洗衣機保用條款及細則Washing Machine Warranty Terms & Conditions1.美的電器(香港)有限公司(“本公司”)保證為洗衣機提供2年免費保養服務。
M idea Electric (Hong Kong) Limited (“The company”) guarantees that a 2-years warranty will be offered for washing machine.2.請於購買日期起10個工作天內,填妥保用證寄回或傳真至本公司客戶服務中心,或在本公司網頁上登記保用,保用證方為有效。
To validate the warranty,please fill in the warranty card and return to Midea Customer Service Center via mail or fax within 10 working days since the purchase date. You may also register the warranty at our official website.3.本公司技術人員上門檢修時,客戶必須同時出示發票正本及本公司發出之保用證以確定是否屬保修期內。
To ensure that the product is still within warranty period,the customer must present the original invoice and Midea issued warranty card when technicians carry out on-siteinspection and maintenance.4.若客戶未能出示上述(第三點)兩項有效文件,該產品則會視為屬非保修期內,客戶需繳付出勤費及修理費(如需更換零件,則需繳付零件費)。
中华人民共和国城镇土地使用税暂行条例国务院令第17号条款失效(2、 4 条款修改) 成文日期:1988-09-27第一条为了合理利用城镇土地,调节土地级差收入,提高土地使用效益,加强土地管理,制定本条例。
1.1 所有员工必须遵守国家法律法规,不得从事任何违法活动。
1.2 公司不得违反国家法律法规进行任何经营活动。
2.1 公司所有员工必须尊重知识产权,不得侵犯他人的专利、
2.2 公司不得使用未经授权的知识产权,包括但不限于盗版软件、盗版音像制品等。
3.1 公司必须遵守环保法律法规,不得进行任何破坏环境的活动。
3.2 公司必须对废弃物进行妥善处理,不得随意排放污染物。
4.1 公司必须保障员工的合法权益,包括但不限于工资福利、
4.2 公司不得进行任何形式的歧视、欺凌、性骚扰等行为。
5.1 公司生产的产品必须符合国家相关标准,不得生产或销售
5.2 公司必须建立健全的质量管理体系,确保产品质量稳定可靠。
6.1 公司必须遵守消费者权益保护法律法规,不得欺诈消费者。
6.2 公司必须提供真实有效的产品信息,不得进行虚假宣传。
7.1 公司所有员工必须维护企业形象,不得进行任何损害公司声誉的行为。
7.2 公司所有员工在公开场合发表言论必须符合公司价值观和宣传口径。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年通用技术研发合作合同条款及执行细则本合同目录一览1. 合作范围与目标1.1 合作研发项目1.2 技术研发任务1.3 研发成果分配2. 合作双方义务2.1 技术提供方的义务2.2 研发实施方的义务2.3 保密义务3. 合作研发期限3.1 研发起始日期3.2 研发终止日期3.3 延长研发期限的条件4. 研发经费与资金管理4.1 经费预算4.2 经费拨付4.3 经费使用监管5. 研发成果权益5.1 知识产权归属5.2 成果分享比例5.3 成果转化与商业化6. 技术交流与沟通6.1 定期会议6.2 信息共享6.3 技术问题解决7. 违约责任7.1 违约行为7.2 违约责任承担7.3 违约赔偿金额8. 争议解决8.1 争议解决方式8.2 仲裁机构8.3 法律适用9. 合同的生效、变更与终止9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同变更程序9.3 合同终止情形10. 保密条款10.1 保密信息范围10.2 保密期限10.3 保密违约责任11. 附则11.1 合同附件11.2 合同解释权11.3 合同修改与补充12. 合作双方的签字盖章12.1 甲方签字盖章12.2 乙方签字盖章13. 合同签订日期13.1 签订日期14. 合同编号14.1 合同编号第一部分:合同如下:第一条合作范围与目标1.1 合作研发项目双方决定在【领域】进行合作研发,合作研发的项目名称为【项目名称】。
1.2 技术研发任务甲方应向乙方提供【技术资料名称】等相关技术资料,乙方根据甲方提供的技术资料进行研发活动,并按照本合同约定的研发成果分配方式,向甲方提供研发成果。
1.3 研发成果分配研发成果的具体分配方式,按照双方另行签订的《研发成果分配协议》执行。
第二条合作双方义务2.1 技术提供方的义务甲方应按照本合同约定的时间和方式,向乙方提供技术资料,并确保技术资料的真实性、完整性和准确性。
第二章:处分的种类、程序、权限(一)处分种类第四条:根据学生所犯错误的性质、情节、造成的后果,偶犯或屡犯,本人对错误的认识和态度,给予下列六种处分:(1)警告; (2)严重警告;(3)记过;(4)记大过;(5)留校察看;(6)勒令退学或开除学籍。
年月日至年月日,每周五在各城市指定合作超市店内刷交通银行信用卡任一单笔消费(不包括购买购物卡)满元人民币,可享受该笔交易刷卡金奖励,交通银行白金信用卡可享%刷卡金奖励. 持开头地交通银行银联信用卡(含联名卡及白金卡)尊享无需单笔消费满元地特别礼遇.交通银行信用卡持卡人须在活动期间通过交通银行信用卡网站或拨打语音热线注册“年最红星期五”活动方可获得奖励资格,成功注册即可参加“年最红星期五”地所有指定活动(包含最红星期五加油及超市活动),本次活动注册有效期为年月日至月日,年月日前注册参加最红星期五活动地客户需重新进行注册,白金卡客户无需注册即可参加“年最红星期五”地所有指定活动.个人收集整理勿做商业用途注册成功后当月及以后符合条件地消费方可获得刷卡金奖励,注册当月之前地消费无法获得奖励.同一客户名下地如下不同种类交通银行信用卡参加相应地最红星期五超市活动:交通银行卜蜂莲花信用卡,沃尔玛信用卡,乐购信用卡限在各自联名商户门店内参加最红星期五超市活动,所获得地刷卡金可在有效期内分别自动抵扣持卡人在该联名商户门店内地刷卡消费,并可分多笔使用.除上述类别外,其他交通银行太平洋信用卡根据本细则条款规定参加.个人收集整理勿做商业用途同一客户名下不同种类交通银行信用卡消费获赠地最红星期五超市活动刷卡金按满足活动条件地交易时间顺序返还刷卡金至相应种类卡片地刷卡金专用账户,同一客户名下同种类交通银行信用卡有多张符合获奖条件地,刷卡金将导入消费额最高地信用卡账户中.每位持卡人每月获赠最红星期五超市类活动刷卡金总价值最高不超过人民币元.当同一客户名下所有信用卡每月所获赠最红星期五超市活动刷卡金合并累计至最高限额时即停止返还. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途本次活动交通银行信用卡主卡及附属卡均可参加,附属卡交易与主卡合并计算,刷卡金将计入主卡账户.持卡人获赠地刷卡金将在消费当月过后天内(含,如遇法定节假日顺延)导入持卡人地交通银行信用卡地刷卡金专用账户,刷卡金导入后将通过短信告知持卡人,持卡人也可自行登录交通银行信用卡网上银行、电话银行、手机银行查询刷卡金地账户及明细信息.个人收集整理勿做商业用途持卡人获赠地刷卡金须在有效期内使用,有效期为刷卡金导入之日起天(含)内,可在有效期内自动抵扣持卡人在指定合作商户内地刷卡消费,并可分多笔使用,指定商户以交通银行信用卡网站公布为准.刷卡金不能直接用于刷卡消费,而是以自动返还地方式,用于部分或全部抵扣符合要求地交易金额,并于符合要求地交易入账后地三日内记入持卡人账户.如持卡人未在有效期内使用刷卡金,则视其自动放弃该奖励,且刷卡金会自动作废.如符合获赠条件地持卡人于活动期间内申请销卡,交通银行有权取消或扣回该持卡人地获赠奖励.刷卡金地获得、查询和使用规则以《刷卡金业务条款及细则》为准,详见交通银行信用卡网站.个人收集整理勿做商业用途如持卡人发生任何违法交易、欺诈或不正常交易、分单交易,或者持卡人账户发生拖欠或呈现不正常状态,或者持卡人在活动期间申请销卡,交通银行保留拒绝该等持卡人参加本活动及取消其获赠任何奖励地权利.个人收集整理勿做商业用途活动期间由于商家地址变更、工程装修、停业整顿或自然灾害等不可抗力原因导致门店未能正常营业地情况与交通银行无关,建议持卡人于参加活动前向商家咨询确认.个人收集整理勿做商业用途各城市参与活动超市、活动时间及活动具体条款细则以交通银行信用卡网站公布为准.交通银行有权在中国法律法规允许地范围内修改本活动条款及细则(包括但不限于延迟或提前终止本活动、更换同等价值礼品等),并于交通银行信用卡网站或其他相关渠道公告后生效,敬请客户留意.客户如对本活动条款及细则有任何疑问,可要求交通银行予以释明.个人收集整理勿做商业用途。
2024年购货合同细则____年购货合同细则第一条:合同订立1.1 乙方同意按照本合同约定的条件和规定向甲方购买货物,甲方同意按照本合同约定的条件和规定向乙方销售货物。
1.2 本合同一经签署,即为双方当事人共同订立的有效合同,具有法律效力。
第二条:合同目的2.1 乙方向甲方购买货物,用于乙方的生产或经营活动。
2.2 甲方向乙方销售货物,用于乙方的生产或经营活动。
第三条:货物描述3.1 乙方购买的货物类型、规格、数量、质量标准和交付时间等详细描述由甲方提供,并附于本合同附件。
第四条:交付方式和时间4.1 甲方应按照本合同约定的交货期限将货物交付给乙方。
4.2 货物的交付方式由甲方自行选择,但应在乙方能够接收的地点将货物交付给乙方。
第五条:货款支付5.1 乙方应按照本合同约定的价格和支付方式,按时向甲方支付货款。
5.2 货款支付方式为银行转账,乙方应在货物交付之前支付全部货款。
5.3 如乙方未按时支付货款,甲方有权要求乙方支付逾期款项,并可要求乙方支付滞纳金。
第六条:合同变更6.1 任何一方在履行本合同过程中,如有需要变更合同内容,应当经过双方协商一致,并以书面形式作出变更协议。
6.2 变更协议应经双方签字盖章后方为有效。
第七条:合同解除7.1 本合同在以下情况下可解除:(1)双方协商一致解除;(2)任何一方严重违反合同约定,经对方书面通知后,未在指定期限内予以改正的;(3)因不可抗力等无法控制的原因无法履行合同的。
7.2 解除合同后,双方应及时返还已获得的相关权益,并赔偿对方因解除合同所造成的实际损失。
第八条:违约责任8.1 任何一方未能履行本合同所规定的义务的,应承担违约责任。
8.2 如乙方未按时支付货款或未按时接收货物的,须向甲方支付违约金。
第九条:争议解决9.1 本合同的订立、解释、履行和变更等事项如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。
9.2 协商不能解决的争议应提交至甲方所在地有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。
7.2、TS 16949标准条款及实施细则.
支持“现场”的外部场所不能获得ISO/TS 16949:2002独立认证。汽车
20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024医院进修人才管理细则及协议条款本合同目录一览第一条:合同主体及定义1.1 甲方:指X医院1.2 乙方:指参与进修的医生、护士等医疗人才第二条:进修人才的基本条件2.1 乙方需具备的相关资质和资格2.2 乙方的工作经历和业务能力要求2.3 乙方的进修计划和目标第三条:进修期限及进修内容3.1 乙方的进修期限3.2 乙方进修的具体内容和要求3.3 乙方进修期间的培训和考核第四条:进修期间的工作安排4.1 乙方向甲方提交的工作计划4.2 甲方为乙方提供的资源和条件4.3 乙方的工作汇报和反馈机制第五条:进修期间的待遇和保障5.1 乙方的工资和福利5.2 甲方为乙方提供的生活和工作保障5.3 乙方的人身安全和保险问题第六条:知识产权和保密协议6.1 乙方在进修期间产生的知识产权归属6.2 乙方的保密义务和保密期限6.3 违反保密协议的法律责任第七条:合同的变更和解除7.1 合同变更的条件和程序7.2 合同解除的条件和程序7.3 合同解除后的相关处理事项第八条:违约责任及争议解决8.1 双方违反合同约定的责任8.2 合同争议的解决方式和法律适用8.3 违约金的计算和支付方式第九条:合同的生效、终止和延续9.1 合同的生效条件9.2 合同的终止条件9.3 合同的延续条件和程序第十条:其他约定10.1 双方认为需要约定的其他事项10.2 双方对合同的解释权和修改权第十一条:合同的签署和生效11.1 合同签署的时间和地点11.2 合同的生效日期11.3 合同的份数和保存方式第十二条:甲方和乙方的联系人和联系方式12.1 甲乙双方的联系人不定期交换和更新12.2 双方联系方式的保密和有效期内保持畅通第十三条:进修成果的评价和反馈13.1 甲方对乙方进修成果的评价标准和程序13.2 乙方对甲方提供的进修条件的评价和建议13.3 评价结果的反馈和改进措施第十四条:进修期间的特殊情况处理14.1 对乙方进修期间出现特殊情况的处理原则14.2 甲方对乙方进修期间特殊情况的协助和支持14.3 特殊情况处理的结果和效果评估第一部分:合同如下:第一条:合同主体及定义1.1 甲方:指X医院,是一家具有独立法人资格的医疗机构,依法从事医疗、预防、保健、康复等服务。
