SAP PP顾问模拟面试题
SAPPP顾问面试试题及资料SAP PP顾问面试试题及资料1. Master DataOrganizational Structures·What are the various organizational structures in the R/3 System?·Which R/3 organizational structures are used primarily for PP?·What is the relation between controlling area, company code, valuation area, plant and storage location唯一地识别一个成本控制范围。
如果成本控制范围和公司代码是一个1:1的关系或是一个1:n 的关系,那么成本控制范围和公司代码中的过帐期间必须是相同的。
Material Master·What is the purpose of different material master views?·Which views are available?·Which views are used primarily for PP?·What is the relationship between material master views and individual organizational structures?·How does the industry sector influence t he material master maintenance?When you create a material master record, the industry sector you specify determineso which screens appear and in what ordero which industry-specific fields appear on the individual screens·How does the material type infl uence the material master maintenance?When creating a material master record, the material type determineso whether the material number is assigned internally or externallyo from which number range interval the material number comeso which screens are displayedo the order in which screens are displayed·What is the difference between external and internal number assignment and how is it set up in Customizing?·Which other factors can influence the selection of fields in the material master?·How can MR P profile and forecast profile be used to optimize material master maintenance?·How can a material master be reorganized (deleted/archived)?·Which units of measure can affect processing in the material master (base unit of measure, production unit, order unit, etc.)?·What is the material status used for and on which levels could it be maintained?·Review the usage of the following settings?- MRP group- MRP type- Reorder point- Planning time fence- MRP controller- Lot size- Procurement type- Special procurement type- Production storage location- Backflush flag- Stock determination group- Bulk material- Scheduling margin key- Safety stock- Strategy group- Consumption mode and consumption period- Availability checking group- Alternative selection flag- Dependent requirement flag for individual and collective requirements - Production scheduler- Production scheduling profile- Underdelivery/overdelivery tolerance- In-house production time (lot size dependent/independent) - Valuation class- Price control indicator- Moving average price/standard priceBills of Material·What is determined by BOM usage?·What technical types of BOM are available?·Can the technical type of a BOM be changed?·During which processes will BOM usage and statu s be considered? ·When would it be useful to make use of a Group BOM?·What is meant by area of validity and effectivity of a BOM?·Which item categories are available and what are their specifications?·What is a sub-item?·Under which circumstances could a BOM be recursive and what the usage of the recursive indicator?·What is the usage of the following BOM settings?- Explosion type- Relevant to production- Relevant to costing- Material provision indicator- Bulk material- Production storage locationWork Centers·What is a work center category?·What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, capacity, scheduling, costing, etc.)?·What is the purpose of a standard value key?·What role does the operation control key play?What does referencing mean?·Why to use a work center hierarchy?What is a pooled capacity?·Analyze the usage of the following fields?- Backflush indicator- Capacity category- Formulas for determining capacity requirements- Rate of capacity utilization- Relevant to finite scheduling indicator- Overload- Formulas for scheduling- Location group (move time matrix)- Queue times (normal and minimum)- Cost center- Activity types- Formulas for costingRoutings·What does a routing define?·How is a routing stru ctured?·What task list types are available in the R/3 System?·What is a routing group and group counter?·What is a routing sequence, and what types of sequence are available?·What could be reasons to use sequences?·What are the various options to assi gn materials to routings?·Under which conditions would it make sense to assign components to operations?·What is a reference operation set?·How could the lotsize-dependend inhouse production time be calculated and updated into the material master?Production Resources/Tools·What types of PRT are available?·What is the relationship between PRTs and a routing/operation?Engineering Change Management·What are the objectives of Engineering Change Management?·What is the significance of changes with a history?·Which PP objects can be managed using Engineering Change Management?·What is the purpose of an engineering change request/order?·How is a change master record structured?·What is a revision level compared to engineering change master?Other Issues·Which scheduling options are available, and how do they differ from each other?·Which time components are taken into account duringscheduling?·How are basic order dates determined?·How are the scheduled dates determined?·Which scheduling types are available in lead time scheduling?·What role do reduction measures play in scheduling?·What types of scrap can be maintained in PP basic data and how would they be considered during MRP repectively scheduling?·What is external processing, and what conditions must be fulfilled before external processing can take place?·What are co-products?2. Production PlanningGeneral Issues·What are the various planning levels available in R/3 PP?·What are the dependencies between Sales and Operations Planning, Demand Management, Long-Term-Planning and Material Requirements Planning?Sales and Operations Planning·What is the purpose of Sales and Operations Planning?·What is the structure of product groups and how could they be used inSOP/DM/LTP/MRP?·What is the purpose of proportion factors and aggregation factors within product groups?·Which planning methods are available in SOP?·Which sources are available as input data for SOP?·Which options are available for creating a sales plan in SOP?·Which option s are available for creating an operations plan in SOP?·What is …disaggregation??·How could the result of SOP be passed on to different planning tools within the PP planning environment?Demand Management·What is the purpose of Demand Management?·At wh ich points is Demand Management integrated with Sales and Distribution?·Explain the main strategies in Make-to-Stock as well as in Make-to-Order planning logic. Pay attention to master data settings.·What does consumption respectively reduction mean in t he context of planning strategies?·What role does the individual/collective requirements indicator in the material master have during make-to-order production?·What is a stocking level, and how can it be influenced?·Which types of availability check are available (ATP and check against planning) and what are the characteristics of these checks?·Explain the link between MRP group, strategy group, strategy and requirement class.·What settings could be made in requirements classes (on PP as well as on SD side)?·Explain the purpose of version management in Demand Management?Master Production Scheduling·Under which circumstances would you recommend the usage of MPS?·Compare the functionality of MPS with MRP?·What is meant by the …firming? of procurement proposals, and how can this effect be achieved?·What is a planning time fence, and where is it defined?·What is a manual firming date, and where is it defined?·How can a planned order be …firmed?, and which firming indicators are available in a planned order?Material Requirements Planning·What is the purpose of MRP and how does it fit into the PP planning environment?·How would you organize MRP runs? Discuss the different options- MRP for a plant – online- MRP for a plant – in background- MRP for a material (individual planning) - online·Which planning types are available (NEUPL, NETCH, NETPL)?·Which planning parameters are to be set in the application itself?·What is the function of the planning file?·What is meant by single-level planning, multi-level planning?·What is meant by interactive MRP?·What are the characteristics of an MRP scenario that is performed in simulation mode?·What is meant by low-level code and how is it considered in MRP?·What is a net requirements calculation?·Which buffers can be taken into account for the net requirements calculation in MRP (quantity buffer: safety stock, time buffer: safety time)?·What does lot-size calculation entail?