Starting out—Task 3
Task 3 Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what your choice would be if you were in Lao Wang’s situation. Give the reasons for your choice. Lao Wang and his wife live in a 15 m2 old apartment in downtown Shanghai. The area will be redeveloped in a couple of year’s time. They will be given 300,000 Yuan as compensation for their apartment and can either use the money to buy a house in the suburbs, or pay the developer 8,000 Yuan per square meter for a new 130 m2 downtown apartment which they will have to wait for five years before moving in.
The Housing Crisis Goes Suburban
Reading Focus
1 Global Understanding 2 Detailed Information 3 Critical Thinking 4 Language Points 5 Vocabulary in Action
Summary Para. 14
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3 Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what your choice would be if you were in Lao Wang’s situation. Give the reasons for your choice. Lao Wang and his wife live in a 15 m2 old apartment in downtown Shanghai. The area will be redeveloped in a couple of year’s time. They will be given 300,000 Yuan as compensation for their apartment and can either use the money to buy a house in the suburbs, or pay the developer 8,000 Yuan per square meter for a new 130 m2 downtown apartment which they will have to wait for five years before moving in.
The Housing Crisis Goes Suburban
Reading Focus
1 Global Understanding 2 Detailed Information 3 Critical Thinking 4 Language Points 5 Vocabulary in Action
Summary Para. 14
Listening And Speaking
• Course Introduction (12 topics in 12 Units) • Course Requirements
-- In class: Attendence; Finish the listening tasks; Open the mouth and take an active part in the activities or discussions or performance (20%) -- After class: Finish the assignments (10%) -- Evaluation: 100% = 60%Final + 30%Process + 10%Oral Test
1.Introduction: This is … Hi…
1. I’d like you to meet … It’s nice to meet you. 2. Hello,… It’s good to meet you. 3. Hi,… Yeah, I’m … 4. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … It’s a pleasure to meet you.
• Can be dபைடு நூலகம்ne in groups. (The student on duty should be the group- leader.)
Course Lead-In
• First Meetings – how to start and continue a conversation
Listening And Speaking
• Course Introduction (12 topics in 12 Units) • Course Requirements
-- In class: Attendence; Finish the listening tasks; Open the mouth and take an active part in the activities or discussions or performance (20%) -- After class: Finish the assignments (10%) -- Evaluation: 100% = 60%Final + 30%Process + 10%Oral Test
1.Introduction: This is … Hi…
1. I’d like you to meet … It’s nice to meet you. 2. Hello,… It’s good to meet you. 3. Hi,… Yeah, I’m … 4. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … It’s a pleasure to meet you.
• Can be dபைடு நூலகம்ne in groups. (The student on duty should be the group- leader.)
Course Lead-In
• First Meetings – how to start and continue a conversation
symposia, colloquia(座谈会), sections, satellite meetings, topical meetings thematic meetings research-in-progress session 在研项目研讨会 oral presentation 口头报告 poster presentation 张贴报告、展示报告 full paper presentation 宣读论文全文的报告
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论
Technical language
Evolutionary nature
Mnemonics: Mnemonics can be used to remember professional English vocabulary Mnemonics are memory aids that help you recall information by associating it with some family or creating a mental image For example, you might use the acronym "ROSHIN" to remember the elements of a research proposal: Research Objective, Scope and Limitations, Hypothesis/Question, Instruments, and Nature of the Research
2. Understanding of professional terminals and concepts
1. Comprehension of complex senses and long paragraphs
3. Ability to analyze and evaluate the reliability and validity of information
Professional English Listening and SpeakingProfessional English learning resources
Introduction to Professional English
Evolutionary nature
Mnemonics: Mnemonics can be used to remember professional English vocabulary Mnemonics are memory aids that help you recall information by associating it with some family or creating a mental image For example, you might use the acronym "ROSHIN" to remember the elements of a research proposal: Research Objective, Scope and Limitations, Hypothesis/Question, Instruments, and Nature of the Research
2. Understanding of professional terminals and concepts
1. Comprehension of complex senses and long paragraphs
3. Ability to analyze and evaluate the reliability and validity of information
Professional English Listening and SpeakingProfessional English learning resources
Introduction to Professional English
Starting out
Task 1
Chinese cuisine has become widespread in many parts of the world—from East Asia to North America, Australia to Western Europe. Regional cultural differences vary greatly among the different regions of China, giving rise to the different styles of food. There are eight main regional cuisines: Anhui, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Work in pairs to choose two different regional cuisines with which you are familiar from the eight alternatives above. Compare them by discussing the ingredients, preparation, flavors etc. (P35)
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
04 Cultural knowledge expansion cultural background
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果 ,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击 此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼 ,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请 尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处 添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为 了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请尽量 言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处添加 正文 10*16
Graduate English Comprehensive Course
(Part 2) Uni
• Course Introduction • Text Analysis • Language skill improvement • Cultural knowledge expansion • Classroom interaction and discussion • After class homework and requirements
Academic writing style
Adopting an academic writing style that is clear, concise, and formal, with proper use of citations and references.
