1. 引言1.1 介绍两部舞台剧“花木兰”《花木兰》是一部源自中国古代传说的戏剧作品,在不同的文化背景下,这个故事被演绎成了不同的版本。
1.2 阐述女性主义在戏剧作品中的重要性女性主义在戏剧作品中扮演着重要的角色,它不仅仅是对女性权益的探讨,更是对社会现实的反思和审视。
大学生英文话剧,适用7人《花木兰》7个人英语短话剧剧本:花木兰改编花木兰改编,应该家喻户晓了吧. Summary:Long time ago, there was a war in China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers.Unex pectedly, Mulans father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father w as not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army i nstead of her fater.Scene INarrator:Long time age, ther was a war in China…..德首:Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you.土酋:Your land?……Hey , he says this is his land.土酋:We just get our land back.德首:Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋:Attack!德首:Fire! Kill them all.德首:Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you.路人甲:Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下:Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is r ecruit soldiers.使者:Pat…….Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?Pat:Yes.使者:O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confident ial. Please read it carefully.Mulan:What’s up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat:Nothing….Mulan:Look!Pat:What……Mulan:My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do?Mulan:What can I do?Voice:You can go to the army instead of your father.Mulan:But I’m a girl.Voice:Why not? You look like a man.Mulan:Right! Good idea! I can’t see the reason why a girl can’t be a soldier to defen d her own country.Scene IINarrator:Mulan began her life in the army.報到士兵:Hey, don’t cut in. Line up.士兵:Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang:I just want you to follow three “A”s. Thell them what three “A”s.士兵:The three “A”s are “Apple, airplane, adult video.”Li Shang:The three “A”s are “Action, ability, and agility.”—–understand?士兵:Yes!Li Shang:Good!….Dismissed.士兵領隊:Soldiers, follow me!士兵:嘿咻…..Mulan:Ouch!士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵:You are a sissy boy.——-眾:Sissy boy.士兵:Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?眾:Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang:Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang:Are you O.K.?Mulan:I’m all right.Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Mulan:He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to m arry him.士兵:Hey! Soldiers. It’s time for dinner.士兵:Oh….food! Food!—Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang:唉…You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang:This is for you.Mulan:Thank you. Sir!Li Shang:Go and eat there.Mulan:He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I’l l do my best to bec ome stronger.(士兵舉重比賽)Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weak ness. So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself. She lifted weights and did push -ups.Narrator:After a few months of hard tr aining……..羅蔔兵:Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang:What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It’s time to fight.兵:Fight!Mulan:Hey! Wake up! Don’t sleep! Where are the other guys?羅蔔兵:They….are…fighting!Mulan:What!–Guys! Wait for me!Scene IIILi Shang:Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I’m his son , Li Shang.土酋:I’ve killed too many people. It doesn’t bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang:Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take r evenge on you.土酋:You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible!Li Shang:Watch out, I’ll kill you all.土酋:Oh yeah? You’re still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming.Li Shang:Just wait and see if I can’t. Soldiers, fire!土酋:My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang:Just kill me. I’d rather die thatn surrender.Mulan:Are youall right?土酋:Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now!