·Which lot-sizing procedures are available in the R/3 System (static, periodic and optimizing procedures)? What are the characteristics of these lot-sizing procedures?·How does the procurement type defined in the material master affect MRP?·What is backward scheduling? What are the characteristics of backward scheduling?·What is t he difference between basic scheduling and lead time scheduling?·How are the order due dates determined in basic scheduling?·How are the order due dates determined in lead time scheduling?·How does the in-house production time defined in the material master affect scheduling?·How does the scheduling margin key affect scheduling?·How are BOMs selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during BOM selection?·What is a …BOM selection ID??·How are alternative BOMs selected?·What is a production version?·How are routings selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during routing selection?·What is an MRP list? What is a stock/requirements list? How are these lists structured? What are the differences between these lists?·W hat is the function of exception messages?·What are planned orders?·What is meant by the individual/collective conversion of planned orders?·What is meant by “days? supply” and “receipt days? supply”?·How can component discontinuation be managed in MRP?3. Production Order ProcessingGeneral Issues·What are the characteristics of work-to-order production?·What is defined in a production order?·What is a document type, an order category and an order type?·What are the various elements that a producti on order contains?·Which functions are executed when an order is created?·What are the various options available for creating an order?·Describe the system logic during routing selection?·Describe the system logic during BOM selection?·At which point in time are reservations generated and what information does it contain?·What can be achieved by performing the “Read master data” function?·How could routing sequences be considered during production order creation?·Describe the conversion of planned o rders into production orders with focus on scheduling aspects?Order Release·What happens when an order is released?·Which operations are made possible and which are prevented when an order is released?·What is meant by status management?·What are business transactions?·What are the differences between system status and user status?·At which points in time can availability checks be performed? Which settings can be made, and which must be made? On which objects can the availability check be run?·What is meant by machine commitment?·What is meant by midpoint scheduling?Printing·Which shop floor papers can be printed?·Which print modes are available (online, update, background)?·What does “reprinting” mean?·Which conditions must be fulfilled b efore order documents can be printed?·Which conditions must an operation fulfill before shop floor papers (and in particular confirmation slips and time tickets) can be printed?Goods Issue·Which control indicators influence the behavior of the components in the production order (bulk material, backflush, phantom assembly, etc.)?·What is meant by picking?·What is meant by stock determination? Which settings have to be made for stock determination during production order processing?·What is a goods issu e posting?·How can goods issues be entered (reference to order, reference to reservation, unplanned, etc.)?·What is the purpose of movement types?·What are the effects of a goods issue posting from an integrational point of view (MM, FI, CO)?·What is m eant by the backflushing of components and how can this be achieved?Confirmation·Which conditions must be fulfilled before confirmations canbe entered?·What is a confirmation?·Which functions are linked to confirmations?·Which confirmation procedures are available?·What data can be entered during confirmations?·What is a milestone confirmation?·What is an unplanned milestone?·What identifies a progress confirmation?·What role does the control key defined in the operation play during confirmation?·Is it possible to link a confirmation with a goods movement posting?·What is a goods receipt?·What are the effects of a goods receipt posting?·What is t he relevancy of the “delivery completed” indicator?·What is the function of overdelivery/underdel ivery tolerance in the material master play?Order Settlement / Archiving and Deleting·What is meant by order settlement?·What causes a production order to be debited/credited?·What is the difference between prelimenary costing and actual costing?·Whic h are the usual steps during order settlement?·What means variance calculation?·How is an order settled if the header material is a standard price material?·At which points in time can an order be settled?·Which conditions must be fulfilled before an o rder can be archived?·How are orders archived/deleted?·What is meant by “residence times”?Order Information Systems·Which information systems can be used for order management?·What are the characteristics of the order information system?·What are var iable object overviews?·What are the special characteristics of a (multi-level) order report?·What is the difference between the order information system and the Shop Floor Information System?·Which functions are available from the order progress report?。
第1篇一、基础知识1. 请简述SAP ABAP开发环境的组成。
答案:SAP ABAP开发环境主要包括以下组成部分:(1)SAP GUI:用于与SAP系统交互的图形用户界面。
(2)SAP SE38/SE80:用于编写、调试和测试ABAP代码的编辑器。
(3)SAP SScr:用于开发SAP Screen Painter屏幕画家的工具。
(4)SAP ADT:用于开发SAP Advanced Business Application Programming技术的工具。
(5)SAP NetWeaver:SAP的集成平台,提供各种开发、运行和管理工具。
2. 请解释SAP ABAP中的数据类型。
答案:SAP ABAP中的数据类型分为以下几类:(1)基本数据类型:包括整型(INTEGER)、浮点型(FLOAT)、字符型(CHAR)、日期型(DATETIME)等。
(2)结构化数据类型:包括结构(STRUCTURE)、表(TABLE)、内表(INTERNAL TABLE)等。
3. 请简述SAP ABAP中的模块化编程。
答案:SAP ABAP中的模块化编程是指将程序划分为多个模块,每个模块负责特定的功能。
4. 请解释SAP ABAP中的异常处理。
答案:SAP ABAP中的异常处理是指程序在运行过程中遇到错误时,能够及时捕获并处理这些错误。
二、高级应用1. 请解释SAP ABAP中的内表(Internal Table)。
答案:SAP ABAP中的内表是一种临时存储数据的结构,类似于C语言中的数组。
SAP PP 培训考题
Review Questions for PP1.Master DataOrganizational Structures∙What are the various organizational structures in the R/3 System?∙Which R/3 organizational structures are used primarily for PP?∙What is the relation between controlling area, company code, valuation area, plant and storage locationMaterial Master∙What is the purpose of different material master views?∙Which views are available?∙Which views are used primarily for PP?∙What is the relationship between material master views and individual organizational structures?∙How does the industry sector influence the material master maintenance?∙How does the material type influence the material master maintenance?∙What is the difference between external and internal number assignment and how is it set up in Customizing?∙Which other factors can influence the selection of fields in the material master?∙How can MRP profile and forecast profile be used to optimize material master maintenance?∙How can a material master be reorganized (deleted/archived)?∙Which units of measure can affect processing in the material master (base unit of measure, production unit, order unit, etc.)?∙What is the material status used for and on which levels could it be maintained?∙Review the usage of the following settings?- MRP group- MRP type- Reorder point- Planning time fence - MRP controller- Lot size- Procurement type- Special procurement type - Production storagelocation- Backflush flag- Stock determination group- Bulk material- Scheduling margin key - Safety stock- Strategy group- Consumption mode and consumption period- Availability checkinggroup- Alternative selection flag - Dependent requirement flag for individual andcollective requirements - Production scheduler- Production scheduling profile - Underdelivery/overdelive ry tolerance- In-house production time (lot sizedependent/independent) - Valuation class- Price control indicator- Moving averageprice/standard priceBills of Material∙What is determined by BOM usage?∙What technical types of BOM are available?∙Can the technical type of a BOM be changed?∙During which processes will BOM usage and status be considered? ∙When would it be useful to make use of a Group BOM?∙What is meant by area of validity and effectivity of a BOM?∙Which item categories are available and what are their specifications?∙What is a sub-item?∙Under which circumstances could a BOM be recursive and what the usage of the recursive indicator?∙What is the usage of the following BOM settings?- Explosion type- Relevant to production - Relevant to costing- Material provisionindicator - Bulk material- Production storage locationWork Centers∙What is a work center category?∙What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, capacity, scheduling, costing, etc.)