
What are you? Are you a pessimist, who thinks negatively about the world and the future? Or are you an optimist, who thinks things are getting better and better? These questions are important to you and how you live your life. They are also important to scientists who do research in psychology. In this article, I will introduce the findings of these researchers. I will also point out some things that you can do in order to change your life for the better.Consequences of Optimism and PessimismA fast-growing body of research -104 studies so far, involving some 15,000 people -is proving that optimistic thinking can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimistic thinking leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness, and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness. “If we could teach people to think more positively,” says the psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University in Houston, “it would help them fight against these mental illnesses.”One’s Belief in Success“Your abilities do count,” explains psychologist Michael F. Scheier of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, “but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will.” In part, that’s because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways.Take, for example, your job. In a major study, psychologist Martin E.P. Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania and his colleague Peter Schulman surveyed sales representatives at a life insurance company. They found that the positive-thinkers among longtime representatives sold 37% more insurance than did the negative thinkers. Of newly hired representatives, optimists sold 20% more.Impressed, the company hired 100 people who had failed the standard industry test but had scored high on optimism. These people, who might never have been hired, sold 10% more insurance than did the average representative.The Secret to an Optimist’s SuccessHow did they do it? The secret to an optimist’s success, according to Seligman, is in his “explanatory style”. When things go wrong, the pessimist tends to blame himself. “I’m no good at this,” he says, “I always fail.” The optimist looks for other things to blame. He blames the weather, the phone connections, even the other person. That customer was in a bad mood, he thinks. When things go right, the optimist takes credit while the pessimist sees success as the result of good luck.同济大学2020级英语专业大学英语(4)期末试卷(七)Part II Reading Comprehension (35points)Section A (Fast Reading). (10points)Directions: In this section, you will have to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 32-38, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B), C) and D) and write your answers on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 39-41, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage and write your answers on Answer Sheet 2.Craig Anderson once had a group of students give phone calls to strangers and ask them to give blood to the Red Cross. When they failed on the first call or two, pessimists said, “I can’t do this.” Optimists told themselves, “I need to try a different approach.”Negative or positive, it was a self-fulfilling statement. “If people feel hopeless,” says Anderson, “they don’t bother to acquire the skills they need to succeed.”A sense of control, according to Anderson, is the test for success. The optimist feels in control of his own life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and reaching out for advice. The pessimist feels like he is fate’s plaything and moves slowly. He doesn’t seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.Effects of Optimism and Pessimism on HealthOptimists may think they are better than the facts would justify-and sometimes that’s what keeps them alive. Dr. Sandra Levy of the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute studied women with advanced breast cancer. For the women who were generally optimistic, there was a longer disease-free interval, the best predictor of survival. In a pilot study of women in the early stages of breast cancer, Dr. Levy found the disease came on sooner among the pessimists.Optimistic thinking won’t cure the incurable or create miracles, but it may prevent some illnesses. In a long-term study, researchers met with and examined the health histories of a group of Harvard graduates, all of whom were in the top half of their class and in fine physical condition; yet some were positive thinkers, and some negative. Twenty years later, when researchers met with them again, there were more middle-age diseases among the pessimists than the optimists. Clearly, pessimistic and optimistic thinking had an effect on their health.Many studies suggest that the pessimist’s feeling of helplessness undermines the body’s natural defenses, the immune system. Dr. Christopher Peterson of the University of Michigan has found that the pessimist doesn’t take good care of himself.Feeling passive and unable to escape life’s blows, he expects poor health and other misfortunes, no matter what he does. He eats bad food, avoid exercise, ignores the doctor, and drinks too much alcohol.Causes of Optimism and PessimismMost people are a mix of optimistic and pessimistic thinkers, but they are inclined in one direction or the other. It is a pattern of thinking learned “at your mother’s knee”, says Seligman. It grows out of thousands of warnings or encouragements, negative statements or positive ones. Too many “don’ts” and warnings of danger can make a child feel incompetent, fearful and-pessimistic.As they grow, children experience small triumphs, such as learning to tie their shoes or riding a bicycle. Parents can help turn these successes into a sense of control, and that breeds optimism. Ways to Change for OptimismPessimism is a hard habit to break-but that can be done. In a series of landmark studies, Dr. Carol Dweck of the University of Illinois has been working with children in the early grades ofschool. As she helps students to change the explanations for their failures-from “I must be stupid” to “I didn’t study hard enough”-their academic performance improves.Pittsburgh’s Dr. Levy wondered if turning patients into optimists would lengthen their lives. In a pilot study, two groups of cancer patients were given the same medical treatments, but some were also given psychological help to encourage optimism. Results showed that this worked. Now a major study is planned to determine whether this psychological change can alter the course of the disease.So, if you’re a pessimist, there’s reason for optimism. You can change. Here’s how:·Pay careful attention to your thoughts when bad things happen. Write down the first thing that comes to mind, unedited.·Now try an experiment. Do something that’s contrary to any negative reactions. Let’s say something has gone wrong at work. Do you think “I hate my job, but I could never get a better one”? Act as if that weren’t so. Send out resumes. Go to interviews. Look into training and check job leads.·Keep track of what happens. Were your first thoughts right or wrong? “If your thoughts are holding you back, change them,” says Hollon, “it’s trial and error, no guarantees, but give yourself a chance.”Positive thinking leads to positive action. What you expect from the world, as the evidence suggests, is what you’re likely to get.29.From the first paragraph we learn that one’s attitude toward life affects .C. 37%D. 100%32.What are pessimists inclined to do when things go wrong?A.To blame themselvesB. To blame their bad luckB.have longer disease-free intervalsC.justify themselvesD.prevent all illnessesSection B (Reading in Depth). (5points)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please write the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 . You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public. After their enthusiasm has dissolved, the public simply movesunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You shouldThe key transportation technology for the opening years of 21st century will be telecommunications. What do telecommunications have to do with international transportation? The obvious linkage is helping ships and aircraft navigate more efficiently, cutting time and operating expenses. This means lower costs of imported goods and cheaper travel for business and pleasure.A less obvious connection is the ability of a clothing manufacturer, for instance, to know the exact location anywhere in the world of materials and finished goods so that inventories(细帐)-and the associated transport, storage, and handling costs—are reduced sharply.The explosive aspect of the telecommunications / transportation revolution is coming in traditional service industries and functions: technical services, data entry, financial management, software programming, etc. Consider Fidelity Investments of Boston, whose British subsidiary (子公司) sells shares in German companies to German investors by telephone from London. Cheap telecommunications provides the global transportation “highway” for the work that is performed by Fi delity’s customer representatives, Irish call center technicians, Indian software engineers, and Jamaican data entry clerks.These white-collar activities, many of them paying well above average wages, are becoming steadily more important in all econom ies. Moreover, they now are “contestable” by any country in the world that has a decent telecommunications system and an appropriately skilled labor force.What this means is that the last major barrier to international trade —distance—is being eliminated for an increasing portion of the global economy. Transportation costs no longer will protect inefficient producers. Buyers of goods and services—software, document processing,B. white-collar workers’ wage is more than the average wageC. distance as the last barrier to international trade is being eliminatedD. white-collar activities are facing challenges from all over the world54. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Transportation costs will protect efficient producers.B. Inefficient producers will have no protection in the global economy.C. Inefficient producers will no longer consider transportation costs.B. white-collar workers are being replaced by computersC. clothing manufacturers will earn less money than beforeD. distance will disappear due to global telecommunications56. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The development of transportation technology.B.The connection between international transportation and telecommunications.C. The advances of traditional service industries.D. The influence of telecommunications on international trade.For the weekend, I am alone in my own house. There were no kids saying “I’m hungry” or my thoughts and enjoy the quiet, immersing(沉浸) myself to the point of getting sick of it.I think I’ve succeeded. Twelve hours into my solitude, I’m a bit bored and lonely, a situation unfathomable (深不可测的)a mere day ago. I’m ready for some activity around me, ready for some kids traipsing( 漫步)in and out and slamming doors, bringing dirt with them on their shoes. I am even ready for a few completely unreasonable requests, such as that I make them dinner. Mostly I’m ready for some laughter and conversation.Despite these conflicting feelings, I find this experience highly clarifying. With the house finally quiet enough for me to hear myself think, I am left with the cozy(舒适的)notion that I love the frenzy( 狂暴)of my busy life, that the quiet I often long for is nice, but only for a little while. That life just about me even for a day is not all it’s cracked up to be, and that joy comes from interacting with others and getting things done.I have another day of solitude tomorrow, but it won’t be so lazy. I’ll crank up(开动)the stereo, get to work on some long-neglected projects and connect with a friend. One day of quiet is quiteA.going window-shoppingB.seeing a filmC.emptying her thoughts and enjoying the quietD.telephoning one of her friends for lunch60.Which of the following statement is NOT true?A.The author has longed to live alone for a long time.B.The author no longer likes to have quiet moments in her life.C.The author feels very lonely after being alone for a day.D.The author feels still enjoys the busy life with her family.D.newly-married lady who wants to live by herselfPart III Cloze (10points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked62.A. What B. Which C. When D. Such63.A. remains B. represents C. maintains D. offers64.A. when B. why C. where D. what65.A. at B. to C. in D. with66.A. come up B. come to C. come across D. come at67.A. necessarily B. essentially C. especially D. remarkably68.A. besides B. in addition C. except D. but69.A. challenging B. rewarding C. considering D. compensating70.A. correspond B. attach C. owe D. contribute71.A. exclusively B. intimately C. ultimately D. individually72.A. notify B. identify C. access D. witness73.A. respects B. prospects C. purposes D. aspects74.A. rise B. emerge C. occur D. appear75.A. rewarding B. interesting C. relaxing D. responding76.A. look into B. look after C. look at D. look out77.A. necessity B. opportunity C. reality D. probability78.A. reply B. enforce C. attach D. apply79.A. advisable B. acceptable C. available D. considerable80.A. suitable B. possible C. approachable D. valuable81.A. to B. in C. from D. onPart IV Translation (10points)Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.Part V Writing (15points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Shopping Online. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.目前网上购物很流行2.网上购物有利有弊3.作为大学生我的看法大学英语(4)期末试卷(七)参考答案Part II Reading Comprehension (35 points)Section A (10 points 每个1 分)32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. C39.warnings of danger40.academic performance41.holding you back67 C 68 D 69 A 70 D 71 C72 D 73 B 74 C 75 A 76 C77 B 78 D 79 C 80 D 81 APart IV Translation (10 points) 本题共5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分。

每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At the airport.B. At the hotel.C. At home.2. When will the meeting begin?A. At 10:30.B. At 10:45.C. At 10:50.3. Which job has the man ever done?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C.A player.4. What does the man like to drink?A. Steak and a hamburgerB. A China tea.C. Tons of butter.5. What does the man intend to do ?A. Tell the woman the way to the visa office.B. Take the woman to the visa office.C. Help the woman to walk.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话。
听第6段材料.回答第6. 7题。
6.Why is the man going to the hospital?A. He is not feeling well.B. He works there.C. He wants to visit his friend.7.What does the man offer to do for the woman?A. Carry her bag.B. Give her a gift.C. Show her a map.听第7段材料.回答第8、9题。

2016-2017学年度第二学期期末考试注意: 1. 本试卷共10页,满分150分,答题时间120分钟。
2. 听力材料均读两遍。
3. 选择题涂在答题卡上,46-50小题和非选择题答在试卷上,考试结束,交答题卡第二卷。
第一卷第一部分:听力(共六节,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)第一节请听下面5段对话,根据对话内容,选出最佳选项。
1. How did the man get the tickets?A. He bought them in the cinema.B. He ordered them on t he Internet.C. He asked the woman to buy them.2. What color will the woman paint her room?A. Green.B. Yellow.C. Orange.3. How did the woman go to school today?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A hotel.B. A trip.C. Tickets.5. What does the man want?A. Water.B. Juice.C. Coca-cola.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6至7小题。
6. How many customers do they have today?A. 2.B. 6.C. More than 6.7. How does the man feel now?A. Happy.B. Calm.C. Worried.第三节听第7段材料,回答第8至10小题。
8. How does Tony feel today?A. Excited.B. Pleased.C. Upset.9. When is the man out of work?A. Since April 15th.B. Since May 30th.C. Since April 3 0th.10.Why is the man going to be laid off(下岗)?A. Because he is a new employee.B. Because he is often late for work.C. Because he often makes his boss angry.第四节听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。

1. 音频Who wears short hair?A. Linda.B. Rose.C. Jenny.【答案】C2. 音频What do the two speakers mainly talk about?A. Life.B. Marriage.C. Children.【答案】B【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。
3. 音频How much did the speakers have to pay the hospital at last?A. Over three thousand dollars.B. Nothing.C. Only part of it.【答案】B【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。
4. 音频Why did the woman get home in a hurry?A. To avoid rush hour.B. To avoid a ticket.C. To get rid of the police. 【答案】A【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。
5. 音频What will the man do?A. Go to a big party.B. Attend a small party.C. Wear a short coat.【答案】B【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。

