第二篇检验与发证第1章通则第1节一般规定1.1.1 渔业船舶的所有人、经营者或代理人(以下简称船舶所有人)须按本篇的规定申报检验。
1.1.2 所有渔业船舶在首次投入营运之前须申报初次检验。
1.1.3 营运渔业船舶须按本篇规定申报营运船舶检验。
1.1.4 船舶所有人须按本篇规定申报吨位丈量、核定载重线。
1.1.5 渔业船舶的主要船用产品,须按本篇的规定申报产品检验。
1.1.6 验船部门受理检验的范围,须按主管机关的规定执行。
1.1.7 检验依据1.1.7.1 本规则是执行渔业船舶法定检验的依据。 主管机关颁布的其他规定是本规则的组成部分。 除另有明文规定外,主管机关颁布的指导性文件均属于非强制性的。 渔业船舶结构除须符合本规则的相应规定外,其船舶强度、结构、布置、材料、构件尺寸、机械设备、电气设备、冷藏装置、防火结构、焊接、锅炉和其他受压容器及其附件等,其设计与安装应适用于预定的用途,且应符合主管机关颁布或承认的建造规范、标准的有关规定。 本规则各篇的规定已涵盖了下列有关国际公约、议定书(包括修正案)、规则等对渔业船舶的要求:1)1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约(简称69吨位公约);2)1966年国际船舶载重线公约及1988年议定书(简称66载重线公约);3)1974年国际海上人命安全公约及其议定书和修正案(简称SOLAS公约1974);4)1972年国际海上避碰规则及其修正案(简称72避碰规则);5)1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约78年议定书及1988年议定书(简称MARPOL 73/78公约);6)1977年托雷莫利诺斯国际渔船安全公约1993年议定书(简称93议定书)。 本规则还包括了国际劳工组织(简称ILO)于1932年修订的《关于船舶装卸作业防止工人工伤事故公约》(简称32号公约),以及替代并于1981年12月5日生效的相应公约(简称152公约)的有关内容。
⼆、交通运输部2013年11⽉12⽇发布《海港总体设计规范》JTS165-2013(2014年5⽉1⽇实施,在JTJ211-99<海港总平⾯设计规范>、JTJ295-2000<开敞式码头设计与施⼯技术规程>基础上形成),附录A设计船型尺度及其他参数中描述了关于船舶吨级及特征船型参数:A.0.1条描述:根据国际航运会议常设委员会和我国及世界⼤多数国家的惯例,以及港⼝规划设计和营运管理的实际需要,对于以载货量为主的船舶(杂货船、散货船、油船、货物滚装船、散装⽔泥船、化学品船等)以载重吨(DWT)为统计标准,……;对于以载货容积为主的船舶(汽车滚装船、客货滚装船、客船和渡船等)以总吨(GT)为统计标准…… 如下截图:1、油船表A-32、客船表A-11如上两截图中,油船的船舶吨级为DWT(t),如3万吨级为载重吨27501—45000载重吨的船舶;客船的船舶吨级为GT。
三、船舶总吨、载重吨定义:1、船舶总吨, (Gross Tonnage, GT)根据船舶吨位丈量公约或规范的有关规定,丈量确定的船舶所有围蔽处所的总容积,并按⼀定的公式可算出船舶的总吨位。
总吨位(Gross Tonnage, GT)计算:系指船舶围蔽部份减去免丈部份之总容积V,以⽴⽅公尺计之,乘以系数K所得船舶⼤⼩之数字。
第二篇检验与发证第1章通则第1节一般规定1.1.1 渔业船舶的所有人、经营者或代理人(以下简称船舶所有人)须按本篇的规定申报检验。
1.1.2 所有渔业船舶在首次投入营运之前须申报初次检验。
1.1.3 营运渔业船舶须按本篇规定申报营运船舶检验。
1.1.4 船舶所有人须按本篇规定申报吨位丈量、核定载重线。
1.1.5 渔业船舶的主要船用产品,须按本篇的规定申报产品检验。
1.1.6 验船部门受理检验的范围,须按主管机关的规定执行。
1.1.7 检验依据1.1.7.1 本规则是执行渔业船舶法定检验的依据。 主管机关颁布的其他规定是本规则的组成部分。 除另有明文规定外,主管机关颁布的指导性文件均属于非强制性的。 渔业船舶结构除须符合本规则的相应规定外,其船舶强度、结构、布置、材料、构件尺寸、机械设备、电气设备、冷藏装置、防火结构、焊接、锅炉和其他受压容器及其附件等,其设计与安装应适用于预定的用途,且应符合主管机关颁布或承认的建造规范、标准的有关规定。 本规则各篇的规定已涵盖了下列有关国际公约、议定书(包括修正案)、规则等对渔业船舶的要求:1) 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约(简称69吨位公约);2) 1966年国际船舶载重线公约及1988年议定书(简称66载重线公约);3) 1974年国际海上人命安全公约及其议定书和修正案(简称SOLAS公约1974);4) 1972年国际海上避碰规则及其修正案(简称72避碰规则);5) 1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约78年议定书及1988年议定书(简称MARPOL 73/78公约);6) 1977年托雷莫利诺斯国际渔船安全公约1993年议定书(简称93议定书)。 本规则还包括了国际劳工组织(简称ILO)于1932年修订的《关于船舶装卸作业防止工人工伤事故公约》(简称32号公约),以及替代并于1981年12月5日生效的相应公约(简称152公约)的有关内容。
C***A 吨位B 船级C 国籍D 类型2、我国港口国监督检查的对象为______。
A***A 国际航行的外国籍船舶B 国际航行的中国籍货船C 港作拖轮D 军舰3、我国港口国监督中,不可以检查的内容为。
D***A STCW 78/95 公约B SOLAS 公约C MARPOL 73/78 公约D ILO147号公约4、PSC检查的目的是。
B***A 防止偷渡B 海上安全和防止污染C 查禁走私D 防止疫病传播5、我国PSC检查的执行机构是。
B***A 船级社B 海事局C 边防检查站D 海关6、我国PSC检查的对象是。
B***A 每一艘进港的外国籍船舶B 根据选船标准进行抽查C 开往巴黎备忘录的中国籍船舶D 外国军舰7、我国国际航行海船执行法定检验的方式为。
D***A 通过海事局港口国检查进行B 授权其他船级社C 船舶入级检验替代D 授权中国船级社代为执行8、IMO公约修正案的通过方式为。
B**A 差额投票B 默认程序C 至少15个国家且船舶总吨位不少于世界总吨位的50%D 至少15个国家且船舶总吨位不少于世界总吨位的75%9、属于PSC初始检查的内容是。
A**A 船舶证书B 船体构造C 无线电设备D 操作性检查10、港口国监督依据的国际公约中“令主管机关满意”是指哪个主管机关。
B**A 港口国海事主管机关B船旗国海事主管机关C 国际海事组织D 船级社11、下列国家中不属于亚太备忘录成员国的是。
D**A 中国B 俄罗斯C 澳大利亚D 美国12、第一个成立的区域性港口国监督合作组织是。
B**A 美国海岸警卫队B 巴黎备忘录C 东京备忘录D 加勒比备忘录13、“港口国监督程序”是由哪个机构制定?。
A**A 国际海事组织B 巴黎备忘录C 东京备忘录D 中国海事局14、下列不属于IMO内部机构的是。
D**A 法律委员会B 安全委员会C 环境委员会D 海事委员会15、我国处理国际公约与国内法的关系为。
《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》修正案(第A.1084(28)号决议)文章属性•【缔约国】•【条约领域】海上运输•【公布日期】2017.02.08•【条约类别】公约•【签订地点】正文《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》修正案第A.1084(28)号决议(2013年12月4日通过),2017年2月28日生效大会,忆及《国际海事组织公约》有关大会在海上安全的有关规则和导则方面的职能的第十五条第(十)款,又忆及大会以第A.1070(28)号决议通过了《国际海事组织文书实施规则》(《文书实施规则》),注意到为使《文书实施规则》成为强制性规则的《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》 (《1969年吨位丈量公约》)建议修正案,又注意到海上安全委员会在其第九十一届会议上按照《1969年吨位丈量公约》第18(3) (a)条通过了该建议修正案,审议了《1969年吨位丈量公约》建议修正案,1.按照《1969年吨位丈量公约》第18(3)(b)条,通过载于本决议附件中的修正案;2.按照附则Ⅲ新的第8条,确定在《文书实施规则》[第A.1070(28)号决议附件]中除第 29、30、31和32段外,无论何处使用到“应(should)”字都等同于“须(shall)”字;3.要求秘书长按照《1969年吨位丈量公约》第18(3)(b)条,将本决议及其附件的核证无误副本发送给上述公约的所有缔约政府,以供考虑和接受,以及将此副本发送给所有本组织成员国;4.吁请有关的各国政府尽早接受该修正案;5.决定,在依据本决议要求的接受而生效之前,如果上述修正案在按照《1969年吨位丈量公约》第18(2)条获得一致接受后生效,本决议将作废。
附件《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》附则I和附则Ⅲ的修正案附则I确定船舶总吨位和净吨位的规则第2条-附则中所用术语的定义1 在定义第(8)项后增加以下定义:“(9)审核系指一套系统的、独立的和有文件记录的程序以获取审核证据,以及客观地对其评价以确定达到审核标准的程度。
1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约简介:1967年3月18日发生了利比里亚籍油船“托利·勘庸”(Torry Canyon)号油污事故,该船在英吉利海峡触礁,船体断裂。
注册(容积)总吨Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)注册(容积)净吨Net Registered Tonnage (NRT)总载重吨位(量) Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T)总载重吨位Gross Dead Weight Tonnage净载重吨Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT)轻排水量Light Displacement满载排水量Load (Loaded)Displacement实际排水量Actual Displacement超重附加费Over weight surcharge燃油附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS)港口附加费Port Surcharge港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion Surcharge货币贬值附加费Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)绕航附加费Deviation surcharge直航附加费Direct Additional选卸港附加费Additional for Optional Destination变更卸货港附加费Additional for Alteration of Destination熏蒸费Fumigation Charge提单Bill of Lading已装船提单On Board (Shipped) B/L备运(收妥待运)提单Received for shipment B/L记名提单Named B/L不记名提单Bearer B/L指示提单Order B/L空白备书Blank Endorsement清洁提单Clean B/L外表状况良好In apparent good order and condition不清洁提单Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L直航提单Direct B/L转船提单Transshipment B/良好天气工作日Weather working days (W.W.D)船舶准备就绪通知书Notice of Readiness (NOR)例行手续Idle formality装卸时间计算表Laytime statement延期损失Damage for Detention习惯快速装运Customary Quick Despatch (CQD)国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 托运单(定舱委托书) Booking Note装货单(下货纸) Shipping Order (S/O)收货单Mate’s Receipt装货清单Loading List载货清单(货物舱单) Cargo Manifest货物积载计划Stowage Plan危险品清单Dangerous Cargo List积载因素(系数) Stowage Factor进港货Inward cargo出港货Outward cargo集装箱堆场Container yard (CY)集装箱货运站Container Freight Station ( CFS)集装箱装箱单Container Load Plan集装箱两用船Conventional Container Ship半集装箱船Semi-container Ship全集装箱船Full Container Ship整箱货Full Container Load (FCL)拼箱货Less Container Load (LCL)提货单(小提单) Delivery Order (D/O)场站收据Dock receipt二十尺集装箱换算单位Twenty equivalent unit (TEU)集装箱设备交接单Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 滞期费Demurrage回程运费Backfreight空载行驶Ballast (to)驳船Barge船员不轨Barratry桶抓Barrel handler垫底货Base cargo (1)起运货量Base cargo (2)捆(包装单位) Bundle (Bd)船宽Beam提单持有人Bearer ( of a B/L)装卸两港Both ends (Bends)缆工Boatman浮标Buoy燃料涨价条款Bunker escalation clause吊杆Derrick铲车Fork-lift truck铲车臂Boom of a fork-lift truck互有过失碰撞条款Both to blame collision clause洽订舱位Book space船体Bottom舱底货Bottom stow cargo船舶抵押贷款Bottomry loan零担Breakbulk零担货物Breakbulk cargo亏舱Broken stowage经纪人佣金Brokerage散装货Bulk cargo散货船Bulk carrier散货集装箱Bulk container美国船级社American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.)