?∙What is the purpose of a standard value key?∙What role does the operation control key play?What does referencing mean?∙Why to use a work center hierarchy?What is a pooled capacity?∙Analyze the usage of the following fields?- Backflush indicator - Capacity category - Formulas fordetermining capacityrequirements- Rate of capacityutilization- Relevant to finitescheduling indicator - Overload- Formulas for scheduling - Location group (move time matrix)- Queue times (normal and minimum)- Cost center- Activity types- Formulas for costingRoutings∙What does a routing define?∙How is a routing structured?∙What task list types are available in the R/3 System?∙What is a routing group and group counter?∙What is a routing sequence, and what types of sequence are available?∙What could be reasons to use sequences?∙What are the various options to assign materials to routings?∙Under which conditions would it make sense to assign components to operations?∙What is a reference operation set?∙How could the lotsize-dependend inhouse production time be calculated and updated into the material master?Production Resources/Tools∙What types of PRT are available?∙What is the relationship between PRTs and a routing/operation? Engineering Change Management∙What are the objectives of Engineering Change Management?∙What is the significance of changes with a history?∙Which PP objects can be managed using Engineering Change Management?∙What is the purpose of an engineering change request/order?∙How is a change master record structured?∙What is a revision level compared to engineering change master?Other Issues∙Which scheduling options are available, and how do they differ from each other?∙Which time components are taken into account during scheduling?∙How are basic order dates determined?∙How are the scheduled dates determined?∙Which scheduling types are available in lead time scheduling?∙What role do reduction measures play in scheduling?∙What types of scrap can be maintained in PP basic data and how would they be considered during MRP repectively scheduling?∙What is external processing, and what conditions must be fulfilled before external processing can take place?∙What are co-products?2.Production PlanningGeneral Issues∙What are the various planning levels available in R/3 PP?∙What are the dependencies between Sales and Operations Planning, Demand Management, Long-Term-Planning and Material Requirements Planning?Sales and Operations Planning∙What is the purpose of Sales and Operations Planning?∙What is the structure of product groups and how could they be used in SOP/DM/LTP/MRP?∙What is the purpose of proportion factors and aggregation factors within product groups?∙Which planning methods are available in SOP?∙Which sources are available as input data for SOP?∙Which options are available for creating a sales plan in SOP?∙Which options are available for creating an operations plan in SOP?∙What is ‘disaggregation’?∙How could the result of SOP be passed on to different planning tools within the PP planning environment?Demand Management∙What is the purpose of Demand Management?∙At which points is Demand Management integrated with Sales and Distribution?∙Explain the main strategies in Make-to-Stock as well as in Make-to-Order planning logic. Pay attention to master data settings.∙What does consumption respectively reduction mean in the context of planning strategies?∙What role does the individual/collective requirements indicator in the material master have during make-to-order production?∙What is a stocking level, and how can it be influenced?∙Which types of availability check are available (ATP and check against planning) and what are the characteristics of these checks? ∙Explain the link between MRP group, strategy group, strategy and requirement class.∙What settings could be made in requirements classes (on PP as well as on SD side)?∙Explain the purpose of version management in Demand Management?Master Production Scheduling∙Under which circumstances would you recommend the usage of MPS?∙Compare the functionality of MPS with MRP?∙What is meant by the ‘firming’ of procurement proposals, and how can this effect be achieved?∙What is a planning time fence, and where is it defined?∙What is a manual firming date, and where is it defined?∙How can a planned order be ‘firmed’, and which firming indicators are available in a planned order?Material Requirements Planning∙What is the purpose of MRP and how does it fit into the PP planning environment?∙How would you organize MRP runs? Discuss the different options- MRP for a plant – online- MRP for a plant – in background- MRP for a material (individual planning) - online∙Which planning types are available (NEUPL, NETCH, NETPL)?∙Which planning parameters are to be set in the application itself?∙What is the function of the planning file?∙What is meant by single-level planning, multi-level planning?∙What is meant by interactive MRP?∙What are the characteristics of an MRP scenario that is performed in simulation mode?∙What is meant by low-level code and how is it considered in MRP? ∙What is a net requirements calculation?∙Which buffers can be taken into account for the net requirements calculation in MRP (quantity buffer: safety stock, time buffer: safety time)?∙What does lot-size calculation entail?∙Which lot-sizing procedures are available in the R/3 System (static, periodic and optimizing procedures)? What are the characteristics of these lot-sizing procedures?∙How does the procurement type defined in the material master affect MRP?∙What is backward scheduling? What are the characteristics of backward scheduling?∙What is the difference between basic scheduling and lead time scheduling?∙How are the order due dates determined in basic scheduling?∙How are the order due dates determined in lead time scheduling?∙How does the in-house production time defined in the material master affect scheduling?∙How does the scheduling margin key affect scheduling?∙How are BOMs selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during BOM selection?∙What is a ‘BOM selection ID’?∙How are alternative BOMs selected?∙What is a production version?∙How are routings selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during routing selection?∙What is an MRP list? What is a stock/requirements list? How are these lists structured? What are the differences between these lists? ∙What is the function of exception messages?∙What are planned orders?∙What is meant by the individual/collective conversion of planned orders?∙What is meant by “days’ supply” and “receipt days’ supply”?∙How can component discontinuation be managed in MRP?3.Production Order ProcessingGeneral Issues∙What are the characteristics of work-to-order production?∙What is defined in a production order?∙What is a document type, an order category and an order type?∙What are the various elements that a production order contains?∙Which functions are executed when an order is created?∙What are the various options available for creating an order?∙Describe the system logic during routing selection?∙Describe the system logic during BOM selection?∙At which point in time are reservations generated and what information does it contain?∙What can be achieved by performing the “Read master data”function?∙How could routing sequences be considered during production order creation?∙Describe the conversion of planned orders into production orders with focus on scheduling aspects?Order Release∙What happens when an order is released?∙Which operations are made possible and which are prevented when an order is released?∙What is meant by status management?∙What are business transactions?∙What are the differences between system status and user status?∙At which points in time can availability checks be performed?Which settings can be made, and which must be made? On which objects can the availability check be run?∙What is meant by machine commitment?∙What is meant by midpoint scheduling?Printing∙Which shop floor papers can be printed?∙Which print modes are available (online, update, background)?∙Wh at does “reprinting” mean?∙Which conditions must be fulfilled before order documents can be printed?∙Which conditions must an operation fulfill before shop floor papers (and in particular confirmation slips and time tickets) can be printed? Goods Issue∙Which control indicators influence the behavior of the components in the production order (bulk material, backflush, phantomassembly, etc.)?∙What is meant by picking?∙What is meant by stock determination? Which settings have to be made for stock determination during production order processing? ∙What is a goods issue posting?