土酋:It…it is impossible.Mulan:Li, I’m sorry.Li Shang:Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay? from Mulan:No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang:According to the law, a woman can’t be a soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that?Mulan:I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decisio n.Li Shang:Hum…..I’ll try to save you.陛下:My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my ca ptain, Li Shang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what y ou want.Li Shang:I want nothing except the soldier’s life. She is a girl, but she has saved us a nd the whole country.陛下:She is heroine. Oh, I just can’t wait to see her.Li Shang:This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the la w.陛下:Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should re ward her instead of killing her.Mulan:Thank you, your majesty.Li Shang:Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me?Mulan:I’m so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. wil l you go to my hometown with me?Li Shang:Of course, dear.Mulan:Let’s go.Mulan:Father, I’m back.Pat:Mulan, it’s really you?Mulan:Yes, it’s a long time.Kid:Sis, we are missing you everyday.Mulan:Oh, my brother. You are grown up.Pat:Who is the gentleman?Mulan:This is General Li.Li Shang:Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter? Pat:Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang:Soon.Pat:How soon?Li Shang:How about now?眾:Great!The End。
两部舞台剧“花木兰”的女性主义之比较1. 引言1.1 背景介绍《花木兰》是一部以中国古代传说为背景的著名戏剧,讲述了一个女子化身男儿,代父从军,最终战功归国的故事。
近年来,有两部舞台剧分别改编自这个传说,分别为中文剧《花木兰》和英文剧《Mulan: A Stage Musical》,它们分别在不同文化背景下对花木兰这一形象进行了诠释。
2. 正文2.1 剧情对比《花木兰》是一部深受观众喜爱的传统戏剧,故事主要讲述一个女性为了家国大义,冒着危险代替父亲参加军队,最终取得胜利的传奇故事。
花木兰 剧本
花木兰课本剧剧本 -有修改了一点
1. 引言1.1 背景介绍《花木兰》是中国古代传统文学中的一个经典故事,讲述了一位女扮男装代替父亲参军的女英雄木兰,最终成功保卫家国的故事。
1.2 研究目的花木兰是中国传统文学中一个负有传奇色彩的女性形象,她以纵横驰骋、机智勇敢的形象赢得了人们的喜爱与敬重。
Roles: 木m ù兰l án Mulan, 父f ùMu father,战zh àn 友y ǒu 及j í征zh ēng 兵b īng warrior, 旁p áng 白b ái monolog, 皇hu áng 帝d ìemperorScene 1A courtyard Stand beside, recite one after : 1.唧j ī唧j ī复f ù唧j ī唧j ī,2.木m ù兰l án 当d āng 户h ù织zh ī,3.不b ù闻w én 机j ī杼zh ù声sh ēng ,4.唯w éi 闻w én 女n ǚ叹t àn 息x ī。
木m ù兰l án 愁ch óu 眉m éi 苦k ǔ脸li ǎn 坐zu ò在z ài 织zh ī布b ù机j ī旁p áng 叹t àn 气q ì。
Mulan sitting beside a loom, sighingSuddenly enter warriorWarrior : China is under attack! The mongols are coming! The emperor has ordered that one man from each family must fight.征zh ēng 兵b īng :中zh ōng 国gu ó处ch ǔ在z ài 危w ēi 机j ī!蒙m ěng 古g ǔ人r én 打d ǎ进j ìn 来l ái 了le ! 皇hu áng 帝d ì指zh ǐ令l ìng 每m ěi 家ji ā每m ěi 户h ù必b ì须x ū派p ài 一y í个g è男n án 丁d īng 参c ān 军j ūn 上sh àng 阵zh èn。
• Li Shang: This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law. • 陛下: Why should I kill her? She has become a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her.
The first meet beween Mulan&LiShang
• Li Shang: Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree. • Mulan: He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.
• • • • • • •
德首: Get out. The land doesn't belong to you. 土酋: Your land?......Hey, he says this is his land. 土酋: We just get our land back. 德首: Go to hell, you barbarians. 土酋: Attack! 德首: Fire! Kill them all. 德首: Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himself on you. • 路人甲: Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do? 陛下: Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.
Body language
Understanding emotions
It is essential to understand the emotions of the characters in the drama Analyze the script to identify the emotional journey of each character and how they feel in different situations
Stage layout
Lighting color
Use warm tone lighting to create a warm and romantic atmosphere, making it easier for the audience to immerse themselves in the plot.
Sound Effect Selection
Select background music that matches the plot, and use emotional rendering of the music to help the audience better understand the plot and character emotions.
