江苏省苏州实验中学下册期末精选(提升篇)(Word版 含解析)
江苏省苏州实验中学上册期末精选(提升篇)(Word版 含解析)
3.某班同学去参加野外游戏.该班同学分成甲、乙、丙三个小组,同时从营地A出发,沿各自的路线搜寻目标,要求同时到达营地B,如图所示为其运动轨迹,则关于他们的平均速度和平均速率的说法正确的是( )A.甲、乙、丙三组的平均速度大小相同B.甲、乙、丙三组的平均速率大小相同C.乙组的平均速度最大,甲组的平均速度最小D.乙组的平均速率最小,甲组的平均速率最大【答案】AD【解析】【详解】AC、三个质点从A到B的过程中,位移大小相等,时间相同;平均速度是位移与时间段的比值,故平均速度相同,故A正确,C错误;BD、三个质点从A到B的过程中,路程不全相同,时间相同;平均速率是路程与时间的比值,由图象知乙组的平均速率最小,甲组的平均速率最大,故C错误;D正确;故选AD.【点睛】位移是指从初位置到末位置的有向线段,路程是轨迹的长度,故从M到N过程中,三个物体的位移相同,但路程不等;平均速率是路程与时间的比值,而平均速度是位移与时间段的比值.4.某物体沿水平方向做直线运动,其v-t图象如图所示,规定向右为正方向,下列判断正确()A.在0~1 s内,物体做曲线运动B.在1 s~2 s内,物体向右运动,且速度大小在减小C.在1 s~3 s内,物体的加速度方向向右,大小为4 m/s2D .在3 s 末,物体处于出发点左方 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】A .在0s ~1s 内,速度都是正值,说明物体一直向右做直线运动,不是曲线运动.故A 错误.B .在1s ~2s 内,速度都是正值,说明物体向右运动,速度大小在减小.故B 正确.C .在1s ~3s 内,物体的加速度2244m/s 4m/s 2v a t --==-= 说明物体的加速度方向向左,大小为4m/s 2.故C 错误.D .由图象的“面积”看出,前2s 内物体向右运动的位移大于第3s 内向左运动的位移,所以在3s 末,物体处于出发点右方.故D 错误.5.2015年的股市经历了暴涨急跌,犹如过山车,目前在国家的积极救市下,正逐步回稳.如果将股价的“上涨”类比成运动学中的“加速”,将股价的“下跌”类比成运动学中的“减速”,你认为“股价下跌出现减缓趋势”可以类比成运动学中的( ) A .速度增加,加速度减小 B .速度增加,加速度增大 C .速度减小,加速度减小 D .速度减小,加速度增大【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】把股价类比成速度,股价下跌快慢类比成加速度,根据加速度与速度关系进行分析. 【详解】股价类比成速度,股价下跌快慢类比成加速度,股价下跌出现减缓趋势,相当于加速度减小,但仍然在下跌,相当于加速度与速度方向相反,速度仍然减小.故C 正确. 【点睛】加速度决定于物体所受合力和物体的质量,与速度没有直接的关系,加速席减小,速度不一定减小.6.甲、乙两个物体在同一直线上运动,它们的速度图像如图,下列说法正确的是( )A .在10t 时间内,甲、乙加速度方向相同B .在10t 时间内,甲的加速度大于乙的加速度,且方向相反C .在20t 时间内,甲、乙运动方向相同D .在20t 时间内,甲的加速度大于乙的加速度,且方向相同【答案】A【解析】 【分析】 【详解】AB .在10t ~时间内,甲图线的斜率小于乙图线的斜率,而且均为正值,则甲的加速度小于乙的加速度,且加速度方向相同,A 正确,B 错误; C .在10t 时间内甲的速度为正值,乙的速度为负值,说明在这段时间内二者的运动方向相反,在12t t 时间内,甲乙的速度均为正值,说明两物体均沿正方向运动,运动方向相同,C 错误;D .在20t 时间内,甲图线的斜率小于乙图线的斜率,而且均为正值,加速度均沿正方向,则甲的加速度小于乙的加速度,且方向相同,D 错误。
2024届江苏省苏州市实验中学数学高一下期末统考模拟试题请考生注意:1.请用2B 铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。
在每个小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的1.如果直线l 过点(2,1),且在y 轴上的截距的取值范围为(﹣1,2),那么l 的斜率k 的取值范围是( )A .(12-,1) B .(﹣1,1)C .(﹣∞,12-)∪(1,+∞)D .(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(1,+∞)2.已知圆22220x y x y a ++-+=截直线20x y ++=所得弦的长度为4,则实数a 的值是( ) A .2-B .4-C .6-D .8-3.某单位共有老年人180人,中年人540人,青年人人,为调查身体健康状况,需要从中抽取一个容量为的样本,用分层抽样方法抽取进行调查,样本中的中年人为6人,则和的值不可以是下列四个选项中的哪组( ) A . B . C .D .4.已知函数1()2xf x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则不等式()24(3)f a f a ->的解集为( )A .(4,1)-B .(1,4)-C .(1,4)D .(0,4)5.已知函数4()2x xaf x +=是奇函数,若(21)(2)0f m f m -+-≥,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .1mB .1m <C .m 1≥D .1m6.如图,某人在点B 处测得某塔在南偏西60︒的方向上,塔顶A 仰角为45︒,此人沿正南方向前进30米到达C 处,测得塔顶A 的仰角为30,则塔高为( )A .20米B .15米C .12米D .10米7.函数()cos()f x A x ωϕ=+(其中0A >,0>ω,||2ϕπ<)的图象如图所示,为了得到()sin g x A x ω=的图象,只需把()y f x =的图象上所有的点()A .向右平移12π个单位长度 B .向左平移12π个单位长度C .向右平移6π个单位长度 D .向左平移6π个单位长度 8.已知向量()1,1m λ=+,()2,2n λ=+,若()()m n m n +⊥-,则λ=( ) A .4-B .3-C .2-D .1-9.150-︒的弧度数是( ) A .3π-B .56π-C .23π-D .6π-10.已知点(tan ,cos )P αα在第三象限,则角α的终边在( ) A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。
2024届苏州市苏州实验中学高一化学第二学期期末考试模拟试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题(每题只有一个选项符合题意)1、向四个体积相同的密闭容器中分别充入一定量的SO2和O2,开始反应时,按反应速率由大到小的排列顺序正确的是()甲:500℃,10molSO2和5molO2反应乙:500℃,V2O5作催化剂,10molSO2和5molO2反应丙:450℃,8molSO2和5molO2反应丁:500℃,8molSO2和5molO2反应A.甲、乙、丙、丁B.乙、甲、丙、丁C.乙、甲、丁、丙D.丁、丙、乙、甲2、某锂电池的电池总反应为4Li+2SOCl2=4LiCl+S+SO2↑,下列有关说法正确的是()A.锂电极作电池负极,放电过程中发生还原反应B.1 mol SOCl2发生电极反应转移的电子物质的量为4 molC.组装该电池必须在无水、无氧的条件下进行D.电池的正极反应为2SOCl2+2e-=4Cl-+S+SO2 ↑3、禁止用工业酒精配制饮料酒,这是因为工业酒精中常含有少量会使人中毒的A.甲醇B.乙酸C.乙酸乙酯D.乙醛4、下列表述正确的是A.一氯甲烷的结构式CH3ClB.乙醇的分子式CH3CH2OHC.乙烷的球棍模型D.Cl-结构示意图5、证明某溶液中只含Fe2+而不含Fe3+的实验方法是()A.只滴加KSCN溶液B.先滴加KSCN溶液,不显红色,再滴加氯水后显红色C.先滴加氯水,再滴加KSCN溶液后显红色D.滴加NaOH溶液,产生白色沉淀6、苯环结构中不存在C-C单键与C=C双键的交替结构,可以作为证据的是( )①苯不能使溴水褪色②苯不能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色③苯在一定条件下既能发生取代反应,又能发生加成反应④经测定,邻二甲苯只有一种结构⑤经测定,苯环上碳碳键的键长相等,都是1.40×10-10mA.①②B.①②③C.①②⑤D.①②④⑤7、如图是化学课外活动小组设计的用化学电源使LED灯发光的装置示意图。
)1. 25℃时,用0.1000 mol / L NaOH溶液滴定20.00 mL 0.1000mol /LCH3COOH溶液所得滴定曲线如右图。
下列叙述正确的是A.点①所示溶液:c(CH3COO—) + c(CH3COOH) = c(Na+)B.点②所示溶液:c(Na+) = c(CH3COO—)>c(H+) = c(OH—)C.点③所示溶液:c(Na+)>c(OH—)>c(CH3COO—)>c(H+)D.滴定终点时:c(CH3COOH) + c(CH3COO—) = c(Na+)参考答案:略2. NaCl是一种化工原料,可以制备一系列物质(如图所示).下列说法正确的是()参考答案:A.甲表示1mol H2 (g)完全燃烧生成水蒸气吸收241.8 kJ热量B.甲表示2 mol H2(g)所具有的能量一定比2 mol气态水所具有的能量多483.6 kJC .乙表示常温 下,稀释HA 、HB 两种酸的稀溶液时,溶液pH 随加水量的变化,则同温同浓度的NaA 溶液的pH 小于NaB 溶液的pHD .乙图中起始时HA 的物质的量浓度大于HB 参考答案: C4. 下列叙述正确的是A .将CO 2通入BaCl 2溶液中至饱和,无沉淀产生;再通入SO 2产生沉淀B .在稀硫酸中加入铜粉,铜粉不溶解;再加入Cu(NO 3)2固体,铜粉仍不溶解C .向AlCl 3溶液中滴加氨水,产生白色沉淀;再加入过量NaHSO 4溶液,沉淀消失D .纯锌与稀硫酸反应产生氢气的速率较慢;再加入少量CuSO 4固体,速率不改变 参考答案: C 略5. 对于可逆反应N 2(g)+3H 2(g)2NH 3(g);△H <0,下列研究目的和示意图相符的是参考答案:C 略6. 向m g 镁和铝的混合物中加入适量的稀硫酸,恰好完全反应生成标准状况下的气体b L 。