∙How can goods issues be entered (reference to order, reference to reservation, unplanned, etc.)?∙What is the purpose of movement types?∙What are the effects of a goods issue posting from an integrational point of view (MM, FI, CO)?∙What is meant by the backflushing of components and how can this be achieved?Confirmation∙Which conditions must be fulfilled before confirmations can be entered?∙What is a confirmation?∙Which functions are linked to confirmations?∙Which confirmation procedures are available?∙What data can be entered during confirmations?∙What is a milestone confirmation?∙What is an unplanned milestone?∙What identifies a progress confirmation?∙What role does the control key defined in the operation play during confirmation?∙Is it possible to link a confirmation with a goods movement posting?∙What is a goods receipt?∙What are the effects of a goods receipt posting?∙What is the relevancy of the “delivery completed” indicator?∙What is the function of overdelivery/underdelivery tolerance in the material master play?Order Settlement / Archiving and Deleting∙What is meant by order settlement?∙What causes a production order to be debited/credited?∙What is the difference between prelimenary costing and actual costing?∙Which are the usual steps during order settlement?∙What means variance calculation?∙How is an order settled if the header material is a standard price material?∙At which points in time can an order be settled?∙Which conditions must be fulfilled before an order can be archived? ∙How are orders archived/deleted?∙What is meant by “residence times”?Order Information Systems∙Which information systems can be used for order management?∙What are the characteristics of the order information system?∙What are variable object overviews?∙What are the special characteristics of a (multi-level) order report? ∙What is the difference between the order information system and the Shop Floor Information System?∙Which functions are available from the order progress report? Automation Options∙What options are available for automating the processing of orders? ∙What role does the production scheduling profile play?∙Describe the most lean production order and the necessary settings to achieve it?∙Which functions could be executed in the mass processing?Collective Orders∙What are the characteristics of collective orders?∙How can collective orders be created? Which conditions must be fulfilled?∙What are the advantages of working with collective orders?∙Which functions can be performed on collective orders?∙How is scheduling for a complete collective order done?∙What happens if a date/quantity for an order is changed within the collective order?4.Product Cost PlanningGeneral Issues∙What is a cost element (primary/secondary)?∙What is a cost component?∙What is a cost component split?∙Explain the Costing Variant and the main settings in customizing.∙What is a costing type?∙What settings can be done in a valuation variant?∙How is a costing sheet structured?Base unit costing∙Describe base unit costing∙Which master data are required for base unit costing?∙How can results of BUC be used in further calculations?Cost estimation without quatity structure∙What is meant by quantity structure?∙Describe costing w/o quantity structure∙Which master data are required for that costing logic?Cost estimation with quantity structure∙Describe cost estimation with quatity structure∙How can the quantity structure be determined?∙What is activity based costing?∙How could results from standard cost estimation be updated into the material master?∙What happens if stock is on hand during that price update?5.Repetitive ManufacturingGeneral Issues∙What are the differences between discrete manufacturing and repetitive manufacturing?∙What are the characteristics of make-to-stock repetitivemanufacturing and make-to-order repetitive manufacturing?Master Data for Make-To-Stock RepetitiveManufacturing∙What master data are necessary in repetitive manufacturing (material master, bill of material, production line, routing)?∙Describe the the following material master data:- Repetitive manufacturing indicator?- Repetitive manufacturing profile?- Production versions?∙Which object is used to collect the material costs and production activities?∙What are the various options available for establishing a link between the cost collector and the production version of a material?What role doe the repetitive manufacturing profile play here?Planning Make-To-Stock Repetitive Manufacturing∙What is the planning table in repetitive manufacturing? What functions can be executed from here?Material Provision∙Describe the usage of pull list and stock determination as one of its function.∙Which other ways are available to make sure that sufficient components are provided to the shop floor?Backflush∙What does backflush mean in a repetitive manufacturing context?∙Explain the functions of final backflush.∙How can production activities be entered in the system?∙What is meant by post processing list?∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of negative stock?∙What does the reporting point backflush procedure entail?Evaluations∙Which evaluations are available?∙What is a reporting point overview?6.Logistics Information SystemData Warehouse∙What is the concept behind the Data Warehouse?∙Which individual information systems does the SAP Logistics Information System comprise?∙What data are evaluated by the information systems?∙What are info structures? What are the characteristics of info structures?∙Is there any relationship between system transaction data and the data in the info structures?∙Which reporting options are available in the SAP Information System?∙What is the difference between evaluations in LIS and evaluations on system transaction data in the PP component?Standard Analyses∙What are standard analyses?∙Which navigation options are available in standard analyses?∙Which options in standard analyses can be used to influence the way in which data is presented?∙Which analysis functions are available in standard analyses (ABC analysis, comparisons, classification, etc.)?Early Warning System∙What is an “early warning system”?∙What are the various applications for the early warning system?∙How can the early warning system be used in standard analyses? ∙What is an exception analysis?∙Which options are available for defining that an analysis should be performed at regular intervals?∙Which types of analysis are available in the early warning system (threshold value analysis, trend analysis, planned/actualcomparison)?Flexible Analyses∙What are flexible analyses? What is the difference between flexible analyses and standard analyses?∙What are evaluation structures? What are evaluations?。
SAP PP中级顾问面试精选
大家好我是朗泽教育就业顾问Judy,最近有一批PP初级顾问学员将会有一次升级中级顾问面试会,在此之前想整理一些历年的SAP PP中级顾问面试题给大家参考。
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A: 统驭科目(reconciliation account)指的就是将明细科目归集起来的意思。
假设用户在Customer Master Data设定错误,将Reconciliation Account输入错误,作为顾问如何将系统的错误数据调整正确?利用统驭科目的修改功能.在实际业务过程,我们可能会发生统驭科目选用错误,此时就要用到统驭科目的变更功能。
SAP BASIS顾问面试常问试题
SAP BASIS顾问面试精选试题
1、SAP ABAP系统无法启动,应该怎么办?
2、配置用户登录组的方法是什么?配置参数的SAP GUI配置文件在哪个目录下?
SAP BASIS顾问面试精选试题
1、SAP ABAP系统无法启动,应该怎么办?
2、配置用户登录组的方法是什么?配置参数的SAP GUI配置文件在哪个目录下?
SAP PP顾问面试试题及资料_中文
SAP PP顾问面试试题及资料1。
主数据组织架构•SAP中主要的组织架构有哪些?哪些用于PP的组织架构?•成本控制范围、公司代码、估价范围、工厂、库存地点之间的关系物料主数据•不同的物料主数据视图的作用?•你们公司用到了哪些视图,哪些视图主要用在PP模块?•物料主数据视图与组织架构之间有哪些联系?•行业对物料主数据视图有哪些影响?•物料类型对物料主数据的影响?•外部和内部编号分配的差异?如何定制?•哪些因素会影响物料主数据的选择字段?•MRP的参数文件和预测参数如何用于物料主数据维护的优化?•物料主数据如何重组?(删除/存档)?•物料主数据中哪些计量单位可以影响到公司运作(基本单位,生产单位,订单单位等)?•物料有哪些状态?分别处于哪一个组织层次上,能够在哪些层次上更改?•介绍一下以下字段的用途- MRP组- MRP类型- 重订货点- 计划周期- MRP控制者- 批量- 采购获取类型- 特殊采购类型- 发货仓储地点- 反冲标志- 库存确定组- 散装物料- 计划边际码- 安全库存- 策略组- 消耗模式和消费期间- 可用性检查组- 替代选择标志- 独立/集中- 生产调度员- 生产计划参数文件- 不足交货/过度交货容差- 厂内生产时间(取决于批量/独立)-评估类- 价格控制- 移动平均价格/标准价格物料BOM•你们公司BOM的用途有哪些?•你们公司采用哪些BOM的技术类型?技术类型能否改变?(简单、派生、多重)•BOM用用途与状态从维护主数据到生产过程中会经过哪些改变?•你们公司有无使用集团BOM?•你们公司如何检查BOM的正确及有效性•BOM项目中有哪些项目类别,这些类别的作用?•什么是子项目?•在什么情况下BOM可以是递归的,递归标志的用法?•以下BOM设置的用途?- 展开类型- 相关生产- 成本核算相关- 物料供应ID- 散装物料- 发货仓储地点工作中心•工作中心类型的定义,你们公司使用了哪几类?工作中心的视图有哪些?一般维护了什么样的数据?(基本,缺省值,,能力,调度,成本核算等)?•什么是标准值?它的主要作用是什么?•你们公司的控制码有哪些?它的主要作用?参照指示符的作用?•有无使用工作中心的层次结构,它的作用?共享能力是什么?•解释一下下列字段的用途?- 反冲标志- 能力类别- 能力中公式- 能力利用率- 计划细节中的和有限计划相关指标- 过载- 计划公式- 位置组(移动时间矩阵)- 排队时间(正常和最小)- 成本中心- 作业类型- 成本计算公式工艺路线•ROUTING的定义及结构?•工艺路线有哪些任务清单类型?•什么是工艺路线组和组计数器?•什么是工艺路线顺序,有哪些标准的顺序类型?哪些情况下需要使用顺序?•如何分配物料去工艺路线,有几种操作方式?•在哪种情况下必须进行组件分配?•什么是参照工序集?如何使用?•如何根据工序中的批量计算与更新物料主数据中的厂内生产时间生产资源/工具•PRT的种类?你们公司使用哪几类?•PRTS与工艺路线的关系?工程更改管理•工程更改管理的目的是什么?•什么是同一个历史变化的意义?•哪些PP对象可以使用工程更改管理?•工程更改请求/订单的目的?•如何改变主记录结构?•什么是调整的水平相比,工程变更主人?其他问题•哪些调度可供选择,以及它们如何互相区别?•哪些是考虑到在调度时间的组成部分?•基本秩序的日期是如何确定的?•如何的日期确定的?•哪些类型的铅调度实时调度提供?•什么样的作用发挥调度减排措施?•什么类型的废料可在PP中的基本数据,以及如何保持他们会认为双子期间MRP的调度?•什么是对外加工,必须在什么条件下完成对外加工,可以进行?•什么是共同的产品?2。
