口语话题 foods and drinks

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Food and drink

What’s your favorite food and why do you like it

What kind of food do you dislike most and why?

Can you give me a brief description of what you ate today?

Role play:)You go into a restaurant and order the meal?

Can your tell me some difference about foods between Chinese and America?

1. Chinese are used to buying the fresh food every day; Americans often buy food for one week once and store them in the refrigerator, eat the frozen foods every day. As everyone knows, the tin and salting foods include more preservatives and pigment, it is harmful to health.

2. Chinese like vegetable oil such as the soya bean oil while cooking; Americans like animal oil such as the butter.

3. Chinese often put in more salt while cooking; but the salt that Americans put in is only Chinese half. It may cause all sorts of diseases to take in too much salt.

4. Chinese eat the viscera of animals such as the pork liver, intestine, lung, etc.; Americans do not have this hobby. Animal’s viscera contain a large amount of cholesterol and it’s harmful to health.

5. Chinese like to eat the ordinary rice and flour; Americans like eating the bread or cake that made of white flour.

6. Americans are used to eating sweet food after the meal; but Chinese are used to the eating fruit after the meal. But the nutritionist thinks that it is more beneficial eat fruit before the meal.

7. Chinese often drink a cup of hot tea after the meal; but Americans like drinking coffee after the meal. Tea can reduce cholesterol, but coffee will improve the fat of blood and stimulate the heart.

8. Chinese generally like soybean food such as the soybean milk and bean curd. It has not merely kept the nutrition of soybeans, and human body absorbs the nutrient easily. Americans have no interest to the bean curd.

9. Chinese like eating the cooked food; Americans like eating the raw food. The raw food is more nutritious than the cooked food.