一、选择题(每题4分,共48分)1.如图,在△ABC中,BD、CE是△ABC的中线,BD与CE相交于点O,点F、G分别是BO、CO的中点,连结AO.若AO=6cm,BC=8cm,则四边形DEFG的周长是()A.14cm B.18 cmC.24cm D.28cm2.如图,图中的四边形都是正方形,三角形都是直角三角形,其中正方形的面积分别记为A,B,C,D,则它们之间的关系为( )A.A+B=C+D B.A+C=B+DC.A+D=B+C D.以上都不对3.一次函数y=﹣3x+5的图象不经过的象限是()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限4.如图,△ABC中,D,E分别是AB,AC的中点,点F在DE上,且∠AFB=90°,若AB=5,BC=8,则EF的长为()A .2.5B .2C .1.5D .15.平行四边形两个内角的度数的比是1:2,则其中较小的内角是( )A .30B .45︒C .60︒D .90︒6.下列分式中,是最简分式的是( )A .124b aB .a b b a --C .242x x --D .242x x ++ 7.如图,在ABC ∆中,25AB =,24BC =,点D ,E 分别是AB, BC 的中点,连接DE ,CD ,如果 3.5DE =,那么ACD∆的周长( )A .28B .28.5C .32D .36 8.对于一次函数,下列结论错误的是( )A .函数的图象与轴的交点坐标是B .函数值随自变量的增大而减小C .函数的图象不经过第三象限D .函数的图象向下平移个单位长度得到的图象9.顺次连结对角线相等的四边形各边中点所得的四边形必是( )A .菱形B .矩形C .正方形D .无法确定10.下列等式正确的是( )A .AB +BC =CB +BAB .AB ﹣BC =ACC .AB +BC +CD =DA D .AB +BC ﹣AC =011.如图,ABCD 的对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O ,90BAC ∠=︒,6AC =,8BD =,则CD 的长为( )A 7B .5C 43D .1012.计算()()x x 1x x 1+---的值为( ) A .2 B .3C .4D .1 二、填空题(每题4分,共24分)13.如图,直线1y kx b =+过点A(0,2),且与直线2y mx =交于点P(1,m),则不等式组mx > +kx b > mx -2的解集是_________14.已知点P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2)是反比例函数y =3x(x >0)图象上两点,若y 1>y 2,则x 1,x 2的大小关系是_____.15.若将点A (1,3)向左平移2个单位,再向下平移4个单位得到点B , 则点B 的坐标为_______.16.已知a +b =3,ab =2,求代数式a 3b +2a 2b 2+ab 3的值_____.17.如图,E ∠是六边形ABCDE 的一个内角.若120E ∠=︒,则A B C D F ∠+∠+∠+∠+∠的度数为________.186x -x 的取值范围为_________________.三、解答题(共78分)19.(8分)分解因式:(1)22ax ay -;(2)()()2244x x xy x xy ---。
1、如图为一交流发电机发出的电流随时间的变化图象,则下列说法正确的是A.在A点时穿过线圈的磁通量最大B.在B点时穿过线圈的磁通量变化率最大C.在A点时线圈处在中性面,电流方向改变D.在B点时线圈处在中性面,电流方向改变2、一个矩形线圈绕垂直于磁场的轴匀速转动产生如图所示的交流电,下列说法中正确的是()A.交变电流的频率为100HzB.电动势的有效值为220VC.t=0时,穿过线圈的磁通量为零D.t=0时,线圈平面与中性面垂直3、一理想变压器的原、副线圈的匝数比为4:1,原线圈接在一个交流电源上,电压u随时间t变化的规律如图所示;副线圈所接的负载电阻是11Ω,则下列判断中错误的是()A.原线圈中的交变电流的频率是50 HzB.流过副线圈的电流是5 AC.副线圈的输出电压为55 VD.变压器输入、输出的功率之比为4∶14、下列有关光的波粒二象性的说法中,正确的是()A.有的光是波,有的光是粒子B.光子与电子是同样的一种粒子C.大量光子的行为往往显示出粒子性D.光的波长越长,其波动性越显著;波长越短,其粒子性越显著5、如图所示,无限长导线,均通以恒定电流I,直线部分和坐标轴接近重合,弯曲部分是以坐标原点O为圆心的相同半径的一段圆弧,己知直线部分在原点O处不形成磁场,在第一象限圆弧电流在原点产生的磁感应强度为B,现在原点O处放一小段与x轴重合的长为L的通电导线P(可以视为电流元),导线P的电流大小为I,电流方向沿x轴正方向,则通电导线P受到的安培力的大小和方向是A.2BIL,方向与y轴正方向相同B.2BIL,方向与y轴负方向相同C.4BIL,方向与y轴正方向相同D.4BIL,方向与y轴负方向相同6、下列描绘两种温度下黑体辐射强度与波长关系的图中,符合黑体辐射实验规律的是()A.B.C.D.二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
2021届江苏省苏州实验中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALost cities that have been foundThe White CityIn 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search of"the Lost City of the Monke God"led to the discovery of the White City. They found the ruins in the Mosquitia region of the Central American country which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者) occupied their homeland in the16th century.Canopus and HeracleionModern researchers were teased by the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus and Heracleion-where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities weren’t found until 1992, when a search in Alexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物) showedthat the cities once highly developed as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about the last queen of Egypt. Machu PicchuA Yale professor discovered "the Lost City in the Clouds"in 1911. A combination of palaces, plazas, temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city, which was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons,was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries keeping it so well preserved.TroyThe ancient city of Troy in homer's The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorations in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered (层叠) on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden horse.1.Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century?A.To survive the warB.To search for a lost city.C.To protect their country.D.To avoid dangerous animals2.Which of the following was related to a royal family member?A.The White CityB.Canopus and HeracleionC.Machu PicchuD.Troy3.What can we learn about Troy?A.It was built by Homer.B.It consisted of nine citiesC.It had a history of 5,000 yearsD.It was ruined by a natural disaster.BThe measurable threat to the environment has been worsened by the spread of COVID-19 that increases the need for plastic protective equipment. Most plastic is made from fossil fuels. Millions of tons of greenhouse gas are released from the development of these resources and plastic production and burning.The end life of plastic is just worrisome. Less than 10% of the plastic produced has been recycled. Even more of it has been burned. But the vast majority of plastic has been buried inland, and it is increasingly polluting the environment. We hear mostly about ocean plastic and the harm done to sea creatures that mistake plastic bags and bits for food. But microplastic is even more worrisome. Plastic doesn't break down biologically but instead breaks down into tiny particles(a very small piece of something), which have been found in every corner of the planet, on land and in the air, in drinking water and food sources.Yet the public has not given this global environmental disaster the attention it requires. Instead, they have viewed single-use plastic—which makes up about 40% of plastic used each year—as a litter issue that can be solved through better recycling and waste management. That attitude must change because the recent global breakdown of the market for recycling has made it clear that it has never been, nor ever will be, able to keep up with plastic trash use.California has been the forerunner of plastic waste reduction—it was the first state to ban single-use plastic bags and may be the first state to transform the way goods are packaged. The state also came close to passing an act which would have required that products