



有些省略的句子对于说英语的人来说易于理解, 但对于汉语则不适用了,所以在翻译时省略的部 分要通过上下文翻译出来。例如: “Can you play?” 如果不看上下文直接翻译 就是“你会玩吗?” “play”的具体含义也不知是否是指“玩”还是 指进行某种运动或弹奏某种乐器。
例1:“it was rather a trial to appear thus formally summoned in Mr. Rochester’s presence.”
像这样郑重其事地奉召去见罗切 斯特先 生,简直是活受罪
译文:1. 一线光亮醒目地衬托出一根一半沉入水 中的桅杆,桅杆顶上停着一只又黑又大的鸬鹚,翅 膀上溅着点点浪花。它嘴里衔着一只镶有宝石的金 手镯,这是用我调色板上所能调出的最鲜明的色彩 画的,还用铅笔尽可能勾出了清晰的轮廓。(宋版) 2. —束微光把半沉的桅杆映照得轮廓分明, 桅杆上栖息着一只又黑又大的鸬鹚,翅膀上沾着斑 驳的泡沫,嘴里衔着一只镶嵌了宝石的金手镯,我 给手镯抹上了调色板所能调出的最明亮的色泽,以 及我的铅笔所能勾划出的闪闪金光。(黄版)

在“信、达、雅”三原则中,“雅”是最难做到的,有时 为了追求“雅”会失掉“信”,但优雅的语句无疑也是提



对简爱的评价的英文翻译(精选10篇)对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇11.1. Title (underline)/author:Jane Eyre is a novel written by charlotte Bronte (1816—1855).charlotte brought was born at Thornton in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children. She is a famous novelist as well as her two sisters in nineteenth century. They are all influenced by their father’s library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of genii and the Arabian Nights. Her novels have become enduring classic of English literature.1.2. Publication information:Jane Eyre was first published in1847 in London. Charlotte with her sisters, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.1.3. A brief introduction to the book and the report/reviewThe main part of the story happened in Lowood and in Mr. Rochester’s house, Thorufield Hall. Jane Eyre experienced a hard life and found her happy life.2. Body2.1. What the book is about?Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. The heroine of the book, Jane Eyre, is an orphan, born in a poor family. Because that her parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in this. Young Jane goes to her uncle’s home, but her uncle died in a few days. Jane began to suffer a discrimination and abuse life due to the assault against the cousin. She was sent to an orphanage in Lowood. She lived in there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. After Jane experienced a tough life she graduates from Lowood,she found a job as a professional tutor in Rochester’s’, Thornfield. After they meet for some time, they began to love each other. Although they meet some unhappy things in their love, Jane married him and has an ideal happy life.2.2. Characters:Jane Eyre is a lovely, kindness, gentleness girl. She has a noble mind, a strong will and a capacity for love. Jane Eyre has a huge courage to pursue her own happiness; her spirits on this is very great.2.3. My opinions about the book:Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. Jane’s experience is very similar to Bront. the most impress me is that Jane while longer looks flats, as humble, but do not give up on themselves, and does not vanity, her kindness, gentleness, courage to pursue their own happiness. And finally as the original in order to repay. Her experience made me understood the formation of the original concept of love.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇2After reading Jane Eyre,Ithink Jane is a very great woman.She is very intelligent,honest,plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression inequality and hardship.Although she meets with a series of individuals,who threaten her autonomy,Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice,human dignity and morality.She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenge the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor.I admire her very much.In my opinion ,she is a pride of humans.And another main character in the novel is Edward Rochester.As Jane’s employer and the master of Thornfield,Rochesteris a wealthy ,enthusiastic man with a dark secret.What’s more he is very unconvent ional,to interact with Jane frankly an directly,he can put aside everything he possessed.I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of CharlottoBronte.Although the story is made up ,the heroine and people’s life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around the experience.Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought :everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender.In the actual fact,Jane Eyre wasn’t pretty,even herself knows that,and of course,the ordinary aooearance make others have bad opinion on her.However,in my mind,a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming.If his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance,beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time,only a person’s great virtue,a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty.Jane Eyre’s story makes me think about future life and I learn much from her experiences,I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs ,regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇3I have a intense feeling after reading Jane Eyre. Our fate is not something we can’t overcome, equality needs us to try to get. If you want have a equal chance ,you must pay your hard working ,sweat and a firm conviction for it.This book tells us a model of noble women. Jane was born in a poor family. Her father was a pastor. Unfortunately ,her father and mother passed away within a month one after another. She was taken in by her mother’s brother. However ,she sufferedwith discrimination and maltreating after her mother’s brother’s death. Then she was sent to an orphanage, whose rule was very strict, where the life was very difficult. What’s wo rse, the headmaster was a grim man. Jane went through lots of hurt from both mentality and body, which included her good friend helen’s death. Jane was tired of living in this condition and she hated the headmaster of the orphanage. On graduating from the orphanage, Jane couldn't wait to applly a job outside, and she got one after all, being a teacher for a big manor. The male owner of the manor was heavehearted, and would be easy to change his mood. He would go to travel often, leaving a ten years old girl and the servants at home. Later ,Jane save the hero from his bed which was burning, she falled in love with the hero. The fact that the hero had married with another woman who was crazy at that time was exposed during their wedding. That evening, Jane left the hero and everything she used to love. Jane was taken in and became the headmaster of a women school. Jane got a lot of property from her uncle. She found his cousin and divided the property equally with her cousin. She refused his cousin’s request that they went to India to do missionary work together. She came back to the manor alone, but the manor was ruins at that time, and the hero was permanent disability. Jane found him and married him. They lived a happy life which they were looking forward to .“I will make you difficult to leave me ,which seems the situation that I can’t leave you, if the god grant me wealth and beautiful. Though the fact is opposite, our spirit is equal. Your soul and mine are equal, your heart and mine are the same absolutely. I am speaking to you with my spirit ,not custom ,not convention, which seems that we are all faced the god in front ofus after our death , for we are equal.”I love the words very much.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇4It is lively and cheerful, rapport with people, have strong communication skills. During the school as a squad leader post, many plan to implement several large-scale activities, have strong organizational skills and coordination, and has a good physique. In a number of social practice, to draw attention to the social experience, serious and responsible work.本人性格活泼开朗,与人相处和睦融洽,有较强的沟通能力。







