
A little B less C the less D the least
3. Staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs ___
renting a house in the suburb(近郊) for a month.
A twice as much as
1. This brand of computer is ___ more expensive
than I expected.
A plenty B a lot
C plenty of D a lot of
2. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, ___
chance of getting cancer you have.
1.both, either 和neither
both: 二者都(复数)
Both of the boys are clever.
Neither of the boys is clever.
either: 二者中任何一个(单数) Either of the boys is clever.
先看问题,后读文章:看一题,读文章找答案; 再看第二题,再接着读文章。(一般情况下,文 章的顺序和问题的顺序一致)
抓住文章的第一段和每一段的第一句。一般文章 的第一段是提纲挈领的关键段,每一段的第一句 大多是这一段的关键句。
抓住每一句话的关键词,关键词主要是动词,尤 其是谓语动词。
特别注意文中的人名、年龄、时间、日期、年代、 地点数字等等。
1. bigger and bigger

《实用英语语音》复习资料1I. Multiple choice1.According to the rules of ____, the phrase “light pencil” should be produced as[ 'laip'pensl ].A. liaisonB. loss of plosionC. assimilationD. elision2.Which of the following part of speech is included in information words ?A. nounB. verbC. possessiveD.adverb3.Which one in the following is not the feature of weak forms of words?A. reduction of the length of soundsB. obscuration of vowels towards the schwaC. elision of vowels and consonantsD. emphasis of certain information4.____ refers to the total pattern of pitch changes, i.e. the rising and falling of thevoice when a person is speaking, within an utterance.A. stressB. rhythmC. intonationD. tone5.Which statement in the following is NOT true?A. Different pitches may indicate different meanings for the same utterance.B. Different pitches help us express our feelings.C. In listening to the meaning of an utterance, we listen to how speakers talk aswell as to what they say.D. We cannot get the relationship of words within and between sentences throughEnglish intonation.II. Fill in the blanks.1.The short vowel sound in unstressed syllables is very often the sound ________,which is the most common of all sounds in English.2.In spoken English, the phenomenon of joining words together iscalled .3.Intonation can be used to remove ambiguity of English sentences. This is the_________function of intonation.4.[tʃ] and [dʒ] are two English affricate and they differ primarily in terms of_______5.The placement of nucleus depends on the information content: the morepredictab le a word’s occurrence is in a given context, the its information content is.6.An intonation unit usually corresponds to a group.7.The frequent occurrence of the syllable is one of the fundamentalcharacteristics of spoken English, and the one that most distinguishes English from Chinese.8.The syllable which carries a maximal prominence in the tone unit iscalled .9.Rhythm in English speech is based on .10.According to the manner of articulation, the sound [p] and [t] are____________consonants while [m] and [n] are _____________consonants.11.Intonation can be used to convey feelings and attitudes. The___________intonation is said to be more often associated with feelings of hesitation, contrast, reservation or doubt.12.According to the place of articulation, the sound [ θ ] and [ð] are.13.Head in an intonation unit extends from the syllable up to thenucleus.14.There are 4 front vowels in English. They are [i], [ ], [ ] and[ æ ].15.The sound [ ]is described as voiceless, glottal, fricative.16.A is a distinctive sound which is capableof distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language.17.There are are pure vowels and are diphthongs.III. True or False1.The phrase “next year” in quick colloquial speech is pronounced as [ 'nekstʃiə ].This phenomenon is known as contextual elision.2.English speakers usually stress all words only when they are impatient or angry.Different pitches may indicate different meanings for the same utterance.3.English native speakers can easily understand you when you pronounce clearlyone syllable after another.4.Variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weakerstress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English.5.When English speakers speak, they make almost all parts of words with equalstrength and length.6.As the smallest phonetic unit of language, speech sound is distinctive.7.The first part of a diphthong is much shorter and weaker than the second part.8. A nucleus can be on any word or phrase in an intonation unit.9.In speech, people often use the falling tone to indicate new information and therising tone to indicate “shared” or “given” information.10.The weak form of your is [ jə] as in the colloquial sentence “Take your time.”11.To make natural linking, it is important to say groups of words in one breath andkeep our voice going from one word to the next.11.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, the stressed syllables follow eachother at roughly equal intervals of time.12.Not all languages in the world have their own rhythmic patterns.13.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, when there are function wordsbetween the strong stresses, we cannot reduce the vowels (using the weak vowel or schwa) to make them short.14.The location of the tonic syllable is of considerable linguistic importance. Forcontrastive purposes, any word may bear the tonic syllable.15.Both English and Chinese depend on the correct pronunciation of stressed andunstressed syllables recurring in the same phrase or sentence in the expression of ideas.16.All of the prefix can’t be stressed, such as submit and telegram.17.When a function word occurs at the end of a sentence, it also keeps weak.18.According to the work of vocal cords, [dӡ] is a voiced sound.19.V owels are all voiced.20.In an English utterance, stressed words give information to the listener andunstressed words join information words together.IV. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.The intonation used in question-tags can have a rising tone or a falling tone,which is showed clearly in the following sentences.A. They’re coming to morrow, aren’t they?B. They’re coming to morrow, aren’t they?(1)Do the above two utterances have the same meaning?(2)If not, explain the semantic differences between these two utterances.2.What are the three degrees of stress in English? Define them and illustrate themwith examples.答案I. Multiple choice1-5CCDCDII. Fill in the blanks.1. [ə]2. liaison3. grammatical4. voicing5.lower6. sense或者word7. unstressed8. nucleus9. stress 10. plosive, nasal11. falling-rising 12. inter-dental 13. first stressed 14. [i:], [e] 15.[h]16. phoneme 17. 12, 8或者twelve, eightIII. True or False1-5 TTFTF 6-10 FFTTT 11-15 TFFTF 16-20 FFTTTIV. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.The intonation used in question-tags can have a rising tone or a falling tone,which is showed clearly in the following sentences.A. They’re coming to morrow, aren’t they?B. They’re coming to morrow, aren’t they?(3)Do the above two utterances have the same meaning?(4)If not, explain the semantic differences between these two utterances.答案:(1)These two utterances have two different meanings.(2)Utterance A has a falling tone, the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct, and simply asking for conformation.(3)Utterance B has a rising tone, the speaker indicates a lesser degree of certainty and the speaker is asking for information.2.What are the three degrees of stress in English? Define them and illustratethem with examples.(1)Three degrees of stress can be found in English: primary, secondary and zero.(3%)(2)Primary stress refers to the strong emphasis a speaker puts on the most importantsyllable of a particular word. Secondary stress refers to a less strong emphasis on the next most important syllable. Zero stress refers to any syllable that receives no stress, such syllables are called unstressed syllables.(3)In words like timetable /'taim’teibl/ and operation /ɔpə'reiʃən/, all three degrees ofstress can be found.《实用英语语音》复习资料2I. Multiple choice1.Which of the following words is wrongly stressed?A. nation'nalityB. ma'jorityC. 'industrialD. 'nominate2.How many syllables are there in the word “accompany”?A. 3B.4C.2D.53. A unit is formed by a stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllableswhich may come before that stress and/or after it.A. rhythmB. toneC. intonationD. stressed4.The vowels which the tongue moves towards [ ə ] are called _______.A.centring diphthongsB. cardinal vowelsC.triphthongsD. closing diphthongs5.According the linking principle of English, we should insert in “theideaof”.