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中餐菜单中英文对照(一)(2008-06-14 17:37:49)标签:杂谈分类:生活小百科

鱼香茄子 fish-flavored eggplants

炒甜椒 stir-fried green peppers

炒芹菜 sautéed celery

焖白菜 braised cabbage

炒酸白菜 sautéed sour cabbage

炒蚕豆 sautéed broad beans

炒豆芽 sautéed bean sprouts

虾仁炒黄瓜 sautéed cucumber with shrimp

炒豆角 sautéed string beans

炒土豆片 sautéed potato cutlets

酸辣莴笋丝 marinated lettuce with hot&sour dressing

海米白菜 Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps

烤二条 braised bamboo shoots and mushrooms

素三样 three vegetable delicacies

炒玉兰片 stir-fried bamboo shoot slices

拼盘 assorted cold dishes

粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour

回锅肉 twice-cooked pork

椒酱肉 mixed meat with chili

扣肉 braised pork

梅干菜扣肉 braised pork with preserved vegetable 咕咾肉 fried pork with sweet and sour sauce

酱爆肉 fried sliced pork with brown sauce

炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork

酱爆肉丁 spiced pork dices

蒜泥白肉 shredded pork with garlic sauce

葱烹白肉 white pork with leeks

宫保肉丁 spicy pork dices with roasted peanuts 炒木须肉 stir-fried pork with eggs

红烧肘子 braised pork joint

炸肉丸 deep-fried meat balls

红烧狮子头 stewed meatballs with brown sauce 炒肉片 fried pork slices

红烧肉 pork braised in brown sauce

烤乳猪 roast suckling pig

酱猪肘 spiced pork leg, spiced pig’s leg

酱猪肚 roast pig’s tripe

烧猪肠 stewed pig’s intestines

炒大肠 fried pig’s large intestines

蜜汁火腿 honey ham

叉烧肉 Guangdong style barbecued pork

香肠 sausage

肉松 dried meat floss

肉冻 jellied meat

鱼香肉片 fish-flavored pork cutlets

糖醋里脊 sweet and sour fillet of pork

酱爆肉丁 diced pork fillet in bean sauce

红烧蹄筋 stewed pork sinew in brown sauce

东坡肉 Dongpo’s braised pork

炒腰花 sautéed kidney slices

炒猪肝 fried pork livers

五香排骨 braised ribs with spices

糖醋排骨 sweat and sour spareribs

红烧排骨 spareribs with brown sauce

粉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with rice flour

腰果肉丁 diced pork with cashew nuts

中餐菜单中英文对照(二)(2008-06-14 17:46:23)

标签:杂谈分类:生活小百科黄瓜肉丁diced pork with cucumber

青豌豆肉丁diced pork with green peas

蚂蚁上树vermicelli with spicy minced pork

炒肉丝fried shredded pork

冬笋炒肉丝shredded pork with bamboo shoots

咖喱牛肉curry beef

手扒羊肉mutton eaten with hands

牛羊肉泡馍shredded cakes in mutton and beef soup

干炒牛肉丝stir-fried beef with hot pepper

五香牛肉spiced beef

麻辣牛肉sauté of beef with hot pepper

葱爆羊肉quick-fried mutton with green onion

蚝油牛肉beef in oyster sauce

小笼牛肉steamed beef

小牛肉排veal cutlet

烧羔羊肉roast lamb

四味牛肉beef with four flavors

青椒牛肉fried beef with green pepper

红焖牛肉stewed beef

洋葱炒牛肉片stir-fried beef cutlets with onion

烤羊肉roast mutton

涮羊肉rinsed mutton in Mongolian hot pot

茄汁牛肉饼fried beef pie with tomato sauce

爆牛肚fired tripes

怪味牛百叶Sichuan style ox tripe

蒜泥牛百叶garlic flavored ox tripe

烤羊肉串mutton cubes roasted on a skewer

香酥鸡fried crisp chicked

葫芦鸡gourd-shaped chick,roasted whole chicken