一、词汇1.penetrating rain 祝庆英:透骨的雨;学生:冻雨。

Penetrating英语解释为:spreading deeply or widely,汉语解释为:弥漫的,渗透的。






2.questioners 祝庆英:寻根究底的人;学生:好事的人。






主题:小说以简爱的 成长经历为主线,探 讨了女性独立、自尊 、爱情、宗教等主题 。
地位:《简爱》被誉 为英国文学史上的一 部里程碑式的作品, 对后世的女性文学创 作产生了重要的影响 。
早期翻译:1925年,周作人 翻译
现代翻译:1980年,祝庆英 翻译
当代翻译:2005年,黄杲炘 翻译
翻译批评的意义: 推动翻译事业的 发展,促进文化 交流与传播
忠实性原则:翻译应忠实于原文,保持 原文的意思和风格
通顺性原则:翻译后的文本应通顺易懂, 符合目标语言的表达习惯
审美性原则:翻译应注重审美效果,使 读者在阅读过程中获得美的享受
功能性原则:翻译应考虑文本的功能和目的,如文 学、科技、商业等不同领域的翻译要求不同
翻译过程中,译 者需要充分考虑 源语文化源自目标 语文化的差异, 以避免文化冲突
在《简爱》的汉 译过程中,译者 需要关注英汉两 种语言在词汇、 语法、表达方式 等方面的差异, 以实现文化的准
译者还需要注意 源语文化和目标 语文化之间的价 值观差异,以避 免价值观的扭曲
结论:总结《简爱》汉译的 成就与不足,提出改进建议
翻译质量:忠实 原著,语言流畅,
读者接受度:深 受读者喜爱,成
文学价值:推动 了《简爱》在中 国的传播,促进 了中英文学交流
社会影响:激发 了女性自我意识,