︶A. [ j ]B. [ w ]C. [ r ]D. [ t ]6.When English speakers are speaking, they usually do the following except_______.A. make some parts of words stronger and clearer than other parts.B. arrange words into groups and join them togetherC. never join parts of the words togetherD. make some words stronger and clearer than other words7.In spoken English, we blend or join the final consonant of one word with theoffice”. This phenomenon is initial vowel of the following word, as in “post︶called ______.A. assimilationB. elisionC. linkingD. combination8.In which of the following words, the “ed” is produced as [d]?A. laughedB. changedC. wretchedD. naked9.____ refers to the total pattern of pitch changes, i.e. the rising and falling of thevoice when a person is speaking, within an utterance.A. stressB. rhythmC. intonationD. tone10.Which word is the nucleus of the sentence “I am WRIting a LETter to him NOW.”when it is normally used?A. writeB. letterC. ID. now11.Nucleus placing is important as English speakers use nucleus to do the followingexcept _______.A. To focus listener’s attentionB. To make meaning clearC.To contrast informationD. To make the utterance sound smooth12.Any unstressed syllable or syllables that may precede the “head”, or the “nucleus”if there is no head, are called the “”.A. tailB. pre-headC. headD. nucleus13.If the speaker whats to highlight direction, which word of the sentence “Theyflew to London.” should have the nucleus?A. theyB. flewC. toD. London14.Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?A. hardwareB. declareC. apparentlyD. compare15.Can youask him to come back to the office at eight? According to the linking ︶principle, between “you” and “ask” a _______ sound should be inserted.A. [ j ]B. [w]C. [r]D. [t]II. Fill in the blanks.1.The frequent occurrence of the syllable is one of the fundamentalcharacteristics of spoken English, and the one that most distinguishes English from Chinese.2.The syllable which carries a maximal prominence in the tone unit iscalled .3.When we link the final vowels [ə:] and [ə] to a following vowel, we should addof”, and this sound is called .the [ r ] sound as in “the idea︶4.An intonation unit usually corresponds to a _______group.5.According to the manner of articulation, the sound [p] and [t] are_________consonants while [ m ] and [ n ] are consonants..6.The phonetic transcription of the underlined words in the sentence “This plan iswell-designed but not perfect. You can carry out a survey before you perfect it.”are [ ] and [ ] respectively.7.Rhythm in English speech is based on .8.The intonation is said to be more often associated with incompleteness anduncertainty and questioning.9.According to the place of articulation, the sound [ θ ] and [ ð ] are. III. True or False1.When English speakers speak, they make some parts of words stronger andclearer than other parts.2.Speakers can use different pitches to express different feelings: happiness,sadness, anger and so on.3.The location of the tonic syllable is of considerable linguistic importance. Themost common position is on the first information word of the intonation unit.4.To make natural linking, it is important to say groups of words in one breath andkeep our voice going from one word to the next.5.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, the stressed syllables follow eachother at roughly equal intervals of time.6.Not all languages in the world have their own rhythmic patterns.7.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, when there are function wordsbetween the strong stresses, English speakers may reduce the vowels (using the weak vowel or schwa) to make them short.8.For contrastive purposes, any word may bear the tonic syllable.9.Speech sound is the smallest phonetic unit of language, it is distinctive.10.Intonation makes speech meaningful.11.Intonation can be used to convey feelings and attitudes. The falling intonation issaid to be more often associated with completeness and definiteness.12.Both English and Chinese depend on the correct pronunciation of stressed andunstressed syllables recurring in the same phrase or sentence in the expression of ideas.13.The first part of a diphthong is much longer and stronger than the second part.14.All of the prefix can’t be stressed, such as submit and telegram.15.Different pitches may indicate different meanings for the same utterance.16.Variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weakerstress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English.17.English speakers usually stress all words only when they are impatient or angry.18.English native speakers can easily understand you when you pronounce clearlyone syllable after another.19.In speech, people often use the rising tone to indicate new information and thefalling tone to indicate “shared” or “given” information.20.The rhythm of a language is characterized by the timing pattern of successivesyllables.IV. Answer the following questions.2.For the same sentence “Those who sold quickly made a profit.”, English speakersmay have two different understandings because of the different placement of the tone-unit boundary, as in:A./ 'Those who 'sold quickly/ 'made a profit.B./ 'Those who sold / 'quickly ' made a profit.Please paraphrase these two different meanings of the sentence with clear words.2.What are information words and function words? What word classes do theyusually contain in English? Are they usually stressed in an utterance?答案I. Multiple choice1-5 CBADC 6-10 CCBCD 11-15 DBCCCII. Fill in the blanks.1. unstressed2. nucleus3. intrusive-r4. sense或者word5. plosive, nasal6. ['pɜ:fɪkt], [pə'fekt]7. stress8. rising9. inter-dentalIII. True or False1-5 FTFTT 6-10 FTTFT 11-15 TFTFT 16-20 TTFFTIV. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.3.For the same sentence “Those who sold quickly made a profit.”, Englishspeakers may have two different understandings because of the different placement of the tone-unit boundary, as in:C./ 'Those who 'sold quickly/ 'made a profit.D./ 'Those who sold / 'quickly ' made a profit.Please paraphrase these two different meanings of the sentence with clear words.(5%)① A profit was made by those who sold quickly.② A profit was quickly made by those who sold.2.What are information words and function words? What word classes do theyusually contain in English? Are they usually stressed in an utterance?(1)Information words are usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Functionwords usually contain articles, pronouns, possessives, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and conjunctions.(2)Information words give information about who, what, when, where, why and how.They express the main idea or content of the phrase or sentence. They carry the message and therefore are usually stressed.(3)Function words are usually unstressed and they connect the information words toform grammatical sentences.《实用英语语音》复习资料3I. Multiple choiceually stress falls on words which are ________ important in a sentence.A. phoneticallyB. grammaticallyC. semantically2.____ refers to the total pattern of pitch changes, i.e. the rising and falling of thevoice when a person is speaking, within an utterance.A. stressB. rhythmC. intonationD. tone3.The words which should be in weak forms include form words and personalpronoun, relative pronoun, possessive pronoun and____.A. articleB. indefinite pronounC. notional wordD. numeral4.Nucleus placing is important as English speakers use nucleus to do the followingEXCEPT _______.A. To focus listener’s attentionB. To make meaning clearC.To contrast informationD. To make the utterance sound smooth5.Any unstressed syllable or syllables that may precede the “head”, or the “nucleus”if there is no head, are called the “”.A. tailB. pre-headC. headD. nucleus6.If the speaker whats to highlight direction, which word of the sentence “Theyflew to London.” should have the nucleus?A. theyB. flewC. toD. London7.In speech, may be defined as the degree of intensity or loudness placedon a sound, that is, the amount of force one puts on a syllable or word to give it importance.A. toneB. rhythmC. stressD. intonation8. A unit is formed by a stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllableswhich may come before that stress and/or after it.A. rhythmB. toneC. intonationD. stressed9.When English speakers are speaking, they usually do the following except_______.A. make some parts of words stronger and clearer than other parts.B. arrange words into groups and join them togetherC. never join parts of the words togetherD. make some words stronger and clearer than other words10.In spoken English, we blend or join the final consonant of one word with theinitial vowel of the following word, as in “postoffce”. This phe nomenon is︶called ______.A. assimilationB. elisionC. linkingD. combination11.