人教版高中英语必修一高一上学期1册Unit 5测试(浙江)

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14-15学年新课标高一上学期1册Unit 5测试(浙江)

Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)



1. —Is Mathew still here?

—_____ I’ve just seen him.

A. I think so.

B. I don’t believe so

C. I don’t care.

D. I’m with you.

2. As _____ matter of fact, if you don’t get this finished in time, you’ll be in _____ trouble.

A. the; the

B. a; the

C. the; a

D. a; 不填

3. Jack _____ at the local grammar school, after which he went to Cambridge.

A. educated

B. has educated

C. was educated

D. is educated

4. Troops were sent to the earthquake-stricken area _____ the purpose of assisting refugees (难民).

A. for

B. to

C. on

D. towards

5. —Are you ready to go?

—_____ I don’t quite follow you.

A. Pardon?

B. Who knows?

C. Not really.

D. It’s up to you.

6. —I feel sick — I _____ have eaten all that dessert.

—Well, I told you so.

A. wouldn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. couldn’t

D. mustn’t

7. When an idea for a song comes to me, I _____ it _____ on paper immediately.

A. set; up

B. set; down

C. turn; up

D. turn; down

8. The policeman says that they will look into the accident _____ the rescue comes to an end.

A. once

B. until

C. since

D. unless

9. I’m afraid the bridge over the river is too narrow for students _____.

A. walk on

B. being walked on

C. walking on

D. to walk on

10. —Most peasants had no access to health care in the past.

—Fortunately, this is _____ the case.

A. not more

B. no longer

C. no any more

D. not longer

11. Every day I watch the program, but it is too short, _____ only 20 minutes.

A. continuing

B. keeping

C. lasting

D. playing

12. Our teacher asked me _____ I had discussed the plan for our picnic.

A. that

B. who

C. whom

D. with whom

13. I’d prefer _____ if you didn’t smoke in front of the children.

A. them

B. it

C. you

D. one

14. —How did you find your trip to Thailand?

—_____ I can’t speak too highly of it.

A. You said it.

B. It’s awful!

C. Don’t mention it.

D. Oh, wonderful indeed!

15. The manager was quite interested in the way _____ you thought of to solve the problem.

A. in which

B. what

C. that

D. by which

16. I picked some roses and only then _____ that my mother’s favorite vase was missing.

A. I noticed

B. noticed I

C. I did notice

D. did I notice

17. You are the first person in our family _____ from college, and that makes me proud.

A. graduating

B. having graduated

C. to graduate

D. being graduated

18. There are over 6,000 students in the university, many of _____ come from overseas.

A. them

B. whom

C. which

D. those

19. “I would not make any ______ on the reports that are completely baseless,” the spokesman said.

A. comment

B. sense

C. view

D. attitude

20. Lucy kept weighing herself to see how _____ heavier she was getting.

A. too

B. very

C. much

D. rather

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1 分,满分20分)

When Jack Buzzi looked out the window during the worst of the storm, he saw something 21 : his neighbor’s house was floating on the water. Part of the top floor had 22 , and the rest of the house was shaking. At the same time, Buzzi was on the phone with his friend Jack Ward, whose 23 Kathey Ward, 60, owned the house. The men 24 that she was in danger.

Buzzi hung up, threw on (匆匆穿上) boots and a 25 , took two life jackets and went outside. Then he waded (跋涉) through deep water toward what 26 of Kathey’s house. He yelled at Kathey, but she didn’t 27 . “The roof had collapsed (倒塌), maybe she was 28 ,” Buzzi says.

He waded back home and 29 Jack again. Jack told him he had finally 30 his sister on the phone. She was 31 but uninjured. Buzzi headed back 32 the storm and finally found her on the second floor of her home. She was surprisingly 33 .

“I knew you would 34 so I didn’t worry,” Kathey said. She’d been sitting in the only room of the house that didn’t get 35 . Buzzi gave her a life jacket and guided her through the 36 to his house.

The next morning, Buzzi and Kathey used a 37 to rescue Kathey’s sister Mary Ward and Mary’s boyfriend, who’d been trapped in Mary’s flooded house.

Paddling back, Buzzi spotted the local carpenter Nick Spino, who had 38 the night on his neighbor’s roof.

Despite a flooded basement, Buzzi let six neighbors stay with him 39 they left five days later.

“It’s human 40 , right?” he says. “We protect each other.”

21. A. natural B. obvious C. horrible D. amusing

22. A. broken off B. shown off C. settled down D. taken down

23. A. mother B. sister C. aunt D. grandmother

24. A. confirmed B. remembered C. feared D. imagined

25. A. shirt B. quilt C. raincoat D. sweater