Promotion and integration
Mulan主演:花木兰—龙秋月李亮—庞茜伊土酋----陈若薇女王陛下—杨华婷李德首(李尚父亲)—黎燕士兵首领-----张燕琳士兵—Pat(木兰父亲)—张燕琳后勤:服装----道具----凌丽娜,黄淼玲音乐----王重霄Scene I the war beganLong time ago, there was a war in China. The enemies occupied the land . so , General Li and his soldiers , were coming to get the land back . 音乐1 土酋说话前停止土酋:ha ha ha we get victory . my brave soldiers , well done . we are the strongest army that no one can beat us . hahaha…At this time , general Li and his soldiers arrived.德首: Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you. Listen, if you don’t give it back , we will fight for the land ..土酋: Your land…Hey, he says this is his land.We just get our land back.德首: Go to hell, you barbarians.烟幕效果+音乐2土酋: Soldiers . Attack!德首: Fire! Kill them all.(两人拔剑战斗)德首(战败倒下): Just wait and see. My son, Liang, will revenge himself on you.土酋: Really ? I will let him see you in the hell. Soldiers ,go.hahaha….(两人退场)Scene 2 in Mulan’s houseIn mulan’s house, she was tired of practicing herhandwriting .Mulan: (追光木兰+音乐三)hu~~I don’t like writing. And I hate drawing !! God mother , why should I wear these clothes ?! can I dream to become aman to defend our country (音乐停)?慢慢站起来can I learn some Chinese Kongfu ? (作打功夫状,pat 这时出现了)PAT:hey , Mulan . what are you doing here ? I want you to marry a good man . you must keep on practice your writing and drawing ! (用拐杖敲打地面很激动)Mulan::ok daddy . I will just listen to you . (对观众:叹气,轻声说, actually , I don’t want to get married .旁白:just at this time , a messenger come to their house .(使者敲门,Pat把门打开,使者没站稳,身体不由自主向前倾,差点摔倒)使者: OK~since the enemies are against us, we must keep going on!we need some new soldiers . you’ve told to join the army to defend our country(Pat接过征兵册,叹了口气)(木兰偷偷在柱子后面听着~)Mulan: What’s up?Daddy, you look so pale,Pat: Nothing…(继续咳嗽)不小心掉了征兵册(Pat退场,木兰捡起征兵册)Mulan: (音乐4)(看着征兵册)oh no, daddy is forced to join the army . My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁: What can she do?Mula n: What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁: You can go to the army instead of your father. Mulan: But I’m a girl.(音乐4停)路人甲乙丙丁: Why not? You look like a man.Mulan: Right! Good idea! I can pretend to be a man . Even a girl can be a soldier to defend her own country.Scene 3 (军队训练)Mulan change her clothes and hairstyle, took up her sword and began her new life in the army ..士兵首领:Hey, don’t cut in!Line up!<士兵排成一排:yes,sir!》Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang: I just want you to follow three “A”s.Tell them what three “A”s are.士兵甲: The three “A”s are “Apple, airplane, adult video.”(众士兵笑)Li Shang: The three “A”s are “Action, ability, andagility.”understand?众士兵: Yes!Li Shang: Good! Dismissed.士兵首领: Soldiers, attention .we will still practice Chinesekongfu .follow me .(音乐5)首领:hey 士兵hey首领:ho 士兵ho首领:hey 士兵hey首领:ho士兵ho(音乐停)旁白:though mulan tried her best to practice , she got exhausted .Mulan: Ouch! I can’t stand it士兵首领: Are you out of breath for practicing for a short time?<士兵们笑》众士兵: You are a sissy boy.(众士兵附和)Sissy boy….<唱.god is a boy...》士兵乙: Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?Mulan: so what ?! I can do it!众士兵:Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang: Are you OK.?Mulan: I’m all right.Li Shang: Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Do you want to drink a cup of youlemei? 音乐6Mulan: oh, he is so handsome . He is really a good guy. I amwondering who will be lucky enough to marry him. (两只蝴蝶的音乐)Scene 4 (战争开始,完美结局)After a few months of hard training……..音乐7士兵: Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang: What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers!Take up your weapon and follow me. It’s time to fight.众士兵:Fight! Fight!Fight!.......(两军交接,战争开始)战争激昂的音乐响起Li Shang: Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I’m his son, Li liang土酋: I’ve kille d too many people. It doesn’t bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang: Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.(音乐7停)土酋: You? Ha, ha, ha. Impossible!You are dreaming!Li Shang: Just wait and see if I can’t.Soldiers, fire!(烟幕效果)土酋: My brave soldiers, go!(两人开打)土酋:Ha, ha, ha……Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang:Just kill me. I’d rather die than surrender.(土酋的刀即将砍下去,木兰上场救了李尚)Mulan(对李尚): Are you all right?土酋: Do you look down upon me? Go to hell with him! (音乐8)(木兰与土酋开打,木兰打败土酋)土酋:It…it is impossible.战争胜利(音乐9)Mulan: Li, I’m sorry. I ‘ve told you a lie. In fact , I am a girl .Li Shang: Lan. I ‘ve fallen in love with you .(想kiss但是突然停止) But, a woman can’t be a soldier.What you have done is a bigcrime!Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang: Hum…..I’ll try to save you.(音乐9停马上放音乐10)陛下: (女王坐下后音乐10停止)My brave soldiers. Congratulations! We get victory. You deserve a good reward. My hero! Tell me whatyou want.Li Shang: I want nothing except the soldier’s life.She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下: Oh~ She is a heroine.Li Shang: it’s her. She beg for your mercy because of her violation against the law.陛下: Why should I kill her? She has become a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her!Mulan: Thank you, MY dear Queen 。
兵:Fight! Mulan:Hey! Wake up! Don't sleep! Where are the other guys? 羅蔔兵:They....are...fighting! Mulan: What!--Guys! Wait for me! Scene III Li Shang: Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Shang. 土酋: I've killed too many people. It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.
