



飞机Airplane 半硬壳式Semi-monocoque机身Fuselage 起落架Landing gear 动力装置Power plant 支柱Strut分为Divide into 包括Contain 天线Antenna 玻璃纤维Fiberglass 蜂窝状物Honeycomb 整流罩Fairing铰链Hinge 压力密封隔板Bulkhead 驾驶舱flightcompartment进口Entry 机上厨房Galley 登机梯Airstair电子设备舱Electronicequipment bay检修口Access door 旅客舱Passengercabin货舱Cargo 逃逸Escape 舱口Hatch空间Space 燃油箱Fule bank 终止Terminate辅助动力装置Auxiliary powerunit水平安定面Horizontalstabilizer桁架Truss排出Exhaust 设计Design 和…一样The same as 伸长stretch 延伸Extension 脊鳍Dorsal fin 增强Strengthen 相对于Relaviate to 滑轨Skid结构structure 修改reviseLESSON 2 THE PNEUMATICS SYSYTEM 增压系统一、生词目的Purpose 压缩空气compressureAir压缩空气pneumatic环境Environment 阶段,相位Phase 得到Obtain发动机引气Engine bleed 外部的External 车Cart接头Connector 整流罩Cowl 热的Thermal防冰Anti-icing 也,此外Also 提供provide饮用水Potable water 液压的Hydraulic 启动器Starter在…之内Within 正常的Normal 取代Substitute满足Meet 需要,要求Need 上部、顶部Top图形Figure 绝缘Isolation 活门Valve管道Duct 结合、连接Join 交叉、跨接crossover管理、调整govern 适当的appropriateLESSON 3 AIR CONDINTION空调系统一、单词空气调节Air conditioning 环境Ambient 机组Crew加热heat 冷却Cool 增压pressurization引出,放出Bled 总管道Manifold 分离Seprate独立的indenpendent 冷却组件Cooling pack 调节,管理regulate 暖,热Worm 减少Reduce 期望Desire整的Integral 包括Consist of 涡轮冷却器Air cyclemachine共同的Common 轴Shaft 离开Leave膨胀V Expand 膨胀N Expansion 下降Drop零下Sub-zero 分配Distribute 此外In addition Trim air line 混合Mix 室、容器Chamber 配平空气管道加上,增加Add 头顶上Overhead 竖管Raise收集器Collector 防护罩Shroud 过滤器Filter排出口discharge 再分配Redistribute 二等分halve二、TEXT1. The air conditioning system provides a conditioned air environmentfor the passengers and crew, heats the cargo compartment, cools the electronic equipment, and supplies air for the pressurization system.空调系统为旅客和机组提供环境温度的控制,为客舱供热,为电子设备舱降温,还有为增压系统提供空气。



飞行技术专业英语Aircraft (飞机):Fixed-wing aircraft (固定翼飞机) Rotorcraft (旋翼机)Jet aircraft (喷气式飞机)Propeller aircraft (螺旋桨飞机)Flight Operations (飞行操作):Takeoff (起飞)Landing (着陆)Cruise (巡航)Climb (爬升)Descent (下降)Trim (配平)Autopilot (自动驾驶仪)Aviation Principles (航空原理):Lift (升力)Drag (阻力)Weight (重量)Thrust (推力)Bernoulli's Principle (伯努利原理) Newton's Laws of Motion (牛顿运动定律) Aircraft Systems (飞机系统):Flight Control System (飞行控制系统) Navigation System (导航系统) Communication System (通信系统) Engine (发动机)Fuel System (燃油系统)Hydraulic System (液压系统) Electrical System (电气系统) Navigation (导航):GPS (全球定位系统)Radar (雷达)VOR (甚高频全向信标)DME (距离测量设备)ILS (仪表着陆系统)Meteorology (气象):Wind (风)Turbulence (湍流)Icing (结冰)Thunderstorm (雷暴)Ceiling (云底高)Visibility (能见度)Safety (安全):Emergency Procedures (应急程序)Evacuation (撤离)Fire Protection (防火) Life Raft (救生筏) Parachute (降落伞) Other Terms (其他术语): Altitude (高度) Airspeed (空速) Groundspeed (地速) Attitude (姿态)Stall (失速)Spin (螺旋)。





Airport(机场)、Terminal(航站楼)、Runway(跑道)、Gate(登机口)、Boarding pass(登机牌)、Baggage claim(行李领取处)等等。

Flight(航班)、Departure(出发)、Arrival(到达)、Delayed(延误)、Cancelled(取消)、Gate change(登机口变更)等等。


Seat(座位)、Overhead bin(行李架)、In-flight meal(机上餐食)、Entertainment(娱乐)等等。

Emergency exit(紧急出口)、Life vest(救生衣)、Oxygen mask(氧气面罩)、Evacuation(疏散)等等。








飞机专业术语英汉对照 1、the airframe 机身,结构2、The front (fore) part 前部3、The rear (aft) part 后部4、port 左旋(舵)5、starboard 右旋(舵)6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机8、the nose 机头9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内 侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)19、spoilers (inboardoutboard spoiler)(spoiler downup) 阻力板,扰流 板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) 20、slats 缝翼21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片) 23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼) 39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上) 40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。



ESSENTIAL(基础) ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航空工程英语基础LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体一、生词1.the B737 is a low wing airplane。

B737 has semi—monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear。

Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机.它拥有半硬壳式机身和全收式起落架。

两台发动机位于机翼下方短支架上.0.The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 ,section 46 and section 48 .波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48。

0.Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top。

aft of the pressure bulkhead,above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door,and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors.41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。

这部分有两个下检修口.Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.43部分包括客舱和前货舱.5.Section 46 contain the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin ,two overwing escape hatches and aft entry and service doors。



可编写可改正UNIT 1 EngineFailure 发动机故障PART1 Phraseology 专业术语trouble(failure) 发动机故障shutdown 发动机泊车overheat,toover-temp 超温flameout 发动机熄火,泊车runssmoothly 发动机工作稳固runsrough 发动机工作不稳islowonpower 发动机马力低〔马力上不去〕surge 发动机喘振reversers 反喷装置,wateringestion 发动机吸进了鸟和水振动enginestart 发动机起动中断ofallengines 所有发动机泊车(无效)fire,severedamageorseparation 发动机着火严重损失或分离inflightstart 发动机空中起动engine 失速的发动机PART2Examples 适用例句1.RequestprioritylandingatFuzhouAirportduetoenginefailure.因为发动机无效,我们恳求在福州优先落地。