Oral skills
Public speaking skills
Developing the ability to speak confidently and effectively in public, including the ability to deliver clear and coherent presentations.
morbidity: 病态; 不健全; 发病; 发病率; mortality: 死亡率; 必死性,必死的命运 tumors: 肿瘤 aflatoxin: 黄曲霉毒素 benzopyrene :苯并芘
In our daily life. What are the common chemical carcinogens?
10 grams of alcohol consumed the equivalent(相当于) of
5% alcohol beer 200ml. In all cancers, about 3% are
caused by alcohol, and about 75% of head and neck
It is known cancer causing chemicals
had one more thousand kinds of. Including natural and synthetic(人工 合成).The common are the following :
Cancer & Chemical
—Are We Going Too Far?
Materials Science and Engineering:
Noun Explanation
Cancer & Chemical : refers to the compound which can lead to increased morbidity or mortality, animal and human tumors. For example: aflatoxin, benzopyrene and benzene etc..
---- T. Clifford Allbutt
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
The good title is the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
How to Prepare the Title
First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of what is to come.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Example 1: Studies on Brucella
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Lectured by
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
The good title is the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
How to Prepare the Title
First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of what is to come.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Example 1: Studies on Brucella
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Lectured by
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
The first sentence means that woman has to adjust herself to man’s standard of employee value. This is what is actually happening now. However, the second sentence indicates that a feminist may adopt th e standard of woman’s employee value and man has to adjust himsel f to it.
Unit 9: Exercises
• Exercises
➢ Reading Comprehension ➢ Structure of the Text ➢ Vocabulary ➢ Cloze ➢ Translation
பைடு நூலகம் Unit 9: Reading comprehension
1. What is the function of Title VII? (Para. 1)
Unit 9: Reading comprehension
3. What is the relationship between wage inequality and the glass ceiling?
Reference These are two different types of gender discrimination against wome n and should not be confused with each other. However, the glass cei ling has negative effect on the wage increase. Thus these two types are related to one another to some extent.
The first sentence means that woman has to adjust herself to man’s standard of employee value. This is what is actually happening now. However, the second sentence indicates that a feminist may adopt th e standard of woman’s employee value and man has to adjust himsel f to it.
Unit 9: Exercises
• Exercises
➢ Reading Comprehension ➢ Structure of the Text ➢ Vocabulary ➢ Cloze ➢ Translation
பைடு நூலகம் Unit 9: Reading comprehension
1. What is the function of Title VII? (Para. 1)
Unit 9: Reading comprehension
3. What is the relationship between wage inequality and the glass ceiling?
Reference These are two different types of gender discrimination against wome n and should not be confused with each other. However, the glass cei ling has negative effect on the wage increase. Thus these two types are related to one another to some extent.
研究生英语综合教程unit 3PPT课件
不同种类的, 多种多样的; 混杂的
E.g. 1. a ~~ collection of goods 一批杂货 2. miscellaneous odds and ends 零碎杂物 3. The report was buried under ~~ papers.
1. the amenity of the climate 气候的温和宜人 2. Parks and a theatre are just some of the town’s local
amenities. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。
3. an exchange of amenities 相互的致意,寒暄
2. 诋毁,贬低
1. The mayor decried gambling in all its forms. 市长谴责各式各样的赌博。
2. Why decry the Wealth Gap? 贫富差距,为什么要谴责它?
3. It also seems that you would decry patriotism. 你似乎也抵毁了爱国主义。
Unit 3
life and family
Kids or Cash: The Modern Marriage Dilemma
Pre-reading Questions
Do you know about the word " DINKS" ? And what's your opinion on it?
offensive cultural stereotype . 日本女人百依百顺就是令人不快的文化固定观念的一 个例子。
不同种类的, 多种多样的; 混杂的
E.g. 1. a ~~ collection of goods 一批杂货 2. miscellaneous odds and ends 零碎杂物 3. The report was buried under ~~ papers.
1. the amenity of the climate 气候的温和宜人 2. Parks and a theatre are just some of the town’s local
amenities. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。
3. an exchange of amenities 相互的致意,寒暄
2. 诋毁,贬低
1. The mayor decried gambling in all its forms. 市长谴责各式各样的赌博。
2. Why decry the Wealth Gap? 贫富差距,为什么要谴责它?
3. It also seems that you would decry patriotism. 你似乎也抵毁了爱国主义。
Unit 3
life and family
Kids or Cash: The Modern Marriage Dilemma
Pre-reading Questions
Do you know about the word " DINKS" ? And what's your opinion on it?
offensive cultural stereotype . 日本女人百依百顺就是令人不快的文化固定观念的一 个例子。
➢ Do you agree? Why or why not? ➢ Apart from American fast food and
hotel buffets, what do you know about western eating habits?
Starting out
Food Pyramid
➢What’s your favorite dish? Why? How is it prepared?
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
With the ever-widening opening up to the outside world, Western practices exert some influence, yet they have not really changed the eating habits of the Chinese people. (P35)
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Some people worry that the popularity of the Western style fast food among Chinese people, young people in particular, will give rise to a decline in the popularity of traditional Chinese food, such as, the steamed bun. (P35)
Hale Waihona Puke Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Discuss with your partner the following questions. Globalization is everywhere. In the food industry,
hotel buffets, what do you know about western eating habits?
