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9)What 's the matter with 对•…'•怎么样了 ”提

1A Unit1-Unit7 知识点总结


1. 名词: 普通名词:

grandmother, uncle, aunt , kitchen , house, poster ,computer, shelf, evening , breakfast, supper , puppet (手偶),skateboard (滑板) goat, lamb, sheep, cherry …

职业名词: student, teacher ,singer, nurse, doctor, policeman, policewoman, dancer

2. 形容


tall ,short ,old ,new ,young ,fat ,thin ,handsome ,beautiful , small , big, clean, little, full, late, long, fast, hungry, hot, cold

3. 人称代词:

I you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them

形物代(…的): my your his her its our your their

4. 方位词和介词

a : 方位词: in on under in front of behind next to

b : 介词:

near beside between

in 用在季节,月份,年份 ,大地点。 on 用在具体的日期前,在星期前 at

在••旁边,具体的时间点前, 具体的地点前,

from 来自,从••到…, be from , come from , from


5. 特殊疑问词:

(2) where 对“地点 , 哪里”提问 (4) who 对“人”提问 6) How old 对“年龄”提问

1)what 对“什么”提问, 3) which 对“哪一个” (5) Whose 对谁的”提问

7)What colour 对“颜色”提问8)what nationality 对“国籍”提问9)What's the matter with 对•…'•怎么样了”提

10) What time is it 对“时间”提问,

11)How many 对“多少”提问(可数名词)

6. 名词变复数的变化规则:


(2)以s, x, ch ,sh,结尾的加es, o结尾的有生命的加es ,无生命的加s,有两


(3)以辅音字母加y 结尾的把y 变为i 再加es, Cherry-cherries

(4)以元音字母加y 结尾的加s , 例如:boys

(5)以 f ,fe ,结尾的把f, fe, 变为v 再加es

Wife—wives shelf—shelves knife—knives

( 6 )不规则的特殊记

man -men,


men , policeman—policemen

policewoman-policewomen , this —these , that -hose ,child—childre


练习:potato box horse

lamb sheep donkey

goat cherry food

fork knife sandwich

peach dish puppet

7. a , an 的用法:

a 用在辅音因素前, ( 元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu)

an 用在元音音素前( 不是元音字母 )

8.名词所有格:人名+ ' s ,职业名词/名词+ ' s表示谁的

例如:It ' s Paul ' s . It ' s Lily 's

It ' s the doctor ' s .It ' s the boy ' s .

It ' s the girl ' s .It ' s the teacher ' s .



变一般疑问句:看句中是否有be (am, is , are ) 和情态动词can , 如果含有be

(am, is , are ) ,can , 直接把be (am, is , are ) ,can 提前

2. 特殊疑问句,由“特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句”构成

特殊疑问词有:what ,where ,how ,who ,whose , which 等

例:Whose football is it

3. 选择疑问句:由单词or (或者,还是)构成。

例如:Is she a teacheror a nurse ----------- She is a nurse.

4. There be 句型:

There be表示有”,某处有某物

( 1 )There be 分为There is (单数和不可数),There are (复数)

( 2 )含有There be 的句子变一般疑问句,把be 提前,首字母大写,末尾加问号,如果遇到第一人陈,要变为第二人称。

结构式:Is / Are there …

肯定回答:Yes , there is/ are . 否定回答:No, there isn 't / aren 't ( 3 )变否定句:直接在be 后加not ,

There is /are not …

5. These/ those are +…(复数名词)表示这些/那些是…

These are lambs. Those are sheep.

变成一般疑问句:______________________________________________________ 肯定回答:_______________________ .否定回答:________________________ 特殊疑问句:__________________________________________________________


Unit 1 Look 看Don' be silly!别傻了!

Unit2 Welcome 欢迎Very nice! 非常漂亮!

This is fun! 真好玩!That isn'tfun! 那不有趣!

Unit3 Get off the bed! 从床上下来!

Unit4 Yummy! 好吃! A great day! 美好的一天!

Unit5 What a mess 真是太乱了!There it is!就在这儿!

Unit6 It'sgreat! 太棒了!Help! 求助!

Unit7 What great food !多美味的食物啊