健全税务机关与政府其他管理机关的 信息共享制度。 纳税人、扣缴义务人和其他有关单 位应当按照国家有关规定如实向税务 机关提供与纳税和代扣代缴、代收代缴 税款有关的信息。 第七条 税务机关应当广泛宣传 税收法律、行政法规,普及纳税知识, 无偿地为纳税人提供纳税咨询服务。 第八条 纳税人、扣缴义务人有权 向税务机关了解国家税收法律、行政法 规的规定以及与纳税程序有关的情况。 纳税人、扣缴义务人有权要求税务 机关为纳税人、扣缴义务人的情况保 密。税务机关应当依法为纳税人、扣缴 义务人的情况保密。 纳税人依法享有申请减税、免税、 退税的权利。 纳税人、扣缴义务人对税务机关所 作出的决定,享有陈述权、申辩权;依 法享有申请行政复议、提起行政诉讼、 请求国家赔偿等权利。 纳税人、扣缴义务人有权控告和检 举税务机关、税务人员的违法违纪行 为。 第九条 税务机关应当加强队伍 建设,提高税务人员的政治业务素质。 税务机关、税务人员必须秉公执 法,忠于职守,清正廉洁,礼貌待人, 文明服务,尊重和保护纳税人、扣缴义 务人的权利,依法接受监督。 税务人员不得索贿受贿、徇私舞 弊、 玩忽职守、 不征或者少征应征税款; 不得滥用职权多征税款或者故意刁难 纳税人和扣缴义务人。 第十条 各级税务机关应当建立、 健全内部制约和监督管理制度。 上级税务机关应当对下级税务机 关的执法活动依法进行监督。 各级税务机关应当对其工作人员 执行法律、行政法规和廉洁自律准则的 情况进行监督检查。 第十一条 税务机关负责征收、管
院财政、税务主管部门有关税收的规定 家有关规定,并能正确、完整核算其收入或者所 计算应纳税款、代扣代缴和代收代缴税 得。 款。 第二十五条 扣缴义务人应当自税收法律、 行 政法规规定的扣缴义务发生之日起10日内,按 照所代扣、代收的税种,分别设置代扣代缴、代 收代缴税款账簿。 第二十六条 纳税人、 扣缴义务人会计制度健 全,能够通过计算机正确、完整计算其收入和所 得或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款情况的,其计算 机输出的完整的书面会计记录,可视同会计账 簿。 纳税人、扣缴义务人会计制度不健全,不能 通过计算机正确、完整计算其收入和所得或者代 扣代缴、代收代缴税款情况的,应当建立总账及 与纳税或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款有关的其他 账簿。 第二十一条税务机关是发票的主 管机关,负责发票印制、领购、开具、 取得、保管、缴销的管理和监督。 单位、个人在购销商品、提供或者 接受经营服务以及从事其他经营活动 中,应当按照规定开具、使用、取得发 票。 发票的管理办法由国务院规定。 第二十二条增值税专用发票由国 务院税务主管部门指定的企业印制;其 他发票,按照国务院税务主管部门的规 定,分别由省、自治区、直辖市国家税 务局、地方税务局指定企业印制。 未经前款规定的税务机关指定,不 得印制发票。 第二十三条国家根据税收征收管理的 第二十二条 从事生产、 经营的纳税人应当自领 需要,积极推广使用税控装置。纳税人 取营业执照或者发生纳税义务之日起15日内, 应当按照规定安装、使用税控装置,不 按照国家有关规定设置账簿。 得损毁或者擅自改动税控装置。 前款所称账簿,是指总账、明细账、日记账 以及其他辅助性账簿。总账、日记账应当采用订 本式。 第二十三条 生产、 经营规模小又确无建账能力的 纳税人,可以聘请经批准从事会计代理记账业务 的专业机构或者经税务机关认可的财会人员代 为建账和办理账务;聘请上述机构或者人员有实
TS 16949标准条款及实施细则
TS 16949标准条款及实施细则1范围-1.1总则支持“现场”的外部场所不能获得ISO/TS 16949:2002独立认证。
1.2应用对ISO/TS 16949:2002要求的豁免仅限于以下:1)对于没有产品设计和开发职责的组织,包含在条款7.3中的要求;2)车辆装配组织仅限于由IATF在ISO/TS 16949:2002的第一版“规则”中所规定的豁免。
除上的说明外,质量管理体系必须提及ISO/TS 16949:2002的所有要求。
DAH SING CORPORATE CARD/ CORPORATE PURCHASING CARD TERMS AND CONDITIONSIMPORTANT: Please read this Corporate Cardholder Agreement carefully and make sure that you understand the terms and Conditions before using the Card (as defined below)1. DefinitionsIn the terms and conditions of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:-(a) “ATM" means an automated teller machine installed by the Bank or any other institutions through which a Banking Transaction may be effected.(b) “Bank" means Dah Sing Bank, Limited, its successors and assigns.(c) “Bank Account" means either the account of the Cardholder and/or an account of the Company maintained with the Bank.(d) “Banking Transaction" means a transaction effected through a Bank Account by the use of the Card and the PIN.(e) “Card" means, a Classic Visa Card, Gold Visa Card, Platinum Visa Card, Visa payWave Card, MasterCard Card, Gold MasterCard Card, Platinum MasterCard Card, MasterCard PayPass Card, an Internet Credit Card, RMB Credit Card,Dual Currency Credit Card or any other Credit Cards (howsoever described) from time to time issued by the Bank (alone or in conjunction with other institutions) to the Cardholder and/or the Company (following the joint application and request of the Cardholder and the Company) including any replacement or additional or renewal cards, in the form of a physical card or electronic account.(f) “Card Account" means the account opened and maintained by the Bank in connection with the use of the Card (including an account comprised in the Card) either in the name of the Cardholder or in the name of the Company or both.(g) “Cardholder" means the person to whom a Card bearing that person's name is issued.(h) “Dual Currency Credit Card” means a Credit Card with two Card Accounts comprising a Hong Kong Dollar account and a RMB account.(i) “The Company" means a sole proprietorship, partnership or limited liabilities company at whose request the Card Account is opened and maintained by the Bank, and a Card or Cards issued.(j) “Foreign Exchange Limit" means the maximum cash amount of RMB which an individual is allowed to take out of Mainland China on a single occasion on daily basis as announced by the authorities in Mainland China.(k) “Mainland China” means any part of PRC, other than Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.(l) “MasterCard PayPass Transaction”or “Visa payWave Transaction” means any acquisition of goods or services, including cash withdrawal, cash advance, deposit or transfer whether authorized by the Cardholder or not (subject always to the limit of liability under Clause 9) effected through the contactless payment application device introduced by the Bank on such terms as the Bank may announce from time to time and known as “MasterCard PayPass" or “Visa payWave".(m) “Person" means any individual, corporation, firm, company, institution or other natural or legal person whatsoever.(n) “PIN" means in relation to a Cardholder the Personal Identification Number required to gain access to a terminal and/or ATM.(o) “PRC” means the People’s Republic of China.(p) (p) “RMB” means Renminbi, the lawful currency of PRC.(q) (q) “RMB Card" means a Credit Card using RMB as means of denomination and payment and for use in Mainland China.(r) “Statement" means a monthly statement of account sent by the Bank to the Company and/or Cardholder, setting out the state of account in the Card Account.(s) “Transaction" means any payment for hire or purchase of goods and/or services, cash advance, whether effected with or without the signature of the Cardholder, at any approved point of sale terminal, by telephone, fax, mail, through electronic means or otherwise and includes MasterCard PayPass Transaction of VISA payWave Transaction.(t) Unless the context requires otherwise:-(i) words denoting one gender shall include all other genders; and(ii) words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.2. Applicability of this AgreementThe use of the Card and the operation of the Card and the Bank Account are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time in force and both the Company and the Cardholder agree to be bound by Cardholder's signature on or use of the Card and/or the application form and/or the cardholder nomination form (whether or not the Company or Cardholder has acknowledged receipt of the Card).3. The Card(a) The Card is the property of the Bank and must be surrendered to the Bank upon demand.