期末作业考核《大学英语(一)》高起专满分:100分一、Vocabulary and Structure (每题2分,共50分)Section ADirections: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Courses are not ___ _ merely for students to pass exams.A. designedB. designingC. designD. designs2. Please ___ _those details that you would like to change.A. selectB. selectionC. selectingD. selects3. There are six people present at the meeting, __ __ three women.A. includeB. includingC. includedD. includes4. He __ ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A. simpleB. simplyC. simplifyD. simplely5. They accept what is happening without ____ _ to change it.A. attemptingB. attemptedC. attemptD. attempts6.He was a great _ ___; he composed many great songs.A. artB. artisticC. artistD. arts7. Sandy did not want her parents to learn ____ the news of her failure in the exam.A. inB. forC. onD. about8. I was surprised to find out that I was heavily ____ debt.A. onB. inC. toD. up9. Out classroom is selected ______ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on10. Their innovation products caught _____ quickly.A. withB. upC. onD. in11. Can you believe that John keeps a snake _____ a pet?A. asB. inC. forD. against12. The word comes _____ an African language.A. upB. downC. fromD. out13. She hangs _____ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A. upB. outC. inD. on14. The child has no understanding of problems, according ____ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to15. Americans _____ millions of Christmas cards every year.A. changeB. exchangeC. attemptD. Determine答:Section A1. A2.A3.B4.B5.A6.C7.D8.A9.B 10.C11.D 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.BSection BDirection: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families 16 to be quite large. Parents 17 five or more were common. Over the years, the 18 of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the 19 of living 20 the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them 21 dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better 22 and have more money to spend on 23 . The parents usually take the responsibility 24 all the expense. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers 25 away from home.16. A. tended B. wanted C. seemed D. extended17. A. breeding B. raising C. feeding D. bringing18. A. amount B. number C. size D. scale19. A. level B. standard C. wage D. cost20. A. On B. By C. At D. From21. A. finally B. financially C. fashionably D. faintly22. A. worn B. wearing C. dressing D. dressed23. A. luxury B. activity C. playing D. entertainment24. A. at B. to C. on D. for25. A. are B. run C. work D. separate答:Section B16. A 17D 18. B 19. B 20. C21. D 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. A二、Writing (共50 分)根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。

英语期末考试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。
AAccording to the US government, wind farms off the Pacific coast could produce 900 gigawatts of electricity every year. Unfortunately,the water there is far too deep for even the tallest windmills to touch bottom. An experiment under way off the coast of Norway, however, could help put them anywhere.The project, called Hywind, is the world’s first large-scale deepwater wind turbine (涡轮发电机). Although it uses a fairly standard 152-ton, 2. 3-megawatt turbine, Hywind represents totally new technology. The turbine will be fixed 213 feet above the water on a floating spar, a technology Hywind’s creator, the Norwegian company StatoilHydro, has developed recently. The steel spar, which is filled with stones and goes 328 feet below the sea surface, will be tied to the ocean floor by three cables ; these will keep the spar stable and prevent the turbine from moving up and down in the waves. Hywind’s stability in the cold and rough sea would prove that even the deepest corners of the ocean are suitable for wind power. If all goes according to the plan, the turbine will start producing electricity six miles off the coast of southwestern Norway as early as September.To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but it’s difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the middle of the ocean. To make that turbine heav ier, the whole spar’s center of gravity must be moved much closer to the ocean’s surface. To do that, the company plans to design a new kind of wind turbine, one whose gearbox (变速箱) sits at sea level rather than behind the blades.Hywind is a test run, but the benefits for perfecting floating wind-farm technology could be extremely large. Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, where all existingoffshore windmills are planted. Deep-sea farms are invisible from land, which helps overcome the windmill-as-eyesore objection. If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas of the planet’s surface to one of the best low-carbon power sources available.1. The Hywind project uses totally new technology to ensure the stability of .A. the cables which tie the spar to the ocean floorB. the spar which is floating in deep-sea waterC. the blades driven by strong and steady sea windD. the stones filled in the spar below the sea surface2.To balance a bigger turbine high on a floating spar, a new type of turbine is to be designedwith its gearbox sitting .A. on the sea floorB. on the spar topC. at sea levelD. behind the blades3. Wide applications of deepwater wind power technologycan .A. solve the technical problems of deepwater windmillsB. make financial profits by producing more turbinesC. settle the arguments about environmental problemsD. explore low-carbon power resources available at seaBMark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining new computer enviously. Jason was determined not to go against theirfather's wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.“Dad will be really mad if he finds out you've been playing with his new computer.”Jason said,“He told us not to touch it.”“He won't find out,” Mark said,“I'll just have a quick look and shut it down.”Mark had been scolded before for touching his father's equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him.It was a strange-looking machine—one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked.“It's an experimental model,” his father had explained,“so don't touch it under any circumstances.” But his father's warning only served to make Mark more curious. Without any further thought,Mark turned on the power switch. The computer burstinto life and seconds later,the screen turned into colors,shifting and changing and then two big white words appeared in the center of the screen:“SPACE TRANSPORTER.”“Yes!” Mark cried excitedly,“It's a computer game. I knewit!Dad's only been pretending to work. He's really been playing games instead.” A new message appeared on th e screen:“ENTER NAMESVOYAGER 1:...VOYAGER 2:...”Mark's fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed in both of their names.“INPUT ACCEPTED.START TRANSPORT PROGRAM. AUTO-RETRIEVE INITIATED(自动回收程序已启动).”The screen turned even brighter and a noise suddenly rose in volume.“I think we'd better shut it off,Mark,” Jason yelled,reaching for the power switch. He was really frightened.But his hand never reached the switch. A single beam of dazzling white light burst out of the computer screen,wrapping the boys in its glow(光芒),until they themselves seemed to be glowing. Then it died down just as suddenly as it had burst into life. And the boys were no longer there. On the screen,the letters changed.“TRANSPORT SUCCESSFUL.DESTINATION: MARS.RETRIEVE DATE:2025.”4.Why did Mark touch the computer against his father's warning?A.He wanted to take a voyage.B.He wanted to practice his skill.C.He was so much attracted by it.D.He was eager to do an experiment.5.Where did the boys' father most likely work?A.In an electronic factory.B.In a computer company.C.In a scientific research center.D.In an information processing center.6.Mark thought “SPACE TRANSPORTER” on the screen was the name of ________.A.a computer gameB.a company websiteC.a software producerD.an astronomy program7.Why did Jason want to shut off the computer?A.He was afraid of being scolded.B.He didn't like the loud noise and light.C.He didn't want to play games any more.D.He was afraid something dangerous might happen.CResearchers from France and Italy discovered that Canadian parents are less strict with their children than mothers and fathers in France and Italy.“Our most important finding was the difference between Canadians and the others,” said Professor Michel Claes,the lead author of the study.“Canadians focus on independence and negotiation. On the other hand,Italians,for example,exercise more control. We found Canadians seem to focus on negotiation in case of a conflict.”Claes said Canada,France and Italy were selected for the study because they share important cultural and social factors.“We choseFrench-Canadians because they share the same language as France,and originally came from France and share certain values. Italy was included because it was considered to have similar,strong and important family values,” he explained.The researchers examined the emotional ties between parents and their children by questioning 1,256 students aged 11 to 19 years old.Canadian students reported less control and more free actions,according to the study. Italian parents were stricter and French parents were somewhere in the middle.Claes explains that the differences lie in education in Canada,France and Italy.“North America has its own educational values,which promote individualization. Tolerance and comprehension are encouraged. Italy,on the other hand,promotes respect of authority,control,and the need for permission.” he said.Children from all three countries described their mothers as warm and communicative. Italian and Canadian children had similarfeelings about their fathers,and reported high levels of emotional ties. But French fathers were generally thought by their children to be more distant and cold.“We were surprised by this,” Claes admitted.“It seems as though the relationships between French mothers and their children were becoming closer over time,while fathers maintain a form of distance and coldness,which is more of a source of conflict in France than in the other co untries.”8.Professor Michel Claes believes that Canada,France and Italy ________.A.have the same family spiritB.have some similar cultural traditionsC.have experienced some similar social changesD.have experienced similar cultural developments9.How did the researchers carry out the study ?A.By collecting answers of parents from Canada,France and Italy.B.By collecting answers of children from Canada,France and Italy.C.By questioning parents and their children from Italian Canadian families.D.By questioning children from French-Canadian families.10. According to Michel Claes,what mainly leads to the differences in parent-childrenrelationships among Canada,France and Italy?cational opportunities.B.Traditional ideas.cational values.D.Historical events.11.Which of the following is NOT a finding of the study?A.French children have troubled relationships with their parents.B.Canadian children have close relationships with their parents.C.Italian children have good relationships with their parents.D.Kids from Canada,France and Italy have closer ties with their moms.DAn idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same bookat the same time.In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate bydiscussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people togetherwith a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.In Chicago, the mayor appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program. As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character.The only problem arose in New York ,where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself.Ultinatelas Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.12. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?A. To invite authors to guide readers.B. To encourage people to read and share.C. To involve people in community service.D. To promote the friendship between cities.13. Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?A .They had little interest in reading.B. They were too busy to read a book.C. They came from many different backgroundsD. They lacked support from the local government14. According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?A. In large communities with little sense of unityB. In large cities where libraries are far from homeC. In medium-sized cities with a diverse populationD. In large towns where agreement can be quickly reached15. According to Nancy, the degree of students of the project is judged byA. the careful selection of a proper bookB. the growing popularity of the writersC. the number of people who benefit from reading.D. the number of books that each person reads.第二节七选五填空 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
17级《电工英语》期末考试卷选择题 客观题 期末试卷 试题和答案

