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1. My pare nts and I went to the B _________ in the after noon. We saw some boats saili ng on the

Huan gpu River.

2. Yogi Bear, the picnic stealing bear from Jellystone Park, has long been a popular c _______ character loved by many childre n.

3. While you are crossing the harbor at night , your heart will be c _______ by the beauty of Hong

Kon g's ni ght.

4. That bus in ess man gave his childre n the best educati on that money could b ___ .

5.Sherlock Holmes was a world-famous detective. He always had a lot of c ______ to deal with.

6. _________________________________________________________________________ People used to go to the market to buy live chickens to eat , but now they have to c ______________

that habit because of the bird flu, a very dan gerous disease.

7.0ne of the best ways to c _______ Mother's Day is to give your mother the day off.

8. Mr. Baker had quite a b ______ time when he came home from work on Friday evenings

because there were a lot of things wait ing for him to do.

9. Little Tom did n't know which b ______ _ he should press to turn the radio on so he was very


10. Joh n, s mother is a b _____ . She is very busy and ofte n flies to many places to do bus in ess.

11.1 t's important to stay c ______ when you are angry. Remember: It's no use arguing with such

a rude man.

12.1 wish Cindy would lear n to think before speak ing, the n she would n't offend so many people

with c ______ _ words.

13. He is a manager without a sense of responsibility. When customers complains about the

products, he n ever c _______

14. English is one of the most widely used Ianguages in the world. Most international

b _______ letters are written in English.

15. You are ninety years old. You are planting a ver y young tree now and it ' ll take years to give fruit. You c _______ _ don t hope to live long eno ugh to get any fruit from this tree.

16.0ur local Community Youth Club is a very popular organization with young people in my town.

There are fun activities such as holiday c ______ and discos. We have even made a video.

17. The football match you are looking forward to has to be c ___________ because of the bad weather.

18. Whe n young people in the Un ited States come together for fun, they will think it is a good c

_____ for dancing. They will play records or tapes. One way or another , they will be dancing.

19.ln India and Africa elephants are used to c _______ tourists around animal parks because they

are very kind and care about huma ns.

20.The home education is not limited to c _________ system, so parents have more freedom in arranging courses for the childre n accord ing to their in terests and n eeds.

21.One advantage of most c ________ stores is that goods bought in one of the shops can

usually be retur ned to one of the others if there is any problem.

22. There are many things we n eed to know that we don't lear n at school. For example, if we want

to use our pocket money wisely, we n eed to shop c _______ .

23. Let's stop to admire the scenery and focus our c ______ on the beautiful flowers, shall we?

24. We were very sad and angry to hear that the bad milk powder c ______ the death of 30 babies.

25. Tianzifang Creation Zone (田子坊创意园)has become the new c _____ of Shanghai fashion.

A lot of foreigners and visitors are very interested in it.

Exercise 6

1. ________________________________________________ He was very kind and gave half of his money to a c _______________________________________ that helped poor children to live a better life.

2. A hobby is an in teresti ng way of spe nding your free time. There are many differe nt hobbies for different people to c ________ to make their life colorful.

3. C _____ _ need a happy home environment for their healthy growth and their bad

behavior is ofte n a reflect ion on their pare nts.

4. Don't feel happy too early. The news isn't very c _______ , I'm afraid. Linda said in a low voice.

5. Her pare nts and sister love God and serve God with their hearts and souls. However, she seldom
