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1飞机设计过程conceptual、preliminary、detail design
2飞机五大部分wings、fuselage、engine、landing gear、empennage
3三轴线运动控制lateral axis/pitch/elevator;longitudinal/roll/aileron;vertical/yaw/rudder 4稳定性及提供部件lateral/dihedral wing;longitudinal/horizontal stabilizers;directional/vertical stabilizers;sweptback wings/dorsal fin and long fuselage
5飞机上的作用力gravity lift drag thrust
6ATA100常规分类aircraft general、system、structure engine
7AFM aircraft flight manual FCOMcrew operate AMMmaintenance IPCillustrated part catalog
CMMcomponent maintenance manual FIMfault isolation manual
8废阻力form /skin friction/interference drag
9机身结构truss structure/Monocoque constructure/Semonocoque constructure
10液压油箱增压方式use air pressure directly from the aircraft cabin pressurization system or form the engine compressor;an aspirator or venture-tee; an additional hydraulic pump 11液压增压泵engine driven pump/electrical motor drive pump/multiplunger pump
12储压器类型The diaphragm/bladder/piston-type accumulator
13燃油箱类型soft/rigid/intedral –tank
14辅助操纵面wing flaps;spoilers;speed brakes;slats;leading edge flaps
15增升:leading edge flap/slat;trailing edge flap减升spoiler;speed brake
16刹车装置single disk;dual disk;multiple-;segmented rotor;expander tube
17空调制冷系统air cycle;vapor cycle
18压力控制系统的安全活门pressure relief valve;vacuum relief valve;dump valve
19常用氧气形式gaseous oxygen;liquid oxygen;chemical or solid oxygen
20防冰部位l wing; leading edge of the vertical and水平安定面;windshield/windows/radomes
Heater and engine air inlets;stall warning transmitters;pitot tubes;flight controls;propeller blade leading edge;carburetor;avatory drains
21防冰方式heating surfaces using hot air;heating by electrical element;breaking uo ice formations by inflatable boots;alcohol spray
22风挡除雨方法windshield wipers;pueumatic rain removal systems;风挡rain repallant
23防火子系统a fire detection/extinguishing system
24防火探测器rate-of-temperatur rise detectors;radiation sensing detectors;overheat deteco 25烟雾探测器部件photoelectric cell;beacon lamp;laby rinth;smoke articles;test lamp;rester 26气源系统来源the engine compressor;APU;a ground cart
27需要气源系统的地方air conditioning packs;wing and cowl thermal anti-ice system;the engine starting system;potable water system;the hydraulic reservoir
28PRSOV(pressure regulating shut off valve)作用provide pneumatic signals to open,close and regulate pressure for downstream bleed air
29发动机部件air inlet duct;compressor;combustion chamber;turbine;exhaust dut/nozzle 30压气机类型centrifugal/axial compressor
31燃烧室类型can annular can-annular
32飞机实施的完整过程take off、climb、cruise、descent、landing
Air flowing over the top of an airfoil reaches the trailing edge in the same amount of time as air flowing along te relatively flat bottm.since both the upper and lower surfaces pass
through a block of air at the same speed,the air flowing over the cured upper surface travels farther.This means it must go faster,resulting in lower pressure above the airfoil and a greater pressure below.An airfoil is specially designed to produce a reaction with the air that passer over it.This difference in pressure is the main source of lift.。