______ words are usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which giveinformation about who, what, when, where, why and how.A.FunctionalB. UnstressedC. ItalicizedD. Information12.In which of the following words, the “ed” is produced as [d]?A. laughedB. changedC. wretchedD. naked13.The smallest distinctive phonetic unit of a language is____.A. allophoneB. phonemeC. phoneticsD. speech sound14.There are nine ______ consonants, forming the largest set of consonants in English.A. stopB. fricativeC. nasalD. approximant15.The number of phoneme in the word “combination” is ____.A. 10B. 9C. 7D.816.In words like timetable [ 'taɪmteib(ə)l ], we can find _____ degrees of stress.A. 2B. 4C. 3D. 517.Effective communication in speech depends a great extent on__.A. toneB. rhythmC. stressD. intonation18.Which of the following part of speech is included in information words ?A. nounB. verbC. possessiveD.adverb19.Which one in the following is not the feature of weak forms of words?A. reduction of the length of soundsB. obscuration of vowels towards the schwaC. elision of vowels and consonantsD. emphasis of certain information20.Which statement in the following is NOT true?A.Different pitches may indicate different meanings for the same utterance.B.Different pitches help us express our feelings.C.In listening to the meaning of an utterance, we listen to how speakers talk aswell as to what they say.D.We cannot get the relationship of words within and between sentences throughEnglish intonation.II. Fill in the blanks.1.Many function words in English have two pronunciations:_____ forms andforms.2.The consonants are made by completely stopping the airflow at somepoint in the mouth and then, for most productions, releasing it into the sound that follows.3.An intonation unit usually corresponds to a group.4.The phonetic transcription of the underlined words in the sentence “The presentpresident of the committee will present the final report to Parliament soon.” are [ ] and [ ] respectively.5.The syllable which carries a maximal prominence in the tone unit iscalled .6.Intonation can be used to convey feelings and attitudes.Theintonation is said to be more often associated with feelings of hesitation, contrast, reservation or doubt.7.According to the place of articulation, the sound[ θ ]and [ ð ] are.8.Head in an intonation unit extends from the syllable up tothe .9.Stressed syllables in English have and clear vowel sounds.10.In spoken English, the phenomenon of joining words together iscalled .III. True or False1.Long vowels are longer when it is in the final position.2.To make natural linking, it is important to say groups of words in one breath andkeep our voice going from one word to the next.3.When a function word occurs at the end of a sentence, it also keeps weak.4.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, the stressed syllables follow eachother at roughly equal intervals of time.5.Not all languages in the world have their own rhythmic patterns.6.In speech, people often use the rising tone to indicate new information and thefalling tone to indicate “shared” or “given” information.7.For contrastive purposes, any word may bear the tonic syllable.8.Intonation makes speech meaningful.9.Intonation can be used to convey feelings and attitudes. The falling intonation issaid to be more often associated with completeness and definiteness.10.Both English and Chinese depend on the correct pronunciation of stressed andunstressed syllables recurring in the same phrase or sentence in the expression of ideas.IV. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.4.The sentence “They’re going to have a picnic.” can be said with two different tones,as showed in the following:A.They’re going to 'have a pi cnic.B.They’re gong to 'have a picnic?(1)Do the above two utterances have the same meaning?(2)If not, explain the semantic differences between these two utterances.2.List the four functions of English intonation.答案I. Multiple choice1-5 CCBDB 6-10 CCACC 11-15 DBBBA16-20 CDCDDII. Fill in the blanks.1. strong, weak (顺序可以调换)2. stop3. sense 或者word4. [ˈprɛzənt], [ prɪˈzɛnt]5. nucleus6. falling-rising7. inter-dental8. first-stressed, nucleus9. full 10. linking或者liaisonIII. True or False1-5 TTFTF 6-10 FTTTFIV. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet. The sentence “They’re going to have a picnic.” can be said with two different tones, as showed in the following:C.They’re going to 'have a pi cnic.D.They’re gong to 'have a pi cnic?(3)Do the above two utterances have the same meaning?(4)If not, explain the semantic differences between these two utterances.答案:(4)These two utterances have two different meanings.(5)Utterance A has a falling tone and is usually said as a statement and the speaker is quite certain at the information.(6)Utterance B has a rising tone and serves as a question here. it shows that the speaker has a lesser degree of certainty and the speaker is asking for information.3.List the four functions of English intonation.(1)The attitude function. Intonation is used to convey feelings and attitudes.(2)The accentual function. The location of the tonic syllable is of considerablelinguistic importance. The most common position is on the last information word of the intonation unit. For contrastive purpose, any word may bear the tonic syllable.(3)The grammatical function. Some sentences may be ambiguous when written, butthis can be removed by the use of intonation.(4)The discourse function of intonation. In speech, people often use intonation tofocus the listener’s attention on aspects of the message that are most important.The falling tone is often used to indicate new information and rising tone to indicate “shared” or “given” information.。

四川大学网络教育学院成人高等学校入学考试(专科升本科)《英语》辅导资料I. Phonetics 语音Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.1. A. make B. lake C. sad D. state2. A. please B. house C. course D. purse3. A. catch B. child C. march D. machine4. A. meter B. forget C. met D. net5. A. trouble B. soul C. double D. enough6. A. like B. life C. fit D. side7. A. mother B. brother C. come D. gross8. A. guard B. knowledge C. egg D. big9. A. food B. soon C. flood D. roof10. A. insure B. leisure C. measure D. pleasure11. A. hope B. motor C. lot D. go12. A. smell B. let C. tent D. me13. A. humble B. hotel C. honesty D. horizon14. A. care B. share C. dare D. are15. A. thank B. language C. friend D. anxious16. A. student B. us C. cup D. under17. A. supply B. simply C. try D. style18. A. bread B. dream C. lead D. team19. A. channel B. personnel C. label D. travel20. A. suggestion B. vacation C. motion D. locationII. Vocabulary and Structure 词汇与结构Directions:In his section there are 4 group excises. In each group there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Group 11. He took _______ as to what he should do next.A. his friend’s adviceB. his friend’s adviseC. an advice of his friendD. his friend’s advices2. “What did Alexander Bell do?”“He invented _______.”A. a telephoneB. the telephoneC. telephonesD. telephone3. Most of the satellites do not change _______ positions.A. theirB. itsC. themD. the4. We will _______ be in a hurry if we want to catch the 12:00 train.A. mustB. needC. necessaryD. have to5. _______ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weatherA. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where6. Peter as well as his friends _______ to music.A. like to listenB. likes to listenC. likes to hearD. like listening7. The secretary worked late into the night, _______ a long speech for the president.A. prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing8. You should put what you have learned _______.A. in practiceB. in factC. into realityD. into practice9. Ann didn’t like our new roommate, and _______.A. I don’t tooB. neither did IC. neither I didD. so did I10. When a student has answered one question correctly, he or she will be given a _______.A. difficult oneB. difficult questionC. more difficult oneD. most difficult one11. The people of this city built a monument to show their thanks _______ the heroes.A. toB. aboutC. ofD. on12. I don’t think I couldn’t_______ another night without sleep.A. supportB. standC. put upD. carry13. He is a great writer _______ we shall remember forever.A. /B. whichC. for thatD. to which14. Who’s is responsible _______ the arrangements?A. for makeB. to makeC. to makingD. for making15. My grandma can’t remember _______ her medicine when she actually did.A. to takeB. tookC. having takenD. taken16. The businessman demanded that all his money _______ without any delay.A. to payB. paidC. be paidD. be paying17. Although it’s raining, _______ are still working in the fields.A. theyB. but theyC. and theyD. so they18. We’ve _______ sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.A. run away withB. run downC. run offD. run out of19. As a _______ of fact, talking to a friend is nice, but being alone is also enjoyable.A. thingB. businessC. matterD. affair20. _______ is believing.A. SeeB. SeenC. To seeD. SeeingGroup 21. Every means _______ been tried since then.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is2. I was told that _______ 10:15 flight would get us to Shanghai in time to reach _______ Fudan University.A. the; /B. /; theC. a; theD. the; the3. I’m sorry that I’ve got _______ money on me. Could you lend me _______?A. a lot of; someB. little; someC. some; noneD. many; any4. It’s too expensive for me, I can’t _______ it.A. spendB. payC. affordD. cost5. “Give me a call when you get home.”“Yes, I _______.”A. mustB. willC. canD. may6. _______ the days went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As7. The girl is _______ young _______.A. so; to workB. too; to workC. too; to workingD. so; working8. When I passed by his door, I heard him _______.A. singB. sangC. singingD. was singing9. The little girl _______ me _______ her aunt.A. reminds; /B. recall; ofC. made; ofD. reminds; of10. I prefer writing a term paper _______ taking an examination.A. thanB. toC. forD. that11. Seldom _______ him in the past two years.A. I have seenB. have I seenC. I sawD. did I see12. Your box is _______ mine.A. four times as big asB. four times as bigger asC. as four times bigD. as big as four times13. If she had worked harder, she _______.A. would succeedB. had succeededC. should succeedD. would have succeeded14. The train arrived at _______ 12:00, neither earlier nor later.A. properlyB. exactlyC. almostD. neatly15. After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the town _______ he grew up as a child.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. when16. “Mum, I think I’m _______ to get back to school.”“Not really dear, you’d better stay at home for another day or two.”A. so wellB. so goodC. enough wellD. strong enough17. A list of the new League members was _______ and the students looked at it and discussed.A. put awayB. put upC. turned upD. taken up18. How many _______ do you need?A. hou r’s sleepB. hours of sleepC. hours of sleepingD. sleeping hours19. She likes hearing her own voice. She never stops _______.A. talkingB. tellingC. to talkingD. to tell20. People in the south live _______ rice.A. onB. inC. withD. byGroup 31. It is said that _______ new mobile telephone was invented not very long ago.A. aB. theC. oneD. /2. How long does it _______ us to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by plane?A. wantB. takeC. useD. spend3. It is well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.A. inventedB. discoveredC. foundD. developed4. Two days later I received a letter _______ me the job. At that time I was too _______ to say aword.A. offering; excitedB. offering; excitingC. offer; excitedD. offered; excited5. He and I _______ the same taste and interest.A. shareB. spareC. fixD. act6. I suggested that the students each _______ a plan for the summer vacation.A. would makeB. will makeC. makeD. made7. John plays football _______, if not better than, David.A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as8. _______ you tell me what has happened in the company?A. MayB. MustC. CanD. Did9. Neither her parents nor Jill _______ seen this movie before; all of them want to see it tomorrow.A. hasB. haveC. havingD. had10. My brother had a cold last week, so _______ I.A. hadB. didC. amD. have11. Don is always _______ of money. He spends more than he can earn.A. lackB. shortC. plentyD. free12. I gave him a present and he gave me a picture _______ return.A. asB. forC. inD. on13. Without air, there would be no atmosphere to protect us _______ the sun’s deadly rays.A. fromB. underC. toD. in14. The library needs _______, but it’ll have to wait until Sunday.A. cleaningB. be cleaningC. cleanD. being cleaned15. Do you have any difficulty _______ English literature?A. on readingB. for readingC. readingD. to read16. What a beautiful house! Especially there are many _______.A. furnitureB. furnituresC. pieces of furnitureD. pieces of furnitures17. She amused _______ by listening to light music all the afternoon.A. herselfB. herC. sheselfD. oneself18. He did not do it in the way _______ I would have done it myself.A. in thatB. whichC. asD. /19. “When shall we meet again?”“Make it _______ day you like, It’s all the same to me.”A. oneB. someC. anyD. another20. The policeman looked me _______ several times and obviously disliked what he saw.A. up and downB. over and over againC. to and froD. round and roundGroup 41. Talking to foreigners is fun if you _______ the right time and place.A. locateB. considerC. chooseD. decide2. You _______ hand it in at once, and you may hand it in tomorrow.A. needn’tB. may noC. can’tD. must not3. The United Nations _______ formed in 1945.A. isB. wasC. areD. were4. “We spent all our money because we stayed at _______ most expensive hotel in the city.”“Why didn’t you stay at _______ cheaper one?”A. the; aB. a; aC. the; theD. a; the5. When you have to interrupt somebody, don’t forget _______ “Excuse me”.A. sayB. to sayC. saidD. saying6. I don’t like this hat. Please show me _______.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. both7. Many members_______were present agreed to the plan.A. whoB. theyC. whichD. whom8. Agricultural products are so important _______ we cannot live without them.A. asB. whatC. whichD. that9. He looks at us sadly with his eyes ________ as her grandmother’s.A. a size as largeB. lf large sizeC. so largeD. as large10. They got off the train, _______ all their cases.A. carryB. carriedC. carryingD. to carry11. Now many people spend a lot of money _______ the poor children go to school.A. helpB. to helpC. to helpingD. helping12. These TV sets are different _______ quality and price.A. toB. withC. fromD. in13. China _______ the third world.A. is belonged toB. belongsC. belongs toD. belonged14. The businessman demanded that all his money _______ without any delay.A. to payB. paidC. be paidD. be paying15. I’d like to take _______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation.A. profitB. benefitC. advantageD. occasion16. Little _______ about his won safety, though he was in great danger himself at that time.A. does he careB. did he careC. he caresD. he cared17. Computers are used _______ people in all kinds of fields.A. to helpingB. helpingC. to helpD. to be helped18. She cooks a turkey exactly _______ her mother did.A. as ifB. asC. afterD. although20. “Where is the new dictionary?”