机场雷达服务区(ARSA-Airport Radar Service Area)围绕具体指定机场的一种管制空域。

地平仪(Artificial horizon)用于飞行员确定飞机与地平线相对关系(例如飞机机头向上还是向下,或者飞机向左还是向右倾斜)的一种仪表。

可用座英里(ASM-Available seat mile)一个座位飞行一英里。



驾驶舱语音记录器(CVR – Cockpit voice recorder)记录驾驶舱可听到的声音、飞机发出及接收到的所有无线电通话,以及飞机上所有内部通话及公共广播通告的一种设备。


代码共享(Code sharing)两家航空公司使用同一两字代码的一种市场营销方式,旅行代理机构的计算机订座系统使用这种代码来识别承运人。




计算机订座系统(CRS-Computer reservation system)用于商业飞行中电子化预订座位的一种系统。




1. Antennas are installed in the locations shown, A low drag design is used for theVHF communication antennas天线被安装在如图所示的位置,低阻设计被用于基高频通讯天线2. An airplane in flight is free to rotate about three axes:horizontal,longitudinal and vertical Each axis is perpendicular to the others and each passes through the center of gravity飞机在飞行中可以围绕3条轴转动,即水平轴纵轴垂直轴。

每条轴线相互垂直,且都穿过重心3. An airplane in flight is at the center of continuous tug-of-war between two pairs of opposing forces,lift opposes weight,and thrust opposes drag飞机在飞行中处在两对相反作用力抗衡的中心点上,升力与重力对抗,推力与阻力对抗4. thrust is any force acting in the same direction as the airplane flight path(the motion of the airplane through the air)。

Typically the power plant system(the engine and propeller)provides this force推力是一种沿着飞机飞行路径相同的方向起作用的力(飞机在空气中运动的路径)一般来说动力装置系统(即发动机和螺旋桨)提供推力5. In straight-and-level, uncelebrated flights the forces about the aircraft center of gravity are balanced. Lift acts upward and is opposed by weight and the aerodynamic tail load which act downward 在直线水平且没有加速度的飞行中,围绕在飞机上的重心是平衡的,升力是向上作用的,它被飞机的重力和尾翼载荷也向下6. Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction牛顿第三运动定律说道、针对每一个作用力都有一个与其方向相反大小相等的反作用力7. figure 1.1 the three axes of an aircraft are mutually perpendicular,and all pass through the center of gravity of aircraft飞行器的三条轴是相互垂直的而且都穿过飞行器的重心。



