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第七步 The seventh step
• 捞出,放在厨房纸上晾干。
• Fish out,put on the kitchen paper to dry
第八步 The eighth step
• 锅里放油,油热后放入土豆条炸1-2分钟捞 出,再把油烧热后放入土豆条复炸。 • Put the oil in the pan ,when the oil heat then put potatoes fried 1-2minutes and out it to dry some oil.Then fry it again.
• 把土豆切成筷子粗细. • Cut potatoes into the same size as chopsticks.
第三步 The third step
• 泡在清水里备用 • Put potatoes into cold water
第四步 The fourth Step
• 把切好的土豆放入沸水中煮个5-6分钟 • Put the potatoes chips into the boiling water for5-6minutes
第五步 The fifth step
• 煮好之后捞出用冷开水过凉,然后把水倒 干净 • After the fish have cooked ,then fish out and use cold water wash it,and dry it.
第六步 The sixth step
• 倒入事先准备好的牛奶,一定要漫过土豆 条浸15分钟 • Then pour into the prepared milk and the potato chips must be soaked.
DIY freach fries DIY 薯条
材料:土豆+牛奶+盐 Ingredient:potato+milk+salt
让我们来做第一步 Let's make the first step
• 土豆去皮 • Remove the potatoes skin
第二步 The secone step
第九步 The nineth step
• 炸至金黄色后捞出沥干油份,撒上盐或者 配上番茄酱即可 • Fried until golden remove and drain the oil,sprinkle some salt or tomato sauce.