17级《电工英语》期末考试卷您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________班级 [单选题]○17机电51班○17机电52班一、单选题,将正确答案的编号填在括号里。
1. 以下哪个词组表示“电工英语”?() [单选题] *A. Oral EnglishB. Electrical English(正确答案)C. Practical EnglishD. Business English2. 以下哪个词组表示“住宅电工”?() [单选题] *A. commercial electricianB. residential electrician(正确答案)C. industrial electricianD. maintenance electrician3. 以下哪个才是commercial electrician 的正确中文意思?() [单选题] *B. 工业电工C. 商业电工(正确答案)D. 维护电工4. 以下哪个才是industrial electrician 的正确中文意思?() [单选题] *A. 住宅电工B. 工业电工(正确答案)C. 商业电工D. 维护电工5. 以下哪个词组表示“电工学徒”?() [单选题] *A. apprentice electrician(正确答案)B. journeyman electricianC. master electricianD. maintenance electrician6. 以下哪个才是journeyman electrician 的正确中文意思?() [单选题] *A. 电工学徒B. 熟练电工 (学徒期满的电工)(正确答案)C. 高级电工D. 工业电工7. 以下哪个才是master electrician 的正确中文意思? () [单选题] *A. 电工学徒C. 高级电工(正确答案)D. 工业电工8. 轮班工作的英文是:work ____() [单选题] *A. houseB. licenseC. shifts(正确答案)D. equipment9. 维护设备的英文是:maintain ______ () [单选题] *A. houseB. licenseC. shiftsD. equipment(正确答案)10. 电工执照的英文是:electrical ______ () [单选题] *A. houseB. license(正确答案)C. shiftsD. equipment11. 以下哪个英文词组表示“执行任务”?() [单选题] *A. put in cablesB. repair wiring systemsC. carry out tasks(正确答案)D. organize staff12. 以下哪个英文词组表示“组织人员”?() [单选题] *A. put in cablesB. repair wiring systemsC. carry out tasksD. organize staff(正确答案)13. 以下哪个英文词组表示“安装电缆”?() [单选题] *A. put in cables(正确答案)B. repair wiring systemsC. carry out tasksD. organize staff14. 检查布线系统的英文是:inspect ______ () [单选题] *A. wiring systems(正确答案)B. experienceC. jobD. customers15. 以下哪个词组表示“与客户打交道”() [单选题] *A. gain experienceB. fixed periodC. interesting jobD. deal with customers(正确答案)16. 以下哪个词组表示“有趣的工作”() [单选题] *A. gain experienceB. fixed periodC. interesting job(正确答案)D. deal with customers17. 以下哪个词组表示“获得经验”() [单选题] *A. gain experience(正确答案)B. fixed periodC. interesting jobD. deal with customers18. 以下哪个词组表示“日常工作”() [单选题] *A. daily work(正确答案)B. wake upC. power systemD. after-sales service19. 以下哪个词组表示“电力系统”() [单选题] *A. daily workB. wake upC. power system(正确答案)D. after-sales service20. 以下哪个词组表示“售后服务”() [单选题] *A. daily workB. wake upC. power systemD. after-sales service(正确答案)21. 以下哪个词表示“故障”() [单选题] *A. break upB. breakdown(正确答案)C. break throughD. break out22. 以下哪个词组表示“家用电器”() [单选题] *A. household appliances(正确答案)B. get certificatedC. attend schoolD. breakdown23. 以下哪个词组表示“获得专业技术认证”() [单选题] *A. household appliancesB. get certificated(正确答案)C. attend schoolD. breakdown24. 以下哪个词组表示“熟练的技术工作”() [单选题] *A. household appliancesB. get certificatedC. a skill job(正确答案)D. take a test25. 以下哪个词组表示“测试”() [单选题] *A. household appliancesB. get certificatedC. a skill jobD. take a test(正确答案)26. 享受工作的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. enjoy work(正确答案)B. enjoy lifeC. enjoy studyingD. enjoy career27. 商业训练的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. business training(正确答案)B. business workC. training hardD. career training28. 钻地板的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. rewire houseB. increase productivityC. drill floors(正确答案)D. drill walls29. 增加生产力的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. rewire houseB. increase productivity(正确答案)C. drill floorsD. drill walls30. 给房子重装电线的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. rewire house(正确答案)B. increase productivityC. wire houseD. drill walls31. 便携式工具的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. portable tools(正确答案)B. basic toolsC. wire houseD. drill walls32. 基本工具的英文是: ______ () [单选题] *A. portable toolsB. basic tools(正确答案)C. wire houseD. drill walls33. 遵循布线图的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. following wiring diagram(正确答案)B. following wiring programC. following cutting diagramD. following cutting program34. 通讯系统的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. communication system(正确答案)B. signal systemC. traffic systemD. basic system35. 剪钳的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. hammerB. side cutters(正确答案)C. drillD. conduit36. 订购的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. electrical wireB. side cuttersC. place an order(正确答案)D. credit card37. 电力传输的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. electrical wireB. power toolsC. power transmission(正确答案)D. electronic transmission38. 信用卡付款的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. cash on deliveryB. pay by cashC. pay by chequeD. credit card payment(正确答案)39. 货到付款的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. credit card paymentB. pay by cashC. pay by chequeD. cash on delivery(正确答案)40. 以下哪个词组表示“实心线”() [单选题] *A. bare wireB. ground wireC. stranded wireD. solid wire(正确答案)41. 以下哪个词组表示“绞线”() [单选题] *A. bare wireB. ground wireC. stranded wire(正确答案)D. solid wire42. 以下哪个词组表示“地线”() [单选题] *A. bare wireB. solid wireC. stranded wireD. ground wire(正确答案)43. 以下哪个词组表示“绝缘实心线”() [单选题] *A. armored cableB. insulated solid wire(正确答案)C. insulated stranded wireD. nonmetallic sheathed cable44. 以下哪个词组表示“绝缘绞合线”() [单选题] *A. armored cableB. insulated solid wireC. insulated stranded wire(正确答案)D. nonmetallic sheathed cable45. 以下哪个词组表示“铠装电缆”() [单选题] *B. insulated solid wireC. insulated stranded wireD. nonmetallic sheathed cable46. 以下哪个词组表示“非金属护套电缆”() [单选题] *A. armored cableB. insulated solid wireC. insulated stranded wireD. nonmetallic sheathed cable(正确答案)47. 规格图的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. plastic sheathB. total amperageC. gauge chart(正确答案)D. protective earth48. 保护接地的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. plastic sheathB. total amperageC. gauge chartD. protective earth(正确答案)49. 总安培数的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. plastic sheathC. gauge chartD. protective earth50. 塑料保护套的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. plastic sheath(正确答案)B. total amperageC. gauge chartD. protective earth51. current flows是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 电流(正确答案)B. 电缆C. 电力D. 功率52. protective plastic coating是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 非金属保护套电缆B. 易弯曲的金属C. 塑料保护套D. 防护塑料涂层(正确答案)53. flexible metal是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 非金属保护套电缆B. 易弯曲的金属(正确答案)C. 塑料保护套D. 防护塑料涂层54. test pencil是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 钢卷尺C. 扳手D. 验电笔(正确答案)55. Philips screwdriver是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 十字螺丝刀(正确答案)C. 扳手D. 一字螺丝刀56. flat-blade screwdriver是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 十字螺丝刀C. 扳手D. 一字螺丝刀(正确答案)57. needle-nose pliers是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 尖嘴钳(正确答案)B. 剪钳C. 鲤鱼钳D. 斜嘴钳58. adjustable wrenches是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 十字螺丝刀C. 活络扳手(正确答案)D. 一字螺丝刀59. hacksaw是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 弓锯(正确答案)C. 扳手D. 螺丝刀60. wire strippers是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 锤子B. 剥皮钳(正确答案)C. 扳手D. 螺丝刀61. diagonal pliers是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 尖嘴钳B. 剪钳C. 鲤鱼钳D. 斜嘴钳(正确答案)62. slip-joint pliers是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 尖嘴钳B. 剪钳C. 鲤鱼钳(正确答案)D. 斜嘴钳63. 电工刀的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. plastic sheathB. electrician’s knife(正确答案)C. gauge chartD. protective earth64. 火警的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. fire alarm(正确答案)B. fuseC. switchD. communication system65. 保险丝的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. fire alarmB. fuse(正确答案)C. switchD. communication system66. 开关的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. fire alarmB. fuseC. switch(正确答案)D. communication system67. 通信系统的英文是:______ () [单选题] *A. fire alarmB. fuseC. switchD. communication system(正确答案)68. blown fuse 是指什么? () [单选题] *A. 复杂的问题B. 熔断的保险丝(正确答案)C. 错误的布线系统D. 经营生意69. faulty wiring system 是指什么? () [单选题] *A. 复杂的问题B. 熔断的保险丝C. 错误的布线系统(正确答案)D. 经营生意70. 以下哪个单词表示“电动机”?() [单选题] *A. carB. plantC. motor(正确答案)D. bicycle71. 以下哪个单词表示“故障检测”?() [单选题] *A. breakdownB. faultfinding(正确答案)C. well-roundedD. residential72. 以下哪个单词表示“工具箱”?() [单选题] *A. tool-kit(正确答案)B. bricklayerC. trunkingD. construction73. 以下哪个单词表示“线槽”?() [单选题] *A. tool-kitB. bricklayerC. trunking(正确答案)D. construction74. electric drill 是指什么? () [单选题] *A. 钳子B. 锤钻C. 电钻(正确答案)D. 扳手75. hammer drill 是指什么? () [单选题] *A. 钳子B. 锤钻(正确答案)C. 电钻D. 扳手76. 以下哪个表示安培数? () [单选题] *A. amp(正确答案)B. MCBC. F/TD. RCD77. sheet metal 是指是什么? () [单选题] *A. 钣金(正确答案)B. 薄片C. 金属D. 电缆78. safety feature 是指是什么? () [单选题] *A. 安全标志(正确答案)B. 安全设备C. 安全工作D. 安保人员79. security alarms 是指是什么? () [单选题] *A. 安全标志B. 安全设备C. 安保人员D. 保安警报系统(正确答案)80. 以下哪个单词表示“电压”?() [单选题] *A. loadB. ampC. strengthD. voltage(正确答案)81. 以下哪个单词表示“营业额”?() [单选题] *A. turndownB. turn-onC. turnover(正确答案)D. turnaround82. 以下哪个词组表示“坐飞机去旅行”?() [单选题] *A. travel by busB. travel by shipC. travel on an aircraft(正确答案)D. travel by railway83. 以下哪个词组表示“电气安装部门”?() [单选题] *A. electrical installation department(正确答案)B. power departmentC. electronic departmentD. maintenance department84. 以下哪个词组表示“住宅建筑”?() [单选题] *A. commercial buildingB. residential building(正确答案)C. industrial buildingD. build building85. 贸易公司的英文是:_________________() [单选题] *A. business companyB. trading company(正确答案)C. investment companyD. construction company86. 家政工人的英文是:_________________() [单选题] *A. factory workerB. domestic worker(正确答案)C. electrical workerD. house worker87. 交通信号系统的英文是:_________________() [单选题] *A. communication systemsB. power systemsC. traffic signal systems(正确答案)D. construction systems88. 以下哪个词组表示“最大安培数”?() [单选题] *A. total ampB. average ampC. maximum amp(正确答案)D. minimum amp89. 以下哪个词组表示“电线”?() [单选题] *A. electrical wire(正确答案)B. solid wireC. bare wireD. stranded wire90. estimate是什么意思? () [单选题] *A. 保护B. 替换C. 购买D. 估价(正确答案)91. 以下哪个词组表示“安装电线管”?() [单选题] *A. install conduit(正确答案)B. install cableC. install equipmentD. install conductor92. 以下哪个词组表示“连接导体”?() [单选题] *A. connect conduitB. connect cableC. connect equipmentD. connect conductor(正确答案)93. 以下哪个词组表示“塑料保护套”?() [单选题] *A. plastic coatingB. protective coatC. coated sheathD. plastic sheath(正确答案)94. 以下哪个词组表示“提供舒适的事物”?() [单选题] *A. provide foodB. provide comforts(正确答案)C. provide powerD. provide accommodation95. 以下哪个词组表示“叫醒、起床”?() [单选题] *A. fall asleepB. follow upC. awake upD. wake up(正确答案)96. 以下哪个单词表示“雇主”?() [单选题] *A. employeeB. interviewerC. employer(正确答案)D. interviewee97. 以下哪个单词表示“雇员”?() [单选题] *A. employee(正确答案)B. interviewerC. employerD. interviewee98. 以下哪个单词表示“面试官”?() [单选题] *A. employeeB. interviewer(正确答案)C. employerD. interviewee99. 以下哪个单词表示“接受面谈者”?() [单选题] *A. employeeB. interviewerC. employerD. interviewee(正确答案)100. 以下哪个单词表示“实习生”?() [单选题] *A. employerB. trainee(正确答案)C. employeeD. interviewee二、判断题,将正确答案的编号填在括号里。

1. What will Lucy do at 11:30 tomorrow?A. Go out for lunch.B. See her dentist.C. Visit a friend.2. What is the weather like now?A. It’s sunny.B. It’s rainy.C. It’s cloudy.3. Why does the man talk to Dr. Simpson?A. To make an apology.B. To ask for help.C. To discuss his studies.4. How will the woman get back from the railway station?A. By train.B. By car.C. By bus.5. What does Jenny decide to do first?A. Look for a job.B. Go on a trip.C. Get an assistant.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What time is it now?A. 1:45.B. 2:10.C. 2:15.7. What will the man do?A. Work on a project.B. See Linda in the library.C. Meet with Professor Smith.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