SAP面试教程SAP(System Application and Products)是全球领先的企业管理软件公司,它提供了一系列的企业解决方案,涵盖了企业资源规划、供应链管理、客户关系管理以及其他业务领域。
3.您如何进行SAP系统的配置和定制?面试官希望了解您的SAP配置和定制能力,例如在SAP SD(Sales and Distribution)模块中如何配置销售订单类型、定价程序等。
例如,您是否使用ABAP语言进行开发、使用SAP开发工具包(SAP Development Kit,SDK)或者使用其他的编程语言和工具。
sap英语面试常见问题sap英语面试问题推荐1. what is important to you in a job?challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.2. why do you want to work for this organization?its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.3. why should we employ you? (我们为什么要雇佣你?)my academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.4. if we hire you, how long will you stay with us? (你打算跟我们工作多久?)as long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with myabilities〖职务随能力增长而相应提高〗.5. what are your greatest strengths〖最大优点〗?i can see what needs to be done and do it.i'm willing to make decisions. (能当机立断。
)i work well with others. (我和他人容易共事。
)i can organize my time efficiently.6. what are your greatest weaknesses〖最大缺点〗?i tend to drive myself too hard. (我有时对自己要求过于严格。
sap pp面试题
sap pp面试题在SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing) 的生产计划(Production Planning,简称PP)模块中,面试官经常会问及一些与PP相关的问题,以评估应聘者的技能和经验。
本文将介绍一些常见的SAP PP面试题,以帮助应聘者为面试做好准备。
一、SAP PP简介SAP PP是SAP ERP系统中的一个模块,用于管理和监控生产过程中的不同环节。
二、常见面试题以下是一些常见的SAP PP面试题,供应聘者参考:1. 请简要介绍一下SAP PP模块。
SAP PP模块是SAP ERP系统中的一个关键模块,用于支持企业的生产计划和控制。
2. 你在SAP PP中使用过哪些主要功能?在SAP PP中我使用过的主要功能包括:需求管理、物料需求计划、生产订单管理、工艺路线和工作中心管理、生产计划评估等。
3. 如何创建生产订单?在SAP PP中,可以通过交易码CO01来创建生产订单。
4. 如何进行物料需求计划(MRP)运行?在SAP PP中,可以通过交易码MD02来进行物料需求计划(MRP)运行。
5. 请解释一下工艺路线的概念。
工艺路线是SAP PP中的一个重要概念,它定义了产品的制造过程和相关操作的顺序。
A: 统驭科目(reconciliation account)指的就是将明细科目归集起来的意思。
假设用户在Customer Master Data设定错误,将Reconciliation Account输入错误,作为顾问如何将系统的错误数据调整正确?利用统驭科目的修改功能.在实际业务过程,我们可能会发生统驭科目选用错误,此时就要用到统驭科目的变更功能。
SAP+PP模块考试试题SAP PP模块考试试题一、填空题(每空1分,共计20分)1、工艺路线是一系列工序,说明了产品生产或加工零件的工艺过程及所使用的资源。
2、对于生产计划与控制、物料、物料单(BOMS)、工艺路线(RoutingS)和工作中心(work center)是不可缺少的对象。
3、物料主数据的三个屏幕画面分别称为: 屏幕画面、屏幕画面、、屏幕画面。
4、在SAP R/3系统中创建一张生产订单,需要对物料主数据维护那些视图:基本数据1、基本数据2、、。
5、在MRP2视图中,自制件“采购类型”字段维护为: 、外购件“采购类型”字段维护为: 、即可以自制又可以外购“采购类型”字段维护为: 。
6、在MRP3视图中,当我想设置该物料为净需求(即纯按单生产时),“策略组”、“消耗模式”字段维护为: 、“消耗期间:逆向”字段维护字段维护为: 为: 、“向前消耗期间”字段维护为: 。
在MRP1视图中,当我们想设置该物料按照重订货点的方式补充需求时,“MRP7、类型”字段应维护为: 、“批量”字段应维护为: 。
9、对工厂指派BOM的事务代码是: 。
10、逐层显示BOM的事务代码是: 。
二、单项选择题(每项2分,共计20分)1 在产品成本计算中,每个工厂必须有一个单独的( )。
A、评估范围 B、工厂 C、集团 D、存储位置2 ( )用于制造的基本组织单元。
A、成本中心B、工作中心C、工厂D、存储位置3 ( )物料类型即不需要价值更新,也不需要数量更新。
A、FERT C、ROH D、HALB D、NLAG 4 “5900062”物料要求即可以自制也可以外购,在MRP2视图->“采购类型”字段维护为( )。
A、空B、XC、ED、F 5 我们在实际采购和料耗过程中,往往涉及到单位转换问题,在SAP R/3系统中,单位转换关系维护在物料主档的( )屏幕湖面。
Review Questions for PP1.Master DataOrganizational Structures•What are the various organizational structures in the R/3 System?•Which R/3 organizational structures are used primarily for PP?•What is the relation between controlling area, company code, valuation area, plant and storage locationMaterial Master•What is the purpose of different material master views?•Which views are available?•Which views are used primarily for PP?•What is the relationship between material master views and individual organizational structures?•How does the industry sector influence the material master maintenance?•How does the material type influence the material master maintenance?•What is the difference between external and internal number assignment and how is it set up in Customizing?•Which other factors can influence the selection of fields in the material master?•How can MRP profile and forecast profile be used to optimize material master maintenance?•How can a material master be reorganized (deleted/archived)?•Which units of measure can affect processing in the material master (base unit of measure, production unit, order unit, etc.)?•What is the material status used for and on which levels could it be maintained?•Review the usage of the following settings?- MRP group- MRP type- Reorder point- Planning time fence- MRP controller- Lot size- Procurement type- Special procurement type - Production storage location - Backflush flag- Stock determination group - Bulk material- Scheduling margin key- Safety stock- Strategy group- Consumption mode and consumption period - Availability checking group- Alternative selection flag- Dependent requirement flag for individual and collectiverequirements- Production scheduler- Production scheduling profile- Underdelivery/overdeliverytolerance- In-house production time (lot size dependent/independent)- Valuation class- Price control indicator- Moving average price/standard priceBills of Material•What is determined by BOM usage?•What technical types of BOM are available?•Can the technical type of a BOM be changed?•During which processes will BOM usage and status be considered? •When would it be useful to make use of a Group BOM?•What is meant by area of validity and effectivity of a BOM?•Which item categories are available and what are their specifications? •What is a sub-item?•Under which circumstances could a BOM be recursive and what the usage of the recursive indicator?•What is the usage of the following BOM settings?- Explosion type- Relevant to production - Relevant to costing - Material provision indicator - Bulk material- Production storage locationWork Centers•What is a work center category?•What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, capacity, scheduling, costing, etc.)?•What is the purpose of a standard value key?•What role does the operation control key play?What does referencing mean?•Why to use a work center hierarchy?What is a pooled capacity?•Analyze the usage of the following fields?- Backflush indicator- Capacity category- Formulas for determining capacity requirements- Rate of capacity utilization- Relevant to finite schedulingindicator- Overload - Formulas for scheduling- Location group (move time matrix) - Queue times (normal andminimum)- Cost center- Activity types- Formulas for costingRoutings•What does a routing define?•How is a routing structured?•What task list types are available in the R/3 System?•What is a routing group and group counter?•What is a routing sequence, and what types of sequence are available?•What could be reasons to use sequences?•What are the various options to assign materials to routings?•Under which conditions would it make sense to assign components to operations?•What is a reference operation set?•How could the lotsize-dependend inhouse production time be calculated and updated into the material master?Production Resources/Tools•What types of PRT are available?•What is the relationship between PRTs and a routing/operation?Engineering Change Management•What are the objectives of Engineering Change Management?•What is the significance of changes with a history?•Which PP objects can be managed using Engineering Change Management?•What is the purpose of an engineering change request/order?•How is a change master record structured?•What is a revision level compared to engineering change master?Other Issues•Which scheduling options are available, and how do they differ from each other?•Which time components are taken into account during scheduling?•How are basic order dates determined?•How are the scheduled dates determined?•Which scheduling types are available in lead time scheduling?•What role do reduction measures play in scheduling?•What types of scrap can be maintained in PP basic data and how would they be considered during MRP repectively scheduling?•What is external processing, and what conditions must be fulfilled before external processing can take place?•What are co-products?2.Production PlanningGeneral Issues•What are the various planning levels available in R/3 PP?•What are the dependencies between Sales and Operations Planning, Demand Management, Long-Term-Planning and Material Requirements Planning?Sales and Operations Planning•What is the purpose of Sales and Operations Planning?•What is the structure of product groups and how could they be used in SOP/DM/LTP/MRP?•What is the purpose of proportion factors and aggregation factors within product groups?•Which planning methods are available in SOP?•Which sources are available as input data for SOP?•Which options are available for creating a sales plan in SOP?•Which options are available for creating an operations plan in SOP?•What is ‘disaggregation’?•How could the result of SOP be passed on to different planning tools within the PP planning environment?Demand Management•What is the purpose of Demand Management?•At which points is Demand Management integrated with Sales and Distribution?