Traslater 祝庆英
• 1930年1月生。江苏无锡人。毕业于上海圣约 翰大学英文系。精通英语、西班牙语。毕生耕 耘于外国文学翻译事业。当选为上海市第五届、 第七届人大代表。上海作家协会理事、上海翻 译家协会理事。1997年9月20日逝世。译著长 篇小说《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》([英]乔治·艾 略特著)、《董贝父子》([英]狄更斯著)、 《简爱》([英]夏洛蒂·勃朗特著),短篇小说 集《惩恶扬善故事集》([西班牙]塞万提斯 著),长篇文艺传记《夏洛蒂·勃朗特传》([英] 盖斯凯尔夫人著),参加编纂《法汉词典》并 任责任编辑等。《简爱》一书印行了300余万 册。 (同上 同上) 同上
《简爱》翻译评析Jane eyre
师范10班 沈丹 20090710048 陈月蒙 20090710050 张雯婧 20090710154 胡秋 齐欣
• Jane Eyre is a classic romance novel by Charlotte Brontë which was published in 1847 by Smith, Elder & Company, London, and is one of the most famous British novels of all time. • Charlotte Brontë first published the book as Jane Eyre: An Autobiography under the pseudonym Currer Bell, and it was an instant success, earning the praise of many reviewers, including William Makepeace Thackeray, to whom Charlotte Brontë dedicated her second edition. •



翻译点评 直译和意译
《简 · 爱》第十一章描述了简爱离开枯燥的寄宿学 校开始了在桑菲尔德的新生活。在这里,简· 爱第一 次 作为独立的人安排自己的生活和命运,第一次得到人 格 的平等和尊重,因此,文中有大段的文字描述简爱逃 离 樊笼后飞向自由的无比轻松欢快的心理感受和景物 描 述。
The chamber looked such a bright little place tome, showing papered walls and a carpeted floor, so un- like the bare planks and stained plaster of Lowood, that my spirits rose at the view.

I sometimes wish to have rosy cheeks a straight nose, and small cheery mouth. I desired to me tall stately and freely developed in figure. V1有时候我真希望有玫瑰般的脸颊,直梁 的鼻子和一张樱桃小嘴,渴望有端庄美好 的高身材。
Eg.1:The fact is, I was a trifle beside myself; or rather out of myself ,as the French would say; I was conscious that a moment’s mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties.(chapter2)
小组评论:v1完全采用了直译 的方法,让语言变得很生硬。 而v2翻译的正符合原文的意思。 小组成员认为虽说红喷喷表达 了原文的意思,而且使句子变得 优美,但是这里用红喷喷来形容 脸颊似乎有点不对,感觉用词不 够精准,所以小组认为应改成 红润的脸颊。








狂风,地震和水灾虽然都会降临,但我将听从那依然细微的声音的指引,因为是它解释了良心的命令——夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简· 爱》2、那是时候要是我被抛掷到朝不虑夕苦苦挣扎的生活风暴中去要是艰难痛苦的经历能启发我去向往我现在所深感不满的宁静生活,对我会有多大的教义呀——夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简爱》3、你以为我穷,不美,就没有感情吗?我也有的,假如上帝赐予我美貌与财富,我一定会使你难以离开我,正如我现在难以离开你,上帝没有这样做,但是我们的精神是平等的…… 《简爱》4、“先生,现在我比以前更加爱你,现在我对你可以真正地有用,而以前你却处在骄傲的不依靠人的状态,除了做赏赐者和保护人以外,不屑扮演其他角色。

” 《简爱》5、要是你能忘掉她对你的严厉,忘掉由此而引起的愤慨,你不就会更愉快么?对我来说生命似乎太短暂了,不应用来结仇,记恨。








- 233 -校园英语 / 翻译探究《简爱》第一章两篇译文对比评析天津外国语大学研究生院/宋澄《简•爱》是十九世纪英国的女作家夏洛蒂•勃朗特的代表作,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。




一、词汇1.penetrating rain 祝庆英:透骨的雨;学生:冻雨。

Penetrating 英语解释为:spreading deeply or widely ,汉语解释为:弥漫的,渗透的。






2.questioners 祝庆英:寻根究底的人;学生:好事的人。

Questioner 在字典上的解释为“提出问题的人,提问者”,这里小简爱对舅母的话有些不服,略带质疑的问她自己究竟做错了什么事要受到那样的冷遇,被舅母无情的驳回。






