公会Conference拥挤Congestion拥挤费Congestion surcharge集装箱/滚装两用船Con-ro ship连续航程Consecutive voyages托运Consign收货人Consignee发货人Consignor托运;托运的货物Consignment拼箱Consolidation (groupage)联营Consortium常数Constants集装箱驳船Container barge集装箱租赁Container leasing集装箱化Containerization已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containerised集装箱船Containership货物污染Contamination (of cargo )分摊价值Contributory value传送带Conveyor belt集装箱(角件) Corner casting (fitting)集装箱(角柱) Corner post起重机Crane履带式(轨道式)起重机Crawler mounted crane港口惯例Custom of the port (COP)惯常协助Customary assistance日常营运成本Daily running cost亏舱费Deadfreight重量货Deadweight (weight) cargo载货量Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity预计到达时间Estimated time of arrival ( ETA)预计完成时间Estimated time of completion (ETC)预计离港时间Estimated time of departure (ETD)预计准备就绪时间Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 预计航行时间Estimated time of sailing (ETS)欧式托盘Europallet即使使用Even if used (E.I.U.)除外期间Excepted period异议Exception免责条款Exceptions clause溢卸Excess landing装卸欺瞒Expiry of laytime延长诉讼时间Extend suit time延长租期Extend a charter租期延长Extension of a charter诉讼时间延长Extension to suit time最大宽度Extreme breadth航道Fairway支线运输服务Feeder service支线船Feeder ship渡轮Ferry一级船First class ship方便旗船Flag of convenience (FOC)浮吊Floating crane浮坞Floating dock不可抗力Force majeure铲车Fork-lift truck四十英尺集装箱换算单位Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 四边开槽托盘Four-way pallet干Freeboard麻垫Gunny matting海牙规则Hague Rules海牙维斯比规则Hague-Visby Rules汉堡规则Hamburg Rules手钩Hand hook杂散货船Handymax小型散货船Handy-sized bulker海港Harbour港务费Harbour dues舱盖Hatch (hatch cover)舱口Hatchway主租船合同Head charter (charter party)主租船人Head charterer超重货物Heavy lift超重附加费Heavy lift additional (surcharge)重型吊杆Heavy lift derrick恶劣天气Heavy weather重油Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O)租金单Hire statement船舱Hold船籍港Home port同种货物Homogeneous cargo吊钩Hook漏斗Hopper运输代理行提单House Bill of Lading气垫船Hovercraft维修Husbandry内陆集装箱Inland container depot破冰船Ice-breaker承运人责任条款Identity of carrier clause绑扎物Lashings纬度Latitude候载停泊区Lay-by berth装卸货时间Laydays (laytime)销约期Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C)节省的装卸时间Laytime saved装卸时间记录Laytime statement搁置不用Lay up航段Leg (of a voyage)(船舶)总长Length overall (overall length ,简称LOA)担保书(函) Letter of indemnity留置权Lien吊上吊下Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO)驳船Lighter责任限制Limitation of liability航运公司Line (shipping line)班轮Liner ( liner ship)运费不包括卸货费Liner in free out (LIFO)班轮条件Liner terms劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Register of Shipping载重线Loadline (load line)装货口Loading hatch航海日志摘录Log abstract超长附加费Long length additional长吨Long ton经度Longitude整笔运费租赁Lump sum charter处女航Maiden voyage主甲板Main deck主要港口Main port无效果无报酬No cure no pay不另列举Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.)指定船舶进行航行Nominate a ship指定船舶To be nominated (TBN)非公会成员的航运公司Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 未交货Non-delivery不可流通的提单Non-negotiable bill of lading不可调配使用的装卸时间Non-reversible laytime无船承运人Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC)不保持浮泊但安全搁浅Not always afloat but safe aground作海事声明Note protest还船通知书Notice of redelivery通知方Notify party海运单Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill停租Off hire油轮Oil tanker货运中转On-carriage接运承运人On-carrier单边槽货盘One-way pallet敞舱口散货船Open hatch bulk carrier优惠费率Open rate优惠费率货物Open rated cargo侧开式集装箱Open side container开顶集装箱Open top container经营船舶Operate a ship选港货物Optional cargo矿石/散货/油轮Ore/bulk/oil carrier超标(货物) Out of gauge小港Outport卸货Outturn平台式集装箱Platform flat(班轮公司间分摊货物或运费)分摊制Pooling港口,船的左舷Port避难港Port of refuge便携式卸货机Portable unloader订约后期工作Post fixture追补报关单Post-entry(租船合同)前言Preamble预报单Pre-entry运输前费用Pre-shipment charges预定积载Pre-stow自用式租船合同Private form租约格式Pro forma charter-party侧开式集装箱Produce carrier液体货运输船Product (products) carrier促销费率Promotional rate预期Prospects船东利益保护人Protecting (protective, supervisory) agent船东保赔协会Protection and indemnity club (association) (P.& I. Club ,Pandi club) 保护性条款Protective clauses海事声明Protest泵工Pumpman(吊杆)滑车组Purchase船尾跳板Quarter ramp后甲板Quarter-deck码头Quay报价Quote跳板Ramp(跳板)舱口盖Ramp/hatch cover港序Rotation往返航次Round voyage全球性服务Round the world (service) (R.T.W.)搁浅Run aground连续日Running days安全搁浅Safe aground安全泊位Safe berth (s.b)安全港口Safe port (S.P)安全工作负荷Safe working load无线电报设备安全证书Safety radio-telegraphy certificate(提单术语)内货据称Said to contain (s.t.c.)航行,离港Sail船期表Sailing schedule (card)救助费Salvage charges救助协议Salvage agreement救助Salve救助人Salvor星期六、日与节假日除外Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excepted (S.S.H.E.X.)星期六、日与节假日包括在内Saturdays,Sundays and holidays included (S.S.H.I.N.C) 斯堪人航次祖租船合同Scancon斯堪人航次祖租船合同提单Scanconbill构件尺寸Scantlings特种商品报价Special commodity quotation (SCQ)废料场Scrap terminal单层甲板船Single deck ship (s.d.)Sea waybillSeal固定Secure (to)分隔压载水舱Segregated ballast tank自备起重机的集装箱船Self-sustaining ship特许非会员公司Tolerated outsider撑货Tomming (down)每厘米吃水吨数Tones per centimeter (TPI)每天装卸吨数Tones per day (TPD)每英寸吃水吨数Tones per inch (TPI)堆顶货Top stow cargo总载重量Total deadweight (TDW)(货物)查询单Tracer牵引车Tractor航行范围Trading limits拖车Trailer设备租用费Transfer (equipment handover) charge转船Transship (trans-ship)转船Transhipment (transshipment,trans-shipment)过境货物Transit cargo轨道式起重机Transporter crane货盘Tray平舱Trim调整船舶吃水Trim a ship拖轮Tug船舶周转时间Turn round (around , or turnaround) time 等泊时间Turn time二层甲板Tween deck双舱口船Twin hatch vessel两边开槽托盘Two-way pallet超大型油轮Ultra large crude carrier (ULCC)不适箱货Uncontainerable (uncontainerisable) cargo货舱运输Under deck shipment成组运输Unit load成组化Unitisation姐妹船Sister ship垫木Skid吊货盘Skip滑动舱盖Sliding hatch cover吊货索(链)环,吊起Sling污水箱Slop tank污水Slops箱位Slot特殊设备Special equipment比重Specific gravity(s.g.)螺旋式卸货机Spiral elevator横撐(集装箱吊具) Spreader船身下沉Squat右舷Starboard (side)事实记录Statement of facts船艏,装期供货Stem预订泊位Stem a berth船尾Stern装卸工人Stevedore手钩Stevedor’s (docker’s,hand) hook装卸费用Stevedoring charges稳性过大Stiff搁浅Stranding加固舱Strengthened hold罢工条款Strike clause罢工阻碍Strike-bound卸集装箱Strip (destuff) a container 封条Strip seal装集装箱Stuff (to)转租人Sub-charterer。