Narrator:After a few months of hard training........ 羅蔔兵:Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.
Li Shang: What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight.
Summary:Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didn't allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke. Unfortunately, the odds were against China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers.Unexpectedly, Mulan's father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father was not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fater.During the time in the army, she became acquainted wiht the captain, Li Shang, and she was deeply moved by his care for her. After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier.In time, they fell in love with each other, got married and lived happily hereafter.Scene INarrator:Long time age, ther was a war in China.....德首:Get out. The land doesn't belong to you.土酋:Your land?......Hey , he says this is his land.土酋:We just get our land back.德首:Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋:Attack!德首:Fire! Kill them all.Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you.路人甲:Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下:Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.使者:Pat.......Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat?Pat:Yes.使者:O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please read it carefully.Mulan:What's up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat:Nothing....Mulan:Look!Pat:What......Mulan:My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do?What can I do?Voice:You can go to the army instead of your father.Mulan:But I'm a girl.Voice:Why not? You look like a man.Mulan:Right! Good idea! I can't see the reason why a girl can't be a soldier to defend her own country.Scene IINarrator:Mulan began her life in the army.報到士兵:Hey, don't cut in. Line up.士兵:Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang:I just want you to follow three "A"s. Thell them what three "A"s.士兵:The three "A"s are "Apple, airplane, adult video."Li Shang:The three "A"s are "Action, ability, and agility."-----understand?Yes!Li Shang:Good!....Dismissed.士兵領隊:Soldiers, follow me!士兵:嘿咻.....Mulan:Ouch!士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short time?士兵:You are a sissy boy.-------眾:Sissy boy.士兵:Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?眾:Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang:Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat!Li Shang:Are you O.K.?Mulan:I'm all right.Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Mulan:He is really a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.士兵:Hey! Soldiers. It's time for dinner.士兵:Oh....food! Food!---Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang:唉...You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang:This is for you.Mulan:Thank you. Sir!Li Shang:Go and eat there.Mulan:He is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, I'll do my best to become stronger.(士兵舉重比賽)Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weakness. So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself. She lifted weights and did push-ups.Narrator:After a few months of hard training........羅蔔兵:Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang:What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight.兵:Fight!Mulan:Hey! Wake up! Don't sleep! Where are the other guys?羅蔔兵:They....are...fighting!Mulan:What!--Guys! Wait for me!Scene IIILi Shang:Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Shang.土酋:I've killed too many people. It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang:Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.土酋:You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible!Li Shang:Watch out, I'll kill you all.土酋:Oh yeah? You're still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming.Li Shang:Just wait and see if I can't. Soldiers, fire!土酋:My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. Surrender?Li Shang:Just kill me. I'd rather die thatn surrender.Mulan:Are youall right?土酋:Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now!土酋:It...it is impossible.Mulan:Li, I'm sorry.Li Shang:Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay?Mulan:No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang:According to the law, a woman can't be a soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that?Mulan:I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang:Hum.....I'll try to save you.陛下:My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, Li Shang. You deserve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang:I want nothing except the soldier's life. She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下:She is heroine. Oh, I just can't wait to see her.Li Shang:This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against the law.陛下:Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her.Mulan:Thank you, your majesty.Li Shang:Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me?Mulan:I'm so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will you go to my hometown with me?Li Shang:Of course, dear.Mulan:Let's go.Mulan:Father, I'm back.Pat:Mulan, it's really you?Mulan:Yes, it's a long time.Kid:Sis, we are missing you everyday.Mulan:Oh, my brother. You are grown up.Pat:Who is the gentleman?Mulan:This is General Li.Li Shang:Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?Pat:Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang:Soon.Pat:How soon?Li Shang:How about now?眾:Great!仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。
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木兰走了 Mulan had gone! 什么? What? 怎么可能? lt can't be. 你得快追她回来 You must go after her. 这要杀头的 She could be killed. 保佑木兰 列祖列宗 Honorable ancestors, Please, Watch over Mulan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
l can explain. 原来是真的So it's true! 我早就觉得你怪怪的l knew there was something wrong with you. 一个娘儿们A woman! 最毒妇人心Treacherous snake! 木兰 我叫花木兰My name is Mulan. 我是为了救父亲l did it to save my father 丞相 滔天大罪High treason! 木兰 我并不想骗人l didn't mean for it to go this far. 丞相 完全的不诚实Ultimate dishonor! 木兰 这是唯一的办法lt was the only way. 请相信我Please, believe me. 丞相 校尉Captain? 李翔 抓住他Restrain him! 国有国法You know the law 一命还一命A life for a life. 现在扯平了My debt is repaid. 出发Move out! 丞相 你不能就这样啊But you can't just... 李翔 我说了l said 出发move out.