同济大学继续教育学院2016学年秋季学期期终考试专升本大学英语(二)课程考试题(复习卷)Part I. Vocabulary & Structure (30%)Directions: Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to —C_ the temptation tocheat on exams.A・ refuse B. reject C. resist D. resolve2. You don't agree with me on this matter, I know, but _ B_ yoiTII see I am in the right.A. at timesB. in timeC. at one timeD. all the time3. As some of therules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, the governmentdecided to —A_ them as soon as possible・A・ abolish B. accomplish C. distinguish D. establish4. It is impossible for me to sing a song these days, for my voice is —C—.A. going ofB. going toC. going offD. going away5. The old man regained consciousness and found himself lying in a room which had nothing but _D_ walls.A・ blank B. empty C. vacant D. bare6. The typical symptom of the epidemic SARS is _A __ h igh fever and acute cough.A. persistentB. resistantC. subsequentD. perseverant7. The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course, salad, bread, and vegetables, and B ________ avariety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings and ice-cream・A. involvesB. featuresC. characterizesD. protrudes8. _B _ the events of last week, I think, we could have handled things more efficiently・A. Falling back onB. Looking back onC. Getting back onD. Go泊g back on9. A suicide bomb exploded in a Jewish _D ___ , killing doze ns of people.A・ site B. plantation C. terminal D. settlement10. In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become —D— words; almost everyone hasheard of them.A. familyB. homeC. houseD. household11 ・ It can said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easily accessible by car, by train, or byair, and _B_ by all the three of them.A. more often thanB. more often than notC. no more often thanD. less often than12. While freshmen are con sidered part of the academic elite 伴青英),some of them appear to lack comm onsense_C __ f ollowing traffic regulations.A・ coming to B. when coming toC. when it comes toD. when they come to13. Dangerous animals such as bears and wolves can be _B ___ b y lighting a fire when you go camping in avirgin forest.A. kept in handB. kept at bay C・ kept in touch D. kept in mind14. As she matured as an artist, she —A_ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture”.A. came toB. kept toC. took toD. went to15. He always uses the same _B_ of lies to cheat strangers・A. numberB. flockC. groupD. web16. Many European countries —B_ all alliance (同盟)against Hitler's military invasion.A. passed forB. forged C ・ compelled D. authorized17. Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union —D — a worldwide ban on British beef and beef productexports.A. challengedB. chargedC. forgedD. imposed18. The an cient tribes there are supposed _C_ from the mainland to the island.A. to moveB. to be movingC ・ to have moved D. to have been moving19. Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes (彳亍车道)for bicycles on some of themain streets, but though they have got some supporters, ___ B_ likes the idea.A. everyoneB. not everyoneC. no oneD. someone20. On Children's Day, our nieces and nephews were taken to the department store and then _D_ to pick theirfavorite toys.A. set outB. let aloneC. brushed asideD. turned loose21. ___________________________________________________________________ Our house is about a mile from the station and there are not many houses —A _________________________ .A. in betweenB. among them C ・ far apart D. from each other22. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _D ________ .A. stand up toB. put up with C ・ come up with D. make up for23. Some fish have a greater _A _____ for acid water than others.A. toleranceB. resistanceC. dependenceD. persistence24. Many scientists have been ______ A_ the goal of a practical and economical way to use sunlight to split water molecules.A. pursuingB. chasing C ・ reaching D. winning25.1 have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can get —B _______ in a dark suit?A. throughB. byC. atD. off26. The money I get from teaching the piano is a useful —C ______ to my ordinary income.A. implementB. complementC. supplementD. compliment27. The _C _____ consists of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, their son and two daughters.A. houseB. household C ・ home 28. He never talks to me ___ D ___ to ask for something.A. besidesB. aside from C ・ apart from 29.1 __ C____ my grant by working in the evenings. A. compliment B. complement C ・ supplement 30. ____ B __ my point I have done a comparative study. Part II. Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One:When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America's fastest growing businesses.D. housingD. other thanD. implementA. IllustratingB. To illustrateC. Having illustratedD. Being illustratedWhat kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them? People who are international business or government officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples 一・people whose job or business may force them to move frequently from one city to another. They save a lot of trouble and the cost of moving their furniture each time. They simply rent new furniture when they reach their new homes. Young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. They prefer to wait until they have enough money to buy furniture they really like. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.One family, who now have a large, beautiful home of their own, liked their rented furniture so much that they decided to keep renting it instead of buying new things・ But usually people don't like to tell others about it. The idea of renting home turnishings is still quite new, and they are not sure what their neighbors might think. 1 • Which of the following has become one of America's fastest growing businesses? DA. Selling home furnishings.B. Renting furnished apartments.C. Selling used furniture.D. Renting home furnishings.2. Why do some people prefer to rent furniture? CA. Because the furniture they get in this way is new.B. Because it saves them a lot of money.C. Because it saves them much trouble and money.D. Because they can always get better quality furniture in this way.3. What can you infer from the passage?A. The idea of renting furniture is not acceptable. BB. Renting furniture is not popular in the couple's home towri.C. Only those who don't have eno ugh money rent furniture.D. People usually grow to like the furniture they have rented・4. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? BA. rent or Buy?B. A New Way of Getting Home FurnishingsC. Furnished ApartmentsD. A New Idea5. Young people liked renting home furniture in that _____ D __ .A. They have less money.B. They don't want to buy old furniture.C. The new furniture is of good quality.D. They dorf t have much money and don't want to buy the cheap furniture・Passage Two:For the most part, rapid economic development has been a boon. But there is a down side to development - health problems such as overweight are all becoming more prevalent, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labor-saving devices become more popular.An increasing fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time working out or playing sports. u l know exercise is good for your health," a young lady said. "But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watch some TV and go to sleep/7 That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults I China are overweight, a large number of people over the age of 40 suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac ailments・Local researchers found that 31.2 percent of elderly resp on dents were getting eno ugh exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got an adequate amount of physical activity.Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as an excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesn't require much time, money or a special gymnasium・ People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to enhance one,s health・The benefits of adding a little more activity to your lift are priceless. u There is no need to be an athlete, however,M a local doctor said. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in other physical activity three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.China has taken the need for more exercise to heart, with the government running several activities last Sunday, which was the desig mated World Health Day. Pamphlets and posters based on the theme “Move for Health" were distributed nationwide, encouraging people to develop a positive and healthy lifestyle.6. Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following except _D_.A. an increasing number of taxi passengersB. the wide use of labor-saving devicesC. an increasingly fast pace of lifeD. people's awareness of the importanee of exercise7. Some people are getting overweight because _A_・A. they are too busy to have any time for exerciseB. they are ignorant of the benefits of exerciseC. they are too weak to participate in physical activityD. they are short of money to pay for different exercises8. According to the passage, who need regular daily exercise most? BA. People taking taxis to work.B. Urban adults with full-time jobs.C・ Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure.D. Youngsters dreaming of becoming professional athletes.9. What is the main idea of the last paragraph but one? CA. Many people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises.B. Nobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.C. Moderate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.D. Old or sick people should only take part in physical exercises of the slowest type.10. By referring to rapid economic development as "a boon" at the beginning of the passage, the authormeans that ___ A_.A. it has benefited the general public greatlyB. it has done harm to people's health nation wideC・ it is going faster than anyone could have imaginedD. it has helped to establish a positive and health lifestyle of the publicPassage Three:Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem 一how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which utilizes not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no conventional fuel is needed to make the campus's six buildings comfortable.Some parts of most modern buildings 一theaters and offices as well as classrooms 一are more than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called "heat recovery: A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from some buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers・ The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students emit more heat than female students, and the larger a student, the more heat he produces. It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working, overweight male genius.11 ・ Until recently, body heat has caused problems because it ___ C_.A. was difficult to collectB. came in variety of formsC. was difficult to get rid of itD. tended to be absorbed by physical objects12. Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? BA. The heat is supplied by human bodiesB. The heat is supplied by both human bodies and otherheat-emitting objectsC. The heat is supplied by both human bodies and conventional fuelD. The heat is supplied by human bodies, other heat-emitting objects, and conventional fuel13. At the Johnstown campus, how many of the buildings are heated entirely by the heat collection system?DA. NoneB. TwoC. FourD. Six14. According to the passage, which of the following would produce the LEAST amount of heat? BA. A fat female who studies hardB. A thin female who does not studyC・ A fat male who does not studyD. A thin male who studies hard15. In the last paragraph, the "hottest prospecf* means the_C—.A. most intelligent studentB. most desirable studentC・ most diligent studentD. most learned studentPassage Four:The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文)or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library asa useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem.The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve.When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information.16. The library resources can be helpful when we _D ____ .A. want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward musicB. are preparing a paper for a professional journalC・ are writing a dissertationD. All of the above17. Readers5 familiarity with different resources _C ____ .A. is more or less the sameB. varies slightlyC. differs greatlyD. should not be different18・ The author believes that __ D_.A. library resources should be used frequently and completelyB. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to usC・ one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not availableD. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of library resources19. When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often ____ A __ .A. publish it in a professional journalB. organize professional meetingsC. get access to it in the libraryD. make use of some library services20. The chapter in question mainly _C ____ .A. deals with the ways of dissertation writingB. presents information on publishing papers in professional journalsC. introduces some library servicesD. describes some professional meetingsPart III. Cloze (15%)One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her worry face. He knew she was thinking of _1 the weather_ "It's bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea," Jamie said. "Yes. I'm thinking of those fishing boats at sea「she said.At that moment _Z the lights_ went out. Jamie and his mother were in the dark.The coastline will be in the dark/ Jamie^s mother said. She got more worried. _3 Troubles_ always come in threes.I broke my best glasses this morning, and my sister has the cold・"Now, dorft worry, mum. They're right.^^ They're _ sure_ to come through this all right・But Jamie really worried about those fishing boats himself. The fishing boats would _ miss, the cove in the dark.Jamie took flares and rushed into the wind. There was a cliff by the sea. He started to climb. He _ pulled himself up hand over hand. At last he reached the top・He _ failed, three times. On the fourth try he fired off one of the flares. It rose and cut into the black sky in bright light. Then he saw an answering flare up at sea. Jamie fired off two more. He saw another answering flare up, thenanother, then another. The answering flares from the fishing boats showed they _8 had passed by_ the entrance to the cove but then changed course and were _9 now_ sailing into the cove. They were almost home. Jamie helped _W save_ the fishermen of the village・1. A. the wind B. the clouds C. the rain D. the weather2. A. Jamie B. his mother C. the fire D. the lights3. A. Messages B. Accidents C. Troubles D. Questions4. A.sure B. lucky C. safe D. ready5. A. lose B. miss C. leave D. forget6. A. pushed B. pulled C. carried D・ climbed7. A. made B. tried C. failed D. finished8. A. were at B. had found C. had passed by D. were going int9. A. now B. then C・ once D. again10. A. answer B. save C. find out D. look forPart IV. Translation (25%)1. 至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报刊杂志上文章的摘要。

同济大学继续教育学院2017学年秋季学期期终考试专升本复习卷Part I. Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage OneFor the most part, rapid economic development has been a boon. But there is a down side to development – health problems such asoverweight are all becoming more prevalent, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labor-saving devices become more popular.An increasing fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time working out or playing sports. “I know exercise is good f or your health,” a young lady said. “But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watch some TV and go to sleep.” That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults I China are overweight, a large number of people over the age of 40 suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac ailments.Local researchers found that 31.2 percent of elderly respondents were getting enough exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got an adequate amount of physical activity.Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as an excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesn’t require much t ime,money or a special gymnasium. People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to enhance one’s health.The benefits of adding a little more activity to your lift are priceless. “There is no need to be an athlete, however,” a local doctor said. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in other physical activity three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.China has taken the need for more exercise to heart, with the government running several activities last Sunday, which was the designated World Health Day. Pamphlets and posters based on the theme “Move for Health” were distributed nationwide, encouraging people to develop a positive and healthy lifestyle.1. Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following except ____.A. an increasing number of taxi passengersB. the wide use of labor-saving devicesC. an increasingly fast pace of lifeD. people’s awareness of the importance of exercise2. Some people are getting overweight because ____.A. they are too busy to have any time for exerciseB. they are ignorant of the benefits of exerciseC. they are too weak to participate in physical activityD. they are short of money to pay for different exercises3. According to the passage, who need regular daily exercise most?A. People taking taxis to work.B. Urban adults with full-time jobs.C. Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure.D. Youngsters dreaming of becoming professional athletes.4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph but one?A. Many people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises.B. Nobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.C. Moderate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.D. Old or sick people should only take part in physical exercisesof the slowest type.5. By refe rring to rapid economic development as “a boon” at the beginning of the passage, the author means that ____.A. it has benefited the general public greatlyB. it has done harm to people’s health nationwideC. it is going faster than anyone could have imaginedD. it has helped to establish a positive and health lifestyle of the publicPassage TwoFor Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New York City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed hi the keys to their black Mercedes-Benz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson. “It didn’t matter that I was dressed for dinner and had paid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn’t fit his idea of someone who could be equal to him.”Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.。

2017-2018学年17级第二学期大学英语期末试卷B江西工业工程职业技术学院2016~2017学年第二学期期末试卷课程:《大学英语》考试时间: 90分钟考试使用年级和班级:17级建筑1711(B、闭卷)Part I. Oral English 20%Part II. Multiple choice 10%1. My father bought an antique yesterday, ______was very reasonable.A. its priceB. the price of whichC. which priceD. the price of whose2. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.A. cinemaB. libraryC. museumD. bathroom3.While shopping, people sometimes can’t help____ into buying something they don’t really need.A. to persuadeB. persuadingC. being persuadedD. be persuaded4. My birthday is _______ November 11th.A. onB. inC. atD. to5. We won’t leave here ________ he arrives.A. afterB. untilC. whenD. where6. He asked me _____ I would like a cup of tea.A. thatB. whatC. ifD. which7. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I ______ the book from which it was made.A.have read B.had read C.should have read D.am reading8. Do you know ______ this word?A. what to spellB. how to spellC. to spellD. which to spell9. The students couldn't help ______ when they heard the joke.A. to laughB. laughC. laughingD. laughed10. What's the date today? It's _____.A. MondayB. AprilC. April 1stD. a April Part III. Reading Comprehension 40%TASK 1A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers . When he got home , he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on . He found that they were about two inches too long . He went downstairs to the kitchen . His mother and two sisters were washing up the tea-things there . “ The new trousers are too long , ” he said . “ They need shortening by about two inches . Could one of you do it for me , please ? ” His mother and sister were busy and none of them said anything .But as soon as his mother had finished washing up , she went quietly upstairs to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches . She came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters .Later on , after supper , the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers . She was a kind-hearted girl , so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone , and shortened the trousers by two inches .The younger sister went to the cinema , but when she came home , she , too , remembered her brother’s trousers . So she ran upstairs and did as her mother and sister had done .You can imagine the look on the young man’s face when he put the trousers on the nex t morning .( ) 11. The young man’s trousers wer e _____ for him at first .A. a bit too longB. very goodC. not too longD. too short( ) 12. The young man’s mother and sisters didn’t answer because they were busy _____ in the kitchenA. cookingB. making teaC. washing clothesD. washing cups , glasses and so on( ) 13. His elder sister shortened the trousers _____ .A. in the eveningB. after lunchC. as soon as she had finished the washingD. after she came back from the cinema( ) 14. The next morning the young man found that the trousers were _____ inches too short for him .A. twoB. fourC. sixD. eight( ) 15. We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the next morning , he would feel _____ .A. happyB. surprisingC. surprisedD. thankfulTASK2Henry finds a job on a farm. He is the strongest and youngest.He eats more, sleeps more, but works less. He doesn't like to use his head, so he knows little. He has to do some unskilled (无需特殊技能的) work. He always says he's tired and hopes to have a good rest. So he gets less money than others.Winter is coming. The workers are getting ready for the next year. Only Henry does nothing. The farmer tells him to cut down some trees in the forest. The young man has to go there with a chair. He feels lonely in the forest and is afraid of the animals. So he looks around and sings loudly. Nobody knows what he's singing.After three days, Henry doesn't cut down any trees. The farmer feels strange. He wants to find out how the young man is working there. To his anger, Henry is sitting on the chair, cutting the tree. "Why are you sitting here to cut the trees?" asks the farmer. "Because I can't work if lying, sir."( ) 16. Henry doesn't like to use his head, so______.A. he knows little knowledge (知识)B. he is young and strongC. he tries to be a farmerD. he finds a job on a farm( ) 17. Henry gets less money because______.A. he sleeps moreB. he does some unskilled workC. he isn't polite to the farmerD. he eats more( ) 18. Henry has to cut down the trees because ______.A. he can do nothing except itB. he likes to stay in the quiet forestC. he can't get on well with othersD. he is very strong( ) 19. Henry is ______ to stay in the forest.A. gladB. angryC. safeD. afraid( ) 20. Henry hopes to ______ .A. make the farmer happyB. get helpC. lie down in the forestD. cut down more treesTASK3Have you ever been ill? When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work,you stay in bed,feeling very sad. What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can't find them with your eyes,but you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water.Germs aren't found only in water. They are found in air and dust. If you cut your finger,if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处),some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body,and you would have pain everywhere.21. Which of the following is TRUE?A. If things are very small,they are germs.B. If things can't be seen,they must be germs.C. Germs are only in dirty water.D. Germs are everywhere around us.22. What is a microscope used for?A. Making very small things look much bigger.B. Making very big things look much smaller.C. Helping you read some newspapers.D. Helping you if you can't see things clearly.23. Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water?A. You haven't looked at it carefully.B. Water can't be drunk in this way.C. There must be lots of germs in it.D. Water will make you ill.24. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Germs can be found both in water and in the air.B. Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.C. If your temperature is not OK,there must be germs in your body.D. If your finger isn't cut,there aren't any germs on it.25. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Germs may make us ill.B. Germs are in dirty water.C. Don't drink dirty water.D. Take care of your fingers.TASK4In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools cametogether and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called“Dream(梦幻) World Cups”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.26.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.A. Many football fansB.a very good teamC.many football playerD.a big playground27.The next World Cup will be held in_______.A.2006B.2007C.2005D.200428.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.A. people playing footballB. pictures of some football starsC. a sunny skyD. flowers29.In“Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______.A. to show their love for their own countryB. to tell the people their storiesC. to show their good wishes for the football teamsD. to show their new ideas about football30.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.A. they are interested in footballB. they are football fansC. they think their favorite players are greatD. all of A,B and CPart Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given in the brackets, change the forms if necessary. 10%31. Some senior students wrote in asking for (inform) concerning postgraduate studies.32. The (history) article sketched the major events of the decade.33. After only a short (expose) to sunlight he began to turn red.34. The discussion method is time (consume) and tangential.35. Graduate students (special) in a particular field of study.36. Learning to drive is all a matter of (coordinate).37. She felt (constrain) to carry out the new plan.38. The development rate of the agriculture often shows an (accelerate) trend in this area.39. China has been one of the active (facilitate) in the development of world economy.40. The conference came to the end with the present’s(emotion) speech. Part V. Translation 10%Directions: Translate English to Chinese, and then write down your answers on the answer sheet.41. His wife is half as heavy as him.________________________________________________________________ ______42. Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job.________________________________________________________________ _____43. We set out on this voyage of exploration with an open mind.________________________________________________________________ ____44. The man that called me last night was killed this morning.________________________________________________________________ ____45. People who love to visit shopping centers have different reasons to do shopping in the shopcenter.________________________________________________________________ ____PartⅥ.Practical writing 10%假如你是李华,上周日在地铁站捡到了英国人Steven的护照。
上海市虹口区2017学年度第一学期期末考试七年级英语学科试卷 (PDF版)

