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1.Personal background/individual circumstances

·History of visa applications:(按照签证记录如实回答)

I didn’t have any applications before

·Has the student ever been refused entry clearance into the UK?

No I haven’t

·Has the applicant travelled abroad before and complied with visa terms?

No I haven’t

·Is there any evidence of a previous visa refusal in their passport? If so, what reason were they given for the refusal?

No, there are not

·Have other close members of their family travelled abroad before at all or regularly, or studied abroad successfully?

No they haven’t

cational background: Assessment of ability and suitability for their chosen study plan

·Why has the student chosen **** course and *** university?

Because it’s a famous university and the course has a good opportunity in China ·Which university have they chosen and why? Students should be able to give details of university choice, the course they have chosen, the location and why they feel it is the right choice for them.

University of Birmingham, it is a famous university in the city of Birmingham, and many of my teachers and friends have graduated from that school.

·Have they done research on the above points? Do they have knowledge of the UK, its culture, education system, and a clear expectation of what it will be like to live and study in the UK?

Yes it is an traditional industrial country and it is high reputed in education quality. ·Are there any negative factors(e.g. failure to complete a course, long interruptions in study, poor grades)in High School or Higher Education courses in their home country? If there are the students should be able to give very good reason for wanting to study abroad.

No, I will for study in the Uk after my completion of undergraduate course in China. And I think an experience of studying abroad will make me more competitive in searching a good position or job.

·Are they leaving full time education to study in the UK without a compelling reason for doing so?

Yes. I will for studying postgraduate course in the Uk after my completion of undergraduate course in China.

·What does the student intend to do once they have completed their course?

Go back to china to find a good job.

Do you intend to work in the UK after your study? (这个意识一定要有哦)NO. I will go back to China and find a job then.

·What is the relevance of the course(s) and qualifications to the student’s career choice and plans for the future?

I want to work in HR department in the future

提醒:Always ensure you see and thoroughly check the original academic documents and a SELT certificate. Every IELTS, Pearson PTE and TOEFL certificate must be verified. If the student has taken their SELT a number of months or more than a year ago, please check that their English is still the level gained on the SELT.
