74 13595.0性肿瘤Tract脑恶性肿瘤MalignantNeoplasm of Brain25536 0.0738.5945.38 12.08 3.95 17.13 20058.2白血病Leukaemia 105698 0.2920.4163.80 11.86 3.92 15.08 10431.4原位癌计Carcinoma in Situ 20916 0.0660.4629.05 9.57 0.92 11.85 7109.4#子宫颈原位癌Carcinoma in Situof Cervix Uteri10532 0.0379.716.52 3.51 0.27 9.51 6863.0良性肿瘤计Benign Neoplasms 866392 2.3588.638.64 2.60 0.13 9.66 7254.3#皮肤良性肿瘤Benign Neoplasmsof Skin22154 0.0686.311.34 2.29 0.06 7.95 3944.4乳房良性肿瘤Benign Neoplasmsof Breast86450 0.2395.014.28 0.66 0.055.84 4055.4子宫平滑肌瘤Leiomyoma ofUterus261782 0.7194.693.42 1.87 0.02 9.90 6422.1卵巢良性肿瘤Benign Neoplasmof Ovary75618 0.2195.583.28 1.13 0.02 9.22 6861.3前列腺良性肿瘤Benign Neoplasmof Prostate192 0.0045.8338.54 15.63 12.92 6406.4甲状腺良性肿瘤Benign Neoplasmof Thyroid Gland75608 0.2191.595.94 2.21 0.26 8.27 5328.7交界恶性肿瘤计Malignant Neoplasms of Borderline动态未知的肿瘤计Neoplasms ofUnknown Behaviour64856 0.1837.3750.32 10.76 1.55 12.81 9394.93.血液、造血器官及免疫疾病Diseases of the Bloodand Blood Forming293268 0.8024.2869.50 5.52 0.71 9.30 4912.9小计Organs and Certain Disorders Involvingthe Immune Mechanism#贫血Anaemias 154152 0.4215.2277.84 6.12 0.82 8.28 4564.74.内分泌、营养和代谢疾病小计Endocrine, Nutritionaland Metabolic Diseases1081542.9429.8467.66 1.89 0.60 11.74 6096.3#甲状腺机能亢进Hyperthyroidism 73274 0.2025.3171.79 2.49 0.41 10.42 4195.7糖尿病Diabetes Mellitus 714768 1.9415.9182.29 1.14 0.66 13.17 6448.15.精神和行为障碍小计Mental andBehavioural Disorders221342 0.6032.8263.43 3.48 0.27 13.27 3878.2#使用精神活性物质的精神Mental andBehavioural Disordersdue to3864 0.0167.0831.52 0.93 0.47 7.13 2347.6和行为障碍Psychoactive Substance精神分裂症、分裂型障碍Schizophrenia,Schizotypal andDelusional28560 0.0829.0965.57 5.11 0.23 36.00 5062.5和妄想性障碍Disorders 心境(情感)障碍Mood (Affective)Disorders19748 0.0527.0269.82 2.94 0.22 19.47 5518.76.神经系统疾病小计Diseases of the NervousSystem858834 2.3332.7762.71 3.86 0.66 10.26 5764.2#中枢神经系统炎性疾病InflammatoryDiseases of the Central41540 0.1133.1651.73 12.58 2.53 10.95 7015.8Nervous System帕金森病Parkinson's Disease 23432 0.0611.585.44 2.50 0.56 14.85 7582.0癫痫Epilepsy 98442 0.2724.1568.22 6.99 0.64 6.97 4113.47.眼和Diseases of the Eye and 846866 2.30 85.812.31 1.78 0.02 7.02 4034.3附器疾病小计Adnexa 8 #晶状体疾患Disorders of Lens 427024 1.1695.682.80 1.51 0.01 5.15 4236.1#老年性白内障Senile Cataract 303052 0.8295.932.56 1.50 0.01 4.96 4219.9视网膜脱离和断裂Retinal Detachmentsand Breaks43002 0.1292.864.82 2.31 0.01 9.97 7093.4青光眼Glaucoma 89134 0.2478.7319.95 1.29 0.02 9.87 3762.08.耳和乳突疾病小计Diseases of the Ear andMastoid Process190096 0.5249.7947.46 2.72 0.03 9.77 4156.6#中耳和乳突疾病Diseases of MiddleEar and Mastoid61714 0.1775.7922.33 1.86 0.02 10.50 5245.79.循环系统疾病小计Diseases of theCirculatory System518781214.1024.6270.20 3.25 1.94 11.79 7313.7#急性风湿热Acute RheumaticFever8862 0.0221.9474.57 3.02 0.47 10.30 3292.5#急性风湿性关节炎Acute RheumaticArthritis7008 0.0220.4376.80 2.63 0.14 10.79 3249.3慢性风湿性心脏病Chronic RheumaticHeart Diseases94872 0.2620.0673.62 4.29 2.03 11.14 7945.4高血压Hypertension 707962 1.9217.9780.73 0.87 0.43 11.27 5405.0#高血压性心脏、肾脏病HypertensiveHeart and Renal Disease48590 0.1314.1283.01 1.45 1.42 11.82 6186.0缺血性心脏病Ischaemic HeartDisease14048163.8219.1977.03 1.75 2.03 10.96 8176.3#心绞痛Angina Pectoris 136980 0.3727.171.56 0.78 0.55 10.48 10624.8急性心肌梗死Acute MyocardialInfarction103184 0.2821.3764.12 5.24 9.26 10.01 14280.2其他缺血性心脏病Other IschaemicHeart Disease11646523.1618.0778.81 1.56 1.56 11.10 7347.6肺栓塞Pulmonary Embolism 8744 0.0224.5259.31 5.15 11.02 14.17 12200.6心脏传导疾患和心律失常Heart Block andCardiac Arrhythmias190922 0.5231.6465.73 2.10 0.53 8.18 8812.8心力衰竭Heart Failure 62320 0.1726.1264.58 3.40 5.90 10.63 5795.0脑血管病CerebrovascularDiseases20521445.5822.8169.66 5.07 2.45 13.45 7546.7#颅内出血IntracranialHaemorrhage462242 1.2628.3252.61 12.61 6.46 14.40 10095.1脑梗死Cerebral Infarction1191613.2420.6175.14 2.97 1.29 13.19 6873.9大脑动脉闭塞和狭窄Occlusion andStenosis of CerebralArteries81668 0.2221.0472.20 4.30 2.46 12.70 6856.0静脉炎和血栓性静脉炎、Phlebitis andthrombophlebitis,Venous43966 0.1237.7758.74 3.20 0.29 13.28 9763.1静脉栓塞和血栓形成Embolism and Thrombosis下肢静脉曲张Varicose Veins ofLower Extremities66382 0.1882.9314.22 2.75 0.09 10.42 5833.810.呼吸系统疾病小计Diseases of theRespiratory System51465513.9953.3643.73 2.05 0.86 8.05 3595.4#急性上呼吸道感染Acute UpperRespiratory Infections10448342.8464.734.09 1.19 0.03 4.86 1350.9流行性感冒Influenza 37634 0.1062.8435.80 1.19 0.16 4.92 1954.7肺炎Pneumonia14831844.0355.2842.01 1.95 0.75 7.95 2947.8慢Chronic Disease of 103684 0.28 93.1 5.34 1.44 0.04 6.90 3563.5性扁桃体和腺样体疾病Tonsils and Adenoids 8支气管炎、肺气肿和其他慢Bronchitis,Emphysemaand Other Chronic905946 2.4626.5869.60 2.34 1.47 10.86 5724.4性阻塞性肺病Obstructive Pulmonary Disease哮喘Asthma 125542 0.3432.865.49 1.29 0.42 8.18 3939.8外部物质引起的肺病Lung Diseases due toExternal Agents23856 0.0626.3265.35 4.19 4.13 20.23 10166.511.消化系统疾病小计Diseases of theDigestive System412616211.2161.9934.87 2.60 0.53 8.67 5312.1#口腔、涎腺和颌疾病Diseases of OralCavity, Salivary Glands102466 0.2876.3621.39 2.18 0.06 7.86 3984.1and Jaws#牙齿及牙周病Gingivitis andPeriodontal Diseases17350 0.0580.0218.02 1.90 0.06 8.27 5437.5胃及十二指肠溃疡Gastric Ulcer andDuodenal Ulcer238062 0.6541.3256.46 1.78 0.45 9.25 5799.1阑尾疾病Diseases of Appendix 553690 1.5086.3612.72 0.87 0.06 7.01 4012.5疝计Hernia 360308 0.9892.585.07 2.28 0.07 7.84 4502.5#腹股沟疝Inguinal Hernia 336070 0.9193.214.57 2.15 0.06 7.61 4264.7肠梗阻Ileus 195802 0.5363.4431.26 4.53 0.77 7.60 5069.8肝疾病Diseases of Liver 315456 0.8617.8172.20 7.45 2.53 14.28 8082.6胆石病和胆囊炎Cholelithiasis andCholecystitis675054 1.8373.1724.54 2.09 0.20 9.87 7594.1急Acute Pancreatitis 129050 0.35 55.240.67 3.25 0.85 10.88 10040.4性胰腺炎4 12.皮肤和皮下组织疾病小计Diseases of the Skinand SubcutanceousTissue264254 0.7260.9336.55 2.25 0.27 11.06 4320.2#皮炎及湿疹Dermatitis andEczema45634 0.1254.8343.43 1.51 0.23 10.19 3508.1牛皮癣Psoriasis 11130 0.0328.4869.69 1.62 0.22 17.83 5885.5荨麻疹Urticaria 23692 0.0666.1832.45 1.28 0.08 6.15 1823.913.肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾Diseases of theMusculoskeketalSystem and885826 2.4138.1159.26 2.44 0.19 12.35 7561.9病小计Connective Tissue #类风湿性关节炎和其他炎性Rheumatoid Arthritisand Inflammatory103960 0.2823.8574.24 1.70 0.21 12.93 6812.7多关节病Polyarthropathies关节病Arthrosis 37304 0.1045.752.73 1.52 0.04 13.49 12386.5系统性结缔组织病Systemic ConnectiveTissue Disorders100368 0.2717.5478.49 3.08 0.89 12.78 6804.9#系统性红斑狼疮Systemic LupusErythematosus59510 0.1614.7781.38 2.95 0.89 12.11 6397.7脊椎关节强硬Spondylosis 89532 0.2426.4672.05 1.47 0.03 11.37 7411.3椎间盘疾患Intervertebral DiscDisorders256590 0.7037.4960.35 2.10 0.06 12.47 6584.5骨病和软骨病Osteopathies andChondropathies87826 0.2451.8743.95 4.06 0.12 14.66 11301.9Disorders of Bone 44372 0.12 48.947.89 3.12 0.06 14.18 9193.7#骨密度和结构的疾患Density and Structure 3骨髓炎Osteomyelitis 11986 0.0351.0944.80 3.85 0.25 18.56 7939.814.泌尿生殖系统疾病小计Diseases of theGenitourinary System21174845.7562.3934.02 3.22 0.37 10.32 5599.2#肾小球疾病Glomerular Diseases 188124 0.5116.8979.08 3.59 0.45 13.78 5901.0肾小管-间质疾病RenalTubulo-interstitialDiseases115044 0.3159.2137.09 3.50 0.19 11.76 6761.0肾衰竭Renal Failure 182954 0.5012.8177.85 6.53 2.81 17.94 8482.3尿石病Urolithiasis 392414 1.0764.3832.30 3.29 0.03 8.58 5253.6膀胱炎Cystitis 22726 0.0663.3135.61 0.98 0.11 10.72 5352.4尿道狭窄Urethral Stricture 12908 0.0469.2327.02 3.70 0.05 12.99 7181.2男性生殖器官疾病Diseases of MaleGenital Organs325454 0.8871.8425.77 2.28 0.11 10.75 5885.3#前列腺增生Hyperplasia ofProstate172458 0.4763.3133.89 2.61 0.18 13.43 8383.3乳房疾患Disorders of Breast 96508 0.2684.6912.30 2.97 0.04 7.06 4356.9女性盆腔器官炎性疾病InflammatoryDiseases of FemalePelvic Organs176256 0.4876.2622.02 1.63 0.09 7.45 3465.9子宫内膜异位Endometriosis 100114 0.2791.46.55 2.03 0.02 9.54 6926.8女性生殖器脱垂Female GenitalProlapse34732 0.0991.054.83 4.05 0.07 10.93 6868.115.妊娠、分娩和产褥期小计Pregnancy,Childbirthand the Puerperium402209810.9395.643.77 0.57 0.02 5.31 2738.5#异位妊娠Ectopic Pregnancy 224056 0.6187.5610.55 1.84 0.05 7.76 4729.9医疗性流产Medical Abortion 176250 0.4899.260.63 0.11 0.01 3.58 1110.9妊娠、分娩和产褥期的水肿、Oedema, Proteinuriaand Hypertensive77236 0.2177.3820.36 2.14 0.11 7.20 4524.6蛋白尿和高血压疾患Disorders in Pregnancy, Childbirth andthe Puerperium梗阻性分娩Obstructed Labour 244768 0.6799.420.49 0.08 0.01 7.08 4172.7分娩时会阴、阴道裂伤Perineal and VaginaLaceration DuringDelivery54910 0.1599.050.83 0.11 0.00 3.47 1827.6产后出血PostpartumHaemorrhage25918 0.0790.677.82 0.93 0.58 5.89 4485.7顺产Spontaneous Delivery12582063.4299.520.43 0.04 0.01 3.54 1476.916.起源于围生期的某些情况Certain ConditionsOriginating in thePerinatal716674 1.9550.6844.12 4.35 0.86 6.45 3151.7小计Period#产伤Birth Trauma 4434 0.0139.2955.35 4.60 0.77 7.77 4425.4出生窒息Birth Asphyxia 140360 0.3844.5249.33 4.82 1.34 7.31 3424.5新生儿吸入综合征Neonatal AspirationSyndromes47856 0.1358.4737.68 3.19 0.66 6.43 3435.0特发于围生期的感染Infections Specific tothe Perinatal Period36620 0.1052.342.34 4.45 0.91 6.25 2903.0胎儿和新生儿的溶血性Haemolytic Disease ofFetus and Newborn7642 0.0259.3636.74 3.77 0.13 6.00 3149.4新生儿硬化病Sclerema Neonatorum 2526 0.0158.8335.23 4.67 1.27 6.29 2799.317.先天性畸形、变形和CongenitalMalformations,Deformations276470 0.7575.418.17 5.79 0.65 10.66 9447.3染色体异常小计and Chromosomal Abnormalities#脊柱裂Spina Bifida 1242 0.0064.5722.87 12.56 14.74 10684.3神经系统其他先天性畸形Other CongenitalMalformations ofNervous System6508 0.0233.956.58 9.19 0.34 12.01 8757.7循环系统先天性畸形CongenitalMalformations of theCirculatory System80842 0.2262.3526.75 9.13 1.77 12.18 17947.6消化系统其他先天性畸形Other CongenitalMalformations of the15664 0.0467.2922.63 9.46 0.63 10.91 7670.0Digestive System泌尿系统其他先天性畸形Other CongenitalMalformations of the22548 0.0687.678.69 3.60 0.04 10.54 6185.3Urinary System肌肉骨骼系统其他先天性Other CongenitalMalformations of the18156 0.0577.7617.25 4.70 0.29 9.30 6800.8畸形Musculoskeletal System18.症状、体征和临床与Symptoms,Signs andAbnormal Clinical and472212 1.2844.0343.85 9.53 2.60 6.99 3882.3实验异Laboratory Fingdings小计19.损伤、中毒小计Injury and Poisoning411870411.1952.6743.27 3.10 0.96 11.98 6709.1#骨折Fracture 605486 1.6555.1840.38 3.42 1.02 12.95 8134.1#颅骨和面骨骨折Fracture of Skulland Facial Bones134750 0.3751.4344.30 3.96 0.31 11.30 6294.5股骨骨折Fracture of Femur 215192 0.5856.6737.13 5.83 0.37 18.78 15140.0多部位骨折FracturesInvolving Multiple BodyRegions11840 0.0348.645.22 4.49 1.69 22.88 14801.4颅内损伤Intracranial Injury 611274 1.6647.0145.09 3.85 4.05 12.80 8189.0烧伤和腐蚀伤Burns and Corrosions 117366 0.3252.8343.64 2.94 0.59 11.84 5400.1药物、药剂和生物制品中毒Poisoning by Drugs,Medicaments and60350 0.1643.3252.02 3.26 1.40 3.23 2391.6BiologicalSubstances非药用物质的毒性效应Toxic Effects ofSubstances Chiefly159762 0.4340.1352.85 4.96 2.06 5.13 3435.7Nonmedicinal as toSource手术和医疗的并发症计Complications ofSurgical and MedicalCare68028 0.1869.3728.22 2.13 0.28 12.75 6010.2#操作并发症Complications ofProcedures37404 0.1068.4829.02 2.20 0.30 15.91 6106.2假体装置、植入物和移植物Complications ofProsthetic Devices,16928 0.0584.3813.66 1.91 0.05 10.02 7294.8并发症Implants and Grafts20.影响健康状态和与保健Factors InfluencingHealth Status andContact20105065.4678.5920.56 0.69 0.16 9.81 6817.5机构接触因素小计with Health Services。
