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1.As You Plant. So Will You Reap 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆(梅兰选译)
If you pla nt hon esty, you will reap trust .播种诚实,收获信任。
If you plant goodness , you will reap friends 播种善良,收获友谊。
If you pla nt humility, you will reap great ness. 播种谦逊,收获伟大。
If you plant perseveranee , you will reap victory . 播种坚持,收获胜利。
If you plant consideration , you will reap harmony •播种周全,收获和谐。
If you plant hard work , you will reap success .播种勤奋,收获成功。1f you pla nt forgiven ess , you will reap recon ciliati on. 播种宽恕, 收获和解。
If you plant openness , you will reap intimacy .播种坦率,收获亲密。
If you plant patienee , you will reap improvements .播种耐心,收获改善。
If you plant faith , you will reap miracles .播种信念,收获奇迹。
If you pla nt disho nesty, you will reap distrust .播种欺骗,收获怀疑。
If you plant selfishness , you will reap Ioneliness. 播种自私,收获孤独。
If you plant pride , you will reap destruction 播种骄傲,收获毁灭。
If you pla nt en vy, you will reap trouble .播种妒忌,收获烦恼。
If you pla nt laz in ess , you will reap stag natio n 播种懒惰,收获停滞。
If you plant bitterness , you will reap isolation 播种尖酸,收获孤立。
2.Sa nd and Sto ne 沙土与石头
During some point of the journey, two men had an argument , and one
friend slapped the other one in the face . The one who got slapped was hurt , but
without saying anything , he wrote in the sand : Today my best friend slapped me in the face .
They kept on walking , until they found an oasis , where they decided to take a bath . The one who
had been slapped got stuck in the mire ( 沼泽, 泥潭)and started
drowning ,but his friend saved him . After he recovered from the near drowning ,
he wrote on a stone : Today my best friend saved my life .
The man , who had slapped and saved his best friend , asked him ,“ After I hurt you , you wrote in the sand , and now , you write on a stone , why? ”
The other man replied :" When some one hurts US we should write it dow n in
sand where the winds of forgiven ess can erase it away . but whe n some one does I f you plant gossip
, you will reap enemies . 播种流言,收获敌人。 I f you plant worries , you will reap wrinkles . 播种忧虑,收获皱纹。
If you plant sin , you will reap guilt.
播种罪恶。收获罪过。 播种贪婪。收获损失。 If you plant greed , you will reap loss
somethi ng good for us, we must en grave it in stone where no wind or rain can ever
erase it .
3. As I See It亲眼所见
One day a wealthy man took his son on a trip to the country so he could have his son
see how poor country people were ,and appreciate what they had. They stayed one
day and one ni ght in a very humble farmhouse .
At the end of the trip and back home the father asked the son :" What did you
thi nk of the trip? ”
The son replied : Very nice , Dad .”