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一、Hammer to fall 《大限将至》

Here we stand or here we 1我们战斗,还是倒下

History won't care at all 历史根本不屑一顾

Make the bed, light the light 收拾好床吧,打开灯

Lady __2___ won't be home tonight 宽恕女神今夜也不会回家

You don't 3 no time at all你虚度了一生

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call 未闻钟响,已应召唤

It comes to you as to us all 于你于我并无二致

We're just waiting for the hammer to fall 我们都在等待命运之锤落下

Oh every night and every day 日夜不息

A little piece of you is falling away 你正一点点分崩离析

But lift your face, the Western Way 但昂起头吧,以西方人的方式

Build your 4 as your body decays 强健你的肌肉,尽管你的身体正在腐坏

Toe your line and play the game 以足尖起舞,全力以赴

Let the anaesthetic 5 it all 用麻醉剂掩盖伤痛

Till one day they call your name 直到有一天他们呼唤你的名字

You know it's time for the hammer to fall 你就明白你的大限将至

Rich or poor or famous 富有,贫穷,或是声名在外都无所谓

For your 6 is all the same 你们的结局殊途同归

Lock your door 你把倾盆大雨关在门外

But the rain is pouring through your window pane 但它仍然会沿着窗缝倾泄而入

Baby now your 7 is all in vain 啊,亲爱的,现在你的努力都是徒劳了

For we who grow up tall and proud 对于我们这些生来高傲之人而言

In the 8 of the Mushroom Cloud 处于遮天蔽日的蘑菇云之下

Convinced our voice can't be heard 明知没有人会倾听我们的心声

We just wanna 9 it louder and louder 我们却要大声地,更大声地呐喊

What the hell we fighting for? 我们这么努力地斗争到底为了什么?

Just 10 and it won’t hurt at a ll 投降吧,反正也不会因此受伤

You just got time to say your prayers 你还有些时间做个祷告

While you're waiting the hammer to fall 在你等待命运之锤落下的时间里

二、Bohemian Rhapsody《波西米亚狂想曲》

Is this the real life 这是真实的人生,

Is this just 1 还是梦幻一场?

Caught in a landslide 身陷困境

No 2 from reality 无法回避现实

Open your eyes睁开眼睛

Look up to the skies and see 凝视苍穹

I'm just a poor boy, I need no 3 我是一个穷小子,但我不需要任何同情

Because I'm easy come, easy go因为我来去自由

A little high, little low 命运浮浮沉沉

Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really 4 to me世事变迁,于我无异

Mama, just killed a man 妈妈啊,我刚刚杀了个人

Put a gun against his head 我拿枪指着他的头

Pulled my trigger, now he's 5 扣下了扳机,现在他死了

Mama, life had just begun 妈妈啊,生活才刚刚开始啊

But now I've gone and 6 it all away 然而如今我却远走并抛之脑后

Mama, ooh 妈妈,喔……

Didn't 7 to make you cry 我并不想让你流泪

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow 要是我在明天这个时候未能归来

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matter 让生活继续吧,如同什么都没发生

Too late, my time has come 太晚了,我的归宿要来了

Sends shivers down my spine 我的脊梁开始发颤

Body's 8 all the time 浑身上下疼痛难忍

Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go 再见吧,各位,我要离开了

Gotta 9 you all behind and face the truth 我将离你们而去,去接受现实的审判Mama, ooh 妈妈,喔……

I don't want to die 我也不想死去

I sometimes wish I’d never be en 10 at all 甚至有时我希望自己未曾来到这世

三、We Are the Champions《我们是冠军》