关于疾病的英文单词语Title: Diseases: A Brief Overview of Common Medical Conditions.Diseases are a wide range of conditions that affect the body, causing various symptoms and affecting overall health. They can be caused by various factors, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, genetic factors, and lifestyle choices. In this article, we will explore some common diseases and their symptoms, causes, and treatment options.1. Heart Disease.Heart disease is a broad term that refers to several conditions affecting the heart. It is the leading cause of death globally, accounting for more than 17 million deaths each year. Heart disease can be caused by factors such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.Symptoms of heart disease may include chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and irregular heartbeat. Diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and tests such as electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, and stress test.Treatment options for heart disease may includelifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, healthy eating, and regular exercise. Medications may also be prescribed to control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart rate. In severe cases, surgical procedures such as angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery may be necessary.2. Diabetes.Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or when the body's cells cannot use insulin effectively. Diabetes can lead to various complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.Symptoms of diabetes may include frequent urination, excessive thirst, hunger, and unexplained weight loss. Diagnosis is usually made through a blood test to measure blood sugar levels.Treatment for diabetes typically involves lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, regular exercise, andweight loss. Medications may also be prescribed to help control blood sugar levels. Insulin injections may be necessary for some people with type 1 diabetes.3. Cancer.Cancer is a group of diseases that involve abnormalcell growth and division. It can affect almost any part of the body and is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body, forming secondary tumors.Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and location ofthe tumor. Common symptoms may include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, pain, and changes in bowel or bladder habits.Diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and tests such as biopsies, imaging tests, and blood tests.Treatment for cancer depends on the type and stage ofthe disease. It may involve surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy to kill cancer cells, chemotherapy tostop cancer cell growth, and immunotherapy to boost the immune system's ability to fight the disease.4. Depression.Depression is a common mental illness that affects how people feel, think, and behave. It can lead to feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns. Depression can be caused by various factors, including genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors.Symptoms of depression may include persistent sad or anxious mood, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, feelings of guilt orworthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. Diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and psychological tests.Treatment for depression typically involves a combination of psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medication. Psychotherapy can help people identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. Medications such as antidepressants may also be prescribed to help improve mood and symptoms.In conclusion, diseases are a wide range of conditions that can affect the body in various ways. It is important to recognize the symptoms of these diseases and seek prompt medical attention. With proper diagnosis and treatment, many diseases can be managed effectively, improving overall health and quality of life.。
心肺病的英语单词Cardiopulmonary diseases encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the heart and lungs.These conditions can range from congenital heart defects to chronic respiratory disorders, each presenting unique challenges for those affected.Understanding the terminology is crucial for patients and caregivers, as it aids in communication with healthcare professionals and in navigating treatment options.Some common cardiopulmonary terms include "arrhythmia," "asthma," "congestive heart failure," and "emphysema," each describing specific conditions within the cardiopulmonary spectrum.Education about these diseases is vital for early detection and intervention, potentially leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life for those living with cardiopulmonary disorders.As medical advancements continue, the lexicon of cardiopulmonary diseases expands, offering more precise language to describe the nuances of these conditions.Incorporating these terms into public health initiatives can help raise awareness and foster a better understanding ofthe importance of cardiopulmonary health.In conclusion, the English vocabulary related to heart and lung diseases is extensive and ever-evolving, reflecting the complexity of these conditions and the ongoing efforts to combat them.。
heart deases
artery disease is angina, or chest pain. Other symptoms of heart disease include: Shortness of breath A faster heartbeat Weakness Nausea Irregular heart beats, skipped beats Sweating
+ The cause of coronary heart
disease is related to multiple risk factors. The following are the most common:
+ The most common symptom of coronary
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
Control your cholesterol. Carefully watch your blood pressure (adhere strictly to your doctor's advice). Control your diabetes. DO NOT SMOKE! Only use alcohol in moderation. Exercise regularly. Watch what you eat. Do not eat a diet rich in saturated fats or cholesterol. Control your weight.
+ Coronary heart disease is caused
