生态环保 高科技,像 iPhone 24 小时服 务
白色,配合我 那高雅的门
修长设 计
多种进入模式, 卡片,密码和 钥匙
高安全保 护我的房 子
容易使用,方 便我妻子
因为有了E-Flash 系列,你 的梦想成为现实,具备所有 客户化特点。
4 张卡和3 把机械钥匙 用户手册和安装模板 其他 使用温度 IP 等级 : -15 – 55oC : IP54
E-Flash EF680 检测标准
遵照EN 12209 和 EN1906 遵照BS476 Part 22 - 最多 6-Flash系列中,有2款插锁 E-Flash 680 标准 & EF680 混合Hybrid* (非接触卡片控制)
E-Flash 780 标准 & EF780 混合Hybrid (指纹控制)#
EF 680
* Hybrid – with build-in remote control module # available in the middle of July 2011
前面板: 23.5 (D) x 74 (W) x 282 (H) mm 背面板: 25 (D) x 74 (W) x 282 (H) mm
E-Flash EF680 特点
门厚: 32 – 65mm Non-handed design无把手设计
电源 (4 AA 碱性电池)
大约 1年(每天10次) 大约10个月 (带远程控制功能应用)
E-Flash EF680 设计奖项
(※1)锁紧力为用于实现重新定位精度的力,在供给用于实现脱落操作的气体或发 生破损前一直保持锁紧。
(任 选 件)
XXXA 无电气信号 H10A 电气信号10个(焊锡端子) H20A 电气信号20个(焊锡端子) H30A 电气信号30个(焊锡端子) H10L 电气信号10个(预留1m导线)
型号 : K20A
型号 : K10L
本公司独有的拆装机构中采用了机械式故障保险机构,使装配气压停 止供给的情况下,主盘与工具盘也不会分离。
●由于这个静态允许力矩值是在机器人正常运转时末端接头一侧的重心位置产生的最大加速度为2G以下(含重力加速度),紧 急停止(很少发生)时为5G以下来的设想条件下给出的数值,因此在机器人正常运转时,动作时的允许力矩在弯矩方向、扭转 方向以及复合力矩都允许是静态允许力矩的2倍。
附件: 内六角螺栓(M3×20)×4,定位用阶梯平行销×1 (备注) Light-5A不带密封板。
弯矩方向(Tx.Ty) 12.7N • m(130kgf • cm)
AD CO Series 内部杆转换锁体设计说明书
![AD CO Series 内部杆转换锁体设计说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/748e8c003d1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d28a.png)
Inside lever conversion Lock Chassis ASpecify design:All AD/CO Series modelsAll cylindrical and mortise03-230ATH, RHO, SPA, TLR, 8AT, 8RO, 8SP, 8TROutside lever conversion Lock Cylinder BSpecify design:All AD/CO Series modelsPD, LD 03-231ATH, RHO, SPA, TLR, 8AT, 8RO, 8SP, 8TRJD, RD 03-232BD, GD03-200LD SAR 03-244JD SAR 03-277JD CO603-266JD YA603-255LD FA703-280RHO, SPA, 8RO, 8SPJD CO703-235RHO, SPA, TLR, 8RO, 8SP, 8TR JD MED 03-237RHO, SPA, 8RO, 8SPJD YA703-236ATH/8AT=Athens, RHO/8RO=Rhodes, SPA/8SP=Sparta, TLR/8TR=TubularTo upgrade an existing AD or CO Series lock: Choose A+B+C +D+E+F (as appropriate).Old steelAD and CO Series performance improvementsStronger and more durable than ever.New zinc5 additional points of engagement© 2018 Allegion 012207, Rev. 05//usCylinder tailpiece conversionCylinder# PinsCKey-in-Lever (KIL)PD Schlage 647258186LD Falcon647258186LD FA7 Falcon747258182LD SAR Sargent 10L and 11L647258179Full Size Interchangeable Core (FSIC)JD, RD Schlage 623446339JD CO6 Corbin 8000647258180JD CO7 Corbin 8000-7747258180JD MED Medeco 32*0201647258183JD SAR Sargent 6300647258180JD YA7 Yale 1220747258184Small Format Interchangeable Core (SFIC)BD, GD Schlage747258187JD YA6 Yale 1210 or Medeco 31*0100647258181Cylindrical and mortise conversion service kitsLockmodel Reader ChassisCylinderOutside Spring Cage(includes screws)InsideSpring Cage(includes screws)Outside Escutcheon(includes O-ring and screws)DEFSpecify finish:All AD Series modelsAll reader typesCYL JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585444692900646928743626(standard unless otherwise specified)605, 606, 612, 619, 625, 643e, 626AMAll others 4725854346929006-MORGD, BD4725854346929006-JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585444692900646928743All others47258543CO-100Keypad CYL JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260707All others4725854323599210-MOR GD, BD4725854323599210-JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260707All others47258543CO-200Keypad CYL JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260709All others4725854323599210-MORGD, BD4725854323599210-JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260709All others47258543PR, PRK, MS, MSKCYL JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260705All others4725854323599210-MOR GD, BD4725854323599210-JD MED, JD YA6, JD YA7472585442359921047260705All others47258543Exit trim conversion service kitsLockmodel Reader ChassisCylinderOutside Assembly(includes base plate, escutcheon, spring cage and reader)Base Plate Kit(includes base plate, spring cage, screws and lever rotation stop)OutsideEscutcheon(includes O-ring and 6 screws)DEFSpecify finish:All AD Series models All readertypes EXITAll cylinders -46928545Specify cylinder type and handing47258398626(standard unless otherwise specified)605, 606, 612, 619, 625, 643e, 626AMCO-100Keypad EXIT All cylinders EXT-CO-100-KP Specify cylinder type and handing (70 function supplied unless otherwise specified)CO-200Keypad EXIT All cylinders EXT-CO-200-KP PR EXIT All cylinders EXT-CO-200-PR PRKEXIT All cylinders EXT-CO-200-PRK MS EXIT All cylinders EXT-CO-200-MS MSKEXITAll cylindersEXT-CO-200-MSKNote: F or exit trims, the driver bar length may need to be cut. Refer to install guide for specified length.AD MOR with JD MED 03-230-SPA 03-237-SPA 47258183472585444692900646928743605CO-200 EXIT with GD-03-200-ATH47258187EXT-CO-200-MS-GD-LHR--626New insideOld insideNew exteriorOld steel lever exteriorOld zinc lever exterior。
SHP-DH520 三星SDS门锁用户手册说明书
![SHP-DH520 三星SDS门锁用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45ac9db2f71fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a27e2.png)
Parameter Size Number
Security Function 0x01
1byte 0x00
Disable (Default)
System Disable1)
System Enable1)
Request for Enable1)