sold in plastic packaging in the state have a proven recycling rate of 75% by 2032. California, though influential, can't solve this crisis alone. The US has long been producing a greatamount of plastic trash and it should engage in reducing the use of plastic as well.4. Why does the author mention the release of greenhouse gas in paragraph 1?A. To show the harm of plasticB. To warn of the climate change.C. To call for the development of fossil fuels.D. To highlight the importance of plastic equipment.5. What's the author's attitude towards the public opinion on single-use plastic?A. Favorable.B. Tolerant.C. Curious.D. Opposed.6. What's California's role in reducing plastic waste?A. A pioneer.B. A failure.C. An objector.D. A predictor.7. What can be the best title for the text?A. Microplastic Products Are HarmfulB. Waste Recycling Is an Urgent MatterC. Plastic Waste Pollution Is a Wake-up CallD. Global Environmental Disasters Are IncreasingCHave you ever been on social media and seen your favorite celebrity talking about a product? These promotions might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influencers ‘influence’ what you buy?Human desire for status and making friends, combined with our need to belong to a group, makes us receptive to being ‘socially influenced’. Companies often use that desire to have a similar lifestyle to a celebrity we admire to sell or launch a product. So, what do these promotions actually do?Firstly, they can be used to build brand awareness. A social media influencer should have a strong understanding of the platform they operate on, and therefore can create appealing content that not only sticks to the brand image, but sparks their followers’ interests in a product they might never have seen before.Secondly, influencers can improve a company or product’s relationship with their customer base. According to InMoment’s 2018 US Retail CX Trends Report on customer loyalty, 77% of buyers have been brand loyal for more than ten years. This is also true of 60% of millennials. A popular celebrity can target key customers and talkor blog about a product, which can create an instant and lasting bond with them.Lastly, influencers can improve customer buying habits with seemingly ‘unbiased opinions’. We are more likely to respond to ‘peer recommendation’ than traditional ads, meaning the fact we see an influencer as a ‘friend’ can make us less likely to be doubtful about what we are seeing.So, the next time you see a celebrity talking about a product, you might want to consider that this could be a carefully worked-out marketing strategy designed to target your core needs. If you find yourself examining a product you’ve seen on social media, you may well have been influenced.8. Why do companies invite celebrities to launch products?A. Because celebrities can improve the companies’ public images.B. Because consumers like to share similarity with celebrities.C. Because celebrities want to make more money.D. Because consumers can make friends with celebrities.9. According to the passage, which strategy is often used by influencers?A. Setting up operation platforms.B. Sending gifts to customers.C. Improving relationship with the company.D. Taking advantage of their popularity.10. To customers, the recommendations of influencers seem to be ________.A. offensiveB. subjectiveC. objectiveD. misleading11. The passage is mainly about ________.A. how social media make adsB. how social media influence our lifestyleC. how social influencers affect our buyingD. how celebrities earn fameDThe secrets of dreaming are always interesting psychologists. It is generally acknowledged in the field that dreams people have during this time betweenchildhood and full adulthood, that’s around 30, are the strongest and most influential. Yet not enough is known about the repeated patterns of dreaming. Researchers are still trying to answer a basic question: How does dreaming relate to the life experiences and developmental challenges?G. William Domhoff and Adam Schneider, at theUniversityofCalifornia, help to answer this question by examining the lengthy dream series of two individuals, “Izzy” and “Jasmine”. Izzy provided a collection of 4, 329 dream reports from between the ages of 12 and 25, while Jasmine provided 664 dreams recorded between the ages of 14 and 25.Large collections of dreams like these pose challenges to researchers. Until recently, the means of studying dream series was to employ a team of recorders who take the time to code each dream for a predetermined(预先确定的)number of content categories, and then compare their results. Nowadays, digital technologies enable the analysis of language usage in dreams with high speed, accuracy, and objectivity. This marks a revolutionary advance in the science of dreaming. However,itcan only lead so far.To gain more specific and detailed insights, Domhoff and Schneider tailored word strings(词串)for each dreamer, mixing elements of traditional research with digital tools for analyzing large data sets. For Izzy these word strings included “family and s”, “celebrities” and “fantasy”, while the word strings they created for Jasmine included “familiar places,” electrical equipment” and “music”. The researchers used these word strings to identify connections between their dreams and real lives. Surprisingly, the results of the analysis revealed a great deal of consistency(一致性)and continuity in both sets of dreams. Izzy pays much attention to pop culture, and has affection for famous actors. Jasmine is an accomplished musician and performer.