三种常见的疾病,英语作文英文回答:Three of the most common diseases in the world are:Cardiovascular disease (CVD): This is a group of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. CVD is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 17 million deaths each year.Cancer: This is a disease in which cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 8million deaths each year.Chronic respiratory disease (CRD): This is a group of conditions that affect the lungs and airways. CRD is the third leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 4 million deaths each year.These three diseases are a major public health concern, and they pose a significant threat to human health andwell-being. They can cause a wide range of symptoms, including chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and pain. They can also lead to disability, premature death,and a reduced quality of life.There are a number of risk factors that can increasethe likelihood of developing these diseases, including:Age: The risk of developing these diseases increases with age.Gender: Men are at a higher risk of developing CVD and cancer than women.Family history: People with a family history of these diseases are at a higher risk of developing them themselves.Lifestyle factors: Smoking, drinking alcohol, andeating an unhealthy diet can all increase the risk of developing these diseases.Environmental factors: Exposure to air pollution, secondhand smoke, and certain chemicals can also increase the risk of developing these diseases.These diseases can be prevented or treated, and there are a number of things people can do to reduce their risk of developing them, including:Maintaining a healthy weight.Eating a healthy diet.Getting regular exercise.Quitting smoking.Limiting alcohol intake.Getting vaccinated against certain diseases.Managing blood pressure and cholesterol.Seeing a doctor regularly for checkups.By taking these steps, people can help to reduce their risk of developing these diseases and improve their overall health and well-being.中文回答:三种最常见的疾病。
疾病分类 inicc
2.Diseases of the circulatory system循环系统疾病plications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium妊娠、分娩和产褥期并发症4.Injury and poisoning 外伤和中毒5.infectious and parasitic diseases传染病和寄生虫疾病6.Neoplasms肿瘤7.Diseases of the genitourinary system泌尿生殖系统疾病8.Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾病9.Diseases of the digestive system消化系统疾病10.Diseases of respiratory system呼吸系统疾病11.Congenital anomalies先天性异常12. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period起源于特定条件的围产期13.Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases , and immunity disorders内分泌、营养和代谢疾病、免疫失调14.Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue皮肤和皮下组织疾病15.Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs神经系统和感觉器官疾病16.Mental disorders精神疾病17.Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs血液和造血器官疾病18. Neoplasms; diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs肿瘤;血液和造血器官疾病19.Endocrine; nutritional and metabolic diseases; and immunity disorders内分泌,营养和代谢疾病;免疫紊乱20.Deseases_LvL11.Ill-Defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality不清楚的和不明原因的发病率和死亡率2. Nonspecific abnormal findings非特异性异常发现3.Symptoms病症2.Diseases of the circulatory system循环系统疾病1.acute rheumatic fever急性风湿热2. cerebrovascular disease脑血管疾病3.chronic rheumatic heart disease慢性风湿性心脏病4. diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries动脉、小动脉和毛细血管疾病5.diseases of pulmonary circulation肺循环疾病6. diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system血管和淋巴管疾病,和其他循环系统疾病7.hypertensive disease高血压病8. ischemic heart disease局部缺血性心脏病9.other forms of heart disease其他形式的心脏病plications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium妊娠、分娩和产褥期并发症plications mainly related to pregnancy主要与怀孕有关的并发症plications occurring mainly in the course of labor and delivery主要发生于分娩过程中的并发症plications of the puerperium产褥期并发症4.Ectopic and molar pregnancy and pregnancy with abortive outcome异常和葡萄胎怀孕、流产5.Normal delivery,and other indications for care in pregnancy,labor,and delivery顺产、妊娠期和分娩期其他适应症6.Other maternal and fetal complications其他的孕产妇和胎儿并发症4.Injury and poisoning 外伤和中毒1.Burns烧伤2.Certain traumatic complications and unspecified injuries某些创伤并发症和未指明的伤害plications of surgical and medical care,not elsewhere classified并发症的外科手术和医疗保健,而不是其他地方分类4.Contusion with intact skin surface挫伤了完好的皮肤表面5.Crushing injury破碎损伤6.Dislocation错位7.Effects of foreign body entering through orifice通过孔口进入的异物的影响8.Fracture of lower limb下肢骨折9.Fracture of skull颅骨骨折10.Fracture of spine and trunk脊柱和躯干骨折11.Fracture of upper limb上肢骨折12.Injury to blood vessels血管损伤13.Injury to nerves and spinal cord神经和脊髓损伤14.Internal injury of chest,abdomen,and pelvis胸部、腹腔和盆骨的内部损伤15.Intracranial injury,excluding those with skull fracture不包括那些有颅骨骨折的颅内损伤te effects of injury,poisonings,toxis effects,and other external causes外伤,中毒,中毒效果和其他外部原因的后遗症17.Open wound of head ,neck,and trunk头部,颈部和躯干开放性创伤18.Open wound of lower limb下肢开放性创伤19.Open wound of upper limb上肢开放性创伤20.Other and unspecified effects of external causes其他的和不确定的外部原因的影响21.Poisoning by drugs,medcinals and biological substances毒品药品和生物物质中毒22.Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles关节和相邻肌肉的扭伤和拉伤23.Superficial injury表面损伤24.Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source主要非药用物质来源的毒性作用5.infectious and parasitic diseases传染病和寄生虫疾病1.Arthropod-Borne viral diseases节肢动物传播的病毒性疾病2.Helminthiases蠕虫病3.Human immunodeficiency virus人类免疫缺陷病毒4.Intestinal infectious diseases肠道传染病te effects of infectious and parasitic diseases传染病和寄生虫病后遗症6.Mycoses真菌7.Other bacterial diseases其他细菌性疾病8.Other diseases due to viruses and chlamydiae其它病毒衣原体疾病9.Other spirochetal diseases其他钩端螺旋体性疾病10.Poliomyelitis and other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system脊髓灰质炎和其他非节肢动物传病毒性的中枢神经系统疾病11.Syphilis and other venereal diseases梅毒和其他性病12.Tuberculosis肺结核13.Viral diseases accompanied by exanthema发疹病毒性疾病14.Zoonotic bacterial diseases人畜共患细菌性疾病6.Neoplasms肿瘤1.Benign neoplasms良性肿瘤2.Carcinoma in situ原位癌3.Malignant neoplasm of bone,connective tissue,skin,and breast骨、结缔组织、皮肤和乳房的恶性肿瘤4.Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs and peritoneum消化器官和腹膜的恶性肿瘤5.Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organs泌尿生殖器官恶性肿瘤6.Malignant neoplasm of lip,oral cavity,and pharynx嘴唇、口腔和咽恶性肿瘤7.Malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue淋巴和造血组织恶性肿瘤8.Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites其他和未指明位点恶性肿瘤9.Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs呼吸系统和胸腔内器官恶性肿瘤的10.Neoplasms of uncertain behavior 不确定性肿瘤11.Neoplasms of unspecified nature不明性质肿瘤7.Diseases of the genitourinary system泌尿生殖系统疾病1.Diseases of male genital organs男性生殖器官的疾病2.Disorders of breast乳房疾病3.Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs女性盆腔器官炎症性疾病4.Nephritis,nephritic syndrome,and nephrosis肾炎、肾病综合征、肾病5.Other diseases of urinary system其他泌尿系统疾病6.Other disorders of female genital tract其他女性生殖道疾病8.Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾病1.Arthropathies and related disorders关节病及相关性疾病2.Dorsopathies背部病3.Osteopathies,chondropathies,and acquired musculoskeletal deformities,获得性肌肉骨骼畸形4.Rheumatism,excluding the back 不包括背部的风湿病9.Diseases of the digestive system消化系统疾病1.Appendicitis阑尾炎2.Diseases of esophagus,stomach,and duodenum食道、胃和十二指肠疾病3.Diseases of oral cavity,salivary glands,and jaws hernia of abdominal cavity口腔,唾液腺,腹腔下巴疝疾病4.Noninfective enteritis and colitis非感染性肠炎和结肠炎5.Other diseases of digestive system消化系统的其他疾病6.Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum肠和腹膜的其他疾病10.Diseases of respiratory system呼吸系统疾病1.Acute respiratory infections急性呼吸道感染2.Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions慢性阻塞性肺疾病和联合的条件3.Other diseases of respiratory system呼吸系统的其他疾病4.Other diseases of upper respiratory tract其他上呼吸道疾病5.Pneumoconioses and other lung diseases due to external agents尘肺和由于外部原因引起的其他肺部疾病6.Pneumonia and influenza肺炎与流感11.Congenital anomalies先天性异常1.Anencephalus and similar anomalies无脑畸胎及类似异常2.Bulbus cordis anomalies and anomalies of cardiac septal closure球茎心脏异常和心脏间隔关闭异常3.Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities某些先天性肌肉骨骼畸形4.Chromosomal anomalies染色体异常5.Cleft palate and cleft lip颚裂及唇裂6.Congenital anomalies of ear face and neck形脸、脖子和耳朵的先天性畸7.Congenital anomalies of eye眼先天异常8.Congenital anomalies of genital organs生殖器官先天性异常9.Congenital anomalies of respiratory system呼吸系统先天性异常10.Congenital anomalies of the integument皮肤先天性畸形11.Congenital anomalies of urinary system泌尿系统先天畸形12.Other and unspecified congenital anomalies其他的和不确定的先天性异常13.Other congenital anomalies of circulatory system其他循环系统先天异常14.Other congenital anomalies of digestive system其他消化系统先天异常15.Other congenital anomalies of hear其他先天性心脏异常16.Other congenital anomalies of limbs其他先天性肢体的异常17.Other congenital anomalies of nervous system其他先天性神经系统的异常18.Other congenital anomalies of upper alimentary tract其他先天性上消化道的异常20.Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies其他先天性肌肉骨骼异常21.spina bifida脊柱裂12. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period起源于特定条件的围产期1.Maternal causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality孕产妇围产期发病率和死亡率的原因2.Other conditions originating in the perinatal period起源于围产期的其他情况13.Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases , and immunity disorders内分泌、营养和代谢疾病、免疫失调1.Diseases of other endocrine glands其他内分泌腺疾病2.Disorders of thyroid gland甲状腺疾病3.Nutritional deficiencies 营养不良4.Other metabolic disorders and immunity disorders其他代谢紊乱和免疫紊乱14.Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue皮肤和皮下组织疾病1.Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue皮肤和皮下组织感染2.Other diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue其他皮肤和皮下组织疾病3.Other inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissue其他皮肤和皮下组织炎症15.Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs神经系统和感觉器官疾病1.Diseases of the ear and mastoid process耳和乳突疾病2.Disorders of the eye and adnexa眼及附属器官疾病3.Disorders of the peripheral nervous system周围神经系统疾病4.Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system中枢神经系统的遗传和退化性疾病5.Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system中枢神经系统的炎症性疾病6.Other disorders of the central nervous system其他中枢神经系统疾病7.Other headache syndromes其他头痛症状8.pain疼痛16.Mental disorders精神疾病1.Intellectual disabilities智障2.Neurotic disorders,personality disorders,and other nonpsychotic mental disorders神经质障碍,人格障碍和其他没有精神病的心里障碍anic psychotic conditions器官的神经类疾病4.Other psychoses其他精神病17.Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs血液和造血器官疾病1.Acquired hemolytic anemias获得溶血性贫血2.Aplastic anemia and other bone marrow failure syndromes再生障碍性贫血和其他骨髓衰竭综合征3.Coagulation defects凝血功能障碍4.Diseases of white blood cells白血病5.Hereditary hemolytic anemias遗传性溶血性贫血6.Iron deficiency anemias缺铁性贫血7.Other and unspecified anemias其他不确定性贫血8.Other deficiency anemias其他物质缺乏造成的贫血9.Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs其他血液和造血器官疾病10.Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions出血性紫癜和其他出血性疾病18. Neoplasms; diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs肿瘤;血液和造血器官疾病19.Endocrine; nutritional and metabolic diseases; and immunity disorders内分泌,营养和代谢疾病;免疫紊乱20.Deseases_LvL1。
疾病的原因翻译英语作文The Causes of Diseases。