z Door Lock (V2) - support Unsecure(0x00), Secure(0xFF) Note : When using ‘Operation_Set’ command, lock will execute ‘Unsecure(0x00)’ then perform ‘Auto Re-lock’ if door is not open. When using ‘Operation_Get’ command, lock can response after executing ‘Operation_Set’ command. (take about 2 seconds)
Event Parameter
Access Control
Manual Lock Operation (0x01)
Manual UnlBiblioteka ck Operation (0x02)
RF Lock Operation (0x03)
RF Unlock Operation (0x04)
Keypad Unlock Operation (0x06)
SHP-DH520 Samsung SDS Door Lock
TM-IB卡门锁产品设计风格:TM锁特点及非共性参数:1.采用美国DALLAS公司的TM(钮扣)卡;2.TM采用不锈钢外壳封装,坚固、防水、防高温、防尘、耐用;3.锁面尺寸:高242mm 宽77mm 厚16mm。
4.锁芯尺寸:高204mm 宽105mm 厚20mm。
科裕门锁参数:欠压指示:当CPU工作电压低于4.5V时将有低压报警提示,此时还能开门100次(或200次)左右;开门时间:按动把手后开门,开门后自动上锁;若插卡后没有开门则7秒钟自动上锁;应急开启:不受任何控制,即使方舌反锁,也能打开;接口功能:提供动态链接库,可与国内外任何酒店管理系统接合,以实现酒店信息资源共享;门的安装尺寸要求:门厚在36mm以上,如果门表面有花边,则花边应离门边缘110mm以上;开门方向:左推开门、右推开门,左拉开门、右拉开门;电源:DC 6V, 4节7#(AAA)电池;来源:。
物 料 清 單 (B O M)
阶层 1 1.1 項號 名称 料号 版本2 材料規格 喷漆件 鼠标上盖+按键 60-020W00140-000 油漆 油漆 302-7219-000 A1 A1 A1 A1 SN-7219 SN-304 140*110*0.015mm 珍珠亚灰 3.4 6.12 224 12# 224PCS/箱 28 ABS PA707 ABS PA707 ABS PA707 535*380*305mm 530*375*3mm(3层) 94*83*0.12mm 29 ABS PA707 ABS PA707 ABS PA707 7060 本色 7.4 9.1 3.00% 120 1*2 33-014 1 12 1 4# 10# 标签 288PCS/箱 2.8512KG/箱 7060 本色 13.5 15.6 3.00% 120 1*2 33-012 224PCS/箱3.4944KG/箱 5.00%
202-0020-000 210-0002-010 402-0001-000
A1 A1 A1 审核
411*375*170mm 390*362*2mm 94*83*0.12mm 制作
1 10 1
27号纸箱 6#纸板 标签
表單編號﹕PA-CM-001- A1
1.2.1 塑胶件 鼠标上盖 塑胶粒 过抽 塑胶粒 原料 塑胶粒 次料 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.3 1.31 包材 包材 包材 纸箱 纸板 标签
塑胶件 按键 塑胶粒 过抽
1.31.1 塑胶粒 原料 塑胶粒 次料 次料 1.32 1.33 1.34 包材 包材 包材 核准 纸箱 纸板 标签
目录一、OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置 (1)二、OZH280火灾报警控制器操作方法 (3)三、附A: OZH280火灾报警控制器字符区位码对照表 (14)四、附B: OZH280火灾报警控制器汉字区位码对照表 (15)OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置一、主要技术指标1、交流输入电压:220V±10%, 50Hz±1%。
2、备用电源:24V 4Ah, 全密封免维护蓄电池。
3、使用环境:温度:0℃~+50℃;相对湿度:≤95% ( 40℃±2℃)。
(4)线制要求:a. 信号二总线(无极性),采用RVS双绞线,截面积≥1.0mm2。
b. DC24V输出线采用BV线,截面积≥2.5mm2。
c.信号二总线的主干线≥1.5mm2d. 控制器每路总线的往返电阻<20Ω.四、设置(1)系统刷新:首次使用应进行刷新操作,将以前的信息、记录、安装位置、联动编程、综合编程等全部清除;然后再进行登记操作、安装位置编程、联动编程、综合编程、多线联动设置等操作。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024版办公室门锁更换及维护协议版B版本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语1.1 合同各方1.2 办公室门锁1.3 更换与维护1.4 协议版本2. 更换及维护范围2.1 锁具更换2.2 锁具维护2.3 备品备件供应3. 更换及维护服务3.1 服务内容3.2 服务标准3.3 服务时间3.4 服务响应时间4. 更换及维护费用4.1 费用计算4.2 支付方式4.3 费用调整5. 更换及维护周期5.1 定期检查5.2 更换周期5.3 维护周期6. 技术支持与培训6.1 技术支持6.2 培训内容6.3 培训方式7. 保修与售后服务7.1 保修期限7.2 售后服务承诺7.3 保修范围8. 合同的有效期8.1 合同开始日期8.2 合同结束日期8.3 续约条款9. 违约责任9.1 违约行为9.2 违约责任9.3 违约赔偿10. 争议解决10.1 协商解决10.2 调解解决10.3 法律途径11. 合同的变更与终止11.1 变更条件11.2 终止条件11.3 变更与终止的程序12. 保密条款12.1 保密内容12.2 保密期限12.3 泄密责任13. 合同的签署与生效13.1 签署方式13.2 生效条件13.3 合同副本14. 其他条款14.1 不可抗力14.2 法律适用14.3 合同附件第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与术语1.1 合同各方1.2 办公室门锁1.2.1 门锁包括但不限于:机械锁、电子锁、指纹锁等。
1.2.2 门锁的定义:指用于办公室门禁系统的锁具设备。
1.3 更换与维护1.3.1 更换:指因门锁损坏、故障或其他原因,对原有门锁进行更换的行为。
1.3.2 维护:指对门锁进行定期检查、保养、维修等行为,以保证门锁的正常使用。
1.4 协议版本1.4.1 本协议为2024版办公室门锁更换及维护协议版B版。
2. 更换及维护范围2.1 锁具更换2.1.1 乙方负责在甲方指定的地点和时间内,对甲方提供的锁具进行更换。
AUBO-i12 用户手册说明书
![AUBO-i12 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3cf1007a9956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a12d.png)
AUBO – i12 USER MANUAL使用产品前请仔细阅读本手册AUBO Robotics用户手册AUBO-i12 & CB-MOriginal Version 4.5.11本手册适用于AUBORPE V 4.5,详见本手册版本信息章节,使用前请仔细核对实际产品版本信息,确保一致。
V4.5.11目录目录目录 (i)前言 ................................................................................................................................................ v ii 产品组成 (viii)更多信息 (viii)1安全 (9)简介 (9)安全警示标志 (9)安全注意事项 (10)1.3.1概述 (10)1.3.2使用须知 (10)1.3.3人员安全 (12)责任及规范 (13)危险识别 (14)预定用途 (15)紧急情况处理 (15)1.7.1紧急停止装置 (15)1.7.2从紧急状态恢复 (16)1.7.3强制关节的紧急移动 (16)1.7.4机器人本体过大力安全保护 (17)1.7.5碰撞防护 (17)2搬运及注意事项 (19)3维护维修及废弃处置 (21)维护维修 (21)废弃处置 (22)4质量保证 (23)产品质量保证 (23)免责声明 (23)5机器人系统硬件组成 (25)6机器人安装 (27)简要安装步骤 (27)重要安全说明 (27)机器人工作空间 (28)6.3.1机器人机械尺寸 (28)6.3.2机器人运动范围 (29)安装机器人 (30)6.4.1底座 (30)6.4.2安装机器人本体 (31)安装末端工具 (32)6.5.1末端法兰机械结构尺寸 (32)电缆连接 (34)7I系列控制柜 (37)目录V4.5.11简介 (37)重要安全说明 (37)控制柜面板介绍 (38)7.3.1控制柜前面板 (38)7.3.2控制柜侧面板 (39)7.3.3控制柜上面板 (39)工作模式选择 (41)7.4.1手动模式 (42)7.4.2联动模式 (42)示教器使能开关 (46)8电气接口 (47)简介 (47)电气警告和小心事项 (47)控制柜通信接口 (48)控制柜I/O供电 (49)8.4.1内部电源供电 (49)8.4.2外部电源供电 (49)控制柜安全I/O (50)8.5.1简介 (50)8.5.2安全提示 (50)8.5.3安全I/O功能定义 (50)8.5.4默认安全配置 (52)8.5.5外部紧急停止输入 (52)8.5.6防护停止输入 (53)8.5.7缩减模式输入 (55)8.5.8防护重置输入 (56)8.5.9三态开关输入 (57)8.5.10操作模式输入 (58)8.5.11拖动示教使能输入 (59)8.5.12系统停止输入 (59)8.5.13系统紧急停止输出 (60)8.5.14机器人运动输出 (61)8.5.15机器人未停止输出 (62)8.5.16缩减模式输出 (63)8.5.17非缩减模式输出 (64)8.5.18系统错误输出 (65)8.5.19外部紧急停止输出(常闭) (66)8.5.20上位机运行指示输出 (67)控制柜内部I/O (68)控制柜通用I/O (68)8.7.1通用数字I/O接口 (69)8.7.2模拟I/O接口 (71)8.7.3清除警报信号接口 (73)远程开关机控制I/O接口 (73)V4.5.11目录8.8.1远程开机 (73)8.8.2远程关机 (74)联动控制I/O接口 (74)机器人本体工具I/O接口 (74)9快速启动 (77)机器人基础功能介绍 (77)安装机器人系统 (77)机器人系统上电 (78)9.3.1上电前准备 (78)9.3.2系统上电 (78)机器人系统关机 (79)快速启动系统 (80)10示教器 (81)简介 (81)示教器操作界面 (82)10.2.1用户登录 (82)10.2.2初始界面 (83)10.2.3机器人移动控制 (83)机器人I/O设置及状态显示 (94)10.3.1控制器I/O (94)10.3.2用户I/O (95)10.3.3工具端I/O (96)机器人系统安装设置 (97)10.4.1初始位姿标定 (97)10.4.2工具标定 (98)10.4.3坐标系标定 (105)机械臂安全配置 (109)10.5.1基础配置 (109)10.5.2缩减模式 (110)10.5.3关节限制 (110)机器人系统设置 (111)10.6.1语言设置 (111)10.6.2日期时间设置 (112)10.6.3网络设置 (112)10.6.4密码设置 (113)10.6.5其他设置 (113)10.6.6更新 (114)扩展模块 (117)10.7.1Modbus插件 (118)系统信息 (120)关于 (121)10.9.1版本信息 (121)11在线编程 (123)简介 (123)目录V4.5.11功能模块说明 (125)11.2.1文本框编辑器 (125)工程管理 (125)11.3.1新建工程 (126)11.3.2保存工程 (127)11.3.3默认工程 (128)11.3.4加载工程 (129)11.3.5运行工程 (130)11.3.6工程根节点 (130)子工程(过程) (131)11.4.1新建过程文件 (132)11.4.2调用子工程命令(Procedure) (132)11.4.3调用指令组命令(Command Group) (134)移动命令(move) (135)11.5.1移动类型 (136)11.5.2路点命令(Waypoint) (142)11.5.3提前到达 (145)基础条件命令 (155)11.6.1循环命令(Loop) (155)11.6.2跳出循环命令(Break) (156)11.6.3结束单次循环命令(Continue) (156)11.6.4If命令(if...else). (157)11.6.5条件选择命令(Switch...Case...Default) (158)11.6.6设置命令(Set) (159)11.6.7等待命令(Wait) (160)11.6.8行注释命令(Line Comment) (161)11.6.9块注释命令(Block Comment) (161)11.6.10任务转移命令(Goto) (162)11.6.11弹窗命令(Message) (163)11.6.12空命令(Empty) (163)高级条件条件命令 (164)11.7.1多线程控制命令(Thread) (164)11.7.2脚本命令(Script) (164)11.7.3离线命令(Offline Record) (166)轨迹记录 (167)11.8.1调用轨迹记录命令(Record Track) (168)变量配置 (169)定时器 (171)11.10.1插入定时器(Timer) (171)11.10.2定时器状态显示 (171)仿真模型 (172)工程日志 (173)脚本文件 (174)附录 (I)V4.5.11目录术语 (I)参照标准 (II)技术规格................................................................................................................................. I II 有效负载................................................................................................................................. I V 报警信息及常规问题说明 (V)目录V4.5.11V4.5.11前言前言感谢您购买和使用本公司研发的轻型6自由度协作机器人AUBO-i12。
Roto Patio Lift
02-2016 3
产品信息 五金特点概览 Roto Patio Lift
五金特点 –最 大扇重可达150kg/300kg –可 现实大开启,扩展视野 –微 通风装置。在微通风时也具有一定防盗性能 –操 作轻便 –扇 宽: 700 mm – 2800 mm/700mm – 3000mm –扇 高: 1800 mm – 2600 mm/1800mm – 3100mm –扇 重:最高 150 kg/300kg(可增加到400kg) –开 启形式: A 式(单扇推拉) C 式(四扇中间两扇推拉) D 式(两扇都可推拉)
643 122 595 654 600 513 600 512 601 952 606 766
5 6 5 4 8 7
垫块包 滑轮转向垫片 滑轮转向垫片 滑轮转向垫片 滑轮转向垫片 滑轮连接杆 滑轮连接杆 滑轮连接杆 1 11 10 选配件 滑轮连接杆 12 9 滑轮连接杆 滑轮连杆支架 1 1 1
595 653 600 510 613 247 606 767 634 852 643 639 634 853 643 643 634 854 595 655
10 11 12 5 6
HS150 提升推拉传动 见铝合金样本
5 6 7 2 5 8
5 2 9 2 5
8 11-2015
Roto Patio Lift
Roto Patio Lift
4 02-2016
Roto Patio Lift
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KeyOne™ Plus
点火开关 驾驶室门 特别推荐---特利马克专利一把钥匙系统 KeyOne™ Plus,此设计是利用一个普通的锁芯贯穿于广泛的 系统零组件中,从而确保机械使用的高安全性。 这把双面的钥匙拥有单个代码和复合代码。当使用 复合代码时,一把主钥匙可以在车间和维修区域使 用。并且,按照客户的特殊要求和设计,为您订制 钥匙头,以展示您的公司品牌和标志。 锁芯可以在特利马克公司提前安装,也可以在设备 制造商的任何一个阶段的生产线上安装。 锁芯可以在稍后的阶段进行安装,无形之中减少您 零部件的库存。 工具箱 机罩 油箱盖 厢门 空调锁
“真实世界”,以供验证,这些设计将经受得 住最严酷环境的考验。
特利马克作为公路、非公路用车和五金件的设计与制造领域的领先者,在行业中一直享有良好的信 誉。我们为工程车辆、农用车辆、卡车、休闲车辆、特种车辆以及配件市场提供闩锁和门禁系统解 决方案。与其它同类产品相比,我们的产品已成为其“标准”。 特利马克理解非凡的第一触觉意味着什么,一位潜在的客户或操作人员将会被重型机车优秀门禁系 统的第一触觉所震撼。在打开车门的一刹那,他们便了解,自己已经找到那一直默默寻觅和等待的 专注细节及高质量水平的专业团队。 特利马克是世界领先的重型车辆的五金件的革新者、设计者和供应商。我们的产品涵盖了闩锁、把 手、撞栓、联动装置及其它相关配件,质量无与伦比。公司产品不仅确立了设计和价值的标准,而 且在实际应用领域里已被反复得到了验证。 如果标准设计的产品不能满足您的需求,特利马克可以根据客户的需要,在各种机械应用方面,为 您量身定制,提供系统的解决方案,这使特利马克在全球赢得了广泛的赞誉。 在中国江苏徐州,特利马克正在继续打造并完善一支全新的专业团队。我们以一流的产品质量,快 速的生产周期为追求目标,并渴望以最佳方案满足客户的特殊需求。 为何不今天就联系我们的门禁专家呢?我们已经准备好,对于您的机械所碰到的门禁问题,提供快 速准确的最佳解决方案,不断满足并超越您的期望。
1520-32High Security Keyless Egress British Standard NightlatchFitting InstructionsWith the key removed, insert the cylinder pull through the door. With a pencil, markcylinder bar level with inside of surface of the door. Remove cylinder and cut the barso that it will project 6-7mm beyond the door face, i.e. beyond the pencil mark.Re-insert the cylinder and secure with (x2) large screws provided ensuring they aresunk below the door surface. Do not over tighten the bolts C At the middle mark, drilling from both sides of the door, drill a 32mm hole throughthe door. Working from the outside of the door, drill a 10mm diameter hole to adepth of 16mm at each of the two marked spots. Working from the inside of thedoor, drill a 6mm diameter hole through the door at each of the two marked spots.Countersink these two holes using a 10mm drill bit to a depth of 5mm Select desired height for lock. Select either Mounting Plate Template A (For doorhinged on the left as seen from the inside) OR Template B (For door hinged on theleft as seen from the inside). Using the selected template, mark the centre of the 3holes either 40mm or 60mm (as stated above) from the edge of the door on bothsides of the door B A Note: Fitting instructions apply to both 40mm and 60mm productsBefore fitting the Keyless Egress BS Nightlatch please make note of the following:1. For fitting a narrow 40mm backset product - ensure you follow the correct templateinstructions relating to the 40mm dimensions2. For fitting a stanard 60mm backset product - ensure you follow the correct templateinstructions relating to the 60mm dimensionsFitting Tips:To ensure you drill to the correct depth, mark your drill bits with adhesive tape at therequired drill depth prior to drilling To fit a Keyless Egress BS Nightlatch Lock you will require:- Drill- 2mm, 6mm, 10mm and 32mm drill bits- Rule- HacksawHigh Security Keyless Egress British Standard Nightlatch- Mallet - Chisel - Posidriv screwdriver - Pencil BAC8mmFitting the StapleClose door