“The frequencies of dream elements show the intensity(强度)of the dreamer’s personal concern with that element in waking thought,” Domhoff and Schneider conclude. For anyone who still claims dreaming is merely random nonsense from the brain and mental world, these findings are hard to explain away.12. What do psychologists agree with about dreams?A. Dreams are influenced by life experiences.B. Dreaming is never nonsense from the brain.C. Dreams in one’s teens and twenties are strongest.D The patterns of dreaming are usually repeated.13. What does “it” underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?A. The collection of dreams.B. Research into dreaming.C. The digital method.D. The challenge for psychologists.14. How do the researchers conduct their study?A. By analyzing large data sets.B. By developing individualized word strings.C. By identifying the patterns of dreaming.D. By making comparison with traditional research.15. Which can be the best title for the text?A. New tech, new findingB. Dreams: reflections of waking realityC. Lives, languages, dreamsD. Life experiences: elements of mental world第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021届江苏省苏州实验中学高三英语下学期期末试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AYou’re becoming an adult; your friends are changing; school is more challenging; and your life has more ups and downs than it used to. These books are just for you.Say Goodbye to Stressby Dr Jeff BrownKindle Edition $11.79Paperback $16.95Many have trouble getting their stress (压力) under control and want help. This new book will encourage stressed-out readers with its stories from people like them about how they resolved or rethought the stress in their lives, learned to let go of anxiety and worry, and improved their lives by dealing with stress.Find Your Inner Strengthby Amy NewmarkKindle Edition $7.99Paperback $12.75This powerful collection of stories will inspire (激励) you and help you find the inner strength to do with the challenges in your own life. We are stronger than we think.... when we have to be. These brave. courageous people are the role models that show us all what is possible.Random Acts of Kindnessby Amy NewmarkKindle Edition $12.99Paperback $17.77Make miracles happen for yourself and others. It’s easy. Just think outside the box and look around. There are so many ways that you can help—and it turns out the biggest beneficiary (受益人) may be you! Scientific studies have shown that “doing good” is not only good for others but also for the person doing it, making that person happier and healthier.Be the Best You Can Beby Amy NewmarkKindle Edition $10. 99Paperback $15.67This collection shows kids positive role models to follow in its stories about making good choices, havingconfidence, and doing the right things. Parents and grandparents will enjoy discussing the stories with children, making it a family event.1.How will you feel after reading Say Goodbye to Stress?A.Anxious.B.Awkward.C.Relaxed.D.Confused.2.What is unique about Find Your Inner Strength?A.It is written by a well-known author.B.It is the cheapest of the four books.C.It has role models for kids to follow.D.It shows one how to do good deeds.3.Which book is suitable for one who has no confidence?A.Say Goodbye to StressB.Find Your Inner StrengthC.Random Acts of KindnessD.Be the Best You Can BeBWhen I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboat man. We had temporary ambitions of other sorts, but they were only temporary.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing;butthe desire to be a steamboat man kept intruding, nevertheless. One of our boys in town, who went away and was not heard of for-a long time, turned up as apprentice engineer on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday—school teachings. That boy was notoriously worldly, and I was just the opposite. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty nail to scrub while his boat stopped at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him. And wherever his boat was laid up he would come home and show off in the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboat man; and he used all sorts of steamboat technical terms in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them.This creature's career could produce but one result, and it was speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. Despite many choices, pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary—from 150—250 dollars a month, and no board payment.But our parents would not let us and our worry was the next year would find us hunting for jobs with low pay again. So by and by I ran away. Isaid I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory.4. Why does the writer mention his father's job in Paragraph 2?A. To show that his father was in power.B. To show that his father is cruel.C. To emphasize the job he prefers.D. To emphasize his love for his father.5. Which of the following can best conclude the writer's attitude toward the boy?A. He thought the boy was material but pitiful.B. He thought the boy was annoying but still envied him.C. He thought the boy was shallow but knowledgeable.D. He thought the boy was disrespectful but still liked him.6. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. The boy talked in a way to make others feel jealous.B. The boy's experience made other boys follow suit.C. The pilot's salary was ly high but without meals covered.D. The writer was ambitious to make his childhood dream come true.7. What rhetorical method does the underlined sentence have?A. Simile.B. Personification.C. Parallelism.D. Irony.CThis year researchers expect the world to snap 1.35 trillion photographs, or about 3.7 billion per day. All those pixels (像素) take up a lot of room if they are stored on personal computers or s phones, which is one reason why many people store their images in the cloud. But unlike a hard on drive which can be encrypted to protect its data, cloud storage users have to trust that a tech platform will keep their private pictures safe. Now a team of Columbia University computer scientists has developed a tool to encrypt (加密) images stored on many popular cloud services while allowing authorized users to browse and display their photographs as usual.Malicious (恶意的) attempts to access or leak cloud-based photographs can expose personal information. In November 2019, for example, a bug in the popular photograph storage app Google Photos mistakenly shared some users' private videos with strangers. Security experts also worry about employees at cloud storage companies on purpose accessing users' images.So the Columbia researchers came up with a system called Easy Secure Photos (ESP), which they presented at a recent conference. “We wanted to see if we could make it possible to encrypt data while using existing services,” says computer scientist Jason Nieh, one of the developers of ESP. “Everyone wants to stay with Google Photos andnot have to register on a new encrypted-image cloud storage service.”To overcome this problem, they created a tool that preserves blocks of pixels but moves them around to effectively hide the photograph. First, ESP's algorithm (算法) divides a photograph into three separate files, each one containing the image's red, green or blue color1 data. Then the system hides the pixel blocks around among these three files (allowing a block from the red file, for instance, to hide out in the green or blue ones). But the program does nothing within the pixel blocks, where all the image processing happens. As a result, the files remain unchanged images but end up looking like grainy black-and-white ones to anyone who accesses them without the decryption (解密) key.8. What's probably the main purpose for people to store images in the cloud?A. To save storage room.B. To make photos beautiful.C. To try a new storage way.D. To keep their privacy safe.9. Why might employees in cloud storage companies be distrusted by experts?A. They sell users' passwords.B. They have invented new tools.C. They often let out personal information.D. They may steal a glance at users' images.10. What's the advantage of ESP?A. It can provide clear images.B. It can decrease the upload time.C. It can classify images automatically.D. It can encrypt data on the original platform.11. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A. Method of decryption.B. Image-processing technique.C. Separate files of images.D. Data analysisof color1 s.DA year ago I received a full scholarship to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work paid off. My mom had spent a lot on my attending a private high school, so I made sure to push myself: I volunteered, took part in various clubs, and graduated with honors. I was so excited to start a new part of my life.Soon enough, the big day came, but it wasn't like what I had thought. The first two weeks were the most difficult days of my entire life. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. I was missing my family, my home andeverything in my hometown so much and I didn’t know how to deal with my broken heart.To distract myself, I threw myself into my studies. I also found a ton of jobs. In any free time, I started forcing myself to go to the gym. I wanted to keep every part of my day busy so I wouldn’t think about how lonely I felt. Soon after, I began to control my eating, considering it another solution to my homesickness. But soon there was something wrong with me.Finally, I went to see a doctor. When the doctor told me I had no choice but to take time away from school, I started to fear. How could I stop? School was what I was best at. “I’m not so bad,” I thought in my head. But the result was that I was taken to hospital again a month later and my mother camewoefully. I had to take a semester off from school, and go to the treatment center near my home.If there are girls who are suffering similarly, I hope you know that there is hope and that you should