•Explain the main strategies in Make-to-Stock as well as in Make-to-Order planning logic. Pay attention to master data settings.•What does consumption respectively reduction mean in the context of planning strategies?•What role does the individual/collective requirements indicator in the material master have during make-to-order production?•What is a stocking level, and how can it be influenced?•Which types of availability check are available (ATP and check against planning) and what are the characteristics of these checks?•Explain the link between MRP group, strategy group, strategy and requirement class.•What settings could be made in requirements classes (on PP as well as on SD side)?•Explain the purpose of version management in Demand Management?Master Production Scheduling•Under which circumstances would you recommend the usage of MPS?•Compare the functionality of MPS with MRP?•What is meant by the ‘firming’ of procurement proposals, and how can this effect be achieved? •What is a planning time fence, and where is it defined?•What is a manual firming date, and where is it defined?•How can a planned order be ‘firmed’, and which firming indicators are available in a planned order?Material Requirements Planning•What is the purpose of MRP and how does it fit into the PP planning environment?•How would you organize MRP runs? Discuss the different options- MRP for a plant – online- MRP for a plant – in background- MRP for a material (individual planning) - online•Which planning types are available (NEUPL, NETCH, NETPL)?•Which planning parameters are to be set in the application itself?•What is the function of the planning file?•What is meant by single-level planning, multi-level planning?•What is meant by interactive MRP?•What are the characteristics of an MRP scenario that is performed in simulation mode? •What is meant by low-level code and how is it considered in MRP?•What is a net requirements calculation?•Which buffers can be taken into account for the net requirements calculation in MRP (quantity buffer: safety stock, time buffer: safety time)?•What does lot-size calculation entail?•Which lot-sizing procedures are available in the R/3 System (static, periodic and optimizing procedures)? What are the characteristics of these lot-sizing procedures?•How does the procurement type defined in the material master affect MRP?•What is backward scheduling? What are the characteristics of backward scheduling?•What is the difference between basic scheduling and lead time scheduling?•How are the order due dates determined in basic scheduling?•How are the order due dates determined in lead time scheduling?•How does the in-house production time defined in the material master affect scheduling? •How does the scheduling margin key affect scheduling?•How are BOMs selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during BOM selection? •What is a ‘BOM selection ID’?•How are alternative BOMs selected?•What is a production version?•How are routings selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during routing selection?•What is an MRP list? What is a stock/requirements list? How are these lists structured? What are the differences between these lists?•What is the function of exception messages?•What are planned orders?•What is meant by the individual/collective conversion of planned orders?•What is meant by “days’ supply” and “receipt days’ supply”?•How can component discontinuation be managed in MRP?3.Production Order ProcessingGeneral Issues•What are the characteristics of work-to-order production?•What is defined in a production order?•What is a document type, an order category and an order type?•What are the various elements that a production order contains?•Which functions are executed when an order is created?•What are the various options available for creating an order?•Describe the system logic during routing selection?•Describe the system logic during BOM selection?•At which point in time are reservations generated and what information does it contain?•Wh at can be achieved by performing the “Read master data” function?•How could routing sequences be considered during production order creation?•Describe the conversion of planned orders into production orders with focus on scheduling aspects?Order Release•What happens when an order is released?•Which operations are made possible and which are prevented when an order is released?•What is meant by status management?•What are business transactions?•What are the differences between system status and user status?•At which points in time can availability checks be performed? Which settings can be made, and which must be made? On which objects can the availability check be run?•What is meant by machine commitment?•What is meant by midpoint scheduling?Printing•Which shop floor papers can be printed?•Which print modes are available (online, update, background)?•What does “reprinting” mean?•Which conditions must be fulfilled before order documents can be printed?•Which conditions must an operation fulfill before shop floor papers (and in particular confirmation slips and time tickets) can be printed?Goods Issue•Which control indicators influence the behavior of the components in the production order (bulk material, backflush, phantom assembly, etc.)?•What is meant by picking?•What is meant by stock determination? Which settings have to be made for stock determination during production order processing?•What is a goods issue posting?•How can goods issues be entered (reference to order, reference to reservation, unplanned, etc.)?•What is the purpose of movement types?•What are the effects of a goods issue posting from an integrational point of view (MM, FI, CO)?•What is meant by the backflushing of components and how can this be achieved?。
The most difficult thing in life is not hard work or struggle, but making the right choices.通用参考模板(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)sap实施顾问面试问题You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take delivery of the material at different times.A graduated discount scale exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage of the discount arrangement?Answers:A) Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery dates.B) Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accounts.C) Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule lines.D) Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery dates.In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note of in the case of a goods receipts?Answers:A) The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of measure in which the material is ordered.B) The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order price unit and the purchase order unit conversion in the purchase order.C) At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order piece unit is calculated by the system. You have to change it when the calculated quantity differs from reality.D) Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.面试SAPMM顾问中会问些什么1、什么是审批释放和审批释放代码?2、可以配置没有分类的采购审批策略吗?3、采购审批策略最多有多少层?4、报价中可以配置SCALES吗?5、什么是冻结库存?何时可以使用?6、货物返回供应商是什么移动类型?如何反转reverse?7、SAP外包中的差异怎么处理?8、数据迁移系统中有什么可用的'工具?9、lsmw和CATT之间的区别是什么?10、如何写功能开发需求说明书?。
Review Questions for PP1.Master DataOrganizational Structures•What are the various organizational structures in the R/3 System?•Which R/3 organizational structures are used primarily for PP?•What is the relation between controlling area, company code, valuation area, plant and storage locationMaterial Master•What is the purpose of different material master views?•Which views are available?•Which views are used primarily for PP?•What is the relationship between material master views and individual organizational structures?•How does the industry sector influence the material master maintenance?•How does the material type influence the material master maintenance?•What is the difference between external and internal number assignment and how is it set up in Customizing?•Which other factors can influence the selection of fields in the material master?•How can MRP profile and forecast profile be used to optimize material master maintenance?•How can a material master be reorganized (deleted/archived)?•Which units of measure can affect processing in the material master (base unit of measure, production unit, order unit, etc.)?•What is the material status used for and on which levels could it be maintained?•Review the usage of the following settings?