Eg.2:We entered the quiet and humble temple; the priest waited in his white surplice at the lowly altar, the clerk beside him. (chapter26)
祝译:我们走进肃穆而简陋的教堂。牧师穿着白色的法衣在低低的祭台 那儿等着,书记在他旁边。 在这部小说中, 大部分体现出来的都是基督教文化,因为基督 教在西方盛行,中国多信奉佛教。上例中的clerk 在祝译中用了 “书记”,采用了归化法,虽然表达出了“管理文书和撰写工作的 人”,但并没有明确表达出教堂中专门从事文书管理的角色的含义。
《简·爱》第十一章描述了简爱离开枯燥的寄宿学 校开始了在桑菲尔德的新生活。在这里,简·爱第一
次 作为独立的人安排自己的生活和命运,第一次得到人
格 的平等和尊重,因此,文中有大段的文字描述简爱逃
离 樊笼后飞向自由的无比轻松欢快的心理感受和景物
描 述。
The chamber looked such a bright little place tome, showing papered walls and a carpeted floor, so un- like the bare planks and stained plaster of Lowood, that my spirits rose at the view.
spirits rose at the view.
I sometimes wish to have rosy cheeks a straight nose, and small cheery mouth. I desired to me tall stately and freely developed in figure. V1有时候我真希望有玫瑰般的脸颊,直梁 的鼻子和一张樱桃小嘴,渴望有端庄美好 的高身材。


译文二(黄版)暮色和雪片使空气混混沌沌,连草坪上的 灌木也看不清楚了。
2019/5/23 浅谈《简.爱》的翻译批评与赏析
例2: I knew my traveler with his broad and jetty eyebrows; his square forehead, made square by the horizontal sweep of his black hair.
很明显,后者少了一部分,所以读起来不完 整
• 译作除了在内容上要忠实于原著以外,在 思想感情上也要保持一致,忠实于原作者 的情感。
例如原文中罗切斯特听完简·爱解释人们对 学生的肯定即是对老师最好的礼物后说的话。 “’Humph!’ said Mr. Rochester, and he took his tea in silence.”
2019/5/23 浅谈《简.爱》的翻译批评与赏析
His shape, now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonized in squareness with his physiognomy; I suppose it was a good figure in the athletic sense of the term – broad chested and thin flanked, though neither tall nor graceful.