Diseases are a common occurrence in our lives,affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Understanding the causes of diseases is crucial in order to prevent and treat them effectively. In this essay, we will explore some of the main reasons behind the development of diseases.One of the primary causes of diseases is poor lifestyle choices. Unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep can all contribute to the development of various diseases. Smoking, for example, is a major risk factor for lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory conditions. Excessive drinking can lead to liver damage, high blood pressure, and other serious health problems. A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and saturated fats can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Lack of exercise and sleep can weaken the immune system and makethe body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.Genetics also play a significant role in the development of diseases. Some people are genetically predisposed to certain conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Inherited genetic mutations can increase the risk of developing these diseases at a younger age orin a more severe form. Genetic testing and counseling can help individuals understand their risk factors and take steps to prevent or manage these conditions.Environmental factors can also contribute to the development of diseases. Pollution, exposure to toxins, radiation, and other harmful substances in the environment can increase the risk of cancer, respiratory diseases, and other health problems. Climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity can also have a negative impact on human health by increasing the spread of infectiousdiseases and reducing access to clean air and water.Infections are another common cause of diseases. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi can invade the bodyand cause a wide range of infections, from common colds and flu to more serious conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. Poor hygiene, lack of sanitation, and close contact with infected individuals can increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases. Vaccinations, proper handwashing, and safe food handling practices can help prevent the spread of infections and protect public health.In conclusion, diseases can have a variety of causes, including poor lifestyle choices, genetics, environmental factors, and infections. By understanding these causes and taking steps to prevent and treat them, we can improve our overall health and well-being. It is important to make healthy choices, get regular check-ups, and seek medical advice when needed in order to stay healthy and reduce the risk of developing diseases.。
Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。
各种疾病的总结英文作文Diseases are a common occurrence in our daily lives. They come in different forms and affect people in various ways. Some diseases are curable, while others are not. In this essay, we will summarize some of the most common diseases and their effects on the human body.Firstly, cardiovascular diseases are some of the most prevalent diseases in the world. These diseases affect the heart and blood vessels, leading to conditions such asheart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Cardiovascular diseases are caused by factors such as smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise. Symptoms of these diseases include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue.Secondly, cancer is another common disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. These cells can form tumors and spread to other parts of the body,causing serious health problems. There are different types of cancer, including breast cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Symptoms of cancer include weight loss, fatigue, and pain.Thirdly, diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body's ability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body. When the body cannot produce or use insulin properly, it leads to high blood sugar levels, which can cause damage to the organs and nerves. Diabetes can be managed throughlifestyle changes and medication. Symptoms of diabetes include increased thirst, frequent urination, and blurred vision.Fourthly, respiratory diseases are also common, affecting millions of people worldwide. These diseases affect the lungs and respiratory system, leading to conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia. Respiratory diseases are caused by factors such as smoking, air pollution, and infections. Symptoms of these diseases include coughing,wheezing, and shortness of breath.Lastly, mental health disorders are also prevalent in our society. These disorders affect the brain and can lead to conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Mental health disorders can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Symptoms of these disorders include mood swings, feelings of sadness, and difficulty concentrating.In conclusion, diseases are a common occurrence in our daily lives, and they affect people in different ways. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, respiratory diseases, and mental health disorders are some of the most common diseases that affect millions of people worldwide. It is essential to take care of our health by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and seeking medical attention when necessary.。
or complete obstruction • Depending on the degree & character of
the obstruction
– angina pectoris – MI – sudden cardiac death – chronic ischemic heart disease with CHF
Diseases of the Heart
Major Determinants of Disease
• Most heart disease is the result of atherosclerotic obstruction of the coronary arteries
• Congestive heart failure is mechanical failure of the heart to eject blood delivered to it
• Premature ventricular contractions
– occur in healthy people – chest palpitations & anxiety
• Ventricular tachycardia
– spontaneous, regular beating at > 120 beats/min
• Each year heart disease accounts for about 1/3 of deaths in the US, most of which are associated with coronary artery atherosclerosis. If cerebrovascular disease, vascular complications of diabetes, & other vascular diseases are included, the figure is over 40%. After age 40 the lifetime risk for developing symptomatic coronary artery disease is 50% in men & 40% in women.