【名称】INTERNA TIONAL CONVENTION ON TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF SHIPS, 1969【题注】Whole documentThe Contracting Governments,DESIRING to establish uniform principles and rules with respect to thedetermination of tonnage of ships engaged on international voyages;CONSIDERING that this end may best be achieved by the conclusion of aConvention;HA VE AGREED as follows:Article 1 General Obligation under the ConventionThe Contracting Governments undertake to give effect to the provisionsof the present Convention and the Annexes hereto which shall constitute anintegral part of the present Convention. Every reference to the presentConvention constitutes at the same time a reference to the Annexes.Article 2 DefinitionsFor the purpose of the present Convention, unless expressly providedotherwise:(1) "Regulations" means the Regulations annexed to the presentConvention;(2) "Administration" means the Government of the State whose flag theship is flying;(3) "international voyage" means a sea voyage from a country to whichthe present Convention applies to a port outside such country, or conversely. For this purpose, every territory for the internationalrelations of which a Contracting Government is responsible or for whichthe United Nations are the administering authority is regarded as aseparate country;(4) "gross tonnage" means the measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention;(5) "net tonnage" means the measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention;(6) "new ship" means a ship the keel of which is laid, or which is ata similar stage of construction, on or after the date of coming into forceof the present Convention;(7) "existing ship" means a ship which is not a new ship;(8) "length" means 96 per cent of the total length on a waterline at85 per cent of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel,or the length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudderstock on that waterline, if that be greater. In ships designed with a rakeof keel the waterline on which this length is measured shall be parallelto the designed waterline;(9) "Organization" means the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization.Article 3 Application(1) The present Convention shall apply to the following ships engaged on international voyages;(a) ships registered in countries the Governments of which are Contracting Governments;(b) ships registered in territories to which the present Convention is extended under Article 20; and(c) unregistered ships flying the flag of a State, the Government of which is a Contracting Government.(2) The present Convention shall apply to:(a) new ships;(b) existing ships which undergo alterations or modifications which the Administration deems to be a substantial variation in their existing gross tonnage;(c) existing ships if the owner so requests; and(d) all existing ships, twelve years after the date on which the Convention comes into force, except that such ships, apart from those mentioned in (b) and (c) of this paragraph, shall retain their thenexisting tonnages for the purpose of the application to them of relevant requirements under other existing International Conventions.(3) Existing ships to which the present Convention has been applied in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) (c) of this Article shall not subsequently have their tonnages determined in accordance with therequirements which the Administration applied to ships on international voyages prior to the coming into force of the present Convention.Article 4 Exceptions(1) The present Convention shall not apply to:(a) ships of war; and(b) ships of less than 24 metres (79 feet) in length.(2) Nothing herein shall apply to ships solely navigating:(a) the Great Lakes of North America and the River St. Lawrence as far east as a rhumb line drawn from Cap des Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and, on the north side of Anticosti Island, the meridian oflongitude 63°W;(b) the Caspian Sea; or(c) the Plate, Parana and Uruguay Rivers as far east as a rhumb line drawn between Punta Rasa (Cabo San Antonio), Argentina, and Punta del Este, Uruguay.Article 5 Force Majeure(1) A ship which is not subject to the provisions of the present Convention at the time of its departure on any voyage shall not become subject to such provisions on account of any deviation from its intended voyage due to stress of weather or any other cause of force majeure.(2) In applying the provisions of the present Convention, the Contracting Governments shall give due consideration to any deviation ordelay caused to any ship owing to stress of weather or any other cause of force majeure.Article 6 Determination of TonnagesThe determination of gross and net tonnages shall be carried out by the Administration which may, however, entrust such determination either to persons or organizations recognized by it. In every case the Administration Concerned shall accept full responsibility for the determination of gross and net tonnages.Article 7 Issue of Certificate(1) An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall be issued to every ship, the gross and net tonnages of which have been determined in accordance with the present Convention.(2) Such certificate shall be issued by the Administration or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. In every case, the Administration shall assume full responsibility for the certificate.Article 8 Issue of Certificate by another Government(1) A Contracting Government may, at the request of another Contracting Government,determine the gross and net tonnages of a ship and issue or authorize the issue of an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the ship in accordance with the present Convention.(2) A copy of the certificate and a copy of the calculations of the tonnages shall be transmitted as early as possible to the requestingGovernment.