Starting out
Food Pyramid
➢What’s your favorite dish? Why? How is it prepared?
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
With the ever-widening opening up to the outside world, Western practices exert some influence, yet they have not really changed the eating habits of the Chinese people. (P35)
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Some people worry that the popularity of the Western style fast food among Chinese people, young people in particular, will give rise to a decline in the popularity of traditional Chinese food, such as, the steamed bun. (P35)
Hale Waihona Puke Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Discuss with your partner the following questions. Globalization is everywhere. In the food industry,
Addressing the quality of the learning experience that MOOCs provide is therefore of paramount importance to their credibility and acceptance.
MOOCs represent a postindustrial model of teaching and learning that has the potential to undermine and replace the business model of institutions that depend on recruiting and retaining students for location-bound, proprietary forms of campus-based learning.
1. Information about the MOOCs
3.A MOOC is a model of educational delivery that is, to varying degrees, massive, open, online, and a course. Most MOOCs are structured similar to traditional online higher education courses in which students watch lectures, read assigned material, participate in online discussions and forums, and complete quizzes and tests on the course material. The online activities can be augmented by local meet-ups among students who live near one another. MOOCs are typically provided by higher education institutions, often in partnership with “organizers” such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity, though some MOOCs are being offered directly by a college or university. MOOCs arise from the confluence of several important trends, and they raise important questions and spark essential conversations about curriculum design, accreditation, what constitutes a valid learning experience, and who has access to higher education.
MOOCs represent a postindustrial model of teaching and learning that has the potential to undermine and replace the business model of institutions that depend on recruiting and retaining students for location-bound, proprietary forms of campus-based learning.
1. Information about the MOOCs
3.A MOOC is a model of educational delivery that is, to varying degrees, massive, open, online, and a course. Most MOOCs are structured similar to traditional online higher education courses in which students watch lectures, read assigned material, participate in online discussions and forums, and complete quizzes and tests on the course material. The online activities can be augmented by local meet-ups among students who live near one another. MOOCs are typically provided by higher education institutions, often in partnership with “organizers” such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity, though some MOOCs are being offered directly by a college or university. MOOCs arise from the confluence of several important trends, and they raise important questions and spark essential conversations about curriculum design, accreditation, what constitutes a valid learning experience, and who has access to higher education.
The purpose of this study is to explore a new method…
The paper attempts to analyze … in terms of …
The study is aimed at finding out the similarities …
I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.
kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者
(2) Dear Dr. 主编name: We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易 过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
Title Author name and affiliation Abstract Key words Text body Acknowledgements (可省) References Appendix (根据需要) Reshume (视刊物而定) 3
1. 引言/概述 2. 背景分析 3. 材料和实验 4. 实验结果 5. 讨论 6. 结论/总结
1 Curry and Spicy, tasty,
pretty good, fine,
2 Cheese cake
Looks really good, rich, sweet
3 Fish and M: sauce pretty Soda vegetables good, not bad W: awful, too salty; vegetable strange
Guess what! Bradley's resigned. You'll never guess who I saw today.
Listen to the recording of Task 3 again and see how these expressions are used.
Here are some words which you can use when talking about food.
Unit Four
Activity 1: Discussion
Warm-up questions 1. How do you understand the term “diet”? 2. What is a balanced diet? What should a
balanced diet include?
You know what? I think he's lonely.
Hey: a shout used to get sb.'s attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance
Unit 9
Affordable Housing
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Starting out
Task 1
With rapid economic development in China, people’s housing conditions have been greatly improved, but house prices have also risen. Interview some of your friends, especially those who were born before or during the 1970s, about the changes they have experienced in the cost and condition of their housing. The following are some possible topics that you may like to raise.
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what your choice would be if you were in Lao Wang’s situation. Give the reasons for your choice.
Starting out—Task 1
Unit 9
Affordable Housing
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Starting out
Task 1
With rapid economic development in China, people’s housing conditions have been greatly improved, but house prices have also risen. Interview some of your friends, especially those who were born before or during the 1970s, about the changes they have experienced in the cost and condition of their housing. The following are some possible topics that you may like to raise.
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what your choice would be if you were in Lao Wang’s situation. Give the reasons for your choice.
Starting out—Task 1
I did not notice the biggest oceangoing ships on the
North Atlantic.
B. The inhabitants in New York is in the happy position of being
able to choose his spectacle and so conserve his soul.
New York you feel the vibrations of great times and tall deeds, of queer people and events and
undertakings. (Para. 2)
unexpungeable: 无法抹去的 expunge:抹去,删掉
-Leabharlann 8第八页,共七十七页。
Reading Focus – Detailed Information
Task 2
Work in groups to decide whether the statements are true or false according to the passage. (P170)
➢ content (v.) : 1) 使满足 e.g. Martina contented herself with a single glass of
2) 使满意 e.g. My apology seemed to content him.
And better than most dense communities it succeeds in insulating the individual (if he wants it, and almost everybody wants or needs it) against all enormous and violent and wonderful events that are taking place every minute. (Para. 4)