(b) (i) The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the Card is kept in a safe place and take reasonable steps to keep the Card safe and the PIN secret to prevent fraud. (ii) Transaction instructions must be given in such a way that noconfidential information is disclosed to any third party. The Bank shall not be liable in any way for any disclosure (whether or not authorized or intended) of confidential information to any third party arising out of or in the course of the giving of a Transaction instruction except in case of willful default or negligence. (iii) The Cardholder shall under no circumstances whatsoever allow the Card and/or PIN to be used by or disclosed to any other person. (iv) The Cardholder shall destroy the original printed copy of the PIN. (v) The Cardholder shall in no circumstances write down the PIN on the Card or on anything usually kept with or near the Card. (vi) The PIN shall always be disguised if written down or recorded in any form. (vii) The Cardholder will sign the Card immediately upon receipt. (viii) A renewal card will be issued 30 days prior to the Card expiry date and deemed received and accepted by the Cardholder unless the Bank receives a contrary notice in writing within the said 30 days' period. The Cardholder and the Company undertake to promptly inform the Bank if the renewal card is not received by the Card expiry date. (ix) The Card may be collected by any person authorised in writing by the Company and the recipient's acknowledgment of receipt amounts to acceptance of the terms and conditions herein as amended from time to time. (x) The Card will be issued in the name(s) of the person(s) nominated in writing by the Company. (xi) The Card shall be used exclusively by the Cardholder, and is non-transferable and shall not be pledged by the Company and/or the Cardholder as a security or for unlawful purposes, including payment for any illegal gambling.4. Use of the Card(a) The Card is denominated in RMB or Hong Kong Dollars. RMB Card is, except that a Dual Currency Credit Card is denominated in both RMB (in respect of the RMB account) and Hong Kong Dollars (in respect of the Hong Kong Dollaraccount). RMB Card and (in respect of the RMB account comprised in it) Dual Currency Credit Card are only valid for use in Mainland China (unless otherwise announced by the Bank) and for acquisition of goods and/or services from designated merchants and/or cash advances in RMB at designated ATM or other outlets.(b) The Card may be used:- (i) within the aggregate and individual credit limit notified by the Bank to the Company and/or Cardholder, and for that purpose the Bank shall grant an aggregate credit limit to the Company which aggregate creditlimit shall be allocated by the Bank equally among the Cardholders unless the Company instructs the Bank in writing of the manner of allocation for individual credit limit (for Dual Currency Credit Card, the credit limit is shared among all the accounts comprised in it, and for the purpose of determining whether the credit limit is exceeded, the rates of exchange determined by the Bank shall apply). Both the Company and the Cardholder agree to repay forthwith any amount in excess of the individual and aggregate credit limit (whether demanded or not) together with any special levy at an amount to be determined by the Bank on each occasion the limit is exceeded (ii) between the valid date (if any) and the expiry date embossed on its face or assigned by the Bank. The Bank has the sole discretion to determine the credit limit and to adjust it as the Bank may think fit, and to approve any Transaction which may cause the credit limit to be exceeded. Both the Company and the Cardholder shall be fully liable for all Transactions effected through use of the Card whether or not the credit limit (if applicable) has been exceeded. The credit limit may be cancelled at any time by the Bank without condition or prior notice. Notwithstanding that the Transaction may not result in the credit limit notified by the Bank being exceeded, the Bank may at any time with or without notice, and without giving any reason or liability on the part of the Bank, refuse to approve any Transactions(s) or to act on any relevant instructions.(c) The Cardholder's right to use the Card shall determine forthwith:- (i) in the events mentioned in Clause 11 hereof or; (ii) in the event of loss or theft of the Card.(d) If a Cardholder loses or damages his Card or requires renewal, replacement or additional Cards the Bank may at its discretion issue such Card or Cards as the Cardholder may require and consented to by the Company and for a fee.(e) Use of the Card shall be subject to the terms and conditions current at the time of use, including any amendments or additions and foreign exchange controls provided in Clause 8 herein for RMB Cards.(f) The Card shall not be used for any unlawful purposes including payment for any illegal gambling and the Bank has the absolute discretion to refuse to approve any Transactions(s) or to act on any relevant instructions which it reasonablybelieves or suspects to be illegal or for unlawful purposes.(g) Cash advance may be effected over bank counters or through ATMs in either Hong Kong and/or Mainland China depending on the card brand and as designated by the Bank from time to time and a handling fee and exchange charges ata rate determined by the Bank will be charged in respect of each cash advance under Clause 6(E) hereof.(h) For Dual Currency Credit Card, any Transactions in RMB will be posted to the RMB account, and any Transactions in Hong Kong Dollars or other foreign currency (other than RMB) will be posted to the Hong Kong Dollar account.Notwithstanding the aforesaid, due to the settlement arrangement, some Transactions in RMB may be posted to the Hong Kong Dollar account if the Transaction is processed by the merchant or financial institution in Hong Kong Dollar.