- MRP group- MRP type- Reorder point- Planning time fence- MRP controller- Lot size- Procurement type- Special procurement type - Production storage location - Backflush flag- Stock determination group - Bulk material- Scheduling margin key- Safety stock- Strategy group- Consumption mode and consumption period - Availability checking group- Alternative selection flag- Dependent requirement flag for individual and collectiverequirements- Production scheduler- Production scheduling profile- Underdelivery/overdeliverytolerance- In-house production time (lot size dependent/independent)- Valuation class- Price control indicator- Moving average price/standard priceBills of Material•What is determined by BOM usage?•What technical types of BOM are available?•Can the technical type of a BOM be changed?•During which processes will BOM usage and status be considered? •When would it be useful to make use of a Group BOM?•What is meant by area of validity and effectivity of a BOM?•Which item categories are available and what are their specifications? •What is a sub-item?•Under which circumstances could a BOM be recursive and what the usage of the recursive indicator?•What is the usage of the following BOM settings?- Explosion type- Relevant to production - Relevant to costing - Material provision indicator - Bulk material- Production storage locationWork Centers•What is a work center category?•What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, capacity, scheduling, costing, etc.)?•What is the purpose of a standard value key?•What role does the operation control key play?What does referencing mean?•Why to use a work center hierarchy?What is a pooled capacity?•Analyze the usage of the following fields?- Backflush indicator- Capacity category- Formulas for determining capacity requirements- Rate of capacity utilization- Relevant to finite schedulingindicator- Overload - Formulas for scheduling- Location group (move time matrix) - Queue times (normal andminimum)- Cost center- Activity types- Formulas for costingRoutings•What does a routing define?•How is a routing structured?•What task list types are available in the R/3 System?•What is a routing group and group counter?•What is a routing sequence, and what types of sequence are available?•What could be reasons to use sequences?•What are the various options to assign materials to routings?•Under which conditions would it make sense to assign components to operations?•What is a reference operation set?•How could the lotsize-dependend inhouse production time be calculated and updated into the material master?Production Resources/Tools•What types of PRT are available?•What is the relationship between PRTs and a routing/operation?Engineering Change Management•What are the objectives of Engineering Change Management?•What is the significance of changes with a history?•Which PP objects can be managed using Engineering Change Management?•What is the purpose of an engineering change request/order?•How is a change master record structured?•What is a revision level compared to engineering change master?Other Issues•Which scheduling options are available, and how do they differ from each other?•Which time components are taken into account during scheduling?•How are basic order dates determined?•How are the scheduled dates determined?•Which scheduling types are available in lead time scheduling?•What role do reduction measures play in scheduling?•What types of scrap can be maintained in PP basic data and how would they be considered during MRP repectively scheduling?•What is external processing, and what conditions must be fulfilled before external processing can take place?•What are co-products?2.Production PlanningGeneral Issues•What are the various planning levels available in R/3 PP?•What are the dependencies between Sales and Operations Planning, Demand Management, Long-Term-Planning and Material Requirements Planning?Sales and Operations Planning•What is the purpose of Sales and Operations Planning?•What is the structure of product groups and how could they be used in SOP/DM/LTP/MRP?•What is the purpose of proportion factors and aggregation factors within product groups?•Which planning methods are available in SOP?•Which sources are available as input data for SOP?•Which options are available for creating a sales plan in SOP?•Which options are available for creating an operations plan in SOP?•What is ‘disaggregation’?•How could the result of SOP be passed on to different planning tools within the PP planning environment?Demand Management•What is the purpose of Demand Management?•At which points is Demand Management integrated with Sales and Distribution?•Explain the main strategies in Make-to-Stock as well as in Make-to-Order planning logic. Pay attention to master data settings.•What does consumption respectively reduction mean in the context of planning strategies?•What role does the individual/collective requirements indicator in the material master have during make-to-order production?•What is a stocking level, and how can it be influenced?•Which types of availability check are available (ATP and check against planning) and what are the characteristics of these checks?•Explain the link between MRP group, strategy group, strategy and requirement class.•What settings could be made in requirements classes (on PP as well as on SD side)?•Explain the purpose of version management in Demand Management?Master Production Scheduling•Under which circumstances would you recommend the usage of MPS?•Compare the functionality of MPS with MRP?•What is meant by the ‘firming’ of procurement proposals, and how can this effect be achieved? •What is a planning time fence, and where is it defined?•What is a manual firming date, and where is it defined?•How can a planned order be ‘firmed’, and which firming indicators are available in a planned order?Material Requirements Planning•What is the purpose of MRP and how does it fit into the PP planning environment?•How would you organize MRP runs? Discuss the different options- MRP for a plant – online- MRP for a plant – in background- MRP for a material (individual planning) - online•Which planning types are available (NEUPL, NETCH, NETPL)?•Which planning parameters are to be set in the application itself?•What is the function of the planning file?•What is meant by single-level planning, multi-level planning?•What is meant by interactive MRP?•What are the characteristics of an MRP scenario that is performed in simulation mode? •What is meant by low-level code and how is it considered in MRP?•What is a net requirements calculation?•Which buffers can be taken into account for the net requirements calculation in MRP (quantity buffer: safety stock, time buffer: safety time)?•What does lot-size calculation entail?•Which lot-sizing procedures are available in the R/3 System (static, periodic and optimizing procedures)? What are the characteristics of these lot-sizing procedures?•How does the procurement type defined in the material master affect MRP?•What is backward scheduling? What are the characteristics of backward scheduling?•What is the difference between basic scheduling and lead time scheduling?•How are the order due dates determined in basic scheduling?•How are the order due dates determined in lead time scheduling?•How does the in-house production time defined in the material master affect scheduling? •How does the scheduling margin key affect scheduling?•How are BOMs selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during BOM selection? •What is a ‘BOM selection ID’?•How are alternative BOMs selected?•What is a production version?•How are routings selected in MRP? Which criteria are taken into account during routing selection?•What is an MRP list? What is a stock/requirements list? How are these lists structured? What are the differences between these lists?•What is the function of exception messages?•What are planned orders?•What is meant by the individual/collective conversion of planned orders?•What is meant by “days’ supply” and “receipt days’ supply”?•How can component discontinuation be managed in MRP?3.Production Order ProcessingGeneral Issues•What are the characteristics of work-to-order production?•What is defined in a production order?•What is a document type, an order category and an order type?•What are the various elements that a production order contains?•Which functions are executed when an order is created?•What are the various options available for creating an order?•Describe the system logic during routing selection?•Describe the system logic during BOM selection?•At which point in time are reservations generated and what information does it contain?•Wh at can be achieved by performing the “Read master data” function?•How could routing sequences be considered during production order creation?•Describe the conversion of planned orders into production orders with focus on scheduling aspects?Order Release•What happens when an order is released?