(3) A certificate so issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been issued at the request of the Government of the State whose flag the ship is or will be flying and it shall have the same validity and receive the same recognition as a certificate issued under Article 7.(4) No International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall be issued to a ship which is flying the flag of a State the Government of which is not a Contracting Government.Article 9 Form of Certificate(1) The certificate shall be drawn up in the official language or languages of the issuing country. If the language used is neither English nor French, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.(2) The form of the certificate shall correspond to that of the model given in Annex II.Article 10 Cancellation of Certificate(1) Subject to any exceptions provided in the Regulations, an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall cease to be valid and shall be cancelled by the Administration if alterations have taken place in the arrangement, construction, capacity, use of spaces, total number of passengers the ship is permitted to carry as indicated in the ship"spassenger certificate, assigned load line or permitted draught of theship, such as would necessitate an increase in gross tonnage or net tonnage.(2) A certificate issued to a ship by an Administration shall cease tobe valid upon transfer of such a ship to the flag of another State, exceptas provided in paragraph (3) of this Article.(3) Upon transfer of a ship to the flag of another State theGovernment of which is a Contracting Government, the International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall remain in force for a period not exceeding three months, or until the Administration issues another International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to replace it, whichever is the earlier. TheContracting Government of the State whose flag the ship was flyinghitherto shall transmit to the Administration as soon as possible afterthe transfer takes place a copy of the certificate carried by the ship atthe time of transfer and a copy of the relevant tonnage calculations.Article 11 Acceptance of CertificateThe certificate issued under the authority of a Contracting Government in accordance with the present Convention shall be accepted by the other Contracting Governments and regarded for all purposes covered by the present Convention as having the same validity as certificates issued by them.Article 12 Inspection(1) A ship flying the flag of a State the Government of which is a Contracting Government shall be subject, when in the ports of other Contracting Governments, to inspection by officers duly authorized by such Governments. Such inspection shall be limited to the purpose of verifying:(a) that the ship is provided with a valid International Tonnage Certificate (1969); and(b) that the main characteristics of the ship correspond to the data given in the certificate.(2) In no case shall the exercise of such inspection cause any delayto the ship.(3) Should the inspection reveal that the main characteristics of the ship differ from those entered on the International Tonnage Certificate (1969) so as to lead to an increase in the gross tonnage or the net tonnage, the Government of the State whose flag the ship is flying shallbe informed without delay.Article 13 PrivilegesThe privileges of the present Convention may not be claimed in favour of any ship unless it holds a valid certificate under the Convention.Article 14 Prior Treaties, Conventions and Arrangements(1) All other treaties, conventions and arrangements relating to tonnage matters at present in force between Governments Parties to the present Convention shall continue to have full and complete effect duringthe terms thereof as regards:(a) ships to which the present Convention does not apply; and(b) ships to which the present Convention applies, in respect of matters for which it has not expressly provided.(2) To the extent, however, that such treaties, conventions, or arrangements conflict with the provisions of the present Convention, the provisions of the present Convention shall prevail.Article 15 Communication of InformationThe Contracting Governments undertake to communicate to and deposit with the Organization:(a) a sufficient number of specimens of their certificates issuedunder the provisions of the present Convention for circulation to the Contracting Governments;(b) the text of the laws, orders, decrees, regulations and other instruments which shall have been promulgated on the various matters within the scope of the present Convention;and(c) a list of non-governmental agencies which are authorized to act in their behalf in matters relating to tonnages for circulation to the Contracting Governments.Article 16 Signature, Acceptance and Accession(1) The present Convention shall remain open for signature for six months from 23 June 1969, and shall thereafter remain open for accession.Governments of States Members of the United Nations, or of any of the Specialized Agencies, or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, or parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become Parties to the Convention by:(a) signature without reservation as to acceptance;(b) signature subject to acceptance followed by acceptance; or(c) accession.(2) Acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance or accession with the Organization. The Organization shall inform all Governments which have signed the present Convention or acceded to it of each new acceptance or accession and of the date of its deposit. The Organization shall also inform all Governments which have already signed the Convention of any signature effected during the six months from 23 June 1969.Article 17 Coming into Force(1) The present Convention shall come into force twenty-four months after the date on which not less than twenty-five Governments of States the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than sixty-five per cent of the gross tonnage of the world"s merchant shipping have signed without reservation as to acceptance or deposited instruments of acceptance or accession in accordance with Article 16. The Organization shall inform all Governments which have signed or acceded to the presentConvention of the date on which it comes into force.