and mark the position of the staple using the lock as a guide. Mark area of wood to be removed from door frame and chisel out. Insert the 3 remaining woodscrews provided to fix the staple, drilling the pilot holes is necessary G Locate lock body over mounting plate and slide lock to engage locking pegs, ensuring lock face (kitemarked edge) fits flush in recess. Replace the 2 retaining screws and secure lock using the 2 wood screws providedF Using lock as template, locate lock body over mounting plate. Mark area to beremoved from the door edge remove lock from mounting plate and chisel out so that the lock face (kitemarked edge) sits flush. Mark the position of the 2 fixing holes. Remove lock and drill positions marked, drilling pilot holes if necessary E ERA , Straight Road, Willenhall, West Midlands. WV12 5RATel:+441922490049Fax:+441922494420Email:************************ Remove mounting plate from lock body by unscrewing the 2 retaining screws. Place the mounting plate over the connecting bar. Secure the mounting plate to the cylinder pull using the two slotted connecting bolts through the mounting plate top centre holes. Do not over tighten the boltsNote: For doors less than 45mm thick, connecting bolts may need to be shortened using a hacksaw.Using the 4 wood screws provided, secure the mounting plate in positions A and C. When fixing mount plate, if holes A are not suitablke due to previous holes etc, plate using positions B D Guarantee - The guarantee covers defective workmanship should the lock become inoperable within 10 years.Any repaired or replaced goods shall be delivered by the company free of charge to the original point of delivery. Proof of purchase (reciept) must be produced.This guarantee does not cover:1. Misuse, none authorised repairs, or incorrect maintenance.2. Tarnishing or decolouration of product as this is affected by environmental conditions.3. Incorrect fitting.Maintenance - Use a moist cloth only to clean all types of finish. Houshold abrasives or solvents may affect the surface finishDeadlocking - From inside, insert key into the handle and turn 360° and remove key.The door cannot be opened from the inside. To unlock - reverse operationOperation - Insert key from the outside and turn to open the doorAdditional InformationD1D2EF。
FIXED PARTS DECK AND DECK STANCHIONSD o v e t a i l f o u n d a t i o n d o u b l e t r a n s v e r s a l s i n g l eR a i s ed o u b lc aGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdFIXED PARTS HOLDF l u s h I S O s o c k e td o u b le t r a n s v e r s a lGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLOOSE PARTS HOLDM i d l o c kGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLOOSE PARTS HOLDB r i d g e f i t t i n g sH a n g i n g s t a c k e r sGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdFLUSH ISO FOUNDATIONS 埋入式底座General Lashing System Co.,LtdTYPE H T D AA-A1 AA-A2 AA-A3 AA-A4110 105 9828 18 16205 180SpecificationWeldable shop primerStandard distances 203/216/258 mmMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KN Standard height 110mmAll item are approved by major classification societies Centre marking for easy installationRAISED STOWAGE PLATES 带孔底板Application SpecificationWeldable shop primerStandard distances 203/216/258 mmMin. breaking loads shear 420 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdRAISED ISO FOUNDATIONS 立式底座SpecificationWeldable shop primerStandard distances 203/216/258 mmMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNOther dimensions on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdRAISED ISO FOUNDATION 立式底座SpecificationWeldable shop primerStandard distances 203/216/258 mmMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNMade of casting steelAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdDOVETAIL PLATES 燕尾底板Weldable shop primerStandard distances 203/216/258 mmMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdWELDABLE CONES 可焊接锥SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking load shear 420 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationWelding chamfer all aroundGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdGUIDE FITTINGS 导座SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads shear 420 KNOther dimensions on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdD-RINGS D 型环AL-A1 (MBL: 500KN)AL-C1 (MBL: 360KN)Welding recommendationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationClamp weldable shop primer D-ring hot dip galvanisedAll item are approved by major classification societiesGLSLASHING PLATES 眼板Typical arrangement of lashing platesfor double cross lashing systems SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads tension 500 KNOther dimensions materials and finishes on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesCentre marking for easy installationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLASHING POT 窝座TYPE: AL-M1General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads tension 360 KNAll item are approved by major classification societies Centre