航空专业单词汇总aerobatic英音:[,ɛərə'bætik]美音:[,ɛrə'bætɪk]形容词a. 特技飞行的aerobatics英音:[ɛərəu'bætiks]美音:[eərə'bætɪks]名词n. 特技飞行;特技飞行表演;特技飞行术aerodynamics英音:['ɛərəudai'næmiks]美音:[,ɛrodaɪ'næmɪks]名词n. 气动力学;航空动力学aeronautical(=aeronautic)英音:[,ɛərə'nɔ:tikəl]美音[,ɛrə'nɔtɪk!]形容词a. 航空学的;飞行术的aircraft英音:['ɛəkrɑ:ft]美音:['ɛr,kræft]名词n.航空器airfoil名词n. 【空】机翼,螺旋桨airframe英音:['ɛə,freim]美音:['ɛr,frem]名词n.【空】机身airline英音:['ɛəlain]美音:['ɛr,laɪn]名词n. (飞机的)航线,.航空公司airport英音:['ɛəpɔ:t]美音:['ɛr,port]名词n. 机场;航空站airspace英音:['ɛəspeis]美音:['ɛr,spes]名词n. 上空;空间;领空airspeed名词n.空速air traffic control (ATC)空中交通管制air traffic controller固定词组ph. 空中交通管制员;空中交通指挥员airways英音:['ɛəweiz]美音:['ɛr,wez]名词n.航空公司altimeter英音:[æl'timi:tə]美音:[æl'tɪmətɚ]名词n. 测高仪,高度计[C] altitude英音:['ælti,tju:d]美音:['æltə,tjud]名词n. 高,高度;海拔anti-icing名词n.防冰approach英音:[ə'prəutʃ]美音:[ə'protʃ]名词n.进场,近场(飞行器向目的地机场开始下降的阶段)attitude英音:['ætitju:d]美音:['ætətjud]名词n.飞行姿态(高度)autopilot缩写词abbr.(= automatic pilot)自动驾驶仪,自动操舵装置aviator英音:['eivi,eitə]美音:['evɪ,etɚ]名词n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员avionics英音:[,eivi'ɔniks]美音:[,evɪ'ɑnɪks]名词n. 1.航空电子学;航空电子技术2.航空电子设备bank名词n.倾斜business aircraft 公务机,商务机business jet公务机;公务喷气式客机captain英音:['kæptin]美音:['kæptɪn]名词n. [C] (飞机的)机长ceiling【空】绝对升限;【气】云幂高度checklist名词n.检查单,检查清单,清单clearance英音:['kliərəns]美音:['klɪrəns]名词n.出入港许可证certificate英音:[sə'tifikit]美音:[sɚ'tɪfəkɪt]证明书;执照certification英音:[,sə:tifi'keiʃən]美音:[,sɝtɪfə'keʃən]名词n. 证明;检定;保证cockpit英音:['kɔkpit]美音:['kɑk,pɪt]名词n. [C](飞机,小艇,赛车等的)驾驶员座舱CVR=cockpit voice recorder 座舱通话机器collision英音:[kə'liʒən]美音:[kə'lɪʒən]名词n. [U][C]碰撞;相撞collision avoidance system固定词组ph.防撞系统compass名词n. 罗盘,指南针control surface 操纵面control tower固定词组ph. (机场)控制塔,塔台copilot英音:['kəu,pailət]美音:['ko,paɪlət]名词n.【空】副驾驶员corporate aircraft 1.公务(飞)机corporate aviation公务航空,商业航空cowling英音:['kauliŋ]美音:['kaulɪŋ]名词n. (飞机引擎上的)整流罩crosswind英音:['krɔswind]美音:['krɔs,wɪnd]名词n. 【气】侧风cruising speed巡航速度deicer英音:[di:'aisə]美音:[di'aɪsɚ]名词n. 防冰器delta wing三角形机翼downwind英音:[,daun'wind]美音:[,daun'wɪnd]形容词a. 顺风的;副词ad. 顺风地;在下风drag阻力;摩擦力;elevator电梯;升降机;【空】升降舵empennage英音:['empinidʒ]美音:['ɛmpɪnɪdʒ]词n. 1.【法】【空】机尾;尾翼面;尾翼empty weight无载重量enroute n.航路FAA=Federal Aviation Administration美国联邦航空管理局(隶属交通部(Department of Transportation), 负责民航的飞行、航空管制和安全管理等) (FAA)FBO=Fixed-base operator 固定基地运营商flap英音:[flæp]美音:[flæp]名词n.【空】(飞机的)襟翼, 阻力板flight attendant 空中服务人员、空乘人员flight data recorder飞行数据记录器fuselage英音:['fju:zilidʒ]美音:['fjuz!ɪdʒ]名词n. 1.【空】机身general['dʒenərəl]形容词adj.一般的,普遍的;通用的general aviation 通用航空General Aviation Manufacturer Association (GAMA) (美国)通用航空厂商协会glide英音:[glaid]美音:[glaɪd]滑动,滑行;滑翔;乘滑翔机飞行glide slope 下滑道gross weight 毛重,总重量hangar英音:['hæŋə]美音:['hæŋɚ]名词n.1.飞机库;飞机棚heading【航】航向headwind英音:['hed,wind]美音:['hɛd,wɪnd]名词n. 顶头风,逆风helicopter英音:['helikɔptə]美音:['hɛlɪkɑptɚ]名词n. 直升飞机helipad英音:['helipæd]美音:['hɛlɪ,pæd] 名词n.直升机停机坪. helicopter pad=helipad名词n.直升机停机坪.holding pattern 等待模式instrument landing system(ILS)仪表着陆系统instrument panel固定词组ph. 1.仪表板jet英音:[dʒet]美音:[dʒɛt]名词n.喷射,喷射式, 喷气式飞机knot英音:[nɔt]美音:[nɑt]名词n. [C]【海】节;海里(相当于每小时1.151英里) landing gear固定词组ph. 1.起落架;起落装置lift [lift] 名词n.升力logbook英音:['lɔgbuk]美音:['lɔg,buk]航空日志maintenance维修,保养nacelle英音:[nə'sel]美音:[nə'sɛl]名词n. 1.(飞机、飞船)的引擎舱;吊舱;气球吊篮nautical mile固定词组ph. 海里;里(合1.852公里)navaid助航,助航系统nose 名词n. 机头oxygen mask固定词组ph. 1.氧气面罩payload英音:['peiləud]美音:['pelod]名词n.收费载重量;商务载重量pilot (飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员pilot in command机长power plant固定词组ph. 1.动力工场;发电厂2.电动装置;发电机preflight英音:['pri:flait]美音:['pri,flaɪt]形容词a. 1.飞行前的propeller名词n. 1.螺旋桨;推进器[C]pressurization名词n. 1.压力输送;挤压;加压;气密radar名词n. 1.雷达[C]ramp英音:[ræmp]美音:[ræmp]名词n.1.斜面;斜坡;坡道2.(上下飞机用的)活动舷梯range英音:[reindʒ]美音:[rendʒ]名词n.航程rivet英音:['rivit]美音:['rɪvɪt]名词n. 1.铆钉rotorcraft英音:['rəutəkrɑ:ft]美音:['rotɚ,kræft]名词n. 1.旋翼飞机rudder名词n. [C] (飞机的)方向舵run-up英音:['rʌn,ʌp]美音:['rʌn,ʌp]名词n. (为预热或检测)发动机高速运转runway英音:['rʌnwei]美音:['rʌn,we]名词n. [C]1.(机场的)跑道scheduler(或dispatcher)英音:[di'spætʃə]美音:[dɪ'spætʃɚ]名词n. 调度员simulator英音:['simjuleitə]美音:['sɪmjə,letɚ]名词n. 1.模拟训练装置,飞行模拟器skin 名词n.(飞机)蒙皮spin名词n.螺旋旋转,螺旋stabilizer名词n.安定装置;安定翼stall失速stick英音:[stik]美音:[stɪk] 横舵柄;飞机操纵杆tail尾部;尾状物tailwind英音:['teil,wind]美音:['tel,wɪnd]名词n.1.顺风takeoff英音:['teikɔ:f]美音:['tek,ɔf]名词n.起飞taxi英音:['tæksi]美音:['tæksɪ]滑行taxiway英音:['tæksi,wei]美音:['tæksɪ,we]名词n. .飞机滑行道throttle英音:['θrɔtl]美音:['θrɑt!]名词n. [C]1.;油门;风门thrust英音:[θrʌst]美音:[θrʌst]【物】推力,驱动力touchdown【空】着陆;降落transponder英音:[træn'spɔndə]美音:[træn'spɑndɚ]名词n. 1.发射机应答器;询问机trim(船,飞机等)获得平衡;(帆)修正方向turbulence英音:['tə:bjuləns]美音:['tɝbjələns]名词n.湍流;紊流upwind英音:['ʌp'wind]美音:['ʌp'wɪnd]逆风,迎风vector英音:['vektə]美音:['vɛktɚ] n.用无线电引导;为...导航visibility英音:[,vizi'biliti]美音:[,vɪzə'bɪlətɪ]名词n.能见度;可见度,视见度VFR=Visual Flight Rules目视飞行规则waypoint航路点weight and balance 载重平衡wing机翼yoke横舵柄;飞机操纵杆130个左右的词汇。