(2) For Governments which have deposited an instrument of acceptance of or accession to the present Convention during the twenty-four months mentioned in paragraph (1)of this Article, the acceptance or accession shall take effect on the coming into force of the present Convention orthree months after the date of deposit of the instrument of acceptance or accession whichever is the later date.(3) For Governments which have deposited an instrument of acceptance of or accession to the present Convention after the date on which it comes into force, the Convention shall come into force three months after thedate of the deposit of such instrument.(4) After the date on which all the measures required to bring an amendment to the present Convention into force have been completed, or all necessary acceptances are deemed to have been given under sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (2) of Article 18 in case of amendment by unanimous acceptance, any instrument of acceptance or accession deposited shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as amended.Article 18 Amendments(1) The present Convention may be amended upon the proposal of a Contracting Government by any of the procedures specified in this Article.(2) Amendment by unanimous acceptance:(a) Upon the request of a Contracting Government, any amendmentproposed by it to the present Convention shall be communicated by the Organization to all Contracting Governments for consideration with a viewto unanimous acceptance.(b) Any such amendment shall enter into force twelve months after the date of its acceptance by all Contracting Governments unless an earlierdate is agreed upon. A Contracting Government which does not communicate its acceptance or rejection of the amendment to the Organization within twenty-four months of its first communication by the latter shall bedeemed to have accepted the amendment.(3) Amendment after consideration in the Organization:(a) Upon the request of a Contracting Government, any amendment proposed by it to the present Convention will be considered in the Organization. If adopted by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization,such amendment shall be communicated to all Members of the Organization and all Contracting Governments at least six months prior to its consideration bythe Assembly of the Organization.(b) If adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting inthe Assembly, the amendment shall be communicated by the Organization to all Contracting Governments for their acceptance.(c) Such amendment shall come into force twelve months after the date on which it is accepted by two-thirds of the Contracting Governments. Theamendment shall come into force with respect to all Contracting Governments except those which, before it comes into force, make a declaration that they do not accept the amendment.(d) thirds of the Governments represented on the Maritime Safety Committee and present and voting in the Assembly, may propose a determination at the time of its adoption that an amendment is of such an important nature that any Contracting Government which makes a declaration under sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph and which does not accept the amendment within a period of twelve months after it comes into force,shall cease to be a party to the present Convention upon the expiry ofthat period. This determination shall be subject to the prior acceptanceof two-thirds of the Contracting Governments.(e) Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the Contracting Government which first proposed action under this paragraph on an amendment to the present Convention from taking at any time such alternative action as it deems desirable in accordance with paragraphs (2) or (4) of this Article.(4) Amendment by a conference:(a) Upon the request of a Contracting Government, concurred in by at least one-third of the Contracting Governments, a conference of Governments will be convened by the Organization to consider amendments to the Present Convention.(b) Every amendment adopted by such a conference by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting of the Contracting Governments shall be communicated by the Organization to all Contracting Governments for their acceptance.(c) Such amendment shall come into force twelve months after the date on which it is accepted by two-thirds of the Contracting Governments. The amendment shall come into force with respect to all Contracting Governments except those which, before it comes into force, make a declaration that they do not accept the amendment.(d) By a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, a conference convened under sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may determine at the time of its adoption that an amendment is of such an important nature that any Contracting Government which makes a declaration under sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph, and which does not accept the amendment within a period of twelve months after it comes into force, shall cease to be aparty to the present Convention upon the expiry of that period.(5) The Organization shall inform all Contracting Governments of any amendments which may come into force under this Article, together with the date on which each such amendment will come into force.(6) Any acceptance or declaration under this Article shall be made by the deposit of an instrument with the Organization which shall notify all Contracting Governments of the receipt of the acceptance or declaration.Article 19 Denunciation(1) The present Convention may be denounced by any Contracting Government at any time after the expiry of five years from the date on which the Convention comes into force for that Government.