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初三英语Unit 13 -3 综合练习题2015年11月11日


1.The government urged all the drivers ___ slowly on rainy days.

A to drive

B driving

C driven

D drove

2.There ______ be plenty of rain here. A used to B using to C used D have used

3.Do you know the reason _____ he didn’t get here on time? A why B that C which D what

4.We are surprised ___ that he failed the exam. A heard B hear C to hear D hearing

5. 1. —I feel tired and sleepy. —Why not stop ______ for a while?

A rest

B to rest

C resting

D rested

6.Bruce is standing ______ the wall because he is very tired. A to B towards C against D at

7.This is a __ river and that river is____.

A 200-meter-long, 300 meter long

B 200-meter-long, 300 meters long

C 200-meters-long, 300 meters long

D 200 meters long, 300-meter-long

8. She was very ___ at the ___ news .A surprised surprising B surprised surprised

C surprising surprised

D surprising surprising

9.The railway station is noisy but _____ in my eyes. A living B live C alive D lively

10.We will ______ you ______the equipment of a language laboratory.

A provide , with

B provide , for

C supply, with

D A and C

11.I bought a pet yesterday, but I don’t kn ow how to _______ it.

A look after

B look up

C look for

D look out

12.There used to ___ lots of trees on the mountain, but now they have all disappeared.

A is

B are

C be

D do

13.We _____ a factory near our school. It’s too noisy.

A against build

B are against to build

C against building

D are against building

14.Why not _____ there for a change?

A try walking

B trying to walk

C to try and walk

D to try walking

15.This wine tastes a little bit strange. It’s made ______ apples. A of B from C by D in

16. —When will you tell him the good news? —I will tell him about it as soon as he _____ back.

A comes

B will come

C is coming

D has come

17. You'd better take exercise as______ as possible. A. large B. far C. much D. many

18. How nice the shoes are ! Can I ___ them ___? A try out B try in C try on D try again

19. Allan___ sports ,___ swimming A like kike B likes likes C like likes D likes like

20. We ___ ourselves and Li lan is twice my ____.

A weighed weighed

B weighed weight

C weight weight

D weight weighged


1.My sister w_____ only 35 kilos. 2 I don’t think it’s a good place for me ________(live)

3.Those high building were ________(build) five years ago.

连词:1。trying, we, save, manatees, are, to, the (!)_________________________________________

2.manatees, there, of, a, used, lot, to, be


3.for, this, way, animals, live, to, is, good, a


4.am, against, new, a, I, building, zoo


5. terrible, zoos, are, for, live, places, animals, to (.)________________________________________


Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. She __1 chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the __2 . Sometimes the new classes _3 rapidly, but sometimes they were very 4 , and then Miss Richards had to 5 things many times.

One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several __6_ when Miss Richards suddenly asked, "What is water? Who knows? 7__ up?"