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NARRATOR: In the Northern Wei Dynasty, social economy was prosperously developed. Citizens lived a stable and harmonious life. Nevertheless, the nomadic people in the Northern China frequently got through the Great Wall and disturbed down south. Shanyu is leading them.
Mulan: (curious) what is it? 什么事? 什么事? Mom Hua: mulan, stay inside. 木兰,你别出去。 木兰,你别出去。 Chi fu: citizens, I bring you a proclamation from the imperial city. The huns have invaded。by order of the 。 emperor, one man from every family must serve in the imperial army. The fa family. 相亲们,我从京城带来皇上谕令。匈奴已侵犯中原。 相亲们,我从京城带来皇上谕令。匈奴已侵犯中原。皇上 亲下诏书,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军。花家接旨。 亲下诏书,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军。花家接旨。 Fa Hua: I am ready to serve the emperor. 草民已准备为国效劳。 草民已准备为国效劳。
Soldier C:is he the sissy boy? : 那不是那个娘娘腔吗? 那不是那个娘娘腔吗? Soldier B:look, who gave im the food? : 谁给他食物的? 看,谁给他食物的? Soldier A:no way, he can eat nothing. : 不妨。他不会又吃的。 不妨。他不会又吃的。哼... Mulan:I want to become an excellent soldier, i promise. : 我要变成一个出色的士兵,我发誓。 我要变成一个出色的士兵,我发誓。 Soldier B:Ha? He has became so outstanding! : 他已经变的这么出色了! 啊?他已经变的这么出色了! Soldier C:look, the general is coming. : 将军过来了。 看,将军过来了。
在北魏王朝,社会经济得到蓬勃发展, 老百姓生活安定有序。然而,北方的 游牧民族频繁越过长城,南下滋扰。 他们是由单于领军。
We are under attack! Light the signal! 匈奴入侵,快点烽火!!
Perfect! 好极了!!
NARRATOR: Defences was set up immediately around the emperor's palace. Troops were sent out to protect the northern border. Besides, the emperor required the council to call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible. 皇城周围马上建立了防御。 皇城周围马上建立了防御。军队被召集起来去保卫北方 的边界。而且,皇上让丞相通令全国各地征兆壮丁, 的边界。而且,皇上让丞相通令全国各地征兆壮丁,紧 急召集所有军人回营服役。 急召集所有军人回营服役。
• 导演:王妍涵 • 演员:花木兰 —卢瑞娴 • 李将军 — 李浩洁 • 花爸爸 — 戴林娣 • 花妈妈 — 周燕兰 • 皇帝 — 陈桂任 • 赐福 — 陈丽英 • 单于 — 唐雨翔 • 众士兵 — 黄碧君、黄瑶、黄洁红、陈倩 玉、陈凯红、洪雅琳
外国语言文化学院 2008级6班 级 班
Scene one
Mulan: no. Dad, you can't go. 爹爹,你不能去。 爹爹,你不能去。 Mom Hua: mulan! 木兰! 木兰! Mulan:please sir, my father has already fought bravely 官爷,求求你,我爹年事已高, 官爷,求求你,我爹年事已高,也已经上过战场 Chi fu: silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence. 住嘴!你该教教你女儿男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份? 住嘴!你该教教你女儿男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份? Fa Hua: mulan, you dishonor me. 木兰你让爹丢尽颜面。 木兰你让爹丢尽颜面。 Chi fu:report tomorrow at the WUSHU camp. : 明日午时,军营报到。 明日午时,军营报到。 Fa Hua: yes, sir. 是
Scene two Barracks