医学英语教程生物医学Unit 4课文翻译
Unit 4 Common Diseases and Ailments现代医疗与疾病There is no end in sight in the battle between human beings and the diseases that can destroy them. However, in the past few decades, the nature of the enemy has changed dramatically.人类与摧毁他们的疾病之间的战斗看来将永无休止的进行下去。
In countries where modern medical facilities are available, infectious diseases that were once widespread killers can now be prevented or diagnosed early and cured.在一些现代医疗设施齐备的国家,过去一度是大规模的杀手的传染性疾病现在已经可以被预防或者被很早地诊断出来并治愈。
Thanks to vaccines, antibiotics, and improved sanitation, most of the dreaded epidemics of the past are not likely to recur.多亏了疫苗,抗生素,还有公共卫生条件的改善,过去绝大部分令人可怕的传染病已经不大可能会卷土重来了。
Today's major killers are noninfectious diseases-especially the various forms of cardiovascular disease and cancer. As life expectancy increases, people are more likely to succumb to degenerative conditions that the aging body is susceptible to.今天人类主要的杀手是那些没有传染性的疾病---------尤其是指各种各样类型的的心血管疾病和癌症。
disease名词【释义】diseasen.疾病,病害;弊病,恶习v.传染,使……有病复数diseases第三人称单数diseases现在分词diseasing过去式diseased过去分词diseased【短语】1Heart Disease内科心脏病;心脏疾病;中医心病;心脏病变2Lyme Disease莱姆病;莱姆症;莱姆关节炎;拉姆病3infectious disease内科传染病;传染病科;感染科4Parkinson's disease帕金森病;帕金森氏症;帕金森氏病5Minamata disease水俣病;水病;水俣湾灾难;水俣症6mad cow disease疯牛病;牛海绵状脑病;狂牛症;狂牛病7Huntington's disease亨丁顿舞蹈症;亨廷顿病;亨廷顿舞蹈病;亨廷顿舞蹈症8Crohn's disease克隆氏症;克隆氏病;克隆病【例句】1The disease has no known cure.这种病目前还是不治之症。
2Disease often goes with poverty.疾病与贫穷常常相伴而生。
3The disease spreads easily.这种疾病容易传播。
4The disease originated in Africa.这种疾病起源于非洲。
5Heart disease runs in the family.这家人都有心脏病。
6How fast would the disease develop?这种疾病发展有多快?7The disease had deformed his spine.疾病导致他脊柱变形。
8The disease has affected her sight.这种病影响了她的视力。
Diseases are illnesses that affect the body or mind. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and environmental toxins. Diseases can range in severity from mild to life-threatening.Some of the most common diseases include:Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cancer can occur in any part of the body, and there are many different types of cancer.Heart disease is a disease that affects the heart and blood vessels. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.Stroke is a disease that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. Strokes can cause permanent brain damage and disability.Diabetes is a disease that affects the body's ability to use sugar. Diabetes can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.HIV/AIDS is a disease that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the body's immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.There are a variety of ways to prevent and treat diseases. Some of the most important things you can do to prevent diseases include:Washing your hands frequently。
心脏英文The Heart - A Comprehensive OverviewThe human heart is an organ that is essential for the survival of an individual. It is responsible for pumping blood to every part of the body, and it is a vital part of the circulatory system. Despite its essential role in the human body, many people do not understand the anatomy and function of the heart. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the heart, including its anatomy, function, and diseases.Anatomy of the HeartThe heart is a muscular organ located in the chest cavity, slightly to the left of the midline. It is about the size of a fist and weighs between 7 and 15 ounces. The heart is enclosed in a sac called the pericardium, which is made up of two layers of tissue. The outer layer is called the fibrous pericardium, while the inner layer is the serous pericardium.The heart has four chambers, which are separated by walls called septa. The right atrium and right ventricle are separated by the tricuspid valve, while the left atrium and left ventricle are separated by the mitral valve. The right atrium receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cava, while the left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary veins.Function of the HeartThe main function of the heart is to pump blood to the rest of the body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes waste products. The heart consists of specialized muscles that contract and relax to pump blood. It receives signals from the nervous system, hormonal system, and other factors to regulate its function. The heart also works closely with the lungs to ensure that blood is oxygenated before it is pumped to the rest of the body.Diseases of the HeartHeart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. There are many different types of heart disease, including cardiovascular disease, congenital heart defects, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Cardiovascular disease is caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Congenital heart defects are present at birth and can affect the structure of the heart or its valves. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood effectively, and arrhythmias refer to abnormal heart rhythms.Prevention and TreatmentPrevention and early detection are crucial to maintaining heart health. Simple lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can also help detect early signs of heart disease.Treatment for heart disease depends on the type and severity of the condition. Medications, such as blood thinners, beta-blockers, and statins, can help manage the symptoms of heart disease. Surgical procedures, such ascoronary artery bypass grafting, angioplasty, and valve replacement, may be necessary in more severe cases.ConclusionThe heart is an essential organ that plays a vital role in the circulatory system. Understanding its anatomy, function, and diseases is crucial for maintaining heart health. Simple lifestyle changes and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can help prevent heart disease, while medications and surgical procedures are available to treat more severe cases. By taking care of our hearts, we can ensure a longer, healthier life.。
心脏病的主要症状与体征(英文版) 诊断学
The detailed history taking is quite important !
• Chief Compliant The patient is a 50 year old white male with hypertension who presents with loss of consciousness for 1 minute, 1 hour before admission.
1. Dyspnea
• Medical term for shortness of breath, Subjective symptom
Three common causes • Cardiac, poor pumping quality • Pulmonary, narrowing or stiffening of the
• Technically, edema is classified as a sign.
The cause of edema
• heart disease, esp the right side of the heart is weakened, occur in the abdomen or legs.
• Recognized by simple observation and combined with medical history taking, can lead to an accurate and early diagnosis.