(满分 100 分) (2018.1)
Part I Listening (第一部分 听力) (共 26 分)
I. Listen and choose the right picture. (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图 片。) (5 分)
· Set (制定) a date and time for the party. This is (2) ______ than you
think, because you need to make sure that most people can come.
· Plan the cost (费用) of your party. Begin by deciding (3) ______ you
2017 学年度第一学期期末考试七年级英语学科试卷 共 9 页 第1页
( ) 6. A. At home. C. In a library.
( ) 7. A. She doesn’t have an idea. C. She doesn’t go there.
( ) 8. A. They are having a meeting. C. They are having lunch.
IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences. (听对话, 完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。) (8 分)
1. David used to be overweight because he had a very ________ ________. 2. David liked fried ________ and ________ very much. 3. David took the doctor’s advice and ________ ________ a diet. 4. David also plays ________ ________ than before.
2017级苏大成人教育 英语期末考试复习试题

成人教育大学英语网络化教学考前辅导考试题型1. Reading Comprehension (40%) (共四篇短文)2. V ocabulary & Structure (10%) (20个选项)3. Cloze (15%)4. Translation (20%) (英文翻成中文,题目全部来自课文)5. Writing (15%)课程总成绩比例英语(2)课程总成绩= 网络学习(50%)+ 期末笔试(50%)网络学习= 在线作业(40%) + 课程浏览(60%)Part I Reading ComprehensionPassage 1Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables (动态的变量): language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics(美学), technology, education, and social institutions. To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive (解释的) knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience.The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture—one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonald’s. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.The other school proposes that companies must tailor business approaches to individual cultures. Setting up policies and procedures in each country has been compared to an organ transplant (移植); the critical question centers around acceptance or rejection. The major challenge to the international manager is to make sure that rejection is not a result of cultural myopia (近视) or even blindness.Fortune examined the international performance of a dozen large companies that earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas. The internationally successful companies all share an important quality: patience. They have not rushed into situations but rather built their operations carefully by following the most basic business principles. These principles are to know youradversary (对手), know your audience, and know your customer.1. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. All international managers can learn culture.B. Business diversity is not necessary.C. Views differ on how to treat culture in business world.D. Most people do not know foreign culture well.2. According to the author, the model of Pepsi____________ .A. is in line with the theories of the school advocating the business is business the world aroundB. is different from the model of McDonald’sC. shows the reverse of globalizationD. has converged cultural differences3. The two schools of thought___________________ .A. both propose that companies should tailor business approaches to individual culturesB. both advocate that different policies be set up in different countriesC. admit the existence of cultural diversity in business worldD. Both Aand B4. This article is supposed to be most useful for those ___________________.A. who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversityB. who have connections to more than one type of cultureC. who want to travel abroadD. who want to run business on International Scale5. According to Fortune, successful international companies___________________ .A. earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseasB. all have the quality of patienceC. will follow the overseas local culturesD. adopt the policy of internationalization1-5 CACDBPassage 2Yesterday was the Double Ninth Festival —the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The auspicious figure connotes eternity (不朽), and thus longevity in our culture. The date’s association with old age became closer and clearer in 1989, when it was designated Senior Citizens’ Day.So yesterday at the Confucian Temple in Beijing, 50 three-generation families were convened to perform traditional rites symbolizing respect for family elders.Children and grandchildren, dressed in traditional costumes, bowed before their parents, or grandparents, in humble reverence, and offered them symbols of longevity. Confucius, if he were there and looked at the crowd from Heaven, must have heaved a sigh of relief. After so manyyears of disregard and denial of the tradition, his descendants are finally trying to live up to their country’s proud label as a “land of courtesy and propriety”.For many of us, especially those who live and work away from home and parents, the Double Ninth Festival is an occasion to make up for our neglect of filial (孝顺的) duties at other times. And the cost can be as low as an unexpected bouquet, or a phone call. That is family.There is nothing wrong on the government’s part to promote awareness of our traditional virtues like respect for the aged. But as the national population structure evolves, taking care of senior citizens is no longer just a family matter.The number of people above 60 has reached 149 million nationwide. In Shanghai, for instance, this age group accounts for more than 20 percent of the local population.While various recent surveys reported reluctance by the elders to spend life’s last years in nursing homes, almost all those with decent facilities and services see overwhelming demand.One of them in Beijing claimed it would take 20 years from now to accommodate all current requests.From that, the government sees challenges, and businesses see opportunities.We hate hearing government officials say tight budget prevents them from building more nursing homes to meet the need. Foot-dragging (迟疑) will only aggravate the pains once aging evolves into a full-blown crisis. We can scarcely imagine the nationwide scenario (情景). It is unrealistic to expect the government to single-handedly handle all the pressures. But there is no excuse for authorities to merely stand aside. Lack of standards, like in many other service sectors, is a main reason why many elders would rather stand the loneliness at their empty nests than go to nursing homes.A responsible government can do a lot in providing comfortable yet affordable nursing homes, while improving care and services in both urban and rural communities.It is the duty of the government to facilitate policies and services to enable the elderly to enjoy their twilight years with little worries about wherever they choose to live.6.What are children supposed to do on Senior Citizens’ Day?A) Be dressed in traditional costumes.B) Bow before their parents.C) Offer their parents symbols of longevity.D) All of the above.7.For whom is the Double Ninth Festival an occasion to make up for what they should have done at other times?A) Teenagers.B) People living and working away from home and parents.C) People with children.D) Elderly people.8.It can be learned from the passage that ______.A) i t’s government’s duty to promote awareness of our traditional virtuesB) taking care of senior citizens is just a family matterC) the number of people above 60 in Shanghai accounts for more than 40 percent of the localpopulationD) most elders don’t like to spend their last years in nursing homes9.According to government officials, what might be the main reason for the shortage of nursing space?A) Disapproval from government.B) Disapproval from the relatives of the elders.C) Lack of standards.D) Tight budget.10.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.A) criticize government officialsB) promote national awareness of respect for and care of the agedC) inform readers with the culture of Senior Citizens’ DayD) criticize the young people for their neglect of taking care of their parents6-10 DBDDBPassage 3Interpersonal conflicts are everywhere. Couples disagree about what to eat, whether to go to the mall, relationships with children, etc. Students and teachers have conflicts over grades. We have road rage on suburban highways, disputes between neighbors, and arguments between workers and bosses.The importance of interpersonal conflict lies in how we handle it. Some helpful terms that describe our options when we encounter conflicts are “flight, fight, or unite.”Flight is what scholars call the exit option. Sometimes you can just walk away. If someone acts aggressively toward you on the highway, you can avoid them. Fighting is very common. Domestic abuse, most violent crimes, and schoolyard fights are usually an outgrowth of interpersonal conflict. A third option is to unite to solve differences cooperatively. Couples can talk through differences of opinion. Teachers and students can settle almost every grade complaint in a way that not only satisfies them but also makes them better students or teachers. However, if the interpersonal conflict is intense, uniting requires help from a third party―someone who helps the two parties in dispute find common interests that can serve as the basis for an agreement. For example, mediators are used on a routine basis in American businesses, and many families see counselors.Individuals can have a big impact on the results of interpersonal conflicts. Out of the three options, “flight, fight, and unite”, the first two are almost alwa ys counterproductive. In reality, violence used in response to violence produces even more violence in return. Flight does not provide a better option either. Flight is not necessarily physically running from a conflict. Rather, we tend to delay dealing with it, hoping that somehow it will just go away. It seldom does.Therefore, individuals are responsible for solving their problems cooperatively. Conflict resolution is a growth industry, but the growing community of conflict resolution professionals still needs to become more visible so that people can learn about it and turn to it when a conflict arises. People also need to become better at resolving disputes themselves. No matter how many mediators there are, and how well they are known, they cannot come close to mediating every interpersonal conflict. People need to learn how to resolve conflicts on their own.11. According to this passage, which of the following statements is true about interpersonalconflicts?A) They occur frequently between students and teachers because of the load of assignments.B) The solution to interpersonal conflicts depends on how we cope with them.C) They cannot be completely conquered unless we stick to our own viewpoints.D) They are absolutely a matter between the two parties involved.12. All of the following are choices offered in the passage when we are confronted with conflictsEXCEPT ______.A) escaping from aggressive peopleB) yielding to the other personC) negotiating to resolve our disagreementsD) taking violent actions to oppose conflicts13. If people choose to unite in the intense conflict described in the passage, it requires ______.A) merely the two parties’ commitmentB) the involvement of law expertsC) the two parties’ common hobbiesD) so meone else’s help apart from the two parties14. Among the three choices listed in this passage, for which one does the writer have apreference?A) Flight. B) Fight. C) Unite. D) Not mentioned.15. In the last paragraph, “conflict resolution is a growth industry” probably implies that ______.A) conflict resolution companies are well on their wayB) more conflict resolution companies have sprung upC) an increasing number of professionals are engaged in conflict resolution, causing rapiddevelopmentD) conflict resolution has already become a mature industry11-15 BBDCCPassage 4When referees see red, they don’t get angry. They may actually favor the competitor in scarlet attire, a new study suggests.A recent study in the journal Nature found that athletes who wore red in combat sports out-performed their opponents wearing blue.The authors of that study suggested that the color red might give a psychological edge to the red-clad athlete, because red is a color associated with dominance and aggressiveness. They suggested that either the red attire increased those feelings in the athlete wearing them or that they intimidated his opponent by suggesting those qualities.But psychologist Hagemann and his colleagues disagreed with these conclusions, saying that the authors had left out one major component of these sports: the referees.“Referees have a very strong influence on this sort of sport,” Hagemann said.“Often, events in a sport happen too fast for a referee to accurately judge them, because the visual system simply can’t process that quickly.”Hagemann suspected that the better performance of the red-clad opponent was in reality a “subconscious bias” for the color on the part of the referees.To test this idea, the researchers showed 42 experienced tae kwon do referees video clips(剪辑)of sparring rounds of five different male competitors of similar abilities. First they wereshown the original videos, with one opponent in red gear, the other in blue; then, they were shown the same clips digitally altered so that the colors were reversed (the refs were unaware of the color switch).On the whole, competitors in red scored an average of 13 percent more points than their opponents in blue. Athletes who started out in blue were awarded more points when they later appeared in red, and those who started out in red received fewer points when in blue.Hagemann told that this finding suggests some sort of unconscious bias toward the color red on the part of the referees. This bias could stem from perceiving red as a more dominant, aggressive color, or red could simply better attract the eye, Hagemann said.The bias only seems to exist in sports such as tae kwon do where competitors are being judged at the same time and referees’ decisions are more influential on how points are decided.While he doesn’t expect the Beijing Olympics to shed the traditional red and blue protective gear for tae kwon do opponents, he does suggest that referees be given electronic aids to help in their decision making.16. The recent study in the journal Nature.A) suggested red-clad athletes might have a psychological advantage over othersB) suggested referees have a very strong influence in combat sportsC) suggested red symbolizes dominance and aggressivenessD) suggested blue-clad athletes often beat their rivals in other colors17. What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word “attire” in paragraph 1?A) Shoes. B) Sportswear. C) Spirit. D) Skin.18. According to Hagemann, _______.A) basketball team in red might outperform the team in other colorsB) tae kwon do players are encouraged to wear red gears to get better performanceC) the dominant and aggressive red can increase athletes’confidence and intimidate theircomponentsD) referees have a preference for red-clad athletes19. In which way did Hagemann test his idea?A) Through interview. B) Through experiment.C) Through investigation. D) Through analysis.20. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?A) Even if the process of the combat sports is so quick, referees can make an accuratejudgment.B) The subconscious bias toward red lies in that it is an auspicious color in most countries.C) There would be no influence on the outcome if the referees knew in advance the color hadbeen changed in Hagemann’s research.D) Hagemann’s finding can promote fairness in combat sports.16-20 ABDBDPassage 5Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life. After children leave home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents do notarrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married. Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young adults meet their future spouses (配偶) through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplac e. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.21. The writer discusses the marriage of young adults in order to show that they _____.A. enjoy the freedom of choosing their spousesB. want to win the permission of their parentsC. have a strong desire to become independentD. try to challenge the authority of their parents22. Most young adults in America would get married for the sake of ____.A. loveB. financial concernC. their parentsD. family background23. Based on the passage, it can be inferred that _____.A. American young adults are likely to follow the suit of their parentsB. most American parents never make major decisions for their childrenC. American young adults possess cultural values of independenceD. when a young adult steps into his twenties, he will leave his home permanently24. A son is unwilling to work in his father’s business mainly because he _____.A. wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in schoolB. wants to prove his independenceC. likes to do the opposite of what his parents approve ofD. tries to show his love for his parents25. The subject matter of this passage is _____.A. cultural values in the American familyB. marriage arrangementsC. young adult’s pursuit of a careerD. decision making21-25 CACBAPassage 6What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefergrays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. They tell us among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up — we are born with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.Color does influence o ur moods ― there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area —until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or gray.26. The author regards the psychologists’ findings as _____.A. groundlessB. doubtfulC. reasonableD. unusual27. According to the psychologists, a person’s color preference _____.A. is formed as he grows upB. is acquired through experienceC. is decided by his surroundingsD. is possessed from birth28. It can be concluded from the passage that bright color lovers tend to be _____.A. quietB. activeC. depressiveD. pessimistic29. The example of the bridge is used to illustrate that _____.A. people tend to kill themselves by jumping from bridgesB. color can affect people’s moods to a great degreeC. the bridge should have been repainted earlierD. certain color can kill people sometimes30. The notion that machines painted orange can reduce the risk of accidents ______.A. is a well-accepted factB. remains to be provedC. is an illusion of workersD. is a good wish of scientists26-30 CDBBAPassage 7It’s very necessary for Canada to set up effective transportat ion system because of its enormous size with its sparsely populated distribution. It is also very difficult to make transportation construction on the surface of the country due to its harsh long winter and its mountainous terrain. It’s really amazing for this country to set up a transcontinental railroad since last century. Until 1990, the route length was more than 86,880 kilometers. Most of the country’s freight is transported by Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway. But nowadays fewer and fewer people travel by train.Water transportation was very important before railway construction. Although passenger travel by water is less important than before, waterways remain important for cargo transporting. Waterways include lakes, rivers and sea coastlines. One of the most significant water transportation systems is St. Lawrence Seaway from the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Lake Superior.Because of the increasing number of automobiles, Canada’s road transportation develops very quickly. In 1991, road length has been more than 849,400 kilometers. Road system is becoming more and more important. Trucks carry nearly half of the total freight transported in Canada.With the development of transportation, airplanes became another kind of necessary vehicles since airplanes could be the only access to some areas of the far northern region. Canadian transportation system develops very quickly with the increasingly advanced science and technology. The aim of the transportation is to use substitute fuels and to produce more efficient transportation facilities.31. Despite its ______, Canada now boasts to have built a transcontinental railroad.A. sparsely populated areasB. abundant natural resourcesC. large acres of desertD. harsh long winter32. Nowadays, the Canadian railway is mainly used to _______.A. transport freightB. carry passengersC. carry touristsD. transport soldiers33. Nearly 50% of the total freight transported in Canada is accomplished by ______.A. trainsB. carsC. trucksD. ships34. Airplanes are important in transportation in Canada _______.A. because they can fly very highB. because they can carry larger freight to the destination within shorter timeC. because they are the newest form of transportD. because they can go to some areas that cannot be reached by other transports35. The passage is mainly about _______.A. the history of Canadian transportationB. the different forms of transport in CanadaC. the condition of transportation in CanadaD. the advancement of Canadian transportation31-35DACDCPassage 8Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his goal is to find it and buy it; the price is a less important thing. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman quickly produces it, and the business of trying it on can be done at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any talk and to everyone’s satisfaction.For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman, as the name suggests, tries to sell the customer something else---he offers the nearest he can to the article required. No good salesmanbrings out such a substitute in a rough manner; he does so with skill and politeness: “I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned.” Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is: “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”. She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her, even by what other persons tell her. She will try on any number of things. The most important thing in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always searching for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail (挂衣架) to another, to and fro, often retracing (折返) her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a tiring process, but an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.36. The passage tells us that when a man is buying clothes, __________.A) he buys cheap things, regardless of qualityB) he chooses something that others recommendC) he does not mind the price for the right thingsD) he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear37. What do men care about when they buy new clothes?A) They care more about the size than the color.B) They like their clothes to be in style.C) They make sure if the shop has just what they want.D) They don’t care much about what to buy.38. If a man can not find exactly what he wants, __________.A) he would buy something similar to what he wantsB) he usually does not buy anythingC) he follows the salesman’s suggestionsD) he would search from rail to rail39. What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?A) They welcome suggestions from anyone.B) They listen to advice but never take it.C) Women often buy things that they need most.D) Women rarely consider the price of the things they buy.40. The most obvious difference between men and women shoppers is that __________.A) men do not try clothes on when buying themB) women enjoy hunting for bargains while men enjoy something stylishC) men care more about style, size and colorD) women spend more time picking and choosing36-40 CCBADPart II Vocabulary & Structure (10%)1. The question his son asked took David ______ surprise while he was concentrating on his work.A) in B) onC) at D) by2. She turned the top floor______ a temporary bedroom because she found it was a quiet place.A) of B) outC) in D) into3. Cyril had a lot of azaleas (杜鹃花) in pots. I picked ______ a big red one just coming intobloom.A) up B) outC) of D) into4. He _________ a lot lately. He ought to give up smoking.A) coughed B) was coughingC) coughs D) has been coughing5. After their grandma passed away, the children were left ______ feelings of loss.A) to B) withC) for D) of6. He’s got a big nos e and it ______ up slightly, which makes him look funny.A) holds B) bringsC) turns D) gives7. In addition to his intelligence, he works very hard, so he is well ______ to becoming a finemechanic.A) in the way B) on his wayC) all the way D) by the way8. ______ I managed to get the work done, though it is difficult.A) Somehow B) Just asC) As long as D) However9. People of different classes ______ different kinds of newspapers.A) tend to read B) tend to readingC) attend to reading D) pretend to read10. I’m sorry you have resorted ______ deception. I used to think you were an honest boy.A) of B) atC) to D) in11. Han Meimei was badly hurt by Li Lei, so there is no further ______ to him in her blog.A) connection B) touch C) relationship D) reference12. There are not enough ______ teachers in rural areas. No wonder students there can’t receivegood education.A) qualified B) careful C) mature D) relevant13. These two cities are similar ______ they both have a high rainfall in June.A) to that B) except that C) besides that D) in that14. It’s no use ______ with him any more; he is stubborn and would not listen to anyone.A) argue B) arguing C) being argued D) to argue15. Her appearance is not relevant ______ whether she can be a good teacher.A) to B) for C) on D) with。