对简爱的评价的英文翻译(精选15篇)对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇1After reading Jane Eyre,Ithink Jane is a very great woman.She is very intelligent,honest,plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression inequality and hardship.Although she meets with a series of individuals,who threaten her autonomy,Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice,human dignity and morality.She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenge the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor.I admire her very much.In my opinion ,she is a pride of humans.And another main character in the novel is Edward Rochester.As Jane’s emp loyer and the master of Thornfield,Rochesteris a wealthy ,enthusiastic man with a dark secret.What’s more he is very unconventional,to interact with Jane frankly an directly,he can put aside everything he possessed.I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of CharlottoBronte.Although the story is made up ,the heroine and people’s life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around the experience.Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought :everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender.In the actual fact,Jane Eyre wasn’t pretty,even herself knows that,and of course,the ordinary aooearance make others have bad opinion on her.However,in my mind,a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming.If his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance,beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time,only aperson’s great virtue,a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty.Jane Eyre’s story makes me think about future life and I learn much from her experiences,I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs ,regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇21.1. Title (underline)/author:Jane Eyre is a novel written by charlotte Bronte (1816—1855).charlotte brought was born at Thornton in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children. She is a famous novelist as well as her two sisters in nineteenth century. They are all influenced by their father’s library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of genii and the Arabian Nights. Her novels have become enduring classic of English literature.1.2. Publication information:Jane Eyre was first published in1847 in London. Charlotte with her sisters, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.1.3. A brief introduction to the book and the report/reviewThe main part of the story happened in Lowood and in Mr. Rochester’s house,Thorufield Hall. Jane Eyre experienced a hard life and found her happy life.2. Body2.1. What the book is about?Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. The heroine of the book, Jane Eyre, is an orphan, born in a poor family. Because that her parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in this. Young Jane goes to her uncle’s home, but her uncle died in a few days. Jane beganto suffer a discrimination and abuse life due to the assault against the cousin. She was sent to an orphanage in Lowood. She lived in there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. After Jane experienced a tough life she graduates from Lowood, she found a job as a professional tutor in Rochester’s’, Thornfield. After they meet for some time, they began to love each other. Although they meet some unhappy things in their love, Jane married him and has an ideal happy life.2.2. Characters:Jane Eyre is a lovely, kindness, gentleness girl. She has a noble mind, a strong will and a capacity for love. Jane Eyre has a huge courage to pursue her own happiness; her spirits on this is very great.2.3. My opinions about the book:Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. Jane’s experi ence is very similar to Bront. the most impress me is that Jane while longer looks flats, as humble, but do not give up on themselves, and does not vanity, her kindness, gentleness, courage to pursue their own happiness. And finally as the original in order to repay. Her experience made me understood the formation of the original concept of love.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇3I have a intense feeling after reading Jane Eyre. Our fate is not something we can’t overcome, equality needs us to try to get. If you want have a equal chance ,you must pay your hard working ,sweat and a firm conviction for it.This book tells us a model of noble women. Jane was born in a poor family. Her father was a pastor. Unfortunately ,her father and mother passed away within a month one after another. She was taken in by her mother’s brother. However ,she sufferedwith discrimination and maltreating after her mother’s brother’s death. Then she was sent to an orphanage, whose rule was very strict, where the life was very difficult. What’s worse, the headmaster was a grim man. Jane went through lots of hurt from both mentality and body, which included her good friend helen’s death. Jane was tired of living in this condition and she hated the headmaster of the orphanage. On graduating from the orphanage, Jane couldn't wait to applly a job outside, and she got one after all, being a teacher for a big manor. The male owner of the manor was heavehearted, and would be easy to change his mood. He would go to travel often, leaving a ten years old girl and the servants at home. Later ,Jane save the hero from his bed which was burning, she falled in love with the hero. The fact that the hero had married with another woman who was crazy at that time was exposed during their wedding. That evening, Jane left the hero and everything she used to love. Jane was taken in and became the headmaster of a women school. Jane got a lot of property from her uncle. She found his cousin and divided the property equally with her cousin. She refused his cousin’s request that they went to India to do missionary work together. She came back to the manor alone, but the manor was ruins at that time, and the hero was permanent disability. Jane found him and married him. They lived a happy life which they were looking forward to .“I will make you difficult to leave me ,which seems the situation that I can’t leave you, if the god grant me wealth and beautiful. Though the fact is opposite, our spirit is equal. Your soul and mine are equal, your heart and mine are the same absolutely. I am speaking to you with my spirit ,not custom ,not convention, which seems that we are all faced the god in front ofus after our death , for we are equal.”I love the words very much.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇4I am cheerful, and careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking.Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, and other applications, according to the needs of , the completion of the work surface , have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills;Professional advice and product and supplier information in , the feasibility of the program put forward proposals to follow up the problem solving ; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities.本人性格开朗,为人细心,做事一丝不苟,能吃苦耐劳,工作脚踏实地,有较强的责任心,具有团队合作精神,又具有较强的独立工作能力,思维活跃。

Jane Eyre三种汉语译文对比及复译

Jane Eyre三种汉语译文对比及复译

Jane Eyre三种汉语译文对比及复译谢培瑶(20102810018)一、前言《简爱》(Jane Eyre)是十九世纪英国著名女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,是一部具有自传色彩的长篇小说。