The classic symptoms of heart disease
我选择心血管内科的理由英语作文(中英文版)Title: My Choice of CardiologyCardiology has always been a field that has fascinated me.It is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels.I find it particularly intriguing because it combines both the complexity of the cardiovascular system and the challenge of improving the quality of life for patients with heart conditions.The heart is an essential organ that pumps blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products.It is a complex organ with a delicate and intricate structure.Understanding how the heart works and the diseases that can affect it requires a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.I am drawn to the challenge of unraveling the complexities of the heart and finding ways to treat the diseases that affect it.One of the reasons I have chosen cardiology is the impact it can have on patients" lives.Heart diseases can be debilitating and life-threatening, and the treatments available can significantly improve the quality of life for patients.I am motivated by the challenge of diagnosing and treating these diseases, and the satisfaction of seeing patients recover and return to a normal life.Another reason I am interested in cardiology is the rapid advancements in technology and treatment options.The field of cardiology is constantly evolving, with new diagnostic tools and treatment methods being developed all the time.I am excited about the opportunity to be at the forefront of these advancements and to bring the latest developments in cardiology to my patients.Finally, I am drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of cardiology.It requires a combination of medical knowledge, technical skills, and interpersonal abilities.Cardiologists must work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as surgeons, nurses, and technicians, to provide the best possible care for their patients.I am looking forward to collaborating with others in the healthcare field and developing my skills as a team player.In conclusion, my choice of cardiology as a specialty is driven by my fascination with the cardiovascular system, the opportunity to make a significant impact on patients" lives, the rapid advancements in the field, and the interdisciplinary nature of the specialty.I am excited about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to becoming a skilled and compassionate cardiologist.。
Decisions of the Heart
Decisions of the HeartAssume for a moment that your 90-year-old mother has recently suffered a stroke. She is right-handed, and now she is unable to move her right arm and leg — they are worthless to her. She can make sounds, but she can't make herself understood.The condition has lasted two months and since there has been no sign of improvement, the doctor tells you she will never get significantly better. Until this time your mother has always been an active, independent person who lived on her own. Now she is completely dependent on others.Next, x-rays show your mother has a lung infection — a frequent problem with stroke patients. The doctor then calls you, her only surviving relative."We can treat the infection with drugs and she'll probably get better in a week," he says. "When I say better, I mean she'll go on as she has — until some other germ comes along. Or I can deny her the medicine, in which case she'll probably die in three or four days. We can make those days comfortableby giving her painkillers and sleeping pills. Which course do you want me to follow?"Tough question, isn't it? On the one hand, you cannot bear to see your once vigorous mother living the painful, limited life to which the stroke has condemned her. On the other hand, you hate to be the one to decide to let nature take its course.I'll tell you which choice I would make in this theoretical situation. I'd say, "Don't give her anything to fight the infection. Keep her comfortable and let's see what happens; maybe she'll fight off the infection on her own and if she doesn't, she'll die a peaceful death. I don't want to be responsible for condemning my mother to a living hell."I can make this decision because I've gone down this road with patients many times. Recently I operated in vain on an eighty -year-old woman with cancer of the liver ... There was nothing I could do to relieve the problems the cancer had caused. She was an intelligent woman, without any close relatives, and a couple of days after the operation I sat down with her and explained the situation."I can give you some anti-cancer drugs," I said, "but they will make you sick and cannot cure you. Similarly, I can give you fluids through a needle in your arm, which will keep you fed as your appetite slips away; the fluids might add a week or two to your life. Or I can withdraw all other treatment and just give youa vitamin pill, and we can see what happens. Personally, my recommendation would be the last choice. I'll keep you comfortable, and we'll see what happens."The patient elected to follow my advice and died peacefully, pain free, a fortnight later.Sometimes such a transparent decision is more difficult to come by. Recently I had a patient who suffered a severe stroke. He was completely unable to move and couldn't swallow anything. We gave him fluids for the first two weeks and then fed him through a tube which passed th rough his nose into his stomach.After three weeks he was still completely unconscious, and the tube caused him to have a constant, painful sore throat ... I talked to his four grown children and told them I thought we should insert a tube directly into his stomach through a small hole so he could be fed without so much pain. I also told them, "I can remove the tube and just let him swallow whatever he can. Chances are he won't live long, but he won't be in pain." No one wanted to take the responsibility for permitting an operation, yet no one would give permission to stop feeding the patient entirely.As a result, the poor man continued on for nearly three more months with a painful throat and frequent bleeding caused by sores in the mouth. He died of a major infection - a sad way to die.So what should responsible persons do when confronted with the necessity of such an enormous decision?What it all comes down to is common sense. For the 30 years I have been a doctor, and for hundreds of years before that, doctors and families have been quietly cooperating to decide what is best for a patient in the final phase of an illness.In 95 percent of the cases a sympathetic, reasonable decision can be made after appropriate discussion. In 5 percent of cases where such a judgment cannot immediately be reached, the proper decision will become apparent after a few days or weeks of basic treatment, observing the patient's progress.Let me sound one note of warning. Neither families nor doctors like to make life-death decisions. But there is no question that if either party insists onbringing in a so-called "neutral"; third party (usually some representative of the state or legal profession), not only will the process take longer, in many instances it will be more arbitrary and less sympathetic.What we are trying to avoid is neutrality; the only people with any qualification to decide are those who know the patient intimately and can put his or her interests first. If there's one place from which the interference of lawyers and government officials should be barred, it's from the rooms of critically ill patients.Words: 902PREVIOUSHOME NEXT。
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dysfunction or death & can complicate any heart condition
Heart Block
• Atrial signal is delayed & cannot cross into the ventricle
• Common cause is anatomic abnormalities • Can also be caused by digitalis • 1st degree
• stress • lack of sleep • caffeine • some drugs
• Atrial flutter
– rapid, regular atrial rhythm – ~ 300 beats/min
• Atrial fibrillation
– rapid, irregular atrial rhythm – AV node filters out alot – decreased CO
– delay of signal but no missed ventricular beats
• 2nd degree
– delay long enough to cause missed ventricular beats
• 3rd degree
– total block of atrial signal – decreased CO
to it • Endpoint for
– coronary atherosclerosis – HTN – valve disease – cardiomyopathy – congenital cardiac malformation
• Cardiac valves are one-way gates for blood flow & are susceptible to obstruction & regurgitation
• Cardiac valves are susceptible to infection • Abnormal embryonic development of the heart produces significant
• Each year heart disease accounts for about 1/3 of deaths in the US, most of which are associated with coronary artery atherosclerosis. If cerebrovascular disease, vascular complications of diabetes, & other vascular diseases are included, the figure is over 40%. After age 40 the lifetime risk for developing symptomatic coronary artery disease is 50% in men & 40% in women.
• Premature ventricular contractions
– occur in healthy people – chest palpitations & anxiety
• Ventricular tachycardia
– spontaneous, regular beating at > 120 beats/min
• Normal rhythm is ~ 70 beats/min
– bradycardia is < 60 beats/min – tachycardia is > 100 beats/min
• Premature atrial contractions
– extra atrial beats – common in healthy people – not harmful – due to
• Mechanically inefficient
– CO decreases
• Potentially fatal • Caused by
– myocardial ischemia – MI – electrolyte imbalance – stress – caffeine – drugs, especially stimects in the electrical network
– decreased CO
• Ventricular fibrillation
– extremely rapid & irregular – negligible CO
Congestive Heart Failure
• CHF • Heart unable to eject volume of blood delivered
• Metabolic or autoimmune disease may cause heart muscle or valve damage
• High blood pressure accelerates atherosclerosis & most other cardiac disease
Diseases of the Heart
Major Determinants of Disease
• Most heart disease is the result of atherosclerotic obstruction of the coronary arteries
• Congestive heart failure is mechanical failure of the heart to eject blood delivered to it