航空航天专业英语词汇载人航天 manned space flight多人多天太空飞行 multi-manned and multi-day space flight载人航天计划 manned space program航天飞机 space shuttle载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft 无人飞船 unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 试验太空船 Experimental Spacecraft多级火箭 multistage rocket太空舱 capsule返回式卫星 recoverable satellite通信卫星 communication satellite太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 同步轨道卫星geosynchronous satellite 遥感卫星 remote sensing satellite 运载火箭 carrier rocket; rocket launcher 长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket 有效载荷能力 payload capability 近地轨道 low Earth orbit调整轨道 fine-tune orbit绕地球飞行 orbit the earth气象卫星 weather satellite/meteorological satelliteanned space flight多级火箭 multistage rocket太空舱 capsule运载火箭 carrier rocket; rocket launcher长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket有效载荷能力 payload capability绕地球飞行 orbit the earth气象卫星 weather satellite / meteorological satellite 太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite轨道舱 orbital module返回舱 re-entry module推进舱 propelling module指令舱 command module服务舱 service module登月舱 lunar module发射台 launch pad紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus空间物理探测 space physics exploration国际空间站 International Space Station太阳能电池板 solar panel太空升降舱 space elevator哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope月球车 lunar rover外太空 outer space; deep space银河系 Milky Way阿波罗号宇宙飞船 Apollo中国空间技术研究院 CAST(the Chinese Academy ofSpace Technology)中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)太空服 space outfits(space suits)太空食物 space food着陆区 landing area主着陆场 main landing field/ primary landing siteaccess flap 接口盖antenna 天线artificial satellite 人造卫星ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱来源carrier rocket; rocket launcher 运载火箭CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 第二级service module 服务舱solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits,gloves,boots,helmet etc.) 太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space suit 航天服spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通信卫星third stage 第三级神舟七号ShenzhouVII(spacecraft)载人飞船mannedspaceship/spacecraft载人航天mannedspaceflight多人多天太空飞行multi-mannedan神舟七号ShenzhouVII(spacecraft)载人飞船mannedspaceship/spacecraft 载人航天mannedspaceflight多人多天太空飞行multi-mannedandmulti-dayspaceflight载人航天计划mannedspaceprogram航天飞机spaceshuttle无人飞船unmannedspaceship/spacecraft 试验太空船ExperimentalSpacecraft 多级火箭multistagerocket太空舱capsule返回式卫星recoverablesatellite通信卫星communicationsatellite 遥感卫星remotesensingsatellite 运载火箭carrierrocket;rocketlauncher 长征二号F运载火箭LongMarchIIFcarrierrocket 有效载荷能力payloadcapability 近地轨道lowEarthorbit调整轨道fine-tuneorbit绕地球飞行orbittheearth气象卫星weathersatellite/meteorologicalsatellite太阳同步轨道卫星satelliteinSun-synchronousorbit同步轨道卫星geosynchronoussatellite 轨道舱orbitalmodule返回舱re-entrymodule推进舱propellingmodule指令舱commandmodule服务舱servicemodule登月舱lunarmodule发射台launchpad紧急供氧装置emergencyoxygenapparatus 空间物理探测spacephysicsexploration 国际空间站InternationalSpaceStation 太阳能电池板solarpanel太空升降舱spaceelevator哈勃太空望远镜HubbleSpaceTelescope 月球车lunarrover外太空outerspace;deepspace银河系MilkyWay阿波罗号宇宙飞船Apollo中国空间技术研究院CAST(theChineseAcademyof SpaceTechnology)中国航天局CNSA(ChinaNationalSpaceAdministration) 美国航空航天管理局NASA(TheNationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration) 太空服spaceoutfits(spacesuits)太空食物spacefood着陆区landingarea主着陆场mainlandingfield/primarylandingsiteaccessflap接口盖antenna天线Apollo阿波罗号宇宙飞船artificialsatellite人造卫星ascentstage上升段astronaut航天员capsule太空舱descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置 Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星hatch 舱口lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场Milky Way 银河系orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机space suit 航天服spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通信卫星third stage 第三级unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船 weather satellite; meteorological satellite 气象卫星句子翻译:1992年8月9日,长征二号丁运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射第十三颗返回式卫星。


nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴
orbit 轨道
orbit the earth 绕地球飞行
orbital module 轨道舱
outer space; deep space 外太空
payload capability 有效载荷能力
propelling module 推进舱
access flap 接口盖
antenna 天线
Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船
artificial satellite 人造卫星
ascent stage 上升段
astronaut 航天员
capsule 太空舱
carrier rocket; rocket launcher 运载火箭