have a positive attitude towards life. Though you may feel alone, there are so many people who can understand your struggle. That’s why I want to share my story.12. Why did the author push herself during high school?A. She wanted to attend the University of San Francisco.B. It cost too much to study in a private school.C. Her parents controlled much of her life.D. Her family put her under pressure,13. What can we know about the author in the first two weeks?A. She couldn't fall asleep because of pressure.B. She couldn't pay attention to her study.C. She couldn't deal with her homesickness.D. She couldn't catch up with others.14. What does the underlined word “woefully” in paragraph 4 mean?A. Sadly.B. Surprisingly.C. Curiously.D. Happily.15. What is the author's purpose in writing this text?A. To look back on her past life.B. To increase her own confidence.C. To express appreciation to her mother.D. To encourage other girls like her to be positive.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021届江苏省苏州实验中学高三英语下学期期末试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACovid-19 has brought a great deal of trouble for all of us since March 2020. During this time, mobile phones have been the solution for the boredom and restlessness caused from staying indoors. The most downloaded apps on play store 2020 are;TikTokTikTok was the most downloaded app. With over 111.9 million downloads, TikTok has seen a huge growth in 2020, twice more than what it got in 2019. 20% of its total downloads were fromIndiaand around 9. 3% of the total downloads were in theUS.ZoomZoom was the second most installed app in the overall downloads category. With nearly 94. 6 million installs, Zoom is the most used app for online meetings and virtual classrooms. 17% of its downloads were in theUSandIndia. Offices and educational institutes were shut down and to continue working and studying from home, people relied heavily on Zoom for video conferencing and calling.WhatsAppWhatsApp ranked third in overall downloads with more than 100 million downloads. It is one of the most popular and widely used chat applications; WhatsApp also supports communication between international phone networks.FacebookIt ranked fourth in the overall downloaded list. Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking application. Facebook builds technologies that give people the power to connect with friends and family, find communities and grow businesses.1. What do we know about TikTok?A. It is an India-based app.B. It has most users inAmerica.C. It is used for growing business.D. It has doubled its download than in 2019.2. Which app is the best to turn to for online education?A. TikTok.B. Zoom.C. WhatsApp.D. Facebook.3. What function does Facebook probably serve?A. Communication.B. Training.C. Teaching.D. PaymentBLas Vegascity inNevadais built in a desert. The city may be known to the outside world for its partying. But officials have found that there are 21 square kilometers of useless grass. The grass is never laid on, played on or even stepped on. The grass is only there to look nice.Now, the city is asking theNevadastate legislature to ban useless grass. It is trying to become the first place inAmericato ban that kind of grass often seen between streets, in housing developments and in office parks.It is estimated that useless grass makes up 40% of all the grass inLas Vegasand it needs a lot of water to survive. Grass needs four times more water than dry climate plants like cactus. By tearing out the grass, the city could reduce yearly water usage by 15%.In 2003, the Southern Nevada Water Authority banned developers from planting grass in front of new homes. It also offered homeowners $ 30 for each square meter of grass they tear out. But fewer people are now using the program. Water usage has increased in southernNevadaby 9% since 2019. And last year,Las Vegaswent a record 240 days without major rainfall. The Colorado River provides much ofNevada's drinking water. The river could lose more water as climate change affects it.Water officials in other dry cities said water usage needs to be reduced. But they fear the reaction to reforms like the ones inLas Vegasif their communities do not accept them. Cynthia Campbell is the water resources adviser for the city ofPhoenixinArizona. “There might come a point when city restrictions get too severe for some residents. They'll say that is the point of no return for them,”Campbellsaid. “For some people, it's a pool. For some people, it's grass.”4. Why doesLas Vegascity try to ban useless grass?A. To protect the local people.B. To beautify the city.C. To reduce water usage.D. To reduce waste.5. What program was carried out inLas Vegasin 2003?A. Allowing planting grass before new houses.B. Encouraging the residents to tear out grass.C. Praising those who signed on the program.D. Awarding those who reduced water usage.6. What is implied inCampbell's words in the last paragraph?A. Many residents won't follow the ban.B. Reaction to the reform will vary personally.C. Other measures should be taken to protect wetter.D. Water officials should take many factors into account.7. What is the best title for