(2) Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Organization which shall inform all the other Contracting Governments of any such denunciation received and of the date of its receipt.(3) A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its receiptby the Organization.Article 20 Territories(1) (a) The United Nations, in cases where they are the administering authority for a territory, or any Contracting Government responsible for the international relations of a territory, shall as soon as possibleconsult with such territory or take such measures as may be appropriate in an endeavour to extend the present Convention to that territory and may at any time by notification in writing to the Organization declare that the present Convention shall extend to such territory.(b) The present Convention shall, from the date of receipt of the notification or from such other date as may be specified in the notification, extend to the territory named therein.(2) (a) The United Nations, or any Contracting Government which has made a declaration under sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of thisArticle at any time after the expiry of a period of five years from thedate on which the Convention has been so extended to any territory, may by notification in writing to the Organization declare that the present Convention shall cease to extend to any such territory named in the notification.(b) The present Convention shall cease to extend to any territory mentioned in such notification one year, or such longer period as may be specified therein, after the date of receipt of the notification by the Organization.(3) The Organization shall inform all the Contracting Governments of the extension of the present Convention to any territories under paragraph (1) of this Article, and of the termination of any such extension underthe provisions of paragraph (2) stating in each case the date from whichthe present Convention has been or will cease to be so extended.Article 21 Deposit and Registration(1) The present Convention shall be deposited with the Organization and the Secretary-General of the Organization shall transmit certifiedtrue copies thereof to all Signatory Governments and to all Governments which accede to the present Convention.(2) As soon as the present Convention comes into force, the text shallbe transmitted by the Secretary-General of the Organization to theSecretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication, inaccordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.Article 22 LanguagesThe present Convention is established in a single copy in the Englishand French languages,both texts being equally authentic. Officialtranslations in the Russian and Spanish languages shall be prepared anddeposited with the signed original.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized by theirrespective Governments for that purpose have signed the presentConvention.*[* Signatures omitted.]DONE AT LONDON this twenty-third day of June 1969.ANNEX I REGULATIONS FOR DETERMINING GROSS AND NET TONNAGES OFSHIPSRegulation 1 General(1) The tonnage of a ship shall consist of gross tonnage and nettonnage.(2) The gross tonnage and the net tonnage shall be determined inaccordance with the provisions of these Regulations.(3) The gross tonnage and the net tonnage of novel types of craftwhose constructional features are such as to render the application of the provisions of these Regulations unreasonable or impracticable shall be as determined by the Administration. Where the tonnage is so determined, the Administration shall communicate to the Organization details of the method used for that purpose, for circulation to the Contracting Governments for their information.Regulation 2 Definitions of Terms used in the Annexes(1) Upper DeckThe upper deck is the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent means of weathertight closing of all openings in the weather part thereof, and below which all openings in the sides of the ship are fitted with permanent means of watertight closing in a shiphaving a stepped upper deck, the lowest line of the exposed deck and the continuation of that line parallel to the upper part of the deck is takenas the upper deck.(2) Moulded Depth(a) The moulded depth is the vertical distance measured from the topof the keel to the underside of the upper deck at side. In wood and composite ships the distance is measured from the lower edge of the keel rabbet. Where the form at the lower part of the midship section is of a hollow character, or where thick garboards are fitted, the distance is measured from the point where the line of the flat of the bottom continuedinwards cuts the side of the keel.(b) In ships having rounded gunwales, the moulded depth shall be measured to the point of intersection of the moulded lines of the deck and side shell plating, the lines extending as though the gunwales were of angular design.(c) Where the upper deck is stepped and the raised part of the deck extends over the point at which the moulded depth is to be determined, the moulded depth shall be measured to a line of reference extending from the lower part of the deck along a line parallel with the raised part.(3) BreadthThe breadth is the maximum breadth of the ship, measured amidships to the moulded line of the frame in a ship with a metal shell and to theouter surface of the hull in a ship with a shell of any other material.(4) Enclosed SpacesEnclosed spaces are all those spaces which are bounded by the ship"s hull, by fixed or portable partitions or bulkheads, by decks or coverings other than permanent or movable awnings. No break in a deck, nor any opening in the ship"s hull, in a deck or in a covering of a space, or inthe partitions or bulkheads of a space, nor the absence of a partition or bulkhead, shall preclude a space from being included in the enclosed space.