marking for easy installationi o n AL-J1D-RINGS D 型环SpecificationClamp weldable shop primer D-ring hot dip galvanised Min. breaking loads 500 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdGLSD-RINGS D 型座AL-H1SpecificationClamp weldable shop primer D-ring hot dip galvanised Min. breaking loads tension 360 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdTURNBUCKLES 开式花篮螺丝TYPE: BA-A1Turnbuckles Spanner SpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesStand distances MIN 920~~MAX 1400mmGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdTURNBUCKLE 节杆花篮螺丝TYPE: BA-K1Standard distancesMin: 1080mm Max:1490mmApplicationSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdTURNBUCKLES 闭式花篮螺丝TYPE: BA-D1Jaw/HookJ/JH/HSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesStand distances MIN 890~~MAX 1360mmGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLASHING RODS 拉杆BB-B1 BB-C1 BB-F1SpecificationMade of high tensile steelHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN Other dimensions on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesApplicationGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdEXTENSION RODS 接长杆Standard distances 550mmStandard distances 310mmL=260--550L=310--600BB-D1 BB-E1SpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KNOther dimensions materials and finishes on request All item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdSINGLE STACKING CONES 单锥BC-A2 BC-A3 BC-B3General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads shear 420 KN Compression up to 1200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesDOUBLE STACKING CONES 双锥L = 203/216/258Hot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads shear 420 KN / Compression up to 1200 KNOther dimensions and finishes on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdGLSLOCKABLE STACKING CONES 安全单锥SpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads shear 420 KNCompression up to 1200KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdTWISTLOCKS 扭锁BD-A2BD-B1BD-C1General Lashing System Co.,LtdSEMI-AUTOMATIC TWISTLOCKS 半自动扭锁BD-J1Cone marked yellowBD-J1BD-J1General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNMIDLOCKS 中锁Marked redTYPE: BD-K2General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KN All item are approved by major classification societiesApplicationDOVETAIL TWISTLOCKS 燕尾底锁General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KN Compression up to 1200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesR LBD-D1/BD-D2/R L45 °Standard45 °Pint-sizeDOVETAIL TWISTLOCKS 燕尾底锁RLBD-E1/55° StandardGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdBD-E2/RLLine loadSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNCompression up to 1200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesB D-EDOVETAIL TWISTLOCKS 燕尾底锁General Lashing System Co.,LtdBD-F1/BD-G1/R LR L55° transversal45° transversalSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KN Compression up to 1200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesDOVETAIL TWISTLOCKS 燕尾底锁R LBD-H1/Breech-Twistlock BD-L1/R LSide-TwistlockGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KN All item are approved by major classification societiesBRIDGE FITTINGS 桥锁BE-A1General Lashing System Co.,LtdHot dip galvanisedOther dimensions materials and finishes on request All item are approved by major classification societiesPRESSURE ELEMENTS 支撑General Lashing System Co.,LtdApplicationSpecificationMin breaking tension load 850 KN Finish paintedAll item are approved by major classification societiesRO-RO 滚装船CRINKLE BARD-RINGTYPE: CA-A1TYPE:CA-B1Min breaking loads 200 KN Min breaking loads 100 KN and 200 KNFLUSH POT WEB LASHING TYPE:CA-C1TYPE:CA-D1Min breaking loads 50 KNSpecificationAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLASHPOTS 十字底座TYPE: CA-E1TYPE: CA-F1SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads tension 200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdFLUSH LASHPOTS 多用途底座SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads tension 500 KN / shear 420 KNStandard distances for double foundations 203/216/258Other dimensions materials and finishes on requestAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdGLSTENSION LEVERS / LASHING CHAINS CB-B1ChainsCB-C1The length of chain according to customs requirementExamples for arrangement of guide fittingsGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdCB-D1 CB-D2 CB-D3With arbitrarySpecificationWeldable shop primerMin. breaking loads tension 200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesLASHING TURNBUCKLES 花篮螺丝TYPE: CE-A1Hot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads 200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLASHING TURNBUCKLE 花篮螺丝TYPE : C E -B1Effective distance L=415~565General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationHot dip galvanised Min. breaking loads 200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesSPEED LASH 快速连接器 TYPE: CE-A1SpecificationHot dip galvanisedMin. breaking loads 200 KNAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdTRAILER HORSES 托车托架General Lashing System Co.,LtdSpecificationMin. breaking loads 800 KN Weight-controlled rolling gearAll item are approved by major classification societiesTYPE: CF-A1 Weight 130 kgTRAILER JACKSTYPE: CF-B1SpecificationMin loads 800 KNWeight-controlled rolling gearAll item are approved by major classification societiesGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdWHEEL CHOCKSCAR CHOCKS TYPE: CH-A1 TRAILER CHOCKS TYPE: CH-B1 Weight: 1.2 KG Weight: 5.2 KGSpecificationMade of long life rubberOther dimensions on requestGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdOPERATING RODS 开锁杆 FOR SEMI-AUTOMATIC TWISTLOCKSDA-A2L=4.0ML=6.0MSpecificationMade of AluminiumOther lengths on requestGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdSTORAGE BIN / BIN RACKS STORAGE BINSTYPE: DA-B1SpecificationStorage bins with hot dip galvanized / Flat racks with finish paintMain dimensions and strength in accordance with iso-normsFlat racks with CSC certificateOther dimensions and finishes upon requestGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdLIFTING FOUNDATIONS 起吊底座 T Y P E:D B-A1SpecificationWeldable shop primerMin breaking loads tension 500KNOther dimensions materials and finishes upon requestGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdSPREADER AND LIFTING GEARHot dip galvanizedMain dimensions and strength in accordance with iso-normsAll item are approved by major classification societiesMin breaking load 600 knGeneral Lashing System Co.,LtdCONTAINER CORNER 集装箱角件 Bottom corner fittingTYPE: DD-A2General Lashing System Co.,LtdCONTAINER DIMENSIONSBell Lines I SO-Container43'(13103mm) 40' ISO (12192mm)(12192mm) 35' /30' ISO24'(Matson) (7430mm)2*20'(2*6058mm)8'6''(2591mm)(2600mm)(2600mm)8'6''(2591mm)8'(2438mm)8'(2438mm)8'(2438mm)(2500mm)/(2500MM)8'(2438mm)/(2438mm)8' od.8'6''(2438mm)od(2591)8'(2438mm)9'6 1/2''9'6''(2896mm)9'6''(2896mm)9'6''9'6 1/2''8' 9'8'6'' 9'6''8'6''8'6''8'6''8'9'6''9'6'' 1/2''9'6''9'6''8'6''9'6''53'(16150mm)49'(14935mm)24 1/2'(2*7442mm)48'(14630mm)45'(13720mm)General Lashing System Co.,Ltd。
Weiser 智能钥匙安全锁产品指南说明书
![Weiser 智能钥匙安全锁产品指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/78bcec16bf1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcb44.png)
PRODUCT GUIDE2Protects againstadvanced break-in techniques Kick-In Resistant Pick Resistant SawResistant Drill Resistant Bump Proof SmartKey standard on all Weiser products,excluding Safelock and Beverly.3Insert functioningkey and turn 1/4 turnclockwise.123Insert and remove theSmartKey™ Learn T ool.T ake out current key.Insert new key and turn1/2 turn counter-clockwise.Your lock is now re-keyed!Re-key your lockin seconds!keys obsolete.Why is a SmartKey lock betterthan a regular lock?ANTIMICROBIAL TECHNOLOGYFight Bacteria GrowthWeiser® and Microban®, the global leader in built-in antimicrobial protection, have teamed up to improve the standard for door hardware.Weiser® will now offer antimicrobial protection on select products, inhibiting the growth of bacteria on frequently touched door hardware in the home.Weiser Overprotects™A powerful added layer of antimicrobial protection that’s built-in right into the finish of select Weiser products.The active ingredient actually enables hardware to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Keeping door hardware cleaner, fresher, and more protected than products with untreated surfaces.99.9% CLEANER THAN UNPROTECTEDSURFACEUnprotectedSurfaceINHIBITS BACTERIA With each use, doors are exposed to a broad spectrum of microbes thatcause stains, odors and product degradation.LONG LASTINGIncorporated rightinto the high-qualityfinish, Microban®antimicrobialproduct protectionis designed lastfor the life of yourhardware.OVERPROTECTSMicroban®antimicrobialtechnology worksaround the clock tocontinuously fightthe growth bacteriaon high-touchhardware surfaces.ProtectedwithMicroban8Simply use your unique fingerprint to lock and unlock your door. Halo T ouch brings all the convenience and security right to your fingertips with advanced biometric technology.All you need is your existing WiFi network + smartphone + Halo T ouch smart lock. It’s that easy!WI-FI ENABLED SMART DOOR LOCK WITH FINGERPRINT ACCESSHALO TOUCH1-Year Limited Warranty onElectronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish WarrantyALL YOU NEED IS A WIFI ROUTER + SMART PHONE + HALO SMART LOCK9C O N T E M P O R A R YT R A D I T I O N A LSatin Nickel Satin Nickel Matte BlackMatte Black10Introducing the Halo Wi-Fi enabled smart lock. It’s the uncomplicated way to get smart lock security and smart home convenience using your home’s existing Wi-Fi router. Operate, manage and monitor the lock with your smartphone using the Weiserapp from anywhere there’s an Internet connection. No third-party hub, panel or subscription service required.1-Year Limited Warranty onElectronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish WarrantyHALO WI-FI TOUCHSCREENALL YOU NEED IS A WIFI ROUTER + SMART PHONE + HALO SMART LOCKSatin Nickel