(i) RMB Card and Dual Currency Credit Card shall not be used in settling RMB cross-border trade transactions between Mainland China and overseas countries including the region of Hong Kong.5. Billing(a) The Bank will issue a Statement of the Card Account at monthly intervals with record of all Transactions effected by the use of the Card and the annual fees, interest, service or other charges payable but the Bank is entitled not to issue aStatement if there has been no Transaction since the previous Statement.(b) The Statement shall indicate in Hong Kong Dollars or RMB for RMB Card; (in relation to Dual Currency Credit Card, in Hong Kong Dollars for the Hong Kong Dollar account and in RMB for the RMB account);(i) the amount thenoutstanding as at the date of Statement; (ii) the payment due date; (iii) the minimum payment required (if applicable); (iv) (where a Transaction is incurred or processed in a currency other than RMB or Hong Kong Dollars the currency of the Card Account comprised in the Card) the Hong Kong Dollar or (in the case of RMB Card or the RMB account comprised in Dual Currency Credit Card) RMB equivalent of the Transaction at such exchange rate as the Bank may determine.(c) The Statement shall be final and conclusive in the absence of manifest error 60 days after its date and both the Company and the Cardholder agree to (i) examine such Statement and notify the Bank of any error or omission or anyunauthorized transactions within 60 days from the statement date; (ii) inform the Bank if no Statement or regular Statement is received; (iii) pay the entire balance due on demand.(d) The Statement will be sent to the Cardholder and the Company by mail or such other means as may be determined by the Bank. However, if the Cardholder/Company has advised the Bank that he/it does not require the Statement to besent to him/it, the Statement may, at the discretion of the Bank, not be sent to the Cardholder/Company but the Cardholder/Company may by quoting such password as may be assigned by the Bank gain access to the Statement through the internet at such web site as may be designated by the Bank from time to time. In such event the Cardholder/Company undertakes to check the Statement whether through the Internet or otherwise from time to time and in any event no less than once every calendar month to ensure that no unauthorized Transactions have been effected through the Card.6. Charges(a) Minimum Payment Due - (a) Where the Bank permits payment of a minimum sum as stated in the Statement, both the Cardholder and the Company agree to pay the minimum payment due as shown in the Statement on or before thepayment due date as indicated in the Statement. The minimum payment due shall be inclusive of (i) all interests incurred; (ii) all applicable fees and charges (including but not limited to annual service charge); (iii) all outstanding minimum payments; and (iv) an amount of repayment calculated at one percent of the entire outstanding balance as at the date of Statement. For Dual Currency Credit Card, there are separate minimum payments for the RMB account and the Hong Kong Dollar account. (b) The Cardholder and the Company may pay any amount in excess of the minimum payment due. Unless the Cardholder and the Company pay the full amount outstanding, a finance charge will be made in accordance with Clause 6C herein.(b) Credit Excess (a) The Card Account shall be subject to a credit limit determined by the Bank from time to time. (b) The Cardholder and the Company agree to reimburse the Bank forthwith (and in any event not later than the payment duedate on each payment) any amount in excess of each time. (c) The Cardholder and the Company shall pay a special levy (in an amount determined by the Bank) on each occasion the credit limit is exceeded.(c) Finance Charge - (a) No finance charge (other than finance charge on cash advances calculated from date of advance) will be charged on the relevant Card Account shown in the Statement provided that the Cardholder and the Companypay the full amount not later than the payment due date. (b) If the Cardholder and the Company elect to make partial payment or payment of the minimum payments due as stated in the Statement in respect of a Card Account (where a minimum payment provision is contained in the Statement and not otherwise), a finance charge will be made on : (i) the full amounts of the Statement balance in the Relevant Card Account as from date of the Statement until repayment;and (ii) the amount of all new Transactions in respect of the relevant Card Account (other than cash advance the finance charge of which is calculated from date of cash advance) from date of the respective transaction dates of the new Transactions, notwithstanding that such new Transactions are not due for repayment. (c) The finance charge will be at such percentage per month as announced by the Bank (with an annualized percentage rate equivalent) calculated ona daily basis, provided that if there are any delinquent records during a specified period, the finance charge will be of a higher percentage per month as announced by the Bank.(d) Late Charge - A late charge representing a percentage per month will be levied on the full amount of the relevant minimum payment due (where minimum payment is permitted) ; (subject to a minimum sum and a maximum sum asannounced by the Bank) if the Cardholder and the Company fail to make payment of the minimum payment due on or before the payment due date as indicated in the Statement. A late charge will also be levied in case full payment is required as stated in the Statement.(e) Facilities for cash advance (from the Bank through any ATM terminal operated by other approved institutions or bearing the Jetco and/or Visa/MasterCard Logo and/or China UnionPay) will be available if requested for by the Companyand approved by the Bank. The amount of the cash advance shall be subject to the available cash credit limit of the individual Cardholder and the Company and the daily withdrawal limits of any terminals operated or designated by the Bank and for RMB Card subject to the provisions of Clause 8 hereof. A cash advance fee or cash withdrawal fee at such rate as the Bank may determine from time to time by reference to the amount of each cash advance or cash withdrawal, (but subject to a minimum fee) shall be charged to the Card Account, and to be paid before the payment due date specified in the Statement.