•Which operations are made possible and which are prevented when an order is released?•What is meant by status management?•What are business transactions?•What are the differences between system status and user status?•At which points in time can availability checks be performed? Which settings can be made, and which must be made? On which objects can the availability check be run?•What is meant by machine commitment?•What is meant by midpoint scheduling?Printing•Which shop floor papers can be printed?•Which print modes are available (online, update, background)?•What does “reprinting” mean?•Which conditions must be fulfilled before order documents can be printed?•Which conditions must an operation fulfill before shop floor papers (and in particular confirmation slips and time tickets) can be printed?Goods Issue•Which control indicators influence the behavior of the components in the production order (bulk material, backflush, phantom assembly, etc.)?•What is meant by picking?•What is meant by stock determination? Which settings have to be made for stock determination during production order processing?•What is a goods issue posting?•How can goods issues be entered (reference to order, reference to reservation, unplanned, etc.)?•What is the purpose of movement types?•What are the effects of a goods issue posting from an integrational point of view (MM, FI, CO)?•What is meant by the backflushing of components and how can this be achieved?Confirmation•Which conditions must be fulfilled before confirmations can be entered?•What is a confirmation?•Which functions are linked to confirmations?•Which confirmation procedures are available?•What data can be entered during confirmations?•What is a milestone confirmation?•What is an unplanned milestone?•What identifies a progress confirmation?•What role does the control key defined in the operation play during confirmation?•Is it possible to link a confirmation with a goods movement posting?•What is a goods receipt?•What are the effects of a goods receipt posting?•What is the relevancy of the “delivery completed” indicator?•What is the function of overdelivery/underdelivery tolerance in the material master play? Order Settlement / Archiving and Deleting•What is meant by order settlement?•What causes a production order to be debited/credited?•What is the difference between prelimenary costing and actual costing?•Which are the usual steps during order settlement?•What means variance calculation?•How is an order settled if the header material is a standard price material?•At which points in time can an order be settled?•Which conditions must be fulfilled before an order can be archived?•How are orders archived/deleted?•What is meant by “residence times”?Order Information Systems•Which information systems can be used for order management?•What are the characteristics of the order information system?•What are variable object overviews?•What are the special characteristics of a (multi-level) order report?•What is the difference between the order information system and the Shop Floor Information System?•Which functions are available from the order progress report?Automation Options•What options are available for automating the processing of orders?•What role does the production scheduling profile play?•Describe the most lean production order and the necessary settings to achieve it?•Which functions could be executed in the mass processing?Collective Orders•What are the characteristics of collective orders?•How can collective orders be created? Which conditions must be fulfilled?•What are the advantages of working with collective orders?•Which functions can be performed on collective orders?•How is scheduling for a complete collective order done?•What happens if a date/quantity for an order is changed within the collective order?4.Product Cost PlanningGeneral Issues•What is a cost element (primary/secondary)?•What is a cost component?•What is a cost component split?•Explain the Costing Variant and the main settings in customizing.•What is a costing type?•What settings can be done in a valuation variant?•How is a costing sheet structured?Base unit costing•Describe base unit costing•Which master data are required for base unit costing?•How can results of BUC be used in further calculations?Cost estimation without quatity structure•What is meant by quantity structure?•Describe costing w/o quantity structure•Which master data are required for that costing logic?Cost estimation with quantity structure•Describe cost estimation with quatity structure•How can the quantity structure be determined?•What is activity based costing?•How could results from standard cost estimation be updated into the material master?•What happens if stock is on hand during that price update?5.Repetitive ManufacturingGeneral Issues•What are the differences between discrete manufacturing and repetitive manufacturing?•What are the characteristics of make-to-stock repetitive manufacturing and make-to-order repetitive manufacturing?Master Data for Make-To-Stock Repetitive Manufacturing•What master data are necessary in repetitive manufacturing (material master, bill of material, production line, routing)?•Describe the the following material master data:- Repetitive manufacturing indicator?- Repetitive manufacturing profile?- Production versions?•Which object is used to collect the material costs and production activities?•What are the various options available for establishing a link between the cost collector and the production version of a material? What role doe the repetitive manufacturing profile play here?Planning Make-To-Stock Repetitive Manufacturing•What is the planning table in repetitive manufacturing? What functions can be executed from here?Material Provision•Describe the usage of pull list and stock determination as one of its function.•Which other ways are available to make sure that sufficient components are provided to the shop floor?Backflush•What does backflush mean in a repetitive manufacturing context?•Explain the functions of final backflush.•How can production activities be entered in the system?•What is meant by post processing list?•What are the advantages and disadvantages of negative stock?•What does the reporting point backflush procedure entail?Evaluations•Which evaluations are available?•What is a reporting point overview?6.Logistics Information SystemData Warehouse•What is the concept behind the Data Warehouse?•Which individual information systems does the SAP Logistics Information System comprise?•What data are evaluated by the information systems?•What are info structures? What are the characteristics of info structures?•Is there any relationship between system transaction data and the data in the info structures?•Which reporting options are available in the SAP Information System?•What is the difference between evaluations in LIS and evaluations on system transaction data in the PP component?Standard Analyses•What are standard analyses?•Which navigation options are available in standard analyses?•Which options in standard analyses can be used to influence the way in which data is presented?•Which analysis functions are available in standard analyses (ABC analysis, comparisons, classification, etc.)?Early Warning System•What is an “early warning system”?•What are the various applications for the early warning system?•How can the early warning system be used in standard analyses?•What is an exception analysis?•Which options are available for defining that an analysis should be performed at regular intervals?•Which types of analysis are available in the early warning system (threshold value analysis, trend analysis, planned/actual comparison)?Flexible Analyses•What are flexible analyses? What is the difference between flexible analyses and standard analyses?•What are evaluation structures? What are evaluations?。
二、SAP产品及解决方案1. 请简要介绍SAP的产品线,包括ERP、CRM、HANA等。
2. 请说明SAP ERP在供应链管理、财务管理、人力资源管理等模块的功能和优势。
3. SAP CRM的主要功能有哪些?与竞争对手相比,SAP CRM有哪些独特之处?4. 请解释SAP HANA的技术特点和优势,以及它在SAP产品线中的作用。
5. SAP Business One和SAP Business Suite有什么区别?适用于哪些类型的客户?6. 请简述SAP SuccessFactors在人力资源管理方面的应用和优势。
7. SAP Hybris在电子商务领域的应用有哪些?与竞争对手相比,SAP Hybris有哪些优势?三、销售技巧与策略1. 请谈谈您在销售过程中遇到的最棘手的问题,以及您是如何解决的。
2. 如何根据客户需求制定销售策略?请举例说明。
3. 请分享一次成功销售案例,包括客户背景、销售过程和最终成果。
4. 如何在销售过程中与客户建立良好的关系?5. 如何处理客户投诉和异议?6. 如何运用FAB(Feature, Advantage, Benefit)法则进行产品介绍?7. 如何运用ABC法则(A:Always Be Closing;B:Build Rapport;C:Call to Action)进行销售?8. 请谈谈您对销售团队管理和激励的看法。
四、行业知识1. 请简要介绍您所熟悉的行业,包括行业特点、主要竞争对手和市场份额。
2. 请分析我国企业信息化发展的现状和趋势。
3. 请谈谈您对云计算、大数据、人工智能等新技术在企业管理中的应用看法。
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