“It's on the top of the shelf, out of _______?”A. reachB. sightC. touchD. order30. Her father watches TV only for half an hour a day. He is interested in _______ news only.A. lateB. currentC. presentD. permanentⅢ. Cloze 完形填空Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.Passage 1One Saturday morning a careless driver threw a 1 cigarette out of his car ten miles west of the town. The forest at the side of the road was 2 because there had been no rain for many days. Within a few minutes the 3 were on fire.A truck driver saw the fire when he was on his way to the town. As soon as he reached the town, he told the police about the 4 . Soon firemen were hurrying westwards. When they reached the fire, they saw that it was very big. It could not 5 to the north because of a lake or to the south because of a 6 river. But a west wind was carrying the fire towards the town, and the firemen could not 7 it. When they realized this, one of the firemen 8 a message back to the town by radio.The chief fire officer and hundreds of people hurried to a place about 9 west of thetown. There they used dynamite (甘油炸药) to blow down the trees and cleared a wide path orbreak 10 the forest. When the fire reached the break, it 11 to die down because there was nothing left to 12 . The wind blew some 13 across the break, but the firemen soon beat out the 14 fires. After several hours they managed to 15 the fire and save the town.1. A. lighting B. smoking C. finished D. lighted2. A. warm B. wet C. dry D. humid3. A. houses B. forests C. trees D. villages4. A. fire B. accident C. event D. incident5. A. blow B. change C. enlarge D. spread6. A. spacious B. width C. wide D. widely7. A. stop B. get to C. come to D. arrive at8. A. cabled B. gave C. sent D. called9. A. an half mile B. a half and mile C. half mile D. half a mile10. A. around B. through C. over D. above11. A. began B. tried C. attempted D. managed12. A. burn B. smoke C. use D. exhaust13. A. lightning B. sparks C. blaze D. flash14. A. raw B. small C. visible D. invisible15. A. hand out B. give out C. figure out D. put outPassage 2People around the world are interested in sports either for building up a strong body or for enjoying themselves during their spare time.There 1 two main kinds of sports. These two kinds of sports are team sports and individual sports. Team sports are such sports 2 baseball, basketball, and volleyball. Team sports require two separate teams. The teams play 3 each other. They compete against each other 4 get the best score. 5 , in a football game, if team A gets 7 points and team B gets 3 points, team A 6 the game. Team sports are sometimes called 7 sports.Besides team sports, there is 8 main type, or kind, of sporting activity. The second type is individual sports. In 9 sports there are no teams, There isn’t 10 competition.People 11 individual sports in order to get exercise. They don’t play individual sports 12 competition. 13 speaking, they want to get some exercise, not to 14 a game. Individual sports are such sports as swimming, 15 , and running. In one word, people like individual sports more than teams sports as they don’t want to suffer from the competition that team sports often have.1. A. is B. was C. are D. were2. A. for B. as C. in D. at3. A. against B. with C. to D. on4. A. for B. in order to C. as D. with5. A. Such as B. In addition C. By the way D. For example6. A. lose B. win C. loses D. wins7. A. sporting B. basketball C. competitive D. competition8. A. one B. a C. other D. another9. A. individual B. team C. football D. basketball10. A. any B. some C. many D. much11. A. lay B. play C. stay D. delay12. A. for B. at C. to D. on13. A. General B. In general C. When D. Generally14. A. lost B. lose C. won D. win15. A. ski B. skiing C. to ski D. skisPassage 3Coffee and tea are the most popular 1 in the world. Coffee is a favorite drink of Canadians. Many Canadians like to start their day 2 a cup of coffee. At work, they may take a coffee break.Coffee break is a time 3 stop and relax for a few minutes over a cup of coffee or a snack.4 is coffee so popular?5 , it has a rich, strong taste that many people like. It is served hot, with milk, cream or sugar. Many people like coffer in6 because it helps them7 . Coffee has caffeine in it.8 gives people more energy.Every day, millions of people all over the world drink tea. Tea is the 9 drink of China, Japan, England and Russia. In England, it is a custom to drink tea in the afternoon. In Japan, drinking tea is also a social 10 and there are special rules for tea 11 .Tea comes from tea 12 . We make tea by pouring 13 water on dried tea leaves. People usually drink hot tea, but it can be served cold. Some people like to drink tea 14 milk or cream. Other people 15 milk or cream in tea, but they put in honey, sugar or lemon. Tea also has some caffeine in it.1. A. drinks B. drink C. water D. drinking water2. A. from B. at C. in D. with3. A. for B. to C. with D. at4. A. Why B. What C. Which D. When5. A. For one thing B. Such asC. For a thingD. For some reason6. A. morning B. early morning C. mornings D. the morning7. A. move away B. wake up C. come in D. look down8. A. Tea B. Caffeine C. Hot drink D. Cold coffee9. A. personal B. general C. possible D. national10. A. study B. custom C. way D. belief11. A. drink B. drank C. drinking D. being drunk12. A. roots B. stems C. branches D. leaves13. A. cooling B. running C. boiling D. fresh14. A. have B. with C. and D. together15. A. hate B. like C. enjoy D. lovePassage 4Millions of years ago the earliest people lived 1 in caves. Caves were easy to defend 2 enemies, and caves could protect from 3 .Today, 4 different reasons, people are designing and building underground places to live and work. More than 5,000 Americans have built homes underground or 5 the sides of hills. Some companies have built 6 in huge caves. School and other buildings have been built underground too.One reason for such buildings is the lack of (缺乏) open land in some 7 areas.Another reason is the lower cost of 8 underground buildings. For both of these reasons, the University of Minnesota has built a building of seven 9 almost 10 underground. It is a building where engineers are 11 with classrooms, offices and a huge laboratory. The buildings is 12 to use sunlight for lighting, even on the lowest floor more than 40 meters under the surface.Mirrors on a small part of the building above the ground 13 sunlight and shine itdown 14 an open area in the center of the building. Lenses (透镜) of glass are used to keep the beam (光束) of sunlight narrow and bright all the way 15 the bottom floor. The system only works on clear days when sunlight is bright.1. A. underground B. above the ground C. over the ground D. under water2. A. in B. against C. with D. to3. A. cold days B. rains and colds C. rain and cold D. rainy days4. A. because B. in order to C. out D. for5. A. on B. in C. with D. above6. A. enterprise B. factories C. library D. workshop7. A. crowding B. crowd C. crowded D. crowdies8. A. warm and cold B. heated and cooled C. heating and cooling D. hot and cool9. A. ground B. floor C. floors D. grounds10. A. complete B. contradictory C. complicated D. completely11. A. trapped B. tamed C. translated D. trained12. A. downloaded B. designed C. downsized D. decided13. A. calculate B. cheer C. clarify D. capture14. A. by B. through C. pass D. under15. A. within B. for C. over D. toⅣ. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解Directions: In his section there are 4 passages in each group. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Group 1Passage 1The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In the year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called “the Mayflower”. The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbours, the Indian, to join them in dinner. They also wanted to pray God for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women and children who left England. They remembered those who did not live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They thought of the 65 day’s journey which tested their strength.1. The first celebration of a day of Thanksgiving is about _______.A. 100 years oldB. 200 years oldC. 300 years oldD. 400 years old2. Why had they left England?A. Because of religious problem.B. To set up a new religion.C. To learn new farming.D. Because of the Indians.3. The climate and soil in Massachusetts are _______.A. similar to that of EnglandB. different from that of EnglandC. similar to that of PlymouthD. different from that of Plymouth4. They give thanks while remembering _______.A. the new society of IndiansB. their friends who died on the way to the new landC. their former religionD. to invite the Indians5. How long did the trip last?A. 6 weeksB. 2 months or moreC. half a yearD. 