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and ____ he will be our monitor.
A. that; /
B. whether; /
C. /; that
D. /; whether
18. Before buying a desk, it is important for you to ____ your room. A. choose B. measure C. build D. discover
theatre, I prefer staying at home.
A. as far as
B. as for
C. as long as
D. as well
29. Maria is absent. That’s ______ she was hurt while dancing last night. A. because B. whether C. why D. when
D. finding
34. Seeing the happy ______ of the mother and
her baby playing on the grassland, I immediately
took a picture of them.
A. view B. scene C. look
B. In case
C. Just as
D. Now that
4. The little girl felt ____, as she couldn’t understand why her brother hated her so much. A. satisfied B. puzzled C. delighted D. rude
5. The old woman was counting the eggs ____ by
the hens during the month.
A. laid
B. lied
C. lay D. lain
6. The story was about a country, which never ____ in the real world.
A. are B. is
C. had been D. was
16. How did he ____ to bring up the three children? I couldn’t believe my eyes.
A. try B. pretend C. manage D. like
17. The teacher said ____ Tom was an honest boy
25. It was thought to be ______ adventure for him
to walk across ______ Sahara Desert alone.
A. an; the B. the, / C. /; the
D. an; a
26. You need to have ______ if you want to teach the group of naughty children well. A. energy B. patience C. strength D. belief
8. ____ he is always late for work makes the boss very angry.
A. That C. Whether
B. When D. Which
9. —Excuse me. Is the milk factory far from here?
— ____. It is a two-minute walk along the river.
27. When Tom realized that he was ______ by the teacher, he stopped cheating in the exam. A. praised B. recognized C. spotted D. glared
28. I enjoy going to the movies. But ______ the
started talking to me.
A. came up
Fra Baidu bibliotek
B. rang up
C. brought up
D. held up
32. Wang Fei is a famous singer and actress, but
she is ______ as a singer.
A. more-known B. better-known
39.— Don’t forget to feed the cat while I’m away. — No, I ______. A. don’t B. won’t C. can’t D. didn’t
40. With a ______ expression on her face, she is ______ about what to do next. A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling
beautiful view at the top of Taishan.
A. tired
B. impressed
C. worried
D. puzzled
15. Sixty percent of the population in this small
town ____ French people.
41. Seeing the tiger walking ______ them, the small
高中英语必修三单项选择 专项训练
1. ____ the wounded soldiers need are good doctors and medicine. A. That B. Who C. What D. Whether
2. He got up late this morning. ____, he missed
A. lived B. existed C. stayed D. had
7. The old lady is reminded to ____ for cars when she crosses the road.
A. turn up
B. set off
C. watch out D. cut down
13. The first step to make a cake is to ____ some milk and eggs with wheat flour. A. add B. mix C. put D. pick
14. The visitors looked quite ____ by the
the school bus.
A. In a way
B. In fact
C. In a word D. As a result
3. ____ you’ve grown up, you should be independent of your parents’ help.
A. Even though
____ expect others to do it for you.
A. rather than
B. more than
C. less than
D. other than
24. — Do you mind if I use your English dictionary? — ______. A. No, go ahead B. Sure, please do C. Yes, of course not D. No, you may not
D. sight
35. I didn’t do it ______ — it was an accident.
A. on purpose
B. in a hurry
C. as usual
D. by accident
36. I don’t doubt ______ for the journey by doing jobs on the ship. A. that he can pay B. whether he can pay C. that can he pay D. whether can he pay
37. You always ______ us to do this or that, but you never do what you say you will. A. hope B. permit C. let D. promise
38. The teacher was worried about the boys in her class, for they spent ______ time playing computer games. A. large amount of B. a large number of C. a large amount of D. large numbers of
C. I will check
D. Go ahead
11. Don’t let your busy work keep you at a (an) ____ from your friends. A. distance B. price C. limit D. end
12. We’re afraid that we can’t finish the work______ a month. A. within B. for C. after D. among
C. well-known
D. most-known
33. I don’t want to be Black’s partner any longer. He’s always ______ fault with me.
A. finding out
B. searching
C. staring at
A. Not at all.
B. I’m afraid not.
C. You’d better not. D. I think so.
10. —Are there any messages for me?
—____, please wait a minute.
A. Not really
B. Never mind
30. I’d like to eat out, but ______ I should be trying to save money. A. now and then B. for one thing C. on the contrary D. on the other hand
31. One of the teachers ______, sat down and
22. If you want to change your password, you will be asked to ____ your email address first. A. confirm B. recognize C. gather D. decide
23. You’d better do the housework by yourself
19. I regret ____ my English teacher but not speaking to her on my way to school.
A. catching hold of B. catching sight of C. catching up with D. getting away with
20. The final decision is ____ Bob will carry out
this difficult task.
A. that B. which C. who
D. whether
21. Luckily, there is a hospital ____ and they soon took the wounded man there. A. nearly B. beyond C. nearby D. away