air conditioning system 空调系统nt露点batement减噪very-high-frequency omni-directional range )甚高频全向信标ion定向、定位(air data inertial reference units)大气数据惯性基准组件I(digital distance and radio magnetic indicator)数字距离无线电磁指示器(ground proximity warning system)近地警告系统ld跑道入口automatic direction finder)自动定向仪(distance measuring equipment)测距仪e地标领航above ground level)离地高度light path vector)飞行航经引导ro激光陀螺信标台(traffic and collision avoidance system)空中交通避撞系统knob锁定旋钮ss危险接近air transport association of America)美国航空协会ld入口、标准auxiliary power unit)辅助动力装置表电路、一圈ge放电wn关车ance维护、维修eed超速荷door进口门……隐藏集气室on system进气系统nt早期的inlet guide vanes可调的进气导片l额定的ent flight仪表飞行阶段re离场enroute航路arrival进场transition过渡procedure程序instrument approach仪表进近SID(standard instrument departure)标准仪表离场STAR(standard terminal arrival route)标准进场航路chart layout航图布局symbology符号facility设施communication frequency通信频率MSA(minimum safe altitude)最低安全高度plan view平面图navaid导航、助航Morse code莫尔斯代码procedure turn程序转弯outbound背台holding等待heading航向radial径向线missed approach复飞MOCA最低超障高度MAP复飞点MSA最低安全高度IDA可用着陆距离MLS微波着陆系统SDF简易定向设施PAR初始进近雷达MSL平均海平面teardrop pattern修正角HA T高出接地点的高HAA高出机场的高MEA最小航路高RVR跑道视程climb爬升rotate抬轮stick shaker抖杆buffet发动机抖震overshoot目测过高fuel prudent节油orographic turbulence山岳形态的气流penalty drag阻力增大cb activitydrag积云concede a reroute a提供一条新航路optimum altitude最适高度(global position system)全球定位系统飘wn 接地点ire 电传操纵meter 加速器nt 对准、校准tor 伺服马达pe 陀螺duction alt 减推力高度反推位ight path angle)飞行航径角航向道车卡位ight path vector)飞行航径矢量cockpit resource management)驾驶舱资源管理ot-flight)把杆飞行员rimary flight display)主飞行显示滑轮跑翻动、卷起下选页速度e loader 数据库装载机mber key board 字母/数字键盘pad 草稿栏and background data 动态和背景数据se 对流层顶蓝色ex 成本指数nt 校准提示符estimated fuel on board)预计机上燃油default 缺席LSK(line select key)行选键asymmetric 不对称terminal area 终端区域coordinate 经纬度rnva area navigation 区域导航en-route 在航路上CFDS(centralized fault display system)集中显示系统communication 通讯vibrations 振动impulses 脉冲antenna 大线megahertz 兆赫兹curvature 弯曲曲度ionosphere 电离层transceiver 无线电收发机rack 设备架squelch 静噪、噪声控制passenger address 旅客广播cabin interohone 客舱内话interphone 内话机evacuation 疏散rotary 旋转的knob 旋钮dedicated 专用的buzzer 蜂鸣声boom set 吊杆耳机head set 耳机selcal 选择呼叫active 正在使用PTT(press to talk)按下发话latched 锁住preempt 优先占有品红色、洋红色stimated time of arriving)预计到达时间ir data computer)大气数据计算机athode ray tube)阴极shexianguan build-in test equipment)内装测试设备stuck 阻塞plug 插入strain 滤网shield 过滤rock switch 摇式电门flight control system(Ⅰ)飞行控制JECTED T/O 中断起飞ventional 通用的eel 驾驶盘umn 驾驶杆al 脚蹬ace 舵面der 方向舵ed-brake 减速板襟翼b trim 调整片rride switch 超控电门w damper 偏航阻尼器tering mechanism 定中机械ep back 后掠iler 扰流板卡阻滚转(横滚)h 俯仰bilizer 安定面w 偏航w damper rate gyro 偏航率陀螺仪gitudinal axis 纵轴ical axis 垂轴ral axis 横轴uating cylinder 动作筒ed position 中立位into spin 进入螺旋oil 翼部面secondary flight control 辅助飞行操纵high lift device 增升装置TE(trailing edge)后缘LE(leading edge)前缘PTU(power transfer united)动力传输装置stall 失速maneuver 机动飞行inboard 内侧outboard 外侧slotted 开缝的three slotted flap 三开缝襟翼drag 阻力comparator比较仪roll rate滚转率mixer混合器deflection偏转aerodynamic mean chord平均空气动力弦torque扭力jack千斤顶fire protection(Ⅰ)防火探火环rcuit失效监控电路铃近地dicating and crew alerting system)发动机指示和机组警戒系统阴极射线管动机舱货舱电门续环路的芯镍合金管珠盐雾探测lock down下锁inadvertent疏忽大意shutdown关车unlock开锁trip跳开关thrust reverser反推inert cold gas agents惰冷气灭火剂oxidizer氧化剂CO2(carbon dioxide)二氧化碳N1(nitrogen)氮inert gas惰气toxicity毒性freon氟利昂solvent溶剂compatible与……相溶cartridge燃爆筒lagging绝缘材料soak浸、泡residue滤渣、残余物extinguishing agent灭火剂pressure gauge压力表manifold管道rupture破裂upholstery饰面材料noxious gas毒气electrical system(Ⅱ)电子系)变压整流器气驱动发电机池恒速驱动r)综合驱动发电机驱动的发电机电瓶汇流条连接断路器发动机控制组件urrent transformers)压差保护电流变压器perforate穿孔于thermal anti-icing system热防冰系统potable water lines饮用水线windshield风挡engine cowl发动机整流罩wiper刮水器static port静压口AOA(the angle of attack)迎角TA T(total air temperature)全温SAT(static air temperature)静温vinyl core乙烯树脂内芯glass pane玻璃窗格bird-strike鸟击conductive coating导电涂层acrylic pane丙烯酸树脂angle airflow sensor气流角度传感器delay circuit延迟电路solenoid valve电磁活门sight gage目视测量表attention gatter提醒灯chronograph记时器elapsed time已飞时间parameter参数checklist检查单dispense with省略un-clutter混乱UTC(coordinated universal time)协调世界时schematic图解形式eadi电子姿态指示器ehsi水平状态指示器symbol generator符号发生器arc mode弧型模式rose mode罗盘模式bearing pointer方位指针decision height决断高度ADF(automatic direction finder)自动定向机glide-slope下滑道deviation偏差身结构)油箱板y发动机警告指示凝结板盖板口口盖性油尺门side slip侧滑interface界面、接口、连接analog模拟DFDR(digital flight data recorder)数字式飞行数据记录器an underwater locator beacon水下信标机discrete signal离散信号slip ball球形侧滑仪cross bar十字指令杆stop-watch way秒表(跑表)记时方式roll index横滚标志superimpose重叠reference line参考线speed trend arrow速度趋势箭头true north真北raw data原始数据lubber line航向标线deviation bar偏离杆course pointer航道指针graduation刻度remote分装a double lined arrow双线箭头指针(双针)a gray analog altitude tape灰色模拟高度标尺带front course dagger向台航道箭形符号aids飞机集成数据系统ECAM(electronic centralized aircraft monitor)电子飞机集中监控synopsis概要orientation定向indent缩进discrete input signals离散的输入信号MEL(minimum equipment list)最低设备清单landing gear起落架ground loop打地转nose over拿大顶margin斜度chock轮挡bungee cord弹簧索(减震支柱)aluminum alloys铝合金shock absorber减震器、缓冲器操纵飞行操纵面rubber block橡皮块(减震器)oil-air strut油气式减震支柱tailwheel gear后三点式起落架tricycle gear前三点式起落架antiskid防滑装置shock strut减震支柱uplock hook上位锁钩(起落架的)alternate extension(起落架)备用放出actuator致动器、动作筒PSEU(proximity switch electronic unit)接近电门电子组件torsion links扭力臂truck assembly轮架组件trunnionlink轴颈连杆tiller操纵杆nosewheel steering前轮转向操纵thrust reverser反推装置shuttle valve往复活门down-lock link下锁连杆tilt倾斜centering cam定中凸轮over-centering过中bearing轴承carbon brake碳素钢刹车air conditioning system 空调系动状态stby(standby)备份DC(direct currency)直流电PSI(pound per square inch)磅/平方英尺ditch 水上迫降supercharger 增压器inadvertent 偶然的leakage 漏、渗apron 停机坪ceiling 顶板freight 货机accessory 副件throttle lever 油门杆cruise 巡航negative relief valve 负压释放活门positive pressure 正压airport elevation 机场标高autopilot 自动驾驶momentum 动量mimicking 模仿glare-shield 遮光板actuators 制动器surveillance 监视trajectory 轨迹quadrant 油门操纵杆FLEX(flexible)灵活的MCT(maximum continue thrust)最大连续推力elevators 升降舵aileron 副翼navaid 助航SID(standard instrument departure)标准仪表离场STAR(standard terminal arrival route)标准进场程序missed approach(go around)复飞dynamic 动力的augmentation 增加、增益flight envelope 飞行包线CDU(control display unit)控制显示组件FMA(flight mode annunciator)飞行方式显示器ADIRS(air data and inertial references system)大气数据及惯性基准系统MCP(mode control panel)方式控制面板h 膜盒气压。

铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路 专业英语

铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路 专业英语




1.铁路专业英语铁路领域中的专业词汇包括:铁路(railway)、高速铁路(high-speed railway)、动车组(multiple unit train)、机车(locomotive)、车厢(carriage/coach)等。

2.航空专业英语航空领域的专业词汇包括:飞机(aircraft)、航空公司(airline)、机场(airport)、航班(flight)、机长(captain)、空乘(flight attendant)等。


4.管道专业英语管道领域的专业词汇包括:管道(pipeline)、输送(transportation)、管线(pipeline network)、泵站(pumping station)、储罐(storage tank)等。

5.公路专业英语公路领域的专业词汇包括:高速公路(highway)、国道(national highway)、省道(provincial highway)、城市道路(urban road)、交通信号灯(traffic light)等。




最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in al l truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eig ht in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.65.My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to gi ve up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ev er get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江11.today,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌13.it is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very famous.Itis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, please.How about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.No.2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the No.2 bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the No.2 bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远. 121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 P.R.C.好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wrong with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcom e, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞. 26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生?28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.33.S orry for troubling you. 麻烦您了.34.P lease give us advice and correction for the inadequacy of our work.工作上的不足,请给予批评指导.35.T hank you for your cooperation! 谢谢合作!。


人造卫星artificial satellite
上升段ascent stage
嫦娥二号Chang'e-2(moon probe)
神舟七号Shenzhou VII (spacecraft)
载人飞船manned spaceship/ spacecraft
银河系Milky Way
中国航天局CNSA(China National Space Administration)
载人航天manned space flight
多人多天太空飞行multi-manned andmulti-day space flight
载人航天计划manned space program
航天飞机space shuttle
无人飞船unmanned spaceship / spacecraft
试验太空船Experimental Spacecraft
多级火箭multistage rocket
返回式卫星recoverable satellite
通信卫星communication satellite