同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷)卷)2007 — 2008 学年第学年第 1 学期学期命题教师签名:命题教师签名: 审核教师签名:审核教师签名:课号:课号: 112149 课名:商务英语课名:商务英语 考试考查:考试考试考查:考试 此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试( * )、重考( )试卷试卷年级年级 专业专业 学号学号 姓名姓名 得分得分题项题项 I II III VI V VI VII VIII IX X 得分得分INTERNA TIONAL BUSINESS CULTUREFINAL TEST (A) Teacher ‟s Name:____________ I: Explain the meaning of the following terms in English: ( 15% ) 1. collectivism: 2. proxemics: 3. reverse culture shock: 4. non-verbal communication: 5. stereotype: II. Decide the following statements true or false according to the textbook: ( 20% ) 1. Unlike what is in China, in western cultures, one‟s merit is seldom rated by his age, but his qualifications. 2. Unanimous agreement must be reached before a decision is made in Japanese enterprises. 3. The employees in high power-distance societies are not supposed to question the decisions made by the management; and they have to do whatever they are directed to. 4. If If a a a US US US manager manager manager intends intends intends to to to make make make the the the sense sense sense of of of responsibility responsibility responsibility work work work in in in a a a joint joint joint venture venture venture in in Russia, he should alter the workers‟ work ethic and attitude first.5. In In masculine masculine masculine societies societies societies people people people attach attach attach greater greater greater importance importance importance to to to the the the success success success of of of the the the company company where he works for. 6. When When in in in Rome Rome Rome do do do as as as Romans Romans Romans do. do. do. In In In cross-culture cross-culture cross-culture business, business, business, you you you are are are supposed supposed supposed to to to adapt adapt yourself and adopt the way of life of the locals. 7. The world believes it has got a right stereotype of Americans, -- materialistic, aggressive, violent, violent, superficial superficial superficial and and insincere. So business business can can can be be be conducted conducted conducted in in in the the the same same same manner manner manner and and pace wherever you are in the States. 8. It is advised that to avoid antagonism toward a foreign partner, one should try every means to please him so as to get better chance to achieve business goals. 9. If If a a company company wants wants wants to to to enter enter enter the the the global global global market, market, market, it it it should should should think think think and and and act act act more more more locally locally locally and and satisfy the local tastes , but the trouble is in this way, its product can‟t be considered a true world product. 10. The business culture of I taly, like that of France, follows the …Anglo -Saxon‟ model . . 11. Protocol develops from shared practices in a culture. 12. That That the the the people people people in in in Singapore Singapore Singapore adopt adopt adopt the the the English English English naming naming naming system system system during during during the the the international international travel is a sign that the city-country was once a colony of the Great Britain. 13. You can shake hands with a woman in an Islamic culture though physical contact between the sexes is limited.14. As in other cultures, everyone is equal before truth, we can safely say in Korea and Japan, everyone is equal before alcohol. 15. In Brazil, it is not a must for senior managers to wear ties to business events. 16. English already shares the languages curriculum in Europe so it is thought to be remarkable for being changed. 17. Americans take direct eye contact as a sign of honesty and sincerity, so do the French. 18. Corporate Corporate culture culture culture is is is the the the glue, glue, glue, that that that holds holds holds and and and organization organization organization together. together. together. It It It incorporates incorporates incorporates an an organization organization‟‟s values, its norms of behaviour, its policies and its procedures. 19. The most important influence on corporate culture is the national culture of the country in which the corporation is based. 20. The concept of …corporate citizenship‟ is defined as the responsibility a corporation has to employees, employees, shareholders, shareholders, shareholders, customers, customers, customers, suppliers suppliers suppliers and and the the community community community stake stake stake holders holders holders where where where it it conducts business and servers market. III. Reading Comprehension: ( 30% ) Passage One: For many Americans, Ellis Island is a holy ground, the entry point for the ancestors of more than than 100 100 100 million million million people, people, people, 40% 40% 40% of of of the the the country country country‟‟s s population. population. population. From From From 1892 1892 1892 to to to 1924, 1924, 1924, more more more than than than 12 12 million people entered the United States through Ellis Island. On one day (April 17, 1907) 11,747 immigrants were processed there. In the nation of well over a hundred ethnic groups, Ellis Island is the setting of America ‟s one one great great great unifying unifying unifying epic. epic. epic. While While While other other other countries countries countries have have have their their their own own own national national national legends, legends, legends, France France France has has has its its Chanson de Roland, Spain its El Cid – America has the myth of the Golden Door, through which the the ““huddled huddled masses masses masses yearning yearning yearning to to to breathe breathe breathe free,free,free,”” as as Emma Emma Emma Lazarus Lazarus Lazarus puts puts puts it, it, it, stepped stepped stepped and and and found found freedom and prosperity at last. Paradoxically, that myth is being rethought and rewritten just as the museum at Ellis Island – started in a burst of patriotic nostalgia – is about to be dedicated. The The image image image of of of the the the immigrant immigrant immigrant as as as poor, poor, poor, oppressed, oppressed, oppressed, and and and uprooted uprooted uprooted is is is giving giving giving way way way under under under the the weight of new scholarship. Most people who came to the New World during the peak immigration years years had had had at at at least least least the the the means means means to to to pay pay pay for for for the the the journey, journey, journey, and and and the the the stamina stamina stamina and and and health health health to to to withstand withstand withstand it. it. They came seeking better jobs more often than freedom. (Of course, many didn ‟t find freedom at all. Not only were blacks imported as slaves, but before 1780, 75 percent of all white immigrants who settled south of New England were indentured servants.) For the most part, the people who came willingly brought the structures of their old cultures with them and used their traditions to build lives there. Perhaps most startling of all, it has recently been shown that a third of all those who had come to America during the twentieth century have chosen to go home again – 10 million out of 30 million people. New New Y Y ork, meanwhile, is is once once again becoming a a city city city of of émigrémigrés. s. s. More More More and and and more more foreign-born people are settling here. By the year 2000, 56 percent of New York City ‟s population will be immigrants and their children. Dominicans are currently the biggest group, followed by Jamaicans and Chinese. At P.S. 22 in Queens, the students speak twenty languages. And in the New York City courts these days, there is a frequent demand for interpreters who know Wolof, a language spoken in West Africa and in New York by Senegalese street merchants. The The new new new immigrants immigrants immigrants have have have reversed reversed reversed the the the city city city‟‟s s declining declining declining population population population and and and are are are stemming stemming stemming the the decrease in the labor force. They are revitalizing dying neighborhoods, setting up shop in empty stores on Flatbush Avenue, bring the infinite variety of their cultures to the great mix that is the city. Even today, Guerino Salerni remembers the touch of his grandfather Luigi ‟s whiskers as he kissed him goodbye. When Salerni, now 84, talks about leaving for America is 1919 – when he was 14 – tears still come to his eyes. “It was the last time I saw him,” says Salerni. “He was quite a fellow.” Guerino Salerni came from a family of stonemasons(石匠) in a medieval hill town in the region of Abruzzi, east of Rome. As a boy, Salerni could build a home of stones in the fields and it would stand. Salerni Salerni‟‟s father had first come to the United States in 1896. He found work in construction, traveling back and forth between the U.S and Italy regularly, each time begetting a child. In 1918, Salerni Salerni‟‟s father decided it was time for the rest of the family to come. Like many immigrants, they traveled with a group from their village. There was Salerni ‟s stepmother (his mother had died), his sister, and a dozen ladies whose husbands had already journeyed ahead. Salerni Salerni hadn hadn hadn‟‟t t seen seen seen his his his father father father in in in five five five years, years, years, but but but as as as the the the ship ship ship docked docked docked near near near Ellis Ellis Ellis Island, Island, Island, he he spotted spotted him him him down down down below below below in in in a a a motorboat. motorboat. motorboat. ““Where Where‟‟s s Mama? Mama? Mama? Where Where Where‟‟s s Mama?Mama?Mama?”” his his father father father cried. cried. Salerni Salerni‟‟s stepmother threw down a bottle of Centerba, a liqueur from Abruzzi, in greeting – even though America was in the midst of Prohibition. Because there had been a death from typhoid fever aboard the ship, Salerni spent ten days in quarantine before he was reunited with his father for good. When he grew up, Salerni became an – including the construction of East architect, working on a number of projects in New York City River Drive – continuing the traditions of his Italian ancestors. “the Golden Door”? 1.What is meant by the a. National legends like Chanson de Roland of France, El Cid of Spain and Ellis Island of U.S. b. Ellis island through which immigrants traveled to get to America. c. An imaginary door which leads to freedom. d. The museum at Ellis Island which bring about a burst of patriotic nostalgia. 2.According to the author, what were the real motives of the immigrant in the early part of the twentieth century? a. To seek better jobs b. To seek freedom c. To bring their home culture d. To escape from poverty and oppression. 3.What benefits does the author see immigrants bringing to New York? a. The population is increasing and the labor force is growing. b. Neighborhoods are being revitalized with a variety of cultures. c. More working opportunities are being offered. d. Both A and B 4.What is NOT true about the Salerni family tradition? a. They had been stonemasons for many years. b. They are a family from Italy. c. Their family‟s history could be dated back to medieval times. d. They worked on a number of projects in New York City. ‟s travel to America? 5.Which statement is true about Salernia. His mother died in the journey. b. It was his father who took him to America c. He had to stay on the Ellis Island for ten days for medical examination. d. They had to stay on the Ellis Island because his stepmother broke the law of Prohibition. 6.If you are to give a subtitle of the last 4 paragraphs, which of the following is the best one? a. Travel Through Ellis Island b. A New Blueprint c. An Italian Immigrant d. Guerino Salerni Passage Two: The first step in learning to communicate across cultures is to consider what people mean when they talk about culture. Simply put, culture is a system of meaning. That is too abstract a definition of really understand, so consider the following images. • Culture is like an iceberg Like Like an an an iceberg, iceberg, iceberg, only only only some some some of of of culture culture culture is is is visible. visible. visible. Aspects Aspects Aspects of of of culture culture culture that that that we we we can can can easily easily observe are often referred to as objective culture. This includes things such as history, literature, and and customs. customs. customs. When When When we we we learn learn learn the the the facts facts facts about about about our our our own own own or or or other other other cultures, cultures, cultures, we we we are are are learning learning learning the the objective culture. Most of culture is below the surface of our awareness. It is not easily observable. This is referred to as subjective culture. It includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. When we only learn objective culture, we are missing the bigger part that is below the surface. • Culture is our software Culture is the basic operating system that makes us human. Humans around the world are physically pretty much the same. There are variations in body size, shape and color, but the basic equipment is universal. We can think of our physical selves as the hardware, but we cannot be said to to be be be human human human until until until we we we are are are programmed programmed programmed and and and each each each of of of us us us is is is programmed programmed programmed by by by our our our home home home culture. culture. Humans Humans are are are unique unique unique among among among all all all the the the animals animals animals on on on earth earth earth in in in that that that the the the infant infant infant is is is weak weak weak and and and incapable incapable incapable of of survival of an exceptionally long period of time. At birth the infant is only a potential human. It must learn how to be human and it learns that in a culturally specific way. It is the culture that provides the software. As with any good software, we are only vaguely aware of it as we use it. It fades into the background and we just know that we can be, that the computer works, or perhaps sometimes does not work because it is incompatible with someone else ‟s software. 