(f) Service Charge - A non-refundable annual service charge as the Bank may from time to time determine will be charged to the Cardholder's Account every year on a date stipulated by the Bank.(g) Returned Cheque/Rejected Autopay Charge - A handling fee as announced by the Bank will be charged for any cheque issued in settlement of account which is dishonoured or in relation to any autopay authorization which is eitherdishonoured or revoked without the consent of the Bank.(h) Miscellaneous Charges - The Bank may in appropriate circumstances also charge the Cardholder and the Company other fees and charges including but not limited to sales draft retrieval fee, statements retrieval fee and fee for creditbalance withdrawal, at such amounts as determined and announced by the Bank from time to time. All fees and charges payable by the Cardholder and the Company shall be subject to such minimum sum as may be announced by the Bank.(i) Should the Bank accept payment in currencies other than Hong Kong Dollars, (or in the case of RMB Card or the RMB account of a Dual Currency Credit Card, other than RMB), such a payment shall be converted into Hong Kong Dollars(or, as the case may be, RMB) at the Bank's discretion and at a rate of exchange determined by the Bank and/or at a rate of exchange determined by Visa International, and/or MasterCard International and/or China UnionPay and for a fee as announced by the Bank, and/or Visa International, and/or MasterCard International and/or China UnionPay. Any such fees and charges shall be debited into the Card Account.7. Repayment(a) Payment received shall be applied first towards interest or finance charges; and secondly towards other fees and costs, legal or otherwise; and thirdly towards repayment of cash advance, and fourthly towards reimbursement of the costsof Transactions; provided that the outstanding amount due for the longest period under each of these categories shall be satisfied first. For Dual Currency Credit Card, debit balance in the Hong Kong Dollar account and RMB account shall be settled separately and in their respective currencies, and any excess payment to any one account will not be credited towards settlement of the outstanding balance of the other account.(b) Payment Method - Unless the Statement mentions and permits payment of a minimum sum out of the total outstanding due, the Company and the Cardholder jointly and severally agree to pay the full amount due as shown in theStatement on or before the payment due date.(c) Payment to the Bank may be made by such means as the Bank shall from time to time stipulate. If payments are made by the use of a customer activated terminal, such payment will be subject to the terms and conditions of the terminalor the Bank's transaction records and deposit envelopes.(d) Deposits by the use of the Card on any ATM whether by cheque or by cash will only be credited after verification and collection.(e) If the Bank shall have incurred any legal fees for the recovery of any sums, costs and expenses payable hereunder by the Cardholder and the Company or as a result of the enforcement of any terms or conditions hereof, the Cardholderand the Company shall fully reimburse the Bank of all such legal fees and other fees or expenses incurred in that connection without any deduction whatsoever (in reasonable amounts and as reasonably incurred and detailed breakdown of such legal fees and expenses shall be provided by the Bank at the request of the Cardholder and the Company).(f) The Cardholder shall directly settle disputes between merchants and the Cardholder for goods and services purchased and the Bank shall not be responsible for goods and services supplied by merchants or for refusal or failure of anymerchant to accept or honour the Card or provide the goods or services purchased. The Cardholder and the Company shall be responsible for the payment of the amount of any transaction notwithstanding the refusal or failure by the merchant to supply the goods or services purchased.(g) Where payment is made by means of a bank draft or any other similar instrument, only such amount net of collection, administrative or handling fees for processing such bank draft or instrument will be credited into the Card Account.(h) Credits to the Card Account for refunds made by merchants will be made only when the Bank receives a properly issued credit voucher duly signed by the merchants making the refund.(i) Payment shall only be deemed to have been made when actually received by the Bank and without any set off, claim, condition, restriction, deduction or withholding whatsoever.(j) For RMB Cards, payments made to the Bank shall be in RMB at designated locations in Mainland China (or, at the option of the Cardholder/Company, in Hong Kong dollars at designated locations in Hong Kong) at an exchange rate determined by the Bank. Should the Bank accept payment in currencies other than RMB or Hong Kong Dollars the currency of the relevant Card Account, such a payment shall be converted into RMB or Hong Kong Dollars the currency of the relevant Card Account at the Bank's discretion and at a rate of exchange determined by the Bank and for a fee as announced by the Bank. Any conversion fees shall be debited into the Card Account.8. (For RMB Cards and the RMB account of Dual Currency Credit Cards only) Credit Balance and Cash Advance(A) (a) If there is any credit balance in the Card Account ("Credit Balance") after settlement of all Transaction fee and charges, the Cardholder may collect the entire Credit Balance (or any part thereof) in RMB at designated locations inMainland China. (b) The Cardholder may also withdraw the entire Credit Balance in Hong Kong and in Hong Kong dollars on termination of the Card Account or where the Credit Balance does not exceed the Foreign Exchange Limit. (c) Where the Foreign Exchange Limit is exceeded, the Cardholder may only withdraw Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong up to the Foreign Exchange Limit with the remaining Credit Balance to be withdrawn in Mainland China and in RMB. (d) Notwithstanding anything aforesaid, the Bank has the sole discretion to refund the Credit Balance either in Hong Kong dollars or RMB and at such locations as the Bank may determine and the Bank is entitled to charge a handling fee anda currency conversion fee (where applicable) at a rate determined by the Bank for each such refund.