(5) Excluded SpacesNotwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Regulation, the spaces referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (e) inclusive of this paragraph shall be called excluded spaces and shall not be included in the volume of enclosed spaces, except that any such space which fulfils at least one of the following three conditions shall be treated as anenclosed space:- the space is fitted with shelves or other means for securing cargoor stores;- the openings are fitted with any means of closure;- the construction provides any possibility of such openings being closed.(a) (i) A space within an erection opposite an end opening extending from deck to deck except for a curtain plate of a depth not exceeding by more than 25 millimetres (one inch) the depth of the adjoining deck beams, such opening having a breadth equal to or greater than 90 per cent of the breadth of the deck at the line of the opening of the space. Thisprovision shall be applied so as to exclude from the enclosed spaces only the space between the actual end opening and a line drawn parallel to the line or face of the opening at a distance from the opening equal to onehalf of the width of the deck at the line of the opening (Figure 1 in Appendix 1).(a) (ii) Should the width of the space because of any arrangement except by convergence of the outside plating, become less than 90 per cent of the breadth of the deck,only the space between the line of the opening and a parallel line drawn through the point where the athwartships width of the space becomes equal to, or less than, 90 per cent of the breadth of the deck shall be excluded from the volume of enclosed spaces (Figures 2, 3 and 4 in Appendix 1).(a) (iii) Where an interval which is completely open except for bulwarks or open rails separates any two spaces, the exclusion of one or both of which is permitted under sub-paragraphs (a) (i) and/or (a) (ii), such exclusion shall not apply if the separation between the two spaces is less than the least half breadth of the deck in way of the separation (Figures 5 and 6 in Appendix 1).(b) A space under an overhead deck covering open to the sea and weather, having no other connexion on the exposed sides with the body of the ship than the stanchions necessary for its support. In such a space, open rails or a bulwark and curtain plate may be fitted or stanchionsfitted at the ship"s side, provided that the distance between the top ofthe rails or the bulwark and the curtain plate is not less than 0.75metres (2.5 feet) or one-third of the height of the space, whichever isthe greater (Figure 7 in Appendix 1).(c) A space in a side-to-side erection directly in way of oppositeside openings not less in height than 0.75 metres (2.5 feet) or one-thirdof the height of the erection,whichever is the greater. If the openingin such an erection is provided on one side only,the space to be excluded from the volume of enclosed spaces shall be limited inboard from the opening to a maximum of one-half of the breadth of the deck in way of the opening (Figure 8 in Appendix 1).(d) A space in an erection immediately below an uncovered opening in the deck overhead,provided that such an opening is exposed to the weather and the space excluded from enclosed spaces is limited to the area of the opening (Figure 9 in Appendix 1).(e) A recess in the boundary bulkhead of an erection which is exposed to the weather and the opening of which extends from deck to deck without means of closing, provided that the interior width is not greater than the width at the entrance and its extension into the erection is not greaterthan twice the width of its entrance (Figure 10 in Appendix 1).(6) PassengerA passenger is every person other than:(a) the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship; and(b) a child under one year of age.。
(完整版)船舶原理题库船舶原理试题库第⼀部分船舶基础知识(⼀)单项选择题12.抗沉性最差的船是A.客船 B.杂货船 C散货船16.对稳性、抗沉性和快速性要求最⾼的船为A. 普通货船.集装箱船 D.散货船17.关于球⿐⾸作⽤的正确论述是A. 增加船⾸强度C.便于靠离码头 D.建造⽅便20.对稳性、抗沉性要求最⾼的船是A. 集装箱船 B,油船 C滚装船50.属于球⿐型船艏优点的是.减⼩形状阻⼒C.B+C D.制造⼯艺简单68.⾸垂线是指A.过船体最前端所作的垂线C.过⾸柱后缘与夏季载重线的交点所作的垂线D.过上甲板与⾸柱前缘的交点所作的垂线69.中横剖⾯是指B.中线⾯与船体相截所得的截⾯C.⽔线⾯与船体相截所得的截⾯D.船体最⼤的横截⾯70.在船体型线图的横剖线图上,表⽰船体真实形状的是A. 纵剖线C.⽔线 D.甲板边线71.梁拱的主要作⽤是A.减⼩甲板上浪 B.提⾼稳性C.减⼩横摇72.龙⾻线是指A.A.中站⾯与船体型表⾯底部的交线C.基平⾯与中站⾯的交线 D.基平⾯与中线⾯的交线73.舷弧是表⽰.上甲板中线的纵向曲度C.上甲板边线的横向曲度 D.上甲板中线的横向曲度74.船舶的主尺度是根据哪种规范定义的A.载重线规范 B.吨位丈量规范C.分级与破舱稳性规范189.主船体是指A.双层底以上的船体 B.下甲板以下的船体C. ⾸尾尖舱之间的船体210.船体基准⾯有A.A.中横剖⾯,中纵剖⾯,设计⽔线⾯C. 中线⾯,中站⾯,设计⽔线⾯D. 横中剖⾯,纵中剖⾯,基平⾯211.度量船体横向尺度的基准⾯是.中站⾯ C.基平⾯ D.⽔平⾯212.度量船体纵向尺度的基准⾯是A.中线⾯。
基平⾯ D.⽔平⾯213.度量船体垂向尺度的基准⾯是A.中线⾯ B.中站⾯.⽔平⾯214.尾垂线是指A.沿着舵柱前缘做的垂线C.过上甲板与夏季载重线的交点所做的垂线D.过船尾端点做的垂线215.船体的三个主要剖⾯是A. 中线⾯,基平⾯,中横剖⾯B. 中站⾯,中纵剖⾯,基线⾯C. 设计⽔线⾯,基平⾯,中站⾯216.中纵剖⾯是指A.A.中站⾯与船体相截所得的剖⾯C.⽔线⾯与船体相截所得的截⾯ D.船体最⼤的横截⾯217.设计⽔线⾯是指A. 中部⾯与船体相截所得的剖⾯C.⽔线⾯与船体相截所得的截⾯ D.船体最⼤的横截⾯218.基准⾯中的中线⾯与基平⾯相交形成船体习惯坐标系中的A. 横轴 B.竖轴.原点219.钢质船的船体型线图所表⽰的船体形状是.已包括船壳在内的船体图形 C.代表船体的真正外形 D.⼤于船体的真正外形220.⽤⼀系列平⾏于满载⽔线⾯的平⾯剖切船体所得到的曲线称为A. 横剖线 B.纵剖线.中央线222.不属于球⿐型船⾸优点的是A.减少兴波阻⼒ B.减少形状阻⼒.B和C223.船舶采⽤球⿐型船⾸的设计是为了A.⽅便船舶的操作C.适合冰区航⾏ D.A⼗B226.从船长的中点处向⾸尾两端逐渐升⾼称为.梁拱 C.舭部升⾼ D;⼲舷⾼度227.增⼤船舶的舭部升⾼和舭部半径,则船舶的A. 阻⼒降低 B.航速增加 C.舱容减少228.中线⾯与船体型表⾯底部的交线称为A.船底线 B.纵向基线 C.纵剖线229.⼀般商船的龙⾻线是A.向尾倾斜直线 B.曲线型C.折线型230. ⼀般运输船舶的龙⾻线为A.斜龙⾻线 B.曲线龙⾻线.A⼗B⼗C231.位于船底中央,与⾸柱和尾往相连的构件是指.纵桁 C.船底纵⾻ D.船底外板232.在船体中部有⼀段长度,设计⽔线以下的横剖⾯的⼤⼩和形状完全相同,该段船体称 A. 中横剖⾯ B.中纵剖⾯.设计⽔线⾯233.按⽤途的不同,船舶尺度可分为A.主尺度 B.登记尺度C.最⼤尺度234,钢质船的“型尺度”是B.从真正船体表⾯上所测得的尺度C.船舶最⼤尺度 D. 船舶登记尺度235.从船体型表⾯上量取的尺度称为.理论尺度C.计算尺度 D.A⼗B⼗C236.表⽰船体外形⼤⼩的尺度称为船舶主尺度,它应包括A.垂线间长 B.型宽237.沿着设计夏季载重⽔线,从⾸柱前缘⾄舵杆中⼼线的距离为A.登记船长.总长 D.⽔线长238.沿着设计夏季载重⽔线,从⾸柱前缘⾄舵柱后缘的⽔平距离为A,登记船长.总长 D.⽔线长239.通常所说的船长是指.船舶最⼤长度C.总长 D.设计⽔线长240.船舶的型宽是指B.船体最⼤宽度C.船中横剖⾯处,沿满载⽔线由⼀舷到另⼀舷的距离D. 船中上甲板左右两侧边线的⽔平距离241. 在船体最宽处,由⼀舷的肋⾻外缘⾄另⼀舷的肋⾻外缘之间的⽔平距离称为.最⼤宽度 C.丈量宽度 D.登记宽度242.船舶的型深是指A. 平板龙⾻表⾯到上甲板上缘的垂直距离B.内底板上表⾯⾄甲板边线的距离C.在船长中点处沿舷侧从平板龙⾻上缘⾄上甲板下缘的垂直距离243.船体中部由舷侧从平板龙⾻上缘⾄上甲板下缘的垂直距离叫A. 最⼤⾼度 B.最⼩⾼度 C.吃⽔深度244,总长L oa是A.包括两端上层建筑在内的船体最前端外板与最后端外板表⾯之间的⽔平距离 B.⾸垂线与尾垂线之间的⽔平距离C.垂线长与外板厚度之和245.衡量船舶能否进⼊某船闸或船坞应参考的尺度是A. 船型尺度 B.登记尺度246.包括钢板厚度和永久性固定物在内的船⾸最前端到船尾最后端的⽔平距离称为A. 总长C.登记长度 D.两柱间长247.船舶最宽处包括船体钢板厚度及永久固定物在内的⽔平宽度叫做A.登记宽度 B.型宽.⽔线宽度248.从船舶空载⽔线⾯垂直量到建筑物最⾼点的距离叫A.船舶⾼度 B.空载⾼度.剩余⾼度249.最⼤⾼度是从船舶的______垂直量⾄船舶固定建筑物的最⾼点的距离.满载⽔线⾯C.最⼤⾼度 D.龙⾻上缘250.长宽⽐是指垂线间长与船宽的⽐值,该⽐值越⼤,则A.船体宽⼤C.港内操纵灵活 D.航向稳定性差251.⽤于丈量和计算船舶吨位的尺度称作A.理论尺度 B.最⼤尺度型尺度252.下列关于船舶尺度的说法中哪项是错误的A. 船舶登记尺度⽤于吨位证书的申请登记C.船舶过桥梁等⽤到的是船舶的最⼤⾼度D.最⼤尺度包括船舶最⼤长度、最⼤宽度和最⼤⾼度253.船体横剖⾯⽔下部分⾯积与其相切的矩形⾯积之⽐称为A. ⽔线⾯系数 B.⽅型系数.棱型系数254.船舶的中横剖⾯系数等于______之⽐A. 