Soldier A : hey, don't cut in. Line up. 不要插队。排好队啦! 喂, 不要插队。排好队啦! General Lee: look at the quality of the new recruits! Turn left. Still sb turn to right. 看看这些士兵的质量!叫向左,依然还有人向右。 看看这些士兵的质量!叫向左,依然还有人向右。 Mulan:report, huamulan. : 花木兰报到。 花木兰报到。
General Lee:attention. Let’s continue our practice. Follow me. : ’ 注意!我们来继续训练。紧跟着我。 注意!我们来继续训练。紧跟着我。 soldier A:are you out of breath for running for a short time? You : are a sissy boy. Come on, sissy boy. 你不会是就跑了一小会就没力气了吧?你真是个娘娘腔, 你不会是就跑了一小会就没力气了吧?你真是个娘娘腔, 快跟上来, 快跟上来,娘娘腔 soldier B:look, he's so thin and so weak. How can our country : depend on him? Hahaha... 看,他又瘦又弱的。我们的国家又怎么能靠他去保护呢? 他又瘦又弱的。我们的国家又怎么能靠他去保护呢? 哈哈哈哈... 哈哈哈哈 General Lee:hey, men. There is no time for you to chat! Are you : OK? 弟兄们。现在可没有时间让你们聊天。你没事吧? 嘿,弟兄们。现在可没有时间让你们聊天。你没事吧? Mulan:I am all right! : 我没事
General Lee: turn right. At ease. Still sb stamp the right foot. 向右转。休息。 向右转。休息。 依然还有人踩右脚 Mulan: report, huamulan. 花木兰报到。 花木兰报到。 General Lee: huamulan, out of the formation. 花木兰,出列。 花木兰,出列。 Mulan: yes, sir. 将军。 是,将军。 General Lee: turn right. At ease. Still sb stamp the right foot. 向右转。休息。 向右转。休息。 依然还有人踩右脚 Mulan: report, huamulan. 花木兰报到。 花木兰报到。
General Lee:attention. soldiers, Turn left. Turn right. At ease. today : we are going to have a fighting competition. huamulan, out of the formation. 注意了,士兵们!向左转。向右装。休息。 注意了,士兵们!向左转。向右装。休息。今天 我们要 进行一场比武。花木兰,出列! 进行一场比武。花木兰,出列! Mulan: yes, sir. : 将军。 是,将军。 General Lee: You three, out. : 你们三个输了。 你们三个输了。 Mulan:yeah! : 耶! Soldier C:report, the huns is envadingChina again. : 报告,匈奴现在正进犯中原。 报告,匈奴现在正进犯中原。 General Lee:OK, soldiers. Action. : 好的!士兵们。行动! 好的!士兵们iers. It's time for dinner. : 士兵们!吃饭了! 士兵们!吃饭了! soldiers:oh food! : 吃饭了!! 耶!吃饭了!! Soldier A :hey, here's nothing for you. Get away. 这里可没有给你的。 嘿,这里可没有给你的。快走开 General Lee: you are not inferior to others in all aspects. This is for you. 在任何方面,你都并不比任何人低下。这是给你的。 在任何方面,你都并不比任何人低下。这是给你的。 Mulan:( :(tearful) thank you, sir. :( ) 谢谢你, 谢谢你,将军 General Lee:go and eat there. : 去那边吃。 走,去那边吃。
General Lee: huamulan, out of the formation. 花木兰,出列。 花木兰,出列。 Mulan: yes, sir. 将军。 是,将军。 General Lee:still use the same side of hands and feet.Today : we are going to have our fighting practice. You three, out of the formation. 依然还是有人同手同脚的。 依然还是有人同手同脚的。今天我们要进行格斗训 你们三个,出列! 练。你们三个,出列! Soldiers:Yes, sir. : 是,将军 General Lee: I just want you to follow three As. The three : As are actions, ability, and agility. Understand? 我要你们严格遵守三个 A。 它们是行动,能力和机 。 它们是行动, 清楚了没? 敏。清楚了没? soldiers:yes, sir. : 将军。 是,将军。