(B) Cash Advance can be made in Mainland China subject to the available Credit Limit and the Foreign Exchange Limit.(C) The Cardholder and the Company shall observe all laws and regulations from time to time in force in Mainland China in relation to the use of the Cards in Mainland China.9. Loss and Theft(a) The Cardholder must report to the Bank and to the Police in writing as soon as reasonably practicable after he finds any loss or theft of the Card or disclosure of the PIN to any unauthorised person. In any event, the Cardholder and theCompany shall be jointly and severally responsible for all Transactions, costs and damages effected or caused by the use of the Card whether or not authorised by the Cardholder or the Company(b) If the Cardholder reports the loss or theft or unauthorized disclosure as soon as reasonably practicable after he finds any loss or theft of the Card or unauthorized disclosure of the PIN and had acted diligently and in good faith (includingtaking reasonable steps to safeguard the safety of the Card and the secrecy of the PIN and keep the PIN separately from the Card) the maximum liability of the Cardholder shall not exceed HK$500.00.(c) The limit of liability is confined to loss specifically related to the Card Account and in circumstances described above and does not cover cash advance, or cases involving fraud or negligence or when the Cardholder has failed to informthe Bank as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that the Card has been lost or stolen or that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of the PIN when the Cardholder is liable for all losses.10. Amendments and Additions(a) The Bank hereby reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions hereof including but not limited to the rates of interest charges or amount of fees and method of payment or to provide additional terms at any time and from time totime to take effect on the date stipulated by the Bank (where any such amendments involving an increase of annualized percentage rate or a significant change in the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Bank shall give notice to the Cardholder and the Company, which shall be not less than 60 days before the change takes effect). For other amendments relating to an increase in the Bank's fee or charges and/or affecting the liabilities and obligations of the Cardholder or the Company, the Bank shall give at least 30 days' prior notice to the Cardholder and the Company unless it is not practicable for the Bank to do so. In such other cases, reasonable notice shall be given.(b) If the Cardholder and the Company do not accept such amendments or additions, the Cardholder shall in conjunction with the Company before the day when the amendment or addition is to take effect give written notice to the Bankterminating the Card Account and the use of the Card and returning the Card and the Bank shall repay the annual or other periodic fee of the Card on a pro-rata basis, if the fee can be separately distinguished and unless the amount involved is minimal.(c) If the Cardholder uses or retains the Card after the relevant date mentioned in Clause 10(b) hereof, the Cardholder and the Company shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to such amendments and additions without reservation.(d) The Bank may give notice of amendment or addition in a Statement, which shall be served by ordinary post to the address last notified to the Bank by the Cardholder and the Company and deemed served on the day after posting, or bydisplay at its branches, press advertisement or otherwise, stipulating a date on which such amendment or addition shall take effect. Service on either the Cardholder or the Company shall be deemed service on both.11. Breach and Termination(A) BreachIn event of any breach of the terms of this Agreement the Cardholder and the Company shall jointly and severally pay to the Bank on demand (i) all monies due as at date of demand (or subsequent demands); (ii) all losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fee as stated above and collector fee) arising out of the use of the Card by the Cardholder.(B) Termination(a) Use of the Card and the credit limit granted by the Bank in relation to the use of the Card shall be subject to termination or cancellation at any time unconditionally by the Bank without giving any prior notice or reason therefor .(b) The Bank reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, cancel or terminate the use of the Card and any services thereby offered or disapprove any Transaction (including Banking Transaction) without giving any prior notice or reason andthe Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature which the Cardholder or the Company may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of such suspension, withdrawal, cancellation, termination or disapproval unless caused by the Bank’s negligence or willful default and whereupon the Cardholder and the Company shall surrender the Ca rd unconditionally and immediately on demand.(c) The Cardholder and the Company may at any time terminate the use of the Card. Any notice by a Cardholder or the Company shall be in writing and returning the Card (and notice by either the Company or the Cardholder issufficient) and both the Cardholder and the Company shall be jointly and severally liable for all Transactions effected through the use of the Card prior to the Bank's receipt of the surrendered Card (duly defaced by cutting off the front top right-hand corner ensuring that both the hologram and magnetic tape have been cut).