中横剖⾯⾯积与型宽和型吃⽔的乘积B.中横剖⾯⾯积与⽔线和型吃⽔的乘积C.中横剖⾯的浸⽔⾯积与型宽和型吃⽔的乘积255.⽔线下船体体积与其相对应的船长、船宽和型吃⽔乘积的长⽅体体积的⽐值称为A.⽔线⾯系数C.中横剖⾯系数 D. 棱型系数256.船长100m,宽9.5m,⽔下部分体积2332.5m,则⽅型系数等于A. 2.13 B.0.213 C. 4.257.⽅型系数C b=o.5,长宽⽐L/B=6,宽吃⽔⽐B/d=3,平均吃⽔d=6m,则⽔下部分体积等于.58320 m3 C.583.2m3 D.240m3258.⽅型系数C b ,⽔线⾯系数C w ,中横剖⾯系数C m ,棱型系数C p,垂向棱型系数C vp,下列正确的表达式是 A.C m=C p×C b B.C w=C b x C m C.C vp= C b×C w259.船舶的⽔线⾯系数越⼤,则说明.稳性越差C.快速性越好 D.抗沉性越差260.影响船舶稳性的船型系数是A.中横剖⾯系数 B.⽅型系数C.棱型系数261.表⽰船体⽔平剖⾯肥瘦程度的是A.垂向棱型系数 B.⽅型系数.棱型系数262.表征船体肥瘦程度的系数是.A. 中横剖⾯系数C.棱型系数 D.⽔线⾯系数263.做排⽔量计算时所⽤的船型系数是A.中横剖⾯系数C.棱型系数 D.⽔线⾯系数264.⽅型系数⼤,则船舶的.稳性好 C.快速性好 D.操纵性好265.对于同⼀条船舶的船型系数,其值最⼩的是.中横剖⾯系数C.棱型系数 D.垂向棱型系数266.在船舶⼊级与建造规范中规定,⼀般⼲货船的宽深⽐B/D≤ 2.5,其原因是.据船体横向强度的要求C.据船舶稳性的要求 D.据船舶摇荡性的要求267.船舶在营运中经常使⽤的航速称为A.安全航速C. 设计航速 D.⾃由航速268.海船常⽤的航速单位是.公⾥/⼩时 C.⽶/秒 D.海⾥/分269.海船的航速单位⽤节表⽰;⼀节等于A.1km/h B.1 m/s.30.86m/s270.续航⼒是指A.A.主机所发出的持续功率B.B.螺旋桨的最⼤推⼒D.船舶⼀次装⾜燃料后以设计航速连续航⾏的最长时间271.续航⼒是计算船上需带______等数量的主要依据A. 货物,乘客C.压载⽔,炉⽔ D.旅客,救⽣设备272.表⽰船舶重量⽅⾯的量度有A.总吨位,净吨位 B.载重量,总吨位C.排⽔量,总吨位273.满载排⽔量是反映船舶⼤⼩的⼀个重要量度,它等于.空船排⽔量加上净载重量C.总载重量 D.净载重量274.满载排⽔量等于A.满载时船舶的载重量C.满载时船舶的净载重量 D.满载时船舶的吃⽔⾼度275.船舶空载排⽔量是指A. 空船排⽔量 B.燃料、淡⽔的排⽔量C.船员、⾏李和供应品的排⽔量276.表⽰物品属于载重量的是.NT D.KG277.下列物品属于载重量的是.备件C.固定压载 D.锅炉中的⽔278.船舶满载排⽔量与空船重量之差为.总载货量C.净载重量 D.净载货量279.通常⽤重量来表⽰船舶⼤⼩时,所指的都是.总吨位 C.排⽔量 D.载货量280.⽤重量来表达船舶运输能⼒的是A.净载重量.总吨位 D.净吨位281.设船舶排⽔量为D,排⽔体积为V,舷外⽔密度为ρ,则有A.D=ρ/V B.V=ρ·.D=V282.某内河船舶长100m,宽10m,吃⽔5m,舷外⽔密度ρ=1t/m3,⽅型系数C b=0.8,则该船排⽔量为A.5000m3 B.4000m3.5000t283.已知某船总排⽔量为15000t,空船重量为2000t,则总载重量为A.15000t B..14000t284.我国7500t远洋货船,7500t是指.净载重量C.总吨位 D.满载排⽔量285.表⽰船舶容积⼤⼩的量度称为A.空船排⽔量 B.满载排⽔量C.载重吨286.船舶吨位表⽰船舶A. 排⽔量⼤⼩ B.货舱容积⼤⼩C.排⽔体积⼤⼩287.⽤于表⽰船舶容积的⼤⼩,并作为船舶登记⽤的是A. 总载重量 B.净载重量队净吨位288.表⽰船舶总吨位的符号是A..DW D.GM289A.排⽔量 B.载重量.净吨290.涉及到船舶盈利等问题时,⼀般以为依据A.排⽔量 B.载重量 C.总吨291.适⽤于总吨位来计算的费⽤是.港务费 C.引航费 D.拖轮费292.统计⼀个公司拥有船舶数量的参数是A.排⽔量 B.载重量.净吨293.在计算各港⼝使⽤费⽤或税⾦的基准时,⼀般使⽤A.重量吨 B.载货重量 C.总吨294.各港⼝向船舶收取如港务费、引⽔费、灯塔费等的依据是A.满载排⽔量 B.空船排⽔量 C.总吨位295.《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》中规定,NT应不⼩于A.0.80GT B.0.60GT C.0.(⼆)多项选择题(每题选两个或以上符合题意要求的答案)1.主机⽤的燃料油⼀般贮存在.前尖舱E.尾尖舱 F.货舱的舷侧上下边舱 2.下列两相邻舱室之间需设隔离空舱的是.燃油舱和压载舱E.淡⽔舱和压载舱 F.机舱和货舱3.双层底舱可⽤作贮存A. 货油 B.汽缸油.物料4.散货船设置顶边舱的作⽤是A.提⾼甲板强度.存放杂货E.增加舱室数量 F.增加稳性5.新型油船设置双层底舱的主要⽬的有A. 提⾼抗沉性 B.提⾼强度.增加载重量6.油船设置专⽤压载舱的好处是.提⾼抗沉性C.提⾼结构强度 D.缩短停港时间.防⽌油类渗漏和防⽕防爆 7.按运输时液化⽓体的温度和压⼒分类,液化⽓体船可分为A.⾼温⾼压液化⽓体船 B.低温低压液化⽓体船.常温常压式液化⽓体船8.单甲板船有D.客货船E.普通货船 F.滚装船9.船体强度包括E,中垂强度 F.中拱强度10.船舶最⼤弯曲应⼒发⽣在。
为此,凡由缔约政府对其国际关系负责的每一领土,或由联合国管理的每一领土,都被视为单独的国家;4.总吨位”是指根据本公约各项规定丈量确定的船舶总容积;5.净吨位”是指根据本公约各项规定丈量确定的船舶有效容积;6.新船”是指在本公约生效之日起安放龙骨,或处于类似建造阶段的舶;7.现有船舶”是指非新船;8.长度”是指水线总长度的9 6%,该水线位于自龙骨上面量得的最型深的8 5%处;或者是指该水线从艏柱前面量到上舵杆中心的长度,两者取其较大者,如船舶设计具有倾斜龙骨,作为测量本长度的水线应平行于设计水线;9.组织”是指政府间海事协商组织(译注:以下译文简称“海协组织)。
国际船舶吨位丈量公约缩写国际船舶吨位丈量公约缩写(International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969)是国际海事组织(IMO)制定的一项重要公约,旨在统一和规范船舶吨位的计量方法和标准。
正文内容:1. 船舶吨位计量方法的统一1.1. 体积法1.1.1. 体积法是计算船舶吨位的一种常用方法,根据船舶的内部空间来计算吨位。
1.1.2. 体积法的计算公式为:吨位 = 长度 ×宽度 ×深度 ×系数。
1.2. 净吨位和总吨位1.2.1. 净吨位是指船舶的有效载重量,计算公式为:净吨位 = 总吨位 - 船舶的空重量。
1.2.2. 总吨位是指船舶的总容积,包括船体、货舱、机舱等,计算公式为:总吨位 = 总容积 / 100。
2. 国际船舶吨位丈量公约的制定2.1. 缩写的意义2.1.1. 国际船舶吨位丈量公约的缩写为ITC,代表国际船舶吨位丈量公约的英文名称。
2.1.2. 缩写的使用方便了公约的引用和讨论,也方便了相关人员的交流和沟通。
2.2. 公约的制定目的2.2.1. 公约的制定目的是为了统一和规范船舶吨位的计量方法和标准,减少各国之间的差异和混乱。
2.2.2. 公约的制定还旨在提高船舶管理和运营的效率,为国际航运提供一个统一的标准。
3. 公约的应用和影响3.1. 公约的应用范围3.1.1. 公约适用于所有吨位超过24的商船。
3.1.2. 公约也适用于各国船舶登记和船舶管理机构。
3.2. 公约的影响3.2.1. 公约的制定和实施使得各国在船舶吨位计量上达成了一致,提高了国际航运的效率和安全性。
1. 《钢质海船入级与建造规范》中定义的尺度是:A. 最大尺度B. 计算尺度C. 型尺度D. B和C2. 规范规定,现行国际航行船舶的载重线标志分为:1、不装载木材货物船舶的载重线标志;2、装载木材货物船舶的载重线标志;3、分舱载重线标志;4、客货船载重线标志;5、全季节载重线标志。
A. 1,2,3,4 对B. 2,3,4,5对C. 1,2,4,5 对D. 1,2,3,4,5全对3. 运木船的特点是:Ⅰ、舱口大、舱内无支柱;Ⅱ、甲板强度要求高;Ⅲ、舷墙较高;Ⅳ、起货机安装于桅楼平台上;A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ对B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ对C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ对D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ对4. 货舱容积损失少的骨架排列形式是:A. 纵骨架式B. 横骨架式C. 纵横混合骨架式D. 自由骨架式5. 在外板名称中“K”列板也叫:A. 舷顶列板B. 舭列板C. 平板龙骨D. 船底板6. 船舶防火结构分为甲,乙,丙三级,经1小时标准耐火试验至结束时,能防止烟及火焰通过属于:A. 甲级分隔B. 乙级分隔C. 丙级分隔D. 无级分隔7. 防火结构中的不燃材料系指某种材料加热至约______时,既不燃烧,亦不发生足量的造成自燃的易燃蒸气。
A. 556℃B. 659℃C. 718℃D. 750℃8. 船上空调系统设置形式一般有:1,集中式空调装置;2,分组集中式空调装置;3,独立式空调装置。
A. 1,2对B. 2,3对C. 1,3对D. 1,2,3对9. 空气管在露天甲板的管头_______并须装设防水盖。
经协议如下:第1条 公约的一般义务各缔约国政府,应承担义务实施本公约各项规定和它的附则,附则应视为本公约的组成部分。
第2条 定 义除另有明文规定外,本公约所用名词含义如下:(1)“规则”是指本公约所附的规则;(2)“主管机关”是指船旗国的政府;(3)“国际航行”是指由适用本公约的国家驶往该国以外的港口,或与此相反的航行。
如船舶设计具有倾斜龙骨,作为测量本长度的水线应平行于设计水线;(9)“组织”是指政府间海事协商组织(译注:1982年5月22日改名为“国际 海事组织,”以下译文简称“本组织”)。
第3条 适用范围(1)本公约适用于从事国际航行的下列船舶:(a)在缔约国政府的国家中登记的船舶;(b)在根据第20条扩大适用本公约的领土内登记的船舶;(c)悬挂某缔约国政府国旗而不在该国登记的船舶。
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(1) “规则”是指本公约所附的规则;
(2) “主管机关”是指船旗国的政府;
(3) “国际航行”是指由适用本公约的国家驶往该国以外的港口,或与此相反
(4) “总吨位”是指根据本公约各项规定丈量确定的船舶总容积;
(5) “净吨位”是指根据本公约各项规定丈量确定的船舶有效容积;
(6) “新船”是指在本公约生效之日起安放龙骨,或处于相似建造阶段的船舶;
(7) “现有船舶”是指非新船;
(8) “长度”是指水线总长度的96%,该水线位于自龙骨上面量得的最小型深的85%处;
(9) “组织”是指政府间海事协商组织(译注:以下译文简称“海协组织”)。
(1) 本公约适用于从事国际航行的下列船舶:
(a) 在缔约政府的国家中登记的船舶;
(b) 在根据第20条扩大适用本公约的领土内登记的船舶;
(c) 悬挂某缔约国政府国旗而不在该国登记的船舶。
(2) 本公约适用于:
(a) 新船;
(b) 经改建或改装的现有船舶,主管机关认为各种改建或改装对其现有总吨位有
(c) 经船舶所有人提出要求适用本公约的现有船舶;
(d) 本公约生效之日起12年以后的一切现有船舶;除本款(b)和(c)项中所述船舶外,
(3) 对于已经根据本条第(2)款(c)项适用本公约的现有船舶,此后不得再按照本公约生
(1) 本公约不适用于下列船舶:
(a) 军舰;
(b) 长度小于24m(79ft)的船舶.
(2) 本公约的任何规定,不适用于专门航行在下列区域的船舶:
(a) 北美洲各大湖和圣劳伦斯河向东到从罗歇尔角至安蒂科斯底岛的
(b) 里海;
(c) 拉普拉塔河.拉巴那河和乌拉圭河向东到从阿根廷的彭塔—腊萨与
(1) 在开航时不受本公约约束的船舶,倘由于天气恶劣或其它不可抗力原因而驶离原
(2) 各缔约政府在应用本公约的规定时。
(1) 按照本公约测定总吨位和净吨位的每艘船舶,应发给国际吨位证书(1969)。
(2) 这种证书应由主管机关发给.或由该主管机关正式授权的人员或组织发给。
(1) 每一缔约政府,可以应另一缔约政府的请求,根据本公约测定船舶的总吨位和净
(2) 证书的副本和吨位计算书的副本,应尽早送交提出请求的政府。
(3) 如此发给的证书.必须载明.该证书是应船旗国政府,或行将悬挂该国周旗的政府
(4) 对于悬挂非缔约国政府国旗的船舶,不发给国际吨位证书(1969)。
(1) 证书应用发证国的官方语文印写。
(2) 证书格式须使用附则II给出的样本。
(1) 当船舶的布置、结构、容积、处所的用途、载客证书中准许的乘客总数、勘定的
(2) 除本条第(3)款的规定外,当船舶转为悬挂另一国家的国旗时,由原主管机关发给
(3) 当船舶转为悬挂另一缔约国政府的国旗时,原发国际吨位证书(1969)的继续有效
(1) 悬挂缔约国政府国旗的船舶在其它缔约国港口时,应接受该国政府正式授权的官
(a) 该船是否备有有效的国际吨位证书(1969);
(b) 该船的主要特征是否与证书中所载的数据相符。
(2) 在任何情况下,不得因施行这种检查而滞留船舶。
(3) 如果经检查发现船舶的主要特征与国际吨位证书(1969)所载不一致,从而导致增
(1) 本公约缔约国政府之间现行的一切有关吨位事项的其它条约,公约和协定.在其有
(a) 不适用本公约的船舶;
(b) 适用本公约的船舶.但本公约未予明确规定的事项。
(2) 上述条约、公约或协定与本公约的规定有抵触时,应以本公约的规定为准。
(1) 足够份数的、根据本公约规定签发的证书样本,以便分送各缔约国政府;
(2) 在本公约范围内为各种事项颁布的法律、法令、命令、规则和其它文件;
(3) 经授权代表缔约政府执行有关吨位事项的非政府机构名单。