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第31卷 第3期 西 南 林 业 大 学 学 报 Vo.l 31 N o .3 2011年6月 J O URNAL OF SOUT HW E ST F ORESTRY UN I VERSI TY
J un.2011
第1作者:韩东锋(1965)),女,硕士,副教授。研究方向:森林资源调查。E-m ai:l hd -f 007@163.co m 。
do:i 10.3969/.j issn .2095-1914.2011.03.004
李 静2
钱 坤
的同龄七叶树、栾树为对照,比较分析杂种马褂木的引种价值。结果表明:无特殊保护措施下杂种马褂木能够健壮生长,几乎无病虫害发生,无冻裂和日灼现象;在直径、树高生长量方面,该树种生长量最大,胸径生长速度也远大于栾树和七叶树;对3个树种的干形、冠形、枝形、叶形、花果形、生长整体一致性、抗污染能力等7个观赏指标综合评价结果显示,杂种马褂木得分最高。因此,杨凌乃至关中地区在未来的城乡绿化中可适当扩大杂种马褂木的栽植规模。关键词:杂种马褂木;引种价值;观赏性;抗性中图分类号:S72217 文献标志码:A
Research on the Introduction Value ofH ybrid Tulip
Trees in Yangling Area
HAN Dong -feng 1
,LI Jing 2
,Q I A N Kun
(1.Depart m ent of Eco l ogy&Environm en t ,Yang li ng Vocati onal and Techn icalC ollege ,Y angli ng Sh aanxi 712100,Ch i na ;
2.T ai bais han Forestry Bu reau ,Tai bai Shaanxi 721600,C h i na ;
3.Depart m en t of Funda m en talC ourse Educati on,
W ei n an Vocati on al and Technical Coll ege ,W ei nan Shaanx i 714000,Ch i n a)
Abst ract :The i n tr oducti o n value of hybri d t u li p trees was co m parati v el y ana l y zed by observ i n g the gro w th status ,
t h e orna m e ntal pr operties ,and the hea lth conditi o n o f 15-year -old hybrid tuli p tr ees gro w i n g in Yang li n g area ,Shaanx i Pr ovince .A ll the indices of the hybrid t u li p tr ees were co mpared w it h t h ose o f t h e sa m e aged and c o mm only p l a nted buckeye and go l d e nrain tree species i n t h i s area .The results sho wed that the hybri d tuli p trees coul d gro w healt h ily w ith -out any special protection m easures ,t h e trees were not suffered fro m sever e diseases ,i n sect pests ,fr ost crack or sun -bur n .The DB H value and he i g ht gro w th rates o f t h e hybri d tulip treesw ere much hi g her than t h ose o f t h e controls .The co mprehensi v e assess ments w ith tr unk for m ,cro wn tra its ,branch for m ,leave for m ,fr u it shape ,overallgro w th consi s ten -cy and a ir polluti o n resi s tance a m ong the hybri d tuli p trees ,t h e buckeye and go l d enrai n trees sho wed that the hi g hest score w as obta i n ed by the hybrid tuli p tree species .Therefore ,itwas r eco mm e nded that the hybri d tulip tr ees coul d be appropri a tel y extended to be planted both i n the local area for ur ban and r ural gree n i n g a nd afforestati o n .
K ey words :hybr i d tuli p tree ;i n troduction va l u e ;orna m ental pr operties ;resistance
杂种马褂木(L iriod endron tulip i f era XL .Ch i n ense)是我国树木遗传育种学家叶培忠教授利用中国马褂木(L iriodendron chinese (H e m s.l )
Sar g .)(母本)和北美鹅掌楸(L iriodendron tuli -pofera L i n n.)(父本)杂交培育获得的新型园林观赏、绿化树种