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一、Listen and circle. 听音,圈出与你听到的句子相符合的图片。20分

1.Hi, I am a boy .

2. Stand up, please.

3. Good morning, My name is Amy.

4. Is it a toy car? No, it’s a cat.

5. How ole are you、I’m 5 years old.

6. Good morning!

7. What is this? It’s a lovely monkey.

8. Is this your box? Yes, it is.

9. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too!

10. She is my new friend.

二、Listen and number. 听录音,根据小主人介绍顺序,用1,2,3,…排序。10分

1.This is our teacher.

2.It’s my ruler.

3.It’s my eraser.

4.It’s my pencil.

5.This is my classroom.

6.It’s my crayon.

7.This is my pencil case.

8. It’s my book.

9. This is our school.

10. It’s my schoolbag.

三.Listen and write.(小朋友们,下面的小动物们都有几只呢?听一听,把数量写在相对应的格子里。)14

Wow! Children. So many animals! Let’s see.

1. How many birds? Six.

2. How many dogs? Seven.

3. How many cats? Three.

4. How many monkeys? Ten.

5. How many pandas? Eight.

6. How many elephant? One.

7. How many fish? Four.

四.Listen, tick or cross. 听音判断所听内容与图意是否相同,相同的打√ ,不同的打×。24分

1. This is my ball. That is my book.

2. Look, this is my pencil case, it’s very cute.

3. Hello, my name is Baobao. This is my school.

4. Happy birthday Amy, a card for you.

5.Hello, Amy this is my new schoolbag.

6.Good afternoon, Amy. Good afternoon, Sam.

7.My name is Daming. I’m seve n.

8. Hi, children. I have three toy cars.

9.How many pens? 5?No,there are six pens.

10. Wow, so many pandas, let’s count! One, two ,three, four, five

11.Welcome to my home. These are 2 chairs.

12. How many books? Two books.

五.Listen and number. 听音,根据Sam对家庭成员介绍的顺序用1,2,3,…标号。9分

1.This is my grandpa.

2.This is my mother.

3.This is my brother.

4.This is my grandma.

5.This is my sister.

6.This is my father.

六.VII.Listen, tick or cross. 听句子,看看图片和句子是否配对成功了,成功的打√,没成功的打×。5分

1. Two pencils are in the pencil case.

2. It’s a bag.

3.This is my mother.

4. Happy birthday to you!

5. It’s my eraser.

七、Listen and number. 听音,帮Kami涂颜色,在括号内标出颜色的序号。16分

Hello ,Kami!

1.O h, it’s green.

2. Now, it’s black.

3.Now, it’s white.

4. Look, it’s blue.

5. Wow, it’s red.

6. Now, it’s yellow.

7. Lokk.A pink Kami.

8. Now, it’s brown.