初到这里时,费尔法克斯太太(Mrs. Fairfax)的嘘寒问暖、热情接待,让简爱受宠若惊,因为她从来没有收到过这样的重视和款待。

费尔法克斯太太(Mrs. Fairfax)还为她安排了一个舒适的卧房,这使简爱有了第一个属于自己的卧房,仿佛找到了避风港一般。





对简爱的评价的英文翻译(精选14篇)对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇1After reading Jane Eyre,Ithink Jane is a very great woman.She is very intelligent,honest,plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression inequality and hardship.Although she meets with a series of individuals,who threaten her autonomy,Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice,human dignity and morality.She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenge the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor.I admire her very much.In my opinion ,she is a pride of humans.And another main character in the novel is Edward Rochester.As Jane’s emp loyer and the master of Thornfield,Rochesteris a wealthy ,enthusiastic man with a dark secret.What’s more he is very unconventional,to interact with Jane frankly an directly,he can put aside everything he possessed.I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of CharlottoBronte.Although the story is made up ,the heroine and people’s life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around the experience.Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought :everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender.In the actual fact,Jane Eyre wasn’t pretty,even herself knows that,and of course,the ordinary aooearance make others have bad opinion on her.However,in my mind,a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming.If his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance,beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time,only aperson’s great virtue,a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty.Jane Eyre’s story makes me think about future life and I learn much from her experiences,I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs ,regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇21.1. Title (underline)/author:Jane Eyre is a novel written by charlotte Bronte (1816—1855).charlotte brought was born at Thornton in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children. She is a famous novelist as well as her two sisters in nineteenth century. They are all influenced by their father’s library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of genii and the Arabian Nights. Her novels have become enduring classic of English literature.1.2. Publication information:Jane Eyre was first published in1847 in London. Charlotte with her sisters, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.1.3. A brief introduction to the book and the report/reviewThe main part of the story happened in Lowood and in Mr. Rochester’s house,Thorufield Hall. Jane Eyre experienced a hard life and found her happy life.2. Body2.1. What the book is about?Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. The heroine of the book, Jane Eyre, is an orphan, born in a poor family. Because that her parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in this. Young Jane goes to her uncle’s home, but her uncle died in a few days. Jane beganto suffer a discrimination and abuse life due to the assault against the cousin. She was sent to an orphanage in Lowood. She lived in there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. After Jane experienced a tough life she graduates from Lowood, she found a job as a professional tutor in Rochester’s’, Thornfield. After they meet for some time, they began to love each other. Although they meet some unhappy things in their love, Jane married him and has an ideal happy life.2.2. Characters:Jane Eyre is a lovely, kindness, gentleness girl. She has a noble mind, a strong will and a capacity for love. Jane Eyre has a huge courage to pursue her own happiness; her spirits on this is very great.2.3. My opinions about the book:Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. Jane’s experi ence is very similar to Bront. the most impress me is that Jane while longer looks flats, as humble, but do not give up on themselves, and does not vanity, her kindness, gentleness, courage to pursue their own happiness. And finally as the original in order to repay. Her experience made me understood the formation of the original concept of love.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇3I have a intense feeling after reading Jane Eyre. Our fate is not something we can’t overcome, equality needs us to try to get. If you want have a equal chance ,you must pay your hard working ,sweat and a firm conviction for it.This book tells us a model of noble women. Jane was born in a poor family. Her father was a pastor. Unfortunately ,her father and mother passed away within a month one after another. She was taken in by her mother’s brother. However ,she sufferedwith discrimination and maltreating after her mother’s brother’s death. Then she was sent to an orphanage, whose rule was very strict, where the life was very difficult. What’s worse, the headmaster was a grim man. Jane went through lots of hurt from both mentality and body, which included her good friend helen’s death. Jane was tired of living in this condition and she hated the headmaster of the orphanage. On graduating from the orphanage, Jane couldn't wait to applly a job outside, and she got one after all, being a teacher for a big manor. The male owner of the manor was heavehearted, and would be easy to change his mood. He would go to travel often, leaving a ten years old girl and the servants at home. Later ,Jane save the hero from his bed which was burning, she falled in love with the hero. The fact that the hero had married with another woman who was crazy at that time was exposed during their wedding. That evening, Jane left the hero and everything she used to love. Jane was taken in and became the headmaster of a women school. Jane got a lot of property from her uncle. She found his cousin and divided the property equally with her cousin. She refused his cousin’s request that they went to India to do missionary work together. She came back to the manor alone, but the manor was ruins at that time, and the hero was permanent disability. Jane found him and married him. They lived a happy life which they were looking forward to .“I will make you difficult to leave me ,which seems the situation that I can’t leave you, if the god grant me wealth and beautiful. Though the fact is opposite, our spirit is equal. Your soul and mine are equal, your heart and mine are the same absolutely. I am speaking to you with my spirit ,not custom ,not convention, which seems that we are all faced the god in front ofus after our death , for we are equal.”I love the words very much.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇4Have a strong comprehension and understanding, open-minded, agile, able to quickly adapt to different environments.Diligent, practical, responsible, on their own due diligence.Do things seriously, focused, planned, organized, the pursuit of perfection.Good image, gentle personality, stable, strong affinity, good at getting along with others.Patience, tolerance of pressure and frustration.对简爱的评价的英文翻译篇5I am cheerful, and his careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking.Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, and other applications, according to the needs of , the completion of the work surface , have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills;Professional advice and product and supplier information in , the feasibility of the program put forward proposals to follow up the problem solving ; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities.本人性格开朗,为人细心,做事一丝不苟,能吃苦耐劳,工作脚踏实地,有较强的责任心,具有团队合作精神,又具有较强的独立工作能力,思维活跃。

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