Matte BlackAURASMARTER LIVINGAura™ Bluetooth™ smart lock gives you control of your door with your smartphone — it’s as simple as that. Using the Weiser App within Bluetooth range, you can lock/unlock the Aura Smart Lock and program up to 250 user access codes that can be scheduled and customized.1-Year Limited Warranty onElectronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical WarrantyLifetime Finish WarrantySatin Nickel Matte BlackTOUCHSCREEN The SmartCode™ 10 advanced touchscreen is ultra responsive to touch for instant screen display and features cool white LEDs for defined illumination.The product features an additonal layer of security - SecureScreen™ - a technology that randomizes codes prior to entering your personal code to prevent fingerprint and code detection.1-Year Limited Warranty on Electronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish Warranty THE ULTIMATE IN TOUCHSCREEN SECURITYSatin Nickel Available Options:Introducing the SmartCode™ touchpad electronic deadbolt with tactile feedback and bright LED illumination for easy code access. Available in both a traditional and contemporary design that will complement any home decor.1-Year Limited Warranty on Electronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish Warranty SMARTCODE TOUCHPADSAME SMARTCODE, NOW REVAMPEDT R A D I T I O N A LC O N T E M P O R A RYSatin Nickel Satin Nickel Matte BlackMatte BlackThe newly re-designed SmartCode™ keypad electronic deadbolt is faster and quieter than previous models, while allowing you to enter your home using a personal code—the motorized deadbolt locks with just the push of a button.The SmartCode™ keypad is Weiser’s first electronic lock to have Microban® Antimicrobial T echnology on both the finish and keypad protecting you 24/7.1-Year Limited Warranty on Electronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish Warranty SMARTCODE KEYPADSMALLER. QUIETER. STRONGERT R A D I T I O N A LC O N T E M P O R A RYSatin Nickel Satin Nickel Satin Chrome Matte BlackMatte BlackAdd a level of security and style to your home with the SmartCode™ 10 residential or commercial touchpad electronic lever. Designed with a sleek style to complement your home or business, you can lock up your home office, wine cellar or storage room and never have to worry about keys. T o gain entry, simply enter your personalized access code, while locking is as easy as touching a button. 1-Year Limited Warranty on Electronic Components Lifetime Mechanical Warranty Lifetime Finish Warranty LEVERSINCREASED SECURITY WITH KEYLESS CONVENIENCE21R E S I D E N T I A LC O M M E R C I A LSatin Nickel Satin Nickel Matte BlackMatte Black22Eliminate the need for keys; enter your house with your own personal code. No more lockouts or hiding keys under the mat. Store up to 6 unique user codes for family, guests, neighbours, dog walker etc. Easy to install. Easy to program. Easy to use. Easy to love.1-Year Limited Warranty onElectronic ComponentsLifetime Mechanical WarrantyLifetime Finish WarrantyPOWERBOLTPOWERBOLT -SIMPLE AND SECURE23Satin Nickel Satin Chrome Satin Chrome Satin Nickel Polished Brass Matte BlackVenetian BronzeMatte BlackP O W E R B O L T 2P O W E R B O L T 124AugustaAvalon Ashfield*Products are available in VP onlyHANDLESETSHawthorneHeritage*Prague25Prescott*San ClementeTavarisVancouver26Cambie Square Cambie Round+Hancock+HuntingtonKNOBS*Products are available in VP only+Products are available in BP only27PhoenixTroyPrague28+Products are available in BP onlyHalifax SquareMilan Square+LEVERS CONTEMPORARYLisbon Round+Lisbon Square+Milan RoundHalifax Round+Montreal Round+Montreal Square+29Sydney Round+Sydney Square+Singapore Square+Singapore Round+Prague+Products are available in BP only30Ashfield LEVERSTRADITIONALAspenAvalonDane++Products are available in BP only31KatellaTolucaGaliano32GCD9471Uptown TMGD1471 Round Downtown TMGD1471 Square DEADBOLTSG R A D E 1Midtown TMGD147133SSD9471 SquareSSD9471Round GD 9471Single Cylinder(Keyed One Side)GD9371Double Cylinder(Keyed Two Sides)G R A D E 234KEY CONTROLDEADBOLTSGCD9571Square ContemporaryKey Control(Shown With Cover Off)GCD9571Round TraditionalKey Control(Shown With Cover Off)35Square Pocket DoorlockRound PocketDoorlockStandard Shackle(1-1/8")Long Shackle (2")P O C K E T D O O R L O C K S P A D L O C K S36KingswayAmadorBrentwood*H A N D L E S E T SD E A D B O LT S GDC9471Square GDC9471 Single &Double CylinderGDC9471RoundBeverly FairfaxYukon K N O BS *Products are available in VP only37*Products are available in VP only+Products are available in BP only L E V E RSAlfini KimHollis Round+Tristan SquareHollis SquareBelmontBreton Round+Casey Square*Breton Square38Daytona*Branton*H A N D L E S E TSSD9100Single CylinderD E A D B O L TS*Products are available in VP only39Athens*Regina K N O BS Grapevine Reminy Westley Layton L E V E RSDaylon Round Daylon Square Winston SquareWinston Round *Products are available in VP only4142Available withNOTE: Finishes shown reflect retail and contractor packaging. Some finishes may not be available in your requested packaging type.Special order may be available. Ask your Weiser dealer.FINISH CHART3BRBright Brass Brilliance3Polished Brass5Antique Brass 11P Venetian Bronze15Satin Nickel 15A Antique Nickel 26Polished Chrome 26D Satin Chrome 514Matte Black99.9%4Satin BrassFINISH CHART43FINISH CHART44FINISH CHART45T oll-Free: 1-800-501-9471 。