7.What is the invisible iceberg part in Chinese culture? a. Chinese calligraphy, Chinese martial arts, and Beijing Opera. b. Chinese history, and Chinese ancient poem and poses. c. Chinese characters, Chinese dining etiquette d. Confucius teachings, Taoism, Yin and Yang. 8.Which statement is NOT true? a. We can only observe a small part of a culture. b. Subjective culture can never be learned. c. People will have no trouble recognizing the objective culture. d. Understanding culture means to figure out what people ‟s behavior and customs mean to the people. 9. In saying “Culture is our software ”, the author means ____. a. people of every country are like hardware of computer b. culture can be learned only in childhood c. we are not aware when we act culturally d. All of the above 10. What could NOT be a metaphor of culture? a. Culture is like the water a fish swim in. b. Culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves c. Culture is like a bridge which link two opposite lands. d. Culture is the grammar of our behavior. 11. What does the word “incompatible incompatible”” in the last sentence mean? a. we are different with each other. b. we argue with each other. c. we are not friendly with each other. d. we don‟t understand each other. Passage Three: If If you you you look look look at at the the traits traits traits emphasized emphasized emphasized by by by the the the business business business executives, executives, executives, you you you can can can begin begin begin to build to build a corporate corporate culture culture culture –– albeit albeit a a a stereotype stereotype stereotype –– of of an an an Asian Asian Asian firm firm firm and and and a a a North North North American American American firm firm firm and and and to to understand understand the the the differences differences differences in in in management management management technique technique technique and and and skills skills skills between Asian between Asian corporations corporations and and North American ones. In Asia, there is no mention of individual rights or any hint of reward for “thinking for one ‟s self.” Hence, the type of organizational structure that has emerged across Asia is one of a very hierarchical, bureaucratic corporation that values such intangibles as “respect for learning learning”” and and ““honesty honesty.”.” By By the the the same same same token, token, token, taking taking taking the the the values values values stressed stressed stressed by by by North North North American American executives, you would expect to find corporations that are less structures and more entrepreneurial than Japanese ones – and, in general, that is very much the case. Remember, though, that within the same home culture, you still get vast differences in corporate culture. While IBM and Compaq may be in the same country and in the same industry, their corporate cultures in many ways are different. One interesting footnote from these studies was that female Asian executives had a value profile profile that that that more more more closely closely closely resembled resembled resembled that that that of of of North North North American. American. American. Asian Asian Asian women women women focus focus focus more more more on on independence independence and and and self-reliance self-reliance self-reliance while while while Asian Asian Asian men men men focus focus focus more more more on on on harmony harmony harmony and and and order. order. This difference may be due to the fact that women have been shut out of the “old boys ‟ network ” and have been forced to rely more on entrepreneurial skills than Asian males to succeed. 12. Which character is least likely to be valued in an Asian company? a. Hard work b. Honesty c. Self-reliance d. Openness to new ideas 13. Which character is most likely NOT to be valued in an American company? a. Accountability b. Freedom of expression c. Personal freedom d. Hard work 14. Which of the following statement is true? a. Corporate cultures of firms in the same country in many ways will be very similar. b. Firms in the same industry will be similar to each other c. Even the firms in the same country and same industry will in no way be alike each other. d. Corporate culture will be influenced by national culture. 15. What is true of Asian women? a. They can count on their male relatives to succeed. b. They have less chance to succeed in the business world. c. They can pretend to be very independent. d. They are like American men. IV IV. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the textbook: ( 10% ) . Paraphrase the following sentences according to the textbook: ( 10% ) 1. The naysayers take the opposite view, claiming that globalization has, in effect, triggered a “race to the bottom.” (Chapter 4: The Globalization of Business) 2. The French people, who tend to wear their cultural hearts on their sleeves,… (Chapter 1: Understanding cultural Differences) 3. …, , responsibility responsibility responsibility has has has been slow been slow to to filter filter filter down down down to to to the the the rank rank rank and and and file. file. (Chapter 2: Basic Cultural Types) 4. Avoid the profound phrase of statement of an attempt at a double entendre. (Chapter 5: Customs Etiquette and Protocol) 5. English English words words words have have have entered entered entered the the the Russian Russian Russian language, language, language, mostly mostly mostly through through through the the the back back back door door door of of phonics, to fill the gap. (Chapter 6: Communication across Cultures) V . Cloz e: Fill in the blanks with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. (10% ) A. uncertainty-avoidance B. ambiguity-averse C. indulgent D. gregarious E. assimilation F. pitfall G. minefield H. blow up I. mandatory J. kick off K. kingpin L. ambiguity M. foolproof N. butcher O. penchant 1. A Swiss business colleague often told a joke that he said summed up the attitude of the Swiss toward uncertainty-avoidance. Buses and taxis taking visitors from Geneva ‟s airport to town would repeatedly broadcast the following announcement: “Welcome to Switzerland. Have a good time and remember that in Switzerland everything that is not (1) is forbidden.” The tale explains why Switzerland ranks high on the list of countries with high (2) which is measure measure of of of a a a society society society‟‟s s ability ability ability to to to tolerate tolerate tolerate (3) (3) and and uncertainty. uncertainty. While While the the the Swiss Swiss Swiss are are noted noted for for being being (4) (4) by by nature, nature, nature, the the the neighboring neighboring neighboring Germans Germans Germans may may may be be be the the the ultimate ultimate ultimate (5) (5) of uncertainty-avoidance in Europe. 2. Foot Foot in in in mouth mouth mouth disease disease disease –– e.g., e.g., when when when a a a newcomer newcomer newcomer to to to a a a foreign foreign foreign culture culture culture (6) (6) the the name name name of of of a a business contact at first meeting – is more common in the international business world than most people people think. think. There There is is is probably probably probably no no no worse worse worse way way way imaginable imaginable to to (7) (7) a business relationship. Failing to show the proper respect or simply calling someone by the wrong name on on the the the first first first meeting meeting meeting is is is an an an avoidable avoidable avoidable mistake mistake mistake if if if you you you do do do your your your homework homework homework properly. properly. properly. Naming Naming systems systems differ differ differ greatly greatly greatly and and even even within within within cultures cultures cultures there there there are are are subtleties subtleties subtleties that that that make make make guessing guessing guessing at at at a a person person‟‟s name and title a (8) There is no (9) strategy for figuring out mane order or even even how how how formal formal formal a a a culture culture culture is is is when when when it it it comes comes comes to to to verbal verbal verbal address. address. address. If If If you you you are are are not not not 100 100 100 percent percent certain, ask. There are some (10) the name game presents for business travelers that can be easily avoided. VI. Case Study: Read the following story and analyze the case with intercultural communication theories. ( 15% ) George George Hall Hall Hall was was was in in in Beijing Beijing Beijing attending attending attending a a a trade trade trade fair fair fair and and and looking looking looking for for for an an an opportunity opportunity opportunity to to to do do business business in in in China. China. China. He He He had had had been been been very very very successful successful successful in in in his his his business business business dealings dealings dealings in in in the the the US US US and and and prided prided himself on his ability “to get things moving.” His first day was going well. He looked around at the displays of sporting equipment to get some idea of whom he might approach. He was sure that his his products, products, products, tennis tennis tennis rackets rackets rackets with with with an an an unusual unusual unusual new new new design, design, design, would would would arouse arouse arouse some some some interest. interest. interest. On On On the the second day he approached the company which he felt would be most responsive to his products. He He introduced introduced introduced himself himself himself to to to the the the general general general manager, manager, manager, a a a Mr. Mr. Mr. Li. Li. Li. Since Since Since he he he had had had read read read that that that Chinese Chinese Chinese find find getting getting down down down to to to business business business immediately immediately immediately too too too abrupt abrupt abrupt and and and rude, rude, rude, he he he began began began a a a casual casual casual conversation, conversation, eventually eventually leading leading leading up up up to to to the the the topic topic topic of his of his products products and and and suggesting suggesting suggesting how how how Mr. Mr. Mr. Li Li Li‟‟s s company company company might might benefit from using them. George then suggested that he could arrange to get together with Mr. Li and provide more specific and documentation on his products. Mr. Li responded in fairly good English, “That would be interesting.”Knowing that he had only a few days left in Beijing, George wanted to nail down a time. “When can we meet?” asked George. “Ah. This week is very busy,” replied Mr. Li. “It sure is,” said George, “How about 10 o ‟clock? Meet you here.” “Tomorrow at 10 o‟clock?clock?”” asked Mr. Li thoughtfully. “Right,Right,”” said George, “ I ‟ll see you then?” “Hmm, yes; why don‟t you come by tomorrow,” was the reply. “OK,OK,”” responded George, “It was nice meeting you.” The next day at 10 o ‟clock he approached Mr. Li ‟s company ‟s exhibit only to find that Mr. Li had some important business and was not able to meet with George. He called back later in the day and was told that Mr. Li was not available. INTERNA TIONAL BUSINESS CULTURE Answer Sheet (A) 姓 名学 号 教 师 班级编号班级编号 平时20% 论文20% 期末60% 总 评题项题项I II III VI V VI 总计总计 得分得分I. Explaining the terms (15%) 1.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. True or False (20%) 1._____ 2. _____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6._____ 7.______ 8._____ 9._____10. ______ 11._____12._____ 13._____ 14._____15._____16.____ 17._____18._____19._____ 20._____ III. Reading Comprehension (30%) 1.____ 2.____ 3.______ 4._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6._____ 6._____ 7._____ 7._____ 8.______ 9.______ 10_____ 11.____ 11.____ 12._____ 13.______ 14._____ 15._____ IV . Paraphrase (10%) 1.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________________________________________。