102 daysPassage 2The climate of any place is the kind of weather. It usually has over a long period of time.The kind of homes we live in, the clothes we wear, the foods we eat depend on the climate of the place where we live. Climate is complicated; it is affected by many things. If you live near one of the poles, you live in a cold climate, for you do not get as much direct sunshines as you would get farther form the poles. If you live near the equator, you live in a warm or very hot climate, for this is the region where the sun shines almost straight down.How much rain or snow falls makes a great difference to the climate. You may live in a hot, dry land, where little rain falls. This will be a desert. Its climate is quite different from that of a rain forest, which may be the same distance from the equator but rain falls almost every day. The amount of rain that falls or snow, in a cold land depends upon the winds, upon the nearby mountains, and upon the currents in nearby seas. Rainfall depends on many different things.6. “Climate” means ________.A. the weather of a certain placeB. the fine, cloudy, rainy or snowy weatherC. the weather of a certain timeD. the general weather of a place over a long time7. “…even the foods we eat depend on the climate of the place where we live”really means________.A. We eat different foods according to different weatherB. the climate of a place has effected on the foods we haveC. the climate of the place where we live gives us different foodsD. foods are different in different places8. People living near the poles tend _______ those near the equator.A. to have as much sunlight asB. to have less rain thanC. to get less sunlight thanD. to get less snow than9. Rainfalls depend on many things. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?A. The windsB. The nearby mountainsC. The currents in nearby seasD. The kinds of homes we live in10. What may be the best title for the passage?A. Climate and WeatherB. Climate Around the WorldC. ClimateD. Climate in Different CountriesPassage 3In the past, people who graduated from college felt proud of their academic achievements and confident that their degree would help them to find a good job.However, in the past four years the job market has changed dramatically. This year’s college graduates are facing one of the worst job markets. For example, Ryan Stewart, a graduate of San Jose State University, got a degree in religious studies, but he has not gotten any job offers. He points out that many people already working are getting laid off and don’t have jobs, so it’s even harder for new college graduates to find jobs.Four years ago, the future looked bright for his class of 2006. There were many high-tech job opportunities, graduates received many job offers, and they were able to get jobs with high salaries and benefits such as health insurance and paid vacations. However, “Times have changed.It’s a new market,” according to an officer of the university.The officer says students who do find jobs started preparing two years ago. They worked during summer vacations, they have had several short-time jobs, and they majored in fields that are still paying well, such as accounting or nursing.In conclusion, these days a college degree does not automatically lead to a good job with a high salary. Some students can only hope that the value of their degree will increase in the future.11. What did a college degree mean to people in the past?A. It was a proof of their professional skills.B. It would guarantee their quick promotion.C. It built up their confidence in the job market.D. It would help them to start an academic career.12. Ryan Steward has not got any job offer because _______.A. there are too many graduates of his majorB. he wants to find a job with very high salaryC. he has not received a degree in the universityD. the job market has changed greatly since 200213. According to the passage, _______ had the best job prospects in 2002.A. computer scienceB. accountingC. teachingD. nursing14. How did students make preparation for finding jobs?A. They prepared all the timeB. They worked during summer vacationsC. They did short-time jobs.D. Both B and C15. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.A. the value of a college degree has decreased nowB. new college graduates today can’t find jobsC. a college degree can still lead to a good jobD. graduates must prepare early to find jobsPassage 4Jack went to a barber-shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, “What has happened to your hair, Jack?”Jack said, “I tried a new barber-shop today, because I wasn’t quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse.”Bob agreed. “Yes, I think you’re right, Jack. Now I’ll tell you what to do when you go into a barber’s next time: look at all the barber’s hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him.”“Why shall I go to him?” Jack asked. “But that would be foolish!”“Oh, no, it wouldn’t,” answered Bob. “Who cut that man’s hair? Just think it. He couldn’t cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he can’t be the worst barber.”16. When Jack went out of the barber’s shop, he was not happy because _______.A. nobody had cut his hairB. the barber hadn’t cut his hair wellC. the barber had cut his hair carefullyD. he was not satisfied with his old barber17. “I tried a new barber-shop today.” means _______.A. this barber-shop was a new oneB. this was the only barber-shop in this townC. Jack often went to this barber-shopD. Jack had not been to this barber-shop before18. After Jack had his hair cut, he thought _______.A. the new barber-shop was the best oneB. the old barber-shop wasn’t so good as the new oneC. the new barber-shop was the worst oneD. the old barber-shop was the worst one19. Bob told Jack to find out which barber’s hair looked the worst and then go straight to him.Why?A. Because he was certainly the best barber.B. Because he was free all the timeC. Because he was the worst barber.D. Because he wasn’t the worst barber20. From the story we know that ________.A. it’s foolish to have one’s hair cut at a barber-shopB. barbers cut each other’s hairC. barbers never have their hair cutD. a barber always cuts his hair by himselfGroup 2Passage 1I worked my way up the presidency of the Ford Motor Company. When I finally got there, I was on the top of the world. But then fate said to me: “Wait, we’re not finished with you. Now you’re going to find out what it feels like to get kicked off from the top.”On July 13, 1978, I was fired. I had been president of Ford for eight years and a Ford employee for thirty two. I had never worked anywhere else. And now suddenly, I was out of a job.As you go through life, there are thousands of little forks in the road, and there are a few really big forks those moments of thinking, moments of truth. This was mine as I wondered what to do. Should I pack it all in and retire? I was fifty-four years old. I had already accomplished a great deal. I was financially secure. But that just didn’t feel right. I knew I had to carry on.A few months later, I became the president of Chrysler, a company which was almost bankrupt at that time. Fortunately, Chrysler recovered. Today I’m a hero. With strong will, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise up from the ashes.1. When the author became the president of Chrysler, the company _______.A. was having a hard timeB. was very newC. was bigger than FordD. was in a good condition2. From the passage, we may conclude that the author was a (an) _______ person.A. weak-mindedB. pessimisticC. ordinaryD. strong –willed3. By saying “I was able to rise up from the ashes”, the author means that _______.A. he was able to stand still although the ground was softB. he was stronger after being burned to ashesC. he was not afraid of failure。

(二)五大虚拟句型 (1) wish后的宾语从句 (2)I’d rather/would rather… ( 3)as if/ as though + 从句 (4)If only +从句 (5)It’s (high) time + that过去时/should+v
• 我宁愿你在过去的两周里什么都没有做。 I would rather you had done nothing in the
• 译文:我们同意接受任何一位他们认为最好的导游。
• 解析:引导从句的关系词在从句中作主语,而且是 “任何一位”,应该用whoever, 而不是 whomever 或who。
• 例36 In some countries,
等) does not really mean equal rights for
• 3. 强化重点语法知识。如倒装结构、虚拟 语气、比较结构、定语从句、状语从 句、非谓语动词等。
• 4. 深度分析已考翻译试题,全面掌握挖掘 潜在考点,学会举一反三。
• 第一步: • 首先快速浏览句子,初步判断该句所涉及到的形
• 所谓形式包括: • 1.词组固定搭配(不定式短语、分词短语、动名词、
答案:(should) be buried next to his wife
译文:Harold 希望死后和妻子合葬.