(d) Use of Dual Currency Credit Card shall be terminated upon termination of either the Hong Kong Dollar account or RMB account comprised in it.(e) Upon termination or cancellation for whatever reason, the provisions of Clause 11A (i) and (ii) shall apply.12. Exclusion of Liability(A) The Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Cardholder or the Company in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of(a) any defect in any goods or services supplied;(b) the refusal of any person or terminal to honour or accept a Card;(c) the malfunction of any computer terminal or contactless payment application device;(d) the giving of a Transaction instruction other than by a Cardholder;(e) any statement made by any person requesting the return of the Card or any act performed by any person in conjunction therewith;(f) the exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure surrender of the Card prior to the expiry date embossed on its face, whether such demand and surrender are made and/or procured by the Bank or by any other person orcomputer terminal;(g) the exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card or the Card Account pursuant to Clause 11 herein;(h) any injury to the credit character and reputation of the Cardholder or the Company in and about the repossession of the Card, any request for its return or the refusal of any person to honour or accept the Card.(B) N othing in 12A shall exempt the Bank from liabilities where there is wilful default or negligence or where such exclusion is prohibited by the laws of Hong Kong.13. Disclosure and Use of InformationThe Bank may from time to time send to the Cardholder &/or the Company its Notice to Custome rs relating to Customers’ Data (the “Notice”). The current version of the Notice may also be made available on the website of the Bank from time to time. The Bank may use the data of the Cardholder &/or the Company for such purposes and disclose the same to such classes of persons as set out in such Notice from time to time.14. Expenses of EnforcementThe Cardholder and the Company acknowledge that the Bank may appoint agents for the collection of any money due by the Cardholder and the Company and without prejudice to the indemnity in Clause 7(e) herein, the Cardholder and the Company agree to indemnify the Bank on demand all costs, expenses and charges in such collection (in reasonable amounts and were reasonably incurred and detailed breakdown of such costs, expenses and charges shall be provided by the Bank at the request of the Cardholder and the Company).15. ATM Facilities (If applicable)Except to the extent that these terms and conditions require otherwise the Bank Accounts shall be governed by the respective prevailing terms and conditions of the Bank Accounts and the terms and conditions governing the Bank Accounts operated through ATM or any other devices or terminals for effecting payment or deposit or transfer of funds by electronic means from time to time announced by the Bank, including any banking or foreign exchange regulations and terms and conditions in Mainland China.16. Use of Dah Sing Credit Card 24-Hour Phone Banking Service System (“the System") (If available)(a) The Cardholder shall strictly follow such operating instructions for the use of the System as from time to time issued by the Bank;(b) The Bank is authorized to act on any Instructions which the Bank in good faith believes emanate from the Cardholder, and in no circumstances shall the Bank be liable to the Cardholder or the Company for acting in good faith andwithout negligence upon Instructions which turn out to have emanated from fraudulent or unauthorized persons and the Bank shall not be under any duty to verify the identity of the persons giving Instructions purportedly in the name of the Cardholder.(c) Any information given by the System is for reference only. The Bank shall not be liable or responsible for the sufficiency or accuracy of the information so given and the Bank reserves the right to update and vary such information fromtime to time and at any time.(d) In connection with the use of the System, the Bank makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such warranties to beimplied with respect to the information given or services furnished by or in connection with the use of the System. In the absence of negligence, the Bank shall not under any circumstances be liable or responsible in contract, tort or otherwise for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) of whatever nature or extent arising out of or in connection with any act, omission, error (except in case of negligence or wilful default) of the Bank in connection with the use by the Cardholder of the System including, but not limited to, the Bank acting upon any fraudulent and/or unauthorized Instructions, any failure, delay or default on the part of the Bank due wholly or in part to defects, delays, malfunction, interruptions, failures or lack of security in any communication line, telephone, computer system or other equipment used for or in connection with the operation of the System or any cause beyond the Bank's control.(e) The Cardholder and the Company shall be responsible for all consequence of any Instructions and/or his use of the System and shall keep the Bank indemnified at all times against all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages,losses, costs and expenses (in reasonable amounts and were reasonably incurred and detailed breakdown of such costs and expenses shall be provided by the Bank at the request of the Cardholder and the Company) which may be brought against or incurred by the Bank and which arise directly or indirectly out of or in connection with his use of the System unless due to the wilful default or negligence of the Bank such indemnity shall continue notwithstanding the termination of the Dah Sing Credit Card 24-Hour Phone Banking Service.(f) The Bank may (but shall not be obliged to) record and the Cardholder and the Company hereby consent to the Bank recording Instructions by writing and/or tape recording and/or any other method and such record of any Instructionsshall be conclusive and binding on the Cardholder and the Company.