1.ISA 国际标准大气2.ICAO 国际民航组织3.Altitude 高度4.Attitude 姿态5.Indicated speed 表速6.IAS(指示空速)7.True airspeed 真速(真空速)8.TAS Ground speed 地速9.GS Mach number 马赫数10.Static pressure 静压11.Dynamic pressure 动压12.Total pressure 总压13.Venturi 文丘利管14.horizontal stabilizer 水平安定面15.mean camber 中弧线16.aerofoil thickness 翼型厚度17.chord 翼弦18.maximum camber 最大弧度19.coefficient of lift 升力系数20.coefficient of drag 阻力系数21.induced drag 诱导阻力22.parasite drag 废阻力23.skin friction drag 摩擦阻力24.viscosity 粘性25.swept-back angle 后掠角26.airspeed indicator 空速表27.altitude indicator 高度表28.turn coordinator 转弯侧滑仪29.throttle 油门30.wing span 翼展31.aspect ratio 展弦比32.taper ratio 稍根比33.normal category 正常类飞机34.stick force 杆力35.glide angle/ descent angle下滑角36.configuration 构型37.flap 襟翼38.CG(center of gravity) 重心39.Controllability 操纵性40.Stability 稳定性41.Flaring 拉平42.restoring moment 回复力矩43.sideslip 侧滑44.high wing 上单翼45.low wing 下单翼46.dihedral 上反角47.anhedral下反角48.CP(center of pressure)压力中心49.Pitch 俯仰50.Nose down/up 低/抬头51.Longitudinal stability纵向稳定性,即俯仰稳定性52.Directional stability 方向稳定性53.Side-wise stability 侧向稳定性teral stability 横侧稳定性55.Tailplane尾翼56.Approach 进近57.Normal(vertical) axis 立轴58.control column 操纵杆59.trim tab 调整片60.fin 垂直安定面61.longitudinal axis 纵轴teral axis 横轴63.Dutch roll 荷兰滚64.Spiral instability 螺旋不稳定65.Blade angle 桨叶角66.Winglet 翼尖小翼67.Clockwise 顺时针方向68.Anticlockwise 逆时针方向69.Fuselage 机身70.Wing 机翼teral axis 横轴72.Normal axis 立轴73.Longitudinal axis 纵轴74.Rolling 滚转75.Aileron 副翼76.Pitching 俯仰77.Elevator 升降舵78.Yawing 偏航79.Rudder 方向舵80.Stabilator 安定面81.Control surface 控制面82.Control column/ Control wheel/ Stick 控制杆(杆,盘)83.Rudder pedals 脚蹬(实现舵的控制)84.Trim/ Tab 配平片,调整片85.Trim wheel 配平轮86.Stick force 杆力nding gear 起落架88.Nose wheel airplane 前三点飞机89.Tail wheel airplane 后三点飞机90.Propeller 螺旋桨91.Thrust/pull 拉力92.Blade 桨叶93.Chord line弦线(翼弦,桨弦)94.Blade angle(pitch)桨叶角95.Plane of rotation 旋转面96.Blade twist 桨叶扭转97.Angle of attack 迎角(桨叶迎角)98.Relative flow/wind 相对气流99.Torque reaction 反作用力矩100.Gyroscopic effect 进动作用101.Spiral slipstream effect 滑流作用102.Stall 失速103.Variable pitch propeller 变距螺旋桨飞机104.Propeller efficiency 螺旋桨效率105.Pitot tub比托管(用于测量空速)106.Static pressure 静压107.Dynamic pressure 动压108.Total pressure 总压109.Transition altitude 过渡高度110.Transition level 过渡高度层111.MSL mean seal level 海平面112.Aerodynamic 空气动力113.inHg 英寸汞柱114.hPa百帕115.boundary layer (BL)附面层minar BL 层流附面层117.turbulent BL 紊流附面层118.continuity equation 连续性方程119.Bernoulli’s theorem 伯努力定理120.Stabilizing surface 安定面(指尾翼)121.Undercarriage 起落架122.Right hand rotation of propeller 右转螺旋桨飞机123.Aerofoil翼型剖面124.Leading edge 翼型前缘125.Tailing edge 翼型后缘126.Chord 翼弦127.Camber line (mean line) 中弧线128.Angle of sweepback 后掠角129.MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) 平均空气动力弦130.Root 翼根,桨尖131.Tip 翼尖,桨根132.Stream line 流线133.Unsteady flow 不稳定流动134.Mass flow 质量流量135.Free stream flow 远前方来流136.Flight path 飞行轨迹137.Stagnation point 驻点138.Downwash 下洗139.Negative 负的140.Positive 正的141.Lift formula 升力公式142.Symmetrical aerofoil对称翼型143.Asymmetrical/cambered aerofoil非对称翼型144.Rectangular wing 矩形机翼145.Elliptical wing 椭圆机翼146.Tapered wing 梯形机翼147.Steady level flight 稳定平飞148.Balance 平衡149.Separation point 分离点150.Wake 尾涡151.Wingtip vortex 翼尖涡152.Plain wing 平直翼153.Winglet 翼尖小翼154.Stalling angle/ critical angle 失速迎角,临界迎角155.Lift/drag ratio 升阻比156.Coefficient of lift 升力系数157.Coefficient of drag 阻力系数158.Maximum 最大159.Minimum 最小160.Polar curve 极曲线161.Drag curve 阻力曲线162.Lift curve 升力曲线163.Aerodynamic force 空气动力164.Differential ailerons 差动副翼(减小横侧反操纵用)165.Deflection 偏转166.Arm 力臂167.Spoiler 扰流板168.Brake 刹车169.Lift augmentation 增升装置170.Plain flap 简单襟翼171.Spilt flap 分裂襟翼172.Slotted flap 开缝襟翼173.Flower flap 后推襟翼174.Slatted flap 前缘缝翼175.Trailing edge flap 后缘襟翼176.Flapped takeoff 放襟翼起飞177.Flapless takeoff 不放襟翼起飞178.Accelerating 加速179.Decelerating 减速180.Positive pressure gradient 正的压力梯度181.Adverse pressure gradient 逆压梯度182.Reversed flow 反向流动183.Descending 下降184.Climbing 爬升185.Steep turn 急转弯186.Spin 尾旋187.Centrifugal force 向心力188.Angle of climb 上升角189.Climb gradient 上升梯度190.Climb rate 上升率191.Glide 下滑,下降192.Angle of glide 下滑角193.Descend rate 下降率194.Steady coordinated turn 稳定协调转弯195.Load 载荷196.Load factor 载荷因数197.Turn radius 转弯半径198.Rate of turn 转弯速率199.Slipping turn 内侧滑转弯200.Skidding turn 外侧滑转弯201.Damp 使衰减202.Oscillation 震荡203.Gust 阵风(主要指扰动)204.Neutral point/Aerodynamic center 焦点205.Pitching moment 俯仰力矩206.Curve slope 曲线斜率207.Minimum drag speed 最小阻力速度208.Minimum power speed 最小功率速度209.Ground effect 地面效应210.Resultant velocity 合速度211.Resultant force 合力212.Rotation 旋转,抬前轮213.Torque 扭矩214.Gyroscopic effect 进动作用215.Slipstream effect 滑流扭转作用216.Torque reaction 反作用力矩217.Mach wave 马赫波218.Shock wave 激波219.Free stream Mach number 来流马赫数220.Local Mach number 局部马赫数221.Subsonic 亚音速222.Transonic 跨音速223.Supersonic 超音速224.Critical Much number 临界马赫数225.Wind shear 风切变226.Drift 偏流227.Drift angle 偏流角228.Crosswind 侧风229.Run/roll 滑跑/滑行230.Taxi 滑行231.Excess thrust 剩余拉力232.Excess power 剩余功率233.Lowest value of drag 阻力最小234.Configuration 构型235.Bank angle 坡度角236.Rolling rate 滚转角速度237.Slip indicator 侧滑指示器238.Envelope 包线239.Manoeuvring speed 机动速度240.Limit load factor 限制载荷因数241.Tail wheel aircraft 后三点飞机242.Undercarriage/Landing gear 起落架,起落装置243.Symptoms 症候244.Buffet 抖动245.Stalling speed 失速速度246.Audible warning device 声音警告装置247.Spin avoidance 尾旋的避免248.Balloon 拉飘249.Bouncing 跳跃250.Flare/Round-out 拉平251.Upwind 上风方向252.Downwind 下风方向253.Mach number 马赫数254.Critical Mach number 临界马赫数255.Local Mach number 局部马赫数256.Flight Mach number 飞行马赫数257.the airframe 机身,结构258.The front (fore) part 前部259.The rear (aft) part 后部260.port 左旋(舵)261.starboard 右旋(舵) 262.the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机263.the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机264.the nose 机头265.the belly 腹部266.the skin 蒙皮267.the windscreen or windshield 风挡268.the wing 机翼269.the trailing edge 机翼后缘270.the leading edge 机翼前缘271.the wing tip 翼尖272.the control surface 操纵面273.ailerons 副翼274.flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)275.spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)276.slats 缝翼277.elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片)278.rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)279.flap angle 襟翼角280.flap setting 襟翼调整281.the full flap position 全襟翼位置282.a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆283.the landing gear 起落架284.stabilizer 安定面285.the nose wheel 前轮286.gear locked 起落架锁定287.the wheel well 起落架舱288.the wheel door 起落架舱门289.a tyre 轮胎290.to burst 爆破291.a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎292.a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎293.a puncture 轮胎被扎破294.to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)295.gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上)296.The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。