例8 The suggestion that the mayor ________(颁奖) was accepted by everyone

《综合英语(四)》复习资料1I. Decide which of the words given below would best complete each of thesentences if inserted in the corresponding blanks. The words can be usedONLY ONCE.hateful, incredible, crucial, meticulous, wantonly, endowed, dejected, subjected,persist, complained, if anything, crisis, print, imminence, gloom1.I was not integrated. I was, ______, disintegrated.2.The muscular gentleman contemplated the hindquarters of the leopard in endless______.3.Nature had ______ the rest of the human race with a sixth sense and left me out.4.It was ______ leaving a warm bed at such an early hour.5.But somehow the ______ of an event that had been long expected, loved, fearedand prepared for made them ______.6.Once an opinion is accepted, it has a strong tendency to ______.7.When the word waster appears in ______ nowadays, ______ is rarely far behind.8.______ as it may sound, the story of the fish and oranges was true.9.They wrung their hands and ______ to one another about their men’sunfaithfulness.10.I have ______ every postulate that presented itself to the ______ test of actualexperiment.11.The earl ______ destroys what he had no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t.12.Charles Darwin was a rigorous, ______ scientist.I.II. Fill in the gaps with appropriate adverbs or prepositions.1. A sadist is a person who takes pleasure ____ torturing people such as drivingsplinters under nails, gouging out eyes, and tearing ____ skins.2.I advise you sleep ____. Tomorrow you will feel different.3.Reducing class hours is ____ the stud ents’ advantage.4.The decision as to how much money should go to education is ____ vitalimportance.5.You hear me ____! This is important. Don’t treat it as a joke.6.We have to look at everything ____ an international perspective.7.At the conference, they promised to write ____ the debts of the poor country.8.Our present economic policy differs ____ the policies of the past ____ that thestate doesn’t try to control everything, but only to guide and regulate.cation does not mean to stuff students’ brains ____ facts, figures and dogmas.10.One day he killed a boy ____full view of about thirty people, but he uas not evenbrought _____ trial. This made people very angry.11.Sitting by the spring, he suddenly heard the sound of a flute drifting ___the oldtemple.12.The idea of camping out in this weather did not quite appeal ____ my daughter. III. TranslationA. Translate the following expressions into Chinese.1. a reassuring homey sound2.lucrative business3. groundbreaking work4. intense public debate5. t he lion’s share6. greenhouse gas emissions7. the universal brotherhood of man 8. a saving grace9. climate regulation 10. painstaking workB. Translate the following sentences into English with the words given in thebrackets.1.你翻译的太随意了,应该更加忠实于原文才是。

1. Able ability enable capable be able to do能够做⋯have the ability to do 能够做,有能力做⋯:He has the ability to make very good boat.enable sb to do使⋯能做⋯:Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world.Be capable of能够做⋯ : He is capable of drawing oil painting.He is able to read and write in English.2.Absent 反义词: present3.Abroad 国外,海外 : live ~ go ~Many young people are eager to go abroad to study.4. Access: 入口,途径;机会,权利。
Have access to sth N-做中国大学生第一门户,365un, 大学生门户,专升本,福建专 Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的) library.5. Absorb 吸收 be absorbed in全神贯注于⋯All the students are absorbed in Professor’ s lecture on China’ s economy.6. Accept 接受 receive 收到(不一定接受)供求,资讯,交友,大学城,博客 U# m6 `1 |, l& L$ k0 t: OShe received a gift from him,but she didn’ t accept it.7. By accident=by chance偶然地on purpose故意地8. According to根据According to the article, environmental pollution has been taken under control.9. Take ⋯ into account=take⋯ into consideration把⋯考虑在内I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper.Account 描述She gave an account of what he saw in China.10. Accuse sb of sth = charge sb with(for) sth指责⋯做了⋯;指控⋯ 犯了⋯He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in gail.His mother charged him with being lazy.11. Be accustomed to = be used to习惯于后接sth 或 doing sthused to 过去有过去常常后接do sthMr. Smith is not used/accustomed to driving on the right.I ’ m already used to the life here.There used to be a house near the river.z4 U2 wHe used to get up while he was in the middle school.12. Achieve 获得,达到 UN- 做中国大学生第一门户 ,365un, 大学生门户,专升本,福建专升本,百事可乐合作伙伴,供 ) You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way.13. Adapt=adjust适应 ~ adopt 收养;采用You should adapt to college life as soon as possible.He adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country.14.Add to 增添 add up to总计达15.In addition(to)=besides此外3In order to master a foreign language, we should learn some grammar. In addition, we’ d be16.Adequate=enough17.Admit 承认 T9 c He admitted him mistake at last.18. In advance预先,提前You should inform(通知)me in advance if you are going to come.19. Take advantage of = make use of利用We can take advantage of computer to analyze data.A good habit in learning is to make full use of class time.20. Affect (v.) effect (n.) influence (v & n)影响effort努力have an effect/influence on对⋯有影响make an effort to do或make efforts to doThe latest discovery in gene will have a great effect on the health of human beings.They made great efforts to find a new cure to lung cancer .21. Afford (to do) sth买/花/用/支付得起AIt’hards to imagine how he can afford (to buy) a house on his small salary.22. Be afraid of担心,害怕23. At the age of24. Agree with同意agree on 同意(双方就⋯达成一致) O& q agree to同意(上级,父母对下级,晚辈允许⋯)The two countries have agreed on the date for next talk.My parents don’ t agree to my staying outside overnight.25.Ahead of time 提前)We finished our assignment ahead of time.26.By air=by plane by sea= by ship by bus/train on foot27.After all 毕竟 above all 首先 (not ⋯ ) at all 一点(也不) all over28.Allow/permit⋯ to允do许⋯⋯做⋯29.Although/though but连词不能同时用在句子中。

《综合英语(四)》复习资料1I. Decide which of the words given below would best complete each of thesentences if inserted in the corresponding blanks. The words can be usedONLY ONCE.hateful, incredible, crucial, meticulous, wantonly, endowed, dejected, subjected,persist, complained, if anything, crisis, print, imminence, gloom1.I was not integrated. I was, ______, disintegrated.2.The muscular gentleman contemplated the hindquarters of the leopard in endless______.3.Nature had ______ the rest of the human race with a sixth sense and left me out.4.It was ______ leaving a warm bed at such an early hour.5.But somehow the ______ of an event that had been long expected, loved, fearedand prepared for made them ______.6.Once an opinion is accepted, it has a strong tendency to ______.7.When the word waster appears in ______ nowadays, ______ is rarely far behind.8.______ as it may sound, the story of the fish and oranges was true.9.They wrung their hands and ______ to one another about their men’sunfaithfulness.10.I have ______ every postulate that presented itself to the ______ test of actualexperiment.11.The earl ______ destroys what he had no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t.12.Charles Darwin was a rigorous, ______ scientist.I.II. Fill in the gaps with appropriate adverbs or prepositions.1. A sadist is a person who takes pleasure ____ torturing people such as drivingsplinters under nails, gouging out eyes, and tearing ____ skins.2.I advise you sleep ____. Tomorrow you will feel different.3.Reducing class hours is ____ the stud ents’ advantage.4.The decision as to how much money should go to education is ____ vitalimportance.5.You hear me ____! This is important. Don’t treat it as a joke.6.We have to look at everything ____ an international perspective.7.At the conference, they promised to write ____ the debts of the poor country.8.Our present economic policy differs ____ the policies of the past ____ that thestate doesn’t try to control everything, but only to guide and regulate.cation does not mean to stuff students’ brains ____ facts, figures and dogmas.10.One day he killed a boy ____full view of about thirty people, but he uas not evenbrought _____ trial. This made people very angry.11.Sitting by the spring, he suddenly heard the sound of a flute drifting ___the oldtemple.12.The idea of camping out in this weather did not quite appeal ____ my daughter. III. TranslationA. Translate the following expressions into Chinese.1. a reassuring homey sound2.lucrative business3. groundbreaking work4. intense public debate5. t he lion’s share6. greenhouse gas emissions7. the universal brotherhood of man 8. a saving grace9. climate regulation 10. painstaking workB. Translate the following sentences into English with the words given in thebrackets.1.你翻译的太随意了,应该更加忠实于原文才是。
2019届高职高考英语总复习课件:第二部分第七章 完成句子 (共49张PPT)

• 9.It is polite
of you to say so
• 10.He is unhappy,
【答案】 so am I
• 11.He is mother.
【答案】 looking forward to
(我也是). (盼望)hearing from his
the reason why he was so sad/unhappy
• 3.He was told
not to play by the river
• 4.It
(我花费了一小时完成) the
homework given by our English teacher.
• The teacher made me rewrite the composition yesterday.
• I heard her say that she was fed up. 但是在以上结构的被动句中所省略的to要加上。如:
• I was made to rewrite the composition yesterday.