the text?s VegasPlans to Ban Useless GrassB. A Method Is Adopted to SaveLas VegasC. Choices between Beauty and PracticeD. Grass Is Important but Useless inLas VegasCImagine turning on the GPS and seeing an image of your car from above. As the car drives, the map follows along in real time, alarming you to any traffic, pedestrians,animals, or other things nearby. Routes and names of roads appear over the live stream. It's like the map has come to life.This type of map isn't available yet. But it could be soon. In 2014, the Worldview-3 satellites was launched into space. Even though it orbits Earth at more than 370 miles(600 km)away, it can capture images of objects on Earth that are just 10 inches(25cm)across.Peeringall the way from outer space, it can make out a smartphone held in your hand. It can tell what types of cars are traveling down a road. But it can't identify your face or read the cars' license plate numbers . . . at least not openly.According to some reports, this satellite and other US spy satellites have the technology to take even sharper images, with a resolution(分辨率)of up to around 4 inches(10cm). ButUS law forbids making these super-sharp pictures public, to prevent enemies from using them. But the idea that anybody might be able to spy on the entire Earth in such detail may seem horrible. Live, high-detail satellite mapping could possibly be used to monitor anybody at any time. Ray Purdy of University College London told CNN that he is concerned about what this could mean for privacy. Most satellites are commercially owned, so if you have money you can buy that imagery. “It means anyone can spy on anyone,” he said.At the same time, live, detailed maps of Earth's surface could be useful in amazing ways. Live maps of a disaster area could quickly discover people in need of rescue as well as the safest routes in or out. Satellite imagesare already helping catch illegal logging and fishing operations. Higher detail may make it possible to catch other criminals in the act. The images could also make it easier for farmers to watch over their crops.What do you think? Do you wish everyone could access high-detail live maps of Earth's surface?8. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?A. SeeingB. StandingC. WalkingD. Hearing9. Why does US law forbid making super-sharp pictures public?A. to protect the technology.B. for the sake of safety.C. to protect the environment.D. to threat other countries.10. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. This super-sharp map hasn't been put into market.B. Worldview-3 satellites orbits the Earth at 370 km away.C. Personal privacy is safely protected if you use the super-sharp map.D. The super-sharp map should be completely forbidden.11. How is this technology used in agriculture?A. It can help improve the production of crops.B. It can help kill pests.C. It can help farmer to watch over their crops from far away.D. It can help increase farm land.DFor decades, an organization, called Ulum Dalska, based in a small Swedish town called Alvdalen, hasbeen working hard to help save a language called EIfdalian. Elfdalian sounds nothing like the country's national language, Swedish, which press secretary Bjorm Rehnstrom said affected the language about 100 years ago. At that point, Elfdalian declined. Ulla Schitt, also a Ulum Dalska member, experienced the change while growing up in Alvdalen.“My parents spoke Efdalian with each other, and with my grandma and my aunts and uncles and everyone around,”Schit said. “But when they turned to me, they spoke Swedish.” Schitt said her parents spoke Swedish with her because that's what was spoken in schools.But people are getting creative in the fight to change that trend. Musicians are creating new songs with Elfdalian. Several children's books were also translated into EIfdalian, including Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Additionally, Bjorm Rehnstrom helps run a popular Facebook group that offers courses in the Elfdalian language, where he offers lessons to the group's 1,800 global members from America, Australia, SouthAmerica, Indonesia, Haiti and Cape Verde.The local government supports the teaching and preservation of Elfdalian. Bjom Rehnstrom said they eagerly paid for a sign that reads: “Welcome to Alvdalen” in Elfdalian. But the national government of Sweden is a different story. They currently consider Eidalian a dialect of Swedish, not its own language.Schitt said every time a language dies it is a sad moment. To her, losing Elfdalian would be an especially tragic (悲剧的) loss. “It's a part of our identity. It's part of our culture,” she said. “And if part of your identity and culture dies, a part of yourself dies.” Getting Elfdalian recognized as a language by the Swedish government, she added, is key to making sure that death doesn't come.12. Why was Ulum Dalska founded?A. To teach Swedish.B. To save Elfdalian.C. To improve Alvdalen.D. To help schools.13. Why Schitt's parents spoke Swedish with her?A. They could only speak Swedish fluently.B. Schitt longed to speak Swedish at home.C. Swedish was the language of schools.D. It was required by her school teachers,14. What can we infer from paragraph 4?A. Many people are trying to help to save Elfdalian.B. Songs in Elfdalian are becoming more popular.C. Le Petit Prince was translated into various languages.D. Courses in Eldalian are provided to the world freely.15. What does Schitt think of preserving Elfdalian?A. Satisfactory.B. Vital.C. Dangerous.D. Meaningless.