land and water.
6. An airplane can be divided into the following groups
according to the number of wings.
A monoplane is an airplane with a single pair of
(2) biplane
A biplane is an old-fashioned type of airplane with
two pairs of wings, one above the other.
A multiplane is an airplane with more than two pairs
(2)jet aircraft turbojet aircraft turbofan jet aircraft
3. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the aircraft’s flight velocity.
English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
பைடு நூலகம்
术语 Module 1 Terminology
Project 1 Aviation Terms Unit 1 Aircraft’s Type
(1)low wing airplane A low wing airplane is an airplane whose wing is below the



access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船artificial satellite 人造卫星ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket; rocket launcher 运载火箭CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space T echnology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星gyroscrop 陀螺仪hatch 舱口Hubble Space T elescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台launch vehicle 运载火箭life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国航空航天管理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 第二级service module 服务舱solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits,gloves,boots,helmet etc.)太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机space suit 航天服spacecraft 航天器T elstar 通信卫星third stage 第三级thruster 起飞加速器; 顶推装置简单介绍一下运载火箭、人造卫星、空间探测器、宇宙飞船、航天飞机、轨道空间站的区别.运载火箭(launch vehicle)主要是把卫星发射到固定的轨道位置,然后就掉下来回收后可以继续利用,主要起到运载作用,比如长征3号。



航空专业英语朗读稿范文Aviation English is a specialized form of English used in the aviation industry and for air traffic control communication. It is important for professionals in the field to be proficient in aviation English in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of air travel. 航空英语是航空领域和空中交通管制通信中使用的一种专业英语。


Proficiency in aviation English is essential for pilots, air traffic controllers, flight attendants, and ground staff to effectively communicate with one another and with international aviation authorities. 航空英语的熟练运用对于飞行员、空中交通管制员、乘务员和地勤人员来说至关重要,这有助于他们有效地和彼此以及国际航空管理机构进行沟通。

One of the key reasons for the importance of aviation English is the need for clear and unambiguous communication in high-pressure and time-sensitive situations. 在高压和时间紧迫的情况下,航空英语的重要性之一在于需要清晰明了的交流。

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4. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the aircraft’s air range. (1)short-range aircraft / short-haul aircraft The air range is shorter than 2400 kilometers. (2)medium-haul aircraft The air range is longer than 2400 kilometers but shorter than 4800 kilometers. (3)long-range aircraft / long-haul aircraft The air range is longer than 4800 kilometers.
English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
术语 Module 1 Terminology
Project 1 Aviation Terms Unit 1 Aircraft’s Type
1. A vehicle which can fly is classified as follows: aircraft (1)lighter-than-air aircraft ballon airship (2)rotorcraft helicopter gyroplane (3)glider (4)airplane
3. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the aircraft’s flight velocity. (1)supersonic aircraft Supersonic aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound. (2)hypersonic aircraft Hypersonic aircraft travels much faster than the speed of sound. (3)transonic aircraft Transonic aircraft travels approximately equal to the speed of sound. (4)subsonic aircraft Subsonic aircraft travels slower than the speed of sound but 12 also very fast.
1. Airframe (1)fuselage The fuselage of the airplane holds all of the parts together and carries the passengers or cargo.
(2)wing / airfoil The wings generate most of the lift necessary for flight. ① aileron Ailerons are parts of the wing which are used to roll the aircraft. At the trailing edge, it’s an aileron. ②leading edge slat ③trailing edge flap Flaps and slats are parts of the wing which are used during take off and landing to increase lift and drag. ④spoiler Spoilers are parts of the wing which are used to roll the aircraft and to decrease lift and increase drag during landings. 21 Between the leading and trailing edges, it’s a spoiler.
7. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the positions of the wing relative to the fuselage. (1)low wing airplane A low wing airplane is an airplane whose wing is below the cabin. (2) mid wing airplane A mid wing airplane is an airplane whose wing is anywhere between the fuselage. (3)high wing airplane A high wing airplane is an airplane whose wing is above the cabin.
(4)landing gear / undercarriage Airplane require landing gear for taxiing, takeoff and landing. (5)powerplant Most modern aircraft are powered by gas turbine, or jet engines.
(3)empennage / the tail assembly ① vertical stabilizer ②rudder A rudder is a control surface connected to the vertical stabilizer and is used to yaw the aircraft. ③ horizontal stabilizer ④ elevator Elevators are control surfaces connected to the horizontal stabilizer and are used to pitch the aircraft. ⑤stabilator Stabilators are control surfaces which provide both horizontal stability and pitch control for the aircraft.
8. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to its mission. (1)military aircraft (2)civil airct’s Structure
6. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the number of wings. (1)monoplane A monoplane is an airplane with a single pair of wings. (2) biplane A biplane is an old-fashioned type of airplane with two pairs of wings, one above the other. (3)multiplane A multiplane is an airplane with more than two pairs 15 of wings, say, three or four pairs.
5. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the type of landing gear. (1)landplane A landplane is an airplane that can take off from or land on land. (2)seaplane / hydroplane A seaplane or hydroplane is a type of airplane that can take off from or land on water. (3)amphibian An amphibian is an airplane which can land on both 14 land and water.
2. An airplane can be divided into the following groups according to the types of aircraft’s engine. (1)propeller-driven aircraft piston propeller-driven aircraft turboprop propeller-driven aircraft (2)jet aircraft turbojet aircraft turbofan jet aircraft