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PET 口语


Part 1 考官问答(2-3分钟)个人单独

Part 2 考生讨论(2-3分钟)搭档讨论

Part 3 图片描述(3分钟)个人单独

Part 4 free talking basic on Part 3 (3分钟)搭档讨论


Part 1 考官问答

Give information of a personal kind.



Part 2 考生讨论



Part 3 图片描述




Part 4 话题讨论

-基于part3 的主体进行话题讨论,交换看法


Part 1 详解

考官对-A/B: Good morning/afternoon. Can i have your mark sheets, please?

考官对-A/B: I’m ... and this is ... He/She is just going to us

考官对A: Now, what’s your name? Thank you.

考官对B: and what’s your name? Thank you.

考官: What’s your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you. (ask the following questions. Ask A first)

考官: - where do you live/come from?

考官: Are you a student in primary school/middle school...?

考官: What do you do/study?

考官: Thank you.

(repeat for B)




- where do you often go shopping?

- who do you go shopping with?

- what do you often buy?

- how often do you go shopping?

- do you like shopping? Why?



- what do you do in your free time?(尽量避免说Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?

- what’s your favourite TV programme?

- what do you usually do with your friends/classmates?

Family activities


- do you often have parties at your home?

- how often do you have parties with your family? - do you often go out for fun with your family?

- what do you often do at home?



-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend? -who do you often travel with?

-do you like traveling?

-did you have good time during your trip?

- what would you want to travel at this weekend? Likes&dislikes


- i prefer A to B.

- i like A better than B.

- I’m keen on doing sth.

- i enjoy doing.


- i’m sick of doing sth/sth.

- i hate doing sth/sth

- i dislike doing sth/sth.

- i donlt mind/care...

Part 2详解

Say to both candidates:

I’m going to describe a situation to you.

A friend of yours is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Talk together about the things she’ll need in England and decides which are the most important things to take with her.

Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. .....

Part 2 考生涵盖的内容包括:


- disagreeing

- giving reasons

- making suggestions

- asking opinions


Making suggestions:

- i think he/she should ...

- i think ..... is a good idea, because.....

- how about ....?

- i am not sure about ...., because...., what do you think?


- your are right.

- that’s a good idea.

- i think so.

- i agree with you.


-i don’t think he/she should...