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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1、如图所示为长直光纤的纵切面内层折射率为1n ,外层折射率为2,n '为中轴线.光线自光纤左端进入,与中轴线夹角为θ,要使该光线总是发生全反射,应满足的条件是( )A .12,n n θ<角足够小B .12,n n θ<角足够大C .12,n n θ>角足够小D .12,n n θ>角足够大2、如图所示,两个有界匀强磁场宽度均为L,其中垂直纸面向里的磁场,磁感应强度大小为B;垂直纸面向外的磁场,磁感应强度大小为2B .有一边长为L 、总电阻为R 的正方形导线框,距磁场区域左侧L,且导线框平面与磁场方向垂直.从导线框初始位置开始计时,在外力作用下导线框向右匀速穿过磁场区域的过程中,感应电流i 随时间t 变化的图象正确的是( )A.B.C.D.3、斯诺克运动深受年轻人的喜爱,如图所示选手将质量为m的A球以速度v与质量为m静止的B球发生弹性碰撞,碰撞后B球的速度为A.v B.2v C.0.5v D.0.2v4、如图,将洁净的锌板用导线连接在验电器上,用紫外线灯照射锌板时,观察到验电器指针发生偏转。
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A点抛出时:sinxv vβ=(2)10cosyv vβ=(3)2112yvyg=(4)小球垂直打到斜面时,碰撞无能力损失,设竖直方向速度v y2,则水平方向速度保持0sinxv vβ=不变,斜面倾角θ=45°,20tan45siny x xv v v vβ===(5)2222yyyg=(6)()22212cos sin2vy y ygββ-∆=-=(7),平抛运动中,速度的偏向角正切值等于位移偏向角的正切值的二倍,所以:()111111tan 90222tan y x v y x v ββ==-=(8) 由(8)变形化解:2011cos sin 2tan v x y gβββ==(9)同理,Ⅱ中水平位移为:22022sin 2tan 45v x y gβ==(10)()2012sin sin cos v x x x gβββ+=+=总(11) =tan45yx ∆总故=y x ∆总即2sin sin cos βββ-=-(12)由此得1tan 3β=19090arctan 3αβ=-=-故可求得α的值,其他选项无法求出; 故选:A 。
2.一小船在静水中的速度为3m/s ,它在一条河宽150m 、水流速度为4m/s 的河流中渡河,则该小船( ) A .能到达正对岸 B .渡河的时间不少于50sC .以最短时间渡河时,它渡河的位移大小为200mD .以最短位移渡河时,位移大小为150m 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】A .因为船在静水中的速度小于河水的流速,由平行四边形法则求合速度不可能垂直河岸,小船不可能垂直河岸正达对岸,选项A 错误;B .当船在静水中的速度垂直河岸时,渡河时间最短min 150s 50s 3d t v ===船 选项B 正确;C .船以最短时间50s 渡河时,沿水流方向的位移大小450m 200m min x v t ==⨯=水渡河位移应为水流方向的位移与垂直河岸方向位移的合位移,选项C 错误; D .因为船在静水中的速度小于河水的流速,由平行四边形法则求合速度不可能垂直河岸,小船不可能垂直河岸正达对岸。
若以最短位移渡河,情景如图根据三角形相似可知,最短位移150m 200m v s v =⨯=水船选项D 错误。
故选B 。
3.如图所示,用一根长杆和两个定滑轮的组合装置来提升重物M ,长杆的一端放在地上通过铰链连接形成转轴,其端点恰好处于左侧滑轮正下方O 点处,在杆的中点C 处拴一细绳,绕过两个滑轮后挂上重物M ,C 点与O 点距离为L ,现在杆的另一端用力,使其逆时针匀速转动,由竖直位置以角速度ω缓缓转至水平位置(转过了90︒角),此过程中下述说法中正确的是( )A .重物M 做匀速直线运动B .重物M 先超重后失重C .重物M 的最大速度是L ω,此时杆水平D .重物M 的速度先减小后增大 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】ACD .设C 点线速度方向与绳子沿线的夹角为θ(锐角),由题知C 点的线速度为c v L ω=该线速度在绳子方向上的分速度为1v1cos v L ωθ=θ的变化规律是从开始最大(90°)然后逐渐变小,所以1v 逐渐变大,直至绳子和杆垂直,θ变为零度,绳子的速度变为最大,为ωL ;然后,θ又逐渐增大,1v 逐渐变小,绳子的速度变慢。
所以知重物的速度先增大后减小,且最大速度为ωL ,此时杆是与绳垂直,而不是水平的,故ACD 错误;B .上面的分析得出,重物的速度先增大后减小,所以重物M 先向上加速后向上减速,即先超重后失重,故B 正确。
故选B 。
【点睛】解决本题的关键在于掌握运动的合成与分解,把C 点的速度分解为沿绳方向和垂直于绳的方向,沿绳方向的分速度等于重物的速度。
4.如图所示,一铁球用细线悬挂于天花板上,静止垂在桌子的边缘, 细线穿过一光盘的中间孔,手推光盘在桌面上平移, 光盘带动细线紧贴着桌子的边缘以水平速度v 匀速运动,当光盘由A 位置运动到图中虚线所示的B 位置时 ,细线与竖直方向的夹角为θ,此时铁球A .竖直方向速度大小为cos v θB .竖直方向速度大小为sin v θC .竖直方向速度大小为tan v θD .相对于地面速度大小为v 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】线与光盘交点参与两个运动,一是逆着线的方向运动,二是垂直线的方向运动,则合运动的速度大小为v ,由数学三角函数关系,则有:sin v v v θ==球线,而线的速度的方向,即为小球上升的速度大小,故B 正确,AC 错误;球相对于地面速度大小为()22sin v v v θ'=+D 错误.【点睛】对线与CD光盘交点进行运动的合成与分解,此点既有逆着线方向的运动,又有垂直线方向的运动,而实际运动即为CD光盘的运动,结合数学三角函数关系,即可求解.5.图示为足球球门,球门宽为L,一个球员在球门中心正前方距离球门s处高高跃起,将足球顶入球门的左下方死角(图中P点).若球员顶球点的高度为h.足球被顶出后做平抛运动(足球可看做质点),重力加速度为g.则下列说法正确的是A.足球在空中运动的时间222s h tg+ =B.足球位移大小224Lx s =+C.足球初速度的方向与球门线夹角的正切值2 tansLθ=D.足球初速度的大小22 02()4g Lv sh=+【答案】C 【解析】【分析】【详解】A、足球运动的时间为:2htg=错;B、足球在水平方向的位移大小为:224Lx s=+所以足球的位移大小:222224Ll h x h s=+=++错C、由几何关系可得足球初速度的方向与球门线夹角的正切值为:2tansLθ=,C正确D、足球的初速度的大小为:22024x g Lv st h⎛⎫==+⎪⎝⎭错误;故本题选:C【点睛】(1)根据足球运动的轨迹,由几何关系求解位移大小.(2)由平抛运动分位移的规律求出足球的初速度的大小 (3)由几何知识求足球初速度的方向与球门线夹角的正切值.6.如图,A 、B 、C 三个物体用轻绳经过滑轮连接,物体A 、B 的速度向下,大小均为v ,则物体C 的速度大小为( )A .2vcosθB .vcosθC .2v/cosθD .v /cosθ【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】将C 速度分解为沿绳子方向和垂直与绳子方向,根据平行四边形定则,则有cos C v v θ=,则cos C vv θ=,故选D . 【点睛】解决本题的关键知道沿绳子方向上的速度是如何分解,将C 的速度分解,沿绳子方向的分速度大小等于小物体的速度大小,掌握运动的合成与分解的方法.7.如图所示,斜面ABC 放置在水平地面上,AB =2BC ,O 为AC 的中点,现将小球从A 点正上方、A 与F 连线上某一位置以某一速度水平抛出,落在斜面上.己知D 、E 为AF 连线上的点,且AD=DE=EF ,D 点与C 点等高.下列说法正确的是A .若小球落在斜面上的速度与斜面垂直,则小球的飞行时间由初速度大小决定B .若小球从D 点抛出,有可能垂直击中O 点C .若小球从E 点抛出,有可能垂直击中O 点D .若小球从F 点抛出,有可能垂直击中C 点 【答案】AD 【解析】 【详解】A .假设∠A 的为θ,若小球落在斜面上的速度与斜面垂直,将落点的速度分解在水平方向和竖直方向,则:0tan y θ=v vy gt =v所以,解得:tan v t g θ=角度是确定的1tan 2BC AB θ== 可以解得:2v t g=所以小球的飞行时间由初速度大小决定.故A 正确.BCD .若小球落在斜面上的速度与斜面垂直,则小球的飞行时间由初速度大小决定. 水平方向的位移:2000022v v x v t v g g==⋅=竖直方向的位移:222002211()22v v y gt g x AD g g=====则抛出点距离A 点的距离为:33'tan 22y y x y AD θ=+== 所以若小球落在斜面上的速度与斜面垂直,则小球的水平位移和竖直位移相等. 垂直击中O 点,有:12o x AB BC AD ===,则3'2o y AD =即在DE 的中点抛出才有可能垂直击中O 点,故小球从D 点、E 点抛出均不能垂直击中O 点,故BC 错误. 垂直击中O 点,有:2C x AB AD ==,则3'32C C y x AD ==即小球从F 点抛出,有可能垂直击中C 点.故D 正确.8.如图所示,船停在平静的河水中,人在岸上拉船,人匀速向左的速度为v ,则( )A .船在河中做匀速直线运动,速度也为vB .船在河中做匀减速直线运动C .船在河中做加速度增加的加速直线运动D .斜绳与水平成30时,2:3v v =人船 【答案】CD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】AB .由题意知,船的速度方向水平向左。
现在将船的速度分解到两个方向,沿着绳子向上的1v 和垂直于绳子向下的2v ,其中1v v =则根据几何关系可知cos cos v v v θθ==人船随着人向左拉绳子,船也在水平向左运动,θ角逐渐变大,则可知v 船逐渐增大,所以船在河中做加速运动,所以AB 错误;C .由AB 选项分析可知,船在河中做加速运动。
设河岸高为h ,传到岸边的绳长为l ,岸到船的距离为x ,则由数学知识推导为cos v v θ=船 2v l ω=,2tan v v θ=由加速度的定义式可得2223d()d sin sin cos d d cos cos v v v v a tt l θθθωθθ===⋅= 又由几何关系可得sin hl θ=,cos x lθ= 得223v h a x=所以当船在河中向左运动时,x 逐渐减小,a 逐渐增大,则船在河中做加速度增加的加速直线运动,所以C 正确; D .由AB 选项分析可知cosvvθ=人船则当30θ=时:2:3v v=人船所以D正确。