1. What are the two speakers going to buy?A. Bread.B. Cheese.C. Eggs.2. How much did a pound of green beans cost five years ago?A. 0.5.B. 1.00.C. 1.503. When did the man arrive here?A. At 9:00B. At 19:00C. At 9:154. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Guest and host.B. customer and shop assistant.C. Mother and son.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a shop.B. In a library.C. In a bookstore.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What has the weather been like these days?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy.7. What would the temperature be tomorrow?A. 8℃B. 10℃C. 12℃听第7段材料,回答第8-10题。

贵州省遵义市同济学校2022-2023学年高二英语期末试卷含解析一、选择题1. Children nowadays tend to be so rebellious that parents often feel at a loss about what ______ from them.A. to expectB. to be expectingC. expectedD. expects参考答案:A2. by the alarming news he had developed cancer, he didn’t know what to do.A. Cast down; thatB. Casting down; whichC. Cast down; whichD. Casting down; that参考答案:A3. The writer ___ his writing so that he forgot to have his lunch.A. absorbedB. was absorbed intoC. absorbed intoD. was absorbed in参考答案:A略4. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ______ the present one.A. as three times big asB. as big as three timesC. three times as big asD. as big three times as参考答案:C5. --Shall we chat online or later?---- __________. I’m free at any moment.A. It makes no differnence to meB. I have difficulty in speaking English.C.Thanks to your help, I know more about the Internet.D. We have some in common.参考答案:A6. Computer lessons must be ________ to students of all grades, so that they can master this modern communication and learning tool.A. avoidableB. accessibleC. adequateD. ambitious参考答案:B7. The glorious moment would live in my mind __________ our football team won the championship.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which参考答案:A本题考查定语从句。
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同济大学继续教育学院2017学年秋季学期期终考试专升本复习卷Part I. Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage OneFor the most part, rapid economic development has been a boon. But there is a down side to development –health problems such as overweight are all becoming more prevalent, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labor-saving devices become more popular.An increasing fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time working out or playing sports. “I know exercise is good for your health,” a young lady sai d. “But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watch some TV and go to sleep.” That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults I China are overweight, a large number of people over the age of 40 suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac ailments.Local researchers found that 31.2 percent of elderly respondents were getting enough exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got an adequate amount of physical activity.Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as a n excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesn’t require much time, money or a special gymnasium. People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to enhance one’s health.The benefits of adding a little more activity to your lift are priceless. “There is no need to be an athlete, however,” a local doctor sai d. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in other physical activity three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.China has taken the need for more exercise to heart, with the government running several activities last Sunday, which was the designated World Health Day. Pamphlets and posters based on the theme “Move for Health” were distributed nationwide, encouraging people to develop a positive and healthy lifestyle.1.Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following except ____.A.an increasing number of taxi passengersB.the wide use of labor-saving devicesC.an increasingly fast pace of lifeD.people’s awareness of the importance of exercise2.Some people are getting overweight because ____.A.they are too busy to have any time for exerciseB.they are ignorant of the benefits of exerciseC.they are too weak to participate in physical activityD.they are short of money to pay for different exercises3.According to the passage, who need regular daily exercise most?A.People taking taxis to work.B.Urban adults with full-time jobs.C.Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure.D.Youngsters dreaming of becoming professional athletes.4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph but one?A.Many people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises.B.Nobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.C.Moderate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.D.Old or sick people should only take part in physical exercises of the slowest type.5.By referring to rapid economic development as “a boon” at the beginning of the passage, theauthor means that ____.A.it has benefited the general public greatlyB.it has done harm to people’s health nationwideC.it is going faster than anyone could have imaginedD.it has helped to establish a positive and health lifestyle of the publicPassage TwoFor Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New York City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed hi the keys to their black Mercedes-Benz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson.“It didn’t matter that I was dressed for dinner and had paid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn’t fit his idea of someone who could be equal to him.”Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.Many Americans find the gulf between blacks and whites bewildering. After all, official segregation is a bad memory and 40 years of laws, policies and court decisions have helped African-Americans make significant progress toward equal opportunity. Indeed, a black man born iin Harlem could be the nation’s next president.But racism persists, unmistakable to every black but largely invisible to many whites. It is evident in the everyday encounters. African-Americans have with racial prejudice and discrimination, like the valet parking incident. Such encounters often strike whites as trivial misunderstandings. But they remind blacks that they are often dismissed as less intelligent, less industrious, less honest and less likely to succeed. Some insults are patently racist; others may be evidence of insensitivity or bad manners rather than racial prejudice. But the accumulation of insults feeds anger.“What is amazing to me is the number of whites who express surprise that any of this happens,”observes Mary Frances Berry, chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who says she hasbeen watched at shopping malls.6.The Word “valet” in the first paragraph most ly probably means ____.A. a restaurant ownerB. a driver of expensive carsC. a wealthy-looking gentlemanD. a restaurant employee taking care of the cars of the diners7.Roy Johnson was unfairly treated because ____.A.his car was inferior in qualityB.he forgot to wear proper clothesC.he failed to express himself clearlyD.he is black8.From the passage we can learn that ____.A.both blacks and whites are bewildered by racismB.examples of racism are common in the USC.some government officials have very bad memoriesD. a black man born in Harlem will be the next US president9.It is implied in the passage that many white people deny the presence of racism in the USbecause ____.A.they tend to regard instances of racism as trivial misunderstandingB.they have never seen any instance of racism in their countryC.they believe that black people are inherently less intelligent and less industriousD.they have always treated black people as their equals10.Judging from the context, the most possible explanation for Mary Frances Berry’s being watchedat shopping malls is that ____.A.she was a national celebrityB.she didn’t fit people’s idear of an Afro-American womanC.many people nowadays are insensitive and rudeD.she is blackPassage ThreeAs a century of grand retailing comes to a close, the 94-year0old “merchant prince of Teas”–who turned Neiman Marcus from a small specialty shop into one of the world’s major retail stores –says department stores today must recreate themselves if they are to survive.Marcus is worried about that customer service is being igored. He considers hoe shopping networks “a step above snake oil peddlers”. And despite all the advantages he sees in selling over the Internet, he says it is no substitute for a good salesperson.Today, as head of his own Dallas consultancy firm, Marcus is moving into the next century advocating the same philosophy he held throughout the 20th century: focus on quality and service, and sales will take care of themselves.“I’ve always believed that quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten,” says Marcus, who still makes regular visits to the flagship Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas, where he looks over new fashion lines, examines the latest fine imported luggage and greets young salespeople eager to talk with him. “The price of a great meal disappears from the memory, but the price of a bad one will be remembered for years. If you force a bad buy on a customer, he will never forgive you.”Marcus puts much of the blame on business schools for what he sees a lack of quality – and vitality –in department stores. He says the schools are turning out graduates who are excellent money managers and cost cutters, but who lack the skills that helped make the great stores like Macy’s, and his own, into retailing legends. The MBA programs do not teach principles of selling, principles of human understanding, principles of leadership speaking, which, he believes, is the most important thing.“I do not want ‘trained’ salespeople. The word training is the most terrible word. You train dogs and bears to do repetitive action. But with people, you educate them, because no amount of training takes the place of experience that enables them to answer all the questions that customers will ask.”11.What is the problem with department stores today?A.Neglect of customer service.B.Excessive running costs.C.Fierce challenge from the home shopping network.D.Uncompetitive prices.12.In Marcus’s view, good salespeople ____.A.will soon be replaced by the InternetB.can compete with peddlersC.ensure the success of a retailing businessD.have recreated department stores13.Which of the following is likely to be long remembered?A.Good service.B.The price of a bad buy.C.The price of a good buy.D.Good quality.14.What is the problem with MBA programs?A.Failure to teach principles of human understanding.B.Too much emphasis on cost cutting.ck of vitality.D.Neglect of strict training.15.What is the major difference between training and educating according to Marcus?A.Training is applied to animals while educating is applied to humans.B.Training is a terrible word while educating is a wonderful one.C.Training enables the trainee to imitate while educating enriches his experience.D.Training is aimed at action while educating is aimed at answering questions.Passage FourSeveral commentators and scientists have suggested that it might in some cases be ethically acceptable to clone existing people. One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative. All such possibilities, however, raise the concern that the clone would be treated as less than a complete individual, because he or she would likely be subjected to limitations and expectations based on the family’s knowledge of the genetic “twin.” Those expectations might be false, because human personality is only partly determined by genes. The clone of an extrovert(性格外向的人) could have a quite different way of behavior. Clone of athletes, movie stars, entrepreneurs or scientists might well choose different careers because of chance events in early life.Some people have also put forward the notion that couples in which one member is infertile might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But society ought to be concerned that a couple might not treat naturally a child who is a copy fo just one of them. Because other methods are available for the treatment of all known types of infertility, conventional therapeutic avenues seem more appropriate. None of the suggested uses of cloning for make copies of existing people is ethically acceptable to my way of thinking, because they are not in the interests of the resulting child. It should go without saying that I am strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos to develop so that they can be tissue donors.It nonetheless seems clear that cloning from cultured cells will offer important medical opportunities. Predictions about new technologies are often wrong: societal attitudes change; unexpected developments occur. Time will tell. But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do.16.What is the author’s concern about cloning an existing person?A.The clone created will have one defect or another.B.The clone created will be mistreated.C.The clone created is unlikely to fulfill your expectations.D.The clone created is ethically unacceptable.17.It can be inferred from the text that a clone will ____.A.choose the same career as the person it is created fromB.behave in the same way as the person it is created fromC.share the same characteristics with the person it is created fromD.be partially similar in personality to the person it is created from18.According to the passage, one’s personality is determined by ____.A.their genesB.the environment they live inC.both their genes and the environment they live inD.neither their genes nor the environment they live in19.In the author’s view, which of the following uses of cloning is justifiable?A.To replace a lost relative.B.To help childless couples to have a baby.C.To develop tissue donors.D.To culture cells for medical purposes.20.What is the author’s attitude towards cloning technology?A.It should be condemned.B.It has medical potential for scientists to explore.C.It should wait till people’s views change.D.It was unethical from the very beginning.Part II. Vocabulary & Structure (30%)1.As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to ____ thetemptation to cheat on exams.A. refuseB. rejectC. resistD. resolve2.You don’t agree with me on this matter, I know, but ____ you’ll see I am in the right.A. at timesB. in timeC. at one timeD. all the time3.As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, thegovernment decided to ____ them as soon as possible.A. abolishB. accomplishC. distinguishD. establish4.It is impossible for me to sing a song these days, for my voice is ____.A. going ofB. going toC. going offD. going away5.The old man regained consciousness and found himself lying in a room which had nothing but____ walls.A. blankB. emptyC. vacantD. bare6.The typical symptom of the epidemic SARS is ____ high fever and acute cough.A. persistentB. resistantC. subsequentD. perseverant7.The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course, salad, bread, and vegetables, and____ a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings and ice-cream.A. involvesB. featuresC. characterizesD. protrudes8.____ the events of last week, I think, we could have handled things more efficiently.A. Falling back onB. Looking back onC. Getting back onD. Going back on9. A suicide bomb exploded in a Jewish ____, killing dozens of people.A. siteB. plantationC. terminalD. settlement10.In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become ____ words; almosteveryone has heard of them.A. familyB. homeC. houseD. household11.It can said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easily accessible by car,by train, or by air, and ____ by all the three of them.A. more often thanB. more often than notC. no more often thanD. less often than12.While freshmen are considered part of the academic elite(精英), some of them appear to lackcommon sense ____ following traffic regulations.A. coming toB. when coming toC. when it comes toD. when they come to13.Dangerous animals such as bears and wolves can be ____ by lighting a fire when you gocamping in a virgin forest.A. kept in handB. kept at bayC. kept in touchD. kept in mind14.As she matured as an artist, she ____ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture”.A. came toB. kept toC. took toD. went to15.He always uses the same ____ of lies to cheat strangers.A. numberB. flockC. groupD. web16.Many European countries ____ all alliance(同盟) against Hitler’s military invasion.A. passed forB. forgedC. compelledD. authorized17.Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union ____ a worldwide ban on British beef andbeef product exports.A. challengedB. chargedC. forgedD. imposed18.The ancient tribes there are supposed ____ from the mainland to the island.A. to moveB. to be movingC. to have movedD. to have been moving19.Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes(行车道) for bicycles on some ofthe main streets, but though they have got some supporters, ____ likes the idea.A. everyoneB. not everyoneC. no oneD. someone20.On Children’s Day, our nieces and nephews were taken to the department store and then ____to pick their favorite toys.A. set outB. let aloneC. brushed asideD. turned loose21.Even when the houses are exactly ____, as they are in many housing developments, clusterplanning adds interest and variety to the scene.A. likelyB. alikeC. aliveD. same22.What I have said about this person ____ anyone else when I find trespassing(非法侵入) on my land.A. stands forB. speaks forC. goes forD. struggles for23.Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handedor incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well that it has been ____ in other countries, too.A. adaptedB. takenC. adoptedD. importedck of employment outside the home tends to make women ____ to depression.A. vulnerableB. immuneC. indifferentD. sensitive25.Success in anything will not just happen. ____ your abilities and skill mastery, you will need tomanage your time efficiently in order to succeed in college.A. Regardless ofB. Because ofC. Instead ofD. Proud of26.The long war that broke out in 1861 make the country suffer a lot and thus ____ its wealth.A. dismissedB. dissolvedC. deducedD. diminished27.To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to ____ electricitymore cheaply from such renewable energy sources as the wind and sun.A. generateB. manufactureC. constructD. transform28.I don’t think the young children wil l really ____ the foreign travel.A. evaluateB. calculateC. appreciateD. formulate29.In this part of the city you have to keep your ____ about you all the time when you are driving.A. eyesB. witsC. mindsD. brains30.For traditional Chinese painters, fame and fortune come late, and it is ____ for artists to hold theirfirst exhibitions when they are over seventy years old.A. hardly commonB. less frequentC. not unheard ofD. just usualPart III. Cloze (20%)As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and __1__ the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly __2__ forward. At that moment, the air-hostess __3__. She looked very pale, but was quite __4__. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she __5__ everyone that the pilot had __6__ and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machine – or at __7__ how to drive a car. After a moment’s __8__, a man got up and followed the hos tess into the pilot’s cabin.Moving the pilot __9__, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the __10__ instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport __11__. The plane was now dangerously close __12__ the ground, but to everyone’s __13__, it soon began to climb. The man had to __14__ the airport several times in order to become __15__ with the controls of the plane. __16__ the danger had not yet passed. The terrible __17__ came when he had to land. Following __18__, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. It shook violently __19__ it touched the ground and then moved rapidly __20__ the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.1. a. although b. while c. therefore d. then2. a. shifted. b. thrown c. put d. moved3. a. showed b. presented c. exposed d. appeared4. a. well b. still c. calm d. quiet5. a. inquired b. insured c. informed d. instructed6. a. fallen b. failed c. faded d. fainted7. a. best b. least c. length d. first8. a. hesitation b. surprise c. doubt d. delay9. a. back b. aside c. about d. off10. a. patient b. anxious c. urgent d. nervous11. a. beneath b. under c. down d. below12. a. to b. by c. near d. on13. a. horror b. trust c. pleasure d. relief14. a. surround b. circle c. observe d. view15. a. intimate b. familiar c. understood d. close16. a. Then b. Therefore c. But d. Moreover17. a. moment b. movement c. idea d. affair18. a. impression b. information c. inspections d. instructions19. a. as b. unless c. while d. so20. a. around b. over c. along d. above Part IV. 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