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一篇可能包含了英语所有基本语法的简单小短文 经常有学生跟我反馈语法好难,不知如何用。我的回答是,语法其实很简单,只是我们经常在使用而不知道而已,我写了以下一篇小短文,经修改后,基本覆盖了英语的所有基本语法,包括所有词性的类型,句子的类型,句子的结构,从句的类型、时态的类型及其他的语法。从内容来看,比较简单,也比较有激励性,很适合初学者或中学生朗读或背诵。 Hello! My name is ……(Jerry) I love English, because speaking English is interesting, and it’s also very useful. When I listen to my teacher Benny, who is a teacher teaching English, I can always understand what he’s talking about. I have been learning English for …… (two)years, and I have loved it so much. I am always told by my friends that my English is getting better than before. Yesterday, Benny said to me, “How beautiful your English is! What a good student you are!” And I told him that if I had started earlier, my English would have become better. I was wondering, “Am I late? What can I do? ” Benny answered, “Don’t be nervous! The fact that you are late is not a problem, the problem is how hard you are learning now. How you learn it is also very important, isn’t it? What would you say?” I would say I will try my best to make my English as good as possible, and I am sure that I will have spoken like a foreigner by the end of my school years and I will be teaching others how to learn it. They would be calling me a teacher. There is always one dream in my heart, and this is it. Only with this dream would I study hard. And I will never give up. 以上包含了: 词性(单词及短语): 名词(单数,复数,动名词),动词(系动词、助动词、及物、不及物、情态动词),代词,形容词(普通形式,比较级,最高级),副词,数词,冠词(定冠词,不定冠词),介词,连词,感叹词 句子的总类(按交际用途):陈述句,疑问句(一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反意疑问句),祈使句,感叹句 句子的总类(按句子结构用途):简单句,并列句,复合句 句子的结构: 1. S + V (主谓) 2. S + V + O (主谓宾) 3. S + V + P (主谓表) 4. S + V + inO + dO (主谓双宾) 5. S + V + O + Oc (主谓宾补) 从句的总类:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句,定语从句,状语从句 其他用法:倒装句,虚拟语气,被动语态、直接引语、间接引语、There be 时态的总类: 一般时 进行时 完成时 完成进行时 现在 study studies am studying is studying are studying have studied has studied have been studying has been studying 过去 studied was studying were studying had studied had been studying (不常用) 将来 shall study will study be going t

o shall be studying will be studying shall have studied will have studied shall have been studying(不常用) will have been studying(不常用) 过去将来 should study would study should be studying would be studying should have studied would have studied should have been studying(不常用) would have been studying(不常用) 后面三种不常用的时态没有体现,因为增加了,会使这篇文章复杂化 这篇文章只是希望消除大家对语法的恐惧及排斥,很多时候我们用语法也是“知其然而不知其所以然”,会用了就不用太顾忌,错了也不用害怕,千万不要为了准确度而影响了流利度及传递性,精学语法或应试教育还是需要对每个语法点进行全方位的专研,当然熟读、背诵及改写这篇文章也许对你也有帮助。 宅人(632283971) 9:35:18 宅人(632283971) 9:35:35 一定给孩子看,谢谢