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX高端防盗门锁供应协议版B版本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语解释1.1 高端防盗门锁1.2 供应协议1.3 甲方1.4 乙方1.5 产品1.6 交付1.7 质量保证1.8 价格1.9 交货期1.10 支付方式1.11 违约责任1.12 争议解决1.13 合同的生效、变更与解除1.14 合同的终止与继承2. 供应产品的数量与规格2.1 产品名称2.2 产品型号2.3 数量2.4 规格与技术参数3. 质量保证与验收3.1 质量标准3.2 质量保证期限3.3 验收程序3.4 验收标准4. 价格与支付4.1 价格条款4.2 支付期限4.3 支付方式4.4 发票开具5. 交货与运输5.1 交货地点5.2 交货时间5.3 运输方式5.4 运输费用6. 售后服务6.1 售后服务内容6.2 售后服务承诺6.3 售后服务期限7. 违约责任7.1 甲方违约7.2 乙方违约7.3 违约赔偿8. 争议解决8.1 协商解决8.2 调解解决8.3 仲裁解决8.4 法律途径9. 合同的生效、变更与解除9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同变更9.3 合同解除10. 合同的终止与继承10.1 合同终止条件10.2 合同终止后的权利义务10.3 合同继承11. 保密条款11.1 保密内容11.2 保密期限11.3 保密义务12. 不可抗力12.1 不可抗力事件12.2 不可抗力后果12.3 不可抗力通知13. 其他条款13.1 合同的修改和补充13.2 附件13.3 合同的有效期14. 签署14.1 甲方签署14.2 乙方签署14.3 签署日期第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与术语解释1.1 高端防盗门锁甲方所供应的防盗门锁为高端产品,包括但不限于X型号,具有先进的技术和卓越的安全性能,满足乙方高端防盗门锁的需求。
1.2 供应协议本协议是甲方作为供应商与乙方作为采购商之间关于高端防盗门锁供应的协议,包括但不限于产品的数量、规格、质量保证、价格、交货期和售后服务等条款。
智能锁样品合同范本甲方(供货方):____________________地址:____________________电话:____________________法定代表人:____________________营业执照号码:____________________乙方(采购方):____________________地址:____________________电话:____________________法定代表人:____________________营业执照号码:____________________鉴于甲方拥有生产和销售智能锁的资质和能力,乙方有意向购买甲方生产的智能锁样品,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、产品描述1. 产品名称:智能锁2. 产品型号:____________________3. 产品数量:______个4. 产品单价:人民币______元/个5. 产品总价:人民币______元整二、产品质量标准及保证1. 甲方保证所供产品符合国家标准及行业标准。
2. 甲方应提供产品质量检验报告、产品说明书等相关资料。
3. 产品质保期为______年,自产品交付之日起计算。
三、交货时间、地点及方式1. 交货时间:甲方应在本合同签订之日起______个工作日内将产品交付至乙方指定地点。
2. 交货地点:乙方指定的交货地点为____________________。
3. 交货方式:甲方应按照乙方要求的交货方式进行交货,交货时应向乙方提供产品的相关资料。
四、付款方式及时间1. 付款方式:乙方应在收到产品后的______个工作日内,将产品全款支付至甲方指定的银行账户。
2. 付款时间:乙方应在本合同签订之日起______个工作日内,向甲方支付合同总金额的______%作为预付款;剩余款项应在收到产品后的______个工作日内支付。
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地 址:宁波市高新区凌云路1177号凌云产业园1栋2楼 电 话:0574-87901840 传真:0574-87910096 E-mail:sale@ 网址:
锁内只有一个受保护的加密芯片,没有电源,极大地提高了产品的稳定性 一次设定就可以终身使用,降低了维护和应用的成本 产品可靠性强稳定性好,保障各种情景的使用
作业人员按照逻辑顺序开锁,跳跃或者错开均受到限制,无法开启 开启顺序的设定避免了误操作,有效的保障了人员及设备的安全 通过逻辑的设定,促进标准化作业流程的实施
锁完成设定后可以在多种移动设备上使用 钥匙可以在任何方位甚至移动的情况下设定使用 钥匙可以通过分布式网络联动管理授权对移动运输设备开锁
子母锁主从锁 系统可以通过软件设定任意钥匙为母(主)钥匙或者子(从)钥匙 母(主)钥匙开启所有的锁,子(从)钥匙开启部分锁 不影响安全的前提下,可以授权多级子母锁主从锁以实现不同客户的 需求
五种设置类型 密码钥匙: 锁号钥匙: 设置锁密码 设置锁ID 最大工作电流:50mA 无线通信距离:<2CM 无线通信频率:106Kbps 静电保护: 8 KV接触静电或 15KV非接触静电
管理钥匙 (Mkey)
事件钥匙: 收集锁事件 黑名单钥匙:向锁设置黑名单 工程钥匙: 有效期内可开启系统内所有的锁
授权 、设 置
桌面发卡器是我公司自行研发的多功能读卡器,主要用于读写卡操作和NFC通讯交互 数据,可以与公司的四种钥匙进行通信实现授权和设置。
卡钥匙使用时读取用户卡里的信息,核对通过 后可按设定和授权操作,卡钥匙有效地避免了 钥匙丢失后锁被冒认开启的情况。
最大工作电流:200mA NFC通讯距离:<2CM 无线通信频率:106Kbps 静电保护: 8 KV接触静电或 15KV非接触静电
NFC无线通讯技术交互数据 采用高度加密算法, 杜绝复制、破解 人体工程学设计,外观漂亮、开启方便
瑞奥物联锁系统以管理软件为服务平台,配合桌面发卡器对物联锁及钥匙进行设定。锁和钥匙接触的同时,锁胆内部的 微型处理器和钥匙内部的芯片互相验证通过后达到开锁的目的。物联锁中的时间、事件等信息上传到物联钥匙和软件数据库 之中,以备查询。
初始设定,时间片设定, 授权设定
安装无需布线,方便快捷 数字化免布线设计,降低布线成本,避免了线路的损坏问题 免布线的模块化设计比同类锁大大降低了集成、实施、管理维护的成本
机电一体锁 采用64位高度安全加密,无法技术开启 钥匙无法复制 , 在有效范围内设定和采集过程经过严格加密 锁芯颠覆传统机械锁芯的设计 , 保留了机械锁的使用习惯
NFC手机伴侣 材质:不锈钢 材质:铜、不锈钢
带有NFC功能的智能手机直接和钥匙进行通信设置读取信息。 可用于Mobile和Enterprise版本中。
瑞奥公司提供了不同应用需求的系统管理软件版本,分别是KMS-Mobile管理软件,KMS-Professional 管理软件和KMS-Enterprise管理软件。用户根据实际需求选用以上管理软件均可以实现对物联锁的设定、 应用、查询及报表等功能,帮助客户实现管理应用的需求。 系统中所使用到的物联锁可以在三种管理系统软件中升迁转换,同时也预留了云端管理,实现集中维护和 开放接口,为定制化开发提供了无限可能。 功能介绍 系统用户管理功能,用于系统设定和管理人权限设定 设定锁内基本数据,更新锁内应用数据的功能 数据导入、导出和备份恢复功能 时间片、日历和节假日等功能 操作和跟踪日志,查询和备案功能
自动售货机锁 L型锁 摇把锁
01 02 03
钥匙 锁 配套设备
05 07 10
软件 应用案例 售后服务
11 15 16
目 录
挂锁 转舌锁 半开欧标锁
原理 特性
特点 投入综合成本低 按需求配置 适应各种环境 安装便捷 无源免维护 技术开启难度高 无牙花不可复制 记录和查询 灵活的权限管理 通过对行业需求的深入分析,整合传统机械锁和主流电子锁优点设计而成的新型物联锁,广泛适用于工 业行业领域。 机械锁 电子锁 物联锁
瑞奥物联钥匙通过软件和配套设备来设定钥匙的权限和功能,可对指定人员的身份和锁权限、时间等信息进行 管理。物联钥匙按功能和用途的不同可分为四种类型:管理钥匙(Mkey)、用户钥匙(Nkey)、卡钥匙(Tag Key)、 专用钥匙(Pkey)、远传钥匙(Rkey)。
用户通过软件数据库和用户身份识别信息进 行绑定实现对应设置,来开启相关的锁。
最大工作电流:200mA 双色LED+蜂鸣器提示 电源使用寿命:50000次 静电保护: 8 KV接触静电或 15KV非接触静电
用户钥匙 (Nkey)
物联钥匙作为系统应用的核心,具有唯一的64位ID识别码,可靠性强,安全性高,可以通过多种方式授权, 每把钥匙能收集并保存3000条操作记录。
NFC通讯距离: <3 CM
专用钥匙 (Pkey)
拥有GPRS与NFC双重信道,可自主选择远 程实时授权或近距离授权,完成数据回传。
工作电压:3.7-4.2V 主机待机时间:最长1个月 实时同步时间:小于5S 静电保护: 8 KV接触静电或 15KV非接触静电
断电保存数据:10年以上 工作电压:3.6v
瑞奥物联锁芯是一种免布线的通用电子锁芯,可以对机械锁芯进行快速的更换升级,极大地丰富了产 品的应用范围。
材质:铜、不锈钢 材质:铜、不锈钢
唯一对应钥匙持有者的指纹,通过指纹验证 才能使用钥匙,提高了钥匙作为开锁令牌的 安全级别,使用NFC协议通讯。 最大工作电流:300mA 与NFC手机或手机伴侣的 通讯距离<2cm 无线通讯速率:106Kbps 静电保护: 8 KV接触静电或 15KV非接触静电
电源使用寿命:50000次 开锁权限:3000个锁或者锁组 锁事件:3000条 时间段数量:200*12条 万历表:1个 夏令时:1个可设置时间
远传 钥匙 (Rkey)
统一尺寸的通用电子锁胆,可以对锁芯长度大于31mm, 直径大于12.7mm的机械锁芯进行替换。
P D锁芯
材质:不锈钢 材质:铜、不锈钢 桌面发卡器
交互式系统电脑直接与后台管理软件连接 , 通过内置读卡器与四种钥匙通信,实现授权和 设置,可在Professional和Enterprise版本中使用。在操作界面上直观的查询追溯事件
可组合式设定“一对多”、“多对多”以及“多对一”的开锁需求 钥匙的信息化设定,可有效解决钥匙多,管理不便的弊端 与管理软件配合,实现网络化分布式动态密码管理,并有效记录
"E"匙通锁动态锁 多把钥匙先后作用才能开启锁 不同人员掌管的各组密码统一设定到钥匙上,实现开启 多把钥匙统一作用开启锁后产生的密钥,来开启下一把锁
的时间 、 人物 、 地点等信息 。
系统标准手持机用于快速的设置门锁编号 , 对离线门禁控制器进行用户列表更新 , 收集
材质:铜、不锈钢 塑料 材质:铜、不锈钢 塑料 手持机 L型锁