(g) Nothing herein shall operate so as to exclude or restrict any liability, the exclusion or restriction of which is prohibited by the laws of Hong Kong.(h) For the purposes of the foregoing, "Instructions" means any instructions given by the Cardholder or purported to be given by the Cardholder for the use or in connection with the use of the System.(i) The Bank may at any time terminate the Dah Sing Credit Card 24-Hour Phone Banking Service without notice, without assigning any reason and without incurring any liability to the Cardholder and/or the Company.(j) No warranty is given by the Bank that any or all of the service mentioned herein would be available and the Bank may announce from time to time such service or additional services available as the Bank may deem appropriate.17. Cancellation and Set Off Right(a) The Bank may (where the circumstances are considered reasonable) at any time suspend, withdraw, cancel or terminate the Card and/or any related services offered and/or disapprove any proposed Transaction and may not give anyreason. Although prior notice of any such step may be given, this will not always be possible. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature suffered or incurred by the Company and/or the Cardholder whether directly or indirectly as a result of suc h suspension, withdrawal, cancellation, determination or disapproval unless caused by the Bank’s negligence or wilful default. The Company and Cardholder shall unconditionally and immediately upon demand return the Card to the Bank.(b) In addition to any right of set-off or other general lien or similar right to which the Bank may be entitled in law, the Company and the Cardholder hereby agree that the Bank shall have the right and is authorized to the fullest extentpermitted by law, at any time and from time to time hereafter and, without prior notice to the Company and/or the Cardholder, to set-off and/or initiate transfers of and apply all or any of the credit balances (whether or not matured or due and payable or subject to any notice or not, and including property in the possession or control of the Bank) of the accounts (whether or not in Hong Kong or foreign currency) maintained with the Bank or with any Bank Group Company, whether singly held by the Company and/or the Cardholder or jointly with another person, in or towards discharging the Company’s and/or the Cardholder’s liabilities to the Bank. Insofar as any of the sums may only be due to the Bank contingently or in future, the liability of the Bank or any Bank Group Company to the Company and the Cardholder to make payment of any sums standing to the credit of any such accounts will to the extent necessary to cover such sums be suspended until the happening of the contingency or future event. The Bank’s right under this clause will most likel y be exercised by the Bank if the Company and/or the Cardholder fails to repay any outstanding indebtedness due to the Bank. Where such combination, set-off or transfer require the conversion of one currency into another, such conversion shall be calculated at the then prevailing spot rate of exchange of the Bank as absolutely determined by the Bank (the details of which will be provided to the Company and/or the Cardholder upon request). For the purpose of this clause, the expression "Bank Group Company" means holding company of the Bank, any subsidiary of the Bank or of its holding company and all associated or related companies.18. Law and Language(a) This Agreement shall be construed by Hong Kong Laws and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts, and the terms herein may be enforced in any place where the Cardholder and theCompany or his and its assets may be found.(b) If at any time, any of these terms and conditions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected thereby.(c) Nothing in this Agreement shall operate so as to exclude or restrict any liability, the exclusion or restriction of which is prohibited by the laws of Hong Kong.(d) This Agreement is written in both English and Chinese and in the event of conflict, the English version shall prevail.。
租赁车辆专属保险协议及服务细则本合同目录一览1. 租赁车辆专属保险协议1.1 保险范围与责任1.1.1 车辆损失保险1.1.2 第三者责任保险1.1.3 乘客意外伤害保险1.1.4 盗窃保险1.2 保险费用的支付1.2.1 保险费用的计算1.2.2 保险费用的支付方式1.3 保险理赔流程1.3.1 理赔申请1.3.2 理赔材料的提交1.3.3 理赔金额的支付2. 租赁车辆服务细则2.1 租赁车辆的交付与归还2.1.1 交付时间与地点2.1.2 归还时间与地点2.1.3 车辆交付与归还的检查事项2.2 租赁车辆的使用与管理2.2.1 使用注意事项2.2.2 车辆维护与保养2.2.3 车辆故障与维修2.3 租赁车辆的押金与费用2.3.1 押金的金额与支付2.3.2 押金的退还条件与时间2.3.3 额外费用的计算与支付3. 违约责任与争议解决3.1 违约行为的处理3.1.1 违反租赁车辆使用规定的处理3.1.2 违反保险规定的处理3.2 争议解决方式3.2.1 协商解决3.2.2 提交仲裁机构仲裁3.2.3 向人民法院提起诉讼4. 其他事项4.1 合同的有效期4.2 合同的修改与补充4.3 合同的解除与终止4.4 合同的继承与转让5. 附件5.1 租赁车辆专属保险条款5.2 租赁车辆交付与归还检查表5.3 租赁车辆押金支付凭证5.4 租赁车辆费用明细表第一部分:合同如下:第一条租赁车辆专属保险协议1.1 保险范围与责任1.1.1 车辆损失保险租赁期间,因自然灾害、意外事故导致的租赁车辆损失,包括但不限于碰撞、火灾、雷击、盗窃等,由保险公司按照保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
1.1.2 第三者责任保险租赁期间,租赁车辆因使用发生交通事故,造成第三者人身伤亡或财产损失的,由保险公司按照保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
1.1.3 乘客意外伤害保险租赁期间,租赁车辆发生交通事故,造成乘客人身伤亡的,由保险公司按照保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
二、保密协议范本1. 协议双方甲方:________________(企业名称)乙方:________________(企业名称)2. 定义- 保密信息:指任何一方在合作过程中披露的与业务、技术、管理、财务等相关的未公开信息。
3. 保密义务1. 双方承诺对保密信息予以严格保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露。
2. 双方同意采取合理的措施确保其员工、代理人及关联方遵守本协议的保密条款。
4. 保密信息的例外以下情况不适用保密义务:1. 信息在披露时已为公众所知;2. 信息在接收方未违约的情况下,后续成为公众所知的信息;3. 接收方在未使用保密信息的情况下,自己独立研发的信息;4. 法律、法规或法院命令要求披露的信息。
5. 协议的有效期本协议自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为________年。
6. 违约责任如一方违反本协议的保密条款,应承担由此产生的所有损失及赔偿责任。
7. 争议解决因本协议引起的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
8. 其他条款1. 本协议未尽事宜,由双方另行协商确定。
2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(签章):________________乙方(签章):________________签署日期:______年____月____日三、实施细则1. 信息管理- 确保所有保密信息存储于安全系统,限制访问权限。
- 定期对保密信息进行审查,确保信息的及时更新和维护。
2. 培训与意识- 对所有工作人员进行保密意识教育,确保每位员工理解保密协议的意义和实施要求。
3. 监督与评估- 定期评估保密协议的执行情况,发现问题及时纠正。
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