• 1.从句
• (1)定语从句。在做定语从句时要特别注意从句的基本 结构,即:先行词+引导词+主语+谓语+宾语。再按照这个 公式根据句子中所缺少的成分补上去。再检查时态和语态 就可以了。
• (2)名词性从句出现时尤其要注意语序,即使用陈述句 语序。方法和上面定语从句的方法差不多。
• (3)状语从句。先要根据句子的意思判断是哪种类型的 状语从句。如:地点,原因,方式,让步等。先根据判断 找好引导词,注意使用陈述句语序,即:主语+谓语+宾语 的结构。

• all全部的
• tons of 大量的
英语中最常见的单位词有piece(片/块/张), bit(点/块),article(件),item(个/项/条/件) 等,常用来修饰不可数名词
• a piece of bread/advice/news... 一片面包/一条建议/一则新闻
• man-men
• foot-feet
• woman-women • goose-geese
• tooth-teeth
• crisis-crises
• basis-bases
• thesis-theses
可数名词复数的不规则变化: LOGO
3 表示“某国人”的名词的单复数
口诀:中日不变英法变,其他-s加后面 • a Chinese-two Chinese • a Frenchman- two Frenchmen • a German- two Germans
有-'s所有格,of所有格和双重所有 格三种形式。
-'s 所有格 -'s 所有格主要用于表达有生命的名 词的所属关系
eg: the professor's speech Mary's friends
一般情况下在名词词尾加-'s 词尾是s的复数名词,直接加-'
• a crowd of people 一群人 • a flock of birds/sheep 一群鸟/羊 • a troop of soldiers 一群士兵 • a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 • a pair of shoes 一双鞋 • a gang of people一伙人 • a team of players 一队赛手

I saw her enter the building.
I won’t let him do that kind of thing again.
1.You may come on Tuesday or Wednesday, ___ day will
A all
B both
C either D one
2. Of the three foreigners, one is from Japan and ___ two
are from Korea.
is still no sign of them
---Something unexpected ___ to them.
A might happen
B must have happened
C would have happened D could happen
3. The street are all wet. It ___ during the night.
It takes sb. + time + to do…
It cost sb.+ money + to buy … 1)这些词后接不定式:expect, manage, allow, decide, happen, plan,
pretend, promise, agree… 2 ) not to do: He promised not to tell lies any more.

—附加疑问句tag question陈述句/部分+主语?(一)形式:--Yes, he is.是的,他是。
--No, he is n’t. 不,他不是。
Tom is a student, isn’t he?Tom likes English, doesn’t he?-Yes, he does.是的,他喜欢英语。
.Yes, he isn’t.No, he is.(形式上错了)⏹Yes, he is. 不,他是学生。
⏹No, he isn’t. 对,他不是学生。
形式和语义结合He doesn’t like English, does he?--Yes, he does.不,他喜欢。
--No, he doesn’t.对,他不喜欢。
(语境制约)A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn’t.C. Yes, it isn’tD. No, it is.前肯后肯;前否后否t a student, isn’t he?特殊形式Tom isn’t a student, ___?A.i s TomB. isn’t TomC. does heD. isn’t he1.否定1)陈述句中含有否定词seldom, few, little, never, nothing, nobody等,反义疑问部分用肯定He seldom comes late, does he?2)如果出现了否定的前缀或后缀,不管这些词缀形式isn’t it?It is not fair, is it?isn’t it?It is not useful, is it?1)不定代词something, everything, nothing, anything,反义疑问部分主语用代词it代替Everything goes well, doesn’t it?is correct, is it?2)不定代词everybody, nobody, somebody, anybodyEverybody is here, isn’t he?(传统语法)Everybody is here, aren’t they?Nobody is here, are they/ is he?3)主语是II am a student, aren’t I?I wish to go there, may I?3.特殊句式you,被省略,表达命令(不能用don’t you)Don’t close the door, will you?Let’s go there, shall we?’t there? (不能用isn’t it)There will be a tree in front of the room, won’t there?Here is a piece of advice for you, isn’t here?3. 并列句—反义疑问句取决于后面的句子—就近原则He is absent, isn’t he?简单句His mother is ill, isn’t she?简单句isn’t she?并列连词“因为”—并列句isn’t she?并列句his mother is ill, isn’t he?引导从句—主从句,动词是think/ suppose等主观性动词,后面接宾语从句时,反义疑问句取决于宾语从句I think that he is right, isn’t he?I do n’t think that he is right, is he?think that she is right, does he? (不能取决于从句,而是取决于主句,因为主语不1wouldn’t he?hadn’t he?wouldn’t he?hadn’t he?2)区分have是实义动词动词还是助动词He has(hasHe has a wonderful time in Hefei, doesn’t he?(has是实义动词)He has lunch at 12:00, doesn’t he?He has finished his lunch, hasn’t he?(has是助动词,构成完成时)3)区分need/dare是实义动词还是情态动词Need /dare to do sth实义动词Need/dare do sth情态动词He needs 100 yuan, doesn’t he?实义动词He need pay 100 yuan, needn’t he?情态动词Must do/ must be doing 对现在的猜测Look! The light is on. Tom must be studying in the classroom now, isn’t he?Look. Tom is studying in the classroom now, isn’t he?didn’t it?对应的事实是:He must have been to Japan,(对应的事实是:He has been to Japan, hasn’t he?)couldn’t /cannot have donehave rained last night, did it? (对应的事实:it didn’t rain last night, did it?)祈使句—表达命令What+名词(核心词)How+形容词/副词/句子(一)what+名词(核心词)what+形容词+名词(如果形容词和名词之间没有其他词,用what;如果形容词和名词之间有其他词the/an/a/ his…则用How)(it is)!(it is)!—单数名词How hot (it is)!What diligent you are!are!What hot weather it is!不可数名词How slowly he runs!(how+副词)How time flies!How +句子What fun!很有趣!(fun是不可数名词)How funny!很滑稽!(funny是形容词)What a mess!1989Face eye nose earX2 smaller than X功能分类1.简单句(一个主谓结构)2.并列句—并列连词3.主从句—从属连词4.并列复合句(一)简单句语言是思维的外在形式—言由心生—思维反映物质世界的—运动是绝对的“运动”在语言中是动词,作谓语;“运动的主体(发出者)”在语言中是主语;“运动的承受者”是语言中的宾语但是不是所有的动作都有承受者;有些动作没有承受者,这些动词就是不及物动词(没有对象)我游泳。

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passageyou have just heard.
15. A. 10%.
C. From 10% to 50%.
D. From 10% to 15%.
16. A. Minor damageto the brain. B. The useof drugs during the mothers pregnancy. C. Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman. D. Damage to muscles.
C. At a news conference.
B. At a science exhibit. D. Near a paint store.
7.A. The homework was very easy. B. The mun should go to class.
C. 'The man should sit in the back of the classroom.
定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改
动,用橡皮擦干净后 ,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。 3.第Ⅱ卷答题必须用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内
相应的位置;如需改动 ,先划掉原来的答案 ,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、
hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A). B), C) and
专升本英语考试辅导 ppt课件

• 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。例如:
• The earth moves around the sun. east of China.
Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。
• _________ it or not, his discovery had created a stir in
• c. will have been repaired d. were being
• By the time the course ends,______ a lot about Britain.
• a. we’ll learnt b. we are learning
• c. we have learnt d. we’ll have learnt
• D) has been rising
a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:
We are waiting for you.
b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未 必正在进行。例如:
Mr. Green is writing another novel.(说

Present perfect
She has read five books this month
Present perfect continuous
She has been reading books for the past hour
Past Tense
Simple past
She read a book yesterday
The Importance of English Verbs in Language
Verbs are the most important part of English grammar
they are the backbone of the language, forming the core of senses and determining the meaning
Have: To pose or own something
Example : "The cat exists."
Example : "She is happy."
Example : "I have a car."
Verbs that indicate behavior, action, and change
Understanding verbs helps …
knowing how to use verbs correctly can help learners avoid using ineffective or inappropriate language
Verbs are essential for communication